Leonid Maslovsky When all the myths were shattered by facts: real data on the losses of the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War. The USSR is the natural path of development of Russia

For quite a long time I have been suspicious of books whose title contains the word “The Truth About...” Usually this is just another speculation on historical topic. Unfortunately, my fears were fully confirmed this time. A very weak book. Its author announced his intention to tell about the life of the country from the reign of Khrushchev to the present. The abstract contains an enthusiastic review of the content of this work. It is impossible to agree with her. And the point is not that the author, being an aviation engineer, fell into history. He's not the only one. Behind last years this was a consequence of the fact that the existing historical research Indeed, not everything corresponds to the needs of society and causes a desire to understand ourselves difficult moments national history. And not that, appearing throughout his entire conscious life opponent of the CPSU (according to him in my own words), he saw the light only after the collapse Soviet state. This didn't happen to him alone. Many in our country, especially from the intelligentsia, did not appreciate what they had and chased the brilliance of the West, not understanding true price this shine. The disappointment was very bitter. I didn’t like that the author, as if rethinking the past, jumped from denial to thoughtless praise of the Soviet past. He describes his childhood and youth with nostalgia, and these are perhaps the most interesting sections books, he writes interestingly about the work of the Soviet repair plant, where he passed long haul from ordinary engineer to deputy position general director. But to deny existing problems, shortcomings, and difficulties is simply stupid. This will give the reader nothing except disbelief in the author’s main theses. This is exactly the case when a helpful friend worse than the enemy. Soviet Union was a grand experiment to create a new society not based on private property, but an experiment that took place in the most difficult conditions and did not in all respects correspond to the proclaimed ideals. There was bureaucracy, excesses, and queues for food, for many consumer goods, which the enemies of the Soviet system played on. The second thing that irritated me in the book was the author’s claims to almost exclusivity in covering the history of the USSR. According to him, no one had ever tried to tell the truth about the Soviet Union before him. Moreover, the bulk of the material presented in the book is borrowed from the books of other historians and publicists, which, of course, is not a crime, but cannot be credited to the author. Third, the book suffers from repetitions, rhetorical statements by the author and ordinary verbosity and vanity, which predetermined the enormous length of the publication. There are also stylistic errors. The book was printed in a small edition, which in this case Can't help but rejoice, on excellent paper. There are no illustrations. The price is far superior true value books. Frankly speaking, I regret spending money on this opus.

Someone really wants to turn the hero city of Leningrad into a concentration camp city, Leningrad, in which during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 supposedly people died of hunger in the hundreds of thousands.

At first they said about 600 thousand people who died of hunger and died in Leningrad during the siege.

On January 27, 2016, the first television channel told us in the news, that during the blockade about 1 million people died of hunger, because supposedly the norms for the distribution of bread were less than 200 grams per day.

It is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that while annually increasing the number of victims of the besieged city, no one bothered to substantiate their sensational statements that belittled the honor and dignity of the heroic residents of Leningrad.

Let us consider in order the false information that this issue brought to the attention of Russian citizens by the media.

The first lie is the information about the number of days of the blockade. We are assured that Leningrad was under siege for 900 days. In fact, Leningrad was under siege for 500 days, namely: from September 8, 1941, from the day the Germans captured Shlisselburg and the cessation of land communication between Leningrad and the mainland, to January 18, 1943, when the valiant troops of the Red Army restored Leningrad’s connection with the country by drier.

February 2, 1943 Long-distance trains went directly to the city of Leningrad.

The second lie is the statement that Leningrad was under siege. In S. I. Ozhegov’s dictionary the word blockade is interpreted in the following way: “... isolation of a hostile state, city in order to stop its relations with outside world" Communication with the outside world of Leningrad did not stop for a single day. Cargo was delivered to Leningrad around the clock, day and night in a continuous stream. railway and then by road or river transport (depending on the time of year) along a 25 km route across Lake Ladoga.

Not only the city, but also the entire Leningrad Front was supplied weapons, shells, bombs, cartridges, spare parts and food.

Cars and river boats returned back to the railway with people, and, from the summer of 1942, with products produced by Leningrad enterprises.

The hero city of Leningrad, besieged by the enemy, worked, fought, children went to school, theaters and cinemas operated.

The hero city of Stalingrad was in the position of Leningrad from August 23, 1942, when the Germans in the north managed to break through to the Volga, until February 2, 1943, when the last, northern group German troops laid down her arms at Stalingrad.

Stalingrad, like Leningrad, was supplied through a water barrier (in this case the Volga River) by automobile and by water transport. Together with the city, as in Leningrad, troops were supplied Stalingrad Front. As in Leningrad, cars and river boats that delivered cargo took people out of the city. But no one writes or talks about the fact that Stalingrad was under siege for 160 days.

The third lie is the lie about the number of Leningraders who died of hunger.

The population of Leningrad before the war, in 1939, was 3.1 million people. and it employed about 1000 industrial enterprises. By 1941, the city's population could be approximately 3.2 million people.

In total, 1.7 million people were evacuated by February 1943. There are 1.5 million people left in the city.

The evacuation continued not only in 1941, until the approach German armies, but also in 1942. K. A. Meretskov wrote that even before the spring thaw on Ladoga, more than 300 thousand tons of all kinds of cargo were delivered to Leningrad and about half a million people in need of care and treatment were taken out from there. A. M. Vasilevsky confirms the delivery of goods and the removal of people at the specified time.

The evacuation continued from June 1942 to January 1943, and if its pace did not decrease, then it can be assumed that at least 500 thousand more people were evacuated during the indicated more than six months.

Residents of the city of Leningrad were constantly drafted into the army, joining the ranks of fighters and commanders Leningrad Front, died from the shelling of Leningrad by long-range guns and from bombs dropped by the Nazis from airplanes, they died a natural death, as they die at all times. Number of departures by stated reasons inhabitants, in my opinion, are at least 600 thousand people.

The V.O. War Encyclopedia states that in 1943 there were no more than 800 thousand inhabitants left in Leningrad. The number of Leningrad residents who died from hunger, cold, and domestic instability could not exceed the difference between one million and nine hundred thousand people, that is 100 thousand people.

About one hundred thousand Leningraders died from starvation - this is a colossal number of victims, but this is not enough for the enemies of Russia to declare I.V. Stalin and the Soviet government guilty of the death of millions of people, as well as to declare that Leningrad should have been in 1941 year to surrender to the enemy.

There is only one conclusion from the study: media statements about the death in Leningrad during the siege from hunger of both one million city residents and 600 thousand people do not correspond to reality and are untrue.

The development of events itself indicates that our historians and politicians have overestimated the number of people who died of hunger during the blockade.

In the very difficult situation The city residents were provided with food from October 1 to December 24, 1941. As they write, from October 1, the bread ration was reduced for the third time - workers and engineers received 400 grams of bread per day, employees, dependents and children received 200 grams. From November 20 (5th reduction), workers received 250 g of bread per day. All others - 125 g.

On December 9, 1941, our troops liberated Tikhvin, and from December 25, 1941, food supply standards began to increase.

That is, during the entire period of the blockade, precisely in the period from November 20 to December 24, 1941, the food supply standards were so meager that weak and sick people could die of hunger. The rest of the time established standards food could not lead to starvation.

Since February 1942, the supply of food to the city residents in quantities sufficient to live was established and maintained until the blockade was broken.

The troops of the Leningrad Front were also supplied with food, and they were supplied normally. Even liberals do not write about a single case of death from hunger in the army that defended besieged Leningrad. The entire front was supplied with weapons, ammunition, uniforms, and food.

The supply of food to the non-evacuated residents of the city was “a drop in the ocean” compared to the needs of the front, and I am sure that the level of food supply to the city in 1942 did not allow deaths from starvation.

In documentary footage, in particular, from the film " Unknown War“, Leningraders going to the front, working in factories and cleaning the city streets in the spring of 1942, do not look exhausted, like, for example, prisoners of German concentration camps.

Leningraders still constantly received food cards, but residents of cities occupied by the Germans, for example, Pskov and Novgorod, who had no relatives in the villages, actually died of hunger. And how many such cities were there in the Soviet Union, occupied during the Nazi invasion!?

In my opinion, the Leningraders, who constantly received food products on cards and were not subjected to executions, deportations to Germany, or bullying by the occupiers, were in better position compared to residents of German-occupied USSR cities.

IN encyclopedic dictionary 1991, it is indicated that about 470 thousand victims of the blockade and participants in the defense are buried at the Piskarevskoye cemetery.

Not only those who died of hunger are buried at the Piskarevsky cemetery, but also soldiers of the Leningrad Front who died during the siege from wounds in Leningrad hospitals, city residents who died from artillery shelling and bombing, city residents who died of natural causes, and, possibly, those who died in military personnel of the Leningrad Front in battles.

And how can our 1st television channel announce to the whole country about almost a million Leningraders who died from hunger?!

It is known that during the attack on Leningrad, the siege of the city and retreat, the Germans had huge losses. But our historians and politicians are silent about them.

Some even write that there was no need to defend the city, but that it was necessary to surrender it to the enemy, and then the Leningraders would have avoided starvation, and the soldiers would have avoided bloody battles.

They write and talk about it, knowing that Hitler promised to destroy all the inhabitants of Leningrad.

I think they also understand that the fall of Leningrad would mean the death of a huge number of the population of the northwestern part of the USSR and the loss of a colossal amount of material and cultural values.

In addition, the released German and Finnish troops could be transferred to Moscow and other parts of the Soviet-German front, which in turn could lead to victory for Germany and the destruction of the entire population of the European part of the Soviet Union.

Only haters of Russia can regret that Leningrad was not surrendered to the enemy.

Capitalism is an unnatural and disastrous path of development for Russia

Russia has been moving towards a socialist socio-political system throughout its history. The Russian community led our country to socialism. Stolypin's reforms aimed at destroying the Russian community according to the model Western countries, did not find support among the peasants.

At a turning point historical moment In the transition of the country as a whole to socialism, the West stood in the way of Russia. German troops, and then the interventionists of the USA, England, France and Japan, as well as the White armies, entered the war with Russia.

So what was White Army and whose interests did she defend? “The White Guard,” that’s what M. A. Bulgakov called his novel. Many watched the plays “Days of the Turbins,” but few noticed that the whites sought to fight with Germany against Russia.

White Guard was not going to defend Russia, did not plan to restore the monarchy, but fought against Russia on the side of Western countries.

The whites fought not for the tsar, but for parliament. In 1918, Russia, in addition to German troops appeared new enemy– intervention troops of the Entente and the White Armies hired by the West. This is clear as day, but not for our dull layman and deceived people.

There are many sources confirming the above, but they are not known and not believed, and with their mouths open, they listen to liberal propaganda seeking to destroy our country. They do not understand that the white movement definitely led Russia to death, and the Russian nation to extermination, just as at present, fulfilling the will of the United States will definitely lead Russia to the same tragic end.

The White movement was born of the Masonic February 1917 and sought to erase Russia from the future. The White Guard is a liberal guard and the officers and privates of this guard, consciously or unconsciously, carried out the will of the West. Our wise ancestors figured this out, but our semi-literate descendants accepted the history of Russia distorted by the West.

Hopeless ignorance reigns in today's Russian society! After all, the Whites fought with the West, with the money of the West, for the interests of the West, with Russia, and the Reds defended Russia and all the peoples living in it. The Reds won precisely because they fought for Russia, because the Russians and other peoples of our state were on the Reds’ side.

In Ukraine, Bandera’s armies are glorified, and in Russia, the White armies are glorified. And in both cases, the United States is behind this glorification. So, in terms of degradation, Russian society is not far behind Ukrainian society.

In the degradation of today Russian society the very liberals and nationalists who were beaten in Civil War, Stalin pacified, but to whom the subsequent leaders of the USSR and Russia gave power.

Our wise Russian ancestors understood that the socialist path of development is a natural, original and saving path for the development of Russia. But nationalists think October Revolution 1917, which saved our country from the West, a coup alien to Russia, staged by Jews, that is, liberals, since not every liberal is a Jew, but almost every Jew is a liberal. Liberals could never have played a significant role in Russian history without nationalists, and it is no coincidence that they walked together at all times, including the relatively recent events on Bolotnaya Square.

But the history of Russia has always been created by Russians. It was the Russian Alexander Nevsky who led Russia in his own way, different from other countries, and thereby saved the country from the West. Ukraine rushed into the arms of the West and began to disappear from the face of the planet. Only joining Russia saved it from complete destruction.

Liberals are bending over backwards to demonstrate the inability of Russians to create their own history. Along with them are nationalists who claim that Russian history was created by Jews. And if the former know what they are doing, then the latter are ruining the country out of ignorance. But, of course, what is important is not the reason, but the fact that both are pushing the country into the abyss! Stalin was right a thousand times when he mercilessly fought not only the Trotskyists, but also the nationalists.

We, Russians, are a sovereign people, and Russia was gathered by the will of its constituent peoples, under its protection, which allowed joint forces fight enemies and build a power. With Gorbachev coming to power, the enemies of Russia, with the goal of the collapse of the USSR, began to shout that Russia was feeding other nations that were part of it. In fact, Azerbaijan provided oil, Uzbekistan - cotton, Ukraine - wheat and engineering products, and each other republic contributed to strengthening the power of the state and increasing the well-being of its constituent peoples. But the main thing is that together we made up an impressive force and were invulnerable to the enemy.

And today's Russia North Caucasus, for example, is needed like air. If we lose it, we will become vulnerable from one of the most dangerous directions. It is enough that Russia's security decreased many times over when the border with Ukraine turned into a border with a hostile state. Each republic ensured our security and guaranteed life for itself.

We must accept into Russia everyone who wants to live in the Russian state. Only in this case do we have the opportunity to survive together with the reunited peoples in a hostile environment.

The USSR was destroyed by thousands of blows, the main one of which, of course, was the lie about mass Stalin's repressions and, as a consequence, accusing the socialist socio-political system of being repressive. In this thousand blows, the assertion that the republics exist at the expense of the RSFSR was not the least important.

This blow is still used today, including in relation to the Crimea reunited with Russia. Russia, forgetting about the safety of its people, under the cries of liberals and nationalists about parasites, does not accept Abkhazia into its composition, South Ossetia, Donetsk and Lugansk regions, Transnistria and other peoples striving to join Russia, which, it should be noted, have been part of Russian state. This behavior of Russia does not strengthen, but weakens the country and creates freedom for our enemies to carry out anti-Russian activities on the borders of our state.

It’s time for us to gather our lands, defending which Russia has lost millions of its best sons and daughters. USSR created Soviet people who had the same worldview, attitude towards each other, towards work, towards national culture and history. The Soviet people are a fact that happened in the USSR: in our great, now desecrated homeland.

The USSR was called Russia - this was the Russian state, which took a thousand years to form. The socialist path of development was the natural path of development of the Russian state, different from the disastrous path of Western Development for the country. This was the path of development of the unique Russian peasant community.

Under Khrushchev, laws and decisions began to be adopted that gradually broke the ideally working state mechanism USSR and, ultimately, leading to the dismemberment of the USSR.

In the 1990s, laws were aimed at destroying industry, Agriculture, disarmament and disbandment of the army, led to tragedy and suffering of many Russian citizens.
In today's Russia, laws do not contribute to the development of the country, and we are marking time.

Russia is following a capitalist path that is unnatural for it, alien and harmful to it, which leads to the degradation of society, which is mainly interested only in what does not require mental stress information.

In power structures full of amateurs scientific approach, on which the state should rely, is excluded from the practice of adoption government decisions and laws.

Russia, which Soviet power Produced everything herself, today she is unable to provide herself with either necessary industrial goods or agricultural products.

Today's Russia is incapable of carrying out a foreign policy, and therefore former republics under the influence of the United States they are turning into states hostile to Russia.

There are too many forces within the country that seek to exclude Russianness from our lives. In the USSR, under Stalin, there was an institute of the Russian language, which, in particular, published volumes of a dictionary of the Russian language that was much superior to both Dahl’s dictionary and Ozhegov’s dictionary. In it, in addition to the interpretation of words, for each word an excerpt from the works of Russian and Soviet writers is written.

Today in front of everyone beautiful conversations The Russian language ceases to be Russian, since practically nothing is being done to preserve it. In fact, both television and the Internet are working to destroy it.

The enemy West is tightening its ring around the Russia that remains from the USSR and is ready to use it against us nuclear weapon. All this is the result of Gorbachev’s policy and coup d'etat 1991.

We can continue to give examples of our troubles. In my opinion, society underestimates the degree of danger looming over our country and in the state, including higher levels authorities, there are no forces capable of stopping the destructive processes.

The current path of development is an unnatural path for the country and cannot lead it to prosperity.

The disaster that occurred in 1991 is leading us all to death, the daily discrediting of the USSR aggravates the danger of the dismemberment of Russia and the extermination of the peoples living on its territory, and in our country everyone is busy criticizing the USSR and promoting liberal ideas. The liberal values ​​imposed on our society are alien and destructive for Russia. Russian state did not restore its industrial and agricultural potential and ceased to protect itself from the destructive ideology of liberals and nationalists.

To save the lives of its citizens, Russia requires a mobilization development plan and tough government with the nationalization of private ownership of the means of production and land. Russia can survive only by following its natural path of development.

Leonid Petrovich Maslovsky