Summary for the competition cool leader. Presentation on the topic “Portfolio of a student government leader

Section No. 1. Personal documents and materials.

List of submitted documents:

1. Summary;

2. Autobiography;

3. Essay-reflection

“Why I became the leader of student government”;

4. Copies of personal letters, diplomas, certificates and certificates indicating achievements in socially significant and socially useful activities.


Leader of student government.

FULL NAME: Manilenko Ilya Aleksadrovich

Citizenship: Russia

Place of Birth: Crimea, Nakhimovsky district, Frontovoye village. Full home address: 2638180, Sevastopol, Nakhimovsky district, Frontovoye village, Yubileynaya street, building 3, apartment 24.

Place of study: GBOU secondary school No. 55

Class: 8.

Mobile phone: +79780146421

Email: [email protected]

Experience in social activities:

Additional business information: I speak English and computer.

Personal characteristics: I am careful and take my responsibilities seriously

Resume date

Personal signature:


I, Manilenko Ilya Aleksandrovich, was born on December 13, 2002 in the village of Frontovoye, Nakhimovsky district of Sevastopol. Mother – Manilenko Ekaterina Sergeevna, born in 1977. Father: Manilenko Alexander Alexandrovich, born in 1975. In 2009 I went to school No. 55 in the city of Sevastopol, where I am currently studying in the eighth grade. Since the first grade I have been interested in sports, I was involved in football, chess, athletics, basketball. In the fourth grade I went to a music school of arts to study piano, now I am in the 5th grade of a music school, and I also began to get involved in theater, I have been studying for six years now in the theater group "Fidgets" of the House of Culture. Verkhnesadovoe. I'm interested in history.


on the topic “Why I became the leader of student government.”

A person often asks himself questions to which he seeks reasoned answers. And I have to figure it out: are leaders made or are leaders born? I would like to immediately outline my subjective point of view: they exclusively become. Why?
Well, firstly, it’s no secret that willpower, determination, the desire to change and change work wonders. So why can’t a quiet, inconspicuous person desire to become a leader and begin to develop the corresponding qualities? “If you just want to, you can collect stars from the sky...”
Secondly, it seems to me that there is no need to blindly believe in the existence of fate and some kind of force that controls people. Man is a free being, he has the right to choose and build his own life. There is no need to sigh sadly, doomedly: “Not fate!” - no, reluctance. Thirdly, you still need to understand who a leader is. A leader is a strong personality with socially significant qualities, such as the ability to think soberly under any circumstances, in other words, composure; communication skills, the ability to convince others, lead, direct to certain activities; a lot of experience. And I’m not saying now that this activity should only be useful and significant for society. Aren’t those same leaders of wars heroes? Napoleon Bonaparte, for example.
What other conclusion can be drawn from the definition of the word? I think a person cannot be born with such qualities right away. Many of them come much later; for others to appear, you need to understand people’s psychology very subtly. A leader, in a way, is a magician: first he charms, then he pulls him along.

And, perhaps, the main thing is that his actions are not illegal, they do not violate Article Twenty-nine (clause 1 - freedom of speech and thought; clause 2 - inadmissibility of propaganda or agitation that incites hostility; clause 3. – not coercion to express thoughts), nor the thirty-fourth (clause 1 – free use of one’s abilities) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
In addition, the leader, undoubtedly, must be educated and erudite, he must be able to solve any problems, he is partly a monarch. I believe that a monarchy, be it limited or absolute, is one of the most correct forms of government, where the ruler, one might say, is an ideal.

Where can I get knowledge, this same erudition? Only with the help of continuous study and work, but then everything will work out easily. “It’s hard in training, easy in battle,” as the great Russian commander V. A. Suvorov said. By the way, a little about him.
Everyone knows that at a very young age he heard the most disappointing forecasts from doctors. So what now? Resign yourself, submit yourself to a non-existent fate? And he was rebellious, not evasive - a real hero and leader! And will you really say that he was born this way? Maybe someone will argue that this, again, is fate. But it seems to me that this is not an argument. And how many examples of people like Suvorov! They are among us.
In conclusion, I would like to say, perhaps it is predictable to read and hear after my reasoning, but I believe that events of this kind are not intended to identify or find leaders, but to create them. And of course, I want to wish everyone, wherever they are, good luck in achieving the goal of leadership.

Personal achievements.

1. Gratitude for active participation in the concert at the alumni reunion evening

2. Gratitude for active participation in the concert for Teacher’s Day

3. Gratitude for participation in the formation review and songs of the military sports game “Zarnitsa”

4. Gratitude for participating in the “Cigarette Trial” event.

5. Gratitude for participating in the concert dedicated to Victory Day

6. Gratitude for participation in the competition “Review of Formation and Songs” of the game “Rubezh-48”

7. Gratitude for participation in the competition of the military-patriotic game “Frontier”

8. Gratitude for active participation in the installation of school equipment

9. Certificate for good achievements in learning 1st grade

10. Certificate for good academic achievements in grade 2

11. Certificate for good academic achievements in grade 3

12. Certificate for 3rd place in a chess tournament

13. Certificate for active participation in the public life of the school

14. Diploma for success and good results in learning English

15. Certificate for good academic achievements, grade 5

16. Certificate in connection with the 10th anniversary of the Children's Theater "Fidgets"

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Characteristics of a presidential candidate

student of 8th grade,

Oldeeva Galina Anatolyevna, born in 2000.

Oldeeva Galina has been studying at our school since the second grade. Over the years of study, she showed herself only on the positive side. Throughout her school years, she performs well and excellently and has exemplary behavior. Galina is the President of the class and takes an active part in the life of the class and school. School Olympiads, competitions, and class events are not complete without her participation. But Galina is rich not only in mental abilities, but also in moral ones. By nature, she is very sociable, cheerful and responsive. Galina is very interested in the life of the school. She would like to make changes that would improve students' knowledge, as well as their interest in school.

Give her this opportunity!

Make the right choice!

Characteristics of a presidential candidate

School self-government MBOU "Secondary School No. 21",

8th grade student,

Omakaev Sanji Bodzhaevich, born in 2000.

During his studies at our school, Omakaev Sanji showed himself to be a conscientious and capable student. Takes an active part in the life of the school and class. Participates in school and city Olympiadsin mathematics, history, social studies, biology, English . Winner and prize-winner of school olympiads in mathematics and social studies. Over all the years of study, he showed himself only on the positive side. I have warm friendly relations with my classmates, both boys and girls. He always stood out for his special sense of humor and charisma. He enjoys authority among his peers and has many friends. In his free time from studying, he plays sports. He is tactful and respectful with teachers.

Sanji is responsible, purposeful, versatile, sociable, has leadership abilities, and is hardworking. Has self-esteem. Treats elders with respect.

Election program of the candidate for President of the School

Omakaeva Sanji Bodzhaevich

student 8 "a" class MBOU "Secondary School No. 21"

If elected, I undertake:

Defend the rights and interests of students with the help of school self-government.

Maintain contact with the city committee for youth and sports, which will lead to the active participation of our school students in cultural and sports events of the city and the republic.

U establish control over the observance of cleanliness and order in the school with the help of duty classes.

Conduct explanatory conversations with the participation of police and traffic police officers on the prevention of crime among students.

Involve socially active schoolchildren in active school life.

Organize and conduct sporting events, holidays and discos.

Pay attention to problems in the school canteen in cooperation with the school administration and parents.

There can be no better president

Sanji will help in any trouble!

Candidate's election program

School Presidents

Oldeeva Galina Anatolyevna

student 8 "a" class MBOU "Secondary School No. 21"


Improving discipline!I want order to reign in the school! Respect for teachers and students!

Creating coziness and comfort at school!

You can, together with the school director, come up with a program to attract sponsorship funds to provide the school with modern teaching aids.

Raising children in national traditions!

So that children know who their ancestors are! What culture and traditions our Great People have! The native language is the soul of the people!Language is an important tool in the formation of personality.

Involving students in a healthy lifestyle!

Organize additional sports sections at school. Update your gym equipment.

Improve school nutrition!

Expand the menu!

So that students do not remain hungry throughout the day! Reduce prices on bakery products!

Ensure the right to rest!

Organize entertaining, educational events and competitions.

Do you want school life to be bright?

MBOU "Secondary School No. 21"

8th grade student

Oldeeva Galina Anatolevna

I, Galina Oldeeva, am a student of 8th grade at our home school.

I believe that one of the main tasks is to create comfort and coziness at school! To do this, it is necessary to attract more students to school life. Nowadays, most kids come to school feeling like nothing depends on them, and I hope to change that. After all, school is not only a place where we can gain knowledge, but also make friends and express ourselves. However, this should not affect student performance! After all, KNOWLEDGE is the key to success!

There are many candidates, but only one choice,

Candidate for the position of President

MBOU "Secondary School No. 21"

8th grade student


I, candidate for school president, Omakaev Sanji, carefully reviewed the school's problems. Only a purposeful person looking to the future can achieve success in solving these problems. I always defend the interests, dignity and rights of the students in my class. And so I decided to accept the offer to nominate myself for the post of President of the School, as I want to continue strengthening school self-government.

then you will make the right choice!

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