Eating meat or not, which is more harmful? Is it good for us to eat meat? Vegetarian dieters live longer

IN modern age It's stupid to kill to survive, don't you think? And if you have to kill Mom to survive, will you do it? Okay, let's not talk about Mom, our favorite horse or dog, or anyone else? Today I will touch upon important topic: Why is eating meat harmful? Many will say in defense that meat is irreplaceable, we cannot live without it. I've already figured it out previous post about the indispensability of meat or. Meat is perfectly replaceable and many people live without it for years. But this post is not about that at all, but about the dangers of meat. Many famous personalities switched to vegetarianism and many chose it not because it kills animals, but because they considered it beneficial to life.

Let's look at the reasons why eating meat is harmful:

  1. Compared to plant foods, meat contains little useful minerals, vitamins and carbohydrates.

  2. Our body is not designed to eat animal products (such as meat). Man initially could not eat meat until, over time, he learned to fry it. And our teeth structure is not like that of a predator.

  3. Meat pollutes the intestinal microflora and creates rotting products in it. Meat is also toxic to our body. Meat also takes longer to digest than, say, plant foods.

  4. Meat causes CANCER. If you don't believe me, watch the video below. Plant foods also contain many beneficial substances that help reduce the risk of diseases, including cancer.

  5. Meat is rich in saturated fat, which increases blood cholesterol and, accordingly, worsens the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Switching to a vegetarian diet almost 100% prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases.

  6. People who eat meat live shorter lives than those who don't eat it. The life expectancy of a vegetarian is approximately 13% longer than that of a person who eats meat.

  7. Any meat is processed, and supplements are also fed to cows and chickens on farms. We then eat all this along with the meat. I said this very simply, but there is an opinion that 2 kg of meat is equivalent to 600 cigarettes in terms of the amount of harmful substances.

  8. When an animal is killed, it is aware of this fact, the information remains and the poison of fear penetrates while it is eaten.

  9. Of the more than 200 known animal diseases, more than half of them are dangerous to humans. For example, cancer in an animal is not cured, but simply best case scenario the tumor is removed, but this meat remains on the shelves

  10. Also, fish meat is also reliable, but less than, say, pig or chicken meat.

  11. Plus even more other harmful properties of meat that I do not yet know or, let’s say, have not yet been discovered.

There are still many different videos on the Internet that once again prove the dangers of meat, and meat-eaters continue to argue. It just seems to me that many are not yet ready to give it up and will cling to every thread. Why else is this so, since childhood we were taught that we must eat meat, we cannot live without it, etc., this information did not exist before, these studies did not exist. It’s hard to change yourself and believe in a different point of view of the world that has existed for many centuries.

There are more and more adherents of vegetarianism. Everyone has different reasons giving up meat and other animal products: some people do this because moral principles, others care about their health. The main reason for refusal is their harm to human body.

People have been taught about the benefits of essential acids and acids contained in meat since childhood. And one of the favorite arguments of supporters of meat-eating is that vegetarians do not receive all the necessary vitamins, minerals and other substances. But this is another myth, since they are found in many plant products. For example, spirulina, hemp seeds and Chia include all 9 essential ingredients at once. organic compounds. And foods such as broccoli, legumes, spinach, etc. are saturated with protein, which is absorbed faster and better by the human body, giving it energy rather than taking it away.

If meat-eating is so beneficial, then why do the doctors themselves who promote it prescribe a meat-free diet for people suffering from heart problems, digestion, etc.? Can a product that is exclusively beneficial and gives a surge of strength be removed from the diet of patients? Where will they get protein for the period of treatment? :) Worth thinking about.

Our ancestors did not eat meat

If you start to deeply study the diet of our ancestors, you will notice that it was based on herbal products. The ancient Romans and Greeks, for example, ate mainly fruits. By the way, the well-known great philosophers Pythagoras, Socrates and Plato were vegetarians. IN Ancient Sparta meat was prohibited, the Spartans ate cereals. Everyone knows about their strength and power to this day.

Pay attention to Slavic fairy tales. It is worth noting that they never contain animal products on the table. The heroes eat cereals and vegetables. Watch the fairy tale and you will see the role meat plays in it.

Jesus Christ followed a plant-based diet. The Bible says:

“And God said: “Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed that is on all the earth, and every tree that has fruit yielding seed; it will be for you to eat!”

The effect of meat on the human body

Meat steals energy

First of all, food should give us energy. This is its most important value. Meat food, in other words, a “dead body,” cannot give it to a person. It has no fuel value, since 3-4 hours after the death of the animal, bacterial decomposition of tissues begins due to the coagulation of protein substances. In order to slow down the process of decay of the corpse, the meat is stored in refrigerators. Refrigeration slows down decomposition, but does not stop it completely; it does not stop even during cooking.

Rotting meat that enters your stomach continues to rot there, since it takes about 5 days to completely digest it and remove undigested residues from the body (by the way, the main signs of internal decomposition are bad breath and foul sweating). Continuing to decompose, the “carrion” releases cadaveric poison, bacteria, hormonal drugs, pus, worm eggs, nitrates, herbicides and insecticides, dyes, cholesterol, fat, transgenes, etc. It is not surprising that such a long stay of meat in the human body leads to poisoning and premature wear and tear of the entire body.

Meat poisons the body

Undigested meat settles in the folds of the intestines and forms toxic compactions called “fecal stones.” Accumulating in the human body, they interfere with digestion and the movement of food through the esophagus. This is very dangerous, especially for those people who are “treated” by fasting. Without receiving food, the intestines begin to feed and absorb into the blood what can be sucked out from the remnants of food covering its walls. In other words, toxins and poisons contained and accumulated in fecal stones are absorbed. This becomes the reason internal poisoning body. Most likely, you have often noticed that you are starting to headache when you haven't eaten for a long time. Now you will know the real reason such a phenomenon. Therefore, it is recommended before starting therapeutic fasting cleanse the intestines using.

Meat makes you sick

Eating meat leads to serious illnesses such as cancer, arthritis, rheumatism, diabetes, etc. Occurrence cancerous tumors is associated with the presence of carcinogenic substances in this product, as well as with a high fat content, which increases the secretion of bile in the intestines. The development of pain in the joints occurs due to the distribution of undigested uric acid in meat throughout the body.

Meat is bad for your heart

Eating carrion also leads to more serious consequences.

Today, heart disease has become an epidemic in America. What do you think is the reason? And everything is very simple. The USA is the number one country in meat consumption!

Decide this problem simpler than it seems at first glance. There is no need to conduct many years of research, much less use various medications; it is enough just to completely abandon food products of animal origin. After all, they contain saturated fats, which clog human blood vessels with cholesterol, making it difficult for blood to move through them, and as a result of this, blood pressure increases and problems arise. serious illnesses heart problems such as ischemia and hypertension. It has long been proven that vegetarians, and especially raw foodists, are much less likely than meat-eaters to die from heart defects.

By the way, the same Americans are the “fat country”, the country suffering from obesity... It’s worth thinking about, isn’t it?

Blood vessels in different system nutrition

Meat causes aggression

Meat eaters are characterized by short temper, aggression and irritation, fatigue and stress, they are often in a depressed mood. The reason for this is again the long digestion of meat. While the body’s energy is directed toward absorption, a person experiences weakness, so very often after eating you want to lie down and rest. What kind of energy from meat can we be talking about here? Carrion only leads to wear and tear and premature aging of the body.

Meat is a business

If meat products are so harmful, then why won’t they give it up? The answer is quite simple. Unfortunately, our world has become too material, everyone wants to get their own benefit. Industrial sectors are aimed at reducing the costs of starting their business and increasing profits from it. This is also discussed in the article. Animals are kept in terrible unsanitary conditions, they are “stuffed” with cheap chemical feed, and are also pumped full of hormones and antibiotics. All these actions accelerate their growth and increase their mass. Animal meat becomes even more harmful to humans.

In addition, they are treated very harshly. After watching the film, you are horrified as to why there is so much hatred, anger and aggression in people. Every time you eat meat, remember that it was a living creature.

We can safely say that meat is extremely harmful, both physiologically and psychological point vision. All kinds medical research They always show that vegetarians and raw foodists get sick less often than omnivores. Therefore, the choice is yours. You can help your body cleanse itself and heal itself, without the help of doctors. It is only necessary to change the food culture.

Video Harm from animal proteins

We never promote anything, we always advise OBSERVING! Listen to your body and monitor its reaction from eating certain foods. Turn on awareness, and then you will see and understand everything yourself.

Many have already tried and appreciated such newfangled raw beef dishes as carpaccio and tartare. However, not every gourmet is confident in their complete safety. It is quite possible that you are wondering whether it is permissible to indulge in such culinary delights; is it possible to eat raw red meat without risk to your health?

Let's try to figure it all out together, and also the most common myths about meat.

Should you eat meat?

A long time ago, scientists found that a person can easily do without meat. More than 800 million vegetarians, which is 1/6 of the population globe, by example proved it. The reality is that there is nothing about meat that you can't live without. Another thing is that it is rich in proteins, iron and vitamin B12 - all those nutrients that are extremely difficult to obtain while on a strict vegetarian diet.

Therefore, meat is valuable food source, which should be completely abandoned only with an eye to moral and ethical views or for medical reasons - kidney disease, cancer.

Raw or cooked?

From the point of view of a nutritionist, when heated, the nutritional value of meat does not suffer much, since the proteins are preserved almost completely. However, it was noticed that under the influence high temperature Those enzymes in meat that help the body digest it are destroyed (autolysis). To digest thermally processed meat, the body spends its reserves of vitamins and enzymes. With frequent use, a temporary deficiency is quite possible, which can immediately lead to problems on the skin. Rashes on the face can be caused by an overload of the body with products of incomplete protein processing. The liver and kidneys cannot cope with the removal of harmful molecules, and they exit through the skin. Raw red meat is completely digestible and has no such disadvantage.

On average, cooked food requires twice as much as raw food. For example, to absorb 20 g of protein you need to eat either 100 g of raw meat or 200 g of boiled meat. It is clear that in addition to the proteins from boiled meat, we will get twice as much fat, which is extremely undesirable.

It is also interesting to know that after eating thermally processed food, including meat heated above 80 C, the blood picture changes. The number of leukocytes increases sharply, as happens during an infectious disease. Extra shake immune system is not always desirable, especially if a person has a tendency to allergic diseases. Raw meat does not give such a reaction.
It is important to remember that when smoking and frying meat, the content of mutagens in it sharply increases, which increases the risk of malignant diseases.

The dangers of raw red meat

So, there are quite a few arguments in favor of eating meat raw. However, you should remember the risk of helminth infection. Very rarely, but still there are cases of infection with teniarinhoz or bovine tapeworm. A person can become ill by eating raw or undercooked or undercooked meat that has been infested with fins (invasive larvae). Of course, veterinary control will never allow such meat to enter the market, but even expensive restaurants are not immune from such a risk. By the way, steaks “rare” are still fried for 2-3 minutes on each side at a temperature of 200 °C.
If you want to cook carpaccio or tartare at home, freeze the meat at -15°C for 5 days. This is exactly what is needed according to veterinary standards to completely protect yourself from infection with bovine tapeworm.
It should be recognized that in our time, cases of infection with teniarhynchosis are very rare, since in most restaurants meat is stored frozen.

These days, the theory that red meat causes cancer has already been debunked. It turned out that the increase in the number of cancer diseases was caused by the consumption of heavily fried beef, namely in the form of barbecue. As we already know, heat treatment greatly increases the content of mutagens. Therefore, it is not the red meat itself that causes cancer, but the way it is prepared.

In conclusion, I will say the following. If you are just going to try raw meat dishes, then you should choose a good restaurant that cares about the reputation of the establishment. There you can eat carpaccio and rare steaks without fear. In fact, this is a much healthier food than, for example, French fries and roast beef.


People have been eating meat since the times ice age. It was then, according to anthropologists, that man moved away from a plant-based diet and began to eat meat. This “custom” has survived to this day - due to necessity (for example, among the Eskimos), habit or living conditions. But more often than not, the reason is simply misunderstanding. Over the past fifty years, renowned health experts, nutritionists, and biochemists have discovered compelling evidence that you don't have to eat meat to stay healthy; in fact, on the contrary, you do. a diet acceptable to predators can harm humans.

Alas, vegetarianism, based only on philosophical principles, rarely becomes a way of life. Therefore, let's leave aside the spiritual aspect of vegetarianism for now - multi-volume works can be written about this.
Let us dwell on purely practical, so to speak, “secular” arguments in favor of giving up meat. Let's first discuss the so-called "the myth of squirrels".

This is what we're talking about. One of the main reasons why most people shy away from vegetarianism is the fear of causing protein deficiency in the body. “How can you get all the quality proteins you need by eating exclusively plant-based and dairy products?” - such people ask.

Before answering this question, it’s worth remembering what protein actually is. In 1838, the Dutch chemist Jan Muldscher obtained a substance containing nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and, in smaller quantities, other chemical elements.

The scientist called this compound, which underlies all life on Earth, “primary.” Subsequently, the actual indispensability of protein was proven: for the survival of any organism, a certain amount of it must be consumed.

As it turns out, the reason for this is amino acids, the “primary sources of life” from which proteins are formed. There are a total of 22 known amino acids, 8 of which are considered essential (they are not produced by the body and must be consumed with food). These 8 amino acids are: lecin, isolecin, valine, lysine, trypophan, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine.

All of them should be included in appropriate proportions in a balanced nutritional diet. Until the mid-1950s, meat was considered best source proteins: after all, it contains all 8 basic amino acids, and in just the right proportions. However, today nutrition experts have come to the conclusion that plant foods as a source of protein are not only no worse than meat, but even superior to it. Plants also contain all 8 amino acids.

Plants have the ability to synthesize amino acids from air, soil and water, but Animals can only obtain proteins through plants: either by eating them, or by eating animals that ate plants and assimilated all of them nutrients. Therefore, a person has a choice: to obtain them directly through plants or in a roundabout way, at the cost of high economic and resource costs - from animal meat. Thus, meat does not contain any amino acids other than those that animals obtain from plants - and humans themselves can obtain them from plants. Moreover, plant foods have another important advantage: along with amino acids, you receive the substances necessary for the most complete absorption of proteins: carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements, hormones, chlorophyll, etc.

In 1954, a group of scientists Harvard University conducted research and found: if a person simultaneously consumes vegetables, cereals, and dairy products, he more than covers the daily protein requirement.

They concluded that it would be very difficult to maintain a varied vegetarian diet without exceeding this figure. Somewhat later, in 1972, Dr. F. Stear conducted his own studies of protein consumption by vegetarians. The results were amazing: most of the subjects received more than two norms of protein! This is how the “myth of squirrels” was debunked. Now let's turn to the next aspect of the problem we are discussing.

Modern medicine confirms: Meat-eating is fraught with many dangers. Cancer and cardiovascular diseases are becoming epidemic in countries where per capita meat consumption is high, while in countries where per capita meat consumption is low, such diseases are extremely rare.

Rollo Russell in his book “On the Causes of Cancer” writes: “I found that out of 25 countries whose inhabitants eat mainly meat, 19 have a very high incidence of cancer, and only one country has a relatively low rate, at the same time Of the 35 countries whose residents eat little or no meat, there is not one in which the incidence of cancer is high." In the journal American Association doctors" for 1961 said "Switching to a vegetarian diet prevents the development of cardiovascular disease in 90-97% of cases."

When an animal is slaughtered, its waste products are no longer excreted through its circulatory system and remain “preserved” in the dead body. Meat eaters thus consume toxic substances, which in a living animal leave the body along with urine. Dr. Owen S. Parrett noted in his work "Why I Don't Eat Meat" that when meat is boiled, harmful substances appear in the broth, as a result of which it chemical composition almost identical to urine.
In industrial powers with an intensive type of development Agriculture meat is “enriched” with many harmful substances:

DDT, arsenic /used as a growth stimulant/, sodium sulfate /used to give meat a “fresh”, blood-red hue/, DES, a synthetic hormone /known carcinogen/. In general, meat products contain many carcinogens and even metastasogens. For example, just 2 pounds of fried meat contains as much benzopyrene as is contained in 600 cigarettes! By reducing cholesterol intake, we simultaneously reduce the chances of fat accumulation, and therefore the risk of death from a heart attack or stroke. For a vegetarian, such a phenomenon as atherosclerosis is a completely abstract concept.

According to Encyclopedia Britannica"Proteins from nuts, grains and even dairy products are considered relatively clean, in contrast to those found in beef - they contain about 68% contaminated liquid components. These "impurities" have detrimental effects not only on the heart, but also on the body generally.

The human body is a most complex machine. And, as with any car, one fuel suits it better than another. Research shows that meat is an extremely inefficient gasoline for a given car, the use of which comes at a high price. For example, Eskimos, who mainly eat fish and meat, age very quickly. Their average life expectancy barely exceeds 30 years. The Kirghiz at one time also ate mainly meat and also lived longer than 40 years extremely rarely. On the other hand, there are tribes, such as the Hunza, who live in the Himalayas, or religious groups who have average duration life span ranges between 80 and 100 years! Scientists are convinced that vegetarianism is the reason for their excellent health. The Maya Indians from Yutacan and the Yemenite tribes of the Semitic group are also famous excellent health- again thanks to a vegetarian diet.

And in conclusion, I would like to emphasize one more thing. When eating meat, a person, as a rule, hides it under ketchups, sauces and gravies. He processes and modifies it with many different ways: fries, boils, stews, etc. What is all this for? Why not, like carnivores, eat meat raw? Many nutritionists, biologists and physiologists have convincingly demonstrated that humans are not carnivorous by nature. That is why they so diligently modify food that is uncharacteristic for themselves.

Physiologically, humans are much closer to herbivores such as monkeys, elephants, horses and cows than to carnivores such as dogs, tigers and leopards.

Let's say predators never sweat; In them, heat exchange occurs through respiratory rate regulators and protruding tongue. Vegetarian animals (and humans) have sweat glands for this purpose, through which various harmful substances leave the body.

Predators have long and sharp teeth to hold and kill prey; Herbivores (and humans) have short teeth and no claws.

The saliva of predators does not contain amylase and is therefore incapable of preliminary breakdown of starches. The glands of carnivorous animals produce a large number of of hydrochloric acid for digesting bones.

  • Anatoly Skalny, specialist in bioelementology, doctor medical sciences, Professor.
  • Stanislav Drobyshevsky, anthropologist, Researcher Faculty of Biology Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.
  • Marina Popovich, dietician-nutritionist, researcher at the State Research Institute of Preventive Medicine.

“Meat makes you grow old”, “meat is poison” - whether we like it or not, the discussion around “meat-eating” and the myths surrounding it are mixed with real facts imprinted on the mind. In order to understand whether it is really human body feels the need for meat and what is it? possible harm, we turned to specialists. Their arguments.

Followers of vegetarianism convince us that meat is a sinful food, incompatible with spiritual growth, and that the energy of slaughtered animals harms not only spiritual, but also physical health.

This idea is not new at all, it has archaic roots: in primitive tribes they believed that by eating the meat of an animal, a person appropriates its qualities - courage, cunning, speed of reaction, visual acuity, etc. Modern version These ideas are as follows: the one who eats meat becomes aggressive or stupid - in a word, he strengthens his animal qualities and degrades. This is a matter of faith, not scientific evidence.

Are humans really born carnivores?

According to the structure of your body and digestive system we differ from both predators and herbivores. Man is omnivorous, in a sense universal. This omnivorous nature once gave us a certain evolutionary advantage: compared to plant foods, meat quickly fills us up, but in its raw form it requires a lot of energy to digest, so all predators sleep after hunting. When a human ancestor learned to cook meat on fire, he was able to use time not only to obtain his daily bread, but also to intellectual activity- rock painting, making tools.

Can plant foods replace meat for us?

Partly. The protein content in meat is 20-40%, while in boiled vegetables and legumes it is from 3% to 10%. Nuts and soy contain amounts of protein comparable to meat, but, unfortunately, this protein is less digestible. Energy and vital Construction Materials, obtained from meat, are quickly included in metabolic processes. And for the digestion and absorption of foods plant origin the body often needs to use more effort(enzymes, digestive juices) for each unit of extracted useful substance. The point is also that plant foods contain substances that bind beneficial nutrients, such as phytin, tannins, and dietary fiber.

Is it true that “meat makes you grow old”?

It is a myth. Optimal consumption of animal proteins is one of the main prerequisites for good immunity. A deficiency of building components (proteins, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, silicon, etc., mainly obtained from meat) in the tissues of the musculoskeletal system reduces bone density and leads to weakness of muscles and joints. For example, selenium deficiency causes muscle dystrophy, including cardiac muscle, and connective tissue dystrophy - ligaments, joints. In short, they age quickly due to a lack of animal protein in the diet. Although its excess is also harmful.

What's the harm?

Too much high content Protein in the diet leads to calcium loss and overload of the urinary system, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, strokes and tumors. High protein intake may be justified by increased physical activity. And with an inactive lifestyle, the harm from excess meat on the menu will be more than good.

How much meat to eat and how often?

Of course, this is a purely individual question. But you can answer it based on WHO recommendations: approximately 0.6-0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of weight is recommended for an adult per day. Moreover, this norm should only consist of half of animal protein, and the rest of vegetable protein. This yields about 50 grams of meat per day. On the other hand, according to WHO statistics, those who consume more than 100 grams of red meat daily have a much higher risk of developing stomach cancer. Therefore, it is recommended to consume it no more than three times a week, and the rest of the time to replace it with white poultry meat, fish, and liver.

Is it true that meat is the main supplier of toxins that enter our body?

This is true. But this is more likely due to the quality of the meat and the conditions under which it is produced: when raising animals, antibiotics, hormones, and feed saturated with various chemicals are used. During storage and sale, meat is treated with preservatives.

Are there ways to somehow reduce the harm, to minimize it?

Give preference to fresh meat rather than meat products and semi-finished products. Rinse, or even better, soak the meat in cold water. Ideally, do not use the first broth (that is, bring the water in which the meat is cooked to a boil, drain, pour in again cold water and cook the broth). However, in “organic” meat or in the meat of wild animals these chemical substances practically absent.

Ethics, economics, ecology

Humanity should consider these three aspects

Tens of billions of animals a year are killed for food. Crowded and bad conditions, in which they are grown - not just ethical problem. Such artificial system cultivation leads to an increasingly massive use of hormones, antibiotics, etc., which ultimately affects our health. In addition, livestock farming is one of the most environmentally dirty industries. According to environmentalists at the US Environmental Protection Agency, it accounts for 28% of all methane emitted into the atmosphere.

And finally, the economy: animals raised for meat, for example in the United States, consume five times more grain than the entire population of this country, calculated David Pimentel, a professor at Cornell University (USA). This grain could feed approximately 800 million people, he claims. So-called organic meat on a human scale is a real luxury. What's the solution? In 2006, a group of scientists from the Netherlands patented a special meat production technology that makes it possible to grow a steak of a given structure and fat content from individual cells. This is currently a very expensive procedure, but one can hope that over time it will be significantly cheaper than raising animals.