Our products. Feedback from Yuri Krasnov about Andrey Puchkov’s training courses

This collection contains test items selected from those included in the 2003 exam tests. It seems that they can be successfully used by high school seniors as educational and training material, especially relevant and useful in preparing for final and entrance exams. Most of the assignments are grouped according to the topics of the school course and are accompanied by comments, the purpose of which is to help the student systematize the material, highlight the main thing in it, and prevent possible mistakes. The remaining tasks are presented in the form of six complete tests that have already been used in the exams. The first part of the collection is intended for self-preparation, the second - mainly for self-control. Answers are provided for all tasks.

Download and read the Unified State Exam, Russian language, Standard test tasks, Puchkova L.I., 2012

The manual includes a variety of materials that literature teachers and schoolchildren will need to prepare for the Unified State Exam.
In the collection, the teacher will find a detailed analysis of test tasks and an analysis of typical mistakes in past exams.
Much attention is paid to methodological techniques for developing the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for a student to successfully pass the Unified State Exam.
The manual will be useful to teachers, high school students, their parents, as well as methodologists and members of admissions committees.

Download and read the Unified State Exam, Russian language, grade 11, Collection of tasks, Puchkova L.I., 2012

Download and read the Unified State Examination 2012, Russian language, 30 variants of standard test tests and preparation for part 3 (C), Lvov V.V., Egoraeva G.T., Puchkova L.I., 2012

The manual contains 30 versions of standard test tasks in the Russian language, as well as texts and tasks aimed at developing essay writing skills (part 3 (C). All tasks are compiled taking into account the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2012.
The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of CIM in the Russian language, the degree of difficulty of tasks. The authors of the assignments are leading experts who are directly involved in the development of methodological materials for preparing for the implementation of control measuring materials of the Unified State Exam.
The collection contains:
- answers to all versions of tests and tasks to prepare for part 3(C);
- comments on the answers of three options;
- assessment criteria of part 3(C);
- samples of forms used in the Unified State Exam for recording answers.
The manual is addressed to teachers to prepare students for the Unified State Exam in the Russian Language, and to high school students and applicants for self-preparation and self-control.

Download and read the Unified State Examination 2012, Russian language, 30 variants of standard test tests and preparation of part 3 (C), Lvov V.V., Egoraeva G.T., Puchkova L.I., 2012

Standard test tasks in the Russian language contain 10 variant sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2012.
The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of CIM in the Russian language, the degree of difficulty of tasks.
The author of the assignments is a leading scientist, teacher and methodologist who is directly involved in the development of teaching materials for preparing for the implementation of control measuring materials for the Unified State Exam.
The collection contains answers to all test options and provides solutions to all tasks of the three options.
The manual is addressed to teachers to prepare students for the Russian language exam, and to high school students and applicants for self-preparation and self-control.

Download and read Unified State Exam 2012, Russian language, Typical test tasks, Puchkova L.I., 2012

Standard test tasks in the Russian language contain 10 variant sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam in 2012.
The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of CIM in the Russian language, the degree of difficulty of tasks.
The author of the assignments is a leading scientist, teacher and methodologist who is directly involved in the development of teaching materials for preparing for the implementation of control measuring materials for the Unified State Exam.
The collection contains answers to all test options and provides solutions to all tasks of the three options.
The manual is addressed to teachers to prepare students for the Russian language exam, and to high school students and applicants for self-preparation and self-control.

Download and read Unified State Examination 2012, Russian language, Standard test tasks, Puchkova L.I.

Title: Unified State Exam 2011. Russian language. Universal materials.

The collection contains training tasks with methodological instructions and answers. In its compilation, open versions of the Unified State Exam from 2002 to 2010 and material from the open segment of the Federal Test Bank were used. Specialists from the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements were involved in compiling the collection.
The collection includes an analysis of the 2010 Unified State Examination results and recommendations for graduates on preparing for the 2011 exam, taking into account the specifics of its conduct in the new academic year.
The manual is addressed to high school students and applicants, teachers and methodologists.

Download and read the Unified State Exam 2011. Russian language. Universal materials. Kapinos V.I., Puchkova L.I., Tsybulko I.P.
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Hi all!

We learned about Andrey’s courses through scientific poking. The summer passed, we realized that we needed to take the test, and off we went - running and calling our friends in search of tutors for dorms and history. If we managed to find a teacher in the dorm, then the story is a bummer. Considering that I myself was a history teacher in the distant past, it was clear that given the changes in the program and the specifics of the Unified State Exam itself, I would not be able to prepare the child as needed. As they say, Google is here to help you...

Well, I accidentally came across information about Andrey’s courses. I looked at the samples (free mini-courses) and was hooked. I looked and realized that this is what I was looking for - separate lessons throughout the course, with a clear structure, without “water”, the person is clearly on topic, understands what will be on the exam and, most importantly, has the tools to achieve the result we need. Plus the price. It's more than cheap! Especially compared to prices in the Moscow region... Well, go ahead! Began….

We took our first lessons in September, the last just before the exams. Clear, understandable, questions only to the point, constant monitoring of changes in the Unified State Examination, all sorts of tricks and tricks in the answers, tough work on the essay, with which we had big problems (in the end, out of 11 in history, we took 10 for the essay) in general, normal work with quite a demanding teacher!

In January, we realized that there was an ambush with the dorm course - we decided to take Andrey’s course in the dorm as well. And time is already so short... I’ll say right away that the biggest drawback of Puchkov’s courses is that Puchkov cannot pass the exam in your place... You and only you decide how much and when you will study your lessons.

If you think that by signing up for Andrei’s courses you will have 100 points in your pocket (he promised!!!), and you don’t need to do anything else, then the Ministry of Education and Science will help you, my dears! Puchkov’s courses are an excellent chance for YOURSELF (key word YOURSELF) to prepare well for the Unified State Exam under the supervision and guidance of a person who is clearly better than you and many “tutors” who understand the methods of preparing for the real Unified State Exam.

For all future cadets, I will say - do what you are told, do not procrastinate (the amount of material is not small!), follow ALL the recommendations of your supervisor, plan your classes so that you can do everything before spring and calmly repeat the material. And the points will come! Take your studies seriously - after all, this is what you need, you need to enroll, Puchkov definitely doesn’t need to enroll! Take responsibility for your destiny into your own hands!

The courses will definitely help you with this! Now about my mistakes and results. In principle, there was nothing unexpected in the dorm exam - everything was discussed with Andrey at the webinars a hundred times.

We were not able to complete the entire course, since we arrived only in January, there were a couple of control classes left, and in the end this, by and large, did not play a decisive role. What worked was that our own disorganization led to the fact that we simply did not have time to rewrite the ready-made answers onto a clean copy - they were torn out of our hands, watch the time, children!!!

And start now, in the summer. We didn’t have enough of it since the fall, and we didn’t have enough of it until the last second of the Unified State Exam – the total was 84 points. It would be easy to be over 90... The moral of this opus is this - time is priceless... . History - 77 points... Everything was simpler here - even though we started history in September, by May we were really busy with our lessons! As a result, we managed to pass the main course, but we didn’t have time to repeat all the tests...

Errors in the first part - for general erudition, so to speak, we got as many as 7 primary points off the charts! They started to compare the events of our and foreign history (Puchkov warned about this...) I thought that there would be no more than 5 mistakes.

For the second part, we were deducted 3 points - and when working with the text, the child simply rewrote the wrong paragraph in response and did not check it! The second mistake was due to a misunderstanding of the question posed. Well, they just found fault with the essay. I will say right away that, of course, we were counting on a result of 80, but the history exam is a rather difficult thing - a very subjective assessment of your work by the examiners, the vagueness of the assessment criteria, allow us to say that this is perhaps the most difficult exam.

BUT!! We ourselves are largely to blame for not having time, not seeing, etc. and so on. Therefore, our dear children! God gave you the gray matter in the cranium in order to think, to have time, not to forget, and to remember that what you do is what you get... Well, that’s the way it is...

By the way, we went to appeal and they didn’t give us anything, but my advice to you is to submit it! In English they scored 2 points. If you have a chance, then fight to the end!

Well, regarding Andrei Puchkov’s courses, my advice to you is - take it, get organized, study, the sooner the better! In our case, we lowered our scores ourselves, we got everything we wanted from the courses - an excellent selection of material, working with diagrams and maps, preparation methods, tips, recommendations, all changes and additions to the Unified State Examination itself - everything was simple for everything 100 points! Special thanks for the webinars - direct communication is a very necessary thing!

Any question, at any time, Andrei discussed with us in detail, advised, and worried with us! It’s generally difficult for me to imagine the amount of work he did in order to obtain material of such quality and convey it in an accessible way to listeners. Good luck to the new entrants and a huge THANK YOU, Andrey!! P.S.: a prize for whoever guesses the bust of which Roman emperor in the photo...

Yuri Krasnov,

father of a graduate

The video course is a distance learning set of materials for self-preparation for the Unified State Exam in history WITHOUT the help of a tutor, school or anyone else. It consists of 63 video lessons covering all topics of the school course “History” in accordance with the modern requirements of FIPI and KIM Unified State Examination. The course contains: preparation methods, recommendations for solving tests, as well as the latest video lessons on topics of World History and Russian History.

This is the best history product in Russia today in its category.

The course consists of 5 modules covering all periods of history, including cultural history. The Workshop has a theoretical part, which deals with exactly those points that the Unified State Examination paper likes to ask. The practical part contains both numerous tests of the first part and tasks of the second part. The Premium package includes teacher support: checking and reviewing assignments, checking 5 essays, and online chat.

The video course “Social studies: Unified State Exam for 100 points” includes 42 video lessons, more than 20 author’s presentations and information cards and other first-class materials for preparing for the Unified State Exam. Forget about searching for material on the Internet. Use this video course, thanks to which hundreds of children passed the Unified State Exam with above 85 points.

“Advanced Unified State Examination Workshop in Social Studies” consists of two parts: theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, we recorded 5 video lessons - one for each section. In the video lesson, they gave a structure of concepts for each section so that you understand the connection between all the terms and can easily remember them

In addition, we have formulated for you short and precise definitions, which are much easier to learn than paragraph definitions from manuals and textbooks. All the definitions have been tested in practice: my students from the courses use them and get maximum scores on the real Unified State Exam.

The Practical Part contains tasks from the First and Second Parts of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies: solve them, get tests and recommendations from a professional teacher!

How to repeat the whole story efficiently, and even solve tests? Our course “Cross-cutting topics...” was created just for this.

  • 15 lessons on “cross-cutting topics” in your personal virtual office.
  • More than 10 tests in the Unified State Exam format with full testing by a professional teacher.
  • Analysis of your mistakes and individual consultations for each lesson.
  • The final webinar – where all the I’s are dotted

You will learn:

  • How universities hide their dirty laundry from applicants.
  • How to enter a university on a budget using knowledge of: how the admissions committee works, how budget places are distributed, how to use “waves” of admission to enter on a budget.
  • How you really need to analyze a university so as not to get into trouble in your last year and still get a diploma of higher education.
  • And much more!

Answers to the FIPI Task Bank in history and social studies (USE): answers to tasks of all types of the first part, the second part.

  • All sections on the discipline history! (Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Modern times, Contemporary times) answers to 4270 tasks!
  • 3 sections in the discipline of social science (Man and Society, Social Relations and Law) answers to 2052 tasks!

All schoolchildren now take a unified exam after finishing 11th grade. The results of the test directly determine whether the child will be able to enter the university and what certificate he will receive. Despite the fact that there are now numerous workshops on the Unified State Exam, passing the exam is still very difficult.

The history test is considered particularly problematic. Here you need to learn many dates, being able to compare historical events. How to successfully prepare for the Unified State Exam in History and pass the subject with a 5?

How and when to start preparing?

Teachers and tutors advise starting preparation for the exam at least 2-3 months in advance. It is believed that this time is enough to master the material, familiarize yourself with the assignments and fully study the topic.

Andrey Puchkov, the creator of the course “Unified State Examination Workshop in History,” is confident that a systematic approach to the study of history is much more effective and efficient. Having all the materials at hand, the child will be able to regularly get acquainted with a new topic, repeat the old one, thus studying all the necessary information. Andrey Puchkov himself has been working as a teacher and tutor for many years. While preparing students for the Unified State Exam, Andrei Puchkov noticed that modern textbooks provide a very meager amount of material, and often children get lost in the variety of dates and terms.

So, what is the best way to study history in order to successfully pass it with an A?

    It’s better to start preparing in advance, without putting everything off until the last week.

    It is better to study the material using a variety of diagrams and tables.

    A thesis presentation of the material helps to simplify the understanding of the topic and improve performance in history.

    In addition to studying new topics, you should always solve examples from the Unified State Exam and complete tasks A, B, C.

These simple rules will help you pass the exam as successfully as possible. Andrey Puchkov made sure that all the material in his course was presented as concisely as possible, using tables and diagrams. The author also suggests solving tests from the Unified State Exam to facilitate the learning process.

Advantages of the course “Unified State Examination Workshop in History”

Of course, successfully passing the Unified State Exam worries not only the schoolchildren themselves, but also their parents. Sometimes moms and dads don’t know how to help their child, because they themselves have never taken such an exam in the form of a test. It is precisely because parents cannot help their child themselves that it is so important for them to know what benefits they will receive from purchasing the course?

    The material was compiled by an experienced teacher who knows perfectly well how to explain the topic to children so that it is understandable to them.

    The course is available in electronic form and on disk media.

    The material itself costs only 1,500 rubles, which is much more economical than regular tutor services.

    This course helps you prepare for the upcoming Unified State Exam right at home.

    Positive reviews of the course indicate that with the help of the Unified State Examination Workshop in History you can really pass the exam successfully and quickly!

Affordable cost does not mean that the course was developed in a hurry. This workshop contains a detailed presentation of all topics on Russian history, and also offers a variety of tasks to consolidate the material.

With the help of the course, parents will be able to successfully help their children master history material.

The Unified State Exam in history is considered almost the most difficult, and you can pass it with 80-100 points only after receiving high-quality preparation in advance. Andrey Puchkov's course is designed so that every child, regardless of his academic performance, can get a really high score!