But I’m afraid you’ll change your appearance. Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

And the heavy sleep of everyday consciousness
You will shake it off, yearning and loving.
Vl. Soloviev

I have a feeling about you. Years pass by -
All in one form I foresee You.

The whole horizon is on fire - and unbearably clear,
And I wait silently, yearning and loving.

The whole horizon is on fire, and the appearance is near,
But I’m scared: you’ll change your appearance,

And you will arouse impudent suspicion,
Changing the usual features at the end.

Oh, how I will fall - both sadly and lowly,
Without defeating deadly dreams!

How clear is the horizon! And radiance is close.
But I’m scared: You will change your appearance.

Lyubov Mendeleeva

Alexander Blok had several romance novels, however, his muse and inspiration throughout his life remained Lyubov Mendeleeva, whose marriage turned out to be quite complex and controversial. However, it was to her that Blok dedicated his first cycle of works, “Poems about a Beautiful Lady,” which brought the aspiring poet enormous popularity.

WITH future wife the poet had known each other since childhood, since the estates of Alexander Blok’s grandfather and Lyubov Mendeleeva’s parents were located next door. However, when, already as a student, Blok met a 16-year-old beauty, he could not hide his admiration. However, Lyubov Mendeleeva ignored the poet’s advances, since she considered him a dandy and a completely empty person who was of no interest to her. Nevertheless, Blok himself was confident that he had met his fate, and someday this unapproachable and even arrogant person would agree to become his wife.

Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva and Alexander Blok, 1903

The poet adhered to the theory of symbolism not only in his work, but also in life, therefore he interpreted every event as an omen. That is why another chance meeting Blok perceived it with Mendeleev as a sign from above. It is noteworthy that his chosen one, who was not keen on such mysticism, nevertheless succumbed to the poet’s persuasion and soon became his wife. However, two years before this important event in the poet’s life, he wrote a work called “I Anticipate You...”, which was included in the cycle of “Poems about a Beautiful Lady.” And, most surprisingly, it really turned out to be prophetic.

Literally from the first lines, the author claims that his subsequent life is predetermined, and there is a place in it for one who does not even know about it yet. “The whole horizon is on fire - and it is unbearably clear, and I wait silently, yearning and loving,” notes the author, very clearly indicating that he has resigned himself and completely submitted to the path that is destined for him. At the same time, the poet has a presentiment that he will family life will not be at all as smooth and serene as he dreams. “But I’m scared: You’ll change your appearance,” Blok seems to be warning himself. What is hidden behind this line will become clear a few years later, when Lyubov Mendeleeva leaves her husband for the poet Andrei Bely.

Andrey Bely

One can only be surprised that the author not only managed to predict what his marriage would be like, but also decided in advance on his attitude towards the betrayal of his beloved woman, noting: “Oh, how I will fall - both sadly and lowly, without overcoming mortal dreams!”

Indeed, one of the reasons for the collapse of his marriage with Lyubov Mendeleeva was the poet’s utopian dreams that in the union of two people the main thing is the spiritual, and not the physical, aspect of life together. Moreover, while madly in love with his wife, Blok at the same time despised her for her completely earthly qualities, such as pragmatism and a sober outlook on life. That's why he didn't even try to stop his lover's affair with best friend, believing that this is fate, and it is useless to argue with it.

As a result, Lyubov Mendeleeva returned to her husband, but they living together turned into a complete nightmare. When they were together, they constantly quarreled and reproached each other for cheating. But as soon as the couple separated for even a few days, different corners Letters with declarations of love were flying across the country. This strange and very controversial union brought both Blok and Mendeleeva a lot of mental suffering. But until his death, the poet believed that his chosen one was given to him from above, so he was ready to humbly bear his cross, forgive, believe and hope that his marriage would someday be truly happy.

One of the pearls in the collection of poems about the Beautiful Lady (1898-1904) is considered a poem with a mystical meaning, “I Anticipate You. The years are passing by,” which Alexander Blok wrote in the fall of 1901. The lines contain one of the frames of the poet’s vision of his ideal woman, where one can see the original approach to presenting thoughts and the depth of conveying emotions. Poems are written on behalf of the lyrical hero, who has been searching, waiting and praising the image of the Lady all his life.

The depth of Blok's feelings

The small size of the poem is compensated by its depth, in the waters of which you can see more than in any other story. Depth is achieved by the long-term desire to create and convey to others your understanding and vision of a woman - Ladies with capital letters, A stranger for whom you can sacrifice everything. It is symbolic that Blok does not draw the image of a woman from some specific person, since every individual has shortcomings, but the Lady does not.

The author writes that feelings for a woman cannot be bound by time and distance; he deifies the Lady, raising her above the vanity of the world. They swear to such women on their knees, for the sake of such women they go into the fire and do not stop in the face of death. With a slight stretch, the poem can be called a confession that it pours out on readers lyrical hero Blok in the hope of understanding.

Theme of the poem

The main theme of the poem “I Anticipate You” is the hero’s expectation of the Lady. The years fly by - this has no weight before the mystery of the meeting, the horizon is ablaze with lights - they are unable to scare away the hope of the waiter.

And I wait silently, yearning and loving.

The hero is both waiting and afraid to meet the girl, because he has previously come up with an image for himself that may not correspond to reality. He fears that the Lady will change her appearance or replace her usual but far-fetched features.

But I’m scared: You will change your appearance.

Appeal to the Lady

It is symbolic to address You with a capital T - this is how one addresses the Gods, and this is how Blok, in the person of the lyrical hero, addresses a Woman. Some lines are repeated several times, this helps the author to emphasize in the right places and give the poem a Blok charm. The line “But I’m scared...” is repeated twice. By this the author shows that the joy of meeting equals the fear of waiting, but even according to this formula, the hero is ready not to deviate from the image.

There is also a repetition of the phrase from the title “I have a presentiment of You...”. To have a presentiment is more than to wait - it is to be confident in the inevitability of the arrival! Repetition emphasizes this point to the reader.

At the end of the poem, the approach of the Lady is felt - radiance is already close, the horizon is already freed from fire, but the fear does not pass. The feeling of fear of changing the created appearance and the joy of meeting are mixed in the hero’s soul. Isn’t it this cocktail that is considered happiness, isn’t it for the sake of these moments that you want not to exist, but to live? Didn’t each of us come up with the image of a Stranger who must, must come sooner or later?

Oh, how I will fall - both sadly and low,
Without overcoming deadly dreams!

These deadly dreams are one of the main life values, because they distinguish a person from an unreasonable creature, through them the spark of God penetrates the soul, and the breath of fresh air, spreading a feeling of happiness through the blood.

And the heavy sleep of everyday consciousness
You will shake it off, yearning and loving.

Vl. Soloviev

I have a feeling about you. The years pass by -
All in one form I foresee You.
The whole horizon is on fire - and unbearably clear,
And I wait silently, yearning and loving.

“I have a feeling about you. Years pass by..."

All the poems in the cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady,” which brought Alexander Blok great fame, are dedicated to Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva.

The cult of the Beautiful Lady arose in the Middle Ages. Even then, in the works of poets, this image absorbed the features of both a specific beauty and the Madonna. And for Blok, the Beautiful Lady is a fusion of an earthly woman and the Blessed Virgin. She appears in three forms: in cosmic perception - this is the Soul of the world, in religious perception - this is the Queen of Heaven, in everyday perception - this is a gentle, slightly arrogant girl, in whose image one can discern the features of L. D. Mendeleeva. The lyrical hero calls her in high words: Virgo, Dawn, Majestic Eternal Wife, bright, clear, radiant, incomprehensible, Mistress of the universe. In all verses of the cycle, the words denoting this image are written by the author with a capital letter. The image of the Beautiful Lady is inseparable from the image on the icons in the gold of the vestments and the radiance of the lamps. The lyrical hero thinks of his life only as a prayer service to his beloved. He anticipates Her appearance - “the whole horizon is on fire.” Light and fire are the dominant color in the poem: “the horizon is on fire,” “unbearably clear,” “radiance is close.” A stream of light flows over Her. The light comes from Her herself, as if from a saint.

But, sensing that Her appearance is close, the lyrical hero suddenly feels fear. He is afraid that Her “habitual features” will change, that he will not recognize his ideal and that his dreams will turn out to be just a dream. The epigraph to the poem speaks about this: “And a heavy dream... you will shake off...”. The following are associated with the symbol of the collapse of dreams: means of expression, as epithets (impudent suspicion; a sad and low fall) and metaphor (deadly dreams).

“Radiance is close,” but the hero is afraid that the Beautiful Lady will change her appearance. The motive of impatiently waiting for the beloved echoes the motive of fear of this meeting. The hero is afraid that the immaculate Beautiful Lady may turn into a sinful earthly creature, and her descent into the world will turn out to be a fall. How the lyrical hero would like his Beautiful Lady to always be embodied in some kind of Divine principle, capable of saving humanity and reviving it to a new beautiful life!

Alexander Blok adhered to the theory of symbolism not only in his creativity, but also in Everyday life, so I perceived every event as an omen. The poem “I Anticipate You...” was written two years before Lyubov Mendeleeva became his wife. It truly turned out to be prophetic. Blok’s premonitions were justified; his family life was difficult, but the poet, until his death, believed that his chosen one was given to him from above.

All the poems in the cycle “Poems About a Beautiful Lady,” which brought Alexander Blok great fame, are dedicated to Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva.

The cult of the Beautiful Lady arose in the Middle Ages. Even then, in the works of poets, this image absorbed the features of both a specific beauty and the Madonna. And for Blok, the Beautiful Lady is a fusion of an earthly woman and the Blessed Virgin. She appears in three forms: in cosmic perception - this is the Soul of the world, in religious perception - this is the Queen of Heaven, in everyday perception - this is a gentle, slightly arrogant girl, in whose image one can discern the features of L. D. Mendeleeva.

The lyrical hero calls her with lofty words: Virgo, Dawn, Majestic Eternal Wife, bright, clear, radiant, incomprehensible, Lady of the universe. In all verses of the cycle, the words denoting this image are written by the author with capital letter.

The image of the Beautiful Lady is inseparable from the image on the icons in the gold of the vestments and the radiance of the lamps. The lyrical hero thinks of his life only as
prayer service to your beloved. He anticipates Her appearance - “the whole horizon is on fire.” Light and fire are the dominant color in the poem: “the horizon is on fire,” “unbearably clear,” “radiance is close.” A stream of light flows over Her. The light comes from Her herself, as if from a saint. But, having a presentiment. that Her appearance is close, the lyrical hero suddenly feels fear. He is afraid that her “usual features” will change, that he will not recognize his ideal and that his dreams will turn out to be just a dream.

The epigraph to the poem speaks about this: “And a heavy dream... you will shake off...”. The symbol of the collapse of a dream is associated with such expressive means as epithets (impudent suspicion; a sad and low fall) and metaphor (deadly dreams). “Radiance is close,” but the hero is afraid that the Beautiful Lady will change her appearance. The motive of impatiently waiting for the beloved echoes the motive of fear of this meeting. The hero is afraid that the immaculate Beautiful Lady may turn into a sinful earthly creature, and her descent into the world will turn out to be a fall. How the lyrical hero would like his Beautiful Lady to always be embodied in some kind of Divine principle, capable of saving humanity and reviving it to a new beautiful life!

Alexander Blok adhered to the theory of symbolism not only in his work, but also in everyday life, therefore he perceived every event as an omen. The poem “I Anticipate You...” was written two years before Lyubov Mendeleeva became his wife. It truly turned out to be prophetic. Blok’s premonitions were justified; his family life was difficult, but the poet, until his death, believed that his chosen one was given to him from above. The poem is written in couplets and iambic meter.

Analysis of the poem “I Anticipate You. Years pass by..." Blok

“I have a feeling about you. Years pass by..."

All the poems in the cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady,” which brought Alexander Blok great fame, are dedicated to Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva.

The cult of the Beautiful Lady arose in the Middle Ages. Even then, in the works of poets, this image absorbed the features of both a specific beauty and the Madonna. And for Blok, the Beautiful Lady is a fusion of an earthly woman and the Blessed Virgin. She appears in three forms: in cosmic perception - this is the Soul of the world, in religious perception - this is the Queen of Heaven, in everyday perception - this is a gentle, slightly arrogant girl, in whose image one can discern the features of L. D. Mendeleeva. The lyrical hero calls her with lofty words: Virgo, Dawn, Majestic Eternal Wife, bright, clear, radiant, incomprehensible, Lady of the universe. In all verses of the cycle, the words denoting this image are written by the author with a capital letter. The image of the Beautiful Lady is inseparable from the image on the icons in the gold of the vestments and the radiance of the lamps. The lyrical hero thinks of his life only as a prayer service to his beloved. He anticipates Her appearance - “the whole horizon is on fire.” Light and fire are the dominant color in the poem: “the horizon is on fire,” “unbearably clear,” “radiance is close.” A stream of light flows over Her. The light comes from Her herself, as if from a saint.

But, sensing that Her appearance is close, the lyrical hero suddenly feels fear. He is afraid that Her “habitual features” will change, that he will not recognize his ideal and that his dreams will turn out to be just a dream. The epigraph to the poem speaks about this: “And a heavy dream... you will shake off...”. The symbol of the collapse of a dream is associated with such expressive means as epithets (impudent suspicion; a sad and low fall) and metaphor (deadly dreams).

“Radiance is close,” but the hero is afraid that the Beautiful Lady will change her appearance. The motive of impatiently waiting for the beloved echoes the motive of fear of this meeting. The hero is afraid that the immaculate Beautiful Lady may turn into a sinful earthly creature, and her descent into the world will turn out to be a fall. How the lyrical hero would like his Beautiful Lady to always be embodied in some kind of Divine principle, capable of saving humanity and reviving it to a new beautiful life!

Alexander Blok adhered to the theory of symbolism not only in his work, but also in everyday life, therefore he perceived every event as an omen. The poem “I Anticipate You...” was written two years before Lyubov Mendeleeva became his wife. It truly turned out to be prophetic. Blok’s premonitions were justified; his family life was difficult, but the poet, until his death, believed that his chosen one was given to him from above.

The poem is written in couplets and iambic meter.

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Analysis of A. Blok’s poem “I have a presentiment of You. »

Blok's work most clearly embodied the tendency of poetry of that time to enlarge the form and combine individual lyrical styles into cycles.

In 1898-1904, Alexander Blok created the poetic cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady.” Later, these poems made up the poet's first book. It reflected intense, sometimes tragic experiences personal life Blok, his relationship with L.D. Mendeleeva. It was a kind of “novel in verse.” Beautiful lady– embodiment eternal femininity, the eternal ideal of beauty. The lyrical hero is a servant of the Beautiful Lady, who awaits the upcoming transformation of life. Blok’s hopes for the appearance, for the coming of “eternal femininity” indicate the poet’s dissatisfaction with reality. The poet wants to isolate himself on personal experiences, strives away from everything earthly:

I have a feeling about you. Years pass by -

All in one form I foresee you

The entire horizon is on fire - and intolerably clear,

And I wait silently, yearning and loving.

The poem “I Anticipate You...” was written in 1901 and is one of the best masterpieces of Blok’s love lyrics in general and the “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” cycle in particular. The poet peers deeply into his soul, intensely searches for his ideal, and tragically perceives the slightest change in his relationship with his beloved.
Alexander Blok creates the ideal of a woman in a break with reality. And no matter how timeless the Beautiful Lady is, reality still invades the world of Blok’s dream, disturbing the harmony. Somewhere lurks a vague, barely perceptible feeling of discord, dissatisfaction, trouble in the world and soul of the poet:

The entire horizon is on fire—and unbearably clear.

And I wait silently, yearning and loving.

The whole horizon is on fire, and the appearance is near,

But I’m scared: you’ll change your appearance...

The feelings of the lyrical hero are also timeless. It cannot affect love: “The years pass by.” His fear that his beloved will change is due to the fact that the lyrical hero is afraid of the destruction of an ideal, the destruction of a dream:

Oh, how I will fall - both sadly and low,

Without overcoming deadly dreams!

His internal state, emotional experiences can be easily traced in the speech of the lyrical hero. Addresses to the beloved are carried out with the pronoun “You”, which the author capitalizes, thus conveying the deification of the heroine and the attitude towards her.
The author in the poem resorts to anaphora, that is, to parallel syntactic constructions: “The whole horizon is on fire” is repeated twice. This visual medium helps the reader better understand the feelings of the hero, who yearns and loves. The anaphora “You will change your appearance” is also remarkable. This phrase “sits deep” in the soul of the lyrical hero and does not give him peace, it appears again and again in his thoughts, therefore, the hero is very afraid of this change, because he is afraid of disappointment.

The poem is a confessional monologue, since the lyrical hero confesses to “her” his dreams, feelings, and love. The poet does not shout about his feelings, no! He is simply “waiting silently,” but inside him “the elements are raging.” This is evidenced by exclamatory constructions: “Without overcoming mortal dreams. ", "How clear is the horizon!"

Alexander Blok creates the image of his beloved, to whom the monologue is addressed. I think that when reading this work, we feel the heroine, like the lyrical hero, through verbs in the first person (I have a presentiment, I’m waiting, I’ll go).

I would like to pay special attention to the epigraph to the poem. The words of V. Solovyov make the reader think about the purpose of love: “And you will shake the heavy sleep of everyday consciousness, yearning and loving.” I think that this contains the whole of Blok, whom I would call a “maximalist in feelings.”
For him, loving is a storm of feelings, it is joy and suffering, the desire for a loved one and immeasurable melancholy. Alexander Blok believes that often in the routine of life we ​​forget about the eternal. Mediocrity and routine fill our lives. And in this reality, people lack real feelings, and love is the force that saves a person from everyday life.
For a poet, love is a feeling that brings the highest tension and pleasure. Without it, the author cannot imagine human existence. At the same time, one of the lovers always suffers more than the other. This is a disaster, but one that allows you to experience unprecedented happiness.
The epigraph surprisingly correlates with the verse: it seems to justify the oppressive state of the lyrical hero that he experiences. The author wants to say: “Yes, love is suffering, love is fear and doubt, but nevertheless it is what elevates a person, makes him better, makes him think, feel. It’s as if a person is waking up from a long sleep.”

“Poems about a Beautiful Lady” nevertheless marked the beginning of a crisis in Blok’s artistic consciousness. Soon a crisis of the poet’s youthful faith sets in; he tries to go beyond the boundaries of personal lyrics.

Analysis of Alexander Blok’s poem “I Anticipate You...” - best essay

Alexander Blok created the image of his beloved woman, to whom the monologue is addressed. For a poet, love is the feeling that gives him the highest tension and pleasure. Therefore, the author cannot imagine his existence without love. After all, someone always suffers more than the other. And this is an obsession, but one that allows you to survive true happiness. For him, love is a storm of emotions, happiness and suffering, immeasurable longing and desire for his beloved.

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    Analysis of Alexander Blok’s poem “I Anticipate You...”

    A. Blok wrote the poem “I Anticipate You...” in 1901. The poet reveals his soul, trying to find his ideal. In his relationship with his beloved, he perceives even the slightest change tragically. A beautiful lady is the eternal ideal of beauty and the embodiment of eternal femininity.

    The lyrical hero is a hostage of the Beautiful Lady, awaiting the upcoming transformation of life. The hero's dissatisfaction with reality is evidenced by his hopes for the emergence of “eternal femininity.” He gets hung up on personal experiences and wants to get away from reality.

    Blok creates an ideal of a woman that is incompatible with reality. No matter how beautiful she is outside of time, doubts invade his reality, disturbing the harmony. And a vague feeling of discord, dissatisfaction and trouble creeps into the poet’s soul. The feelings of the lyrical hero are also timeless. They cannot influence love, because “the years pass by.”

    The lyrical hero worries that one day the Beautiful Lady will change; he is afraid of the destruction of his ideal, the destruction of his dreams. This poem rather resembles a confessional monologue, because the lyrical hero confesses his feelings, dreams, and love to his beloved. No, he does not declare them, but simply “wait in silence,” although the “element is raging” inside him.

    Alexander Blok created the image of his beloved woman, to whom the monologue is addressed. For a poet, love is the feeling that gives him the highest tension and pleasure. Therefore, the author cannot imagine his existence without love. After all, someone always suffers more than the other. And this is an obsession, but one that allows you to experience true happiness. For him, love is a storm of emotions, happiness and suffering, immeasurable longing and desire for his beloved.

    Alexander Blok proves that often in the hustle and bustle of life we ​​simply forget about the eternal. Ordinariness and mediocrity fill our lives. Thus, in this reality we lack real feelings, and love is precisely the feeling that saves a person from depression, routine and loneliness.

    Listen to Blok's poem I have a presentiment of you

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