What inventions did the laziest people come up with? The laziest people

Work, family, children, cleaning... When to relax here? But sometimes we all want, as they say, to give up on everything and just do nothing. Or at least make your life a little easier where possible. For example, come up with new way walk your dog without any effort. Or sit in line instead of standing in it. These people are clearly familiar with the concept of laziness, because they are not only lazy, but also inventive.

(Total 17 photos)

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1. Walking your dog every day is so hard.

3. This is inventive, because holding a glass in your hands is so tiring.

4. Brave fellow!

5. Double fuel consumption, but your legs don’t ache. And the back too.

6. Too far.

7. Why haven’t others thought of this yet?

8. There was no time to open the package, and the door support would still work for its intended purpose.

9. Ingenious, but what about the dangerous interaction between tape and display?

10. Now this is super laziness!

11. Why sweat and get a chair, which then needs to be assembled, if you can sit directly on the box?

It is the reluctance of unnecessary body movements that pushes a person to create things that make life easier.

American geneticist Barry Richmond revealed the secret of lazy people, finding out that they often lack dopamine, a hormone that also affects motivation processes. In their bodies, the “laziness gene” hunts for this hormone, instantly calculating and blocking it. The neutralizer has not yet been found, but this is even for the better. After all, thanks to laziness, completely unique things appeared, without which it is unclear how we lived before.

Search a woman

For example, car windshield wipers were invented and patented at the very beginning of the 20th century by housewife Mary Anderson. According to one version, she was tired of driving a car in the rain and wind with open windows and show the way to her husband, who was blind. Then the woman developed a rubber scraper on special levers that could be controlled from a car. However, when the inventor tried to sell the device to a Canadian company, she was rejected, saying that her scraper would not be commercially successful and would distract drivers while driving. But by 1913, thousands of Americans were using the windshield wiper invented by the lady.


I'll sing right now!

Another victim of circumstances is the Japanese drummer Inue Daisuke, who in 1971 invented the karaoke machine. Speaking at private parties in bars, the musician noticed that during a pause, when he and his group were relaxing, the guests demanded that the banquet be continued and even tried to sing themselves. This gave him the idea: let those who want to scream into the microphone be accompanied by a musical device.

Together with his colleagues, Inue founded the Crescendo company to produce primitive karaoke machines. But, apparently, again due to laziness, I never had time to patent it. As a result, over time, larger players in this market supplanted the true creator of karaoke.


I'm writing to you on "soap"

Also in 1971, American computer scientist Ray Tomlinson created internal system emails, sending the very first from one computer to another over the ARPANET (the predecessor of the Internet). In addition, he was the first to use the @ symbol to indicate that postal addresses belong to a particular system. Unfortunately, the creator did not remember the first text of the email.

In the kitchen

If we talk about the most modern inventions, the emergence of which contributed to laziness, we will start with the kitchen. A few years ago, 23-year-old Frenchman Florian Dussault came up with a mug that independently stirs the drink. There is a ceramic ball in the hollow bottom of the vessel. If you shake the container slightly, it moves the liquid, stirring sugar, milk, cream, and spices. Another option for a self-stirring cup is the Self Stirring Mug. Press a button and the built-in propeller allows you to do without a teaspoon. And thanks to the Japanese company Kyosho, cleaning will turn into a holiday and entertaining game. A manufacturer specializing in radio-controlled toys has filled a trash can and brush with electronics. Now, without getting up from the couch, you can use a joystick to control the bucket, which will come to you on its own when you want to throw out the trash, and the brush will remotely wash the floor where you tell it.

In the bedroom

Spanish furniture manufacturer OHEA offers the dream of millions - the self-making Smart Bed. The piece of furniture is equipped with a bunch of sensors and mechanisms, with the help of which it silently and quickly covers the blanket, raises and lowers the pillows. The bed operates in two modes - manual and automatic. With the first, control occurs using a remote control, and with the second, the bed makes itself up three seconds after the person leaves it. And an unusual Chinese accessory – Lazy lying glasses (“Glasses for the lazy”). With them, you will forget about uncomfortable postures while reading or watching TV, or about neck or back pain. The glasses have small mirrors that reflect text or pictures, so take a horizontal position, relax and enjoy a book, movie, or game.

Almost every person in the world is capable of being lazy from time to time. But for some this is a short-term phenomenon, and for others it is a motto for life. Many of us have heard the expression - laziness is the engine of progress. Practice confirms this thesis. However, this is not always the case positive points. The statistics of lazy people contain a variety of problems that are associated with low physical activity person.

It's all genetics

According to Wikipedia, laziness is described as a lack of hard work and a choice in favor of idle leisure time.

Scientists from America conducted research on rats and identified the “Laziness Gene,” which can be inherited. A lazy person does not strive to participate in overcoming any difficulties not only at work, but also in social life.

Signs of a lazy person:

  • idleness prevails over work activity;
  • preference is given to watching TV and computer games;
  • postponing tasks of increased complexity;
  • evasion of responsibility and inaccuracy in work;
  • refusal to perform urgent tasks.

Statistics lazy people identifies several types of inactivity:

Type of laziness Manifestation
Physical The body signals the appearance of fatigue, exhaustion
Thoughtful Expressed in the absence of the ability to analyze any processes
Emotional It appears in those who do not express their feelings due to possible fatigue or stress. A lazy person is indifferent to own work, deprives himself of all joy and pleasure from doing work. Usually they say about such people that they are burned out and do everything on autopilot.
Creative Represented by laziness, which manifests itself at the moment of searching for solutions and ideas, when a non-standard approach is required
Pathological form This type is characterized by a lack of motivation and a desire to solve problems.

Reasons for laziness

Why does a person become lazy? Psychologists name the main reasons - insufficient stimulation by hunger, cold and a threat to safety. Under the pressure of these factors, humanity has struggled with laziness, from Adam to the present day. Statistics on lazy people highlight other reasons:

  • lack of experience in problem solving;
  • discrepancy between responsibilities and interests;
  • overwork;
  • lack of self-control;
  • lack of will;
  • passive lifestyle.

How to identify a lazy person? He's dodging important work, puts everything off later and does not want to participate in events aimed at raising corporate spirit and cohesion. Also a lazy person does not like to accept quick solutions, take care of everyday life or children.

Professions for lazy people

Suitable work for lazy people should be short-term and uncomplicated, where it does not require much effort. List of professions where lazy young people can realize themselves:

  1. Cuddle Specialist. My profession allows me to lie in bed almost all day. By choosing this job, a person claims 5,000 rubles. per hour and about 20 thousand per hour at night. This service is currently only available in the USA.
  2. Performer of the role of a foreigner. The service is in demand among Chinese manufacturers and consists of visually creating the image of a foreign businessman. varies around 60–100 thousand rubles. during the week. The only caveat is the impeccable appearance, a certain level attractiveness and charisma.
  3. Sleep tester. Work means sleeping during the working day. An employee must test the rooms in which guests will be accommodated. Lazy people statistics show that this is one of the most ideal jobs. This service is in demand in hotels, travel agencies and mattress manufacturers.
  4. Beer taster. The job is suitable for people who know first-hand about all types of drinks and distinguish the tastes and textures of beer. Many companies offer testing courses. Training can also be completed directly at the brewery.
  5. Game Tester. The work is suitable for fans of computer shooters and consists of completing newly released games. The tester's job is to break it or identify errors during the process. The cost of one hour is about 1000 rubles. Such specialists can earn up to 2 million rubles per year.
  6. Participant in sleep experiments. Here the qualities of a lazy person who prefers the absence of unnecessary movements are especially in demand. Work consists of rest during the working day. One workday brings up to 65 thousand rubles, but with a caveat - a certain age, lifestyle and frequent hospitalization are required.
  7. Participation in extras. This method also allows you to receive money for a short time. The rate depends on the type of shooting. The minimum wage for an actor is 6,500 rubles.

How to lose weight for lazy people without dieting? Search engines return millions of pages of recommendations about diets. Most of them contain exercises and homemade recipes for easy meals, as well as “Miracle Cure.”

Folk tales and jokes

Russians folk tales This vice has long been ridiculed about lazy people. This includes the work of Morozko, Tiny Khavroshechka. Sometimes fairy tales can justify the absence physical activity. One of these works is “At the Command of the Pike.”

The Internet offers many sites that publish a variety of jokes about lazy people. One of these resources is Anecdotes. RU.

Unusual facts about lazy people:

  1. The Are You a Lazy Person test contains only 12 questions and allows you to assess your level of passivity.
  2. An Austrian man removed his limb with a chainsaw to avoid regular medical examinations.
  3. Laziness does not mean stupidity - according to teachers, the well-known Charles Darwin, W. Churchill, and A. Einstein were all slackers.
  4. Dog breeds for lazy people - Havanese Bichon, Pug, English bulldog, Chow Chow and Basset Hound are distinguished by their calmness and desire to spend most time in a horizontal position.
  5. Men are 4 times more active than women.
  6. World Lazy People's Day originated in Colombia on August 20, 1985.


Why does a person become lazy? Main reasons heredity, lack of proper motivation and interest in work. The unity of the surrounding people and this subject will help overcome laziness, improve health indicators and achieve success in life. different areas life.


Request text:"Let's start with!)) 10 laziest people. "...." This is for starters.)))"

Laziness(from lat. lenus- calm, slow, lethargic) - absence or lack of hard work, preference for free time labor activity. Traditionally regarded as a vice, since a lazy person is considered to be a freeloader on society. In conditions intensive work"laziness" maybe natural need on vacation.

Lazy people:

The laziest fireman.

You can definitely be called the laziest person if you walk your dog while sitting in the car.

Too lazy to put on stamps. At the bottom right of the letter is the inscription: “ Sorry, but I didn't have time to buy stamps” and a coin, which is due to the worker who completes this difficult task for her.

The laziest child in the world in line for fast food.

I don’t even know what to call this photo)

The laziest creative beggar in the world. The inscription on the cardboard reads: “INVISIBLE + HOMELESS!
My name is Frank Jenkinson.
I'm poor, I live on the streets and I'm invisible.
Please give me treatment. God bless you

The person who did this can definitely claim to be the laziest road worker.

He was too lazy to drink beer, so he had a child.

Why get dressed in the morning if you're already in pajamas?

Some ideas from the laziest lawn mower.

Escalator at the entrance to gym...Oh my God, what kind of idiot came up with this? I'm afraid to even think what's inside.

The laziest surfer in the world.

The workplace of any webmaster, believe me, laziness is in their blood.

Too lazy to protest!