What is organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry. Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic chemistry- a branch of chemistry that is associated with the study of the structure, reactivity and properties of all chemical elements and their inorganic compounds. This branch of chemistry covers all compounds except organic substances (a class of compounds that includes carbon, with the exception of a few simple compounds usually classified as inorganic). Differences between organic and inorganic compounds, containing , are, according to some representations, arbitrary. Inorganic chemistry studies chemical elements and the simple and complex substances they form (except organic). The number of inorganic substances known today is approaching 500 thousand.

The theoretical basis of inorganic chemistry is periodic law and based on it periodic table of D. I. Mendeleev. The main task of inorganic chemistry is the development and scientific substantiation of methods for creating new materials with the properties necessary for modern technology.

Classification of chemical elements

Periodic table of chemical elements ( Mendeleev table) - classification of chemical elements, which establishes the dependence of various properties of chemical elements on the charge of the atomic nucleus. A system is a graphical expression of the periodic law, . Its original version was developed by D.I. Mendeleev in 1869-1871 and was called “Natural System of Elements,” which established the dependence of the properties of chemical elements on their atomic mass. In total, several hundred options for depicting the periodic system have been proposed, but in the modern version of the system, it is assumed that the elements are reduced into a two-dimensional table, in which each column (group) defines the main physical and chemical properties, and the rows represent periods that are somewhat similar to each other.

Simple substances

They consist of atoms of one chemical element (they are a form of its existence in a free state). Depending on the chemical bond between atoms, all simple substances in inorganic chemistry are divided into two main groups: and. The former are characterized by a metallic bond, the latter by a covalent bond. There are also two adjacent groups - metal-like and non-metal-like substances. There is such a phenomenon as allotropy, which consists in the possibility of the formation of several types of simple substances from atoms of the same element, but with different structures of the crystal lattice; each of these types is called an allotropic modification.


(from Latin metallum - mine, mine) - a group of elements with characteristic metallic properties, such as high thermal and electrical conductivity, positive temperature coefficient of resistance, high ductility and metallic luster. Of the 118 chemical elements discovered so far, metals include:

  • 38 in the group of transition metals,
  • 11 in the group of light metals,
  • 7 in the group of semimetals,
  • 14 in the group lanthanides + lanthanum,
  • 14 in the group actinides + actinium,
  • outside certain groups.

Thus, 96 of all discovered elements belong to metals.


Chemical elements with typically nonmetallic properties, occupying the upper right corner of the Periodic Table of Elements. Occurs in molecular form as simple substances in nature.

Chemistry- the science of substances, the laws of their transformations (physical and chemical properties) and application.

Currently, more than 100 thousand inorganic and more than 4 million organic compounds are known.

Chemical phenomena: some substances are transformed into others that differ from the original ones in composition and properties, while the composition of the atomic nuclei does not change.

Physical phenomena: the physical state of substances changes (vaporization, melting, electrical conductivity, radiation of heat and light, malleability, etc.) or new substances are formed with a change in the composition of atomic nuclei.

Atomic-molecular science.

1. All substances are made up of molecules.

Molecule - the smallest particle of a substance that has its chemical properties.

2. Molecules are made up of atoms.

Atom - the smallest particle of a chemical element that retains all its chemical properties. Different elements have different atoms.

3. Molecules and atoms are in continuous motion; there are forces of attraction and repulsion between them.

Chemical element - this is a type of atoms characterized by certain nuclear charges and the structure of electronic shells. Currently, 118 elements are known: 89 of them are found in nature (on Earth), the rest are obtained artificially. Atoms exist in a free state, in compounds with atoms of the same or other elements, forming molecules. The ability of atoms to interact with other atoms and form chemical compounds is determined by its structure. Atoms consist of a positively charged nucleus and negatively charged electrons moving around it, forming an electrically neutral system that obeys the laws characteristic of microsystems.

Atomic nucleus - the central part of the atom, consisting of Zprotons and N neutrons, in which the bulk of the atoms are concentrated.

Core charge - positive, equal in value to the number of protons in the nucleus or electrons in a neutral atom and coincides with the atomic number of the element in the periodic table.

The sum of the protons and neutrons of an atomic nucleus is called the mass number A = Z+N.

Isotopes - chemical elements with identical nuclear charges, but different mass numbers due to different numbers of neutrons in the nucleus.

number ®
Charge ®



Cu and



Cl and


Chemical formula - this is a conventional notation of the composition of a substance using chemical symbols (proposed in 1814 by J. Berzelius) and indices (index is the number at the bottom right of the symbol. Indicates the number of atoms in the molecule). The chemical formula shows which atoms of which elements and in what ratio are connected to each other in a molecule.

Allotropy - the phenomenon of the formation by a chemical element of several simple substances that differ in structure and properties. Simple substances - molecules, consist of atoms of the same element.

Cfalse substances - molecules consist of atoms of various chemical elements.

Atomic mass constant equal to 1/12 of the mass of isotope 12 C - the main isotope of natural carbon.

m u = 1 / 12 m (12 C ) =1 a.u.m = 1.66057 10 -24 g

Relative atomic mass (A r) - dimensionless quantity equal to the ratio of the average mass of an atom of an element (taking into account the percentage of isotopes in nature) to 1/12 of the mass of an atom 12 C.

Average absolute atomic mass (m) equal to the relative atomic mass times the amu.

Ar(Mg) = 24.312

m(Mg) = 24.312 1.66057 10 -24 = 4.037 10 -23 g

Relative molecular weight (M r) - a dimensionless quantity showing how many times the mass of a molecule of a given substance is greater than 1/12 the mass of a carbon atom 12 C.

M g = m g / (1/12 m a (12 C))

m r - mass of a molecule of a given substance;

m a (12 C) - mass of a carbon atom 12 C.

M g = S A g (e). The relative molecular mass of a substance is equal to the sum of the relative atomic masses of all elements, taking into account the indices.


M g (B 2 O 3) = 2 A r (B) + 3 A r (O) = 2 11 + 3 16 = 70

M g (KAl(SO 4) 2) = 1 A r (K) + 1 A r (Al) + 1 2 A r (S) + 2 4 A r (O) =
= 1 39 + 1 27 + 1 2 32 + 2 4 16 = 258

Absolute molecular mass equal to the relative molecular mass multiplied by the amu. The number of atoms and molecules in ordinary samples of substances is very large, therefore, when characterizing the amount of a substance, a special unit of measurement is used - the mole.

Amount of substance, mol . Means a certain number of structural elements (molecules, atoms, ions). Designatedn , measured in moles. A mole is the amount of a substance containing as many particles as there are atoms in 12 g of carbon.

Avogadro's number (N A ). The number of particles in 1 mole of any substance is the same and equals 6.02 10 23. (Avogadro's constant has the dimension - mol -1).


How many molecules are there in 6.4 g of sulfur?

The molecular weight of sulfur is 32 g/mol. We determine the amount of g/mol of substance in 6.4 g of sulfur:

n (s) = m(s)/M(s ) = 6.4 g / 32 g/mol = 0.2 mol

Let's determine the number of structural units (molecules) using the constant Avogadro N A

N(s) = n (s)N A = 0.2 6.02 10 23 = 1.2 10 23

Molar mass shows the mass of 1 mole of a substance (denotedM).

M = m / n

The molar mass of a substance is equal to the ratio of the mass of the substance to the corresponding amount of the substance.

The molar mass of a substance is numerically equal to its relative molecular mass, however, the first quantity has the dimension g/mol, and the second is dimensionless.

M = N A m (1 molecule) = N A M g 1 amu = (N A 1 amu) M g = M g

This means that if the mass of a certain molecule is, for example, 80 amu. ( SO 3 ), then the mass of one mole of molecules is equal to 80 g. Avogadro’s constant is a proportionality coefficient that ensures the transition from molecular relationships to molar ones. All statements regarding molecules remain valid for moles (with replacement, if necessary, of amu by g). For example, the reaction equation: 2 Na + Cl 2 2 NaCl , means that two sodium atoms react with one chlorine molecule or, which is the same thing, two moles of sodium react with one mole of chlorine.

Inorganic chemistry studies chemical elements, their simple and complex substances (except for organic carbon compounds), as well as the patterns of transformation of these substances. At the moment, there are about 400,000 inorganic substances in the world.

Historically, the name inorganic chemistry comes from the idea of ​​the part of chemistry that deals with the study of elements, compounds, and reactions of substances that are not formed by living beings. However, since the synthesis of urea from the inorganic compound Ammonium Cyanate (NH4OCN), which was accomplished in 1828 by the outstanding German chemist Friedrich Wöhler, the boundaries between substances of inanimate and living nature have been erased, since living beings produce many inorganic substances, and almost all organic compounds can be synthesized in laboratories. However, the division into various areas of chemistry is relevant and necessary as before, since reaction mechanisms and the structure of substances in inorganic and organic chemistry differ. This makes it easier to systematize research methods and methods in each industry.

The most important task of inorganic chemistry is the development and scientific substantiation of methods for creating new materials with the properties necessary for modern technology. The theoretical foundation of inorganic chemistry is the periodic law and the periodic system of chemical elements based on it.

The text of the lectures reflects modern ideas about the structure of substances and their properties. Particular attention is paid to establishing connections between the structure of substances and their transformations in inorganic systems for various elements of the periodic table. The lecture notes first examine the chemistry of hydrogen and p-elements of the main subgroups VII – III of groups of the periodic system of D.I. Mendeleev, then the general characteristics of metals are given and the s-elements of the IA and PA groups are considered, then the properties of the transition d- and f-elements. The lecture notes end with a description of the chemical properties of inert gases.

Each section begins with a general characteristic of the subgroup - analysis of the electronic configuration, possible oxidation states and identification of general patterns in changes in the redox and acid-base properties of compounds, then the characteristics of simple substances and compounds of elements of this group are given. Detailed attention is paid to the use of substances (which are systematized by industry); biological role and toxicology. Each section ends with a list of self-testing questions that help students systematize and generalize the knowledge they have acquired.

Material from Uncyclopedia

This science also had another name, now almost forgotten: mineral chemistry. It quite clearly defined the content of science: the study of substances, mainly solid ones, that make up the world of inanimate nature. Analysis of natural inorganic substances, primarily minerals, made it possible in the 18th-19th centuries. discover a large number of elements existing on Earth. And each such discovery gave inorganic chemistry new material and expanded the number of objects for its research.

The name “inorganic” became firmly established in the scientific language when organic chemistry, which studied natural and synthetic organic substances, began to develop intensively. Their number in the 19th century. increased rapidly every year, because it was easier and simpler to synthesize new organic compounds than inorganic ones. And the theoretical basis of organic chemistry for a long time was more solid: it is enough to name Butlerov’s theory of the chemical structure of organic compounds. Finally, the diversity of organic matter has proven easier to clearly classify.

All this at first led to the differentiation of the objects of research between the two main branches of chemical science. Organic chemistry began to be defined as the field of chemistry that studies carbon-containing substances. The destiny of the inorganic was the knowledge of the properties of all other chemical compounds. This difference has been preserved in the modern definition of inorganic chemistry: the science of chemical elements and the simple and complex chemical compounds they form. All elements except carbon. True, they always make a reservation that some simple carbon compounds - oxides and their derivatives, carbides and some others - should be classified as inorganic substances.

However, it became obvious that there is no sharp distinction between inorganics and organics. In fact, such extensive classes of substances are known as organoelement (especially organometallic) and coordination (complex) compounds, which are not easy to unambiguously attribute to either organic or inorganic chemistry.

The history of scientific chemistry began with inorganics. And therefore it is not surprising that it was in the mainstream of inorganic chemistry that the most important concepts and theoretical ideas arose that contributed to the development of chemistry as a whole. Based on the material of inorganic chemistry, the oxygen theory of combustion was developed, the basic stoichiometric laws were established (see Stoichiometry), and finally, the atomic-molecular theory was created. A comparative study of the properties of elements and their compounds and the patterns of changes in these properties as atomic masses increase led to the discovery of the periodic law and the construction of the periodic system of chemical elements, which became the most important theoretical basis of inorganic chemistry. Its progress was also facilitated by the development of the production of many practically important substances - acids, soda, mineral fertilizers. The prestige of inorganic chemistry increased noticeably after the implementation of the industrial synthesis of ammonia.

The brake on the development of chemistry in general, and inorganic chemistry in particular, was the lack of accurate ideas about the structure of atoms. The creation of the theory of atomic structure was of enormous importance for her. The theory explained the reason for the periodic changes in the properties of elements, contributed to the emergence of theories of valence and ideas about the nature of chemical bonds in inorganic compounds, the concept of ionic and covalent bonds. A deeper understanding of the nature of chemical bonding has been achieved within the framework of quantum chemistry.

Thus, inorganic chemistry became a rigorous theoretical discipline. But the experimental technique was constantly improved. New laboratory equipment made it possible to use temperatures of several thousand degrees and close to absolute zero for chemical syntheses of inorganic compounds; use pressures of hundreds of thousands of atmospheres and, conversely, carry out reactions under conditions of deep vacuum. The effect of electrical discharges and high-intensity radiation was also adopted by inorganic chemists. Catalytic inorganic synthesis has achieved great success.

Almost all known chemical elements, not only existing on Earth, but also obtained in nuclear reactions, find practical application. For example, plutonium has become the main nuclear fuel, and its chemistry has been studied, perhaps, more fully than many other elements of the Mendeleev system. But in order for practice to find it possible to use any chemical element, inorganic chemists first had to comprehensively understand its properties. This is especially true for so-called rare elements.

Modern inorganic chemistry faces two main challenges. The objects of study of the first of them are the atom and the molecule: it is important to know how the properties of substances are related to the structure of atoms and molecules. Here, various physical research methods provide invaluable assistance (see Physical chemistry). The ideas and concepts of physical chemistry have long been used by inorganic chemists.

The second task is to develop the scientific basis for obtaining inorganic substances and materials with predetermined properties. Such inorganic compounds are necessary for new technology. It needs substances that are heat-resistant, have high mechanical strength, are resistant to the most aggressive chemical reagents, as well as substances of a very high degree of purity, semiconductor materials, etc. Experiments here are preceded by rigorous and complex theoretical calculations, and are often used to carry them out. electronic computers. In many cases in inorganic chemistry it is possible to correctly predict whether the intended product of synthesis will have the desired properties.

The volume of research in inorganic chemistry is now so great that independent sections have been formed in it: the chemistry of individual elements (for example, the chemistry of nitrogen, the chemistry of phosphorus, the chemistry of uranium, the chemistry of plutonium) or their specific combinations (the chemistry of transition metals, the chemistry of rare earth elements, the chemistry of transuranium elements ). Various classes of inorganic compounds (for example, the chemistry of hydrides, the chemistry of carbides) can be considered as independent objects of research. Special monographs are now devoted to these individual “branches” and “twigs” of the mighty “tree” of inorganic chemistry. And of course, new sections of this ancient and always young science are emerging and will continue to emerge. Thus, in recent decades, the chemistry of semiconductors and the chemistry of inert gases have emerged.

UDC 546(075) BBK 24.1 i 7 0-75

Compiled by: Klimenko B.I candidate. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor Volodchsnko A N., Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor Pavlenko V.I., Doctor of Engineering. sciences, prof.

Reviewer Gikunova I.V., Ph.D. tech. Sciences, Associate Professor

Fundamentals of inorganic chemistry: Guidelines for students 0-75 full-time education. - Belgorod: Publishing house BelGTASM, 2001. - 54 p.

The methodological instructions examine in detail, taking into account the main sections of general chemistry, the properties of the most important classes of inorganic substances. This work contains generalizations, diagrams, tables, examples, which will facilitate better assimilation of extensive factual material. Particular attention, both in the theoretical and in the practical part, is paid to the connection between inorganic chemistry and the basic concepts of general chemistry.

The book is intended for first-year students of all specialties.

UDC 546(075) BBK 24.1 i 7

© Belgorod State Technological Academy of Building Materials (BelGTASM), 2001


Knowledge of the foundations of any science and the problems facing it is the minimum that any person should know in order to freely navigate the world around them. Natural science plays an important role in this process. Natural science is a set of sciences about nature. All sciences are divided into exact (natural) and fine (humanities). The former study the laws of development of the material world, the latter - the laws of development and manifestation of the human mind. In the presented work, we will become familiar with the basics of one of the natural sciences, 7 inorganic chemistry. Successful study of inorganic chemistry is possible only if you know the composition and properties of the main classes of inorganic compounds. Knowing the characteristics of classes of compounds, it is possible to characterize the properties of their individual representatives.

When studying any science, including chemistry, the question always arises: where to start? From the study of factual material: descriptions of the properties of compounds, indications of the conditions for their existence, listing the reactions in which they enter; On this basis, laws governing the behavior of substances are derived or, conversely, laws are first given, and then the properties of substances are discussed on their basis. In this book we will use both methods of presenting factual material.


What is the subject of chemistry, what does this science study? There are several definitions of chemistry.

On the one hand, chemistry is the science of substances, their properties and transformations. On the other hand, chemistry is one of the natural sciences that studies the chemical form of the movement of matter. The chemical form of the movement of matter is the processes of association of atoms into molecules and dissociation of molecules. The chemical organization of matter can be represented by the following diagram (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Chemical organization of matter

Matter is an objective reality given to a person in his sensations, which is copied, photographed, displayed by our sensations, existing independently of us. Matter as an objective reality exists in two forms: in the form of matter and in the form of a field.

A field (gravitational, electromagnetic, intranuclear forces) is a form of existence of matter, which is characterized and manifested primarily by energy, and not by mass, although it has the latter. Energy is a quantitative measure of motion, expressing the ability of material objects to do work.

Mass (lat. massa - block, lump, piece) is a physical quantity, one of the main characteristics of matter, determining its inertial and gravitational properties.

An atom is the lowest level of chemical organization of matter. An atom is the smallest particle of an element that retains its properties. It consists of a positively charged nucleus and negatively charged electrons; In general, the atom is electrically neutral. Chemical element - This is a type of atom with the same nuclear charge. There are 109 known elements, of which 90 exist in nature.

A molecule is the smallest particle of a substance that has the chemical properties of that substance.

The number of chemical elements is limited, and their combinations give everything

variety of substances.

What is a substance?

In a broad sense, matter is a specific type of matter that has a rest mass and is characterized under given conditions by certain physical and chemical properties. About 600 thousand inorganic substances and about 5 million organic substances are known.

In a narrower sense, a substance is a certain set of atomic and molecular particles, their associates and aggregates, located in any of three states of aggregation.

A substance is quite fully defined by three characteristics: 1) it occupies part of the space; 2) has a rest mass;

3) built from elementary particles.

All substances can be divided into simple and complex.

ments form not one, but several simple substances. This phenomenon is called allotropy, and each of these simple substances is called an allotropic modification (modification) of a given element. Allotropy is observed in carbon, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus and a number of other elements. Thus, graphite, diamond, carbyne and fullerenes are allotropic modifications of the chemical element carbon; red, white, black phosphorus - allotropic modifications of the chemical element phosphorus. About 400 simple substances are known.

A simple substance is a form of existence of chemicals

elements in a free state

Simple substances are divided into metals and non-metals. Whether a chemical element is a metal or non-metal can be determined using the periodic table of elements by D.I. Mendeleev. Before we do this, let's remember a little about the structure of the periodic table.

1.1. Periodic law and periodic system of D.I.Mendeleev

Periodic table of elements - this is a graphic expression of the periodic law, discovered by D.I. Mendeleev on February 18, 1869. The periodic law sounds like this: the properties of simple substances, as well as the properties of compounds, are periodically dependent on the charge of the nucleus of the atoms of the element.

There are more than 400 options for depicting the periodic system. The most common cellular variants (short variant - 8-cell and long variants - 18- and 32-cell). The short period periodic system consists of 7 periods and 8 groups.

Elements that have a similar structure of the external energy level are combined into groups. There are main (A) and secondary (B)

groups. The main groups are made up of s- and p-elements, and the secondary groups are made up of d-elements.

A period is a successive series of elements in whose atoms the same number of electron layers of the same energy level are filled. The difference in the sequence of filling the electronic layers explains the reason for the different period lengths. In this regard, the periods contain different numbers of elements: 1st period - 2 elements; 2nd and 3rd periods - 8 elements each; 4th and 5th

periods - 18 elements each and the 6th period - 32 elements.

Elements of small periods (2nd and 3rd) are classified into a subgroup of typical elements. Since the d- and / elements are filled with the 2nd and 3rd outside elgk-

location of their atoms, and therefore, a greater ability to attach electrons (oxidizing ability), transmitted by high values ​​of their electronegativity. Elements with non-metallic properties occupy the upper right corner of the periodic table

D.I. Mendeleev. Nonmetals can be gaseous (F2, O2, CI2), solid (B, C, Si, S) and liquid (Br2).

The element hydrogen occupies a special place in the periodic table

system and has no chemical analogues. Hydrogen exhibits metallic

and non-metallic properties, and therefore in the periodic table it

placed simultaneously in group IA and VIIA.

Due to the great diversity of chemical properties, they are distinguished from

efficient noble gases(aerogens) - elements of group VIIIA


systems. Research in recent years allows, however,

it is possible to classify some of them (Kr, Xe, Rn) as non-metals.

A characteristic property of metals is that the valence

thrones are weakly bound to a particular atom, and

inside everyone

there is a so-called electronic

Therefore everything


high electrical conductivity,

thermal conductivity

accuracy. Although there are also brittle metals (zinc, antimony, bismuth). Metals, as a rule, exhibit reducing properties.

Complex substances(chemical compounds) are substances whose molecules are formed by atoms of various chemical elements (heteroatomic or heteronuclear molecules). For example, C 02, CON. More than 10 million complex substances are known.

The highest form of chemical organization of matter are associates and aggregates. Associates are combinations of simple molecules or ions into more complex substances that do not cause changes in the chemical nature. Associates exist mainly in liquid and gaseous states, and aggregates exist in solid states.

Mixtures are systems consisting of several evenly distributed compounds, interconnected by constant ratios and not interacting with each other.

1.2. Valency and oxidation state

The compilation of empirical formulas and the formation of names of chemical compounds is based on the knowledge and correct use of the concepts of oxidation state and valence.

Oxidation state- this is the conditional charge of the element in the compound, calculated from the assumption that the compound consists of ions. This value is conditional, formal, since there are practically no purely ionic compounds. The degree of oxidation in absolute value can be an integer or fractional number; and in terms of charge it can be positive, negative and equal to zero.

Valence is a quantity determined by the number of unpaired electrons at the outer energy level or the number of free atomic orbitals capable of participating in the formation of chemical bonds.

Some rules for determining the oxidation states of chemical elements

1. The oxidation state of a chemical element in a simple substance

equals 0.

2. The sum of the oxidation states of atoms in a molecule (ion) is 0

(ion charge).

3. Elements of groups I-III A have a positive oxidation state corresponding to the number of the group in which the element is located.

4. Elements of groups IV -V IIA, except for the positive oxidation state corresponding to the group number; and a negative oxidation state corresponding to the difference between the group number and the number 8, have an intermediate oxidation state equal to the difference between the group number and the number 2 (Table 1).

Table 1

Oxidation states of elements IV -V IIA subgroups

Oxidation state


5. The oxidation state of hydrogen is +1 if the compound contains at least one non-metal; - 1 in compounds with metals (hydrides); 0 in H2.

Hydrides of some elements


NaH MgH2 АШ3










H connections


Connections i t


6. The oxidation state of oxygen, as a rule, is -2, with the exception of peroxides (-1), superoxides (-1/2), ozonides (-1/3), ozone (+4), oxygen fluoride (+2).

7. The oxidation state of fluorine in all compounds except F2> is -1. In compounds with fluorine, higher forms of oxidation of many chemical elements (BiF5, SF6, IF?, OsFg) are realized.

8 . In periods, the orbital radii of atoms decrease with increasing serial number, and the ionization energy increases. At the same time, acidic and oxidizing properties are enhanced; higher ste

Element oxidation penalties become less stable.

9. Elements of odd groups of the periodic system are characterized by odd degrees, and elements of even groups are characterized by even degrees


10. In the main subgroups, as the atomic number of an element increases, the sizes of atoms generally increase, and the ionization energy decreases. Accordingly, the basic properties are enhanced and the oxidizing properties are weakened. In subgroups of ^-elements with increasing atomic number, the participation of ^-electrons in the formation of bonds

decreases, and therefore decreases

absolute value

no oxidation (Table 2).

table 2

Values ​​of oxidation states of elements of the VA subgroup

Oxidation state

Li, K, Fe, Ba

Acid C 02, S 0 3


Amphoteric ZnO BeO


Double Fe304

Be, AL Zn



CO, NO, SiO, N20

Bases Ba(OH)2

Acids HNO3


Ampholytes Zti(OH)2

Medium KagSOz,

Sour ManKUz,

Basic (SiOH)gCO3, 4--------

Double CaMg(COs)2

Mixed SaSGSU

> w h o w J 3 w »

Fig. 2. Scheme of the most important classes of inorganic substances