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Megadin Pronatal
Active substance ›› Multivitamins + Mineral salts (Multivitamins + Multimineral)Latin nameMegadyn PronatalATX: ›› A11AA04 Multivitamins in combination with microelements Pharmacological groups: Macro- and microelements in combinations
›› Vitamins and vitamin-like products in combinations
Nosological classification (ICD-10) ›› E61.7 Insufficiency of many batteries
›› Z33 Condition characteristic of pregnancy
Composition and release form: Film-coated tablets 1 table. vitamins: vitamin A4000 MEvitamin B11.6 mgvitamin B21.8 mgvitamin B62.6 mgvitamin B124 µgvitamin C100 mgvitamin D2500 MEvitamin E15 mgcalcium D-pantothenate10 mgD-biotin0.2 mgnicotinamide19 mgfolic acid0.8 mg minerals and trace elements: calcium 125 mg iron 60 mg magnesium 100 mg phosphorus 125 mg manganese 1 mg copper 1 mg zinc 7.5 mg Excipients: povidone; MCC PH102; lactose; magnesium stearate; croscarmellose sodium; talc shell: hypromellose E-5; polyethylene glycol 6000; talc, titanium dioxide, iron (III) oxide yellow in a blister 10 pcs.; in a cardboard pack there are 3 blisters. Description of the dosage form Elongated, biconvex dark yellow, film-coated, with the “Ai” logo on one side. Characteristics Megadin Pronatal is a combination of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, developed specifically for pregnant women. Pharmacological action Pharmacological action - replenishing the deficiency of vitamins and minerals , replenishing the deficiency of macro- and microelements. Pharmacodynamics The effect of the drug is determined by the properties of its constituent components.
Vitamin A (retinol) is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin A deficiency causes keratomalacia, xerophthalmia and night blindness.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is a water-soluble vitamin that plays a role in carbohydrate metabolism. In the absence of vitamin B1, beriberi or Wernicke encephalopathy develops.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is a water-soluble vitamin necessary for normal tissue oxygenation in the body. In addition, it plays a role in the activation of pyridoxine, the conversion of tryptophan to niacin, and the integrity of red blood cells.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) - a water-soluble vitamin plays a role in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In addition, it promotes the conversion of tryptophan to niacin or serotonin, the breakdown of glycogen to glucose-1-phosphate, the conversion of oxalate to glycine, and the secretion and synthesis of gamma-aminobutyric acid in the central nervous system.
Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) - a water-soluble vitamin plays a role in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In addition, it is involved in growth, cell proliferation, hematopoiesis, synthesis of nucleoproteins and myelin due to its effect on methionine, as well as in the metabolism of folic and malonic acids.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a water-soluble vitamin necessary for collagen synthesis and tissue regeneration in the body. It plays a role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and the synthesis of carnitine. With a deficiency of vitamin C, scurvy develops.
Vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) is a fat-soluble vitamin. It facilitates the absorption and utilization of calcium and phosphorus in the body. It is necessary for normal bone mineralization. This vitamin regulates plasma calcium levels together with parathyroid hormone and calcitonin. Vitamin D2 promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the small intestine and the leaching of calcium from bones into the blood. Vitamin D2 deficiency causes rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.
Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a fat-soluble vitamin that, as an antioxidant, protects polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes and other cellular structures from damage by free radicals. In addition, it protects red blood cells from hemolysis.
Biotin (vitamin H) is a water-soluble B vitamin. It plays a role in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Pantothenic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin. It is a precursor of coenzyme A in the body and plays a role in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, this vitamin is involved in the synthesis of steroids, porphyrins, acetylcholine and other substances.
Folic acid is a water-soluble B vitamin. It is converted in the body into tetrahydrofolic acid and is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and normal erythropoiesis.
Nicotinamide (niacinamide) is a water-soluble B vitamin. It is necessary in the body for tissue oxygenation, glycogenolysis, fat, amino acid and purine metabolism. With nicotinamide deficiency, pellagra develops.
Calcium is necessary for the formation of bones and teeth, normal function of the heart and kidneys, respiration, blood clotting, and ensuring the permeability of cell membranes and capillaries. Calcium also plays a role in the release and storage of various neurotransmitters and hormones, amino acid metabolism, absorption of vitamin B12 and gastrin secretion.
Iron plays a fundamental role in the physiological formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin. Iron is also involved in numerous enzymatic reactions in the body as a cofactor. In addition, iron is involved in catecholamine metabolism and normal neutrophil function.
Magnesium contributes to normal muscle contraction, neuromuscular transmission and heart rate regulation.
Phosphorus is necessary for the normal formation of bones and teeth.
Copper is necessary for hemoglobin synthesis. It also promotes iron absorption. In addition, it has antioxidant properties. Together with manganese and zinc, copper is involved in neutralizing free oxygen radicals in the body.
Manganese plays a role in carbohydrate metabolism and has antioxidant properties. Together with copper and zinc, it neutralizes free oxygen radicals in the body.
Zinc has antioxidant properties. Together with manganese and copper, it neutralizes free oxygen radicals in the body. Indications Prevention of vitamin and mineral deficiency during pregnancy and lactation. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
hypervitaminosis A or D;
renal dysfunction;
violation of the accumulation or utilization of iron in the body;
hypercalcemia or hypercalciuria. Side effects Allergic reactions are possible. In rare cases, gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation may occur. However, these manifestations do not require discontinuation of the drug. Interaction Do not use simultaneously with tetracyclines due to possible undesirable interactions.
If taking tetracyclines is indicated during the use of Megadin Pronatal, the interval between taking these two drugs should be approximately 2 hours. Overdose at the doses recommended in the package insert does not cause overdose or poisoning.
Since Megadin Pronatal film-coated formulations contain fat-soluble vitamins A and D, signs of acute or chronic overdose may develop after a single high dose or with long-term use.
When taking vitamin A at a dose of 1,500,000 IU at a time in adults or 75,000-350,000 IU at a time in children, acute poisoning is possible.
If the daily dose of vitamin A in adults is 25,000 IU for 8 months, and in children - 18,000-50,000 IU for several months, chronic poisoning may develop.
Symptoms: Vitamin A overdose - headache, dizziness, irritability, confusion, loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, dry skin and blurred vision.
If you take a daily dose of vitamin D over 2000 IU, there is a high risk of poisoning.
In children, vitamin D intake above 1800 IU/day has been reported to cause toxicity.
Symptoms: overdose of vitamin D - nausea, vomiting, constipation, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, calcium deposition in internal organs (kidneys).
Treatment: drug withdrawal, symptomatic treatment. Method of administration and dosage Inside, during breakfast - 1 tablet/day.
Pregnant women suffering from nausea and vomiting in the morning should take the drug during lunch or dinner. Special instructions The drug should be used in recommended doses. Taking in high doses can cause hypervitaminosis.
Megadin Pronatal should not be used simultaneously with other drugs containing vitamins and minerals, without a doctor's prescription.
You should pay attention to the high iron content in the preparation.
An overdose of iron leads to the development of a large number of undesirable side effects. Shelf life 2 years Storage conditions In a dry place, at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C.

Information about the university

Omsk State Transport University– one of the main transport universities in Russia. The university is among the top hundred best universities in the Russian Federation. OmSUPS includes 4 institutes, six faculties, 29 departments that teach thirteen specialties, 23 bachelor's programs, eleven master's programs and two specialties of secondary vocational education. The university has a faculty of pre-university training, correspondence courses, an institute for advanced training, and 2 branches: in Omsk and the city of Taiga.

At the Omsk State Transport University there are dissertation councils, postgraduate studies in 25 specialties, and doctoral studies. The university is equipped with modern innovative technical equipment and modern laboratory facilities. The structure of the university includes the largest technical scientific library in Omsk with one million volumes in its collections. For the convenience of students, there are dormitories, a catering facility, and a student learning center. Students undergo internships at numerous enterprises in the city and region.

At the moment, more than 13,000 students study at Omsk State University of Pedagogical University, more than 500 teachers work, two thirds of whom have scientific degrees and titles. On the territory of the educational institution there is a training ground in the form of a section of the railway: a track, a crossing, a contact network, switches, automatic signaling, etc. There are also 2 operating locomotives, a passenger, and freight cars.

Training ground for operating railway equipment, laboratory “Customs control in railway transport”

History of the university

The Institute was founded in 1930 in Tomsk as the Siberian Institute of Transport Engineers and in 1961 transferred to the city of Omsk as the Omsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers. In 1994 it was transformed into the Academy of Railways, and in 1997 it became a university under the current name Omsk State University of Transport. Over the entire period of its existence, more than 40,000 specialist railway transport engineers have been trained within the walls of the university.

Composition of the university

The Omsk State Transport University includes:

  • Faculty of Mechanics;
  • thermal power;
  • electromechanical;
  • Institute of Automation, Telecommunications and Information Technologies (IATIT);
  • Institute of Management and Economics (IMEC).

The Omsk Medical School of Railway Transport operates at the university. In this area, general agreements have been concluded with eight large city organizations.

The university conducts scientific activities in the field of developments in railway transport diagnostics of technical equipment, technology for restoration and repair of rolling stock, in the field of train traction, power supply, current collection, energy-saving technologies, etc. The university has 6 research and educational centers.

schedule Operating mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 09:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews of OmGUPS

Anonymous review 21:13 05/11/2013

After graduating from school (2009), I did not particularly suffer in choosing further higher education; I knew in advance who I would be in the future, namely, I saw myself as a railway worker, since many relatives also “connected” their lives with the railway). It was not easy to enroll, I had to take preparatory courses, but it was worth it. And so I entered one of the best, most beautiful and prestigious universities in the city of Omsk. Studied at the Faculty of Electromechanics, majoring in electrical...

Grigory Yakovlev 16:57 04/29/2013

It was difficult to get in, there was a strict selection process, many were eliminated at the first stage. Competitions for a place are not large: 2 people, since there are relatively many budget places. But it was even easier for me, because... I arrived in the direction from my railway station. In terms of popularity for Omsk, this university is equal to Stanford! It’s not in vain that young people try to get there and get a specialty, because specialties related to railways in our country are more paid and prestigious. There were 28 people in my group, quite...

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Omsk State Transport University"


No. 02109 valid indefinitely from 04/25/2016


No data

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for Omsk State University of PS

Index18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)5 6 6 6 5
Average Unified State Examination score for all specialties and forms of study56.29 57.18 58.43 53.49 59.07
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on the budget58.34 59.17 61.36 57.46 69.66
Average Unified State Examination score of those enrolled on a commercial basis54.84 55.02 56.83 52.98 57.17
Average minimum Unified State Exam score for all specialties for full-time students enrolled44.67 45.48 44.40 32.67 44.6
Number of students7506 8228 9287 9936 10555
Full-time department4029 4437 4891 5076 5186
Part-time department0 0 0 0 0
Extramural3477 3791 4396 4860 5369
All data