Theorems of the Sophist Gorgias and modern mathematics. A little-known generalization of Pythagoras' theorem

3. This is how blondes solve equations!

4. Mathematics through the Looking Glass

This inscription, which I made a few years ago, is probably the shortest proof that... 2 = 3. Place a mirror on top of it (or look at it through the light), and you will see how “two” turns into “three” "

5. Letter mixer

Another unusual formula:

eleven + two = twelve + one.

It turns out that in English the equality 11 + 2 = 12 + 1 is true, even if written down in words - the “sum” of the letters on the left and right is the same! This means that the right side of this equality is an anagram of the left, that is, it is obtained from it by rearranging the letters.

Similar, although less interesting, literal equalities can be obtained in Russian:

fifteen + six = sixteen + five.

6. Pi... or not Pi?..

From 1960 to 1970, the main national drink, called “Moscow Special Vodka,” cost: half a liter 2.87, and a quarter liter 1.49. These figures were probably known to almost the entire adult population of the USSR. Soviet mathematicians noticed that if the price of a half-liter is raised to a power equal to the price of a quarter, the number “Pi” is obtained:

1,49 2,87 ??

(Reported by B. S. Gorobets).

After the publication of the first edition of the book, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University Leenzon I. A. sent me the following interesting comment on this formula: “... many years ago, when there were no calculators, and at the physics department we took a difficult test on a slide rule (!) ( how many times do you need to move the movable ruler left and right?), I, with the help of my father’s most accurate tables (he was a surveyor, he dreamed of an exam in higher geodesy all his life), found out that rupees-forty-nine to the power of two-eighty-seven equals 3, 1408. This did not satisfy me. Our Soviet State Planning Committee could not have acted so rudely. Consultations with the Ministry of Trade on Kirovskaya showed that all price calculations on a national scale were made with an accuracy of hundredths of a penny. But call exact numbers I was refused, citing secrecy (it surprised me then - what kind of secrecy can there be in tenths and hundredths of a penny). In the early 1990s, I managed to obtain from the archives exact figures on the cost of vodka, which by that time had been declassified by a special decree. And this is what it turned out to be: quarter: 1 ruble 49.09 kopecks. On sale - 1.49 rubles. Half liter: 2 rubles 86.63 kopecks. On sale - 2.87 rubles. Using a calculator, I easily found out that in this case, a quarter to the power of half a liter gives (after rounding to 5 significant figures) just 3.1416! One can only be amazed at the mathematical abilities of the workers of the Soviet State Planning Committee, who (I don’t doubt this for a second) specifically adjusted the estimated cost of the most popular drink to the known result».

Which mathematician, famous from school, is encrypted in this rebus?

8. Theory and practice

A mathematician, physicist and engineer were given the following problem: “A boy and a girl stand at opposite walls of the hall. At some point, they begin to walk towards each other and cover half the distance between them every ten seconds. The question is, how long will it take for them to reach each other?”

The mathematician answered without hesitation:


The physicist, after thinking a little, said:

Through infinite time.

The engineer, after lengthy calculations, issued:

After about two minutes they will be close enough for all practical purposes.

9. Beauty formula from Landau

The following piquant formula, attributed to Landau, a great lover of the fairer sex, was brought to my attention by the famous Landauved Professor Gorobets.

As MSUIE Associate Professor A.I. Zyulkov told us, he heard that Landau derived the following formula for an indicator of female attractiveness:

Where K- bust circumference; M- on the hips; N- around the waist, T- height, all in cm; P- weight in kg.

So, if we take the parameters for the model (1960s) approximately: 80-80-60-170-60 (in the above sequence of values), then according to the formula we get 5. If we take the parameters of the “anti-model”, for example: 120 -120-120-170-60, then we get 2. In this interval school grades and, roughly speaking, the “Landau formula” works.

(Quoted from the book: Gorobets B. Landau circle. Life of a genius. M.: Publishing house LKI/URSS, 2008.)

10. I wish I knew that distance...

Another scientific argument about female attractiveness attributed to Dau.

Let's determine the attractiveness of a woman as a function of the distance to her. When the argument is infinite, this function becomes zero. On the other hand, at point zero it is also zero (we are talking about external attractiveness, not tactile attractiveness). According to Lagrange's theorem, a non-negative continuous function that takes zero values ​​at the ends of a segment has a maximum on this segment. Hence:

1. There is a distance from which a woman is most attractive.

2. This distance is different for each woman.

3. You need to keep your distance from women.

11. Horse proof

Theorem: All horses are the same color.

Proof. Let us prove the statement of the theorem by induction.

At n= 1, that is, for a set consisting of one horse, the statement is obviously true.

Let the theorem be true for n = k. Let us prove that it is also true for n = k+ 1. To do this, consider an arbitrary set of k+ 1 horses. If you remove one horse from it, then there will be only k. By the induction hypothesis they are all the same color. Now let's return the removed horse to its place and take some other one. Again, by the inductive hypothesis, these k the remaining horses are the same color. But then that's all k+ 1 horses will be the same color.

Hence, according to the principle mathematical induction, all horses are the same color. The theorem has been proven.

12. A little about crocodiles

Another wonderful illustration of the application of mathematical methods to zoology.

Theorem: The crocodile is longer than wide.

Proof. Let's take an arbitrary crocodile and prove two auxiliary lemmas.

Lemma 1: The crocodile is longer than the green one.

Proof. Let's look at the crocodile from above - it is long and green. Let's look at the crocodile from below - it's long, but not that green (it's actually dark gray).

Therefore, Lemma 1 is proven.

Lemma 2: The crocodile is greener than the wide one.

Proof. Let's look at the crocodile again from above. It is green and wide. Let's look at the crocodile from the side: it is green, but not wide. This proves Lemma 2.

The statement of the theorem obviously follows from the proven lemmas.

The converse theorem (“A crocodile is wider than long”) can be proven in a similar way.

At first glance, it follows from both theorems that the crocodile is square. However, since the inequalities in their formulations are strict, a real mathematician will make the only correct conclusion: CROCODILES DO NOT EXIST!

13. Induction again

Theorem: All natural numbers are equal to each other.

Proof. It is necessary to prove that for any two natural numbers A And B equality is satisfied A = B. Let's reformulate it this way: for any N> 0 and any A And B, satisfying the equality max( A, B) = N, the equality must also be satisfied A = B.

Let's prove this by induction. If N= 1, then A And B, being natural, both equal 1. Therefore A = B.

Let us now assume that the statement has been proven for some value k. Let's take A And B such that max( A, B) = k+ 1. Then max( A–1, B–1) = k. By the induction hypothesis it follows that ( A–1) = (B-1). Means, A = B.

14. All generalizations are wrong!

Fans of linguistic and mathematical puzzles probably know about reflexive, or self-describing (don't think anything bad), self-referential words, phrases and numbers. The latter, for example, includes the number 2100010006, in which the first digit is equal to the number of ones in the recording of this number, the second - the number of twos, the third - the number of threes, ..., the tenth - the number of zeros.

Self-describing words include, say, the word twenty-one letter, invented by me several years ago. It actually has 21 letters!

There are a great many self-describing phrases known. One of the first examples in Russian was invented many years ago by the famous cartoonist and verbal wit Vagrich Bakhchanyan: There are thirty-two letters in this sentence. Here are a few others, invented much later: 1. Seventeen letters. 2. This sentence has an error at the end. 3. This sentence would be seven words if it were seven words shorter. 4. You are under my control as you will read me until you finish reading. 5. ...This sentence begins and ends with three dots..

There are more complex designs. Admire, for example, this monster (see S. Tabachnikov’s note “The priest had a dog” in the magazine “Kvant”, No. 6, 1989): In this phrase, the word “in” occurs twice, the word “this” occurs twice, the word “phrase” occurs twice, the word “occurs” occurs fourteen times, the word “word” occurs fourteen times, and the word “raz” occurs six times. , the word “raza” occurs nine times, the word “two” occurs seven times, the word “fourteen” occurs three times, the word “three” occurs three times, the word “nine” occurs twice, the word “seven” occurs twice, two The word “six” appears several times.

A year after publication in Kvant, I. Akulich came up with a self-describing phrase that describes not only the words included in it, but also punctuation marks: The phrase you are reading contains: two words “Phrase”, two words “which”, two words “You”, two words “read”, two words “contains”, twenty-five words “words”, two words “words” , two words “colon”, two words “commas”, two words “by”, two words “left”, two words “and”, two words “right”, two words “quotes”, two words “a”, two the words “also”, two words “dot”, two words “one”, two words “one”, twenty-two words “two”, three words “three”, two words “four”, three words “five”, four words “twenty”, two words “thirty”, one colon, thirty commas, twenty-five left and right quotation marks, and one period.

Finally, a few years later, in the same “Kvant,” a note by A. Khanyan appeared, in which a phrase was given that scrupulously described all its letters: In this phrase there are twelve V, two E, seventeen T, three O, two Y, two F, seven R, fourteen A, two 3, twelve E, sixteen D, seven H, seven C, thirteen B, eight C, six M , five I, two H, two S, three I, three Sh, two P.

“It is clearly felt that one more phrase is missing - one that would tell about all its letters and punctuation marks,” wrote I. Akulich, who gave birth to one of the previously cited monsters, in a private letter to me. Perhaps one of our readers will solve this very difficult problem.

15. “And genius is a friend of paradoxes...”

In continuation of the previous topic, it is worth mentioning reflexive paradoxes.

In the previously mentioned book by J. Littlewood, “A Mathematical Mixture,” it is rightly said that “all reflexive paradoxes are, of course, excellent jokes.” There are also two of them, which I will allow myself to quote:

1. There must be (positive) integers that cannot be expressed in phrases of less than sixteen words. Any set of positive integers contains the smallest number, and therefore there is a number N, "the smallest integer that cannot be specified by a phrase of fewer than sixteen words." But this phrase contains 15 words and defines N.

2. In a magazine Spectator a competition was announced on the topic “What would you most enjoy reading when you open your morning newspaper?” The first prize received the answer:

Our second competition

First prize in the second competition of this year was awarded to Mr. Arthur Robinson, whose witty answer must easily be considered the best. His answer to the question: “What would you most enjoy reading when you open your morning newspaper?” was entitled "Our second competition", but due to paper limitations we cannot print it in full.

16. Palindromatics

There are such amazing phrases that are read the same from left to right and from right to left. Everyone knows one thing for sure: And the rose fell on Azor's paw. It was she who was asked to write in the dictation of the ignorant Pinocchio by the capricious Malvina. Such reciprocal phrases are called palindromes, which translated from Greek means “running back, returning.” Here are some more examples: 1. Lilliputian catfish sawing on the bridge. 2. I climb onto the bathroom. 3. He lay down on the temple, and the archangel is marvelous and invisible. 4. Boar pressed on eggplant. 5. Muse, wounded by the awl of experience, you will pray for reason. (D. Avaliani). 6. I rarely hold a cigarette butt with my hand... (B. Goldstein) 7. When I smell milk, I meow around. (G. Lukomnikov). 8. He is a willow, but she is a log. (S.F.)

I wonder if there are palindromes in mathematics? To answer this question, let's try to transfer the idea of ​​reciprocal, symmetrical reading to numbers and formulas. It turns out it's not so difficult. Let's look at just a few typical examples of this palindromic mathematics: palindromatics. Leaving aside palindromic numbers - for example, 1991 , 666 etc. - let's turn immediately to symmetrical formulas.

Let's first try to solve the following problem: find all pairs of such two-digit numbers

(x 1 - first digit, y 1 - second digit) and

so that the result of their addition does not change as a result of reading the sum from right to left, i.e.

For example, 42 + 35 = 53 + 24.

The problem can be solved trivially: the sum of the first digits of all such pairs of numbers is equal to the sum of their second digits. Now you can easily build similar examples: 76 + 34 = 43 + 67, 25 + 63 = 36 + 52 and so on.

Reasoning in a similar way, you can easily solve the same problem for the rest arithmetic operations.

In case of difference, i.e.

the following examples are obtained: 41 – 32 = 23 –14, 46 – 28 = 82 – 64, ... - the sums of the digits of such numbers are equal ( x 1 + y 1 = x 2 + y 2 ).

In the case of multiplication we have: 63 48 = 84 36, 82 14 = 41 28, ... - in this case the product of the first digits of the numbers N 1 And N 2 equal to the product of their second digits ( x 1 x 2 = y 1 y 2 ).

Finally, for division we get the following examples:

In this case, the product of the first digit of the number N 1 to the second digit of the number N 2 equal to the product of their other two digits, i.e. x 1 y 2 = x 2 y 1 .

17. Anti-Soviet theorem

The proof of the following "theorem", which appeared in the era of "underdeveloped socialism", is based on popular theses of those years regarding the role of the Communist Party.

Theorem. The role of the party is negative.

Proof. It is well known that:

1. The role of the party is continuously increasing.

2. Under communism, in a classless society, the role of the party will be zero.

Thus, we have a continuously increasing function tending to 0. Therefore, it is negative. The theorem has been proven.

18. Children under sixteen are not allowed to decide

Despite the seeming absurdity of the following problem, it nevertheless has a completely rigorous solution.

Task. Mom is 21 years older than her son. In six years she will be five times his age. The question is: WHERE IS DADDY?!

Solution. Let X- the age of the son, and Y- mother's age. Then the problem condition is written as a system of two simple equations:

Substituting Y = X+ 21 into the second equation, we get 5 X + 30 = X+ 21 + 6, from where X= –3/4. Thus, now the son is minus 3/4 years old, i.e. minus 9 months. And this means that dad is this moment is on mom!

19. Unexpected conclusion

The ironic expression “If you are so smart, then why are you so poor?” is well known and, alas, applies to many people. It turns out that this sad phenomenon has a strict mathematical justification, based on equally indisputable truths.

Namely, let's start with two well-known postulates:

Postulate 1: Knowledge = Power.

Postulate 2: Time = Money.

In addition, any schoolchild knows that

Path s = Speed ​​x Time = Work: Force,

Work: Time = Force x Speed (*)

Substituting the values ​​for “time” and “force” from both postulates into (*), we get:

Work: (Knowledge x Speed) = Money (**)

From the resulting equality (**) it is clear that by directing “knowledge” or “speed” to zero, we can get as much money as we like for any “work”.

Hence the conclusion: the more stupid and lazier person, those more money he can make money.

20. Landau's mathematical game

Several years ago, the magazine “Science and Life” (No. 1, 2000) published a note by Professor B. Gorobets, which aroused great interest among readers, dedicated to the wonderful puzzle game that Academician Landau invented to avoid boredom while traveling in the car. Play this game in which the sensor random numbers served as license plate numbers of cars rushing past (then these numbers consisted of two letters and two pairs of numbers), he often offered them to his companions. The essence of the game was to use the signs of arithmetic operations and symbols of elementary functions (i.e. +, –, x, :, v, sin, cos, arcsin, arctg, lg, etc.) to lead to one and same meaning these two double digit numbers from the number plate of a passing car. In this case, it is allowed to use factorial ( n! = 1 x 2 x ... x n), but the use of secant, cosecant and differentiation is not allowed.

For example, for the pair 75–33, the desired equality is achieved as follows:

and for the pair 00–38 - like this:

However, not all problems are solved so simply. Some of them (for example, 75–65) were beyond the ability of the game’s author, Landau. Therefore, the question arises about some universal approach, some single formula that allows you to “solve” any pair of numbers. The same question was asked by Landau and his student Prof. Kaganov. Here is what he writes, in particular: “Is it always possible to make equality from license plate number? - I asked Landau. “No,” he answered very definitely. - “Have you proven the theorem about the non-existence of a solution?” - I was surprised. “No,” Lev Davidovich said with conviction, “but I didn’t succeed in all the numbers.”

However, such solutions were found, one of them during the lifetime of Landau himself.

Kharkov mathematician Yu. Palant proposed a formula for equalizing pairs of numbers

allowing, as a result of repeated use, to express any number through any smaller one. “I brought Landau’s proof,” Kaganov writes about this decision. - “He really liked it..., and we half-jokingly, half-seriously discussed whether to publish it in some scientific journal.”

However, Palant’s formula uses the now “forbidden” secant (it has not been included in the school curriculum for more than 20 years), and therefore cannot be considered satisfactory. However, I was able to easily fix this using a modified formula

The resulting formula (again, if necessary, it must be applied several times) allows you to express any number in terms of any large number without using other numbers, which obviously exhausts Landau's problem.

1. Let there be no zeros among the numbers. Let's make two numbers from them ab And CD, (these are, of course, not works). Let us show that when n ? 6:

sin[( ab)!]° = sin[( CD)!]° = 0.

Indeed, sin( n!)° = 0 if n? 6, since sin(6!)° = sin720° = sin(2 x 360°) = 0. Then any factorial is obtained by multiplying 6! to subsequent integers: 7! = 6! x 7, 8! = 6! x 7 x 8, etc., giving a multiple of 360° in the argument of the sine, making it (and the tangent too) equal to zero.

2. Let there be a zero in some pair of numbers. We multiply it by the adjacent digit and equate it to the sine of the factorial in degrees taken from the number in another part of the number.

3. Let there be zeros on both sides of the number. When multiplied by adjacent digits, they give the trivial equality 0 = 0.

The division of the general solution into three points with multiplication by zero in points 2 and 3 is due to the fact that sin( n!)° ? 0 if n < 6».

Of course, similar general solutions deprive Landau's play of its original charm, presenting only abstract interest. So try playing with individual difficult numbers without using universal formulas. Here are some of them: 59–58; 47–73; 47–97; 27–37; 00–26.

21. Fortune telling by determinants

22. 9 characters

More about determinants.

I was told that at one time the game of “determinant” for money was popular among first-year students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Two players draw a 3 x 3 identifier on paper with blank cells. Then, one by one, numbers from 1 to 9 are inserted into the empty cells. When all the cells are filled, the determinant is calculated - the answer, taking into account the sign, is the winning (or loss) of the first player, expressed in rubles. That is, if, for example, the number turned out to be -23, then the first player pays the second 23 rubles, and if, say, 34, then, on the contrary, the second player pays the first 34 rubles.

Although the rules of the game are as simple as a turnip, coming up with the right winning strategy is very difficult.

23. How academicians solved the problem

This note was sent to me by the mathematician and writer A. Zhukov, author of the wonderful book “The Ubiquitous Number Pi.”

Professor Boris Solomonovich Gorobets, who teaches mathematics at two Moscow universities, wrote a book about the great physicist Lev Davidovich Landau (1908–1968) - “Landau’s Circle”. Here's what interesting story, related to one Physics and Technology introductory task, he told us.

It so happened that Landau’s colleague and co-author of the ten-volume course on theoretical physics, Academician Evgeniy Mikhailovich Lifshitz (1915–1985), in 1959 helped school graduate Bora Gorobets prepare for admission to one of the leading physics universities in Moscow.

At the written exam in mathematics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Mathematics, the following problem was proposed: “At the base of the SABC pyramid lies a rectangular isosceles triangle ABC, with angle C = 90°, side AB = l. The side faces form with the plane of the base dihedral angles?, ?, ?. Find the radius of the ball inscribed in the pyramid.”

The future professor did not cope with the task then, but remembered its condition and later informed Evgeniy Mikhailovich. He, having tinkered with the problem in the presence of a student, could not solve it right away and took it home with him, and in the evening he called and said that, having not solved it within an hour, he had offered this problem to Lev Davidovich.

Landau loved to solve problems that caused difficulties for others. Soon he called Lifshits back and, satisfied, said: “I solved the problem. It took exactly one hour to decide. I called Zeldovich, now he decides.” Let us explain: Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich (1914–1987), a famous scientist who considered himself a student of Landau, was in those years the chief theoretical physicist in the top-secret Soviet Atomic Project (which, of course, few people knew about then). About an hour later, E.M. Lifshits called again and said: Zeldovich had just called him and, not without pride, said: “I solved your problem. I decided in forty minutes!”

How long will it take you to complete this task?

24. Problem

There are quite a few mathematical jokes in the witty collection of Physics and Technology humor “Zany Scientific Humor” (Moscow, 2000). Here's just one of them.

One failure occurred during testing of one product. What is the probability of failure-free operation of the product?

Theorem. All natural numbers are interesting.

Proof. Let's assume the opposite. Then there must be a smallest uninteresting natural number. Ha, this is damn interesting!

26. Higher arithmetic

1 + 1 = 3 when the value of 1 is large enough.

27. Einstein-Pythagoras formula

E = m c 2 = m(a 2 + b 2).

28. About the benefits of theory

This funny story from my student life It may well be offered as a problem at seminars on probability theory.

In the summer, my friends and I went hiking in the mountains. There were four of us: Volodya, two Olegs and me. We had a tent and three sleeping bags, one of which was double for Volodya and me. There was a problem with these very sleeping bags, or more precisely with their location in the tent. The fact is that it was raining, the tent was cramped, it was leaking from the sides, and it was not very comfortable for those lying on the edge. Therefore, I proposed to solve this problem “honestly”, using lots.

Look, I told Oleg, Volodya and I can have a double bed either on the edge or in the center. Therefore, we will toss a coin: if it comes up “heads”, our double bed will be on the edge, if “tails” - in the center.

The Olegs agreed, but after several nights on the edge (it’s easy to calculate using the formula full probability, that for each of Volodya and me the probability of sleeping not at the edge of the tent is 0.75) The Olegs suspected something was wrong and proposed to reconsider the contract.

Indeed, I said, the chances were unequal. In fact, for our double bed there are three possibilities: on the left edge, on the right and in the center. Therefore, every evening we will pull one of three sticks - if we pull the short one, then our double will be in the center.

The Olegs agreed again, although this time our chances of spending the night not near the edge (now the probability is 0.66, more precisely, two-thirds) were preferable to those of each of them. After two nights on the edge (on our side there were best chances plus luck) The Olegs again realized that they had been duped. But then, fortunately, the rains stopped, and the problem disappeared by itself.

But in fact, our double bed should always be on the edge, and Volodya and I would use a coin to determine each time who was lucky. The Olegs would have done the same. In this case, the chances of sleeping on the edge would be the same for everyone and equal to 0.5.


Sometimes a similar story is told about Jean Charles Francois Sturm.

In June of this year, Dmitry Germanovich Von Der Flaass (1962–2010), a remarkable mathematician and teacher, a bright and charming person, died untimely. Our readers have come across this name more than once - the Kvant magazine often published his problems. Dmitry Germanovich successfully worked in big science, but this was only part of his activity. The second consisted of mathematical Olympiads for schoolchildren: he worked on the jury of the All-Union and All-Russian Olympiads, and in recent years - international ones. He gave lectures at various mathematics camps and schools, and was one of the coaches of our team at the International Mathematical Olympiad.
We bring to your attention a recording (with slight abbreviations and preserving the author's style) of a lecture given by D. Von Der Flaass at the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok" in 2009.

There was such an ancient sophist Gorgias. He is famous for formulating three theorems. The first theorem goes like this: nothing in the world exists. The second theorem: and if something exists, it is unknowable to humans. The third theorem: if something is nevertheless knowable, then it is incommunicable to one’s neighbor.

In other words, there is nothing, and if there is something, then we will not know anything about it, and even if we do find out something, we will not be able to tell anyone.

And these four theorems are, strictly speaking, the main problems of modern mathematics.

Gorgias's first theorem

Let's start with the first one - nothing in the world exists, or, translated into the language of mathematics, mathematics does something incomprehensible. In a sense, this is true. After all, mathematical objects do not exist in the world. The simplest thing, where it all starts and what mathematicians use all the time, is natural numbers. We all know what natural numbers are - they are 1, 2, 3, 4 and so on. And the fact that we all understand the meaning of the words “and so on” is a big mystery. Because “and so on” means that there are “infinitely many” numbers. There is no room in our world for there to be an infinite amount of something. But we are all sure that when we think about natural numbers, we all think about the same thing. If my 7 is followed by 8, then your 7 will be followed by 8. If my 19 is a prime number, then your 19 will be a prime number. That's why? It seems that this object does not exist in the world, but we know about it and we all know about the same thing. This, of course, is not a mathematical riddle, it is a philosophical riddle, and let philosophers discuss it. It is enough for us that, fortunately, we still have an idea of mathematical objects and it is the same for everyone who begins to think about them. And therefore mathematics is possible. But big philosophical problem remains.

If, as is customary among mathematicians, you think about this seriously, that is, try to think about it somehow strictly, then problems arise, which I will now talk about. They arose in the memory of mankind quite recently, literally in the last hundred years.

There is a lot more in mathematics besides natural numbers. There is our Euclidean plane, on which we draw all sorts of triangles, angles, and prove theorems about them. There are real numbers, there are complex numbers, there are functions, there is something even more terrible... Somewhere at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries, a lot of work was done (although it began, of course, a little earlier), people realized that the entire variety of mathematical objects can, in principle, be reduced to a single concept - the concept of set. Of course, if we just have an intuitive idea of ​​what a set is and what an “and so on” is, we can basically construct all of the mathematics.

What is a set? Well, it's just a lot of something. The question is - what can you do with sets? If we have some kind of set, then what does it mean that we have it? This means that about any element of our world, the world of mathematical objects, we can ask whether it is in this set or not, and get an answer. The answer is clear, completely independent of our will. This is the first, basic thing you can do with sets - find out whether an element belongs to the set or not.

Of course, we still need to somehow construct these sets themselves. So that from them, in the end, the entire wealth of mathematical objects will be built. How can they be built? We can, say, construct an empty set: Ø. The very first, the simplest. What do we know about him? That no matter what element we ask whether it belongs to this set or not, the answer will always be - no, it does not belong. And by this the empty set is already uniquely defined. All questions about it receive an instant answer. Hooray!

Now we already have this empty set itself. And we can construct a set that contains nothing but the empty set: (Ø). Again, what does it mean that we have this set? This means that we can ask about any element whether it belongs to this set or not. And if this element is the empty set, then the answer will be “yes”. And if this element is any other, then the answer will be “no”. So, this set is also given.

This is where it all begins. There are a few more intuitive operations you can use. If we have two sets, then we can combine them. We can say that now there will be a set in which there will be elements from one or another set. Again, the answer to the question whether an element belongs to the resulting set or not is unambiguous. This means we can build a union. And so on.

At some point we have to separately declare that, after all, we have some kind of set in which there are infinitely many elements. Since we know that there are natural numbers, we believe that an infinite set exists. We announce that the set of natural numbers is also available to us. As soon as an infinite set appears, then you can go into all sorts of troubles and define anything you want. Integers can be defined. An integer is either zero or a natural number, with or without a minus sign. All this (maybe not as obvious as I say) can be done in the language of set theory.

Rational numbers can be defined. What is a rational number? This is a pair of two numbers - a numerator and a (non-zero) denominator. You just need to determine how to add them, how to multiply them among themselves. And what are the conditions when such pairs are considered the same rational number.

What is a real number? Here interesting step. You can say, for example, that it is infinite decimal. That would be a very good definition. What does this mean - an infinite decimal fraction? This means that we have some kind of infinite sequence of numbers, i.e. simply for each natural number we know what number stands in this place of our real number. All such sequences form real numbers. Again, we can determine how to add them, how to multiply them, and so on.

By the way, this is not how mathematicians prefer to define real numbers, but how. Let's take all the rational numbers - we already have them. Now let's declare that a real number is the set of those rational numbers, which are strictly less than it. This is a very tricky definition. In fact, it is very similar to the previous one. For example, if we have a real number 3.1415926... (there is an endless chain of numbers that follows, which I don’t know by heart), then what, for example, will be the rational numbers smaller than it? Let's cut off the fraction at the second decimal place. We get the number 3.14, it is less than ours. Let's cut off the fraction at the fourth decimal place - we get 3.1415, another rational number smaller than ours. It is clear that if we know all rational numbers less than our number, then this number is uniquely defined. You can clearly imagine a picture like the one in Figure 1. The straight line is all the real numbers, among them our unknown is somewhere, and to the left of it there are many, many rational numbers that are smaller than it. All other rational ones will, accordingly, be greater than it. It is intuitively clear that there is a single gap between these two sets of rational numbers, and we will call this gap a real number. This is an example of how, starting with the concept of a set, all of mathematics unwinds little by little.

Why is this necessary? It is clear that in practice, of course, no one uses this. When a mathematician studies, say, functions of a complex variable, he does not remember every time that a complex number is a pair of reals, that a real is an infinite set of rationals, that a rational is a pair of integers, and so on. It already works with fully formed objects. But in principle, everything can be described down to the very basics. It will be very long and unreadable, but nevertheless it is possible in principle.

What do mathematicians do next? They prove different properties of these objects. To prove something, you need to already know something, some initial properties of all these objects. And what's more, mathematicians should be in complete agreement about which initial properties to start with. So that any result obtained by one mathematician is accepted by all others.

You can write down several of these initial properties - they are called axioms - and then use them to prove all the other properties of more and more complex mathematical objects. But now with natural numbers difficulties begin. There are axioms, and we intuitively feel that they are true, but it turns out that there are statements about natural numbers that cannot be derived from these axioms, but which are nevertheless true. Let's say that natural numbers satisfy a certain property, but it cannot be obtained from those axioms that are accepted as basic.

The question immediately arises: how do we know then that this property is true for natural numbers? What if we can’t take it and prove it like this? Difficult question. It turns out something like this. If you make do with only the axioms of natural numbers, then in principle it is impossible to even talk about many things. For example, it is impossible to talk about arbitrary infinite subsets of natural numbers. However, people have an idea of ​​what it is, and in principle intuitively understand what properties define these subsets. Therefore, about some properties of natural numbers that cannot be deduced from axioms, people could know that they are true. And so, the mathematician Kurt Gödel, apparently, was the first who explicitly showed a certain property of natural numbers that is intuitively true (that is, mathematicians do not object to the fact that it is true), but at the same time it is not deducible from those axioms of natural numbers that were then accepted.

Partially, and in fact very much to a large extent(sufficient for most areas of mathematics), this problem was dealt with by carefully reducing everything to sets and writing out a certain set of axioms of set theory that are intuitively obvious and the correctness of these axioms by mathematicians, in general, is not disputed.

Let's say the axiom of unification. If we have a set of some sets, then we can say: let’s form a set that contains all the elements of these sets from this set. There is no reasonable objection to the existence of such a set. There are also more cunning axioms, with which there are a little more problems. We will now look at three tricky axioms in set theory, about which doubts may arise in principle.

For example, there is such an axiom. Let's assume that we have a set of some elements, and let's assume that for each of them we can uniquely determine the value of a certain function on this element. The axiom says that we can apply this function to each element of this set, and what comes out will again form a set (Fig. 2). The simplest example: a function that converts x to x 2 , we know how to calculate it. Let's say, if we have some set of natural numbers, then we can square each of them. The result will again be some set of natural numbers. Such an intuitively obvious axiom, don’t you agree? But the problem is that these functions can be defined in a very complex way, the sets can be very large. The following situation also happens: we know how to prove about our function that it is uniquely defined, but calculating the specific value of this function for each element of the set is extremely difficult or even infinitely difficult. Although we know that there is definitely some answer, and it is unambiguous. Even in such complex situations, this axiom is considered to still be applicable, and it is in this very general form that it serves as one of the sources of problems in set theory.

The second axiom, which, on the one hand, is obvious, but on the other hand, brings problems, is the axiom of taking all subsets of a given set. She says that if we have some kind of set, then we also have a set consisting of all subsets of a given one. For finite sets this is, of course, obvious. If we have a finite set of N elements, then it will have only 2 subsets N. In principle, we can even write them all out if we are not very lazy. We also have no problems with the simplest infinite set. Look: let's take a set of natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and so on. Why is it obvious to us that the family of all subsets of the set of natural numbers exists? Because we know what these elements are. How can you imagine a subset of natural numbers? Let's put ones for those elements that we take, and zeros for those that we don't take, and so on. You can imagine that this is an infinite binary fraction (Fig. 3). Up to small adjustments (like the fact that some numbers can be represented by two different infinite binary fractions), it turns out that the real numbers are roughly the same as subsets of the natural numbers. And since intuitively we know that everything is in order with real numbers, they exist, they can be visually represented as a continuous line, then in this place everything is in order with our axiom about the set of all subsets of a given set.

If you think about it further, it becomes a little scary. Nevertheless, mathematicians believe that this axiom is always true: if we have a set, then there is a set of all its subsets. Otherwise it would be very difficult to make some constructions.

And one more axiom with which there were the most problems, because at first they did not believe in it. Maybe you've even heard its name - the axiom of choice. It can be stated in many different ways, some very complex, some very simple. I'll tell you the best now visual way formulate an axiom of choice in which it will be truly obvious that it is true. Let us have a set of some sets. They may in fact intersect with each other, but this does not matter - for the sake of simplicity, let them not intersect yet. Then we can construct the product of all these sets. What does this mean? The elements of this work will be these things - we will take one element from each and form one set from them all (Fig. 4). Each way to select one element from a set gives an element of the product of these sets.

Of course, if among these sets there is an empty one from which there is nothing to choose, then the product of all of them will also be empty. And the axiom of choice states this absolutely obvious fact- if all these sets are not empty, then the product will also be non-empty. Do you agree that the fact is obvious? And this, apparently, served, in the end, as one of the strongest arguments in favor of the fact that the axiom of choice is indeed true. In other formulations, the axiom of choice does not sound as obvious as in this one.

Observations of how mathematicians prove their statements, trying to translate all mathematics into the language of set theory, showed that in many places mathematicians, without noticing it, use this axiom. As soon as this was noticed, it immediately became clear that it needed to be separated into a separate statement - since we are using it, then we must take it from somewhere. Either we must prove it, or we must declare that this is a basic obvious fact that we take as an axiom and which we allow to be used. It turned out that this is truly a basic fact, that it is impossible to prove it using only all other facts, it is also impossible to refute it, and therefore, if we are to accept it, then accept it as an axiom. And, of course, it must be accepted, because in this form it is truly obvious.

This is where they arose big problems, because as soon as this fact was explicitly formulated and they said “we will use it,” mathematicians immediately rushed to use it and, using it, proved a large number of completely intuitively non-obvious statements. And even, moreover, statements that intuitively seem incorrect.

Here is the most obvious example of such a statement, which was proven using the axiom of choice: you can take a ball, divide it into several pieces and add two exactly the same balls from these pieces. What does “divide into several pieces” mean here, say 7? This means that for each point we say which of these seven pieces it falls into. But this is not like cutting a ball with a knife - it can be much more difficult. For example, here is a difficult to imagine, but easily explained way to cut a ball into two pieces. Let's take in one piece all the points that have all rational coordinates, and in another piece - all the points that have an irrational coordinate. For each point we know which of the pieces it fell into, i.e. this is a legal division of the ball into two pieces. But it is very difficult to imagine this clearly. Each of these pieces, if you look at it from a distance, will look like a whole ball. Although one of these pieces will actually be very small, and the other will be very large. So, they proved with the help of the axiom of choice that a ball can be cut into 7 pieces, and then these pieces can be moved a little (namely, moved in space, without distorting in any way, without bending) and put back together again so that you get two balls, exactly like this the same as the one that was at the very beginning. This statement, although proven, sounds somehow wild. But then they finally realized that it was better to come to terms with such consequences of the axiom of choice than to abandon it altogether. There is no other way: either we abandon the axiom of choice, and then we will not be able to use it anywhere at all, and many important beautiful and intuitive mathematical results will turn out to be unprovable. Either we take it - the results become easily provable, but at the same time we get such freaks. But people get used to a lot of things, and they also got used to these freaks. In general, there seem to be no problems with the axiom of choice now.

It turns out that we have a set of axioms for set theory, we have our mathematics. And more or less it seems that everything that people can do in mathematics can be expressed in the language of set theory. But here the same problem arises that Gödel discovered in arithmetic. If we have a certain fairly rich set of axioms that describe our world of sets (which is the world of all mathematics), there will certainly be statements about which we have no way of knowing whether they are true or not. Statements that we cannot prove from these axioms, and we cannot refute either. Set theory is developing greatly, and now it is closest to this problem: we often have to deal with a situation where some questions sound quite natural, we want to get an answer to them, but it has been proven that we will never know the answer, because both that answer and no other answer can be deduced from the axioms.

What to do? In set theory they somehow try to combat this, namely, they try to come up with new axioms, which for some reason can still be added. Although, it would seem, everything that is intuitively obvious to humanity has already been reduced to those axioms of set theory that were developed at the beginning of the 20th century. And now it turns out that you still want something else. Mathematicians train their intuition further so that some new statements suddenly seem intuitively obvious to all mathematicians for some reason, and then they could be accepted as new axioms in the hope that with their help answers to some of these questions can be received.

Of course, I can’t tell you how all this happens, there are extremely complex statements, and you need to delve very deeply into set theory, firstly, in order to understand what they state, and secondly, to understand that these statements can indeed be considered intuitively obvious and taken as axioms. This is what one of the most mysterious areas of mathematics is now dealing with - set theory.

Gorgias's second theorem

The second theorem of Gorgias sounds like this: if anything exists, it is unknowable to humans. Now I will show several examples of statements that fall into this category.

With set theory there was a problem, do we even have the right to ask questions like this: “is the axiom of choice true?” If we just want to do mathematics without entering into contradictions, then we can, in principle, both accept the axiom of choice and accept that it is not true. In both cases, we will be able to develop mathematics, obtaining some results in one case, others in another, but we will never come to a contradiction.

But now the situation is different. There are, apparently, results for which the answer obviously exists, and obviously it is clearly defined, but humanity may never know it. The simplest example is the so-called (3 N+ 1) is a problem that I will talk about now. Let's take any natural number. If it is even, then divide it in half. And if it is odd, then multiply it by 3 and add 1. We do the same with the resulting number, and so on. For example, if we start with three, we get

If we start with seven, the process will take a little longer. Already starting with some small numbers, this chain may turn out to be quite long, but all the time it will end with one. There is a hypothesis that no matter what number we start with, if we build such a chain, we will always get to 1. This is what (3 N+ 1)-problem - is this hypothesis correct?

It seems to me that all current mathematicians believe that it is true. And some of the most reckless even try to prove it. But nothing worked out for anyone. And it hasn’t come out for many decades. So this is one of the attractive challenges. Serious mathematicians, of course, look down on it - just as a fun puzzle. It is unknown what will be there, and who needs to know what will be there. But non-serious mathematicians are still interested in whether the hypothesis is true or not. And until it is proven, absolutely anything can happen here. Firstly, it is obvious that this question has a clear answer: yes or no. It is either true that, starting from any natural number, we will slide towards one, or it is not true. It is intuitively clear that here the answer does not depend on any choice of axioms or on any human will. So, there is an assumption that humanity will never know the answer to this question.

Of course, if someone proves this hypothesis, then we will know the answer. But what does it mean to prove? This means that he will explain to us the reasons why any natural number converges to 1, and these reasons will be clear to us.

It may happen that someone will prove that some seventy-three-digit number has precisely such properties that by starting this chain from it, we will definitely receive as much as we like big numbers. Or it will prove that this chain will loop somewhere else. Again, this would be a reason why the hypothesis is incorrect.

But for example, I have such a terrible nightmare: what if this statement is true, but for no reason? True, but there is no reason for this statement at all that one person can understand and explain to another. Then we will never know the answer. Because all that remains is to go through all the natural numbers and test the hypothesis for each. And this, naturally, is beyond our power. The law of conservation of energy does not allow an infinite number of operations to be performed in a finite time. Or the finiteness of the speed of light. All in all, physical laws do not allow us to perform an infinite number of operations in a finite time and find out the result.

Many unsolved problems relate precisely to this area, i.e., in principle, they really want to be solved. Some of them will likely decide. You have all probably heard the name “Riemann hypothesis”. Maybe some of you even vaguely understand what this hypothesis says. I personally understand it very vaguely. But with the Riemann hypothesis, at least it is more or less clear that it is correct. All mathematicians believe in it, and I hope it will be proven in the near future. And there are some statements that no one can yet prove or disprove, and even in a hypothesis there is no certainty which of the two answers is correct. It is possible that humanity will, in principle, never receive answers to some of these questions.

Third theorem of Gorgias

The third theorem is that if something is knowable, it is not transferable to one’s neighbor. These are precisely the most pressing problems in modern mathematics and, perhaps, the most exaggerated ones. A person has proven something, but he is not able to tell this proof to another person. Or convince another person that he really proved it. It happens. The very first example from this area and the most famous to the public is the problem of four colors. But this is not the most difficult situation that arises here. I’ll now say a little about the problem of four colors, and then I’ll show more crazier situations.

What is the four color problem? This is a graph theory question. A graph is simply some vertices that can be connected by edges. If we can draw these vertices on a plane and connect them with edges so that the edges do not intersect with each other, we will get a graph that is called planar. What is graph coloring? We paint its tops in different colors. If we have done this in such a way that the vertices adjacent to an edge are always of different colors, the coloring is called regular. I would like to color the graph correctly, using as few different colors as possible. For example, in Figure 5 we have three vertices that are connected in pairs - which means there’s no escape, these vertices will definitely have three different colors. But in general, four colors are enough to paint this graph (and three are missing, you can check).

For a hundred years there has been a problem: is it true that any graph that can be drawn on a plane can be colored in four colors? Some believed and tried to prove that four colors were always enough, others did not believe and tried to come up with an example when four colors were not enough. There was also this trouble: the problem is very easy to formulate. Therefore, many people, even non-serious mathematicians, pounced on it and began to try to prove it. And they presented a huge amount of supposed evidence or supposed refutations. They sent them to mathematicians and shouted in the newspapers: “Hurray! I have proven the four color problem! - and even published books with erroneous evidence. In a word, there was a lot of noise.

In the end it was proved by K. Appel and W. Haken. I will now roughly describe the proof scheme to you. And at the same time we will see why this proof is incommunicable to others. People began by seriously studying how planar graphs are structured. They presented a list of several dozen configurations and proved that every planar graph necessarily contains one of these configurations. This is the first half of the proof. And the second half of the proof is that for each of these configurations we can check that if it is in our graph, then it can be colored in four colors.

More precisely, the further proof proceeds by contradiction. Let's assume that our graph cannot be colored in four colors. From the first half we know that it has some configuration from the list. After this, the following reasoning is carried out for each of these configurations. Let's assume that our graph contains this configuration. Let's throw it away. By induction, what remains is painted in four colors. And we check that no matter how we color the remaining four colors, we will be able to complete this very configuration.

The simplest example of a repaintable configuration is a vertex that is connected to only three others. It is clear that if our graph has such a vertex, then we can leave coloring it until last. Let's color everything else, and then see what colors this vertex is attached to, and select the fourth one. For other configurations the reasoning is similar, but more complex.

Now, how was all this done? It is impossible to check that each of such a large number of configurations is always completed by hand - it takes too much time. And this check was entrusted to the computer. And he, having gone through a large number of cases, really verified that this was so. The result was a proof of the four-color problem.

This is what it originally looked like. The human part of the reasoning, written down in a thick book, and attached to it were phrases that the final check that everything was coloring was entrusted to the computer, and even the text of the computer program was given. This program calculated everything and checked everything - indeed, everything is fine, and that means the four-color theorem has been proven.

Immediately there was an uproar about whether such evidence could be trusted. After all, most of the proof was carried out by a computer, not a person. “What if the computer made a mistake?” - said such narrow-minded people.

And problems with this proof really began, but they turned out to be not in the computer part, but in the human part. Flaws were found in the proof. It is clear that text of such length, containing complex searches, may, of course, contain errors. These errors were found, but, fortunately, they were corrected.

What remained was the computer part, which since then has also been tested on more than one computer, even rewriting programs, simply by doing the same search. After all, if it is said what exactly should be iterated, then everyone can write their own program and check that the result will be as it should be. And it seems to me, for example, that the use of such large computer searches in the proof is not a problem. Why? But for the same reason, which has already emerged in the example of the problem of four colors - that there is much more trust in computer evidence than in human evidence, not less. They shouted that a computer is a machine, but what if it broke down somewhere, went astray, calculated something incorrectly... But this just can’t be the case. Because if the computer accidentally crashed somewhere and an error occurred - a zero was accidentally replaced by a one - this will not lead to an incorrect result. This will lead to no result, just the program will eventually break. What is a typical operation that a computer performs? They took such and such a number from such and such a register and transferred control over it to such and such a place. Naturally, if there was a change of one bit in this number, control was transferred to an unknown location; some commands were written there that would very soon simply destroy everything.

There may, of course, be an error in writing a computer program, but this is a human error. A person can read the program and check whether it is correct or not. A person can also read someone else’s proof and check whether it is correct or not. But a person has much more chances make a mistake than the computer. If you are reading someone else's proof that is long enough and there is an error in it, then there is every chance that you will not notice it. Why? First of all, because since the author of the proof himself made this mistake, it means that it is psychologically justified. That is, he did it for a reason, by accident - this is, in principle, a place where a typical person can make such a mistake. This means that you can make the same mistake by reading this passage and, accordingly, not noticing it. Therefore, human verification, human proof, is a much less reliable method of verification than checking the result of a computer program by running it again on some other machine. The second practically guarantees that everything is fine, and the first is how lucky.

And this problem - finding an error in a mathematical text written down by people - is becoming increasingly difficult, and sometimes even impossible - this is a serious problem of modern mathematics. We need to fight it. How - now no one knows. But the problem is big and has arisen in earnest right now - there are several examples of this. Here is perhaps less known, but one of the most modern. This is Kepler's old hypothesis. She talks about putting the balls in three-dimensional space.

Let's first look at what happens in two-dimensional space, that is, on a plane. Let us have identical circles. What is the most dense way to draw them on a plane so that they do not intersect? There is an answer - you need to place the centers of the circles at the nodes of the hexagonal lattice. This statement is not entirely trivial, but it is easy.

And in three-dimensional space, how would you tightly pack the balls? First, we lay out the balls on a plane as shown in Figure 6. Then we put another similar layer on top, pressing it all the way, as shown in Figure 7. Then we put another similar layer on top, and so on. It is intuitively obvious that this is the densest way to pack the balls in three-dimensional space. Kepler argued (and appears to have been the first to formulate) that this packing must be the densest packing in three-dimensional space.

This happened in the 17th century, and this hypothesis has stood since then. IN beginning of XXI century, its proof appeared. And any of you can get it and read it. It is publicly available on the Internet. This is an article of two hundred something pages. It was written by one person, and also contains both some purely mathematical reasoning and computer calculations.

First, the author uses mathematical reasoning to reduce the problem to testing a finite number of cases. After that, sometimes using a computer, he checks this final, but very large number of cases, everything matches, and - hurray! - Kepler's hypothesis has been proven. And here's the problem with this article - no one can read it. Because it’s heavy, because in some places it’s not entirely clear that it’s really a complete overkill, because it’s just boring to read. Two hundred pages of boring calculations. A person cannot read it.

Generally speaking, everyone believes that this article contains a proof of this theorem. But on the other hand, no one has yet verified this honestly, in particular, this article has not been published in any peer-reviewed journal, i.e. no self-respecting mathematician is ready to sign the statement that “yes, everything is correct, and Kepler's hypothesis has been proven."

And this is not the only situation; this also occurs in other areas of mathematics. Quite recently I came across a list of unsolved problems in set theory, in model theory, in various fields. And for one hypothesis there are comments like this: it was supposedly refuted in such and such an article, but no one believes it.

This is the situation. A person has proven a statement, but he is not able to convey it to another, to tell it to another.

The most terrible example is, of course, the classification of finite simple groups. I will not formulate exactly what it is, what groups are, what finite groups are, if you want, you can find out for yourself. Finite groups are all, in a sense, assembled from simple blocks, which are called simple groups, and these can no longer be disassembled into smaller blocks. There are infinitely many of these finite simple groups. Their complete list looks like this: these are seventeen endless series, to which at the end are added 26 separate groups, which are built in some separate way and are not included in any series. It is stated that this list contains all finite simple groups. The problem is terribly necessary for mathematics. Therefore, in the 70s, when some special ideas and hopes for solving it appeared, several hundred mathematicians from different countries, from different institutes attacked the problem, each taking on their own piece. There were, so to speak, the architects of this project, who roughly imagined how all this would later be collected into a single piece of evidence. It is clear that people were in a hurry and competing. As a result, the pieces they made totaled about 10,000 magazine pages, and that's just what was published. And there are also articles that existed either as preprints or as typewritten copies. I myself read one such article at one time; it was never published, although it includes a noticeable piece of this complete proof. And these 10,000 pages are scattered in different magazines, written different people, with varying degrees of intelligibility, and for an ordinary mathematician who is not associated with this and is not one of the architects of this theory, not only is it impossible to read all 10,000 pages, it is also very difficult to understand the structure of the proof itself. Moreover, some of these architects have simply died since then.

They announced that the classification was completed, although the proof existed only in the form of text that no one could read, and this led to the following trouble. New mathematicians were less willing to go into the theory of finite groups. Less and less less people does this. And it may well happen that in 50 years there will not be a person on Earth who will be able to understand anything in this proof. There will be legends: our great ancestors were able to prove that all finite simple groups are listed in this list, and that there are no others, but now this knowledge is lost. Quite a realistic situation. But, fortunately, I am not the only one who considers this situation realistic, so they are fighting against it, and I heard that they even organized a special project “Philosophical and mathematical problems associated with the proof of the classification of finite simple groups.” There are people who are trying to bring this proof into a readable form, and maybe someday it will actually work out. There are people who are trying to figure out what to do with all these difficulties. Humanity remembers this task, and that means it will eventually cope with it. But nevertheless, it may well be that other equally complex theorems will appear that can be proven, but whose proof no one is able to read, no one is able to tell anyone.

Theorem four

Well, now the fourth theorem, which I will tell you a little about, may even be the most terrible - “even if he can tell you, no one will be interested.” A certain fragment of this problem has already been heard. People are no longer interested in studying finite groups. Fewer and fewer people are doing this, and the mass of knowledge that has been preserved in the form of texts is no longer needed by anyone, no one knows how to read it. This is also a problem that threatens many areas of mathematics.

It is clear that some areas of mathematics are lucky. For example, the same graph theory and combinatorics. To seriously start doing them, you need to know very little. You have learned a little, solved Olympiad problems, one step - and you are faced with an unsolved problem. There is something to take on - hurray, let's take it on, it's interesting, we'll work on it. But there are areas of mathematics in which even in order to feel that this area is really beautiful and that you want to study it, you need to learn a lot. And at the same time, you will learn many other beautiful things along the way. But you should not be distracted by these beauties encountered along the way, and in the end you get there, into the very wilds, you already see beauty there, and even then, having learned a lot, you become able to study this area of ​​​​mathematics. And this difficulty is a problem for such areas. For the field of mathematics to develop, it needs to be practiced. A sufficient number of people should be so interested in it that they overcome all the difficulties, get there and after that continue to do it. And now mathematics is reaching such a level of complexity that for many areas this is becoming the main problem.

I don’t know how humanity will cope with all these problems, but it will be interesting to see.

That's all, actually.

The next evening, the receptionist Gilbert was faced with a much more difficult problem. As the day before, the hotel was crowded when an endlessly long limousine arrived, disembarking an endless number of new guests. But Gilbert was not at all embarrassed by this, and he only rubbed his hands joyfully at the thought of the infinite number of bills that the new arrivals would pay. Gilbert asked everyone who had already settled in the hotel to move, observing the following rule: the occupant of the first room - to the second room, the occupant of the second room - to the fourth room, etc., that is, Gilbert asked each guest to move to a new room with double big "address". Everyone who lived in the hotel before the arrival of new guests remained in the hotel, but at the same time an infinite number of rooms were vacated (all those whose “addresses” were odd), in which the resourceful receptionist accommodated the new guests. This example shows that twice infinity is also equal to infinity.

Perhaps Hilbert's hotel will give someone the idea that all infinities are equally large, equal to each other, and that any different infinities can be squeezed into rooms of the same infinite hotel, as the resourceful porter did. But in reality, some infinities are larger than others. For example, any attempt to find a pair for each rational number with an irrational number so that not a single irrational number is left without its rational pair certainly ends in failure. Indeed, it can be proven that the infinite set of irrational numbers is greater than infinite number rational numbers. Mathematicians had to create a whole system of notations and names with an infinite scale of infinities, and manipulating these concepts is one of the most acute problems our time.

Although the infinity of prime numbers forever dashed hopes of a quick proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, such a large supply of prime numbers was useful, for example, in areas such as espionage and insect research. Before we return to the story of the search for a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, it is appropriate to digress a little and become familiar with the correct and incorrect uses of prime numbers.

* * *

Prime number theory is one of the few areas of pure mathematics that has direct application in the real world, namely cryptography. Cryptography deals with encoding secret messages in such a way that only the recipient can decode them, but an eavesdropper cannot decipher them. The encoding process requires the use of a cipher key, and traditionally decryption requires providing the recipient with that key. In this procedure, the key is the weakest link in the security chain. First, the recipient and sender must agree on the details of the key, and exchanging information at this stage involves some risk. If the enemy manages to intercept the key during the exchange of information, he will be able to decrypt all subsequent messages. Second, to maintain security, keys must be changed regularly, and each time a key is changed, there is a risk that an adversary will intercept the new key.

The key problem revolves around the fact that using a key in one direction results in the message being encrypted, but using the same key in another direction encrypts the message. reverse side decrypts the message - decryption is as easy as encryption. But we know from experience that there are now many situations where decoding is much more difficult than encryption: preparing scrambled eggs is incomparably easier than returning scrambled eggs to their original state by separating the whites and yolks.

In the 70s of the XX century, Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman began searching for a mathematical process that would be easy to perform in one direction, but incredibly difficult in the opposite direction. Such a process would provide the perfect key. For example, I could have my own two-part key and publish the encryption part of it publicly. After that, anyone could send me encrypted messages, but the decryption part of the key would be known only to me. And although the encryption part of the key would be available to everyone, it would have nothing to do with the decryption part.

In 1977, Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman, a team of mathematicians and computer scientists at MIT, discovered that prime numbers provide the ideal basis for the process of easy encryption and difficult decryption. To make my own personal key, I could take two huge prime numbers, each containing up to 80 digits, and multiply one number by the other to get an even larger composite number. All that is required to encode messages is to know a large composite number, while to decipher a message it is necessary to know the two original prime numbers that we have multiplied, i.e. prime factors composite number. I can afford to publish a large composite number - the encryption half of the key, and keep two prime factors - the decryption half of the key - secret. It is very important that although everyone knows a large composite number, it is extremely difficult to factor it into two prime factors.

Let's look at a simpler example. Suppose that I have chosen and communicated to everyone the composite number 589, which allows everyone to send me encrypted messages. I would keep the two prime factors of the number 589 a secret, so no one but me can decipher the messages. If someone could find two prime factors of the number 589, then such a person would also be able to decipher messages addressed to me. But no matter how small the number 589 is, finding its prime factors is not so easy. In this case, on desktop computer in a few minutes it would be possible to discover that the prime factors of the number 589 are 31 and 19 (31 19 = 589), so my key could not guarantee the security of correspondence for particularly long.

But if the composite number I posted contained more than a hundred digits, it would make finding prime factors a nearly impossible task. Even if the most powerful computers in the world were used to decompose a huge composite number (the encryption key) into two prime factors (the decryption key), it would still take several years to find these factors. Therefore, in order to thwart the insidious plans of foreign spies, I only need to change the key annually. Once a year I make public my new gigantic composite number, and then anyone who wants to try their luck and decipher my messages will be forced to start anew by decomposing the published number into two prime factors.

* * *

Prime numbers are also found in the natural world. Periodical cicadas, known as Magicicada septendecim, have the longest life cycle of any insect. Their life begins underground, where the larvae patiently suck sap from tree roots. And only after 17 years of waiting, adult cicadas emerge from the ground, gather in huge swarms and for some time fill everything around. Over the course of a few weeks, they mate, lay eggs, and then die.

The question that has haunted biologists is why the life cycle of cicadas is so long? Does it make any difference to the life cycle that its duration is expressed in a simple number of years? Another species, Magicicada tredecim, swarms every 13 years. This suggests that the length of the life cycle, expressed as a simple number of years, gives the species certain evolutionary advantages.

Monsieur Leblanc

By the beginning of the 19th century, Fermat's Last Theorem had established a strong reputation as the most difficult problem in number theory. After Euler's breakthrough, there was not the slightest progress until the sensational statement of a young French woman inspired new hopes. The search for a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem resumed with renewed vigor. Sophie Germain lived in an era of chauvinism and prejudice, and in order to be able to study mathematics, she had to take a pseudonym, work in terrible conditions and create in intellectual isolation.

For centuries, mathematics was considered an unfeminine activity, but despite discrimination, there were several women mathematicians who opposed established customs and practices and etched their names in the annals of mathematics. The first woman to leave her mark on the history of mathematics was Theano (6th century BC), who studied with Pythagoras, became one of his closest followers and married him. Pythagoras is sometimes called a "feminist philosopher" because he encouraged women scientists. Theano was only one of twenty-eight sisters in the Pythagorean brotherhood.

In more late times supporters and followers of Socrates and Plato continued to invite women to their schools, but only in the 4th century AD. e. a female mathematician founded her own influential school. Hypatia, the daughter of a mathematics professor at the Alexandria Academy, became famous throughout the then known world for her debates and ability to solve various problems. Mathematicians, who had been puzzling over the solution of some problem for many months, turned to Hypatia with a request for help, and she rarely disappointed her fans. Mathematics and the process of logical proof completely captivated her, and when asked why she did not get married, Hypatia answered that she was engaged to the Truth. It was Hypatia's boundless faith in human reason that caused her death when Cyril, Patriarch of Alexandria, began to persecute philosophers, naturalists and mathematicians, whom he called heretics. The historian Edward Gibbon left a vivid account of the events that took place after Cyril plotted against Hypatia and set a mob against her.

“On that fateful day, in the sacred season of Lentus, Hypatia was pulled from the chariot in which she rode, stripped naked, dragged to the church and inhumanly cut into pieces by the hands of Peter the Reader and a crowd of wild and merciless fanatics; her flesh was torn from her bones with sharp oyster shells, and her trembling limbs were burned at the stake.”

After the death of Hypatia, a period of stagnation began in mathematics. The second woman who made people talk about herself as a mathematician appeared only after the Renaissance. Maria Agnesi was born in Milan in 1718. Like Hypatia, she was the daughter of a mathematician. Agnesi was recognized as one of the best mathematicians in Europe. She was especially famous for her works on tangents to curves. In Italy, curves were called "versiera" (from the Latin "to turn"), but the same word was considered a contraction of the word "avversiera" - "wife of the devil." The curves explored by Agnesi (versiera Agnesi) were incorrectly translated into English as "the witch of Agnesi", and over time Maria Agnesi came to be called the same.

Although mathematicians throughout Europe recognized Agnesi's mathematical talent, many academic institutions, in particular the French Academy, refused to provide her with a post allowing her to engage in research. The policy of excluding women from academic positions continued into the 20th century, when Emmy Noether, whom Einstein described as “the most significant creative mathematical genius to emerge since higher education for women began,” was refused permission to lecture at the University of Göttingen. Most professors reasoned like this: “How can you allow a woman to become a private assistant professor? After all, if she becomes a privatdozent, then over time she may become a professor and a member of the university senate... What will our soldiers think when they return to the university and find out that they will have to study at the feet of a woman? David Gilbert, Emmy Noether's friend and mentor, responded to this: “Gentlemen! I don't understand why the gender of the candidate prevents her from being accepted as a privatdozent. After all, the university senate is not a men’s bathhouse.”

Later, Edmund Landau, Noether's colleague, was asked whether Noether was truly a great woman mathematician, to which he replied: “I can swear that she is a great mathematician, but I cannot swear that she is a woman.”

In addition to the fact that Emmy Noether, like female mathematicians of past centuries, suffered from discrimination, she had much more in common with them: for example, she was the daughter of a mathematician. In general, many mathematicians came from mathematical families, and this gave rise to unfounded rumors about a special mathematical gene, but among female mathematicians the percentage of people from mathematical families is especially high. The explanation seems to be that even the most gifted women would not decide to study mathematics or receive support for their intentions if their family were not involved in science. Like Hypatia, Agnesi and most other women mathematicians, Noether was unmarried. Such widespread celibacy among female mathematicians is explained by the fact that a woman’s choice of a mathematics profession was met with disapproval from society, and only a few men dared to propose marriage to women with such a “dubious” reputation. An exception to the general rule was the great female mathematician from Russia Sofya Vasilievna Kovalevskaya. She entered into a fictitious marriage with paleontologist Vladimir Onufrievich Kovalevsky. For both of them, marriage was a salvation, allowing them to escape from the care of their families and focus on scientific research. As for Kovalevskaya, it was much more convenient for her to travel alone under the guise of a respectable married lady.

Of all European countries France took the most uncompromising position towards educated women, declaring that mathematics was an unsuitable occupation for women and was beyond their mental abilities! And although the salons of Paris dominated mathematical world XVIII and XIX centuries, only one woman managed to break free from the shackles of French public opinion and establish her reputation as a major specialist in number theory. Sophie Germain revolutionized the quest to prove Fermat's Last Theorem and made contributions far beyond anything her male predecessors had made.

Sophie Germain was born on April 1, 1776 in the family of the merchant Ambroise Francois Germain. In addition to her passion for mathematics, her life was deeply influenced by the storms and adversities of the French Revolution. In the same year that she discovered her love of numbers, the people stormed the Bastille, and while she was studying calculus, the shadow of the reign of terror fell. Although Sophie's father was quite a wealthy man, the Germains did not belong to the aristocracy.

Girls on the same rung of the social ladder as Sophie were not particularly encouraged to study mathematics, but they were expected to have sufficient knowledge of the subject to be able to carry on small talk if it touched on any mathematical issue . For this purpose, a series of textbooks was written to familiarize them with the latest achievements in mathematics and natural science. Thus, Francesco Algarotti wrote the textbook “The Philosophy of Sir Isaac Newton, Explained for the Benefit of Ladies.” Since Algarotti was convinced that ladies could only be interested in novels, he tried to present Newton’s discoveries in the form of a dialogue between a marquise flirting with her interlocutor. For example, the interlocutor sets out the law to the marquise universal gravity, in response to which the Marquise expresses her own interpretation of this fundamental law of physics: “I cannot help but think that... the same relationship, inverse proportionality to the square of the distance... is observed in love. For example, if lovers do not see each other for eight days, then love becomes sixty-four times weaker than on the day of separation.”

It is not surprising that Sophie Germain's interest in science did not arise under the influence of books of such a gallant genre. The event that changed her whole life happened on the day when, while looking through books in her father’s library, she accidentally came across “The History of Mathematics” by Jean Etienne Montucla. Her attention was drawn to the chapter in which Montucla talks about the life of Archimedes. The list of Archimedes' discoveries as presented by Montucla undoubtedly aroused interest, but Sophie's imagination was especially captured by the episode in which the death of Archimedes was discussed.

According to legend, Archimedes spent his entire life in Syracuse, where he studied mathematics in a relatively calm environment. But when he was well over seventy, the peace was disturbed by the invasion of the Roman army. According to legend, it was during this invasion that Archimedes, deeply immersed in contemplation geometric figure, inscribed in the sand, did not hear the Roman soldier’s question addressed to him, and, pierced by a spear, died.

Germaine reasoned that if a geometry problem could so captivate someone that it resulted in his death, then mathematics must be the most amazing subject in the world. Sophie immediately set to work self-study foundations of number theory and mathematical analysis, and soon found herself staying up late reading the works of Euler and Newton. The sudden interest in such a “non-feminine” subject as mathematics alarmed Sophie’s parents. Family friend Count Guglielmo Libri-Carucci dalla Sommaya said that Sophie's father took away her daughter's candles, clothes and took away the brazier that heated her room in order to prevent her from studying mathematics. A few years later in Britain, the father of a young mathematician, Mary Somerville, also took away his daughter’s candles, declaring: “This must stop if we don’t want to see Mary in a straitjacket.”

But in response, Sophie Germaine started secret vault for candles and saved herself from the cold by wrapping herself in sheets. According to Libri-Carucci, the winter nights were so cold that the ink froze in the inkwell, but Sophie continued to study mathematics, no matter what. Some who knew her in her youth claimed that she was shy and awkward, but she was determined, and in the end her parents relented and gave Sophie their blessing to study mathematics. Germaine never married, and Sophie's research was funded by her father throughout her career. For many years, Germaine carried out her research completely alone, because there were no mathematicians in the family who could introduce her to the latest ideas, and Sophie's teachers refused to take her seriously.

Germaine became increasingly confident in her abilities and moved from solving problems to educational assignments to the study of still unexplored areas of mathematics. But the most important thing for our story is that Sophie became interested in number theory and, naturally, could not help but hear about Fermat’s Last Theorem. Germaine worked on her proof for several years and finally reached a stage where she thought that she could move towards desired goal. Arose urgent need to discuss the results obtained with a colleague, a specialist in number theory, and Germaine decided to turn to the greatest specialist in number theory - the German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss.

Gauss is universally recognized as the most brilliant mathematician who ever lived. THIS. Bell called Fermat "the prince of amateurs" and Gauss the "prince of mathematicians." For the first time, Germaine truly appreciated Gauss’s talent when she encountered his masterpiece “Arithmetical Investigations” - the most important and unusually wide-ranging treatise written since Euclid’s Elements. Gauss's work influenced all areas of mathematics, but, strangely enough, he never published anything about Fermat's Last Theorem. In one letter, Gauss even expressed disdain for Fermat's problem. Gauss's friend, the German astronomer Heinrich Olbers, wrote him a letter urging him to take part in the competition for the prize. Paris Academy for solving Fermat's problem: “It seems to me, dear Gauss, that you should be concerned about this.” Two weeks later, Gauss replied: “I am very much obliged to hear the news regarding the Paris Prize. But I confess that Fermat’s Last Theorem as a separate proposition is of very little interest to me, since I could give many such propositions that can neither be proved nor disproved.” Gauss was entitled to his opinion, but Fermat clearly stated that the proof existed, and even subsequent attempts unsuccessful attempts Finding a proof gave rise to new and original methods, such as the proof by the method of infinite descent and the use of imaginary numbers. Perhaps Gauss also tried to find a proof and failed, and his answer to Olbers is just a variant of the statement "the grapes are green." However, the success achieved by Germaine, which Gauss learned about from her letters, made such a strong impression on him that Gauss temporarily forgot about his disdain for Fermat's Last Theorem.

Seventy-five years earlier, Euler published his proof for n=3, and since then all mathematicians have tried in vain to prove Fermat's Last Theorem in other special cases. But Germaine chose a new strategy and, in letters to Gauss, outlined the so-called general approach to Fermat’s problem. In other words, her immediate goal was not to prove a single case - Germaine set out to say something about many particular cases at once. In letters to Gauss, she outlined the general course of calculations centered on prime numbers p private type: such that the numbers are 2 p+1 - also simple. The list of such prime numbers compiled by Germaine includes the number 5, since 11 = 2·5 + 1 is also prime, but the number 13 is not included in it, since 27 = 2·13 + 1 is not prime.

In particular, Germaine, using elegant reasoning, proved that if the equation x n + y n = z n has solutions for such simple n that 2 n+1 is also a prime number, then either x, y, or z shares n.

In 1825, Sophie Germain's method was successfully applied by Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet and Adrien Marie Legendre. These scientists were separated by an entire generation. Legendre was a seventy-year-old man who survived the political storms of the Great French Revolution. For refusing to support a government candidate in National Institute he was deprived of his pension, and by the time he contributed to the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, Legendre was in dire need. Dirichlet was a young and ambitious number theorist, barely twenty years old. Both Legendre and Dirichlet independently succeeded in proving Fermat's Last Theorem for n=5, and both based their evidence on the reasoning of Sophie Germain and it was to her that they owed their success.

Another breakthrough was made fourteen years later by the Frenchman Gabriel Lamé. He made some ingenious improvements to Germain's method and proved Fermat's Last Theorem with a prime value n=7. Germaine showed number theorists how to eliminate an entire group of prime-valued cases. n, and now, with the combined efforts of her colleagues, they continued to prove the theorem for one simple value n after another. Germaine's work on Fermat's Last Theorem was her greatest achievement in mathematics, although it was not immediately appreciated. When Germaine first wrote to Gauss, she was not yet thirty years old, and although her name had become famous in Paris, she feared that the great mathematician would not take a letter from a woman seriously. To protect herself, Germaine again took refuge behind a pseudonym, signing the letter with the name of Monsieur Leblanc.

Sophie did not hide her reverence for Gauss. Here is a phrase from her letter: “Unfortunately, the depth of my intellect is inferior to the insatiability of my appetite, and I am aware of the folly of my action when I take upon myself the courage to disturb a man of genius, without having the slightest right to his attention, except for the admiration that inevitably embraces all his readers." Gauss, unaware of who his correspondent really was, tried to calm down “Monsieur Leblanc.” Gauss’s reply letter said: “I am delighted that arithmetic has found such a capable friend in you.”

The results obtained by Germaine might have forever remained erroneously attributed to Monsieur Leblanc, if not for Emperor Napoleon. In 1806, Napoleon captured Prussia, and the French army stormed one German capital after another. Germaine began to fear that the fate of Archimedes might not be shared by her second great hero- Gauss. Sophie wrote to her friend, General Joseph Marie Pernety, who commanded the advancing troops. In the letter, she asked the general to ensure Gauss's safety. The general took appropriate measures, took care of the German mathematician and explained to him that he owed his life to Mademoiselle Germaine. Gauss expressed his gratitude, but was surprised, since he had never heard of Sophie Germaine.

The game was lost. In her next letter to Gauss, Germaine reluctantly revealed her real name. Not at all angry for the deception, Gauss answered her with delight: “How can I describe to you the delight and amazement that gripped me at the sight of how my highly respected correspondent Monsieur Leblanc underwent a metamorphosis, turning into a wonderful person who gives such brilliant example I find it hard to believe. A taste for abstract sciences in general, and above all for all the mysteries of numbers, is extremely rare, and this is not surprising: the seductive charms of this subtle science open only to those who have the courage to delve deeply into it. But when a representative of that sex, which, according to our customs and prejudices, must meet with infinitely greater difficulties than men in acquainting themselves with thorny investigations, manages successfully to overcome all these obstacles and penetrate into their darkest parts, then, undoubtedly, she possesses noble courage, completely extraordinary talents and supreme talent. Nothing could convince me in such a flattering and undoubted manner that the attractive aspects of this science, which has enriched my life with so many joys, are not a figment of fantasy, than the devotion with which you honored it.”

Correspondence with Carl Gauss, which became a source of inspiration for Sophie Germaine's work, suddenly ended in 1808. Gauss was appointed professor of astronomy at the University of Göttingen, his interests shifted from number theory to more applied mathematics, and he stopped responding to Germaine's letters. Deprived of the support of such a mentor, Germaine lost confidence in her abilities and after a year left her studies in pure mathematics. Although she was unable to make further progress in proving Fermat's Last Theorem, she went on to become very fruitful in the field of physics, a scientific discipline in which she might again have achieved a prominent position if not for establishment prejudices. Sophie Germain's highest achievement in physics was “Memoir on the Vibrations of Elastic Plates” - a brilliant work full of new ideas that laid the foundations of the modern theory of elasticity. For this work and her work on Fermat's Last Theorem, she was awarded the medal of the Institut de France and became the first woman to attend lectures at the Academy of Sciences without being the wife of a member of the Academy. Towards the end of her life, Sophie Germaine re-established a relationship with Carl Gauss, who convinced the University of Göttingen to award her an honorary degree. Unfortunately, Sophie Germaine died of breast cancer before the university could honor her as she deserved.

“Taking all this into account, it can be said that Sophie Germain appears to have had the most profound intelligence of any woman France has ever produced. It may seem strange, but when the official came to issue the death certificate of this famous colleague and employee of the most famous members of the French Academy of Sciences, in the column “occupation” he designated her as “a single woman without a profession”, and not “mathematician”. But that is not all. During the construction of the Eiffel Tower, engineers paid special attention to the elasticity of the materials used, and the names of seventy-two scientists who made particularly significant contributions to the development of the theory of elasticity were inscribed on this gigantic structure. But in vain we would search in this list for the name of the brilliant daughter of France, whose research largely contributed to the development of the theory of elasticity of metals - Sophie Germain. Was she excluded from this list for the same reason that Maria Agnesi was not awarded membership in the French Academy - because she was a woman? Apparently this was the case. But if this is really so, then the greater the shame for those who are responsible for such blatant ingratitude towards a person who had such great merit before science, - to a man who has secured a worthy place in the hall of fame.” (A.J. Mozans, 1913.)

Sealed envelopes

Following the progress made through the work of Sophie Germain, the French Academy of Sciences established a series of prizes, including a gold medal and 3,000 francs, for the mathematician who could finally unravel the mystery of Fermat's Last Theorem. The one who was able to prove the theorem would receive not only well-deserved fame, but also significant material reward. The salons of Paris were filled with rumors regarding what strategy this or that candidate had chosen and how soon the results of the competition would be announced. Finally, on March 1, 1847, the Academy convened for the most dramatic of its meetings.

The minutes of the meeting detail how Gabriel Lamé, who seven years earlier had proved Fermat's Last Theorem for n=7, took the podium in front of the most famous mathematicians of the 19th century and declared that he was on the verge of proving Fermat’s Last Theorem for general case. Lame admitted that his proof was not yet complete, but he outlined general outline his method and not without pleasure announced that in a few weeks he would publish a complete proof in a journal published by the Academy.

The audience froze with delight, but as soon as Lame left the podium, another one of the best Parisian mathematicians, Augustin Louis Cauchy, asked for words. Addressing members of the Academy, Cauchy said that he had been working on a proof of Fermat's Last Theorem for a long time, based on approximately the same ideas as Lamé, and also soon intended to publish a complete proof.

Both Cauchy and Lamé were aware that crucial has time. The first person to present a complete proof will win the most prestigious and valuable prize in mathematics. Although neither Lamé nor Cauchy had full proof, both rivals were eager to back up their claims, and three weeks later both submitted sealed envelopes to the Academy. That was the custom at that time. This allowed mathematicians to assert their priority without revealing the details of their work. If a dispute subsequently arose as to the originality of the ideas, the sealed envelope contained the conclusive evidence necessary to establish priority.

In April, when Cauchy and Lamé finally published some details of their evidence in the Proceedings of the Academy, tensions increased. The entire mathematical community was desperate to see the full proof, with many mathematicians secretly hoping that Lamé rather than Cauchy would win the competition. By all accounts, Cauchy was a self-righteous creature and a religious fanatic. Moreover, he was very unpopular among his colleagues. At the Academy he was tolerated only for his brilliant mind.

Finally, on May 24, a statement was made that put an end to all speculation. It was not Cauchy or Lamé who addressed the Academy, but Joseph Liouville. He shocked the honorable audience by reading a letter from the German mathematician Ernst Kummer. Kummer was a recognized expert in number theory, but his ardent patriotism, fueled by sincere hatred of Napoleon, for many years did not allow him to devote himself to his true calling. When Kummer was still a child, the French army invaded his hometown of Sorau, bringing with it a typhus epidemic. Kummer's father was a city doctor and a few weeks later the disease took him away. Shocked by what had happened, Kummer vowed to do everything in his power to rid his homeland of a new enemy invasion - and after graduating from university, he directed his intellect to solving the problem of constructing the trajectories of cannonballs. Later he taught the laws of ballistics at the Berlin Military School.

In parallel with military career Kummer was actively involved in research in the field of pure mathematics and was fully aware of what was happening at the French Academy. Kummer carefully read the publications in the Proceedings of the Academy and analyzed the few details that Cauchy and Lama risked revealing. It became clear to him that both Frenchmen were moving towards the same logical dead end - and he outlined his thoughts in a letter to Liouville.

According to Kummer, the main problem was that Cauchy and Lamé's proofs relied on the use of a property of integers known as unique factorization. This property means that there is only one possible combination prime numbers whose product gives a given integer. For example, the only combination of prime numbers whose product equals 18 is

18 = 2·3·3.

Similarly, the numbers 35, 180 and 106260 can be uniquely decomposed into prime numbers, and their decompositions are of the form

35 = 5 7, 180 = 2 2 3 3 5, 106260 = 2 2 3 5 7 11 23.

The uniqueness of factorization was discovered in the 4th century BC. e. Euclid, who in Book IX of his Elements proved that this is true for all natural numbers. The uniqueness of prime factorization for all natural numbers is a vital element in the proofs of many various theorems and is now called the fundamental theorem of arithmetic.

At first glance, there should be no reason why Cauchy and Lamé could not use the uniqueness of factorization in their reasoning, as hundreds of mathematicians before them had done. However, both proofs presented to the Academy used imaginary numbers. Kummer brought to Liouville's attention that although the unique factorization theorem holds for integers, it does not necessarily hold if imaginary numbers are used. According to Kummer, this was a fatal mistake.

For example, if we limit ourselves to integers, then the number 12 admits a unique decomposition of 2·2·3. But if we allow imaginary numbers in the proof, the number 12 can be factorized like this:

12 = (1 + v–11)·(1 + v–11).

Here 1 + v–11 is a complex number which is a combination of a real and an imaginary number. Although multiplication of complex numbers follows more complex rules than multiplication of real numbers, the existence of complex numbers gives rise to additional ways to factor the number 12. Here is another way to decompose the number 12:

12 = (2 + v–8)·(2 + v–8).

Consequently, when using imaginary numbers in the proof, we are not talking about the uniqueness of the decomposition, but about choosing one of the variants of factorization.

Thus, the loss of uniqueness of factorization caused heavy damage to the proofs of Cauchy and Lamé, but did not completely destroy them. The proof was supposed to demonstrate the non-existence of integer solutions to the equation x n + y n = z n, Where n- any integer greater than 2. As we already mentioned in this chapter, in reality Fermat’s Last Theorem only needs to be proven for simple values n. Kummer showed that, using additional tricks, it is possible to restore the uniqueness of the factorization for certain values n. For example, the problem of uniqueness of decomposition can be circumvented for all prime numbers not exceeding n= 31 (including the value itself n= 31). But when n= 37 getting rid of difficulties is not so easy. Among other numbers less than 100, it is especially difficult to prove Fermat's Last Theorem for n= 59 and n= 67. These so-called irregular prime numbers, scattered among the rest of the numbers, became a stumbling block on the way to a complete proof.

Kummer noted that there are no known mathematical methods that would allow one to consider all the irregular prime numbers in one fell swoop. But he believed that by carefully tailoring existing methods to each irregular prime number separately, he would be able to deal with them “one by one.” Developing such custom-made methods would be slow and extremely difficult, and to make matters worse, the number of irregular primes would be endless. Consideration of irregular prime numbers one by one by the entire world mathematical community would stretch until the end of centuries.

Kummer's letter had a stunning effect on Lame. Overlook the unique factorization assumption! IN best case scenario This could be called excessive optimism, or, at worst, unforgivable stupidity. Lame realized that if he had not sought to keep the details of his work secret, he would have been able to discover the gap much earlier. In a letter to his colleague Dirichlet in Berlin, he admitted: “If only you had been in Paris, or I had been in Berlin, all this would never have happened.” If Lamé felt humiliated, Cauchy refused to admit defeat. In his opinion, compared to Lamé's proof, his own proof relied less on uniqueness of factorization, and until Kummer's analysis is fully verified, there is a possibility that an error has crept into the German mathematician's reasoning somewhere. . For several weeks, Cauchy continued to publish article after article on the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, but by the end of the summer he, too, had gone silent.

Kummer showed that a complete proof of Fermat's Last Theorem was beyond the capabilities of existing mathematical approaches. It was a brilliant example of logic and at the same time a monstrous blow to an entire generation of mathematicians who had hoped that they would be able to solve the world's most difficult problem. math problem.

The summary was summed up by Cauchy, who in 1857 wrote in the final report presented to the Academy regarding the prize awarded for the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem: “Report on the competition for the prize in mathematical sciences. The competition was scheduled for 1853 and then extended until 1856. Eleven memoirs were presented to the secretary. In none of them the question posed was resolved. Thus, despite being posed many times, the question remains where Mr. Kummer left it. However, the mathematical sciences have been rewarded by the labors undertaken by geometers in their endeavor to solve the question, especially by Mr. Kummer, and the members of the Commission consider that the Academy would have made a sufficient and useful decision if, having withdrawn the question from the competition, it had awarded a medal to Mr. Kummer for his excellent studies on complex numbers consisting of roots of unity and integers.”

* * *

For more than two centuries, any attempt to rediscover the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem ended in failure. In his youth, Andrew Wiles studied the works of Euler, Germaine, Cauchy, Lamé and, finally, Kummer. Wiles hoped that he could learn from the mistakes made by his great predecessors, but by the time he became an undergraduate at Oxford University, the same stone wall that Kummer had stood in his way stood in his way.

Some of Wiles' contemporaries began to suspect that Fermat's problem might be insoluble. It is possible that Fermat was mistaken, and so the reason why no one has been able to reconstruct Fermat's proof is simply that such a proof never existed. Wiles was inspired by the fact that in the past, after persistent efforts over centuries, for some meanings n A proof of Fermat's Last Theorem was finally discovered. And in some of these cases, the successful ideas that solved the problem did not rely on new advances in mathematics; on the contrary, it was evidence that could have been discovered long ago.

One example of a problem that has stubbornly resisted solution for decades is the point hypothesis. It deals with several points, each of which is connected to other points by straight lines, as shown in Fig. 13. The hypothesis states that it is impossible to draw a diagram of this kind so that at least three points lie on each line (we exclude from consideration a diagram in which all points lie on the same line). By experimenting with several diagrams, we can verify that the point hypothesis appears to be correct. In Fig. 13 A five points are connected by six straight lines. There are not three points on four of these lines, and therefore it is clear that this arrangement of points does not satisfy the requirement of the problem, according to which each line has three points.

A) b)

Rice. 13. In these diagrams, each point is connected to each of the other points by straight lines. Is it possible to construct a diagram in which each line passes through at least three points?

By adding one point and one line passing through it, we reduced the number of lines that do not contain three points to three. But further reduction of the diagram to the conditions of the hypothesis (such a rearrangement of the diagram, as a result of which there would be three points on each straight line), is apparently impossible. Of course, this does not prove that such a diagram does not exist.

Generations of mathematicians tried to find a proof of the seemingly simple hypothesis about points - and failed. This hypothesis is even more irritating because when the solution was eventually found, it turned out that it required only minimal knowledge of mathematics and one extraordinary twist in reasoning. The progress of the proof is outlined in Appendix 6.

It is quite possible that all the methods needed to prove Fermat's Last Theorem were already at the disposal of mathematicians, and that the only missing ingredient was some ingenious trick. Wiles was not going to give up: his childhood dream of proving Fermat's Last Theorem turned into a deep and serious passion. Having learned everything there was to know about 19th-century mathematics, Wiles decided to adopt 20th-century methods.


I remembered Titchmarsh’s phrase: “I recently met a man who told me that he does not even believe in the existence of minus one, since this implies the existence of the square root of it.” :) - E.G.A.

I’ll give you an illustration of a new client moving into Gilbert’s hotel. It is borrowed from the book “Proofs from THE BOOK", published by Springer in 1998 and republished in 2001. Authors: Martin Aigner and Gunter M. Ziegler. A small quote from the authors' preface to this book: "Paul Erdos liked to talk about The Book, in which God maintains the perfect proofs for mathematical theorems, following the dictum of G. H. Hardy that there is no permanent place for ugly mathematics. Erdos also said that you need not believe in God but, as mathematician, you should believe in The Book. We have no definition or characterization of what constitutes a proof from The Book: all we offer here is the examples that we have selected, hoping that our readers will share our enthusiasm about brilliant ideas, clever insights and wonderful observations. We also hope that our readers will enjoy this despite the imperfections of our exposition. The selection is to a great extent influenced by Paul Erdos himself." This illustration opens the chapter “Sets, functions and the continuum hypothesis.” - E.G.A.

Hmm... I read somewhere that he paid with his life when he shouted: “Careful! Don’t step on my drawings!”, but the Roman soldier to whom this exclamation was addressed did not pay attention to the fact that in front of him was an unarmed old man. :(And in the book “Proofs from THE BOOK” I mentioned earlier, the chapter “Number Theory” is preceded by a drawing in which there is no spear. Apparently, the artist also did not know the details of Archimedes’ death. - E.G.A.

Often, when talking with high school students about research work in mathematics, I hear the following: “What new can be discovered in mathematics?” But really: maybe all the great discoveries have been made and the theorems proven?

On August 8, 1900, at the International Congress of Mathematics in Paris, mathematician David Hilbert outlined a list of problems that he believed would have to be solved in the twentieth century. There were 23 items on the list. Twenty-one of them have been resolved so far. The last problem on Hilbert's list to be solved was Fermat's famous theorem, which scientists had been unable to solve for 358 years. In 1994, Briton Andrew Wiles proposed his solution. It turned out to be true.

Following the example of Gilbert, at the end of the last century, many mathematicians tried to formulate similar strategic tasks for the 21st century. One of these lists became widely known thanks to Boston billionaire Landon T. Clay. In 1998, with his funds, the Clay Mathematics Institute was founded in Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA) and prizes were established for solving a number of the most important problems of modern mathematics. On May 24, 2000, the institute's experts selected seven problems - according to the number of millions of dollars allocated for the prize. The list is called Millennium Prize Problems:

1. Cook's problem (formulated in 1971)

Let's say that you, being in a large company, want to make sure that your friend is there too. If they tell you that he is sitting in the corner, then a split second will be enough for you to take a glance and be convinced of the truth of the information. Without this information, you will be forced to walk around the entire room, looking at the guests. This suggests that solving a problem often takes longer than checking the correctness of the solution.

Stephen Cook formulated the problem: can checking the correctness of a solution to a problem take longer than obtaining the solution itself, regardless of the verification algorithm. This problem is also one of the unsolved problems in the field of logic and computer science. Its solution could revolutionize the fundamentals of cryptography used in data transmission and storage.

2. Riemann hypothesis (formulated in 1859)

Some integers cannot be expressed as the product of two smaller integers, such as 2, 3, 5, 7, and so on. Such numbers are called prime numbers and play an important role in pure mathematics and its applications. The distribution of prime numbers among the series of all natural numbers does not follow any pattern. However German mathematician Riemann made a conjecture concerning the properties of a sequence of prime numbers. If the Riemann Hypothesis is proven, it will lead to a revolutionary change in our knowledge of encryption and an unprecedented breakthrough in Internet security.

3. Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer hypothesis (formulated in 1960)

Associated with the description of many solutions to some algebraic equations from several variables with integer coefficients. An example of such an equation is the expression x2 + y2 = z2. Euclid gave Full description solutions to this equation, but for more complex equations finding solutions becomes extremely difficult.

4. Hodge's hypothesis (formulated in 1941)

In the 20th century, mathematicians discovered a powerful method for studying the shape of complex objects. The main idea is to use simple “bricks” instead of the object itself, which are glued together and form its likeness. Hodge's hypothesis is associated with some assumptions regarding the properties of such “building blocks” and objects.

5. Navier - Stokes equations (formulated in 1822)

If you sail in a boat on a lake, waves will arise, and if you fly in an airplane, turbulent currents will arise in the air. It is assumed that these and other phenomena are described by equations known as the Navier-Stokes equations. The solutions to these equations are unknown, and it is not even known how to solve them. It is necessary to show that a solution exists and is a sufficiently smooth function. Solving this problem will significantly change the methods of carrying out hydro- and aerodynamic calculations.

6. Poincaré problem (formulated in 1904)

If you pull a rubber band over an apple, you can, by slowly moving the band without lifting it from the surface, compress it to a point. On the other hand, if the same rubber band is suitably stretched around a donut, there is no way to compress the band to a point without tearing the tape or breaking the donut. They say that the surface of an apple is simply connected, but the surface of a donut is not. It turned out to be so difficult to prove that only the sphere is simply connected that mathematicians are still looking for the correct answer.

7. Yang-Mills equations (formulated in 1954)

The equations of quantum physics describe the world of elementary particles. Physicists Young and Mills, having discovered the connection between geometry and particle physics, wrote their equations. Thus, they found a way to unify the theories of electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions. The Yang-Mills equations implied the existence of particles that were actually observed in laboratories all over the world, so the Yang-Mills theory is accepted by most physicists despite the fact that within the framework of this theory it is still not possible to predict the masses of elementary particles.

I think that this material published on the blog is interesting not only for students, but also for schoolchildren who seriously study mathematics. There is a lot to think about when choosing topics and areas of research work.