What does it mean to be a non-tolerant person? What does a tolerant person mean?

Tolerance is a concept applicable in many areas of human existence and therefore has certain specific characteristics. The origin of the term tolerance has its roots in the medical industry and was used to characterize the absence or loss of sensitivity by the body to any factors (antigens, medications, physical influences).

Medical tolerance is the absence of reaction or practically no pronounced reaction, roughly speaking, complete tolerance is death, when the body does not completely react to influences, does not resist, but only accepts them into itself. But from medical field the concept moved into the area of ​​human relations, along with which it began to refer less to the lack of reaction, and to the degree of patience and is often used as a synonym for tolerance. The most common use of tolerance among the general public is in social aspect, and reflects tolerance for other people’s manifestations, ways of organizing one’s life, maintaining chosen ideological and religious concepts.

Tolerance is not indifference to the behavior of others, but the ability to allow others to lead a different lifestyle from one’s own and to accept them as such.

The meaning of the word tolerance

Used this concept in the field of finance and technology and is designated as an acceptable deviation (in the weight of a coin or the size of a part) that does not significantly affect the value and functionality.

In psychology, tolerance is considered as a sign of personal maturity and confidence. Acceptance of other nations, their traditions and habits, the ability to treat other cultures with understanding and respect is possible with developed ability to analysis, openness to new experience and manifestation of the soul, without resorting to competition or imposing one’s own foundations. Only those who are confident in themselves are able to listen to another and try to understand whether differences cause differences in a person with a flat organization, which in any case gives rise to confrontation. Public tolerance is not synonymous with betrayal own interests, a lenient attitude or a laissez-faire policy, it does not tolerate self-imposition, but also does not tolerate other social injustice.

What is tolerance? The meaning of the word is presented by many sources as synonymous with tolerance. Depending on what interested a person more and in what area the concept was studied, emphasis was placed on religious, social, national, or based on other grounds. Like tolerance, tolerance is not a quality that characterizes the active, effective side of a person; it is passive and aimed at accepting the surrounding space and the manifestations of others. Although, unlike religious tolerance, which for the most part is aimed at the compassionate attitude and mercy of a believer lies precisely in acceptance and humility with the vices of others, then tolerance is a more rigid construct in its behavioral form.

Tolerance is conscious and is an active choice of a person; when manifested, it affects both participants in the process, i.e. It is impossible to be tolerant of others and not demand the same attitude from them. A person who professes the principles of accepting everyone’s behavior and choices will be extremely surprised by the censure of his judgments and concepts of life, and when trying to impose others or prohibit them, he will resist. It is in this active position a concept that is quite passive at first glance, as well as in defending social equality, which is a manifestation of tolerance, when faced with a violation of human value.

For understanding this term four main planes can be used: as indifference to the manifestation of another, as respect in the absence of understanding of the other’s views, as a condescending attitude that excludes respect, as an opportunity to discover something new in oneself through the assumption of the existence of another.

In psychology, tolerance is considered as a weakening or disappearance of the mental response to behavioral and emotional level on unfavorable factor. The concept is different from since it implies a change in the surrounding world, ways of interacting with it or oneself to reduce the negative impact, while tolerance does not actively interfere with destructive processes, but is manifested by a change in the degree of response. Thus, a person who is constantly being shouted at will be frightened at first, but if nothing changes, then over time the raising of his voice will cease to evoke emotions in him or will significantly reduce their amplitude. In many ways, the concept of tolerance in psychology is associated with a habit or resistance developed in a person’s previous experience, and the educational system and the surrounding society also leave a certain imprint. The formation of tolerance occurs both consciously by the person himself and unconsciously, reading the attitude of significant adults.

In general, the meaning of the word tolerance conveys the desire for tolerance, forgiveness, acceptance with all the characteristics and shortcomings, the desire for cooperation and interaction, sincere respect for a person and recognition of his rights and freedoms on an equal basis with one’s own. Further, depending on the type of tolerance, there are certain details that correct the picture, but do not deviate from the general principles set out above, approved by the legislative framework of many countries and representing the main concept of the activities of the UN and UNESCO.

Types of tolerance

Despite the different areas of use of the term, many types of tolerance are defined exclusively in the socio-psychological sphere, because In the technical and medical sphere, everything is more strictly regulated.

In the sphere of relationships, depending on the structure, direction and, accordingly, manifestation, tolerance can be:

– political (respectful attitude of the authorities towards members of society who have opposing views and willingness to accept and allow the emergence of other ideas and thoughts among one’s own supporters);

– pedagogical (tolerant and equal attitude, regardless of intellectual level and degree of education received);

– age-related (lack of judgment about a person, her qualities and abilities based on her age, which is often violated when explaining the inadmissibility of an action by childhood);

– religious (a friendly attitude and respect for other confessions, religions, beliefs, cults, sects, atheists, etc., while following one’s own chosen path);

– to people with disabilities (recognition of the full value of the individual and its manifestations, not out of pity, but out of respect and understanding of the equivalence of the spiritual and personal manifestations of everyone);

– gender ( equal treatment to representatives of different sexes, the same rights, responsibilities and opportunities, both in terms of education and career, and expression of will and representation.

IN psychological aspect what stands out is natural (also called natural) tolerance, which is initially inherent in all people, but passes with age. It is due to the fact that in childhood (the earliest) there is initially no separation of oneself from the world (if something hurts, then it is felt like the whole world hurts), and even more so, there is no opposition of one’s own personality to the environment. The child resigns himself to the demands and manifestations of others because of his weakness in individual independent survival, which creates a need to adapt and suppress some of his own manifestations.

Personal tolerance is based on internal meanings, and an understanding of the value of giving others the right to realize their own potential in any chosen way and respect for this choice. Exactly this internal characteristic is a regulator in the construction of social relationships, but at the same time it is a diagnostic indicator of the environment in which a person was raised. It is the formation of tolerance in society that is the condition for development of this quality and the ability to have a broad worldview.

From personal tolerance comes social tolerance, which characterizes not so much the attitude of the person himself to some phenomenon, but rather a system of behavior and attitudes. social connections, maintaining social balance. The main guarantee of peaceful existence and comfortable development for each individual being is being in a tolerant society, and maintaining a decent level of acceptance of different people is the concern of everyone mature personality thus demonstrating its own social tolerance. From the construction strategy social contacts, share the moral and moral aspects of tolerance.

Moral tolerance is manifested in following the norms predetermined by society, or inherent in the person himself according to his inner convictions and is expressed in restraint own emotions and showing patience. At the same time, this behavior is regulated conscious activity and the wisdom of logic, not always having emotional and spiritual correspondences (you can be endlessly irritated and angry inside, but external behavioral manifestations will not violate the norms of morality and complacency).

Moral tolerance, although seemingly similar to moral tolerance, is essentially its antipode, since a person tries to understand and internally accept the behavior and motivation of another person’s actions, he tries to perceive the principles of another as his own, which provides guidance for respectful and dignified behavior not with sides external control, but from internal motivation. This way, the process itself becomes more sincere and easier, without forcibly restraining one’s emotional reactions it is moral tolerance that helps to understand another person and find common points contact and exit conflict situations, whereas the previous mechanisms are more about avoidance than overcoming it.

Ethnic tolerance is built on the acceptance of intercultural differences, without belittling, infringing or imposing one’s way of thinking. Despite the fundamental differences in customs, a person with ethnic tolerance will not consider someone’s customs wild, but rather will show interest in them or find similarities with his own habits. To tame, educate or subordinate to laws the manifestation of this type of tolerance is the most difficult, and, perhaps, can only have outside, strictly controlled by conscious mechanisms. Such difficulties in the presence of ethnic acceptance are due to the perception of this type differences at the subconscious level, where the attitude towards those who are different as strangers is genetically embedded. In ancient times, people distinguished each other phenotypically, divided into clans, into friends and foes. And now, despite the idea of ​​equality and brotherhood, which is being intensively popularized, the thousand-year-old mechanism reacts with the “stranger” signal, which should be treated with at least caution.

At the same time, a fairly rapid mixing of genes, nationalities and races occurs, especially in megacities, and people face the problem of their own ethnic identity. The pace of life, the possibility of quickly changing the place of residence, and, accordingly, the prevailing part of a certain culture, helps to increase ethnic tolerance.

According to the degree of manifestation, tolerance is low (inability to show patience and positive attitude not only to certain qualities, but to the world and humanity, a person is irritated and infuriated by everything, which he never tires of informing others about), average (when a person is able to express patience with his opponents, admit that he likes communication, and make it clear that he understands those he encounters), high (when there is complete acceptance of the other and a lot of pleasure and psychological comfort comes from communication).

Cultivating tolerance

Tolerance and its foundations were not invented artificially; it arose along with the formation of society, its values ​​and priorities. Based on the most important moments, which do not require definition and explanation of their importance, the criteria included in tolerance are highlighted. And all these criteria for its formation are undeniable values ​​in itself in any corner of the world and for any person, this includes life, health, freedom, family. Becoming the internal values ​​of each person and the values ​​of society, they are the unifying foundation where all differences disappear. And if I want my freedom to be respected, then I will not violate someone else’s. The same requirements for everyone and for oneself stand at the stage of tolerance formation, and sincere experience of the needs and values ​​of another person, the ability to make this process less mechanistic and formal, and give it a personal touch.

We experience more attention, feeling and tolerance for those places and people who have something to do with our lives. You may absolutely not care what happens to the Libyans, but if your good friend works there for the UN mission, then you will listen to the next report from there with less indifference. Based on this mechanism of our psyche, you can develop tolerance by meeting a representative of another culture; ideally, if he becomes your friend or spouse, the level of tolerance towards this people will skyrocket. Helps to travel and go to work for a while in other regions. The first stays, of course, will be shocking, but the more such outings there are, the more all possible diversity will be understood human lives. Nomadic people or eternal travelers, flight attendants or tour guides are practically devoid of any prejudices regarding a particular nationality, age and much more. All this is due to the fact that a person sees many different people and stops evaluating them based on the grafted system, and each time focuses directly on the situation and behavior of a particular person, even if he is incredibly similar and fits into some category.

But not everyone will independently develop their tolerance, and its education begins with society. Society is subject to certain laws, so the state should take part in promoting tolerance. It is necessary to create a fair legislative framework that respects the equality of all representatives of humanity, while the main focus should be on international conventions on the protection of human rights. Control over funds mass media, while respecting their freedoms and coverage of events, but while maintaining the absence of propaganda or derogatory attitudes, presentations or comments about any categories of the population.

But the role that the state can fulfill is negligible and turns out to be ineffective in the absence of the necessary education, because the sphere of relationships between people and the breadth of their horizons and the possibility of acceptance is an educational problem and is formed in a person’s immediate environment (parents, educators, neighbors, relatives, friends). Not in all schools educational process occurs from a humanistic position, supporting the uniqueness of each individual. More and more demands are being made to meet certain standards and public punishment or humiliation of a person who differs from the numbers written by uncles in the ministry.

Redesigning the learning process with integration various fields art, using experience different nations expands the boundaries of acceptance and shows that everyone has value and can learn from everyone. Implementation of learning various languages maximizes contact with another culture and helps to fully understand it. According to many studies, without knowledge of the language it is impossible to fully study another culture, even after reading all the information available about it. In history lessons, you can stop hiding aspects of the multinationality of the state and start talking openly about the homosexual orientation of many significant historical figures. Distortion of facts distorts perception, and as a result we get a generation that has grown up with prejudices implanted in their heads, because of which it is problematic for them to build their own lives in the future.

On by example It is worth demonstrating respect for the opinion, choice and actions of the child; having learned this from childhood and considering it the norm, a person will respect others. Replace criticism with interest, transform conflict into interaction, and replace reproaches with help - it is by training such new strategies of behavior in everyday life that you can increase the overall tolerance of society. Tolerant attitude is born from the inner world of everyone and the experience that a person has received throughout life. If you have little experience with acceptance of you for who you are, then most likely you will be able to perfectly master the strategies of manipulation, disguise, submission and dominance, but the experience and power of acceptance will be nowhere to be found, because in the picture of the world this did not happen. Also, demanding acceptance from someone is not a manifestation of tolerance, because at this moment you yourself do not accept the person, forcing him to accept you.

A mutual process that sweeps aside age and any other differences, when the opinions of the child and the parent are equally important, acceptance and respect are formed in both, and indirectly affects everyone who comes into contact with them in life.

Tolerance pros and cons

It seems that the advantages of tolerance are undeniable, because otherwise so many people cannot work on its development, education, and maintenance. Global congresses and school teachers are all talking about this, but it is worth understanding in more detail the consequences of this phenomenon.

The benefits of tolerance are maintaining humanity and avoiding violent confrontations. This skill allows you to learn to overcome difficult situations and own fears through effective interactions and search common interests– usually this leads to an exchange of experience and the emergence of something completely new, impossible without combining different ideas different people. This is an endless transfer of experience and knowledge, an opportunity to gain information and look at the world in a new way. In addition to the joys of information, tolerance contributes to one’s own peace of mind and development, since you can be nervous about differences for an infinitely long time, have a breakdown and go to a psychiatric hospital, which also will not save you from internal beliefs that prevent you from living in society. Without feeling irritation or hatred towards any people, we receive more places where to turn for help, we are imbued with different views on the same situation, and this is what helps us look for new and correct solutions.

Disadvantages of tolerance also exist, because, like any idea, it has its blind spots and weak spots. Often, using the ideas of developing tolerance, hiding behind good ideas and intentions, people manipulate others. This is true at the level of countries and the introduction of an idea into consciousness, and at the level of personal interaction and pumping out helpful behavior from others. After all, in order not to seem intolerant and low, we strive to care, and some use this. There's a fine line involved here, when you really treat a person with respect, and when you give in to manipulation, it's not easy. In addition, some manifestations of tolerance look like indifference. Of course, it is worth allowing a person to decide his own destiny and make choices, but if a mother just sits and watches her child shoot drugs through his veins, then this is not tolerance, but stupidity.

Probably, the main disadvantages of tolerance are that a good idea has been distorted with bad meanings; what should come from the heart has become demanded and gnawed out, in addition to the ubiquitous slogans, which only make you want to ask, “Why can’t good deeds be done more quietly?” The multitude and cover of far from ethical things with this concept have developed an attitude towards it as manipulation in order to abandon one’s own interests. But it is worth remembering that this is a mutual, two-way, sincere and ongoing process.

Tolerance is an unbiased attitude towards those people who differ from the majority of others in their lifestyle, thoughts, appearance, behavior, if these properties do not interfere with others and do not offend public morality

This is today the most popular definition of tolerance, tolerance from the point of view of sociology.

But there are other concepts of tolerance

  • In medicine, tolerance is the ability to tolerate pain and the effects of certain drugs.
  • In finance - permissible deviation from standard size and the weight of the coin, which does not affect its payment value
  • In engineering, a permissible deviation in the size of a part that does not affect its ability to participate in assembly
  • In psychology - insensitivity to the effects of unfavorable circumstances due to, say, habituation to it

Tolerance - the absence of class, cultural, corporate and ethnic prejudices regarding those who are not like us in one way or another

“The real deep discussion about the limits of tolerance for “others,” including not only infidels and “apostates,” but also prostitutes and lepers, began in the era of the Protestant Reformation. This is where they come from modern roots tolerance. Until that time, its manifestations were the “favors” of specific rulers. Thus, the Statute of Kalisz in Poland in 1264 guaranteed freedom of religion for Jews. And as a result to mid-16th century century, it was the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (Rzeczpospolita) that sheltered about 80% of the world's Jews. In 1348, Pope Clement VI issued a bull calling on Catholics not to kill the same Jews accused of bringing the plague to Europe. Calls for religious tolerance can be found in the writings of Erasmus of Rotterdam and Thomas More. And finally, individual freedom of conscience became one of the main slogans of Protestants. However, they had to fight for tolerance. It’s especially fierce in France... For now Louis XVI in 1787, two years before the French Revolution, he did not issue the Edict of Tolerance towards Protestants.
The Enlightenment in Europe was a big step towards religious tolerance...
If the ideological foundations of tolerance are mainly Protestantism and the Enlightenment, then legally it is the Declaration of Human and Civil Rights French Revolution(1789) and the First Amendment to the US Constitution of 1791 (on freedom of conscience, speech and expression).”
(“Evening Moscow”, March 15, 2017)

Tolerance - pros and cons

In theory social tolerance- This is wonderful. What could be better than objectivity in relationships between people!
In practice, things are different. Humanity has an unpleasant feature of taking any most remarkable undertaking to the point of absurdity, elevating it to its opposite, changing plus to minus. So is tolerance, that is, as stated on Wikipedia: “the rejection of social prejudices in favor of an objective, sober attitude towards any person, regardless of his individual characteristics“, has now turned into Tolstoyism with its slogan of non-resistance to evil by violence, when a worthless person is not subject to prosecution only because he is a foreigner or a member of a different faith.

Opinion of Professor Osipov A.I.

The word "Tolerance" in Russian - synonyms of the word

The term "Tolerance" comes from Latin word tolerance, which translates as

  • Patience (or)
  • Condescension (or)
  • Tolerance
  • Undemanding
  • Undemanding
  • Liberalism (liberalism)
  • Condescension
  • Softness

Tolerant person. This expression, translated from Latin language, means " patient man". This concept is a sociological term that denotes understanding, acceptance and tolerance of a different way of behavior, life, feelings, customs, ideas, beliefs, opinions without any feeling of inconvenience.

Many cultures equate the concept of “tolerance” with simple “tolerance.” However, unlike simply patient, tolerant person is ready to favorably accept and acknowledge the behavior, views and beliefs of other people that differ from one’s own. And even in the case when other people’s beliefs or views are not approved or shared by you.

A tolerant attitude towards people has always been considered a true human virtue. Problems of teaching and raising children are more pronounced at turning points in the development of society, as they come into contact with sudden changes in social requirements for a person. A tolerant person is a person who respects, accepts and correctly understands the rich diversity of cultures of the world in which we live, our self-expression and the ways in which human individuality manifests itself. Tolerance is promoted by openness, knowledge, communication and thoughts and beliefs. The most effective means To prevent intolerance, it is necessary to cultivate in young hearts a respectful attitude towards the values ​​and worldviews of others, empathy, understanding the motives of people’s actions, the ability to cooperate and communicate with people of other views, orientations, opinions, and cultures. Modern society presupposes the existence of tolerance, which should turn into an emerging model of relationships between people, countries, and peoples. As a result, our country also needs to develop a correct understanding of tolerance, striving for this concept to become familiar in our everyday speech. This will happen only when the concept of “tolerant person” becomes firmly established in the vocabulary of school teachers.

According to the areas of manifestation, tolerance is divided into scientific, political, administrative and pedagogical. Psychologists, in relation to personality, distinguish several varieties of this concept.

Natural (natural) tolerance

It refers to gullibility and curiosity, which are initially inherent in babies. They do not characterize the qualities of his “ego,” since the process has not yet reached the splitting of social and individual experience, before the existence of separate plans of experience and behavior, and so on.

Moral tolerance

This type implies tolerance, which is associated with personality (the external “ego” of a person). To a greater or lesser extent, it is inherent in a huge number of adults and represents the desire to restrain one’s emotions through the use of mechanisms

Moral tolerance

It differs from moral in that, in the language of specialists, it implies trust and acceptance of someone else’s lifestyle, which is associated with the essence or “inner ego” of a person. A tolerant person is a person who knows himself well and recognizes others. Showing compassion and empathy is the most important value of a civilized society and a feature of true good manners.

What is tolerance and what is the level of tolerance in Russia. It is this issue that we will discuss in detail today.

“Is there a limit to tolerance? Where will total tolerance lead humanity - to a world where the words “mother” and “father” are prohibited, traditional relationships are considered savagery and barbarism, and the multicolored “rainbow” future has long ago become commonplace?

In a world where the aggressive invasion of other cultures and ideologies completely crushes the hospitable hosts? And how can this threaten the state and society?”

(from the annotation to the book “Ruthless Tolerance”)

“Tolerance (from Latin tolerantia - patience, forbearance, acceptance, voluntary enduring of suffering) is a sociological term denoting tolerance for a different worldview, lifestyle, behavior and customs.”

Wikipedia also adds: “Tolerance is not the same as indifference. It also does not mean accepting a different worldview or way of life, it is about giving others the right to live in accordance with their own worldview.”

A very necessary thing, according to the essence of the concept, in our society, we sometimes lack it so much... this tolerance. Like seasonings for a dish, or an absorbent that will absorb all toxins and clear the way for good.

But is it really that simple? Is it so white and fluffy, promoting friendship between peoples, worlds and different worldviews?

Let's figure out if the one that has become so popular in Lately tolerance?

Now Russia has begun to celebrate the International Day of Tolerance, our children are taught lessons about tolerance, on TV, on the Internet, always with a special intonation or in bold can anyone highlight the phrases about the need for Russian society transform into tolerant. This sugary-glamorous word, reeking of the sugary aroma of the West, is now found literally at every step.

Tolerance is a medal with two sides. And reassurance about the positiveness of tolerance will not cancel the danger that is fraught with insipidity called “accepting everyone without disputes and opinions.”

When tolerance is good

The official concept of tolerance (Wikipedia) states:

“According to the definition of the Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary“tolerance is tolerance for different kinds of views, morals, and habits. Tolerance is necessary in relation to peculiarities various peoples, nations and religions. It is a sign of self-confidence and awareness of the reliability of one’s own positions, a sign of an ideological movement open to all, which is not afraid of comparison with other points of view and does not avoid spiritual competition.”

Tolerance means respect, acceptance and proper understanding of other cultures, ways of self-expression and manifestation of human individuality.

Tolerance does not mean concession, leniency or indulgence. Showing tolerance also does not mean tolerating social injustice, abandoning one’s beliefs or yielding to the beliefs of others, or imposing one’s beliefs on other people. «.

Tolerance in the right way, positive value This word does not imply any ambiguity, compromise with something unworthy, adherence to principles, moreover, it is a factor in establishing peace, “preventing” war, productive interaction between people who are completely different, and does not imply (as the concept says) avoiding competition and comparison.

After all, if everyone were intolerant and gave free rein to their feelings and aggressive instincts, then war would start everywhere, not only in international level, but also in everyday life: people would not be able to be friends, live together, study... a world saturated with conflicts would not be able to lead full life etc.

But V in this case, please note, tolerance is contrasted with readiness to incite discord, disrespect for other people’s worldviews, but besides tolerance there are many other qualities that contribute to the conflict-free existence of people.

There are people in the world who are different from us. Moreover, we ourselves are different from each other. Okay, we are ready to accept those who are more or less different from us, and sometimes tolerate them, but we most often do not want to understand those who are more fundamentally different from us. Dissimilar not so much in the extraordinary, creatively, but that people have disabilities, a different race, etc.

After all, it is right not just to tolerate, but to accept people with disabilities, people of other nationalities (if they are not aggressive and do not pose a danger), otherwise we will come to a new format of the T4 program (the killing of the disabled in the 20th century, embodied by the National Socialists), fascism and similar.

Any extreme degree of intolerance towards those who, through no fault or whim, are in a difficult situation or simply have peculiarities leads to the embitterment of the latter or to the aggression of those who are intolerant.

We need to respect other peoples (in order for us to be respected), we need to respect other faiths and people who adhere to other religions, and here the issues are not so much life, death and salvation, but political ones, because we live on the same land, and all adequate faiths call for peace .

We must respect people who have some kind of disease that limits their life activity, that is, you cannot treat people with disdain just because of some of their external defects. And this cannot be taught at once, by introducing lessons of tolerance; it requires a systematic, multifaceted immersion in the ideology of correct values, adequate attitude towards others. Inclusion, zeal for the rights of those “not like everyone else,” and promotion of moral values ​​are only slowly shifting this cold block of general indifference, but to achieve any significant results, more time and effort are needed.

After all, we are not barbarians; we live in a civilized, cultural world. Long gone is the era of conflict resolution, when bearded Indians in loincloths sorted things out with spears, roars, murders, when a person was almost indistinguishable from an animal.

We are part of an intelligent, smart, subtle world; you cannot kill someone head-on (although this happens often) for eating a cutlet from our plate. Diplomacy may not exclude revenge, but it presents it so carefully that a person does not immediately understand that he has been taken revenge.

Even revenge should be cultural. The more gracefully and carefully one manages to realize ambitions, revenge, etc., the higher the level of intelligence and culture of the people. “Advertising” of anti-nationalism, subtle revenge, good manners, proper education, accepting those who are different from us as almost fulfilling religious commandments - is already heard from everywhere, and in a correspondingly veiled form.

The same propaganda of tolerance that everyone has been talking about lately is part of all this.

Does the world become better thanks to passing through the filters, or does it just acquire an external gloss, but internally everything is the same as in prehistoric times? As Freud said, art, cultural activity, creativity are the ideal way to transform animal energy into creative energy, and the world really becomes better, the level of violence and cruelty decreases. This means that the world is actually getting better.

But also smarter, educated, cultural world has much great potential, than barbarians, which in the event of a war, from which not even the most powerful propaganda of tolerance can insure, presupposes a smart and global strategy for waging battles.

“The most common vectors for studying tolerance in sociology are:

Gender tolerance

Racial and national tolerance

Tolerance towards people with disabilities

Religious tolerance

Sexual orientation tolerance

Political tolerance

Educational tolerance

Interclass tolerance."

When tolerance is bad

We are “stuffed” with absolute tolerance for everything, sometimes without any special inoculation cultural values, and even when there is a clear overstepping of the stick, it is worth saying Magic word“tolerance” and many begin to think that this is how it should be, that everything is correct. The concept of this very tolerance is a good one, and we need tolerance itself, but it has long become only a tool for instilling other values.

After we begin to accept those who really need to be accepted (people with disabilities, other races, religions), we are offered to accept gays, lesbians and others like us as equals. And those who oppose the general ideology are condemned...by comparing gays with disabled children.

That is, tolerance and the need for its manifestation are already becoming higher than Christian commandments. In this case, when, under the guise of noble ideas, we are asked to selflessly endure all kinds of abomination, tolerance ceases to be a good phenomenon and turns into what it actually is in the modern world.

This is just a subtle path to planting in the minds of our children, in our minds, that gays are normal, they need to be respected, their choice is sacred, and we can become the same, because we will read lines from the Constitution about our rights and freedoms(the fighters for tolerance taught us this) and say a codeword“tolerance” - and let everyone be ashamed that they do not share the “pure” thoughts of gay people.

Under the guise of absolute nobility, a program for the collapse of society and the destruction of family and Christian values ​​is being introduced. After all, look: people with disabilities have only become a little better accepted, but lesbians are already treated as a self-evident fact, as a fashion trend, as if they were rhinestones on skirts that were temporarily popular, and not elements of the decay of society.

And this is the main goal of instilling tolerance: not the acceptance of people with disabilities, but the acceptance of any abomination as a matter of course.

For example, very interesting picture it adds up if you take the “puzzles” from other tolerance values:

« Immunological tolerance is an immunological state of the body in which it is unable to synthesize antibodies in response to the introduction of a certain antigen while maintaining immune reactivity to other antigens. The problem of immunological tolerance is important in organ and tissue transplantation.

Environmental tolerance is the ability of organisms to live and develop in a wide range of conditions environment (including unfavorable factors).

Tolerance in pharmacology, immunology and narcology - a decrease in response to repeated administration of drugs, drugs or psychoactive substances; addiction of the body, due to which a larger and larger dose is required to achieve the inherent effect of the substance«.

There is no need to attack gays and prostitutes with spears, but being indifferent to their ideology means making it clear to your children that this is not bad. And everything that is not bad, according to the usual logic of the younger generation, is good. It’s worth adding here that real gay-lesbians hide their orientation (and it’s their problem how they live in such perversion), and are not particularly outwardly different from the rest of society, and those who feignedly flaunt all their intimate sides are simply creating a circus , get a thrill from corrupting the world, but not from the fact that they are not like everyone else.

This “show” has a particularly dangerous effect on teenagers who begin to try everything in this life... after all, they were told that homosexuality, gender reassignment is as simple as putting on a new one fashionable dress, “If it doesn’t fit, you’ll wear something else, you need to try.”

Maybe we should introduce mandatory tolerance towards drug addicts, alcoholics, and life-sentenced people?..

“The word “tolerance” (which is synonymous with tolerance) is present in almost all dictionaries of the Russian language. In particular, V. I. Dahl’s dictionary interprets “tolerance” as the ability to endure something only out of mercy or leniency. Other dictionaries give a similar interpretation. According to M. V. Semashko, the concept of “tolerance” contains passive acceptance surrounding reality, non-resistance to her, the ability to turn the other cheek.”

However, activists and defenders of a tolerant position in society say that tolerance and tolerance are not at all identical concepts, that tolerance is broader and implies active social activity along with self-confidence (there are even theories that say that those who find fault with others simply do not have self-confidence), not infringing on the freedoms of other people, which contributes to the manifestation of their own freedom, etc.

Naturally, if we say that tolerance is agreement with all nonsense, breaking principles, tolerance for sin, how many followers will there be? And if we say that this is equality of freedoms, a peaceful way to resolve conflicts, in which it is easier for everyone, and especially those promoting tolerance, then there will be many times more people willing to follow this path.

"Ruthless Tolerance" is a collection of contemporary fantasy stories(Russian writers) with a consistent focus on social modeling, in which “traditional values” are replaced by new, often completely opposite ones.

The genre of most of the stories in the collection is defined by the word “liberpunk” - this is a type of dystopia that deals with the hypothetical consequences of ultra-liberal public choice, with possible future excesses of political correctness, tolerance and the “dictatorship of minorities”” (lines from the annotation to the book appear in the epigraph to the article) .

The format of behavior described in the book is not so far from reality and from the behavior format of our society. Tolerance has nothing to do with religious values; along with the acceptance of other cultures and races, it presupposes the acceptance of all abominations. Tolerance in a cube.

Once I wanted to watch a foreign TV series, a modern one (I won’t write the title so as not to look like an advertisement for nonsense), with an exciting plot at the beginning, good game actors... but throughout the whole story it’s the same thing: clones, prostitutes, homosexuals... The trick is that when you realize that you’re watching nonsense, you want to know how it all ends, you’re drawn to watch it, which I noticed from many viewers of the series expressing exactly such impressions.

The creators managed to develop the plot to a climax before starting to present propaganda of homosexuality, etc. This is how Western society gets hooked on the “needle of tolerance” towards everyone and everything, including through the media and films. And you know, through TV series and the like, through books (which are written by openly or falsely gay people) the best way to introduce this way of life into society.

People look and begin to see the human, ordinary in gay people... they begin to believe that homosexuals are capable of love, they begin to feel sorry for the latter, to treat them like normal people, and the tolerant behavior of others in the film acts as a worthy format for the audience to embody it in life... Generations grow up on this. Through interesting story- instilling ideas that corrupt society.

Level of tolerance in Russia

According to information from statistical funds, the level of tolerance in Russia has increased significantly over last years. However, in reality and in life personally, I observe a slightly different picture: the acceptance of dubious “heroes” has accelerated and improved, but the situation of those who really need respect has not changed much.

Russians are most tolerant, according to statistics, towards children born with disabilities and adults, beggars, tramps, alcoholics, AIDS patients, and the mentally ill. According to research by another statistics center, alcoholics are in the forefront among those to whom Russians are least tolerant. Russians are not ready to be friends with sectarians, murderers, and homosexuals.

About tolerance in Russia in the program of the channel “Culture” ( interesting opinions, without pathos):

About extremes and other values

Manipulation of tolerance leads to denigration of peaceful values... and extremes, both one and the other, are harmful. It's better to always think with your own head...

People either begin to deny all tolerance as something identical to tolerance, or they completely agree with everything, or nothing changes in their lives, because they don’t even know what tolerance is.

Tolerance is neutral in itself; it equals both bad and good. Therefore, you cannot be good, smart and in every possible way positive, principled, if you do not agree with any types of tolerance, accepting abominations does nothing better than that, who with a baton expels “dubious” elements from our society.

There are completely different and not so ambiguous, confusing and politically global (even if not fashionable) concepts, good ones, for example, mercy, nobility, leniency, integrity, mercy, firmness of one’s position, etc.

Word definition tolerance on different languages globe sounds different:

    in Spanish it means the ability to recognize ideas or opinions different from one's own; in French- an attitude in which it is accepted that others may think or act differently than oneself; in English– willingness to be tolerant, condescending; in Chinese– allow, accept, be generous towards others; in Arabic– forgiveness, forbearance, gentleness, mercy, compassion, benevolence, patience, disposition towards others; in Russian– the ability to endure something or someone (to be self-possessed, hardy, persistent, to be able to put up with the existence of something, someone).

“Education is, first of all, human studies”

Today we often hear from television screens and from leading politicians the word “tolerance,” which was unfamiliar to us until recently. The main criteria for “tolerance” and their indicators can be determined based on the definition of the very concept of “tolerance” - an active moral position and psychological readiness to tolerance in the name of positive interaction with people of a different culture, nation, religion, social environment.
The year 1995 was declared at the initiative of UNESCO International Year Tolerance. Since that time, the word “tolerance” has firmly entered our daily life. Representatives from more than 185 countries signed the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance, which clearly defined this term. It is formulated as follows: “Tolerance (from the Latin tolerantia - patience; tolerance for other people’s way of life, behavior, customs, feelings, opinions, ideas, beliefs) is respect, acceptance and correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of manifestation of human individuality. Tolerance is harmony in diversity. It is not only moral duty, but also a political and legal need. Tolerance is a virtue that makes peace possible and helps replace the culture of war with a culture of peace. It is promoted by knowledge, openness, communication and freedom of thought, conscience and belief.”
Tolerance is tolerance towards dissent, other people’s views, beliefs, behavior, towards criticism by others of one’s ideas, positions and actions, etc...
Tolerance is what makes peace possible and leads from a culture of war to a culture of peace.
Tolerance is a human virtue: the art of living in a world of different people and ideas, the ability to have rights and freedoms, without violating the rights and freedoms of other people. At the same time, tolerance is not a concession, condescension or indulgence, but an active life position based on recognition of otherwise.
Tolerance also requires providing every person with opportunities for social development without any discrimination. This is a quality of personality, which is a component of the humanistic orientation of the individual and is determined by its value attitude to others.