What is included in minerals? How many minerals are there on Earth? Non-metallic minerals

Minerals are the constituent parts rocks, characterized by one or another chemical composition and structure. Rock is usually a mixture of different minerals.

Our planet and everything that surrounds us consists almost entirely of minerals.

Despite such diversity, not everyone is able to distinguish them at first glance; moreover, many confuse the concepts of mineral and rock. Therefore, to begin with, let us note that a rock is usually formed by two or more minerals.

Quartz. Presented in granite in the form of small transparent or translucent crystals. Quartz is the most common mineral in the earth's crust. The photo shows milky quartz.

Mica. Usually has a dark shiny color. The picture shows a variety of mica called biotite.

Feldspar. A mineral commonly found in rocks. The variety in the photograph is called orthoclase and is characterized by light color, varying from white to pale pink.


The vast majority of minerals are solids, but some are liquid. Typically, minerals are characterized by a specific chemical composition and an ordered atomic structure.


Diamond and graphite well illustrate the difference between composition and structure. Both are made of pure carbon. But if diamond is the hardest known mineral and cannot be scratched by another mineral, then graphite is so soft that it is used to make pencil leads. Despite the same chemical composition, they have different structure, that is, carbon atoms group differently and form different minerals.

The most common earth minerals

Today, science knows over 3,500 types of minerals, but they are widely represented in earth's crust a little over two hundred.

Some of the minerals were once organic matter. For example, amber is the fossilized resin of ancient coniferous trees.

Every year, geologists and scientists discover new minerals, although some of them are so rare that they are found in only a few copies. So far, more than 3,500 minerals have been discovered, of which only a few dozen, led by quartz, are widely distributed on the surface of the earth.


This is a class of silicic acid salt minerals. Silicates account for over 75% of the mass of the earth's crust and about 28% of minerals. In total, more than 700 types of silicates are known in nature, including the most important rock-forming materials - quartz, feldspars, pyroxenes, amphiboles, micas and others.

Most minerals are composed of two or more elements. However, there is a group of single-element minerals, the so-called native elements, of which there are about 20 species. Many of these minerals are metals such as gold, silver, platinum, copper, iron and others. In addition, single-element minerals include diamond, graphite, sulfur and tellurium.

Minerals are substances that have inorganic base, they are, as a rule, part of the earth's crust, and most of All existing minerals are mined there. This concept means solid inorganic crystalline substance, sometimes it also means organic, amorphous and some other products, such as, for example, rocks, which, strictly speaking, cannot be classified as minerals.

In addition, it is sometimes called natural substances, which in natural state are a liquid, for example, native mercury, which turns into a crystalline substance only with sufficient low temperatures. By the way, ice is also classified as a mineral whose melt is water. But oil, asphalt and bitumen should not be included here, although they are often separated into special class- organic minerals.

Currently, science knows five thousand minerals and their varieties. All existing minerals are usually divided into two groups - metallic and non-metallic. Metallic and non-metallic minerals differ from each other in their characteristic luster. Thus, metallic ones have, accordingly, a metallic luster, while non-metallic ones lack it.

Metallic minerals include bauxite, copper ore, red iron ore, lead luster, and sulfur pyrite. Non-metallic materials include: rock crystal, rock salt, diamond, sphalerite, calcite, quartz, asbestos. Thus, we see that precious stones are also minerals. By the way, since we have already started talking about metallic and non-metallic shine, let's find out exactly how these shines distinguish one from the other. Among metallic shine There are two main types - 1) the one that resembles the fracture surface of a metal 2) and the one that is more dull and resembles metals that have become tarnished by time. The types of non-metallic glosses are more varied. These are (1) glassy shine, and (2) diamond shine, and (3) silky shine, and even the so-called (4) greasy and (5) waxy shine.

An interesting fact is that five thousand existing minerals were formed on Earth immediately after the formation of solar system. The original dust from which it was formed contained about a dozen minerals, while the rest appeared as a result of movement tectonic plates. Our planet is different from all others precisely because it has a mosaic of tectonic plates that are constantly moving and colliding with each other. According to one hypothesis, when the Earth was first born, the plates that made it up moved and pushed, generating enormous heat and pressure. Thus, a thousand minerals were formed on the planet. Then the first forms of life began to emerge on the planet. Microscopic algae began to produce carbon dioxide. This is what turned most of the atmosphere into edible carbohydrates. The result was oxygen. It began to form chemical compounds with almost everything it could. It may be hard to believe, but almost half of the Earth's rocks are made up of carbohydrates.

While oxygen was being sucked into the Earth's atmosphere, carbohydrates were being sucked into the seas. Thus, carbohydrate became the basis of millions of organic compounds - carbohydrates, acids, proteins, fats. New living beings began to appear, and as they became more complex life forms, new forms of life began to appear. The sea creatures lived out their lives and eventually died and sank to the bottom of the sea. Thick layers of shells and skeletons turned into limestone, chalk and marble. The silt of rotting plants created the ingredients for deposits of coal and oil, which, as we said, are not always classified as minerals. Thus, two-thirds of minerals were living beings in the past, and evolution on Earth took place on two fronts - among living beings and among minerals.

Nature gives man the opportunity to use the benefits it produces. Therefore, people live quite comfortably and have everything they need. After all, water, salt, metals, fuel, electricity and much more - everything is created naturally and is subsequently transformed into the form necessary for a person.

The same applies to natural products such as minerals. These many varied crystal structures are important raw material for a huge number of different industrial processes V economic activity of people. Therefore, let’s look at what types of minerals there are and what these compounds generally are.

Minerals: general characteristics

In the generally accepted sense in mineralogy, the term “mineral” means solid, consisting of chemical elements and having a number of individual physical and chemical properties. In addition, it should be formed only naturally, under the influence of certain natural processes.

Minerals can be formed as simple substances(native) and complex. The ways of their formation are also different. There are such processes that contribute to their formation:

Large aggregates of minerals collected in unified systems, are called rocks. Therefore, these two concepts should not be confused. Rock minerals are mined precisely by crushing and processing entire pieces of rock.

The chemical composition of the compounds in question may be different and contain a large number of various impurity substances. However, there is always one main thing that dominates the lineup. Therefore, it is this that is decisive, and impurities are not taken into account.

The structure of minerals

The structure of minerals is crystalline. There are several options for gratings with which it can be represented:

  • cubic;
  • hexagonal;
  • rhombic;
  • tetragonal;
  • monoclinic;
  • trigonal;
  • triclinic.

These compounds are classified according to chemical composition determining substance.

Types of minerals

The following classification can be given, which reflects the main part of the composition of the mineral.

In addition to the above groups, there are also organic compounds, forming entire natural deposits. For example, peat, coal, urkite, calcium and iron oxolates and others. As well as several carbides, silicides, phosphides, and nitrides.

Native elements

These are minerals (photos can be seen below) that are formed by simple substances. For example:

Often these substances occur in the form of large aggregates with other minerals, pieces of rock and ores. Extraction and their use in industry have important for a person. They are the basis, the raw material for obtaining materials from which the most various items household items, structures, decorations, appliances, etc.

Phosphates, arsenates, vanadates

This group includes rocks and minerals that are predominantly exogenous in origin, that is, found in the outer layers of the earth’s crust. Only phosphates are formed inside. There are actually quite a lot of salts of phosphoric, arsenic and vanadic acids. However, if we consider the overall picture, then in general their percentage in the bark is small.

There are several of the most common crystals that belong to this group:

  • apatite;
  • vivianite;
  • lindakerite;
  • rosenite;
  • carnotite;
  • Pascoite.

As already noted, these minerals form rocks of quite impressive size.

Oxides and hydroxides

IN this group minerals include all oxides, both simple and complex, which are formed by metals, nonmetals, intermetallic compounds and transition elements. General percentage of these substances in the earth's crust - 5%. The only exception, which belongs to silicates, and not to the group under consideration, is silicon oxide SiO 2 with all its varieties.

You can give a huge number of examples of such minerals, but we will indicate the most common:

  1. Granite.
  2. Magnetite.
  3. Hematite.
  4. Ilmenite.
  5. Columbite.
  6. Spinel.
  7. Lime.
  8. Gibbsite.
  9. Romaneshit.
  10. Holfertitis.
  11. Corundum (ruby, sapphire).
  12. Bauxite.


This class of minerals includes a fairly wide variety of representatives, which also have important practical significance for a person. So, there are the following subclasses or groups:

  • calcite;
  • dolomite;
  • aragonite;
  • malachite;
  • soda minerals;
  • bastnäsite.

Each subclass includes from several units to dozens of representatives. In total there are about one hundred different mineral carbonates. The most common of them:

  • marble;
  • limestone;
  • malachite;
  • apatite;
  • siderite;
  • Smithsonite;
  • magnesite;
  • carbonatite and others.

Some are valued as very common and important construction material, others are used to create jewelry, others are used in technology. However, all are important and are being mined very actively.


The most diverse external forms and the number of representatives of a group of minerals. This variation is due to the fact that the silicon atoms underlying them chemical structure, are capable of connecting to different types structure, coordinating several oxygen atoms around itself. So, they can form following types designs:

  • island;
  • chain;
  • tape;
  • leafy.

These minerals, photos of which can be seen in the article, are known to everyone. At least some of them. After all, these include the following:

  • topaz;
  • pomegranate;
  • chrysoprase;
  • rhinestone;
  • opal;
  • chalcedony and others.

They are used in jewelry and are valued as durable structures for use in technology.

We can also give examples of minerals whose names are not so well known to ordinary people, not related to mineralogy, but nevertheless they are very important in industry:

  1. Datonite.
  2. Olivine.
  3. Murmanite.
  4. Chrysocol.
  5. Eudialyte.
  6. Beryl.

Minerals contain most chemical elements periodic table. There are species-forming elements - Si, O, H, Al, Ca, Na, Mg, Cu, Pb, S, etc. Minerals are represented by the following main types of chemical compounds:

simple substances or native elements - native sulfur, graphite, native copper, gold, platinum, etc.;

oxides and hydroxides: corundum Al2O3, rutile TiO2, cuprite Cu2O, etc.;

salts of various oxygen-containing and oxygen-free acids: halite NaCl, pyrite FeS2, calcite CaCO3, barite BaSO4, etc.

Many salts are characterized by complex anions (radicals): in silicates 4+, in carbonates [CO3]2-, in phosphates [PO4]3-, etc.

The ability of minerals to form compounds of variable composition is called isomorphism (Greek “isoa” - identical; “morpho” - form), which consists in the mutual substitution of atoms and ions in crystal lattices minerals without disturbing their structure. Isomorphism is due to the similarity of the properties of atoms and ions, as well as the influence of temperature, pressure, and concentration of components. Example. An isomorphic series of a group of plagioclases (cl. silicates and p/cl. feldspars), the extreme members of which are Na albite and Ca anorthite.

11.Physical properties of minerals.

1. Color – color of minerals m.b. several types:

- idiochromatic– characteristic of the mineral (malachite, turquoise);

- allochromatic– introduced by impurities of other minerals or gas inclusions (carnelian, rose quartz);

-pseudochromatic– false coloration caused by interfering light rays (iridization, tarnish);

Irisation– pseudocoloring, which appears inside the crystal. Iridescence (from the Greek íris - rainbow), an optical phenomenon consisting in the appearance of a rainbow play of colors on the faces and cleavage planes of some minerals (for example, calcite, labradorite, opal, etc.) when light passes through.

Tarnish- a thin iridescent film on the surface of a mineral, sharply different from the color of the rest of its mass. The reason for P. is the presence on the surface of mineral grains of thin films formed as a result of its change (for example, under the influence of oxygen) and causing a rainbow light effect (see Iridescence). Characteristic of bornite, chalcopyrite, limonite, etc. No fracture of P. minerals is observed on the fresh surface.

2. The color of the line is the color of the fine powder of the mineral left when it is scratched on an unglazed porcelain plate (biscuit). TV on the Maos scale (5-6) 6-7. The line does not match: pyrite is brass-yellow in color, the color of the line is black; hematite is black in color, the streak color is red-brown.

3. Transparency . The ability of a mineral to transmit light through itself. It is assessed at a qualitative level by viewing the mineral against light. On this basis:

Transparent (quartz, Iceland spar, crystal);

Translucent (gypsum);

Translucent at the edges (opal);

Not transparent (pyrite, hematite).

4.Shine – the ability of minerals to reflect incident light depends on the refractive index of the mineral. The shine of a mineral is due to reflection from the surface of the crystal faces or fractures. Distinguish between Me and NeMe

1. Minerals with metallic and metallic luster(more than 3.0). me-resembles the shine of fresh metal (pyrite, galena), and metal-like (2.6 - 3.0), - a tarnished metal surface (graphite, sphalerite). These lusters are characteristic of opaque native metals (gold, silver, copper, etc.), many sulfur compounds (galena, chalcopyrite, etc.) and metal oxides (magnetite, pyrolusite, etc.).

2.no-shine. characteristic of light-colored, often transparent minerals. Non-metallic luster varies:

    Diamond. (1.9 – 2.6) The strongest shine is characteristic of minerals with a high refractive index (diamond, cinnabar).

    Glass. (1.3 – 1.9) Reminiscent of the shine from the surface of glass. Non-metallic luster is characteristic of transparent minerals. Characteristic of minerals with a low refractive index (calcite, quartz).

    Fatty. Shine, as if from a surface covered with a film of fat. This shine is due to the mutual suppression of reflected light rays from the uneven surface of the mineral (nepheline, native sulfur).

    Pearl. Reminiscent of the iridescent shimmer of the mother-of-pearl surface of a sea shell. Characteristic of minerals with very perfect and perfect cleavage (mica, gypsum).

    Silky. Inherent in minerals with a fibrous structure. (asbestos).

    Matte or dull. Minerals with a very finely rough fracture surface (flint, clay) are also observed.

Shine depends on:

Conditions are almost minimal: if the surface is not smooth, then there is a greasy sheen (quartz), a waxy sheen;

Crystal form: fibrous form, the mineral is characterized by a silky shine.

Some minerals have different luster on the crystal faces and on the fracture. So, for example, quartz has a glassy luster on the edges, but a greasy luster on the fractures. Thin films on a stale surface and deposits of foreign substances also dramatically change the shine of the mineral.

5. TV – the ability of a mineral to resist external mechanical influences, scratching, and grinding. is an important diagnostic sign.

There are several methods for determining hardness. In mineralogy, the Mohs scale is used. Built on the basis of reference samples, arranged in order of increasing hardness:

1 Talc Mg3(OH)2

2 Gypsum Ca*2H2O

3 Calcite Ca

4 Fluorite CaF2

5 Apatite Ca53(F, Cl)

6 Orthoclase K

7 Quartz SiO2

8 Topaz Al2(F, OH)2

9 Corundum Al2O3

The Mohs scale values ​​are relative and determined conventionally using the scratching method. Those. quartz will scratch feldspars (orthoclase) but will not scratch topaz. The process of determining the hardness of a mineral on the Mohs scale is as follows: if, for example, apatite (hardness = 5) scratches the mineral under study, and the sample itself can scratch fluorite (hardness = 4), then the hardness of the sample is determined = 4.5.

The following items can replace the Mohs scale standards: steel knife blade - hardness about 5.5, file - about 7, plain glass - 5

6. Cleavage – the ability of minerals to split or split along certain planes with the formation of a mirror-smooth surface.

Cleavage is related to the structure of the crystal and the nature of the atomic bonds. Along the cleavage planes, the bond forces are weaker than along other directions. Cleavage planes always have a high atomic density and in all cases are parallel to possible crystal faces. Thus, the cleavage of pyroxenes and amphiboles is also directly related to their structure, which contains chains of silicon-oxygen tetrahedra.

Cleavage is identified by observing regular systems of cracks in transparent minerals such as fluorite or calcite, or the smooth reflective planes produced by crystal cleavage, as seen in feldspars, pyroxenes, and micas. Traces of cleavage planes play important role determining directions in the optical study of xenomorphic grains under a microscope that do not have well-defined edges.

The degree of perfection of the manifestation of cleavage of the mineral under study is determined by comparing it with the data of the following 5-step scale:

    very perfect– the mineral breaks down easily into flakes, plates, leaves (mica, molybdenite).

    perfect- when hit with a hammer - punctures, which are a reduced resemblance to a broken crystal. Thus, when breaking halite, small regular cubes are obtained, when crushing calcite, regular rhombohedrons (topaz, chrome diopside, fluorite, barite) are obtained. Fragments with even smooth edges are formed

    average characterized by the fact that on crystal fragments both cleavage planes and uneven fractures in random directions are clearly observed (feldspars, pyroxenes)

    imperfect smooth surfaces It is difficult to detect upon careful examination of the uneven surface of a mineral chip (apatite, cassiterite).

    Very imperfect- no smooth surfaces.

When minerals that lack cleavage or have poor cleavage are split, irregular fracture surfaces appear, which in appearance are characterized as: conchoidal (opal), uneven (pyrite), smooth (wurtzite), splintered (actinolite), hooked (native silver), rough (diopside), earthy (limonite).

When processing stone, the presence of cleavage makes it easier to obtain flat surfaces along its planes, but makes it difficult to grind and polish other planes, since cleavage cracks may appear during processing. In addition, cleavage can cause minerals to chip during use.

12. Morphology of single crystals and aggregates .

The appearance of crystals (habitus);


Shading of edges.

Depending on the conditions of formation, the same minerals may crystallize in different forms, but the internal (crystal lattice) structure is always the same. In nature, minerals crystallize in the form of: individual single crystals, intergrowths of twins, and aggregates.

Habit appearance crystals, m/w:

    Isometric– shapes equally developed in three spatial directions: octahedron, rhombohedron, cube (octahedron - diamond, rhombohedrons - diamond, cubes - barite, pyrite).

    elongated- forms elongated in one spatial direction: prismatic, columnar, columnar, needle-shaped, fibrous (tourmaline - prismatic crystals, wollastanite - needle-shaped crystals, asbestos - fibrous).

    Flat- forms elongated in two spatial directions - tabular, lamellar, scaly (mica - scaly crystals).

The shape of the crystals is skeletal and dendritic (tree-like branched).

Doubles – regular intergrowths of 2 or more crystals, which are often a diagnostic sign of minerals.

Twins: accretion (spear-shaped - e.g., dovetail) and germination (staurolite - 2 hexagonal prisms grow into each other)

Polysynthetic twinning - fusion of many crystals (for example, plagioclases -K-Na - feldspars, carbonates)

Aggregates :

Druze – intergrowths of well-formed crystals, different in height, differently oriented, united by a common base;

brushes, crusts – aggregates of different heights;

secretion – mineral formations that fill voids in rocks. Filling occurs from the periphery to the center. If brushes appear on the surface of the voids, then such formations are called geodes (amethyst, quartz);

nodules – spherical mineral formations in which the filling of the substance goes from the center to the periphery (carbonates);

oolites are spherical formations with a shell-like structure;

spherulites – spherical mineral formations with a radial-radiant structure (tourmaline);

dendrites – crystals having a complex tree-like branched structure (native silver);

sintering units – when minerals crystallize from solutions (stalactites, stalagmites).

Aggregates can be sintered, earthy, tree-like.

Earthy aggregates are mainly characteristic of loose, powdery minerals. These include some sedimentary rocks - clays (kaolin), bauxite.

Hatching on edges - is characteristic property one or another mineral. There are shadings:

    Transverse parallel (for Quartz).

    Longitudinal parallel (tourmaline, epidote).

    Intersecting (magnetite).

13.Genesis of rocks and minerals - general, classification of processes .

Mineral formation processes:

1) Endogenous






2) exogenous

3) metamorphic

Endogenous processes occur inside the Earth and are associated with magmatic activity. They are characterized by high temperatures and blood pressure.

Exogenous processes occur on the surface of the Earth and are associated with the transfer, redeposition, weathering, and mechanical destruction of rocks and minerals.

Metamorphic processes– processes of deep transformation of previously formed rocks and minerals under the influence of high temperatures and pressure.

Magmatic processes– the highest stage endogenous processes, associated with the crystallization of minerals from magma in the form of aggregates of igneous rocks (t ≈700˚С).

Magma– a multicomponent silicate system containing 5-10% of the gas phase.

Pegmatite process– the process of crystallization of a residual magmatic melt enriched with volatile components, leading to the formation of specific rocks of a coarse-crystalline structure, which are called pegmatites. Characteristics for the formation of: feldspar quartz, pegmatite veins are formed.

Pneumatite processes formation of minerals from the gas phase. At some stages of magma crystallization (releases of P, Cl, F, S are possible). Rising to the upper layers → crystallization (during sudden cooling), minerals (sulfur, ammonia) are formed.

Hydrothermal processes– hot rock solutions released from magma, penetrating through cracks into colder areas of the Earth’s crust, water vapor condenses with the side rocks and forms hydrothermal veins. Characteristic for the formation of quartz, calcite, barite.

How are minerals different from rocks and how are they used by humans? In our article you will find answers to all these questions.

Mineral and rock: what is the difference?

The outer shell of our planet (the earth's crust) consists of many rocks and minerals. Each of them is the subject of detailed study for a special caste of scientists - geologists, mineralogists and petrographers. What are these natural formations? And how do minerals differ from rocks? Let's try to answer these questions as simply as possible.

Minerals and rocks differ from each other as much as food products differ from ready-made dishes. If you have eggs, milk, sugar and flour, then you can make either pancakes or aromatic dumplings for soup from these ingredients. Everything will depend on the proportions and cooking technology.

No matter how crude this analogy may be, practically the same thing happens with minerals and rocks. An example is quartz, one of the most common minerals on our planet. In combination with some substances it forms granite, and in combination with others - basalt.

However, let's return to the main question: how do minerals differ from rocks? The key difference is this: Rocks are made up of different minerals. Those, in turn, are chemical compounds that are more homogeneous in their composition. It is interesting to note that up to early XIX centuries, scientists had not yet made a distinction between minerals and rocks. This division appeared in science relatively recently.

Mineral and rock: definition of concepts

Mineral is natural chemical compound with a certain composition, having, as a rule, crystal structure. The term comes from the Late Latin word minerale, meaning “ore.” Minerals in the earth's crust are most often represented in solid state of aggregation. However, liquid (native mercury) and gaseous minerals (for example, hydrogen sulfide) are found.

In nature, minerals are formed as a result of a variety of geological processes. They are being studied separately scientific discipline- mineralogy. The main physical and optical properties of minerals include hardness, brittleness, density, cleavage, fracture, color and luster.

A rock is a natural aggregate consisting of one or more minerals. It can be hard or soft, loose. Each of the existing rocks has a certain composition, texture, color and other characteristics. The science of petrography deals with their comprehensive study. The term “rock” was first used back in 1798 by Russian geologist Vasily Severgin.

Now you know how minerals differ from rocks. But what types of them are known modern science? More on this later.

Types and Examples of Rocks and Minerals

What is quartz? Is feldspar a mineral or a rock? What about granite and basalt? Let's try to understand this issue.

Minerals in nature - huge variety! Currently, humanity knows about 6 thousand minerals. But only 150 of them are widely distributed in nature. There are several different classifications minerals. Thus, according to the degree of prevalence in the earth’s crust, they are distinguished:

  • City-forming (those that form the basis of most rocks).
  • Accessory (present in the composition of rocks, but constituting no more than 5% of their total mass).
  • Rare minerals (their occurrences in nature are extremely rare).

Genetic classification divides all minerals into a number of classes (carbides, sulfides, silicates, selenides, fluorides, chromates and others).

All rocks on Earth are usually divided into three large groups(based on their genesis):

  1. Igneous (formed from molten magma as a result of its cooling and further solidification).
  2. Sedimentary (formed as a result of redeposition of weathering products on the surface of the earth's crust).
  3. Metamorphic (rocks formed in the earth's crust under the influence of very high pressure and temperature).

Well-known examples of minerals: quartz, feldspar, mica, olivine, pyroxene, plagioclase, calcite.

The most common rocks: granite, basalt, clay, rock salt, chalk, labradorite.


Quartz is the most common mineral in nature. It is part of many rocks. Quartz fraction in total mass the earth's crust is about 60%. Chemical formula mineral: SiO 2.

The name "quartz" comes from German word and is translated as “solid”. IN pure form it is a fairly hard, colorless (or whitish) mineral. Impurities of other substances can give it a wide variety of colors. There are several dozen varieties of quartz (flint, amethyst, chalcedony, onyx and others).


Is feldspar a mineral or a rock? Many are sure that it is the second. In fact, it is a mineral, and one of the most common. It belongs to the class of silicates.

Feldspars are the main city-forming minerals of many rocks of igneous origin (for example, granites). Today they are widely used by people: in glass, ceramic, chemical industry. They are also used as fluxes in metallurgy and as fillers in toothpastes.


Granite is a rock of igneous origin. In her mineral composition includes quartz, feldspar and mica. Granites are extremely common in the earth's crust continental type. In nature, red, pink and gray granites are most often found.

This breed, due to its exceptional density, strength and frost resistance, is widely used in construction. It can often be found in wall decoration, staircase cladding, fireplaces and outdoor fountains. Most of the city's monuments, monuments and steles are also made from granite.

Areas of application of rocks and minerals

Today, almost all minerals and rocks on Earth are used by humans to a greater or lesser extent. Moreover, thousands of geologists work every day to discover more and more deposits of various minerals around the world. So, how does a person use minerals and rocks mined from the depths of the planet?

Let's start, perhaps, with fuel mineral resources. Natural gas, peat and coal are widely used for heating residential buildings, operating thermal power plants, boiler houses and others industrial enterprises. However, the most popular sedimentary rock in modern world is oil. Not only gasoline, but also plastics, polyethylene and other useful materials are obtained from the so-called “black gold”.

It is impossible not to mention ferruginous quartzites, which, after enriching the ore mass, are used in the production of cast iron and steel. Gold, silver, platinum are the most valuable metals used in jewelry, precision engineering and electronics.

A range of minerals and rocks are used in the construction industry. These are limestone, sand, clay, chalk, gypsum, marble and others. Many of them are also used in medicine and cosmetology. Dyes are obtained from some minerals. Among other things, various minerals have found their application in radio electronics, optics, the chemical industry and even in the space industry.