The mystery of the fall of the Tunguska meteorite in fiction. Tunguska meteorite mysteries and hypotheses

There is an opinion that boiled water safe for human body. However, this is a wrong point of view. Boiled water is unsafe for health. It is devoid of useful microelements; moreover, it is impossible to dissolve anything in boiled water, since it is a “dead” liquid that provokes the formation of edema in the body.

It is worth understanding that during the boiling process, the liquid evaporates, and as a result, the amount of salts remaining in the liquid increases. You can see the presence of salt even in. Just look at the bottom and walls of the teapot - the picture is visible to the naked eye. Such scale, entering the human body, leads to various diseases, such as the formation of kidney stones, joint disease, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, and other ailments.

Boiling and viruses

The most interesting thing is that a certain category of bacteria tolerates high temperatures and therefore does not die when boiling. To destroy such viruses and bacteria, you need not only certain temperature, but also time, as well as other modes.

For your information, water after boiling is not completely free of chlorine! This element interacts well with other organic compounds when water is heated, and very dangerous trihalomethanes are formed. These substances are considered more dangerous than regular chlorine. During partial removal of this element from the liquid, complete removal oxygen, but mercury, iron salts and cadmium do not disappear.

Is boiled water really healthy?

And in conclusion, it must be added that water after boiling loses its beneficial properties, that is, it ceases to be of high quality for drinking. It can be drunk after boiling for just a few hours. Then it, like tap liquid, is “populated” by various bacteria that are present on the walls of the kettle, as well as those moving through the air.

The best option for obtaining safe and high-quality water is its purification, that is, filtration. For this purpose, you can use either an expensive filtration system or a conventional filter made in the form of a jug, as well as a flask equipped with a separate tap.

By consuming water obtained in this way, a person will provide himself with strong immune system and, of course, the excellent taste of the liquid itself, and therefore the quality of the dishes and drinks consumed.

There are many studies that talk about the dangers of boiled water. But this, without any doubt, is the main component of the human body. Judge for yourself - we consist of 80% water, which means that we need to be careful about what we drink, otherwise we may cause serious harm to our health.

Some scientists argue that drinking cooked liquids weakens our immune system, making us more prone to illnesses. various diseases. Let's figure this out.

Fashion magazines and online publications tell us that we should drink at least 1.5-2 liters a day. We also know that boiling kills pathogenic bacteria and viruses that may be present in the liquid. It's hard to argue with this. However, the most main question: does it become harmless?

Let's think about how much benefit or harm such “portions” can cause.

All the nasty things and benefits of boiling

1. When boiling, chlorine-containing compounds are destroyed. The chlorine and salts themselves precipitate, which we can see, for example, on the walls of a kettle. And here already full of particles various impurities . And, naturally, all this ends up in your mugs and glasses.

2. The boiling process leads to the destruction of the structure of the liquid; it is not for nothing that it is called “dead”. When boiled, it is completely useless to us. Well, perhaps this is the most The best way quench thirst. But, unfortunately, nothing useful for health.

3. During evaporation, the concentration of salts increases, which, as we remember, do not disappear from the boiled liquid. As soon as we put the kettle back on to heat up, the scale remaining on the walls of the kettle enters our body and accumulates there, leading to various diseases of the joints, blood and internal organs(kidneys, hearts, etc.). And this means that Those who drink tea or coffee endlessly at work are more prone to heart attacks!

4. Heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides also do not evaporate. Not to mention nitrates, phenols and petroleum products, which we can easily eat due to ignorance that such liquid is harmful to the body.

5. When boiling in a kettle, a temperature of at least 100 degrees occurs, while many bacteria die only at a higher temperature or for a longer time. Therefore, to protect yourself, liquids must be boiled for 3-10 minutes. Some microbes and viruses are generally able to survive under such conditions for several hours.

6. The same chlorine tends to enter into a chemical reaction with other elements, thereby forming methane compounds that are hazardous to health. And believe me, they are much more harmful than chlorine itself.

So what to do?

  • For example, you can safely drink spring water, since it does not contain chloride compounds, which are added by people for disinfection purposes, and, accordingly, is not harmful to us.
  • Second option - buy mineral water. Yes, it's more expensive, but it's for sure.
  • Well, the third way is use various filters. For example, the so-called reverse osmosis works great as a cleaning method harmful impurities and odor from tap water. Carbon filters also work well, coping with bacteria and salts.

However, there is an inconvenience: the sorbicide filter retains organic matter and microorganisms, but it must be used constantly. IN otherwise, microorganisms will begin to multiply rapidly, devouring the absorbed organic matter. So, when you return from vacation, this filter will have to be replaced. Otherwise, you will get a full glass of “poison”. If you really haven’t used it for a long time, run some water through it for at least 1-2 hours.

  • One more, but enough difficult option, which rarely anyone uses - this is in advance store melt water, the structure of which completely changes after freezing and subsequent thawing. This makes it more environmentally friendly. Some scientists say that it can be eaten even without boiling it first.

How can water be made even more harmful?

Kind of bad advice. Just leave it to “infuse” for several hours. Over time, it becomes more sensitive to bacteria that are in the air.

Work out simple habit- do not keep boiled water for a long time outdoors and be sure to use filters. And don’t store it for days at all.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the benefits and harms of boiled water?
  • Which water is better to drink - boiled or raw?
  • How to properly use and store boiled water
  • Is it possible to lose weight with boiled water?
  • Is it possible to wash my hair boiled water
  • Is it possible to boil water twice?

Everyone knows the fact that the human body consists of approximately 80% water. Moreover, its molecules take part in most processes occurring in our body. For the body to function normally, every adult should drink about two liters of water per day. In neighboring countries, boiled water is considered the cleanest and safest liquid for humans. Is this true? In this article we will try to examine in detail the topic: “Boiled water – benefit or harm?”

What happens to water when it boils?

To learn about the benefits and harms of boiling, you need to understand how this process occurs. It is known that one part of the liquid at this time becomes steam, and the rest begins to bubble at a temperature of +100 °C.

Boiling can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Small single bubbles appear at the bottom of the container, gradually increasing in size and moving upward. IN to a greater extent they accumulate on the walls of the dishes.
  2. The number of bubbles increases, causing the liquid to become slightly cloudy and then become clear again. This begins the boiling process, which is also called the “white spring” because of its similarity to the flow of water in a spring.
  3. At the final stage, intense bubbling occurs, large bubbles form in the dishes and steam is actively released.

The benefit of boiling is that it cleanses food from dangerous bacteria and microorganisms, and also reduces hardness and reduces chlorine content. After boiling, hard salts can be seen precipitated at the bottom of the container.

However, with the help of boiling it is impossible to destroy the botulism bacillus and hepatitis A. Moreover, boiled water can cause harm if it is left in conditions for a long time. room temperature, since bacteria settle in it again.

The benefits of boiled water

Let's take a closer look at the benefits and harms of boiled water for the body. Liquid from water tap is an extremely chlorine-rich composition, the harm of which is increased rigidity because of great content magnesium and calcium salts. If such a product is used in pure form, you may suffer negative consequences.

And if you use water with this composition in cooking, it can ruin the taste of drinks and dishes. In addition, its harm is expressed in negative impact for healthy nails and hair. In addition, it causes the formation dense coating on the surfaces of household appliances.

Many people believe that potassium permanganate crystals added to boiling water will be beneficial. Using this method you can really achieve greater purity of the liquid. But at the same time, chemical reactions occur, as a result of which new salts can be formed. And they can harm human health. According to doctors, it is better to avoid such a risk and limit yourself to drinking regular boiled water.

Benefits of boiled water:

  1. Pathogenic microorganisms are eliminated and bacteria die.
  2. The chlorine content decreases and the specific odor disappears.
  3. Water hardness decreases as a result of salt precipitation heavy metals at the bottom of the dish.
  4. Metabolic processes in the body improve.
  5. Digestion improves.
  6. Toxins are eliminated through sweat through the pores.
  7. Blood circulation improves.
  8. Physical productivity and quality of intellectual activity increases.

Boiled water: benefit or harm? Regularly replenishing your water balance helps you lose weight. And if you follow it in combination with physical activity And healthy eating, you will forget about extra pounds forever. Also, the benefits of boiled water are expressed in the removal of toxins and cleansing of the intestines.

The benefit of warm water, cooled after boiling, is to eliminate cold symptoms. It soothes sore throats and relieves nasal congestion, and also replenishes body cells with fluid lost due to fever.

At the same time it's too hot water not at all suitable for treatment. It can cause harm by causing a burn on the sore throat.

The benefits of warm boiled water, if taken on an empty stomach every morning, have long been known. It makes all processes in the body work. Also, its benefits are expressed in a positive effect on the digestive organs, nervous and endocrine system, as well as on muscle tissue and skin turgor. The maximum effect can be obtained by using water from a spring, well or natural source for boiling.

Boiled water is very important in the summer season, since at this time the possibility of reproduction and spread of harmful microflora increases. Boiling for a minute will not bring much benefit, since it will not help destroy all bacteria, especially the most dangerous ones. This will take you at least 10 minutes. An interesting fact is that after the first minute of treatment, the taste of the liquid noticeably deteriorates. This makes it difficult to choose the optimal boiling option.

Can boiled water be harmful?

Research results have shown that the boiling process cannot cope with all bacteria. For example, to eliminate the hepatitis virus, water will have to be boiled for at least 30 minutes. The botulism bacillus disappears only after 15 minutes of treatment, and to destroy its spores, this process must last at least 5 hours! Obviously, no one will carry out processing for so long. The harm of boiled water is expressed in the fact that it is filled with active pesticides, nitrates, heavy metals, phenols, and petroleum products. At the same time, beneficial elements (magnesium and calcium salts) settle on the walls of the container.

When talking about the benefits and harms of boiled water for the body, it is necessary to take into account the fact that heat treatment, especially long-term, leads to a clear decrease in the volume of liquid. And in the remaining part a sediment appears. When you add raw water to the settled portion and boil them together, the concentration and percentage of heavy water increases. The composition of this liquid can already cause serious harm to health. That is why experts categorically do not recommend diluting boiled water with raw water.

There is a widespread belief about the benefits of boiled water due to its purity from chlorine. However, research results indicate that trace elements interact with other compounds during the boiling process, which can result in the formation of dangerous trihalomethanes. And when water is heated, oxygen comes out of it.

Most experts, answering questions about the benefits and harms of boiled water, say that it is “dead” and therefore cannot be of any value. Boiled water is not able to saturate the body with the necessary minerals, as well as the necessary moisture. Again, some time after boiling, microorganisms again settle in the water. They can move into the water from a kettle or even from the air. Of course, this is enough time to drink tea. The main thing is not to forget that the benefits of boiling are relative. After all, it cannot completely purify water from harmful microelements.

What kind of water to drink – boiled or raw?

Now you know whether you should drink boiled water; we have already discussed its benefits and harm to the body. It's time to take a closer look at the properties of raw water.

Almost all experts agree that the benefits of raw water for humans are much greater. It contains those microelements in the form of salts (magnesium, copper, calcium and others) that are essential for healthy work our body. And the harm of boiling is that most of healthy salts settles. In addition, they usually remain on the surfaces of the utensils used.

The conclusion is that it is best to turn off the kettle as soon as it starts to boil. Then the water will already be disinfected, and most of the minerals will be preserved.

Natural water, not passed the procedure disinfection is called “live”. It's all about the peculiar structure of its molecules. Their influence benefits all systems and organs of our body. They also repair damaged cells and prevent the appearance of free radicals, thus maintaining the “rejuvenation” effect. Boiling drinking water changes the structure of its molecules, turning it into “dead”, not bringing any benefit.

Boiling tap water can also be harmful to health. It modifies chlorine compounds used to disinfect water in almost all regions of Russia and turns them into toxic elements that harm the body. Such substances contribute to the development of malignant neoplasms and urolithiasis.

And even if the water does not contain chlorine, its structure changes under the influence of high temperature when boiling. In less than a day it turns into favorable environment for the emergence and reproduction of pathogenic microbes. To avoid harm to your body, drink only freshly boiled water and mercilessly throw away the rest.

If you are not sure that there are no microbes in raw water and that it will not harm you, it is better to boil it. In this situation, it is much more important to avoid the risk of contracting an infection than to face the likely negative effects of boiled water on the body.

In conclusion, you should formulate a detailed answer to the question: “Is boiled water good or bad?” Use raw water if you are sure it is safe. Otherwise, you should bring it to a boil and drink it as quickly as possible, do not store it for a long time.

Rules for using boiled water

Observe simple rules boiling to drink water without harming your body. Firstly, do not keep the water on the fire for a long time. As soon as the first bubbles form, dangerous microelements are neutralized. By avoiding prolonged heat treatment, you retain most of the beneficial elements.

During long-term boiling fresh water loses its benefit. This means spring water. In other cases, the liquid must be heated much longer to kill germs. Boiling must be done once. Repeated exposure to high temperatures will only cause harm - increasing toxicity and levels of toxic substances.

Benefits of boiling:

  • rigidity softens;
  • harmful substances are neutralized;
  • germs and bacteria are eliminated.

The best option is to boil filtered or settled liquid, which no longer contains impurities that can cause harm. Improper boiling technology makes the product toxic.

Fans of heat treatment should know that boiled water causes the greatest harm when it is used incorrectly. Follow simple rules to avoid this risk.

The benefits and harms of boiled water for the body may depend on the container in which the treatment is carried out. Do not use electric kettles Low quality. This is very dangerous, as some unscrupulous manufacturers use toxic materials.

The harm of such materials is that at elevated temperatures they release toxic compounds into the liquid. And they can cause the development of dangerous diseases. Try to purchase dishes from reliable suppliers, this way you will protect yourself and your loved ones from possible negative consequences.

Do not wait for the liquid to cool completely. Try to drink it as soon as it has cooled down a bit. Beneficial elements are found in warm water. And boiling water can cause harm, causing burns, ulcers, inflammation of the gastric mucosa, and pancreatitis.

Constant consumption of boiling water also causes harm, developing chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, causing destruction of tooth enamel and other health problems.

If you need to prepare boiled water for future use, pour it into any glass container and close the lid tightly. It is strictly forbidden to store liquid in the same container in which it was boiled. Clean the kettle of scale and sediment after each boil. It is not recommended to store a product that has undergone heat treatment for longer than three hours. Boiled liquid mixed with raw liquid can also cause harm.

Surely you have already formed your own opinion about the benefits and harms of boiled water for the body. In any case, try not to limit yourself only to it, because for normal functioning we need elements that benefit the body. People who closely monitor their health can alternate between drinking bottled and boiled water.

If you use a filter, be sure to replace the cartridges regularly. Tap water must be boiled.

Boiled water storage

We have already talked about the dangers of boiled water after it has been stored for a long time. The maximum period of its use is 24 hours, regardless of the type of container. This condition is explained by the structure of water modified due to boiling. Its susceptibility to various bacteria and viruses increases, attracting them more strongly.

You can extend storage for a short time using the refrigerator. Temperatures of +4 °C and below slow down the process of bacterial exchange with environment. Liquid stored under such conditions can be used for two days, but no longer.

The container has a significant impact on the benefits of the liquid and the duration of its storage. Be careful with plastic containers, they can be toxic and release into the water toxic substances when exposed to high temperatures. To store water, choose containers made from polyethylene terephthalate, which is specifically designed for food products.

Enameled containers are best suited for storing boiled liquid. Remember to keep them closed. Glass bottles are perfect for filtered water and will not harm it. Such containers, equipped with a cork lid, are considered the best option for storing any drinking liquids. Plastic lids can be harmful because they release toxic substances.

You can use ceramic or earthenware dishes. As well as containers made of any materials that do not react with liquids and do not release into their compositions additional substances. All these nuances can affect what exactly you get from drinking boiled water - benefit or harm.

The benefits and harms of boiled water for weight loss

The next question that should be considered is whether boiled water promotes weight loss, what benefits or harm it brings to our health. The liquid is really beneficial for weight loss. This is not a fictional condition whose significance is inflated by nutritionists. This fact has been scientifically proven and confirmed by many laboratory research. Their results showed that the benefits of regular and sufficient water consumption are expressed in the establishment of those body processes that are necessary for weight loss:

  • Accelerating metabolism by 20% promotes the breakdown of fats and prevents their storage.
  • Saturation of the body with a number of microelements contained in water and taking the most active part in the metabolic process: sodium, calcium, fluorine, potassium, zinc, iron, magnesium and others.
  • More effective satisfaction of hunger: if you want to have a snack, drink healthy liquid and you can go without food much longer, thus preventing overeating.
  • By drinking a glass of water before eating, you will reduce the amount of food you can eat on a still full stomach. This automatically reduces the number of calories consumed.
  • Increased urination (especially in the very first days). The benefit of this phenomenon is that unnecessary carcinogens, toxins and salts, which usually remain in the body and subsequently become unpleasant folds, will leave the body along with urine.
  • Providing a feeling of well-being that is difficult to achieve with dieting: You will not experience the loss of concentration, performance, or irritability that occurs with most diets.
  • Stopping fluid retention in tissues. The body stops doing this when it is saturated with moisture in sufficient quantities. Thanks to this, puffiness disappears, which makes up a significant percentage of excess weight.

Now you know enough about the benefits and harms of boiled water for the body when losing weight. In fact, there are many benefits without any harm. Carefully study all available information about this interesting diet. You'll be surprised when you don't see side effects, as well as a list of contraindications. But to get benefits, you always need to know when to stop and strictly follow the recommendations. For example, if you start drinking 4-5 liters of water per day instead of the indicated 1.5-2, your body will rebel against such violence. This will certainly harm him in the form of indigestion, which will not be easy to recover.

By learning to use water for weight loss, you can lose up to 5 kg of weight every month, while strengthening your immunity and health. To achieve this, follow certain rules. You should absolutely not consume the daily volume of liquid at once in one sitting or even replace your normal diet with it.

Everyone knows that you should drink plenty of fluids regularly to lose weight. However, in various sources information indicates different amounts. Let's take a closer look at some of these options.

  • 40 ml per kg body weight.

These figures are often found on the Internet. It would seem that they can be trusted. After all, the need for different volumes of liquid for people with different weights is obvious. And it is quite logical that its quantity should be proportional to their dimensions. However, you just have to start simple calculations(40 ml per 120 kg of weight = 4,800 ml = 4.8 l), and you will see the obvious absurdity of the proposed conditions. Such volumes will not lead you to weight loss, but to oversaturation with moisture and subsequent hospitalization. Therefore, it is worth looking for other indicators.

  • 1.5–2.5 liters.

Most sources indicate such figures. It should be noted that upper limit determined quite accurately, because only the most obese people (for example, weighing 120 kg) can drink 3 liters of liquid per day to lose weight. But they can do this only with the approval of their personal nutritionist. 2.5 liters of liquid is approximately 12 glasses of 200 ml. For the first time, this is too much volume, even for weight loss.

Please note that the benefits and harms of boiled water for the body depend on its quantity. If the flow of large volumes of fluid is too sudden, it will be very difficult for the organs to cope with it. You will run to the toilet every 30 minutes, and the genitourinary system and kidneys are not always able to withstand this load. In such situations, nausea occurs, discomfort in the stomach, as well as excessive morning swelling. Therefore, it is better to start with the standard daily 1.5 liters (7-8 glasses).

Experts' debate about the temperature of water used as a means of losing weight continues. Knowing the features of each option, you can choose the most suitable one for yourself:

  • Hot water perfectly prepares the digestive tract for food intake and also speeds up metabolism. However, it is categorically not recommended for use by people with any problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Liquid at room temperature is considered the best option for everyone, as it does not cause any inconvenience and does not cause a feeling of discomfort.
  • Cold water is most often recommended for weight loss, because to warm it inside, the body spends energy.
  • The ideal option for losing weight, according to nutritionists, is warm liquid. Its temperature is sufficient to speed up metabolic processes and is well accepted by the intestinal walls without irritating them.

Taking into account this information, you can now independently choose the optimal and comfortable water temperature for weight loss. It would be nice to try first various options and listen to the sensations of your body. This will give you a better idea when you find the right one.

And in conclusion, we will answer the question that should be solved first - what kind of water should you drink for weight loss? Considering all the data on the benefits and harms of boiled water for the body, experts do not recommend using it for these purposes. Because boiling eliminates some elements of water that are useful as a means of losing weight. However, if you only have tap water, be sure to boil it.

Is it possible to give boiled water to children?

It is impossible to definitively answer the question of whether newborn babies should be given boiled water, because doctors cannot come to a common opinion. This may also depend on the baby’s nutrition. When artificially feeding a child, you can offer some water. But he must decide for himself whether he wants to drink it. Under no circumstances should you force water into it.

The situation is more difficult with children in custody. breastfeeding. After all, excessive supplementation can disrupt the already fragile lactation process. Moreover, most doctors agree that babies from birth to six months do not physiologically need any supplements, they only need breast milk. And in hot weather it should simply be fed more often.

Boiled water itself does not pose any harm to newborns, but you should still consult a doctor before giving it to your baby. Don’t forget to follow a few basic rules if you decide to give your baby extra water:

  1. Do not do this immediately before or after eating. This intake will disrupt digestion, and due to the stomach being filled with liquid, the child may not finish eating, and therefore not be satisfied.
  2. Breastfed babies should be given small portions of water only when needed, as the amount of milk consumed may decrease after supplementation is introduced.
  3. Start feeding your child not from a bottle, but from a teaspoon.
  4. If symptoms of intestinal dysfunction appear, consult your doctor immediately, because excess water can disrupt intestinal microflora.

It is not difficult to decide on the amount of water to feed a newborn. A child simply will not drink if he does not feel thirsty. Typically, offering 1-2 teaspoons of liquid at a time is enough for a baby about a month old.

On the hottest days, any mother thinks about whether it is worth offering the newborn boiled water in larger volumes. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer. This depends on the child’s appetite, well-being, activity, and also on the ambient temperature.

So, now you know everything about the benefits and harms of boiled water for the body of a newborn. And each parent must decide for himself, taking into account his experience, whether it is worth giving the baby extra water. It's best to discuss this decision with your pediatrician and possibly a lactation consultant.

Washing your hair with boiled water

Almost all people wash their hair hot tap water. Some people like to use laundry soap for this, as it is considered natural, and therefore healthy. As a result, we get fragile, dull, brittle hair that splits at the ends, and the scalp begins to flake, leading to dandruff and increased greasiness of the hair. But proper washing of the hair should improve blood circulation, metabolic processes in the skin, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. What's the matter?

First of all, you need to know that you should not wash your hair with water from our taps. It contains so much bleach and various impurities that it is a miracle that we still have hair at all. Surely you have heard advice that you need to use melted or rainwater. In fact, this used to be really important, but now the air is too polluted, especially in large cities.

Boiled water – good or bad for hair health? It turns out that using such a liquid is the best option. It can be softened with: baking soda (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), ammonia (1 teaspoon per 2 liters of water), glycerin (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), borax (1 teaspoon per 2 liters of water).

Another popular mistake is washing your hair. hot water. Don't forget that it makes the sebaceous glands more active. Because of this, the hair becomes too oily. Moreover, the soap in shampoos is “brewed” under the influence of hot liquid, and then settles in the form of a gray coating on the hair. And this plaque is not so easy to wash off.

The benefits and harms of twice boiled water

Everyone has long known that drinking water can only be boiled once. But only specialists versed in molecular chemistry and physics are able to clearly explain the mechanism of this condition. In fact, during the boiling process, the liquid retains its organoleptic characteristics, but its structure and composition of the substance change. AND scientific experiments confirm the fact that water cannot be boiled twice. This phenomenon is explained by a number of reasons.

So, everyone studied the structure of the water molecule in chemistry lessons at school. It consists of two hydrogen atoms, which are connected to one oxygen atom. The formula of water in chemistry is designated as “H 2 O”. This liquid has the following properties: colorless, transparent, tasteless and odorless. Tap and natural water (river, lake, spring) contains a huge amount of dissolved minerals chemical impurities, most of which are dangerous to the human body. Also included natural water includes complex high molecular weight organic compounds, microflora and microfauna.

When studying the benefits and harms of boiled water for the body, remember main goal heat treatment – ​​destruction of harmful and pathogenic microorganisms. However:

  1. During repeated water purification, organic matter (pathogenic bacteria) is not destroyed. Only during the first treatment does it die and decompose. And then intense release of water vapor occurs, which increases the concentration of mineral components. The remaining part of the liquid turns out to be more concentrated, which means it can cause more harm to health.
  2. In addition to salts, minerals, alkaline and acid radicals, water contains dissolved oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Due to the active evaporation of water, atomic hydrogen, along with a small amount of tritium and deuterium isotopes, settles at the bottom. Thus, the liquid becomes denser.
  3. And in conclusion, about the benefits and harms of boiled water for the body, it should be noted that repeated, as well as too long, heat treatment leads to the following: active chlorine contained in water enters chemical reaction mineral dissolved substances, as well as with residues organic matter. It is difficult to predict the outcome of such a reaction. It will largely depend on how purified the water is at the water intake stations. There is always a system of deep purification (filtration), as well as subsequent treatment with chlorine.

From school lessons In chemistry and physics, we also know that heating the starting ingredients speeds up any reaction. Thus, repeated boiling of water increases possible options chemical reactions. As a result, various carcinogenic substances and dioxins may appear.

If the water quality leaves much to be desired...

The problem of dirty water in the house can be partially solved by installing a high-quality filter, but in such systems it is periodically necessary to replace components, because this directly determines how well the drinking liquid will be purified.

At the same time it remains unresolved issue: how to ensure that our workplace or child has water at school best quality? The best solution is to buy it with delivery.

The Iceberg company offers profitable terms to serve our clients:

  • free delivery of water to your home or office: buyers pay only the cost of the product;
  • the wells from which our water is drawn have registration documents in the State Water Cadastre of the Russian Federation;
  • used for extraction and bottling of water Hi-tech, which helps to preserve and enhance its quality and natural purity;
  • We also sell modern water coolers and other equipment manufactured by well-known European brands, taking into account existing quality standards. The sizes of pumps and racks for bottles vary, allowing the devices to be installed even in small spaces;
  • delivery of drinking water to your home or office is carried out at a minimal price, thanks to constant promotions from our company;
  • Along with water, you can purchase disposable tableware, tea, coffee and other auxiliary products.

Clean water is valuable, but it should not be worth its weight in gold. Our mission is to provide every home and workplace quality drinking water, so we have prepared the most favorable conditions for our clients.

What happens to all these substances when water boils? Bacteria and viruses definitely die at the first boil, so this is simply necessary for water disinfection. Especially if the water is taken from a dubious source - a river or a well.

Salts of heavy metals, unfortunately, do not disappear from water, and when boiling, their concentration can only increase due to the fact that a certain volume of water evaporates. How larger number boiling, the higher the concentration of harmful salts. But, according to scientists, their number is still not enough to cause significant harm to the body at one time.

As for chlorine, during boiling it forms a lot organochlorine compounds. And the longer the boiling process lasts, the more such compounds appear. These include carcinogens and dioxins that can cause negative impact on the cells of the human body. Scientists, in the course of laboratory studies, have established that such compounds appear even if the water was purified with the help of inert gases. Certainly, harmful effect such water will not be noticeable immediately; aggressive substances can accumulate in the body quite long time, and then lead to development serious illnesses. To harm the body, you need to drink this water every day for several years.

According to the British woman Julie Harrison, who has extensive experience in researching the influence of lifestyle and nutrition on the occurrence of cancerous tumors, each time water is boiled, the levels of nitrates, arsenic and sodium fluoride become higher. Nitrates are converted into carcinogenic nitrosamines, which in some cases cause leukemia, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and other types of cancer. Arsenic can also cause cancer, heart pathologies, infertility, neurological problems and, of course, poisoning. Sodium fluoride has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, and in large doses can lead to sudden changes blood pressure and dental fluorosis. Substances that are harmless in small quantities, such as calcium salts, repeated boiling water becomes dangerous: it affects the kidneys, promotes the formation of stones in them, and also provokes arthrosis and arthritis. Repeatedly boiled water is especially not recommended for children, since high content the sodium fluoride in it can seriously harm their mental and neurological development.

Another fact in favor of inadmissibility reboiling– the formation of deuterium in water - heavy hydrogen, the density of which also increases. Ordinary water turns into “dead” water, the constant use of which can lead to death.

However, scientists are of the opinion that the concentration of deuterium in water, even after several heat treatments, is negligible. According to the research of academician I.V. Petryanov-Sokolov, to obtain one liter of water with a lethal concentration of deuterium, you will have to boil more than two tons of liquid from the tap.

By the way, water boiled several times does not change its taste better side, so the tea or coffee made from it will not be what it should be!