What do the numbers 1488 mean?

Today we will talk about political forces, or more precisely about views on the structure and way of life from the point of view of the nationalist movement. We will also learn about what 1488 means. So:

14/88 what are these mysterious numbers?

According to the materials studied by the author of this article, we came to the conclusion that 1488 is a code for white nationalists. The code slogan is very often used as a signature or greeting. There are different interpretations of the notation. For example, the number 14 could mean that people close to the white nationalist movement have a duty to protect the existence of their people and the future of their children. According to other sources, 14 encodes the slogan that the beauty of the Aryan woman should never be erased from the face of the Earth.

The exact wording of these slogans was put forward by David Lane, who was a member of the separatist organization "The Order".

Well, the number 88 is the greeting “Heil Hitler”, which is used by all nationalists. That's what 1488 means.

Let's talk a little about slogan creator David Lane. This man is from America. He was an adherent of the ideas of white nationalism. Lane died in Indiana State Prison in 2007. He gained his fame by creating the 14/88 code and also by creating the 88 white nationalist commandments. In this work, he talks about the basic methods and principles of protecting, developing and establishing the dominance of white society.

Our society gives birth to a variety of individuals who adhere to certain views. At the moment, in the world there are a huge number of schools of thought on what society should be like. Some of these trends seek to prove to others that only certain peoples and nations are worthy of a good life. This approach cannot be considered the only correct one, since during modern upheavals, only the unification of people with each other will allow humanity to survive. Nationalist ideas are becoming increasingly popular in the 21st century. This cannot but worry and concern the governments of all countries. That is why they are waging such a fight, including with those who know what 1488 means.

14/88 - a numerical abbreviation that became popular some time ago on the Internet among young people, reflecting general fascist trends and inclinations, along with. It is often used by skinheads. Most of those who use it in their speech are unlikely to really know what this set of numbers means, and if you ask the person who used it about it, you will most likely get an answer along the lines of “well, that’s Hitler's favorite number" or something like that. And he will be completely wrong.

Let's look at the sources where this mysterious number came from and what it means. The decoding is quite non-trivial: 14/88 are two numbers, actually 14 and 88, which have little relation to each other. 14 – the number of words in the quote from the well-known American terrorist and neo-Nazi David Lane, which in the original reads as follows: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children”. In an adapted translation, it means the following: “We must protect the lives of our people and the future of the white generation.” Nationalist and racist notes are immediately felt.

The next two digits are 88 - means two letters of the English alphabet written in a row, the eighth number in it is NN. This is an abbreviation of the famous Nazi slogan “Heil Hitler”, under which German soldiers went into battle during the Second World War.

The fraction sign that separates these two numbers is a symbol of the division of humanity into higher and lower races, the main principle of Nazism and fascism.

In general, all pictures, posts and messages on the Internet in which these numbers appear contain either black racist humor, or neo-fascist manners, or some kind of meaning that generally disagrees with official policy.

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Everywhere we are surrounded by various symbols, signs, combinations of numbers. We see, hear, and sometimes even repeat them ourselves, but we are not always aware of their true meaning.

This happened with the understanding of what the numbers 1488 mean. The first associations - the designation of the year or number, in this case are erroneous.

For a deeper analysis, this combination should be divided into two parts. It should be perceived as two independent two-digit numbers complementing each other - 14/88.

In this version, they are a code for nationalists. Known around the world as the slogan or signature of modern white nationalists.

The cipher owes its appearance to two world celebrities who are ambiguously perceived by humanity. The first person representing the number 14 - David Lane, second - Adolf Gitler and him 88 commandments.

What do the numbers 14 mean?

Under the number 14 lies the secret meaning of 14 words voiced by the ideological inspirer of modern white nationalist David Lane. The main message of the slogan is propaganda of the purity of the white race of humanity, calls for the protection and preservation of white children, admiration for the blond Aryan woman, whose beauty should dominate the entire earth.

The very idea of ​​the permissibility of incest and the creation of international families is condemned.

In the original expression, the number 1488 means: “We must preserve the existence of our people and the future for White children.”

It is worth saying that this is not the only interpretation option. There is also an alternative, the so-called “Russian option”. It is distributed with greater honor among those who are not familiar with the first. According to him, under the number 14 the initials of the name of Adolf Hitler are encrypted. The unit corresponds to the letter A, which is located first in the Russian alphabet. The four corresponds to the letter G - the fourth in alphabetical order.

Also, under 14 there may be a serial number of the Latin letter N or the volume number of the Encyclopedia of Italy in which the doctrine of fascism was first published. This doctrine, to this day, is considered the “Basic Law” of nationalist fascism.

What do the numbers 88 mean?

The most common interpretation is the famous greeting of Nazi Germany “Hael Hitler!” In German, the words of this phrase begin with the letter H, placed in eighth position in the alphabet.

Despite this, during Hitler’s time the letter H became so popular that copybooks for German first-graders began with it, and not with A.

The second vision is more philistine, it says that in one quote from Adolf Hitler from his book “My Struggle” there were exactly 88 words.

The third assumption allows for a parallel between the greeting and the caliber of the German Tiger tank, equal to 88.

The fourth is David Lane's 88 commandments, a kind of analogue of the Bible. The commandments are permeated with a nationalist thread, which allows us to conclude that their creator was inspired by the position and ideology of Hitler. Therefore, the number of commandments was 88 and echoed the above-mentioned greeting.

Sometimes the abbreviation does not use 88, but 83 is extremely rare.

David Lane - creator of the slogan "1488"

The first half of what 1488 means is revealed in 14 words spoken by David Lane.

David Lane is the ideologist of modern white nationalism. Founder and member of the terrorist organization “Order”, which promotes the ideology of Nazism and the preservation of a pure race. Founder of the Denver branch of the Ku Klux Klan, ardently defending white supremacy.

Born on November 2, 1938 in a dysfunctional large family. He spent his early years in an orphanage. He was adopted by a priest's family.

I couldn’t get into the new parents’ religiosity. Since childhood, I have been interested in studying pagan gods. He considered Adolf Hitler his idol and role model. Towards the end of his life he created a “bible” of 88 commandments for white nationalists.

Died in custody while serving more than 150 years of imprisonment.

Modern nationalists consider him the creator of the 1488 slogan.

What do David Lane's 88 Commandments mean?

The main message of these commandments is the perception of nature as the main deity and the highest law without observance, which people are incapable of harmonious relationships with the outside world.

Attention is drawn to the so-called substitution of concepts between faith and religion. Religion, according to Lane, works for the state and lobbies its interests in the souls of believers.

  • Multiracial religions kill nations and make them faceless.
  • The development of laws leads to the loss of freedom and national identity.
  • The laws of nature are deprived of rights and privileges; they can only be earned in mortal combat.
  • Racial antipathy towards each other is inherent in nature. A multiracial society is contrary to the laws of nature. Mixing of races leads to the suicide of a nation.
  • Unarmed people who do not know how to stand up for themselves are potential slaves.
  • The main signs of the imminent death of a nation are the mixing of blood, the absence of the institution of family, the presence of foreign cultures, and a religion built on the denial of the laws of nature.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that for white nationalists the numbers 1488 mean a welcoming slogan that contains the main tenets of modern fascist nationalism.

You can also watch a small but useful video about the meaning of the numbers 1488:

Unfortunately, such a number is used in a rather controversial context. Many people are interested in what 1488 means. You can find out about this in the article. It is used solely for the purpose of indicating to migrants and people like them that they do not want to see their presence in their country. The numbers 14 and 88 have separate meanings. But when combined, they receive an additional meaning. They are also often separated by a slash. You can find out what these numbers mean, why someone draws them, and what options are available to correct the situation at the moment by reading the article and familiarizing yourself with the information in it.

The meaning of the number 14

The number 14 means: “we must preserve the existence of our people and the future for White children.” Although the Russian version has only 11 words, the English version has 14. These words were first spoken by the late David Lane, one of the most ardent fighters against people of color in the modern United States.

The meaning of the number 88

We can answer the first part of the question, what does 1488 mean. The second number remains. He has several options:

  • The most popular version is that this number means “Heil Hitler.” The thing is that when written using the Latin alphabet, both words begin with the English letter “N”, which has the 8th serial number.
  • Also, David Lane, who was already mentioned above, has a kind of “cultural” heritage, which consists of 88 points.

Additional signs

Also often used is the "/" sign, which is placed between numbers. Typically, its interpretation is explained by racial differences and the need to separate people by the color of their skin. So with the use of a slash, the question of what 1488 means may receive a completely different answer.


The desire of antisocial elements to stand out with the help of various tattoos or signs has been around for a long time. But with the help of such signs, for example, such as the number 1488, belonging to certain views is shown. Basically, such tattoos are typical for criminal elements based in the United States. But in recent years, under the influence of processes taking place in the state, these views are beginning to gain popularity in places of deprivation of liberty on the territory of the Russian Federation. Citizens of our state see and are interested in what the number 1488 means, which is one of the negative results of globalization.

Alternative interpretation

Each number has alternative interpretations. So, for 14 it is:

  • Various life-affirming demands, among which you can find: “We must ensure a good and secure future for all people” or “I love playing this, playing that. I love playing this, playing this, playing this." All options given here in Russian do not have the 14 words that they contain in English.

    There are more additional interpretations for the number 88:

    • So, as a variation on why it is used, a theory has been put forward that it is related to the 88 armor-piercing caliber - one of the best engineering solutions presented by the Germans during the Second World War;
    • The musical version is also used: in the United States, these numbers often denote hip-hop and its fans. Fans of playing the piano also resort to them (36 black keys and 52 white ones);
    • Also, according to a certain theory, 88 stands for the encrypted symbol SS, it was used by people who carried out ethnic cleansing. It denotes the role that these people want to try on.
    • Among the Chinese, 88 is used as a short symbol of farewell during chat correspondence, or in some cases a tender, literally erotic farewell. Therefore, if you see a Chinese with two eights, do not rush to grab him and beat him: for him, most likely, they mean something completely different than for you.

Reason for popularity and possible solution

Now that there is information about the popularity of such a sign, you should decide what to do with it? Why did this happen and how did it happen? It should be noted that everything did not arise unexpectedly, but is, although sad, quite a natural influence of migration to the country. The fact is that people constantly travel to the Russian Federation whose professional, cultural and general level of development leaves much to be desired. As a result, certain cultural-nationalist conflicts occur. Because of them, you have to find out what the number 1488 means, which constantly appears in various places.

Tightening immigration legislation, rules for inspecting equipment and the territory through which illegal migration takes place, and tougher punishment for violating state borders can help solve the problem described above. In parallel with this, it is necessary to carry out measures aimed at increasing demographic growth among the indigenous population of the Russian Federation, so that a significant number of migrants are simply forced out due to lack of work. And then we can calmly forget what 1488 means.

Recently, when geopolitical changes began to occur on the world stage, nationalist views have noticeably begun to gain popularity. Of course, this trend cannot be called positive, since moderate nationalism very easily develops into radical Nazism.

It is immediately necessary to clarify the meaning of the above terms.

Nationalism is an ideology that places the nation at the head of political and state life, as the highest form of national unity and the focus of all its aspirations.

Nazism (short for the German “National Socialism”) is, in simplified terms, the ideology of the Third Reich, founded by, which combined fascism, racism and anti-Semitism.

Our contemporaries have a question: why does a set of numbers – 1488 – periodically appear in media headlines? This number is also written through an oblique line: 14/88.

If the reader likes, then you should be interested, what does 1488 mean?.

It's easy to guess that this is a code slogan. It is often used as a signature or greeting among white nationalists. In turn, in short, white nationalists are followers of an ideology that promotes the white race and, in general, the identity of a white person. The word “white” does not mean at all that this concept is bright and good in its essence, since it has many violent aspects, like ordinary Nazism in the classical sense of the word.

Now let's look at several interpretations of what 1488 means among the Nazis.

The value 1488 is divided into two numbers: 14 and 88

David Lane

The first part - 14, refers to 14 words invented by a white Nazi adherent, an American named David Lane.

His 14 words sound like this: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children” (“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children”).

It is not difficult to understand that this is a direct follow-up to Hitler, who was obsessed with the spread of the “superior Aryan race,” whose representatives were supposed to be tall, blue-eyed, blond.

The meaning of the second part of the number 1488 has three interpretations.

The first, fairly common explanation, is that 88 stands for “Heil Hitler!” (“Heil Hitler!”), since the letter “H” occupies the 8th place in the Latin alphabet, and the two capital letters of Hitler’s salute indicate, respectively, the number consisting of two eights – 88.

The second interpretation comes down to the above-mentioned American Nazi David Lane, who wrote the 88 commandments of Nazism.

The third designation of the number 88 indicates that in the book of Adolf Hitler “My Struggle”, in chapter 8 there is a quote consisting of 88 words:

Adolf Gitler

We are fighting for the sustenance and expansion of our race and our people. We are fighting to ensure food for our children, for the purity of our blood, for the freedom and independence of our fatherland. We are fighting so that our people can truly fulfill the historical mission entrusted to them by the creator of the universe. Our every thought and every idea, all our science and all our knowledge - everything should serve only this goal. Only from this single point of view should we check the expediency of one or another means.

Now you know what 1488 means and, as it turns out, there is nothing complicated here, although a certain sacredness is still present. After all, this is a symbol.

Unfortunately, we must admit that such slogans and greetings are popular among modern youth. Nationalism, mixed with Nazism, is increasingly taking hold of young minds, instilling a certain romance of Aryan belonging and ideas about a superior race.

However, it is unlikely that any of the representatives of this ideology will be able to explain what does 14/88 stand for or in general, it is reasonable to justify your views on the world and man as such.

It should be remembered that such “games” led to tens of millions of terrible deaths and the spread of monstrous, misanthropic ideas in the first half of the 20th century. That is why it is necessary to clearly explain to people who are passionate about such things that there is no goodness, happiness and joy where this is done through the destruction or even simply infringement of another person, regardless of the color of his skin, religion or social status.