Albert Einstein's discoveries in physics briefly. Einstein was a heavy smoker

“A person begins to live only when
when he manages to surpass himself"

Albert Einstein is a famous physicist, creator of the theory of relativity, author of numerous works on quantum physics, one of the creators of the modern stage of development of this science.

The future Nobel laureate was born on March 15, 1879 in the small German town of Ulm. The family came from an ancient Jewish family. Dad Herman was the owner of a company that stuffed mattresses and pillows with feathers. Einstein's mother was the daughter of a famous corn seller. In 1880, the family went to Munich, where Hermann and his brother Jacob created a small enterprise selling electrical equipment. After some time, the Einsteins' daughter Maria is born.

In Munich, Albert Einstein goes to a Catholic school. As the scientist recalled, at the age of 13 he stopped trusting the beliefs of religious fanatics. Having become familiar with science, he began to look at the world differently. Everything that was said in the Bible now did not seem plausible to him. All this formed in him a person who is skeptical about everything, especially about authorities. From his childhood, Albert Einstein's most vivid impressions were Euclid's book "Principia" and the compass. At his mother's request, little Albert became interested in playing the violin. The craving for music lingered in the scientist’s heart for a long time. In the future, while in the States, Albert Einstein gave a concert to all emigrants from Germany, performing Mozart's compositions on the violin.

While studying at the gymnasium, Einstein was not an excellent student (except in mathematics). He did not like the method of learning the material, as well as the attitude of teachers towards students. Therefore, he often argued with teachers.

In 1894 the family moved again. This time to Pavia, a small town near Milan. The Einstein brothers are moving their production here.

In the fall of 1895, the young genius comes to Switzerland to enter school. He dreamed of teaching physics. He passes the exam in mathematics very well, but the future scientist fails the tests in botany. Then the director suggested to a young guy take the exam in Aarau in order to re-enter a year later.

At the Arau school, Albert Einstein is actively studying electromagnetic theory Maxwell. In September 1897, he successfully passed the exams. Having a certificate in hand, he enters Zurich, where he soon meets the mathematician Grossman and Mileva Maric, who will later become his wife. Later certain time Albert Einstein renounces German citizenship and accepts Swiss citizenship. However, for this it was necessary to pay 1000 francs. But there was no money, since the family was in a difficult financial situation. Albert Einstein's relatives move to Milan after going broke. There, Albert's father again creates a company selling electrical equipment, but without his brother.

Einstein liked the teaching style at the Polytechnic, because the teachers did not have an authoritarian attitude. The young scientist felt better. The learning process was also fascinating because the lectures were given by such geniuses as Adolf Hurwitz and Hermann Minkowski.

Science in the life of Einstein

In 1900, Albert completed his studies in Zurich and received a diploma. This gave him the right to teach physics and mathematics. Teachers assessed the young scientist’s knowledge on high level, but they didn’t want to provide help in their future career. The following year he receives Swiss citizenship, but still cannot find a job. There were part-time jobs in schools, but this was not enough to live on. Einstein starved for days, which caused liver problems. Despite all the difficulties, Albert Einstein tried to devote more time to science. In 1901, a Berlin magazine published a paper on the theory of capillarity, where Einstein analyzed the forces of attraction in liquid atoms.

Fellow student Grossman helps Einstein and gets him a job at the patent office. Albert Einstein worked here for 7 years, evaluating patent applications. In 1903 he worked at the Bureau on a permanent basis. The character and style of work allowed the scientist to free time study problems related to physics.

In 1903, Einstein received a letter from Milan saying that his father was dying. Hermann Einstein died after his son arrived.

On January 7, 1903, the young scientist marries his girlfriend from the Polytechnic, Mileva Maric. Later, from his marriage with her, Albert has three children.

Einstein's discoveries

In 1905, Einstein's work on Brownian motion of particles was published. The work of the Englishman Brown already had an explanation. Einstein, having not encountered the scientist’s work before, gave his theory a certain completeness and the possibility of conducting experiments. In 1908, the experiments of the Frenchman Perrin confirmed Einstein's theory.

In 1905, another work by the scientist was published, dedicated to the formation and transformation of light. In 1900, Max Planck had already proven that the spectral content of radiation can be explained by imagining the radiation to be continuous. According to him, the light was emitted in portions. Einstein put forward the theory that light is absorbed in parts and consists of quanta. Such an assumption allowed the scientist to explain the reality of the “red limit” (the limiting frequency below which electrons are not knocked out of the body).

The scientist also applied quantum theory to other phenomena that the classics could not consider in detail.

In 1921 he was awarded the title of Nobel laureate.

Theory of relativity

Despite the many articles written, the scientist gained worldwide fame thanks to his theory of relativity, which he first voiced in 1905 in a newsletter. Even in his youth, the scientist thought about what would appear before an observer who would follow the light wave at the speed of light. He did not accept the concept of ether.

Albert Einstein suggested that for any object, no matter how it moves, the speed of light is the same. The scientist's theory is comparable to Lorentz's formulas for converting time. However, Lorentz's transformations were indirect and had no connection with time.

Professorial activity

At 28, Einstein was extremely popular. In 1909 he became a professor at the Zurich Polytechnic and later at a university in the Czech Republic. After some time, he nevertheless returned to Zurich, but after 2 years he accepted an offer to become director of the Department of Physics in Berlin. Einstein's citizenship was restored. Work on the theory of relativity lasted for many years, and with the participation of Comrade Grossman, sketches of a draft theory were published. The final version was formulated in 1915. It was greatest achievement in the field of physics over the past decades.

Einstein was able to answer the question of what mechanism promotes gravitational interaction between objects. The scientist suggested that the structure of space could act as such an object. Albert Einstein thought that any body contributes to the curvature of space, making it different, and another body in relation to this one moves in the same space and is influenced by the first body.

The theory of relativity gave impetus to the development of other theories, which were later confirmed.

American period of the scientist's life

In America he became a professor Princeton University, continuing to develop a field theory that would unify gravity and electromagnetism.

At Princeton, Professor Einstein was a real celebrity. But the people saw him as a good-natured, modest, and strange person. His passion for music has not faded. He often performed in the physics ensemble. The scientist was also fond of sailing, saying that it helps to think about the problems of the Universe.

He was one of the main ideologists of the formation of the State of Israel. In addition, Einstein was invited to the post of president of this country, but he refused.

The main tragedy of the scientist’s life was the idea of ​​the atomic bomb. Observing the growing power of the German state, he sent a letter to the American Congress in 1939, which prompted the development and creation of weapons mass destruction. Albert Einstein later regretted this, but it was already too late.

In 1955, in Princeton, the great naturalist died of an aortic aneurysm. But for a long time many will remember his quotes, which became truly great. He said that we must not lose faith in humanity, since we ourselves are people. The biography of the scientist is undoubtedly very fascinating, but it is the quotes he wrote that help to delve deeper into his life and work, which serve as a preface in the “book about the life of a great man.”

Some wisdom from Albert Einstein

At the heart of every challenge lies opportunity.

Logic can take you from point A to point B, and imagination can take you anywhere...

Outstanding personalities are formed not through beautiful speeches, but own labor and its results.

If you live as if nothing in this world is a miracle, then you will be able to do whatever you want and you will not have obstacles. If you live as if everything is a miracle, then you will be able to enjoy even the smallest manifestations of beauty in this world. If you live both ways at the same time, your life will be happy and productive.

Albert Einstein is a legendary physicist, a leading light of science of the 20th century. He owns the creation general relativity And special theory relativity, as well as a powerful contribution to the development of other areas of physics. It was GTR that formed the basis modern physics, combining space with time and describing almost all visible cosmological phenomena, including admitting the possibility of the existence wormholes , black holes, fabrics of space-time, as well as other gravitational-scale phenomena.

The childhood of a brilliant scientist

The future Nobel laureate was born on March 14, 1879 in the German town of Ulm. At first, nothing foreshadowed a great future for the child: the boy began to speak late, and his speech was somewhat slow. Einstein's first scientific research took place when he was three years old. For his birthday, his parents gave him a compass, which later became his favorite toy. The boy was extremely surprised that the compass needle always pointed to the same point in the room, no matter how it was turned.

Meanwhile, Einstein's parents were concerned about his speech problems. As the scientist’s younger sister Maya Winteler-Einstein said, the boy repeated every phrase he was preparing to utter, even the simplest, to himself for a long time, moving his lips. The habit of speaking slowly later began to irritate Einstein’s teachers. However, despite this, after the first days of studying at the Catholic primary school he was identified as a bright student and transferred to second grade.

After his family moved to Munich, Einstein began studying at a gymnasium. However, here, instead of studying, he preferred to study his favorite sciences on his own, which yielded results: in exact sciences Einstein was far ahead of his peers. At the age of 16 he mastered differential and integral calculus. At the gymnasium (now the Albert Einstein Gymnasium) he was not among the first students (with the exception of mathematics and Latin). The entrenched system of rote learning of material by students (which, as he later said, harms the very spirit of learning and creative thinking), as well as the authoritarian attitude of teachers towards students, aroused rejection in Albert Einstein, so he often entered into disputes with his teachers. At the same time, Einstein read a lot and played the violin beautifully. Later, when the scientist was asked what prompted him to create the theory of relativity, he referred to the novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky and the philosophy of Ancient China.


Without graduating from high school, 16-year-old Albert went to enroll in poly technical school, to Zurich, however, he “failed” the entrance exams in languages, botany and zoology. At the same time, Einstein brilliantly passed mathematics and physics, after which he was immediately invited to the senior class of the cantonal school in Aarau, after which he became a student at the Zurich Polytechnic. The teaching style and methodology at the Polytechnic differed significantly from the ossified and authoritarian German school, so further education was easier for the young man. Here his teacher was a mathematician Herman Minkowski. They say that it was Minkowski who was responsible for giving the theory of relativity a complete mathematical form.

Einstein managed to graduate from university with high score and with negative characteristics of teachers: At the educational institution, the future Nobel laureate was known as an avid truant. Einstein later said that he “simply did not have time to go to class.”

For a long time the graduate could not find a job. “I was bullied by my professors, who did not like me because of my independence and closed my path to science,” said Einstein.

Beginning of scientific activity and first work

In 1901, the Berlin Annals of Physics published his first article. "Consequences of the theory of capillarity", dedicated to the analysis of the forces of attraction between atoms of liquids based on the theory of capillarity. Former classmate Marcel Grossman helped overcome difficulties with finding a job, recommending Einstein for the position of expert III class at the Federal Office for Patents and Inventions (Bern). Einstein worked at the Patent Office from July 1902 to October 1909, working primarily expert assessment applications for inventions. In 1903 he became a permanent employee of the Bureau. The nature of the work allowed Einstein to devote his free time to research in the field of theoretical physics.

Personal life

Even at university, Einstein was known as a lover of women, but over time he chose Mileve Maric, whom he met in Zurich. Mileva was four years older than Einstein, but studied in the same course as him. She studied physics, and she and Einstein were brought together by their interest in the works of great scientists. Einstein needed a friend with whom he could share his thoughts about what he was reading. Mileva was a passive listener, but Einstein was quite satisfied with this. At that time, fate did not pit him against a comrade equal to him in mental strength (this did not fully happen later), nor with a girl whose charm did not need a common scientific platform.

Einstein’s wife “shone in mathematics and physics”: she was excellent at performing algebraic calculations and had a good grasp of analytical mechanics. Thanks to these qualities, Maric could take an active part in the writing of all her husband’s major works. The union of Maric and Einstein was destroyed by the latter's inconstancy. Albert Einstein used huge success among women, and his wife was constantly tormented by jealousy. Later, their son Hans-Albert wrote: “The mother was a typical Slav with very strong and stable negative emotions. She never forgave insults..."

For the second time, the scientist married his cousin Elsa. Contemporaries considered her a narrow-minded woman, whose range of interests was limited to clothes, jewelry and sweets.

Successful 1905

The year 1905 went down in the history of physics as the “Year of Miracles.” This year, the Annals of Physics published three outstanding papers by Einstein that marked the beginning of a new scientific revolution:

  1. "On the electrodynamics of moving bodies"(the theory of relativity begins with this article).
  2. “On one heuristic point of view concerning the origin and transformation of light”(one of the works that laid the foundation quantum theory).
  3. “On the motion of particles suspended in a fluid at rest, required by the molecular kinetic theory of heat”(work dedicated to Brownian motion and significantly advanced statistical physics).

It was these works that brought Einstein worldwide fame. On April 30, 1905, he sent the text of his doctoral dissertation on the topic “A New Determination of the Size of Molecules” to the University of Zurich. Although Einstein’s letters are already called “Mr. Professor,” he remained for four more years (until October 1909). And in 1906 he even became a class II expert.

In October 1908, Einstein was invited to read an elective course at the University of Bern, however, without any payment. In 1909, he attended a congress of naturalists in Salzburg, where the elite gathered German physics, and met Planck for the first time; over 3 years of correspondence they quickly became close friends.

After the congress, Einstein finally received a paid position as extraordinary professor at the University of Zurich (December 1909), where he taught geometry. old friend Marcel Grossman. The pay was small, especially for a family with two children, and in 1911 Einstein without hesitation accepted an invitation to head the department of physics at the Prague German university. During this period, Einstein continued to publish a series of papers on thermodynamics, relativity and quantum theory. In Prague, he intensifies research on the theory of gravity, setting the goal of creating a relativistic theory of gravity and fulfilling the long-standing dream of physicists - to exclude Newtonian long-range action from this area.

Active period of scientific work

In 1912, Einstein returned to Zurich, where he became a professor at his native Polytechnic and lectured there on physics. In 1913, he attended the Congress of Naturalists in Vienna, visiting 75-year-old Ernst Mach there; Once upon a time, Mach's criticism of Newtonian mechanics made a huge impression on Einstein and ideologically prepared him for the innovations of the theory of relativity. In May 1914, an invitation came from the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, signed by physicist P. P. Lazarev. However, the impressions of the pogroms and the “Beilis case” were still fresh, and Einstein refused: “I find it disgusting to go unnecessarily to a country where my fellow tribesmen are so cruelly persecuted.”

At the end of 1913, on the recommendation of Planck and Nernst, Einstein received an invitation to head the physics center being created in Berlin. Research institute; he is also enrolled as a professor University of Berlin. In addition to being close to his friend Planck, this position had the advantage that it did not oblige him to be distracted by teaching. He accepted the invitation, and in the pre-war year 1914, the convinced pacifist Einstein arrived in Berlin. Citizenship of Switzerland, a neutral country, helped Einstein withstand militaristic pressure after the outbreak of war. He did not sign any “patriotic” appeals; on the contrary, in collaboration with the physiologist Georg Friedrich Nicolai, he compiled the anti-war “Appeal to the Europeans” in contrast to the chauvinistic manifesto of the 1993s, and in a letter to Romain Rolland wrote: “Will future generations thank our Europe, in which three centuries of the most intense cultural work led only to the fact that religious madness was replaced by nationalistic madness? Even scientists different countries act as if their brains had been amputated.”

Main work

Einstein completed his masterpiece, the general theory of relativity, in 1915 in Berlin. It presented a completely new idea of ​​space and time. Among other phenomena, the work predicted the deflection of light rays in a gravitational field, which was subsequently confirmed by English scientists.

But Nobel Prize in physics, Einstein received in 1922 not for his brilliant theory, but for his explanation of the photoelectric effect (the knocking out of electrons from certain substances under the influence of light). In just one night, the scientist became famous throughout the world.

This is interesting! The scientist’s correspondence, published three years ago, says that most Einstein invested his Nobel Prize in the United States, losing almost everything to the Great Depression.

Despite the recognition, in Germany the scientist was constantly persecuted, not only because of his nationality, but also because of his anti-militarist views. “My pacifism is an instinctive feeling that controls me because killing a person is disgusting. My attitude does not come from any speculative theory, but is based on the deepest antipathy to any kind of cruelty and hatred,” the scientist wrote in support of his anti-war position. At the end of 1922, Einstein left Germany and went on a trip. And once in Palestine, he solemnly opens the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

More about the main scientific prize (1922)

In fact, Einstein's first marriage broke up in 1914, in 1919 already under legal divorce proceedings included the following written promise from Einstein: “I promise you that when I receive the Nobel Prize, I will give you all the money. You must agree to a divorce, in otherwise you won't get anything at all." The couple were sure that Albert would become Nobel laureate for the theory of relativity. He actually received the Nobel Prize in 1922, although with a completely different wording (for explaining the laws of the photoelectric effect). Since Einstein was away, the prize was accepted on his behalf on December 10, 1922 by Rudolf Nadolny, the German Ambassador to Sweden. Previously, he asked for confirmation whether Einstein was a citizen of Germany or Switzerland; The Prussian Academy of Sciences has officially certified that Einstein is a German subject, although his Swiss citizenship is also recognized as valid. Upon his return to Berlin, Einstein received the insignia accompanying the prize personally from the Swedish ambassador. Naturally, Einstein dedicated his traditional Nobel speech (in July 1923) to the theory of relativity. By the way, Einstein kept his word: he gave all 32 thousand dollars (the amount of the bonus) to his ex-wife.

1923–1933 in the life of Einstein

In 1923, completing his journey, Einstein spoke in Jerusalem, where it was planned to open the Hebrew University soon (1925).

As a person of enormous and universal authority, Einstein was constantly attracted to various kinds political actions, where he advocated social justice, internationalism and cooperation between countries (see below). In 1923, Einstein participated in the organization of the cultural relations society "Friends new Russia" He repeatedly called for the disarmament and unification of Europe, and for the abolition of compulsory military service. Until about 1926, Einstein worked in many areas of physics, from cosmological models to research into the causes of river meanders. Further, with rare exceptions, he concentrates his efforts on quantum problems and Unified Field Theory.

In 1928, Einstein conducted last way Lorenza, with whom he became very friendly in his last years. It was Lorentz who nominated Einstein for the Nobel Prize in 1920 and supported it the following year. In 1929, the world noisily celebrated Einstein's 50th birthday. The hero of the day did not take part in the celebrations and hid in his villa near Potsdam, where he enthusiastically grew roses. Here he received friends - scientists, Tagore, Emmanuel Lasker, Charlie Chaplin and others. In 1931, Einstein visited the USA again. In Pasadena he was very warmly received by Michelson, who had four months to live. Returning to Berlin in the summer, Einstein, in a speech to the Physical Society, paid tribute to the memory of the remarkable experimenter who laid the first stone of the foundation of the theory of relativity.

Years in exile

Albert Einstein did not hesitate to accept the offer to move to Berlin. But the opportunity to communicate with major German scientists, including Planck, attracted him. The political and moral atmosphere in Germany became more and more oppressive, anti-Semitism was raising its head, and when the Nazis seized power, Einstein left Germany forever in 1933. Subsequently, as a sign of protest against fascism, he renounced German citizenship and resigned from the Prussian and Bavarian Academies of Sciences.

During the Berlin period, in addition to the general theory of relativity, Einstein developed the statistics of particles of integer spin, introduced the concept of stimulated radiation, which plays an important role in laser physics, predicted (together with de Haas) the phenomenon of the emergence of a rotational momentum of bodies when they are magnetized, etc. However, being one of the creators of quantum theory, Einstein did not accept the probabilistic interpretation quantum mechanics, assuming that the fundamental physical theory cannot be statistical in nature. He often repeated that "God doesn't play dice with the universe".

Having moved to the United States, Albert Einstein took a position as professor of physics at the new Institute for Basic Research in Princeton (New Jersey). He continued to study issues of cosmology, and also intensively searched for ways to build a unified field theory that would unify gravity, electromagnetism (and possibly the rest). And although he failed to implement this program, this did not shake Einstein’s reputation as one of greatest naturalists of all times.

Atomic bomb

In the minds of many people, Einstein's name is associated with the atomic problem. Indeed, realizing what a tragedy for humanity the creation in fascist Germany atomic bomb, in 1939 he sent a letter to the US President, which served as an impetus for work in this direction in America. But already at the end of the war, his desperate attempts to keep politicians and generals from criminal and insane actions were in vain. This was the biggest tragedy of his life. On August 2, 1939, Einstein, who was living in New York at the time, to prevent possible receipt The Third Reich of atomic weapons, wrote a letter to Franklin Roosevelt. In the letter he called American President work on our own atomic weapons.

On the advice of physicists, Roosevelt organized the Uranium Advisory Committee, but found little interest in the problem of development nuclear weapons. He believed that the likelihood of its creation was low. The situation changed two years later, when physicists Otto Frisch and Rudolf Pierls found that nuclear bomb can actually be manufactured and that it is of sufficient size to be transported by a bomber. During the war, Einstein advised Naval forces USA and contributed to solving various technical problems.

Post-war years

At this time, Einstein became one of the founders Pugwash Peace Scientists Movement. Although its first conference was held after Einstein’s death (1957), the initiative to create such a movement was expressed in the widely known Russell-Einstein Manifesto (written jointly with Bertrand Russell), which also warned about the dangers of the creation and use of the hydrogen bomb. As part of this movement, Einstein, who was its chairman, together with Albert Schweitzer, Bertrand Russell, Frederic Joliot-Curie and other world-famous scientists, fought against the arms race and the creation of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons.

In September 1947 in open letter He proposed to the delegations of UN member states to reorganize the UN General Assembly, turning it into a continuously working world parliament with broader powers than the Security Council, which (according to Einstein) is paralyzed in its actions due to the veto. To which in November 1947, the largest Soviet scientists (S.I. Vavilov, A.F. Ioffe, N.N. Semenov, A.N. Frumkin) expressed disagreement with the position of A. Einstein (1947) in an open letter.

Last years of life. Death

Death overtook the genius at Princeton Hospital (USA) in 1955. The autopsy was performed by a pathologist named Thomas Harvey. He removed Einstein's brain for study, but instead of making it available to science, he took it for himself. Risking his reputation and his job, Thomas placed the brain greatest genius into a jar of formaldehyde and took it home. He was convinced that such action was a scientific duty for him. Moreover, Thomas Harvey sent pieces of Einstein’s brain for research to leading neurologists for 40 years. The descendants of Thomas Harvey tried to return to Einstein’s daughter what was left of her father’s brain, but she refused such a “gift”. From then to this day, the remains of the brain, ironically, are in Princeton, from where it was stolen.

Scientists who examined Einstein's brain proved that Gray matter was different from the norm. Scientific research showed that the areas of Einstein's brain responsible for speech and language are reduced, while the areas responsible for processing numerical and spatial information are enlarged. Other studies have found an increase in the number of neuroglial cells (cells of the nervous system that make up half the volume of the central nervous system. Neurons of the central nervous system are surrounded by glial cells).

Einstein was a heavy smoker

More than anything in the world, Einstein loved his violin and pipe. A heavy smoker, he once said that he believed smoking was necessary for peace and "objective judgement" in people. When his doctor prescribed him relief from bad habit, Einstein put his pipe in his mouth and lit a cigarette. Sometimes he would also pick up cigarette butts on the streets to light in his pipe.

Einstein received life membership in the Montreal Pipe Smoking Club. One day he fell overboard while on a boat, but managed to save his treasured pipe from the water. Apart from his many manuscripts and letters, the pipe remains one of the few personal belongings of Einstein that we have.

Einstein often kept to himself

To be independent of conventional wisdom, Einstein often isolated himself in solitude. This was a childhood habit. He even started talking at the age of 7 because he did not want to communicate. He built cozy worlds and contrasted them with reality. The world of family, the world of like-minded people, the world of the patent office where I worked, the temple of science. "If wastewater life is licking the steps of your temple, close the door and laugh... Do not give in to anger, remain as before as a saint in the temple.” He followed this advice.

Impact on culture

Albert Einstein turned into a series hero fiction novels, films and theatrical productions. In particular, it acts as actor in the film by Nicholas Rog “Insignificance”, the comedy by Fred Schepisi “I.Q.”, the film by Philip Martin “Einstein and Eddington” (2008), in the Soviet / Russian films “Choice of Target”, “Wolf Messing”, the comic play by Steve Martin , the novels by Jean-Claude Carrier “Please Monsieur Einstein” and Alan Lightman’s “Einstein’s Dreams”, the poem “Einstein” by Archibald MacLeish. The humorous component of the great physicist's personality appears in Ed Metzger's production of Albert Einstein: Practical Bohemian. "Professor Einstein", who creates the chronosphere and prevents Hitler from coming to power, is one of the key characters in the story he created. alternate universe in the series of computer real-time strategy games Command & Conquer. The scientist in the film "Cain XVIII" is clearly made up to look like Einstein.

The appearance of Albert Einstein, usually seen as an adult in a simple sweater with disheveled hair, has become a staple in popular culture's portrayal of "mad scientists" and "absent-minded professors." In addition, it actively exploits the motif of the great physicist’s forgetfulness and impracticality, which is transferred to the collective image of his colleagues. Time magazine even called Einstein "a cartoonist's dream come true." Albert Einstein's photographs have become widely known. The most famous one was made at the physicist’s 72nd birthday (1951).

Photographer Arthur Sass asked Einstein to smile for the camera, to which he stuck out his tongue. This image has become an icon of modern popular culture, presenting a portrait of both a genius and a cheerful living person. On June 21, 2009, at an auction in New Hampshire, America, one of the nine original photographs printed in 1951 was sold for $74,000. A. Einstein gave this photograph to his friend, journalist Howard Smith, and signed on it that “the humorous grimace is addressed to all humanity”.

Einstein's popularity modern world so great that controversial issues arise in widespread use the name and appearance of the scientist in advertising and trademarks. Because Einstein bequeathed some of his property, including the use of his images, to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the brand "Albert Einstein" was registered as a trademark.


Incredible facts

Do you think you know who Albert Einstein was: the absent-minded genius who discovered the theory of relativity (by the way, there are actually two of them: special and general theory of relativity)? But did you know that he was born with a head so large that his mother thought he had some kind of deformity or that Einstein had a secret child before his marriage?

Here are the 10 most amazing facts about the smartest genius you probably didn't know about.

1. Einstein was a fat kid with a big head

When Albert's mother, Pauline Einstein, gave birth to him, she thought his head was so large and ugly that it suggested some kind of deformity.

Since the back of the head seemed too large, the family initially suspected some kind of deformity. The doctor, however, managed to calm the parents, and after a few weeks the child’s head became clearer. normal sizes. When Einstein's grandmother first saw him, according to some accounts, she constantly repeated: “too fat, too fat!” Contrary to all fears, Albert grew and developed normally, except that he was slightly slow.

2. Einstein suffered from speech difficulties when he was a child.

As a child, Einstein spoke very rarely. When he spoke, he did so very slowly, trying to form whole sentences in his head and muttering them under his breath until he could say them out loud correctly, until he was about 9 years old. Einstein's parents feared that he was mentally retarded, which of course was completely unfounded.

This is how the historian described one of the situations that happened to Einstein in childhood. Otto Neugebauer(Otto Neugebauer):

“Because he began to talk late, his parents were worried. Finally, when dinner was served, he broke the silence and said, “The soup is too hot.” ​​Sighing with relief, his parents asked him why he had been silent until then. Albert replied: “ Because until now everything was fine."

Also, besides Einstein, many brilliant people speech delays were observed in childhood. This phenomenon was even given the name “Einstein syndrome.”

3. Einstein was inspired by a compass

When Einstein was five years old and sick, his father showed him something that sparked his interest in science: a compass.

Einstein was interested in the fact that no matter where the body was turned, the arrow always pointed in the same direction. He thought that in this supposedly empty space there must have been some force that acted on the compass. This incident was often mentioned in stories about his life once he gained fame.

4. Einstein failed the university entrance exam

In 1895, at the age of 17, Albert Einstein applied to enter the Swiss higher education technical school Zurich. He passed the entrance exam in mathematics, but failed all the others (history, languages, geography, etc.) Einstein had to enter the Professional institute, before he took his exams again and finally entered Swiss Higher Technical School Zurich a year later.

5. Einstein had a child out of wedlock

In the 1980s, Einstein's personal letters revealed a secret about his genius: he had an illegitimate daughter with his former classmate Mileva Maric, whom Einstein later married. In 1902, a year before her marriage, Mileva gave birth to a daughter, named Lieserl, whom Einstein never saw and whose further fate remains a mystery.

Mileva gave birth to a daughter in her parents' home in Novi Sad. This happened at the end of January 1902, when Einstein was in Bern. From the letters we can conclude that the birth was difficult. Official name girls unknown. Only the name Lieserl was mentioned in the letters. Future life Lieserl remains unclear even today. Experts believe that the girl may have had some kind of disorder when she was born and lived with Mileva’s parents. It is also believed that the girl died from an infection caused by scarlet fever in September 1903. It can also be concluded from the letters that Lieserl was adopted after birth. The last time Einstein mentioned her was in a letter to Mileva on September 19, 1903.

6. Einstein distanced himself from his first wife and then offered her a strange contract.

After Einstein and Mileva got married, they had two sons: Hans-Albert and Eduard. However, the scientist's academic success and trips around the world cost him dearly: he became estranged from his wife. For some time the couple tried to work through the problems, and Einstein even offered his wife a strange contract for cohabitation, according to which they continued to live together, but under certain conditions:

"1. You will ensure that:

My clothes and linen are kept clean

You will bring me breakfast, lunch and dinner regularly to my room

My bedroom and studio will be kept clean, especially my desk, which will only be used by me.

2. You will renounce all personal relationships with me because they are not absolutely necessary for social reasons.

3. You will stop talking to me if I ask you to."

The wife accepted all his conditions. He then wrote to her again, making sure she understood his future commitments and that personal aspects should be kept to a minimum. He also stated: "Upon my return, I assure you of the proper behavior on my part that I would show to any strange woman."

7. Einstein didn't get along with his eldest son

After the divorce, Einstein's relationship with his eldest son, Hans-Albert, began to deteriorate. Hans accused his father of abandoning Mileva, and after Einstein received the Nobel Prize and the money, he gave Mileva access only to the interest, not the principal amount of the award, which made her financial life much more difficult.

The quarrel between father and son worsened even more after Einstein opposed Hans-Albert's marriage to Freda Knecht.

In 1927, when Hans was 23 years old, he fell in love with an older and, according to Einstein, ugly woman. He cursed their union, claiming that his bride was a treacherous woman who was pursuing his son. When all attempts to end their relationship failed, Einstein begged his son not to have children, as this would further complicate the inevitable divorce.

Hans-Albert subsequently immigrated to the United States and became a professor of hydraulic engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. Even in new country, father and son were separated. When Einstein died, he left his son a small inheritance.

8. Einstein was a ladies' man

After Einstein divorced Mileva, with his infidelity cited as one of the reasons for the divorce, he soon married his cousin Elsa Leventhal. In fact, Einstein also considered marrying Elsa's daughter from her first marriage, but she was against it. Elsa's daughter, who was 18 years younger than Einstein, was not attracted to Albert, she loved him as a father, and she understood that it was better not to get involved with him.

Unlike Mileva, Elsa Einstein's main problem was the difficulty of keeping track of her famous husband. She certainly knew and tolerated his infidelity and adventures, which he later admitted in his letters.

First he mentioned that his first marriage was unsuccessful. Then after marrying Elsa, he cheated on her with his secretary Betty Neumann.

In Einstein's recently released letters, he mentions about six women with whom he spent time and from whom he received gifts when he was married to Elsa. Among his mistresses were mentioned Estela, Ethel, Tony and his “Russian spy” Margarita. Others are indicated in the letter only by the initials M. and L.

“It is true that M. has been following me and her persecution is getting out of control,” he wrote in a letter in 1931. "Of all the ladies, I am really only attached to Mrs. L., who is absolutely harmless and decent."

9. Pacifist Einstein urged Roosevelt to develop the atomic bomb.

In 1939, concerned about the rise of Nazi Germany, physicist Leo Szilard persuaded Einstein to write a letter to President Franklin Roosevelt, warning that Nazi Germany was conducting research into developing an atomic bomb and urging the United States to create its own.

The letter of Einstein and Szilard is often quoted as one of the reasons why Roosevelt started the secret Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb. Although Einstein was a brilliant physicist, he was considered a security risk and was fortunately not invited to help with the project.

10. Einstein's brain lay in a jar for 43 years and was then sent in pieces around the world

After Einstein's death in 1955, his brain was removed without his family's consent Thomas Stoltz Harvey, the pathologist at Princeton Hospital who performed the autopsy. Harvey took Einstein's brain home and kept it in a jar. He was later fired from his job because he refused to give up his valuable organ.

Many years later, Harvey, who had by then received permission from Hans-Albert to study Einstein's brain, sent pieces of Einstein's brain to various scientists around the world. One of the scientists was Marian Diamond, who found that compared to ordinary people Einstein had many more glial cells in the area of ​​the brain that was responsible for synthesizing information.

In another study, Sandra Witelson(Sandra Witelson) found that Einstein's brain lacked a special "wrinkle" called the Sylvian fissure. She theorized that the unusual anatomy helped the neurons in Einstein's brain communicate more freely with each other. There were also suggestions that the scientist's brain had greater density and that the inferior parietal lobe, associated with mathematical abilities he had more than the others.

In 1998, 85-year-old Harvey, who had kept Einstein's brain for many years, gave it to a pathologist at Princeton University, where he once worked.

"Eventually we get tired of the responsibility of keeping it...I got tired about a year ago," Harvey said slowly.

One of the most famous personalities the first half of the 20th century was Albert Einstein. This great scientist achieved a lot in his life, becoming not only a Nobel laureate, but also radically changing scientific ideas about the Universe.

He is the author of about 300 scientific works on physics and about 150 books and articles in the most various areas knowledge.

Born in 1879 in Germany, he lived for 76 years, dying on April 18, 1955 in the United States, where he worked for the last 15 years of his life.

Some of Einstein's contemporaries said that communicating with him was like the fourth dimension. Of course, she is often surrounded by a halo of glory and various legends. That is why there are often cases when certain moments from their enthusiastic fans are deliberately exaggerated.

We offer you interesting facts from the life of Albert Einstein.

Photo from 1947

As we said at the beginning, Albert Einstein was extremely famous. Therefore, when random passers-by stopped him on the street, asking in a jubilant voice if it was him, the scientist often said: “No, sorry, they always confuse me with Einstein!”

One day he was asked what the speed of sound is. To this the great physicist replied: “I do not have the habit of remembering things that can easily be found in a book.”

It is curious that little Albert developed very slowly as a child. His parents were worried that he would be retarded, since he began to speak tolerably only at the age of 7. It is believed that he had a form of autism, possibly Asperger's Syndrome.

Einstein's great love for music is well known. He learned to play the violin as a child and carried it with him all his life.

One day, while reading a newspaper, the scientist came across an article that talked about whole family died due to a leak of sulfur dioxide from a faulty refrigerator. Deciding that this was a mess, Albert Einstein, together with his former student, invented a refrigerator with a different, safer principle of operation. The invention was called “Einstein’s Refrigerator.”

It is known that the great physicist had an active civic position. He was an ardent supporter of the civil rights movement and declared that Jews in Germany and blacks in America had equal rights. “Ultimately, we are all human,” he said.

Albert Einstein was a convinced man and spoke out strongly against all Nazism.

Surely everyone has seen the photograph where the scientist sticks out his tongue. An interesting fact is that this photo was taken on the eve of his 72nd birthday. Tired of cameras, Albert Einstein stuck out his tongue at another request to smile. Now all over the world this photograph is not only known, but also interpreted by everyone in their own way, giving it a metaphysical meaning.

The fact is that when signing one of the photographs with his tongue hanging out, the genius said that his gesture was addressed to all of humanity. How can we do without metaphysics! By the way, contemporaries always emphasized the scientist’s subtle humor and ability to make witty jokes.

It is known that Einstein was Jewish by nationality. So, in 1952, when the state of Israel was just beginning to form into a full-fledged power, the great scientist was offered the presidency. Of course, the physicist flatly refused such a high post, citing the fact that he was a scientist and did not have enough experience to govern the country.

On the eve of his death, he was offered to undergo surgery, but he refused, saying that “artificial prolongation of life makes no sense.” In general, all the visitors who came to see the dying genius noted his absolute calm, and even fun mood. He expected death as an ordinary natural phenomenon, such as rain. In this it is somewhat reminiscent of .

An interesting fact is that last words Albert Einstein is unknown. He spoke them in German, which his American nurse did not know.

Taking advantage of his incredible popularity, the scientist for some time charged one dollar for each autograph. He donated the proceeds to charity.

After one scientific dialogue with his colleagues, Albert Einstein said: “God does not play dice.” To which Niels Bohr objected: “Stop telling God what to do!”

Interestingly, the scientist never considered himself an atheist. But he also did not believe in a personal God. It is certain that he stated that he preferred humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual awareness. Apparently, until his death he never decided on this concept, remaining a humble questioner.

There is a misconception that Albert Einstein was not very good at . In fact, at the age of 15 he had already mastered differential and integral calculus.

Einstein at 14

Having received a check for $1,500 from the Rockefeller Foundation, the great physicist used it as a bookmark for a book. But, alas, he lost this book.

In general, there were legends about his absent-mindedness. One day Einstein was riding on a Berlin tram and was thinking intently about something. The conductor, who did not recognize him, received the wrong amount for the ticket and corrected him. And indeed, rummaging in his pocket, the great scientist discovered the missing coins and paid. “It’s okay, grandpa,” said the conductor, “you just need to learn arithmetic.”

Interestingly, Albert Einstein never wore socks. He did not give any special explanations about this, but even at the most formal events his shoes were worn on bare feet.

It sounds incredible, but Einstein's brain was stolen. After his death in 1955, pathologist Thomas Harvey removed the scientist's brain and took photographs of it under different angles. Then, cutting the brain into many small pieces, he sent them to various laboratories for 40 years to be examined by the best neurologists in the world.

It is noteworthy that the scientist, during his lifetime, agreed to have his brain examined after his death. But he did not consent to the theft of Thomas Harvey!

In general, the will genius physicist was that after death he would be cremated, which was done, but only, as you may have guessed, without a brain. Even during his lifetime, Einstein was an ardent opponent of any cult of personality, so he did not want his grave to become a place of pilgrimage. His ashes were scattered to the wind.

An interesting fact is that Albert Einstein became interested in science as a child. When he was 5 years old, he fell ill with something. His father, to calm him down, showed him a compass. Little Albert was amazed that the arrow constantly pointed in one direction, no matter how he turned this mysterious device. He decided that there was some force that made the arrow behave this way. By the way, after the scientist became famous throughout the world, this story was often told.

Albert Einstein was very fond of the “Maxims” of the outstanding French thinker and political figure François de La Rochefoucauld. He re-read them constantly.

In general, in literature, the genius of physics preferred Bertolt Brecht.

Einstein at the Patent Office (1905)

At the age of 17, Albert Einstein wanted to enter the Swiss Higher Technical School in Zurich. However, he only passed the math exam and failed all the others. For this reason, he had to go to a vocational school. A year later, he still managed to pass the required exams.

When radicals took the rector and several professors hostage in 1914, Albert Einstein, along with Max Born, went to negotiate. They managed to find mutual language with the rioters, and the situation was resolved peacefully. From this we can conclude that the scientist was not a timid person.

By the way, here it is extremely rare photo master. We'll do without any comments - just admire the genius!

Albert Einstein at a lecture

Another interesting fact that not everyone knows. Einstein was first nominated for the Nobel Prize in 1910 for his theory of relativity. However, the committee found her evidence insufficient. Further, every year (!), except 1911 and 1915, he was recommended for this prestigious award by various physicists.

And only in November 1922 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 1921. A diplomatic way out of the awkward situation was found. Einstein was awarded the prize not for the theory of relativity, but for the theory of the photoelectric effect, although the text of the decision included a postscript: “... and for other work in the field of theoretical physics.”

As a result, we see that one of the greatest physicists, considered to be, was awarded only the tenth time. Why is this such a stretch? Very fertile ground for lovers of conspiracy theories.

Did you know that Master Yoda's face from the movie " star Wars» based on images of Einstein? The facial expressions of a genius were used as a prototype.

Despite the fact that the scientist died back in 1955, he confidently occupies 7th place in the “” list. Annual income from sales of Baby Einstein products is more than $10 million.

There is a common belief that Albert Einstein was a vegetarian. But this is not true. In principle, he supported this movement, but he himself began to follow vegetarian diet about a year before his death.

Einstein's personal life

In 1903, Albert Einstein married his classmate Mileva Maric, who was 4 years older than him.

The year before, they had an illegitimate daughter. However, due to financial difficulties, the young father insisted on giving the child to Mileva’s wealthy but childless relatives, who themselves wanted this. In general it must be said that this dark story the physicist did his best to hide it. Therefore, there is no detailed information about this daughter. Some biographers believe that she died in childhood.

Albert Einstein and Mileva Maric (first wife)

When did it start scientific career Albert Einstein, success and travel around the world affected his relationship with Mileva. They were on the verge of divorce, but then, nevertheless, they agreed on one strange contract. Einstein invited his wife to continue living together, provided that she agreed to his demands:

  1. Keep his clothes and room (especially his desk) clean.
  2. Bring breakfast, lunch and dinner to your room regularly.
  3. Complete renunciation of marital relations.
  4. Stop talking when he asks.
  5. Leave his room upon request.

Surprisingly, the wife agreed to these conditions, humiliating for any woman, and they lived together for some time. Although later Mileva Marich still could not stand her husband’s constant infidelities even after 16 years life together They've divorced.

It is interesting that two years before his first marriage he wrote to his beloved:

“...I have lost my mind, I am dying, I am burning with love and desire. The pillow you sleep on is a hundred times happier than my heart! You come to me at night, but, unfortunately, only in a dream...”

But then everything went according to Dostoevsky: “From love to hate there is one step.” The feelings quickly cooled down and were a burden for both.

By the way, before the divorce, Einstein promised that if he received the Nobel Prize (and this happened in 1922), he would give it all to Mileva. The divorce took place, but he did not give the money received from the Nobel Committee to his ex-wife, but only allowed her to use the interest from it.

In total, they had three children: two legitimate sons and one illegitimate daughter, which we have already talked about. Einstein's youngest son Eduard had great abilities. But as a student, he suffered a severe nervous breakdown, as a result of which he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Entering a psychiatric hospital at age 21, he spent most of his life there, dying at age 55. Albert Einstein himself could not come to terms with the idea that he had a mentally ill son. There are letters in which he complains that it would be better if he had never been born.

Mileva Maric (first wife) and Einstein's two sons

Einstein had an extremely bad relationship with his eldest son Hans. And until the death of the scientist. Biographers believe that this is directly related to the fact that he did not give the Nobel Prize to his wife, as promised, but only the interest. Hans is the only successor to the Einstein family, although his father bequeathed an extremely small inheritance to him.

It is important to emphasize here that after the divorce, Mileva Maric long time suffered from depression and was treated by various psychoanalysts. Albert Einstein felt guilty about her all his life.

However, the great physicist was a real ladies' man. After divorcing his first wife, he literally immediately married his cousin (on his mother’s side) Elsa. During this marriage, he had many mistresses, which Elsa knew very well. Moreover, they spoke freely on this topic. Apparently, the official status of the wife of a world-famous scientist was enough for Elsa.

Albert Einstein and Elsa (second wife)

This second wife of Albert Einstein was also divorced, had two daughters and, like the physicist’s first wife, was three years older than her scientist husband. Despite the fact that they did not have children together, they lived together until Elsa's death in 1936.

An interesting fact is that Einstein initially considered marrying Elsa’s daughter, who was 18 years younger than him. However, she did not agree, so she had to marry her mother.

Stories from the life of Einstein

Stories from the lives of great people are always extremely interesting. Although, to be objective, any person in this sense is of enormous interest. Just to outstanding representatives humanity always pays closer attention. We are pleased to idealize the image of a genius, attributing to him supernatural actions, words and phrases.

Count to three

One day Albert Einstein was at a party. Knowing that the great scientist was fond of playing the violin, the owners asked him to play together with the composer Hans Eisler, who was present here. After preparations, they tried to play.

However, Einstein just couldn’t keep up with the beat, and no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t even play the introduction properly. Then Eisler rose from the piano and said:

“I don’t understand why the whole world considers a man great who can’t count to three!”

Brilliant violinist

They say that Albert Einstein once performed at a charity concert together with the famous cellist Grigory Pyatigorsky. There was a journalist in the hall who was supposed to write a report about the concert. Turning to one of the listeners and pointing to Einstein, he asked in a whisper:

- Do you know the name of this man with a mustache and a violin?

- What are you talking about! - the lady exclaimed. - After all, this is the great Einstein himself!

Embarrassed, the journalist thanked her and began frantically writing something in his notebook. The next day, an article appeared in the newspaper that an outstanding composer and incomparable violin virtuoso named Einstein, who eclipsed Pyatigorsky himself with his skill, performed at the concert.

This amused Einstein so much, who was already very fond of humor, that he cut out this note and, on occasion, said to his friends:

- Do you think I'm a scientist? This is a deep misconception! I'm actually a famous violinist!

Great Thoughts

Another interesting case is that of a journalist who asked Einstein where he wrote down his great thoughts. To this the scientist replied, looking at the reporter’s thick diary:

“Young man, truly great thoughts come so rarely that they are not at all difficult to remember!”

Time and eternity

Once an American journalist, attacking the famous physicist, asked him what the difference between time and eternity was. To this Albert Einstein replied:

“If I had time to explain this to you, an eternity would pass before you could understand it.”

Two celebrities

In the first half of the 20th century, only two people were truly global celebrities: Einstein and Charlie Chaplin. After the release of the film “Gold Rush,” the scientist wrote a telegram to the comedian with the following content:

“I admire your film, which is understandable to the whole world. You will undoubtedly become a great man."

To which Chaplin replied:

“I admire you even more! Your theory of relativity is incomprehensible to anyone in the world, and yet you have become a great man.”

It doesn't matter

We have already written about Albert Einstein’s absent-mindedness. But here is another example from his life.

One day, walking down the street and thinking about the meaning of existence and global problems of humanity, he met an old friend of his, whom he mechanically invited to dinner:

- Come this evening, Professor Stimson will be our guest.

- But I am Stimson! – the interlocutor exclaimed.

“It doesn’t matter, come anyway,” Einstein said absentmindedly.


One day, while walking along the corridor of Princeton University, Albert Einstein met a young physicist who had no merit to science except an uncontrolled ego. Having caught up with the famous scientist, the young man tapped him familiarly on the shoulder and asked:

- How are you, colleague?

“How,” Einstein was surprised, “do you also suffer from rheumatism?”

He really couldn't be denied a sense of humor!

Everything but money

One journalist asked Einstein's wife what she thought of her great husband.

“Oh, my husband is a real genius,” answered the wife, “he knows how to do absolutely everything except money!”

Einstein Quotes

Do you think all that simple? Yes, it's simple. But not at all like that.

Anyone who wants to see the results of their labor immediately should become a shoemaker.

Theory is when everything is known, but nothing works. Practice is when everything works, but no one knows why. We combine theory and practice: nothing works... and no one knows why!

There are only two infinite things: the Universe and stupidity. Although I'm not sure about the Universe.

Everyone knows that this is impossible. But then comes an ignorant person who doesn’t know this - he makes a discovery.

I don’t know with what weapons the third world war will be fought, but the fourth will be fought with sticks and stones.

Only a fool needs order - genius rules over chaos.

There are only two ways to live life. The first is as if miracles do not exist. The second one is like there are only miracles all around.

Education is what remains after everything learned at school is forgotten.

We are all geniuses. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life thinking it is stupid.

Only those who make absurd attempts will be able to achieve the impossible.

The greater my fame, the more stupid I become; and this is undoubtedly the general rule.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited while imagination is expansive the whole world, stimulating progress, giving rise to evolution.

You will never solve a problem if you think the same way as those who created it.

If the theory of relativity is confirmed, the Germans will say that I am a German, and the French will say that I am a citizen of the world; but if my theory is refuted, the French will declare me a German, and the Germans a Jew.

Mathematics is the only perfect method for fooling yourself.

Through coincidences, God maintains anonymity.

Hello, Dear Guys! Have you ever come across a photo of a weirdo with an outstretched tongue and tousled hair? I think I had to.

Do you know who this cheerful man is? This is none other than the great scientist Albert Einstein! The one who discovered the world-famous theory of relativity and laid the foundation for all modern physics. I propose today to take a closer look at his biography.

Lesson plan:

Where are geniuses born?

The future legendary physicist was born into a Jewish family in 1879 in southern Germany in the city of Ulm. And he appeared with irregular shape head, which became a subject for thought for doctors and his parents: does baby Einstein have mental retardation, especially since the child is up to three years didn't talk.

Even before entering school, one day his father gave little Albert a compass. The device blew the children's mind so much that observations of the needle, which in any position of the compass always turns to the north, became one of the reasons for future research.

The school years of life were not the best for young Einstein. best time. He remembered them with bitterness, because he did not like simple cramming. So the student was not considered a favorite among the teachers, he always argued with the teachers, asked objectionable questions to which the teachers had no answers.

Apparently this is where the myth originated that Einstein was a poor student at school. “Nothing good will ever come of you!” - that was the teachers’ verdict. Although if you look at his certificate, everything there is quite good, especially in mathematics, physics and philosophy.

At the insistence of his mother, he began studying violin at the age of six and initially did this only because his parents demanded it. Only the music of the great Mozart made a revolution in his soul, and the violin forever became a companion in the physicist’s life.

At the age of 12, he became acquainted with a textbook of Euclidean geometry. This mathematical work shocked young Albert, like his father’s compass when he picked it up seven years ago. What he lovingly called the “sacred book on geometry” became a reference manual, where a student named Einstein looked every day with irrepressible curiosity, independently absorbing knowledge.

In general, “independent studies” were a special hobby for the young genius, who did not like learning under pressure. Deciding that he himself could get an education, in 1895 he left school and came without a matriculation certificate to his parents, who at that time were forced to live in Italy without him. The rebellious son’s assurances that he would be able to enter a technical school on his own were unsuccessful.

Self-confident Einstein on the first entrance exams fails at Zurich College. He devotes a year to completing his secondary education, and only in 1896 is he accepted into a higher educational institution.

When did the great Einstein “come to his senses”?

Even after entering college, student Einstein did not become a role model. As in the gymnasium, he was not distinguished by discipline, he skipped lectures or attended them “for show,” without interest. He was more attracted independent research: he experimented, conducted experiments, read the works of great scientists. Instead of studying, he sat in a cafe and studied scientific journals.

In 1900, he finally received a diploma as a physics teacher, but he was not hired anywhere. Only after two years he was given a trainee position at the Patent Office. It was then that Albert Einstein was able to devote more time to his favorite research, getting closer and closer to his discoveries in the field of physics.

As a result, three articles by Einstein were published that turned the scientific world upside down. Published in a famous scientific journal, they brought the physicist worldwide fame. So, what special did the scientist discover?

Why is the personality of a scientist interesting?

In addition to being a great physicist, Albert Einstein was also an extraordinary personality. Here are some interesting facts from his life.

The scientist died in 1955. Last years Albert Einstein spent his life in the small American town of Priston, where he was buried. Residents of the town loved their neighbor, and students of the university where he taught nicknamed the physicist “old doc” and sang this song:

Who is good at math?

And who is in love with integrals,

Who drinks water, not Rhine wine,

For those, an example is our Al Einstein.

Like this Short story Today we have learned about the great scientist Albert Einstein. I hope this material will be enough for you to prepare interesting report on the topic of celebrities.

And with this I say goodbye to you with wishes for new discoveries.

Good luck in your studies!

Evgenia Klimkovich