Summary I am the leader of a public association. Formation of leadership qualities through student self-government

Definition of the concept of “student self-government” and its characteristics.

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which contains:

theoretical block, creative task.

Student self-government is a form of students exercising their right to participate in the management of a general education institution, which involves the participation of students in resolving issues in organizing the educational process together with the teaching staff and administration of the institution.

With developed systems of student self-government in an educational institution, there are various bodies of self-government: school-wide student council, gymnasium (school) parliament, student committee (uchkom), headman, school council, etc. It is necessary to distinguish the forms of student self-government from children's public associations and youth public associations, created by students themselves or by adults with the participation of children from general education institutions, united on the basis of common interests.

Student self-government is the right that students have at school, the right to have their opinions taken into account in the management of the educational organization where they study. This right is enshrined in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Art. 34.

The school administration is obliged to provide students with the opportunity to use this right and create the necessary conditions for the exercise of this right if there is student initiative.

In order for the work of student self-government bodies to be effective, it is necessary to create certain conditions:

1) socio-psychological:

compliance of the self-government model with the internal needs of the student body;

continuous training and self-training of the asset;

2) organizational and pedagogical:

style of pedagogical management;

taking into account external conditions and development prospects.

In the diverse life of a modern educational institution, there are enough activities and areas where students can act without the help of adults.

The main areas of work of student self-government bodies, where students, with the support of teachers, can realize themselves:

Moral, patriotic and civic;




Sports and recreation;

Tourism and local history;


Prevention of antisocial behavior;

Organization of leisure;

Formation of leadership and organizational qualities (business games, trainings).

The activities of student self-government bodies are based on the following principles:

1. Openness and accessibility - student self-government bodies are open to and accessible to members of the entire team.

2. Voluntariness and creativity - primary student groups or associations are given a free choice of the content of activities, forms of work to achieve personal and collective goals.

3. Equality and cooperation - primary teams build their relationships on the basis of cooperation and equal partnership.

4. Continuity and prospects - student self-government bodies operate during school and holiday periods; the structure of self-government bodies should combine both permanent and temporary bodies created by the collective to solve current problems.

On these principles, the content of the activities of all student self-government bodies is implemented, starting from the collective of groups and ending with the collective of students of the educational institution.

In a student team, the leader is a support for the teacher. Leaders are students who organize their peers in the most natural way and contribute to the affirmation of socially significant values ​​and orientations. These guys understand better than others what and how to do to make life in a team interesting, rich, and varied.

In the work of student self-government bodies, there are leaders whose roles are different:

Leaders - organizers (business leaders),

Leaders are generators of emotional mood (emotional leaders),

Leaders are initiators,

Leaders are skilled.

Leaders - initiators stand out in their activities at the stage of putting forward ideas, in searching for new areas of activity for the team. A craftsman is the most trained member of a team in a particular type of activity (for example, on a hike, the most experienced tourist). The role of emotional leaders is associated with actions related mainly to the sphere of interpersonal communication in a team, group within an educational institution.

The main role in solving the tasks assigned to the team in the implementation of labor, sports, tourism, creative and other activities is played by business leaders. Children who successfully operate in the emotional and business spheres of the life of the student body are promoted to the roles of absolute leaders.

Any leader is driven by activity. Only through specially organized activities, varied in content, can situations be provided that are favorable for the manifestation of the qualities and properties of students who have the potential to influence their peers and who are capable of becoming a leader.

Control questions:

1. Which law enshrines the right that students have at school, the right to have their opinions taken into account in the management of the educational organization where they study?

A) Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 13, 2013 N 237 FZ “On the Fundamentals of Student Self-Government”

C) Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Art. 34.

2. What conditions need to be created for the work of student self-government bodies to be effective?

3. Select the 4 most interesting, in your opinion, areas of work of student self-government bodies, where students, with the support of teachers, can realize themselves and describe your choice.

4. On what principles is the content of the activities of all student self-government bodies implemented, starting from the collective of groups and ending with the collective of students of the educational institution?

5. Select which leaders are found in the work of student government bodies, whose roles are different:

a) leaders - generators of emotional mood (emotional leaders),

b) leaders - leading

c) leaders - initiators,

d) leaders are aggressors,

e) leaders are skilled,

f) leaders - organizers (business leaders),

Creative task:

Make a creative portrait of the leader who is currently active in your team. Indicate his strengths, character traits, achievements in the team; explain why he is the leader. (No more than 1 A4 page)


My name is Dmitry Ryabkov. I am 16 years old and I am the chairman of the student government of the Secondary School No. 1 of Perevoz.

While still in elementary school, I already strove to organize events, participated in various competitions and was always a leader. In my earliest childhood, I was a very active child and could not sit still, so I tried myself in many areas of activity that were possible. At the age of 6 he began training in the dance group "Chance", where he learned a lot. Now this activity helps me a lot, I can easily organize a creative performance and choreograph a dance.

At the same time, I studied at the arts and crafts association. With his works he participated in various competitions, festivals and exhibitions. In the 4th grade I started writing my first book in the “Origins” association. We went hiking, visited significant places in our area and, of course, studied the history of our native land. For my active work, I was awarded a letter of gratitude from the municipal level.

In 5th grade I continued to do what I loved. He was accepted into the ranks of the Rostock children's public association at our school. Throughout my time in the association, I was one of its leaders and always took part in all organized events. He was awarded, and in May 2015 received the title of professional of the New Shift RSDOO. While in the children's association, I gained experience that I apply in the activities of student self-government.

In high school, I more actively began to realize my abilities in student self-government. Thanks to my curator Maria Viktorovna Bychkova, I not only demonstrate my skills, but also gain new ones. Now I am engaged in patronage activities, sharing my experience with younger children and helping them to master new heights. The Leadership Council has become my second family where I spend a lot of time. This year, at the general meeting of school students, I was elected chairman of the student government. From the Leadership Council, I was nominated to the district high school student council, where I am also the chairman. For his successes he was awarded a trip to the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok" (in the village "Swift"). There I also did not stand aside, during the entire shift I participated in all sorts of events, I was also the leader of my house (squad), which at the end of the shift won the title of the fastest (best) house. And I became an honorary resident of the village. "Swift." During the shift, he participated in the development of a social project, which he successfully defended and received a letter of recommendation for implementing the project in his region.

Now there is little good in our lives, so I decided to become a volunteer in order to give the goodness of my heart to others and help those in need. I immediately became the leader of my volunteer group, and am constantly attracting new people. During my volunteer activities, I was the organizer of many events and events, and a participant in various festivals and competitions. We provide assistance to elderly people, labor veterans and disabled people. What I like most is visiting a rehabilitation boarding house for children with difficult life situations. I really like to see the smiles and joy in their eyes.

Everything in this life interests me! I try to find out, learn and be useful to others as much as possible. My motto in life is " L the best AND deyami D ate, E if R hell be useful!"

And I'm also a dreamer! And now I dream of visiting the Artek International Children's Center (to develop leadership skills, organizational skills, gain experience) and I am moving towards my dream. Now I participate in various competitions at the municipal, regional and All-Russian levels.

Set a goal and go towards it! The main thing to remember is that you don’t have to wait for a miracle, you have to create miracles yourself!

In 2018, in different months, the preschool educational institution employed from 23 to 27 people, in 2019 - 27 people (of which one employee is on maternity leave). In what order should an institution submit to the Social Insurance Fund the information necessary for the appointment and payment of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, the birth of a child and other benefits related to maternity: in electronic form or on paper (the institution is located in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, participating in the pilot project)? The buyer - a VAT payer has the right to take advantage of the deduction of the tax presented to him on goods, works, services, property rights if the requirements prescribed in Art. 171 and 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation conditions: the purchase is intended for a transaction subject to VAT and is registered, the buyer has an invoice issued accordingly. However, if this document is received late, the taxpayer may have additional questions. For what period should the deduction be claimed? How can it be transferred to subsequent tax periods and not miscalculate the deadline allotted by the legislator for this event? Is it possible to defer only part of the deduction? Four courts, including the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, denied citizen Zh. the right to register a new LLC “D”. The formal basis for this refusal was the applicant’s failure to provide the documents required for state registration as determined by Federal Law No. 129-FZ, namely that the application in form P11001 does not contain information about the person who has the right to act on behalf of the legal entity without a power of attorney, about the address of the permanent the executive body of a legal entity within its location, and there are also signs that the founders – legal entities LLC “P”, LLC “B” and their managers do not have the ability to exercise management in the legal entity being created.

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In the psychological and pedagogical literature there are a number of definitions of the concept “leader”. The “Large Dictionary of Foreign Words in the Russian Language” gives the following definition:

Leader (English leader - leader) - head, leader, person walking ahead and leading.

The essence of leadership is to exercise targeted influence on performers on the part of the subject of the activity by leading them towards the goal.

In a student team, the leader is a support for the teacher. Leaders are students who organize their peers in the most natural way and contribute to the affirmation of socially significant values ​​and orientations. These guys understand better than others what and how to do to make life in a team interesting, rich, and varied.

In public associations and student self-government bodies, there are leaders whose roles are different: leaders are organizers (business leaders), leaders are generators of emotional mood (emotional leaders), leaders are initiators, leaders are craftsmen.

Initiating leaders stand out in their activities at the stage of putting forward ideas, in searching for new areas of activity for the team. A craftsman is the most trained member of a team in a particular type of activity (for example, on a hike, the most experienced tourist). The role of emotional leaders is associated with actions related mainly to the sphere of interpersonal communication in a team, group within an educational institution.

But still, the main role in solving the tasks assigned to the team in the implementation of labor, sports, tourism, creative and other activities is played by business leaders. Children who successfully operate in the emotional and business spheres of the life of the student body are promoted to the roles of absolute leaders.

Any leader is driven by activity. Only through specially organized activities that are varied in content can it be possible to provide situations favorable for the manifestation of the qualities and properties of students who have the potential to influence their peers and who are capable of becoming a leader.

The question of why a person becomes a leader, and whether anyone can become one, is not an easy one. There are several theories of leadership. According to the concept of “traits,” a leader has certain qualities, traits that make him stand out from others. The leader of a group or collective can only be that person who is able to lead the group to the resolution of certain situations, problems, and who has the most important traits for the group.

The quality of a leader can be identified with the concept of “organizational abilities.” Organizational abilities are a combination of individual personality traits that allows a person to quickly and confidently organize people to do something.

The following list of qualities of a leader-organizer is found in the literature:

competence - knowledge of the matter in which a person shows himself as a leader;

activity - the ability to act energetically and assertively;

initiative - a creative manifestation of activity, putting forward ideas and proposals;

sociability - openness to others, willingness to communicate, need to have contacts with people;

intelligence - the ability to get to the essence of phenomena, see their causes and consequences, determine the main thing;

perseverance - the manifestation of willpower, perseverance, the ability to see things through to the end;

self-control - the ability to control your feelings, your behavior in difficult situations;

performance - endurance, ability to perform hard work;

observation - the ability to see, notice details;

organization - the ability to plan one’s activities, show consistency and composure.

It is these qualities that you must have and develop in order to become a real leader for a team of students.

So, we can conclude that the role of the leader in the student body of an educational institution is great.

It is he who can assist teachers in organizing various socially significant activities due to certain properties and qualities that he possesses.

These qualities of a leader can manifest themselves and further develop only in activity. Student self-government is one of the forms of organizing the activities of a group of students.

At the same time, it is necessary to provide pedagogical stimulation for leadership in the student environment and to maintain students’ readiness to demonstrate leadership qualities.