Which planets are red? Rahu – variegated and rich colors

Each planet has a specific color. By mixing different shades you can achieve completely unique properties and qualities.

Sun – Orange scale

Sun is responsible for protecting the body, health, life values ​​and everything else that concerns the human ego. Therefore, the use of orange colors carries these energies. When using the orange scale, a desire is created to defend oneself and move away from possible irritants.

Moon – white, milky colors

White gamma– these are the colors of acceptance and sensitivity. They are best used in activities and projects related to concentration and attention. White color is the best background for reading and learning. White color gives emotional release and calm.

Mars - red gamma

Mars is the planet of strength and energy. Therefore, the red range of colors primarily gives an impetus to activity and decisive action. Most often I use red colors in the design of highly visited places, so that people make decisions faster. Contact the red scale when you want to gain strength for activity.

Mercury - green gamma

Green range sets a high pace for intelligence and communications. If you need to sell something or find a common language with people, green colors will make these processes easy and relaxed.

Jupiter - yellow scale

Learning, knowledge, growth and development associated with the yellow scale, ruled by Jupiter. Yellow colors can give motivation and a desire for knowledge if the beholder wants to develop, but they can also exert pressure if the person is passive and inert. So use this range carefully.

Venus – Blue gamma

From time immemorial, blue colors have been energy of tenderness and romance. Blue colors are best used to attract women and romantic types. The best color to attract partners and life partners. Blue colors awaken creativity.

Saturn – black and blue colors

Black is the color of order, that’s why businessmen and serious people love him so much. You should be wary of the side effect of black - depression and stagnation, which is mixed with this color scheme. Arm yourself with black colors if you need to give the impression of a business-like person, seasoned with experience.

Ketu - violet color

Purple colors are quite ambiguous. On the one hand, this is the highest degree of spirituality and liberation from the captivity of matter. On the other hand, the violet range can carry the spirit of schizophrenia and internal confusion. Be careful with this range.

Rahu – variegated and rich colors

It is also worth mentioning that mixing colors gives unique combinations of planetary energies. Here are some examples:

Pink = Red (Mars) + White (Moon). The color pink definitely indicates sexuality and is a subtle hint. Many girls who like to subtly attract attention use pink in their wardrobe.

Brown = Green (Mercury) + Red (Mars). The brown color scheme is a vintage classic that carries an active message to people and is distinguished by a pleasant visual impact.

Mix colors and get the desired combinations of planets!

Roman Gavrilov

Jupiter, a large red spot just below center.

Jupiter, like all giants, consists mainly of a mixture of gases. The gas giant is 2.5 times more massive than all the planets combined or 317 times larger than Earth. There are many other interesting facts about the planet and we will try to tell them.

Jupiter from a distance of 600 million km. from the earth. Below you can see the impact of the asteroid.

As you know, Jupiter is the largest in the solar system, and it has 79 satellites. Several space probes visited the planet and studied it from a flyby trajectory. And the Galileo spacecraft, having entered its orbit, studied it for several years. The most recent was the New Horizons probe. After passing the planet, the probe received additional acceleration and headed towards its final goal - Pluto.

Jupiter has rings. They are not as big and beautiful as those of Saturn, because they are thinner and weaker. The Great Red Spot is a giant storm that has been raging for over three hundred years! Despite the fact that the planet Jupiter is truly enormous in size, it did not have enough mass to become a full-fledged star.


The planet's atmosphere is huge, its chemical composition is 90% hydrogen and 10% helium. Unlike Earth, Jupiter is a gas giant and does not have a clear boundary between its atmosphere and the rest of the planet. If you could go down to the center of the planet, the density and temperature of hydrogen and helium would begin to change. Scientists identify layers based on these features. The layers of the atmosphere, in descending order from the core: troposphere, stratosphere, thermosphere and exosphere.

Animation of the rotation of Jupiter's atmosphere assembled from 58 frames

Jupiter does not have a solid surface, so scientists define a certain conventional “surface” as the lower limit of its atmosphere at the point where the pressure is 1 bar. The temperature of the atmosphere at this point, like that of the Earth, decreases with altitude until it reaches a minimum. The tropopause defines the boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere - it is about 50 km above the conventional “surface” of the planet.


The stratosphere rises to a height of 320 km and the pressure continues to decrease while the temperature increases. This altitude marks the boundary between the stratosphere and thermosphere. The temperature of the thermosphere rises to 1000 K at an altitude of 1000 km.

All the clouds and storms we can see are located in the lower troposphere and are formed from ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and water. Essentially, the visible surface topography is formed by the lower layer of clouds. The top layer of clouds contains ice made from ammonia. The lower clouds consist of ammonium hydrosulfide. Water forms clouds below dense cloud layers. The atmosphere gradually and smoothly turns into the ocean, which flows into metallic hydrogen.

The planet's atmosphere is the largest in the solar system and consists mainly of hydrogen and helium.


Jupiter contains small amounts of compounds such as methane, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, and water. This mixture of chemical compounds and elements contributes to the formation of the colorful clouds that we can observe with telescopes. It is impossible to say for sure what color Jupiter is, but it is approximately red and white with stripes.

The ammonia clouds that are visible in the planet's atmosphere form a collection of parallel stripes. The dark stripes are called belts and alternate with light ones, which are known as zones. These zones are believed to be composed of ammonia. It is not yet known what causes the dark color of the stripes.

Great red spot

You may have noticed that there are various ovals and circles in its atmosphere, the largest of which is the Great Red Spot. These are whirlwinds and storms that rage in an extremely unstable atmosphere. The vortex can be cyclonic or anticyclonic. Cyclonic vortices usually have centers where the pressure is lower than outside. Anticyclonic ones are those that have centers with higher pressure than outside the vortex.

Jupiter's Great Red Spot (GRS) is an atmospheric storm that has been raging in the Southern Hemisphere for 400 years. Many believe that Giovanni Cassini first observed it in the late 1600s, but scientists doubt that it formed at that time.

About 100 years ago, this storm was more than 40,000 km across. Its size is currently being reduced. At the current rate of decline, it could become circular by 2040. Scientists doubt this will happen because the influence of nearby jet streams could completely change the picture. It is not yet known how long the change in its size will last.

What is BKP?

The Great Red Spot is an anticyclonic storm and has maintained its shape for several centuries since we observed it. It is so huge that it can be observed even from earthly telescopes. Scientists have yet to figure out what causes its reddish color.

Little Red Spot

Another large red spot was found in 2000 and has been growing steadily since then. Like the Great Red Spot, it is also anticyclonic. Because of its resemblance to the BKP, this red spot (which goes by the official name Oval) is often called the "Little Red Spot" or "Little Red Spot".

Unlike vortices, which persist for a long time, storms are more short-lived. Many of them can last for several months, but on average they last for 4 days. The occurrence of storms in the atmosphere culminates every 15-17 years. Storms are accompanied by lightning, just like on Earth.

BKP rotation

The BKP rotates counterclockwise and makes a full revolution every six Earth days. The sunspot rotation period has decreased. Some believe that this is the result of its compression. Winds at the very edge of the storm reach speeds of 432 km/h. The spot is large enough to engulf three Earths. Infrared data shows that BKP is cooler and higher altitude than most other clouds. The edges of the storm rise approximately 8 km above the surrounding cloud tops. Its position shifts to the east and west quite often. The spot has crossed the planet's belts at least 10 times since the early 19th century. And the speed of its drift has changed dramatically over the years, this was due to the South Equatorial Belt.

BKP color

Voyager BKP image

It is not known exactly what causes the Great Red Spot to be this color. The most popular theory, supported by laboratory experiments, is that the color may be caused by complex organic molecules such as red phosphorus or sulfur compounds. BKP varies greatly in color from almost brick red to light red and white. The red central area is 4 degrees warmer than the surrounding area, which is considered evidence that the color is influenced by environmental factors.

As you can see, the red spot is a rather mysterious object; it is the subject of a major future study. Scientists hope they can better understand our giant neighbor, because the planet Jupiter and the Great Red Spot are among the greatest mysteries of our solar system.

Why Jupiter is not a star

It lacks the mass and heat needed to start fusing hydrogen atoms into helium, so it cannot become a star. Scientists estimate that Jupiter would need to increase its current mass by about 80 times in order to ignite nuclear fusion. But nevertheless, the planet releases heat due to gravitational compression. This reduction in volume ultimately warms the planet.

Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism

This production of heat beyond what it absorbs from the Sun is called the Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism. This mechanism occurs when the planet's surface cools, causing a drop in pressure and the body contracts. Compression (contraction) heats up the core. Scientists have calculated that Jupiter emits more energy than it receives from the Sun. Saturn shows the same mechanism for its heating, but not as much. Brown dwarf stars also exhibit the Kelvin-Helmholtz mechanism. The mechanism was originally proposed by Kelvin and Helmholtz to explain the energy of the Sun. One of the consequences of this law is that the Sun must have an energy source that allows it to shine for more than a few million years. At that time, nuclear reactions were unknown, so gravitational compression was considered the source of solar energy. That was until the 1930s, when Hans Bethe proved that the sun's energy comes from nuclear fusion and lasts for billions of years.

A related question that is often asked is whether Jupiter could acquire enough mass in the near future to become a star. All the planets, dwarf planets and asteroids in the Solar System cannot give it the required amount of mass, even if it absorbs everything in the Solar System except the Sun. So he will never become a star.

Let's hope that the JUNO mission, which will arrive at the planet by 2016, will provide specific information about the planet on most of the issues of interest to scientists.

Weight on Jupiter

If you're worried about your weight, keep in mind that Jupiter has much more mass than Earth and its gravity is much stronger. By the way, on the planet Jupiter the force of gravity is 2.528 times more intense than on Earth. This means that if you weigh 100 kg on Earth, then your weight on the gas giant will be 252.8 kg.

Because its gravity is so intense, it has quite a few moons, as many as 67 moons to be exact, and their number can change at any moment.


Animation of atmospheric rotation made from Voyager images

Our gas giant is the fastest spinning planet in the solar system, spinning once every 9.9 hours. Unlike the inner Terrestrial planets, Jupiter is a ball consisting almost entirely of hydrogen and helium. Unlike Mars or Mercury, it does not have a surface that can be tracked to measure its rotation rate, nor do it have craters or mountains that appear in view after a certain amount of time.

Effect of rotation on planet size

Rapid rotation results in a difference between the equatorial and polar radii. Instead of looking like a sphere, the planet's rapid rotation makes it look like a squashed ball. The bulge of the equator is visible even in small amateur telescopes.

The polar radius of the planet is 66,800 km, and the equatorial radius is 71,500 km. In other words, the equatorial radius of the planet is 4700 km greater than the polar one.

Rotation characteristics

Despite the fact that the planet is a ball of gas, it rotates differentially. That is, the rotation takes a different amount of time depending on where you are. Rotation at its poles takes 5 minutes longer than at the equator. Therefore, the often cited rotation period of 9.9 hours is in fact the average for the entire planet.

Rotation reference systems

Scientists actually use three different systems to calculate the planet's rotation. The first system for latitude 10 degrees north and south of the equator is a rotation of 9 hours 50 minutes. The second, for latitudes north and south of this region, where the rotation speed is 9 hours 55 minutes. These metrics are measured for the specific storm that is in view. The third system measures the rotation speed of the magnetosphere and is generally considered the official rotation speed.

Planet gravity and comet

In the 1990s, Jupiter's gravity tore apart Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 and its fragments fell onto the planet. This was the first time we had the opportunity to observe the collision of two extraterrestrial bodies in the solar system. Why did Jupiter attract Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, you ask?

The comet had the imprudence to fly in close proximity to the giant, and its powerful gravity pulled it towards itself due to the fact that Jupiter is the most massive in the solar system. The planet captured the comet about 20-30 years before the collision, and it has been orbiting the giant ever since. In 1992, Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 entered the Roche limit and was torn apart by the planet's tidal forces. The comet resembled a string of pearls when fragments crashed into the planet's cloud layer July 16-22, 1994. Fragments up to 2 km in size each entered the atmosphere at a speed of 60 km/s. This collision allowed astronomers to make several new discoveries about the planet.

What caused the collision with the planet

Astronomers, thanks to the collision, discovered several chemicals in the atmosphere that were not known before the impact. Diatomic sulfur and carbon disulfide were the most interesting. This was only the second time that diatomic sulfur had been discovered on celestial bodies. It was then that ammonia and hydrogen sulfide were first discovered on the gas giant. Images from Voyager 1 showed the giant in a completely new light, because... information from Pioneer 10 and 11 was not so informative, and all subsequent missions were based on data received by Voyagers.

Collision of an asteroid with a planet

Short description

The influence of Jupiter on all planets is manifested in one form or another. It is strong enough to tear apart asteroids and hold 79 moons. Some scientists believe that such a large planet could have destroyed many celestial objects in the past and also prevented the formation of other planets.

Jupiter requires more careful study than scientists can afford and it interests astronomers for many reasons. Its satellites are the main pearl for researchers. The planet has 79 satellites, which is actually 40% of all the satellites in our solar system. Some of these moons are larger than some dwarf planets and contain underground oceans.


Internal structure

Jupiter has a core that contains some rock and metallic hydrogen, which takes on this unusual shape under tremendous pressure.

Recent evidence indicates that the giant contains a dense core, which is believed to be surrounded by a layer of liquid metallic hydrogen and helium, with an outer layer dominated by molecular hydrogen. Gravity measurements indicate a core mass of 12 to 45 Earth masses. This means that the planet's core makes up about 3-15% of the planet's total mass.

Formation of a giant

In its early history, Jupiter must have formed entirely from rock and ice with enough mass to trap most of the gases in the early Solar Nebula. Therefore, its composition completely repeats the mixture of gases of the protosolar nebula.

Current theory holds that a core layer of dense metallic hydrogen extends to 78 percent of the planet's radius. Directly above the layer of metallic hydrogen is an inner atmosphere of hydrogen. In it, hydrogen is at a temperature where there are no clear liquid and gas phases; in fact, it is in a supercritical liquid state. Temperature and pressure increase steadily as you approach the core. In the region where hydrogen becomes metallic, the temperature is considered to be 10,000 K and the pressure is 200 GPa. The maximum temperature at the core boundary is estimated to be 36,000 K with a corresponding pressure of 3000 to 4500 GPa.


Its temperature, given how far it is from the Sun, is much lower than on Earth.

The outer edges of Jupiter's atmosphere are much cooler than the central region. The temperature in the atmosphere is -145 degrees Celsius, and intense atmospheric pressure causes the temperature to rise as it descends. Having plunged several hundred kilometers deep into the planet, hydrogen becomes its main component; it is hot enough to turn into liquid (since the pressure is high). The temperature at this point is believed to be over 9,700 C. The layer of dense metallic hydrogen extends to 78% of the planet's radius. Near the very center of the planet, scientists believe temperatures could reach 35,500 C. Between the cold clouds and the molten nether regions lies an inner atmosphere of hydrogen. In the internal atmosphere, the temperature of hydrogen is such that it has no boundary between the liquid and gas phases.

The planet's molten interior heats the rest of the planet through convection, so the giant emits more heat than it receives from the Sun. Storms and strong winds mix cold air and warm air, just like on Earth. The Galileo spacecraft observed winds exceeding 600 km per hour. One of the differences from Earth is that the planet has jet streams that control storms and winds, they are driven by the planet's own heat.

Is there life on the planet?

As you can see from the data above, the physical conditions on Jupiter are quite harsh. Some people wonder if the planet Jupiter is habitable, is there life there? But we will disappoint you: without a solid surface, the presence of enormous pressure, the simplest atmosphere, radiation and low temperature - life on the planet is impossible. The subglacial oceans of its satellites are another matter, but this is a topic for another article. In fact, the planet cannot support life or contribute to its origin, according to modern views on this issue.

Distance to the Sun and Earth

The distance to the Sun at perihelion (closest point) is 741 million km, or 4.95 astronomical units (AU). At aphelion (the most distant point) - 817 million km, or 5.46 AU. It follows from this that the semimajor axis is equal to 778 million km, or 5.2 AU. with an eccentricity of 0.048. Remember that one astronomical unit (AU) is equal to the average distance from the Earth to the Sun.

Orbital rotation period

The planet takes 11.86 Earth years (4331 days) to complete one revolution around the Sun. The planet rushes along its orbit at a speed of 13 km/s. Its orbit is slightly inclined (about 6.09°) compared to the plane of the ecliptic (solar equator). Despite the fact that Jupiter is located quite far from the Sun, it is the only celestial body that has a common center of mass with the Sun, located outside the radius of the Sun. The gas giant has a slight axial tilt of 3.13 degrees, which means there is no noticeable change in seasons on the planet.

Jupiter and Earth

When Jupiter and Earth are closest to each other, they are separated by 628.74 million kilometers of space. At the point farthest from each other, they are separated by 928.08 million km. In astronomical units, these distances range from 4.2 to 6.2 AU.

All planets move in elliptical orbits; when a planet is closer to the Sun, this part of the orbit is called perihelion. When further is aphelion. The difference between perihelion and aphelion determines how eccentric the orbit is. Jupiter and Earth have the two least eccentric orbits in our solar system.

Some scientists believe that Jupiter's gravity creates tidal effects that could cause an increase in the number of sunspots. If Jupiter approached the Earth within a couple of hundred million kilometers, then the Earth would have a hard time under the influence of the powerful gravity of the giant. It's easy to see how it could cause tidal effects when you consider that its mass is 318 times that of Earth. Fortunately, Jupiter is at a respectful distance from us, without causing inconvenience and at the same time protecting us from comets, attracting them to itself.

Sky position and observation

In fact, the gas giant is the third brightest object in the night sky after the Moon and Venus. If you want to know where the planet Jupiter is located in the sky, then most often it is closer to the zenith. In order not to confuse it with Venus, keep in mind that it does not move further than 48 degrees from the Sun, so it does not rise very high.

Mars and Jupiter are also two fairly bright objects, especially at opposition, but Mars has a reddish tint, so it is difficult to confuse them. They may both be at opposition (closest to Earth), so either go by color or use binoculars. Saturn, despite the similarity in structure, is quite different in brightness due to its large distance, so it is difficult to confuse them. With a small telescope at your disposal, Jupiter will appear in all its glory. When observing it, 4 small dots (Galilean satellites) that surround the planet immediately catch the eye. Jupiter looks like a striped ball in a telescope, and even with a small instrument its oval shape is visible.

Being in heaven

Using a computer, finding it is not at all difficult; the widespread Stellarium program is suitable for these purposes. If you don’t know what kind of object you are observing, then knowing the cardinal directions, your location and time, the Stellarium program will give you the answer.

When observing it, we have an amazing opportunity to see such unusual phenomena as the passage of the shadows of satellites across the planet’s disk or the eclipse of a satellite by a planet. In general, look into the sky more often, there are a lot of interesting things there and a successful search for Jupiter! To make it easier to navigate astronomical events, use.

A magnetic field

The Earth's magnetic field is created by its core and the dynamo effect. Jupiter has a truly enormous magnetic field. Scientists are confident that it has a rocky/metallic core and due to this the planet has a magnetic field that is 14 times stronger than Earth's and contains 20,000 times more energy. Astronomers believe that the magnetic field is generated by metallic hydrogen near the center of the planet. This magnetic field traps ionized solar wind particles and accelerates them to almost the speed of light.

Magnetic field voltage

The gas giant's magnetic field is the most powerful in our Solar System. It varies from 4.2 Gauss (a unit of magnetic induction equal to one ten-thousandth of a tesla) at the equator, to 14 Gauss at the poles. The magnetosphere extends seven million km towards the Sun and towards the edge of Saturn's orbit.


The planet's magnetic field is shaped like a donut (toroid) and contains the huge equivalent of the Van Allen belts on Earth. These belts trap high-energy charged particles (mainly protons and electrons). The rotation of the field corresponds to the rotation of the planet and is approximately equal to 10 hours. Some of Jupiter's moons interact with the magnetic field, in particular the moon Io.

It has several active volcanoes on the surface that spew gas and volcanic particles into space. These particles eventually diffuse into the rest of the space surrounding the planet and become the main source of charged particles trapped in Jupiter's magnetic field.

The planet's radiation belts are a torus of energetic charged particles (plasma). They are held in place by a magnetic field. Most of the particles that form the belts come from the solar wind and cosmic rays. The belts are located in the inner region of the magnetosphere. There are several different belts containing electrons and protons. In addition, radiation belts contain smaller amounts of other nuclei, as well as alpha particles. The belts pose a hazard to spacecraft, which must protect their sensitive components with adequate protection if they travel through radiation belts. The radiation belts around Jupiter are very strong and a spacecraft that flies through them needs additional special protection to protect sensitive electronics.

Polar lights on the planet


The planet's magnetic field creates some of the most spectacular and active auroras in the solar system.

On Earth, auroras are caused by charged particles ejected from solar storms. Some are created in the same way, but he has another way of producing the aurora. The planet's rapid rotation, intense magnetic field, and abundant source of particles from the volcanically active moon Io create a huge reservoir of electrons and ions.

Patera Tupana - a volcano on Io

These charged particles, captured by the magnetic field, are constantly accelerated and enter the atmosphere above the polar regions, where they collide with gases. As a result of such collisions, aurorae are produced, which we cannot observe on Earth.

Jupiter's magnetic fields are believed to interact with almost every body in the solar system.

How to calculate the length of the day

Scientists calculated the length of the day based on the planet's rotation speed. And the earliest attempts involved observing storms. Scientists found a suitable storm and, by measuring its rotation speed around the planet, got an idea of ​​the length of the day. The problem was that Jupiter's storms change at a very rapid rate, making them imprecise sources of the planet's rotation. After radio emission from the planet was detected, scientists calculated the planet's rotation period and speed. While different parts of the planet rotate at different speeds, the rotation speed of the magnetosphere remains constant and is used as the official speed of the planet.

Origin of the name of the planet

The planet has been known since ancient times and was named after a Roman god. At that time the planet had many names and throughout the history of the Roman Empire it received the most attention. The Romans named the planet after their king of the gods, Jupiter, who was also the god of sky and thunder.

In Roman mythology

In the Roman pantheon, Jupiter was the god of the sky and was the central god in the Capitoline Triad along with Juno and Minerva. He remained the main official deity of Rome throughout the Republican and Imperial eras, until the pagan system was replaced by Christianity. He personified divine power and high positions in Rome, the internal organization for external relations: his image in the republican and imperial palace meant a lot. The Roman consuls swore allegiance to Jupiter. To thank him for his help and to secure his continued support, they prayed to a statue of a bull with gilded horns.

How planets are named

Image from the Cassini spacecraft (on the left is the shadow of the Europa satellite)

It is a common practice for planets, moons and many other celestial bodies to be given names from Greek and Roman mythology, as well as a specific astronomical symbol. Some examples: Neptune is the god of the sea, Mars is the god of war, Mercury is the messenger, Saturn is the God of Time and the father of Jupiter, Uranus is the father of Saturn, Venus is the goddess of love, and the Earth, and the Earth is only a planet, this goes against the Greco-Roman tradition. We hope that the origin of the name of the planet Jupiter will no longer raise questions for you.


Were you interested in finding out who discovered the planet? Unfortunately, there is no reliable way to find out how and by whom it was discovered. It is one of 5 planets visible to the naked eye. If you go outside and see a bright star in the sky, it's probably him. its brightness is greater than any star, only Venus is brighter than it. Thus, ancient people knew about it for several thousand years and there is no way to know when the first person noticed this planet.

Perhaps a better question to ask is when did we realize that Jupiter is a planet? In ancient times, astronomers thought that the Earth was the center of the Universe. It was a geocentric model of the world. The sun, moon, planets and even stars all revolved around the earth. But there was one thing that was difficult to explain: the strange movement of the planets. They would move in one direction and then stop and move backward, called retrograde motion. Astronomers created increasingly complex models to explain these strange movements.

Copernicus and the heliocentric model of the world

In the 1500s, Nicolaus Copernicus developed his heliocentric model of the solar system, where the Sun became the center and the planets, including the Earth, revolved around it. This beautifully explained the strange movements of the planets in the sky.

The first person to actually see Jupiter was Galileo, and he did it using the first telescope in history. Even with his imperfect telescope, he was able to see the streaks on the planet and the 4 large Galilean moons that were named after him.

Subsequently, using large telescopes, astronomers were able to see more detailed information about Jupiter's clouds and learn more about its moons. But scientists really studied it with the beginning of the space age. NASA's Pioneer 10 spacecraft was the first probe to fly past Jupiter in 1973. It passed at a distance of 34,000 km from the clouds.


Its mass is 1.9 x 10*27 kg. It's difficult to fully understand how big a number this is. The mass of the planet is 318 times the mass of the Earth. It is 2.5 times more massive than all the other planets in our solar system combined.

The mass of the planet is not sufficient for sustainable nuclear fusion. Thermonuclear fusion requires high temperatures and intense gravitational compression. A large amount of hydrogen exists on the planet, but the planet is too cold and not massive enough for a sustained fusion reaction. Scientists estimate that it needs 80 times more mass to ignite fusion.


The volume of the planet is 1.43128 10*15 km3. That's enough to fit 1,321 Earth-sized objects inside the planet, with some room left over.

The surface area is 6.21796 times 10*10 to 2. And just for comparison, that's 122 times the surface area of ​​the Earth.


Photograph of Jupiter taken in the infrared range by the VLT telescope

If a spaceship descended under the clouds of the planet, it would see a cloud layer consisting of ammonia crystals, with impurities of ammonium hydrosulfide. These clouds are in the tropopause and are divided by color into zones and dark belts. In the atmosphere of the giant, winds rage at speeds of over 360 km/h. The entire atmosphere is constantly bombarded by excited particles of the magnetosphere and matter erupted by volcanoes on the moon Io. Lightning is observed in the atmosphere. Just a few kilometers below the planet's surface, any spacecraft will be crushed by monstrous pressure.

The cloud layer extends 50 km deep, and contains a thin layer of water clouds under a layer of ammonia. This assumption is based on lightning flashes. Lightning is caused by the different polarities of water, which allows the creation of static electricity necessary for lightning to form. Lightning can be a thousand times more powerful than our Earthly ones.

Age of the planet

The exact age of the planet is difficult to determine, because we do not know exactly how Jupiter was formed. We do not have rock samples for chemical analysis, or rather, we don’t have them at all, because... The planet consists entirely of gases. When did the planet originate? There is an opinion among scientists that Jupiter, like all planets, was formed in the solar nebula about 4.6 billion years ago.

The theory states that the Big Bang occurred about 13.7 billion years ago. Scientists believe that our solar system was formed when a cloud of gas and dust in space was created by a supernova explosion. After the supernova explosion, a wave was formed in space, which created pressure in clouds of gas and dust. The compression caused the cloud to shrink, and the more it compressed, the more gravity accelerated this process. The cloud began to swirl, with a hotter, denser core growing at its center.

How it was formed

Mosaic consisting of 27 pictures

As a result of accretion, particles began to stick together and form clumps. Some clumps were larger than others because less massive particles stuck to them, forming planets, moons and other objects in our solar system. By studying meteorites left over from the early stages of the solar system, scientists discovered that they are about 4.6 billion years old.

It is believed that the gas giants were the first to form and had the opportunity to acquire large amounts of hydrogen and helium. These gases existed in the solar nebula for the first few million years before being absorbed. This means that gas giants may be slightly older than Earth. So how many billions of years ago Jupiter arose remains to be determined.


Many images of Jupiter show that it reflects many shades of white, red, orange, brown and yellow. Jupiter's color changes with storms and winds in the planet's atmosphere.

The color of the planet is very varied, it is created by various chemicals reflecting the light of the Sun. Most atmospheric clouds consist of ammonia crystals, with admixtures of water ice and ammonium hydrosulfide. Powerful storms on the planet are formed due to convection in the atmosphere. This allows storms to lift up substances such as phosphorus, sulfur and hydrocarbons from deep layers, resulting in the white, brown and red patches we see in the atmosphere.

Scientists use the color of the planet to understand how the atmosphere works. Future missions, such as Juno, plan to bring deeper understanding of the processes in the gaseous envelope of the giant. Future missions are also looking to study how Io's volcanoes interact with Europa's water ice.


Cosmic radiation is one of the biggest challenges for exploration probes exploring many planets. To this day, Jupiter is the biggest threat to any ship within 300,000 km of the planet.

Jupiter is surrounded by intense radiation belts that will easily destroy all onboard electronics if the ship is not properly protected. Electrons, accelerated almost to the speed of light, surround him on all sides. The Earth has similar radiation belts called Van Allen belts.

The giant's magnetic field is 20,000 times stronger than Earth's. The Galileo spacecraft measured radio wave activity inside Jupiter's magnetosphere for eight years. According to him, short radio waves may be responsible for the excitation of electrons in radiation belts. The planet's short-wave radio emission results from the interaction of volcanoes on the moon Io, combined with the planet's rapid rotation. Volcanic gases are ionized and leave the satellite under the influence of centrifugal force. This material forms an internal stream of particles that excite radio waves in the planet's magnetosphere.

1. The planet is very massive

Jupiter's mass is 318 times that of Earth. And it is 2.5 times the mass of all the other planets in the solar system combined.

2. Jupiter will never become a star

Astronomers call Jupiter a failed star, but this is not entirely appropriate. It's like your house is a failed skyscraper. Stars generate their energy by fusing hydrogen atoms. Their enormous pressure at the center creates high temperatures and the hydrogen atoms fuse together to create helium, releasing heat in the process. Jupiter would need to increase its current mass by more than 80 times to ignite nuclear fusion.

3. Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the solar system

Despite all its size and mass, it rotates very quickly. It only takes about 10 hours for the planet to complete a revolution on its axis. Because of this, its shape is slightly convex at the equator.

The radius of the planet Jupiter at the equator of more than 4600 km is further from the center than at the poles. This fast rotation also helps generate a powerful magnetic field.

4. The clouds on Jupiter are only 50 km thick.

All these beautiful clouds and storms that you see on Jupiter are only about 50 km thick. They are made of ammonia crystals divided into two levels. The darker ones are thought to be composed of compounds that rose from deeper layers and then changed color to the Sun. Beneath these clouds lies an ocean of hydrogen and helium, all the way down to a layer of metallic hydrogen.

Big red spot. Composite RBG+IR and UV image. Amateur editing by Mike Malaska.

The Great Red Spot is one of the planet's most famous features. And it seems to have been around for 350-400 years. It was first identified by Giovanni Cassini, who noted it back in 1665. A hundred years ago, the Great Red Spot was 40,000 km across, but it has now shrunk by half.

6. The planet has rings

The rings around Jupiter were the third rings discovered in the solar system, after those discovered around Saturn (of course) and Uranus.

Image of Jupiter's ring photographed by the New Horizons probe

Jupiter's rings are faint, and likely consist of material ejected from its moons when they collided with meteorites and comets.

7. Jupiter's magnetic field is 14 times stronger than Earth's

Astronomers believe the magnetic field is created by the movement of metallic hydrogen deep within the planet. This magnetic field traps ionized solar wind particles and accelerates them to almost the speed of light. These particles create dangerous radiation belts around Jupiter that can damage spacecraft.

8. Jupiter has 67 moons

As of 2014, Jupiter has a total of 67 moons. Almost all of them are less than 10 kilometers in diameter and were discovered only after 1975, when the first spacecraft arrived at the planet.

One of its moons, Ganymede is the largest moon in the Solar System and measures 5,262 km across.

9. Jupiter has been visited by 7 different spacecraft from Earth

Images of Jupiter taken by six spacecraft (there is no photo from Willis, due to the fact that there were no cameras)

Jupiter was first visited by NASA's Pioneer 10 probe in December 1973, followed by Pioneer 11 in December 1974. After the Voyager 1 and 2 probes in 1979. A long hiatus followed until the Ulysses spacecraft arrived in February 1992. Afterwards, the Cassini interplanetary station made a flyby in 2000, on its way to Saturn. And finally, the New Horizons probe flew past the giant in 2007. The next visit is scheduled for 2016, the planet will be explored by the Juno spacecraft.

Gallery of drawings dedicated to Voyager's voyage

10. You can see Jupiter with your own eyes

Jupiter is the third brightest object in Earth's night sky, after Venus and the Moon. Chances are you've seen a gas giant in the sky but had no idea it was Jupiter. Keep in mind that if you see a very bright star high in the sky, it is most likely Jupiter. Essentially, these facts about Jupiter are for children, but for most of us, who have completely forgotten our school astronomy course, this information about the planet will be very useful.

Journey to the planet Jupiter popular science film

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All colors have a certain effect on a person. Each color is associated with a planet, which gives a person special qualities, talents and skills. To figure out which flowers are favorable, you don’t have to go to an astrologer; you can use the descriptions of flowers and planets to determine which color is right for you.

The planet Mercury, the most intellectual planet, is responsible for the green color in Vedic astrology. This color gives a person a sense of novelty, a desire to do something new, a surge of strength and a thirst for knowledge. This is the color of businessmen, students, people of science.
Green color gives a person:
*New creative ideas;
*Desire to learn, take courses, improve skills;
*Develops useful communication skills;
*Helps to establish business connections;
*Accelerates the thinking process;
*Gives talent in building your own business and solving numerous daily problems.

Who is contraindicated in green color:
*Those who experience overexertion or chronic fatigue;
*Those who are overloaded with active mental activity;
*For those who want to relax;
*Those who are prone to accumulating unnecessary knowledge;
*Who has a predisposition to nervous diseases;
*Whoever is confused in his thoughts, cannot make a decision and who is prone to reckless actions.

The planet responsible for blue color in Vedic astrology is Saturn, the planet of workaholics with great endurance and self-control. The blue color gives a person a feeling of peace, sets him up for long and hard work, and helps him enjoy the process rather than the result. This is the color of old people and diligent people, people who are not inclined to make easy profits, but are ready to work for a long time for a promising task. This is the color of major politicians and businessmen or, conversely, the most detached people and ascetics.

Blue color gives a person:
*Exposure, ability to make informed decisions, depth of thinking;
*Develops diligence and desire to perform complex tasks;
*Focus on long-term and serious results;
*Desire to deal with socially significant issues;
*Desire to help ordinary people, the elderly and the disadvantaged, as well as take care of servants;
*The ability to wait a long time and make do with little in life.

Who is the color blue contraindicated for:
*Those who have poor health;
*Those who are prone to slowness and depression;
*Those who find it difficult to keep their promises;
*For those who need to make a quick decision;
*Those who lack self-control and patience.

The planet Sun, the planet of status and position, is responsible for the golden and ruby ​​colors in Vedic astrology. This color gives a person the desire for big money, power and status. This is the planet of political leaders, presidents, kings and people in leadership positions.

Gold and ruby ​​colors give a person:
*Self-confidence, good self-esteem;
*Purposefulness and determination;
*Ability to express yourself, good clear speech and health;
*Desire to be a leader and manage other people;
*Desire to be the center of attention;
*Desire to care for others;
*Gaining luxury and fame.

Gold color should be avoided:
*Those who have problems with the heart, digestion;
*Those who are prone to criticize others;
*Those who have problems in relationships with their father or men;
*Those who are not inclined to care about others;
*Those who have weak immunity and are prone to infectious and viral diseases.

The planet responsible for white color in Vedic astrology is the Moon, the planet of purity and correct thoughts. White and silver colors give a person a good character in general, a strong psyche, a desire to care for others, confidence and strength of character, and wisdom in life.

White color gives a person:
*Calmness, confidence and inner strength;
*Develops gentleness, kindness and love;
*Gives a feeling of freshness and novelty, cleanses a person’s thoughts;
*Develops good character qualities;
*Strengthens nerves and psyche.

White color should be avoided:
*Those who are susceptible to nervous breakdowns and mental disorders;
*Those who have an imbalance of water in the body, kidney problems;
*For those who doubt their decisions for a long time;
*Those who lack strength of character;
*Those who are prone to excessive emotionality, too touchy.

In Vedic astrology, the planet Jupiter is responsible for the yellow-beige color - the planet of spirituality, wisdom and prosperity, and Jupiter also protects children. This color gives a person success in all matters - both worldly and spiritual. This is the color of people associated with the law, the color of spiritual and moral personalities.

Yellow-beige color gives a person:
*Full realization in spiritual and material sense;
*Helps to attract material wealth;
*Improves relationships with the law;
*Helps during pregnancy and childbirth;
*Improves relationships with children;
*Gives status and power;
*Helps you find a spiritual teacher or mentor.

Yellow-beige color (champagne, ivory) is universal, so there are no contraindications for wearing. Unless you want to become rich, wise and spiritual, then don't wear this color.

These colors in Vedic astrology belong to Venus - the planet of art and beauty. These colors develop creative talents and are good to wear for women. This is the color of creative people of all professions.

What do these colors give to a person:
*Develop a sense of taste and creativity;
*Improve mood, charge with energy and positivity;
*Helps you enjoy life and gives you a festive mood;
* Helps develop femininity;
*Help people get out of difficult emotional states and help unlock a person’s potential.
*Attracts love.

Venus colors should be avoided:
*People with excess creative energy;
*Those who need to “ground themselves” and return to everyday responsibilities;
*Those who lack seriousness in life;
*Who is prone to alcohol and cigarette abuse.
*Too amorous natures.

The color red in Vedic astrology belongs to Mars, the planet of war and strength. This color gives a person determination, the desire to achieve his goals and develops will. This is the color of police officers, judges, athletes, people who work with fire, the color of leaders, and also doctors.

Red color gives a person:
*Desire to achieve your goals;
*Develops leadership qualities;
*Gives a desire to play sports;
*Love of order and logical thinking;
*Develops will and determination;
*Desire to care for the weak.

Red color should be avoided:
*People who frequently receive injuries, bruises or cuts;
*Those who get into accidents and unpleasant adventures;
*Who have had frequent operations, surgical interventions;
*Who is too angry;
*Who likes to resolve issues by force;
*Those who direct their power to destruction rather than creation.

DARK BROWN, EARTHY – COLOR OF RAHU (shadow planet in Vedic astrology)
The color brown in Vedic astrology belongs to Rahu, the planet of extremes and deception. Rahu gives a tendency to deceit, immorality, low behavior. Rahu is the planet of criminals, thieves, people who are ready to sacrifice moral principles for the sake of profit, dirty businessmen and politicians, scientists, meat-eaters and prostitutes. These are people who are ready to go over their heads for their own profit.

Dark brown color gives a person:
*Exit from a difficult situation;
*New creative ideas;
*Invention of new modern technologies using electricity, plastic and harmful materials;
*Progress in scientific research;
*Desire for quick profit and gain.

Dark brown color should be avoided:
*Those who have problems with alcohol, gambling;
*For those who strive for spiritual development;
*To those who want to bring good to people;
*For those who care about their health.

GRAY, SMOKE – KETU COLOR (second shadow planet in astrology)
Gray color belongs to the planet Ketu - the second planet of extremes, but with the ability to progress spiritually. Ketu gives a person good intuition, subtle nature and introversion. Ketu is the planet of sailors, magicians and magicians, hypnotists.

Gray color gives a person:
*Develops intuition, subtle vision;
*Helps you remain invisible;
*Develops esoteric and mystical abilities;
*Helps in painstaking work;
*Gives the desire for spiritual progress and liberation from the cycle of rebirth in samsara.

Gray color should be avoided:
*Immoral individuals;
*Who experiences hallucinations;
*Who feels that life is passing him by;
*Who has problems in relationships with society;
*Who feels depressed and lonely.

In this article we will talk about an interesting and practical topic - this correspondence of colors and planets.

So, each planet has a specific color. Below I will list the main characteristics.

The sun is orange.

The sun is an indicator of health, father, self-confidence, proper nutrition, social advancement, ego. By using the color orange you are filled with the vibrations of the above. In addition, the orange color motivates to get away from the “irritant” and retire.

The moon is white, milky in color.

White color calms and allows you to relax. If your bedroom is white, then being in its space will make you more relaxed. What background is most favorable for reading? That's right - white. This color is good to use when you need to concentrate and be attentive.

Mars is red.

The color red gives strength and activity, is an “irritant” and a motive that induces action. This color gives an impetus to action and attracts attention. If you want to attract attention or highlight your project, use red.

Mercury is green.

Mercury is responsible for the intellect, so use this color to help you process everything faster. This color also simplifies negotiations and communication. Why not make a meeting room and a child’s room in green tones?)

Jupiter is yellow.

Jupiter is responsible for knowledge, wisdom, learning, development. If you use this color, you can encourage yourself or others to the aspects of this planet. But be careful, if a person is initially passive and lazy, then this will put pressure on his psyche.

Venus is blue.

This is the color of creativity. It can be used to attract a romantic nature, woman and companion into your life.

Saturn is black.

If you want to reproduce the effect of a serious person and artificially dominate your interlocutor, use this color. Have you noticed that businessmen and serious people love black? It really gives structure. The other side is mental heaviness, stagnation, sadness. Dear ladies, please don't always wear black. This attracts sadness into your life.

Ketu is the color purple.

Ketu is the planet of spirituality and transformation. You can use this color if you want to expand your consciousness, but you need to be careful because the downside of this is schizophrenia and severe anxiety.

Rahu - variegated colors.

Usually I use these colors again to attract attention, but they quickly get boring. Example - you saw a bright banner on the way to work, but after a week it became uninteresting, well, a banner is just a banner.

Mixing colors you can get interesting effects. For example, turquoise blue = blue + a little green. Through the use of this color comes physical calm. Additionally, this color reduces aggression and strengthens emotional stability.

Second example. Brown = red + green (red + yellow + blue). This color evokes calm and reliability. Brown in dark shades can lead to gloominess, but in light shades it will give a feeling of security. People wearing such shades generally have a strong and calm character or simply do not want to stand out from the crowd.

Play with colors and get the desired effect!

Let's consider the astrological features that the color of the planet Jupiter has. As a child, I had little idea what purple was; it seemed insanely rare to me (because it was not in the standard set of Soviet-era pencils), and therefore a luxurious color. And in general, I was not far from the truth. But unlike the period of developed socialism, when almost everything was rare, in the ancient world purple was literally worth its weight in gold for the simple reason that it was extremely expensive and difficult to obtain. To prepare one gram of purple dye, ten thousand shells of special mollusks were required. But they still had to be caught and processed! It is not difficult to guess that only the richest and most influential citizens of the Roman Empire, namely the Caesars, could afford cloaks of this color! This purple was called “imperial”. There was, of course, a simpler and more accessible purple. It was obtained from cheaper plant materials, but the color of the fabric dyed in this way was much less saturated and faded much faster.

Now let's look at the status of Caesar or, in other words, the emperor. Symbolically, he represented Jupiter himself, the supreme god of the Roman pantheon, performing similar functions. Jupiter (and in ancient Greece - Zeus) was the “king of the gods”, was considered the guardian of laws and the punisher for their violation, the patron of state and family life, the universal protector and benefactor. The ancient Greek poet Aeschylus in his works rewards Zeus with the epithet “ruler of the state,” which confirms all of the above. It is not surprising that the planet Jupiter, called the “star of kings” by astrologers, is most often attributed the magnificent purple color.

Astrological symbolism connects Jupiter with such concepts as fame, glory, honor, authority, high social status. But there is also a slightly different facet of the manifestation of this planet. It is associated with spirituality, ideals and worldview values. And these are privileges of spiritual rather than secular power. A church minister is another bright Jupiterian type. It is clear why purple is the traditional color of vestments for high-ranking Catholic priests. Amethyst, a stone close in color to purple, is called the “bishop’s stone”; its most perfect and bright specimens adorn the rings of the Catholic clergy. By the way, among the representatives of the sign of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, there are very often people who have dedicated their lives to serving the church.

Color of the planet Jupiter. Another color also sometimes attributed to the planet Jupiter is blue, which was considered, by the way, the color of Zeus. Interestingly, among the early Christians this color belonged to God the Father. As we remember, from a psychological point of view, blue symbolizes spirituality, which means there is a certain logic here. But the fiery nature of Jupiter and its abode, the sign of Sagittarius, does not really fit with the coldness of this color. Still, other planets and signs belonging to the element of fire are associated with “fiery” shades, in which, although in different proportions, red is always present. Why should Sagittarius be an exception? After all, flaming crimson in combination with the color of Zeus ultimately gives the same purple!

Another aspect of this color mixing: the combination of the animal, passionate, vital nature of fire with the high energies of spirituality, because blue is also the color of height and depth. You will say that this is an attempt to connect the incompatible, and you will be right. After all, this is the mission of Sagittarius! The graphic image of this sign is a centaur, that is, half-animal, half-man. This means that the task of everyone who was born under the auspices of Jupiter is to harmoniously combine their natural strength and energy with noble aspirations and spiritual quests, soul and body, low and sublime. By the way, the metal corresponding to this planet, tin, is intended for soldering, that is, for fastening parts from a wide variety of materials. And as a celestial body, Jupiter is an eclectic combination of a wide variety of phenomena: on it we will find so-called belts, dynamic spots, and energy emissions. Not to mention the fact that this giant “unites” around itself many satellites of different colors and sizes: as many as twelve pieces, that is, more than planets in the Solar System.

And yet, purple is also a very beautiful color, bright and noticeable, just suitable for attracting attention to one’s own person. After all, Jupiterians, as you know, do not suffer from false modesty!