What is the beauty of the soul to you? beauty of the soul

What is more important - spiritual beauty or external? Can a person have one and at the same time do without the other?

Main concepts

What is beauty? IN in a broad sense words are general category in aesthetics. It usually indicates the complete perfection of an object or object. Harmony in all aspects. Beauty evokes pleasure in its appearance.
The antonym of this word is ugliness or disgrace. IN philosophical aspect Human beauty is divided into internal and external. Each of them can coexist with the other, complement or, at times, replace each other in the eyes of others.

What is moral beauty?

Such eminent writers as Chekhov, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Hugo, Dickens, and many others, constantly emphasized the splendor of the inner world of man. They emphasized the irreplaceability of the soul, while the external aesthetic appearance suffers and changes over the years.
What is inner beauty? This is a set of certain qualities of a person that can only be determined by communicating with him. Outwardly, they may not be noticeable at all.
Basic character traits defining what moral beauty is:
responsiveness; willingness to make sacrifices for others; kindness towards any person, animal; sincerity; high intellectual level; openness; justice; noble deeds; interest in the interlocutor.
Every person has their own own requirements to the owner of a beautiful inner world. Everyone defines what beauty is in their own way. Only the most common ones were listed here. Such beauty cannot be seen, it is only felt.
There are often cases when a person who is attractive on the inside begins to be perceived as such on the outside. And the outer cover fades as soon as the interlocutor notices selfish character traits.

What is inner beauty in literature?

A striking example of the perception of a person through his soul is an episode from the epic of the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy “War and Peace”. During the ball, when the main characters meet, the attractive Andrei Balkonsky meets two girls. With Helen and Natasha. The appearance of the first girl is more beautiful than the second girl. But it is Natasha who attracts the hero.
What is the beauty of a woman for Andrey?
The prince was captivated by Natasha's lovely, sincere smile, her expression of genuine joy and interest. And even the girl’s not entirely attractive, not yet formed figure overshadowed all the beauty of her friend. Why did it happen? Balkonsky fell in love with sincerity and simplicity.
The second example, which is familiar to everyone from childhood, can be the fairy tale “ The Scarlet Flower». main character Nastenka falls in love with a terrible monster after seeing all his inner beauty.
This fictional story teaches a Russian person with youth something you can't judge by its cover. After talking with the enchanted prince, the girl sees that she was unfair to him, frightened terrible appearance.
Victor Hugo in his novel "The Cathedral" Notre Dame of Paris” gives another example of beauty on the inside and ugliness on the outside. A hunchback named Quasimodo, wonderful, sympathetic, a kind person, is forced to spend all his time within the walls of the temple so that people are not afraid of him. The beautiful gypsy Esmeralda suffers from external beauty, constantly pursued by men. Each of them suffers in their own way. Both of them are wondering what beauty really is? In the end, the soul turns out to be saving.

Spiritual beauty in the modern world

In an age when external beauty is becoming more popular than internal beauty, it is very difficult to remain open to people with visible shortcomings.
To with early age teach children the value of the soul, in school curriculum specifically introduce ethics and aesthetics as compulsory subjects. During such lessons, children are told about people who are different from others, who received some kind of injury or were born with it. Schoolchildren are taught not to be afraid of them, not to cause harm, but to get to know these people better. They begin to understand what the beauty of nature is and appreciate it. External beauty of a woman Charming girlish images are a favorite subject of description for writers, artists, sculptors, and poets. For each of them, the beauty of a girl is purely individual. Some people like a small nose, others its upturned tip, and still others prefer an aquiline profile. Some people like skinny women, others like plump women. There are also general aesthetic norms: a symmetrical face, regular features, and the like. A person cannot ignore what he associates with beauty. That’s why art galleries are so popular, where you can admire what evokes aesthetic pleasure.

Image aesthetics

Many scientists claim that the need for beauty is inherent on a subconscious level. People who, for one reason or another, are associated by others with beauty will be more popular. They will immediately fall into a circle of trust in a person without even uttering words. But if the standard turns out to have a terrible temper, lack of intelligence or problems with self-control, the image of beauty will immediately evaporate, and they will look at him completely differently. One poorly spoken word can destroy an image. The subconscious craving for a beautiful person gives way to disappointment.

Negative qualities that can cancel out the first impression of appearance:
coarseness; selfishness; envy; greed; exaggeration of one's capabilities; intolerance towards others.
Gradually, looking at a beautiful person with such shortcomings, his interlocutor ceases to notice the aesthetic component appearance, finds flaws.

Soul vs Nature

Beauty on the outside is bestowed by nature, good genes of parents, intensive work on appearance, cosmetics or plastic surgeons. It changes depending on fashion. What is the beauty of a woman? What is the beauty of the soul? You have to work on the internal component for a very long time, nurturing and developing certain positive traits. Appearance will help you make acquaintances. The soul is responsible for its duration. Over time, people realize that the outer shell is not so important. Those who carry joy, optimism, and generosity tend to linger for a long time in the lives of others. to his positive example they awaken in others abilities that they had never imagined before. In return, a person also wants to do good. The positive attitude is transmitted.


The ideal combination is not a opposition between appearance and soul, but a unification. It was not for nothing that the writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov emphasized that wonderful person should be like this both inside and outside. You need to learn to combine an attractive appearance and a pleasant character. If you want, you can always achieve this. The main thing is to try.

One ancient legend says that once a student came to a wise sensei. He asked his teacher questions about what first of all needs to be developed, what human beauty is.

The sage asked the young man: what if he bought a house and only had enough money to decorate it outside or inside, what would he choose? The student thought and said that it would be better to make the inside of the room beautiful. The teacher praised him for his choice, noting that only vain people who crave universal approval are capable of experiencing discomfort by looking at bare walls just to gain the approval of others. The old man reminded that it is better to harmonize both aspects by developing them equally. This is the answer to the question of what true beauty is.
Everyone must understand what is more important in life for him, and follow this path. You can’t limit yourself to one thing and forget about the other.
Cases when a person is beautiful both externally and internally are very rare. Such people attract attention and never let it go. This beauty consists of complete harmony with all human qualities.

The soul, of course, is an intimate thing, but the beauty of the soul cannot be hidden.

The true beauty of a person is not in the perfection of his body, but in the beauty of his soul, the beauty of his deeds.

The beauty of the soul imparts charm to even an inconspicuous body, just as the ugliness of the soul puts a special imprint on the most magnificent constitution and on the most beautiful members of the body, which arouses in us an inexplicable disgust.

To be beautiful does not mean to be born, because we can learn beauty. When a person is mentally beautiful, what appearance can compare with it?

My soul is always in love...

With the right balance of Strength and Mercy, the Beauty of a person’s soul is visible...

The beauty of people's souls is measured by the depth of their feelings...

If you are smart, you will be beautiful. There are no ugly ones. Some are as beautiful as a rose, others as a cactus.

Beauty is a temporary phenomenon... Soul! That's what's important.

The beauty of the soul is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious...

How nice it is when a person’s beauty does not end with his appearance.

The beauty of the world is seen only by those who look at the world with love.

Happiness does not come into your life with fanfare... The most beautiful things are those that are given to you true happiness, come on tiptoe, quietly and wait for you to notice them

Beautiful is the one who has kind soul, and pure thoughts...

Beauty is when it doesn’t matter how old a person is. A person should glow from within. Youth is a very temporary privilege.

Beauty is appearance, photography is art, and the most important thing in life is kind heart, character and feelings!

Genuinely beautiful life, begins only with the beauty of the soul.

The beauty of the body can attract true admirers, but in order to keep them, the beauty of the soul is required.

The most beautiful love, - this is when souls tenderly embrace!!!

It is not beauty that decides whom we love. Love decides who we consider beautiful.

People judge a person's beauty by looking at his face, but God judges his beauty by looking into his soul.

Spiritual beauty can outshine any physical flaws... Be beautiful in your own way!!!

“Nothing can spoil me!” - said Beauty. “I bet!” - Time said, grinning.

- You are so cool! One can only dream about such a girl! - So dream...

Kindness can truly brighten faces.

Beauty is an internal property. As soon as beauty appears, it begins to flow from your body, from your mind - from everything that you are made of. If your inner beauty is with you, everything is beautiful.

Each woman is beautiful in her own way... some with her soul... another with her body... And if everything comes together in one... then this is generally a diamond person!!!

Beautiful people often lose their beauty by opening their mouths.

Inside every old person there is a young person wondering what happened.

Don't love for beauty. The snake's skin is also beautiful.

True beauty is the beauty of fidelity!

In our youth, we all admired beauty))) And only then, over the years, having stepped on a rake more than once, we realized: external beauty is just a shell, under which anything can be)))

Love in the eyes of your neighbors is a reflection of the beauty of their soul, not yours.

Physical beauty is impermanent, internal beauty is eternal!

I polished the broom. The clouds dispersed. I gave the cats a manicure. Released the butterflies. I gave the cockroaches something to drink... Eeeh! Unfold your soul accordion!

We are women! We are the chosen race! And the heart melts, And the soul flows with tenderness. We are women. And we have enough for everything: Tease. And conquer. And comfort.

Women's beauty does not disappear over the years. She remains tender and kind in every fine wrinkle, she smiles with her eyes, glows in her smile, melts on her lips.

Only those who have a beautiful upbringing are beautiful!!!

When Mother Teresa was asked how she manages to look young despite her life difficulties, she replied: “There is no better cosmetologist than peace in the soul.”

Cordiality is the same gift as beauty and intelligence.

Living things cannot be ugly.

The most beautiful people- these are the ones... Who passed difficult situations...But they still manage to keep a smile on their face...

True beauty blooms in the heart and is reflected in the eyes.

You can be beautiful on the outside, but the main thing is to be beautiful on the inside. And if you are beautiful both externally and internally, then that’s wonderful.

Beauty that comes from within is the most attractive and irresistible... It is inherent in the few... The chosen ones...

External beauty and internal beauty are not always mutually exclusive concepts.

When taking care of beauty, you must start with the heart and soul, otherwise no amount of cosmetics will help!!!

A smile is a symbol of kindness, warmth, and beauty!!!

Dear women!!! Love yourself as you are!!! Men are attracted not by your beauty or thin body, but by your soul and its inner filling!

A beautiful soul is not given to everyone, but only to a select few.

You don’t need to admire the person you love, you just need to simply love him.

The soul froze... But it reflects a beautiful mosaic from the past moments of life.

As a rule, appearance is most important to those people who themselves are not very filled internally with either spiritual qualities or meaningfulness of being.

A handsome man is pleasing to the eye, intelligent person- pleases the ear, a wise man- makes the soul happy.

Not everything that is so wonderful on the outside is so wonderful on the inside.

Don't judge people by their appearance! In my opinion, a child knows this... Sometimes unearthly beauty hides a vile, corrupt soul...

If the external content is disgusting, no one will know the internal content. A person with rich inner content does not allow himself to keep his outer shell in disarray.

Beauty will pass, so build up your personality, not your eyelashes...

I don't believe in rich inner world a neglected person, just as I don’t believe that a creature with false hair and lips swollen like cakes has a developed intellect.

The most beautiful smile is the smile of the soul!!!

If you are able to see beauty, it is only because you carry beauty within yourself. For the world is like a mirror in which everyone sees their own reflection.

Many people have a beautiful appearance, but not everyone has a beautiful soul!

And I closed the gates to my soul. Someone simply cannot understand me... They often tell me that I am beautiful... I would like to exchange beauty for happiness...

There are people like windows... Their beauty is revealed thanks to the light coming from within...

The bodily beauty of a woman has no effect on me; unless it is accompanied by the beauty of the soul, then it produces an effect, and the effect is very extraordinary.

Beauty has no boundaries, and the beauty of the soul has no boundaries!!!

Every woman, like flowers, is beautiful in her own way. And the more beautiful a person’s soul is, the easier it will be for him to see the beauty in the most inconspicuous, at first glance, flower.

Statuses about the beauty of the soul and about the beauty of the soul

Girls want to be beautiful and attractive, remember that in order to be liked, it is not enough to wear a beautiful dress! It's good that there is now a good choice: beautiful fashionable evening dresses, mini and maxi, for fat and thin people, luxurious cocktail and club dresses, dresses of different styles and for different tastes! Please! Everything is at your service! What about the inner world? What about the human soul? A beautiful woman is not only a sleek beauty with an icy gaze, complete contempt for others and rejection. What is it, a beautiful woman?

Smile, friendliness, sociability, good feeling humor, this is also important in a beauty, and not just her appearance! Beauty of the soul! A beautiful woman often captivates not with her cold beauty, like hers Snow Queen, but with your charm and charisma! Have you met girls who are simple at first glance? You look at her - she seems like an ordinary girl, nothing special, but you just have to smile at her! And everything changes! And now she is already beautiful and delightful in such a way that it is impossible to take your eyes off her. Shining star! No wonder even poems about beauty female soul sounded more than once from the lips of admiring men!

A fashionable dress is wonderful, but what about the beauty of the soul?

The beauty of a woman includes such qualities as:

  • Smile.
  • Kindness.
  • Sympathy.
  • Empathy.
  • Charm.
  • Listening skills.
  • The ability to understand another.
  • The ability to forgive.
  • The ability to give affection and care.
  • To love and to be loved.
  • Enjoy life and make others happy.
  • Be grateful to life and those around you.
  • The ability to be sincere and honest.

Watch this clip and listen to the song: “Oh, what a woman!”

A woman is beautiful who has a beautiful soul, and not just a fashionable, elegant dress she is wearing. No matter what the best evening dress she is in, if she has an angry face, it overshadows the entire effect of her efforts to make herself look beautiful.

A woman can be stunningly attractive when she is beaming with joy and happiness. She walks and as if the radiance inside her shines on those around her. Joy, love, kindness - that's what really makes beautiful woman and people in general. The radiance of love, the radiance of happiness illuminates a woman from the inside. The beauty of her feminine soul warms those around her.

And it’s not so important what dress she’s wearing this moment: a fashionable beautiful evening dress or a simple one, fashionable this year, the main thing is that she is beautiful! A woman is a conductor of Light, Love, Tenderness and Beauty. How wonderful it is when external beauty coincides with external beauty. A delightful combination.

Singers sang of female beauty, poets dedicated poems, artists painted pictures. How many magazines, books, and time are devoted to outside affairs, female beauty, the beauty of the body, but about the beauty of the female soul, how little they think about it.

By the way, read:

Is your soul beautiful?

The beauty of a woman's soul is a concept. about which, alas, little is said and remembered, as well. as is the beauty of the male soul. After all, handsome man, this is not only someone who has perfectly pumped up muscles and has a jeep in the garage, this is a person for whom such concepts are important. like conscience and honor, decency and responsibility. The beauty of a man's soul, is this concept often remembered? It seems that it is even less common than about women. But this is so important! External attractiveness is taken into account at the first moment of meeting, of course, she plays decisive role, and then such qualities as the beauty of the soul or its absence come to the fore.

It happens that you look at a person’s face and clearly see greed, disdain for other people, envy, malice and irritation towards the whole world. No matter how he puts on a hypocritical mask and no matter what beautiful fashionable dress you dress him in, this man rots internally during his life. It's like he walking Dead and the stench of his soul drowns out the beauty of a luxurious fashionable dress. Naked we came into this world, naked we will leave! How can you forget about the beauty of the soul, exchanging it for fashionable dress? It’s better to let one successfully complement the other! How wonderful it is when a young, charming lady walks down the street, beaming with happiness, dressed in a beautiful summer dress. She herself rejoices and makes others happy with her appearance! A young flower, full of fragrant happiness and beauty! Beautiful young sun! You look at her and think how beautiful she is!

Girls, girls, women and grandmothers, be beautiful not only with your body. but also with soul! Shine like luxurious stars in the sky and delight the world! You are gorgeous!

The beauty of a woman's soul is as beautiful as heaven!

Beauty according to Feng Shui

Chinese teaching says Feng Shui, a person’s thoughts are a reflection of his life. If you change your bad thoughts for good ones, life will become better.

The principle also applies to beauty; its characteristics are considered individuality, inner strength. Stylist for such famous women as Kate Moss and Gwyneth Paltrow says that in order to achieve beauty, you don’t need to change yourself, you need to return to yourself.

Chinese wisdom says that a woman owes three-tenths of her beauty to nature. The remaining seven-tenths comes from the outfit and makeup.

How you look depends on your ability to highlight your strengths. Feng Shui helps you create the appearance of your dreams. In every person there is one of the five predominant elements, it underlies a person’s worldview. The five elements are fire, earth, wood and water. In a person's life, everything changes and the elements also change. Of course, all this affects the person, his image, makeup and facial features.

People with wood elements They have adventurism, they are active, open, and sociable. Such people think clearly, they are organized in their actions, and they have a spirit of competition. A tree is always the soul of a company.

The charm of this element hides any flaws. When doing your hair, allow your hair to be slightly windy and free. Depending on the season, you can change your hair color. Always be flirty.

If in people it prevails earth element, they are usually attentive, patient, loyal, reliable, balanced, the only negative is periodic low self-esteem. Makeup For such people, it’s not important that they wear minimal makeup or don’t wear makeup at all. But you should still use some cosmetics, they will give you confidence.

For skin care, use moisturizers. A not too strict hairstyle is especially suitable for a woman with an earth type element. By making asymmetrical bangs, you will get rid of unnecessary conservatism. The length of the hair should change imperceptibly and have some fluidity; for this you need to cut your hair with a ladder.

Man with metal element has self-discipline, focus, self-confidence, pride. Such people really look at life and strive to find out the essence of things. When it comes to makeup, a discreet classic style will suit you.

For people with this element, a strict hairstyle is suitable. You can allow yourself a variety of colors and shades in your hair. The only thing that can make your hair look heavier is expressive and contrasting colors.

Element water- this is always a romantic nature. The properties of this personality are the desire for self-improvement. Such people are conservative, dreamy, they love to teach foreign languages and read books. The disadvantage of this element is isolation and poor ability to live in real life.

Makeup should emphasize the romanticism of your nature. Your appearance must be flawless because you love putting on makeup. When it comes to hairstyles, you should know when to stop. Unnatural bright shades and African curls do not suit your element. Your hair should not be bulky and pretentious.

People with fire element don't have a moment's peace. They are explosive in nature and have frequent mood swings. Such people love everything new and bright. In makeup you are allowed to use bright, rich colors and use makeup to suit your mood.

Don't hide yourself in your hairstyle. Let your curly hair stay curly. Make asymmetrical haircuts and dye your strands in different colors.

Beauty discoveries from China

1. Anti-aging acupuncture. Allows you to tighten your facial muscles thanks to miniature needles.
2. Reishi. This cosmetics works as a stimulator for cellular renewal.

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    Every soul in repentance is beautiful. Suffering, restless, sincere, believing, capable of correction, liberation from sin, on the path to reserved eternity, through a merciless struggle with her passions. Everyone is created in the image and likeness of God, everyone is given an immortal and beautiful soul from birth, but not everyone is given the ability to maintain purity of thoughts so as not to cloud their soul. Manifestations of spiritual kindness include mercy, sincere love for others, patience, humility and meekness, the ability to sympathize, and forget about one’s own benefits for the sake of others.

    Soul and man, in my opinion - whole!

    And the beauty of a person’s soul is his actions in life, these are his words, and words, as we know, are the beginning of his actions, this is his attitude towards everything around him, this is his personality, his beliefs, these are the images that live in his head, his truth, his heart, his rhythm, these are his dreams...

    This is a special and highest form...

    The beauty of the soul has no color, no specific picture, it can only be felt...

    This is the light inside everyone or the darkness that envelops the body, it is invisible, but it can be caught by the fibers of another soul...

    From a person who has a beautiful soul, you will never hear any nasty things about other people, such a person is not envious, good-natured, selfless, and he probably never whines, I think everyone feels cozy and comfortable when communicating with such a person. And this is also the kind of person whom you meet only once in your life, or you may not meet at all, this is simply an incredible rarity. You can, of course, try to be such a person yourself, but still spiritual beauty a person can only have it by nature.

    It seems in this case that the most beautiful souls are those who are closest to God. But the soul itself cannot be seen, it can only be understood by actions and words. After communicating with such a person, your soul is ennobled, you feel kindness and warmth and you want to do the same.

    As Chekhov A.P. said : Everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, and his thoughts. This means the soul and body are one. And therefore, the owner of a beautiful soul is beautiful not only internally, but also externally. And I agree with him. Others are drawn to such people; it is easy and pleasant to communicate with them. When you meet him, joy appears, you smile, you want to communicate with him, regardless of whether there is a topic for conversation or not. Deeds, actions, thoughts - everything is positive. His aura attracts you. And from the point of view of physics, this should be a beautiful radiation, attractive and bewitching. I suppose so.

    The beauty of the soul is manifested in kindness! Man with beautiful soul loves others selflessly and unconditionally! He accepts this world as it is and makes it better! He doesn’t get offended by trifles and doesn’t get angry! He cares about others, helps others! He shows mercy. And his entire existence is based on love, which is never proud, never angry, never exalted.

    This is a person freed from selfishness, greed, pride, hatred, envy, rudeness! And filled with love, acceptance, forgiveness, warmth, kindness, mercy! This is what a person with a beautiful soul means!!! This is more expensive than any diamond, and people’s souls feel warm and good from such beauty!

    Your question is for the clairvoyants.

    The soul has the appearance of the person himself, but the body of the soul consists of living light.

    Imagine yourself glowing like a fluorescent lamp: this will be the view of your soul.

    There are even more souls high levels that shine like the sun.

    Add to the appearance of the soul the rays emanating from it, the halo around the head and the aura: here you have a picture of a beautiful soul.

    U ordinary people souls are gray, cloudy, small. In places of chronicity in the organs there is blackness.

    The brains may be rotten, the soul itself may be sad.

    He who has sinned a lot, his soul becomes like an animal or

    generally goes berserk and turns black among murderers.

    In my understanding, a beautiful soul is when you communicate with a person and are so calm, joyful in your own soul that you don’t pay attention to external beauty interlocutor. When communicating with a person who has a beautiful soul, you want to be better yourself: kinder, wiser, calmer, you just want to live and enjoy every day.

    A person with a beautiful, noble soul has eyes that glow in a special way, besides this, a beautiful soul sees absolutely nothing bad in life, and is inclined to ennoble everything. At birth

    God gives us all beautiful souls. Look at our little children and grandchildren - you can easily see this, without any effort.... Adults also have beautiful souls, it’s just that it can be very difficult and difficult to see...

    I have never seen a diamond in my life. But I’m presenting it according to the description. Like a stone glitters, plays in the sun.

    But I've seen it many times ugly people, with a beautiful soul. Who are just people.

    This cannot be explained. And the soul, if it is pure, is equally beautiful for everyone. The main thing is to open up and believe. You don't have to believe in a diamond. Here he is. But it is much more difficult to believe in the soul.