Making plans for the day using the Alpa method. Alps method

When planning a working day, allocate following types tasks:

  • “hard” tasks are tasks associated with a specific point in time (report at 12.00).
  • “flexible” tasks are tasks not related to a specific point in time (find out the time of the report).
  • “budgeted” tasks are tasks that are large in scope, the highest priority, do not provide a strict time for their implementation, but require a large time resource (prepare for a report - 4 hours).

How to plan your working day?

1 step. Plan “hard” tasks on a time grid. For example, if you are planning several meetings, provide time reserves (“buffer” zones) between them for various unforeseen circumstances.

Step 2. Prepare full list“flexible” tasks (as a rule, in a diary this is done to the right of the time grid).

Step 3. Priority tasks that need to be completed first should be highlighted (underlining, color). It is necessary to start performing “flexible” tasks with them. Such tasks could be:

  • clarifying (tasks that organize the work routine for oneself and subordinates);
  • urgent (key for work processes)
  • aimed at strategic goals.

Step 4 For “budgetable” tasks, book time on a time grid or “flexible” task list. Remember: planning rigidly and simultaneously budgeting more than 60-70% of the time is unrealistic!

Step 5 If during the day there is free time between “hard” tasks, it must be filled out. This time should be filled starting with priority tasks.

An example of task distribution in a time grid when scheduling a worker for.

"tough" cases

"flexible" cases

What is 1-7-365 scheduling technology?

In order to control all tasks that usually have different terms executions, they should be grouped into thematic blocks. The fundamental positions for grouping should be “day”, “week”, “year”. In addition to the above positions, you can create others (for example, “project”, “work”). Using electronic systems planning, it is possible to see one task from different positions(for example, a task belongs to the “project” group and at the same time to the “week” group).

Thus, in personal planning it is important to have 3 main positions:

Day: tasks for today - a plan for the whole day in the diary;

A week: tasks that are due in the next week or month;

Year: all other long-term tasks.

The 1-7-365 workday planning technology is simple:

  1. In the evening, when making plans for the next day, you need to look at the “week” section. All tasks from the “week” section that already require completion are entered in the “day” section.
  2. Once a week, when making plans for the next week, you should look at the “year” section, where everything comes from current tasks are rewritten in the “week” section.

Alps method

The Alps method is a daily planning system that is widely used both in Europe and in Russia. The name of the method is conditional; it symbolizes the rise to the intended goals - “heights”. The Alps method is a five-step algorithm:

Step 1:Tasks

In the evening, write down all the tasks that need to be completed tomorrow (or write down all the tasks for today in the morning).

  • It is recommended to have 7+/- 2 tasks per day.
  • tasks for the day are planned using technology 1-7-365 (i.e. tasks from the “week” section that already require completion are entered in the “day” section)

Step2: Priorities

Once you have compiled a list of tasks, they should be distributed by importance. How to do this is up to you. You can, for example, highlight priority tasks with underlining or color, or you can use the ABC approach, etc.

Step3: Time

Next, you need to estimate the amount of time it will take to complete each of the tasks you have planned. If these tasks are of a daily routine nature, it is worth doing them in advance timing. The main thing to remember here is that more than 60-70% of the time cannot be spent on “hard” and “budgeted” tasks.

Step 4:Rationalization and delegation

Analyze the tasks. Choose those that you as a leader (if this allows type of organizational structure) you can transfer to others for execution (delegate), and also determine whether tasks can be completed faster, easier and with the least amount of resources.

Step5: Day plan and control

On at this stage You can create a rigid-flexible plan for the day, start completing tasks, and also monitor their implementation. At the end of the working day, make decisions on unfinished matters - move them to other days, postpone or cancel them.

Key areas

Key areas are the most important areas of life in which certain results must be achieved.

  • Key areas should be reviewed periodically.
  • You cannot highlight more than 10 key areas.

How to identify your key areas?

  • First of all, you need to remember and write down all your daily activities. Next, they should be divided into groups so that each group unites cases that are related to each other or have common feature. These groups should then be given names. Thus, you have formed your key areas.
  • State it clearly to yourself overriding goals in work and life, that is, identify key areas based on your skills, desires, and views.
  • Don't think about anything. Write down your key areas spontaneously.

"Elephant Targets"

The so-called “elephant” tasks are large, large-scale tasks, the implementation of which requires very large quantity time. Typically, completing such tasks does not pay visible results before they are completed. Therefore, this category of cases is often postponed “for later.”

How to achieve “elephant” goals?

  • Apply SMART technology when formulating goals.

SMART technology serves to determine goal quality criteria that should be adhered to when setting goals.

S(Specific) - the description of each goal should present a clear, specific result.

M(Measurable) - each goal must be measurable using standard measurement procedures and specific indicators.

A(Agreed) - each goal cannot be inconsistent with other goals.

R(Realistic) - the goal must be achievable.

T(Time related) - each target must have clear definition in time, have specific deadlines her achievements.

  • Split the “elephant” into logically interconnected parts and include them in common list tasks for the day.
  • “Absorb” the “elephant” with any parts, even if they do not have logical connection between themselves!

The Alps method is an improved way of planning, preliminary preparation towards the realization of the intended goal.

The Alpa method in time planning can be used for any period of urgency: medium, short, long. To do this, it is recommended to make a to-do list in in writing. At first glance, all cases seem to be of equal value. But in any case, you need to distribute things in order of importance and highlight priorities and degree of importance.

Alpa's method is very simple. It takes no more than 5-10 minutes to create a plan. In practice it has been proven that constant use planning methods and techniques, daily time savings are 10-20%.

Stages of drawing up a plan

The Alpa Method consists of five steps:

Stage No. 1. Formation of a daily task, using the list from the “Daily Plans” category. Create a list of tasks for the coming day:

  • Unfinished tasks;
  • Added new tasks;
  • Mandatory, important matters;
  • Tasks from the weekly or monthly planning plan;
  • Unforeseen tasks.

When compiling, you must comply with the following requirements:

You should not write down all the tasks in a row, only the real necessary tasks.

Stage No. 2. Estimate the estimated time to complete each task.
There is a pattern: any task will require a period equal to the amount of time a person has available. That's why, set approximate time to complete and try to keep within it. A person concentrates, gets rid of minor interference.

Stage No. 3. Temporary stock reservation.
The highlight of the Alpa method is that so that the planned work is completed in 60% of the working time, the remaining time - 40% should be allocated as a reserve for unforeseen sudden circumstances.

You work 8 hours. This means that you have 3 hours in reserve, and complete the planned task in 5 hours (hurry up, tighten your work schedule).
If you work 10 hours. This means you have 4 hours in reserve, and complete tasks in 6 hours.

Let’s say there are more than 60% of the planned tasks. To do this, review your to-do list. Highlight benefits, delegate rights, reduce allotted time. Even after this, it was not possible to reduce the planned time to 60%. So, move unfinished tasks to another day..

Stage No. 4. By applying priority solutions to priority cases and the art of delegation of rights, we reduce the time to 5-6.5 hours for the allotted cases. The purpose of this stage: to once again clarify the tasks of the day and priorities. As well as the need for time to complete them.

Analytical assessment of each task for rationalization and delegation. Execution of the final version according to the established structure.

Stage No. 5 final. Execution of the planned business plan and control. It is clear from practice that not all tasks can be completed on time. Some have to be postponed until tomorrow.
Let's say you notice that some business is periodically postponed. There are two options: stop transferring - do it completely. Or this task has become irrelevant, you should abandon it.

The field of self-management is developing, it Experts recommend planning your day in the evening, which helps you gain self-confidence and concentrate your strength for the next day. Subconsciously, a person processes tasks and prepares concrete solutions. This means that the new working day will be manageable, fruitful, and foreseeable..

Thus, you can have your own full life rationally plan and organize.

Example of the Alps method

Let's say you are a businessman, owner large company. It is impossible to write all instructions completely. Therefore, you make your work and the secretary’s work easier by using abbreviated letters according to the type of specific activity.

B – meeting, visits;
D – delegation of tasks;
K - check, observation;
P - in work, in process;
PC - business trips, trips;
PR - dictation, handwritten business activity;
S - personal secretary;
T - telephone conversations;
C - correspondence (newspapers, reports, circulars).

Planning using the Alps method for a daily to-do list:

PC - a new trading place;
V - Petrov (computer service);
V - Serov (legal assistance);
P - study of market demand;
K - Matveev (product sales);
PR – Cheranev (request-letter);
Ch - special. magazine for managers:
T - Udoev (not staffed);
T - Denis (visiting the sauna with a friend).

The Alps method example looks clearly, summarized in a table:

Priority matters: A - urgent, important; B – important, but very urgent; B - urgent, but not very important.

It is better to do the most important work, knowing the time of your fruitful work. Don’t forget about rest and changing your activity so that your work brings you joy.

Example: Don't schedule meetings back to back. Set aside time in the morning and afternoon.

If you suddenly have a few minutes of free time, don't waste it, take it short task: Look through correspondence, call a friend.

Suddenly the planned plans changed dramatically: an unforeseen business trip, a business meeting. You can quickly rewrite, according to time planning methods, according to the Alpa method, a to-do plan within 5-10 minutes.

Actually, don't be afraid flexible schedule work. A well-thought-out plan using the five stages of the Alpa Method will never fail you.

Advantages of the Alpa Method

  • Purposeful actions during the working day;
  • Rationalization by grouping similar cases;
  • Reducing wasted intervals;
  • Stable self-discipline;
  • Reducing nervous tension;
  • Fighting forgetfulness;
  • Achieving specific goals at work;
  • Working spirit;
  • Increased satisfaction and motivation;
  • Perception of work achievement, tide good mood at the end of the shift.
  • Identification and implementation of priority cases;
  • Increased potential and personal results of work;
  • Proper organization of work shifts, gain and gain time.

In time management, there are many methods for planning daily tasks. These include: the Eisenhower matrix, the Pareto principle, ABC analysis, but the Alpa method - rational planning time and consists of five stages.

I advise you to take it into account. And if you are interested, use it in life.

The Alps Method is a metaphorical name that symbolizes gradually ascending to your goal and achieving your goals.

Why is this technique needed? It helps you prepare for your intended goal, optimize work activity and save time.

The Alps method has 5 steps.

First step. It is necessary to draw up list of tasks for the day. As usual, you take a sheet and write it down. This is done in the evening, or at the beginning of the working day, before you start work. These can be short-term and long-term tasks, your plans, ideas, unforeseen tasks. We believe that in one day we can deal with for the most part their affairs.

Step two. We divide all tasks into three categories: A, B and C. A is important category tasks that require no delay. It must be done. Category B tasks are tasks that need to be done on a residual basis. And tasks of category C are unimportant tasks that you can not do or delegate them to other people.

It is necessary to evaluate each task in terms of duration: how long it will take to complete them. This is very important step. Plan with a little reserve. If, for example, morning work-out It takes you 15 minutes, write 20. But don’t increase it too much. After all, everyone knows the rule that a task requires exactly as much time as is available for it. Thanks to such reserves, you leave some time corridors that you can use when unscheduled tasks arise.

Third step.

Necessary reserve time. The idea is to plan only 60% of your working time.

That is, if you work 10 hours, then schedule your day for 6 hours. If it is 5 hours, then, accordingly, for 3 hours. That is, you select tasks from the list that will fit within these 3 hours. If there are more tasks, then move them to another day, delegate them to assistants or cross them out. The remaining unimportant and non-urgent tasks are time sinks: they kill your time without moving you towards achieving your goals.

Why is 60% taken to reserve working time? The fact is that scientists and researchers have proven that people, as a rule, work on work tasks 60% of the time. In addition, we must not forget about unforeseen tasks, about some force majeure, about some Additional tasks, which may arise unexpectedly. All this also takes time. If you have everything planned out work time, you won't have any room to maneuver. And this means stress, this is failure to complete other tasks, this is a violation of the entire system.

Fourth step The algorithm just gives you an understanding of what tasks you will delegate.

Set your priorities in order of importance A, B, C.

Or plan according to (urgent important, non-urgent unimportant, urgent unimportant, important non-urgent).

Next and last fifth step. Live the day, do the planned things and rate what was accomplished and what was not. Maybe you somewhere incorrectly planned the time to complete this or that task? What didn't you have time for?

2. Planning: how to prepare to complete your tasks
2.4. Making daily plans using the Alps method

Planning, as already noted, means preparation for achieving goals. In this regard, they also talk about target plans. You will be able to perceive the world around you completely differently if you know what you want and when (why), i.e. if you have a specific plan for spending time.

It is fundamentally important to have a written plan for the day.
- Plans for the day that are kept in your head are easily rejected.
- Written plans for the day provide memory relief.
- A written plan has the psychological effect of self-motivation to work. Your business activity becomes more focused and focused on strictly following the daily program.
- As a result, you are less distracted and more motivated to focus only on the intended tasks.
- Thanks to monitoring the results of the day, you do not “lose” unfinished tasks (transfer to the next day).
- Through written recording, you increase the effectiveness of planning, since you better assess time requirements and “interference”, and you can also plan reserve time more realistically.
- Consistent planning of the day determines the improvement of your personal work methodology
- If there is clarity about what needs to be done during the day, then you automatically try to rationalize your work and, in addition, consciously counteract the “interference” of an internal or external order. In this case, you will not be distracted by unnecessary telephone conversations, You limit yourself to only the most essential. If at the end of the day you ask yourself the question of what has actually been done, then the reason for this lies mainly in the lack of a clear goal setting for the day.
- A realistic daily plan should, in principle, contain only what you want or need, and can do that day. Because the more achievable you consider your goals, the more energy you concentrate and mobilize for their implementation.

Five stages of the Alps method

The method we present to you is relatively simple, and after some exercises it will take on average no more than 10 minutes to create a daily plan.

It's relatively easy to remember because it's based on memotechnics: initial letters symbolize subject concepts. Even if it seems to you that you are suffocating under a “pile of things to do,” do not resign yourself to fate, but act according to the “Alps” method.

The method includes five stages:
1) writing assignments;
2) assessment of the duration of the shares;
3) time reservation (in a ratio of 60:40);
4) making decisions on priorities and reassignment;
5) control (accounting for what has not been done).

First stage: writing assignments

Write down under the appropriate headings of the “Day Plan” form everything that you want or need to do the next day:
- tasks from the to-do list or from the weekly (monthly) plan;
- unfulfilled the day before;
- added cases;
- deadlines that must be met; recurring tasks.

Use abbreviations that correspond to the type of activity or headings in the “Day Plan” form:
B - visits, meetings;
D - delegation of affairs;
K - control;
P - in process, in action;
PC - trips, business trips;
ETC - paperwork, business letters, dictation;
S - secretary;
T - telephone conversations;
H - the process of reading (reports, circulars, newspapers, etc.).

Compiled in this way task list for a day it might look like this:
PC - BMW seller (used cars);
B - Mr. Muller (computer program);
B - Mr. Schulte ( expert review);
P - market research project;
T - Mr. Schmidt (sales statistics);
PR - Mr. Gunter (letter);
CH - special magazine for managers;
T - Mr. Mayer (staff shortage);
T - Helmut (evening jogging).

With a little practice, you can make a list of tasks so that:
- as a first approximation, distribute them by priority;
- divide them into protracted and “short”, short-term ones;
- recheck tasks related to personal contact to see if they can be completed more efficiently in a rational way(using a telephone, etc.).


P - market research project;

In - Schulte (expert assessment);

PC - BMW seller (used cars);

CH - special magazine for managers;

T - Schmidt (sales statistics);

Short work;

PR - Gunther (letter);

T - Muller (computer program);

T - Mayer (staff shortage);

"Telephone" block.

T - Helmut (evening jogging);

However, this is only the beginning of creating your daily plan. A realistic daily plan should always be limited to what you are actually able to do.

Second stage: estimating the duration of the shares

Write down the approximate time for completing it against each task, add it up and determine the approximate total time.


P - market research project


H - special magazine for managers


T - Schmidt (sales statistics)


PR - Gunther (letter)


T - Muller (computer program)


T - Mayer (staff shortage)


T - Helmut (evening jog)


You might argue that the duration of individual cases cannot be estimated accurately enough. It's right. However, after gaining a certain amount of experience, you will be able to use it as the basis for planning your time. After all, in your activities you also encounter difficulties in assessing the market, turnover and costs.

Keep in mind also that work often requires as much time as you have at your disposal. So, by setting a specific period of time for individual tasks, you force yourself to fit into this particular time.

You work much more focused and more consistently get rid of distractions if you have dedicated certain time. Try making written plans for 10 days, and you will begin to feel more and more confident about it.

Third stage: reserving time in reserve

When drawing up a daily plan, adhere to the basic rule of time planning, according to which the plan should cover no more than 60% of your time and approximately 40% should be left as reserve time for unexpected things.

If you assume a 10-hour working day, this means that it is in your interests to cover no more than 6 hours with your plan. However, your goal should be an 8-hour workday, with a planned time of approximately 5 hours!

If you have planned more than 60% of your time, then you should inexorably bring the list of tasks you have compiled to the specified parameters, setting priorities, delegating tasks and reducing the time allotted for them. The remainder of the work must either be carried over to the next day, crossed out, or completed through overtime.

Stage Four: Deciding on Priorities, Cuts, and Reassignments

Goal: reduce the time allotted for completing daily tasks to 5-6 hours.
- Set clear priorities for your affairs, for example, using ABC analysis, and clarify the tasks of the day in accordance with them (see Chapter 3).
- Double-check your calculated need for time and reduce the time for all things to what is absolutely necessary; try to stay grounded in reality,
- Consider each share from the point of view of the possibility of its delegation and rationalization (see “delegation” in 3.5).

In the final version, the day plan in our example looks like in the following way:

Priorities Watch Reassignments

P - market research project

A 2,5

0.5 hours assigned to Mr. X

In - Schulte (expert assessment)

A 1,5

G - Schmidt (sales statistics)

B 0,5

PR - Gunther (letter)

B 0,5

Entrusted to Mr. X. N.

PC - BMW seller (used cars)

B 0,5

Ch - special. magazine for managers

IN 0,5

T - Muller (computer program)



T - Helmut (evening run)


Ʃ =60

Fifth stage: control and transfer of undone

Experience shows that not all tasks can be completed and not all telephone conversations can take place. Therefore, they have to be rescheduled to the next day.

If you postpone the same task many times, then it becomes a burden for you, and then there are two possibilities:
- You finally take it decisively and bring it to the end;
- You refuse this matter, because sometimes the problem resolves itself.

Since there is not enough space for daily plans in ordinary reminder calendars, and individual sheets have the disadvantage that they are lost general review, it is recommended to regularly and consistently work with a special time diary. It may be suitable for daily and other time plans (see 2.5).

Rationalization of time use using bureaugraphy

You can streamline your plan even further if you use other abbreviations and abbreviations to identify the most important elements in addition to letter abbreviations. graphic symbols, the so-called bureaucracy.

For example:





To figure out.


Priority category A.


Mission accomplished.


The task was carried out particularly well.


Postponement to a later date.


An impossible or self-resolved matter.

Use other notations of your own as well. Personal creativity does not need to be limited here. With the help of bureaugraphy you can increase efficient use such aid like a time diary.

What does the Alps method give?

Spending an evening at first 20, then 10, and then only 5 minutes using the “Alps” method will bring you multiple gains in time. Below are the main arguments in favor of the method.

20 advantages of the Alps method
- The best mood for the upcoming working day.
- Planning for the next day.
- A clear understanding of the tasks of the day.
- Organizing the flow of the day.
- Overcoming forgetfulness.
- Concentration on the most essential.
- Reducing the amount of “paper” work.
- Achieving the goals of the day.
- Selection of more important and less important matters.
- Making decisions about setting priorities and reassigning.
- Rationalization through task grouping.
- Reduce interference and unwanted interruptions.
- Self-discipline when completing tasks.
- Reducing stress and nervous tension.
- Calm perception of unforeseen events.
- Improved self-control.
- Feeling of success at the end of the working day.
- Increased satisfaction and motivation.
- Increase in personal results.
- Gain in time due to the methodical organization of work.

With successful use of time planning techniques and methods scientific organization labor, you can save 10 to 20% of your time every day!

Try to win 1 hour of time every day - the “golden hour”!

Try planning and organizing your workday using the Alps method for one month. This will require some self-discipline, but you will quickly appreciate the benefits of planning your time every day.

When will you start? Maybe tomorrow?
Date ___________

Make a plan before you start work, namely in the evening of the outgoing day: you will go home with more confidence and relaxation and start a new day with greater concentration of strength the next morning!

Psychological background

Already on the way home and on the way to work in the morning, your subconscious mind processes the tasks of the day and prepares possible solutions. Since the formulation of the main tasks is before your eyes and the approaches to solving them are outlined, a new day full of work no longer looks gray and difficult, but foreseeable, planned and manageable.

You are no longer so easily distracted by extraneous matters, because of which you previously postponed solving the main tasks to increasingly distant dates, until the latter were resolved in a hurry, at the expense of overtime and generally less satisfactory.

1. The minimum thing you need to take on along with detailed plans day is the annual plan in general terms.
2. Next step You can optionally enter a ten-day and then a monthly plan.
3. Integrated, continuous time planning also covers the quarterly plan and thus includes all stages of the time planning system - from the extended annual plan to the daily plan.
4. In accordance with your inclinations and ideas about goals in the professional and personal spheres, you can ultimately expand the system to drawing up plans for several periods of life and your entire life in general. As a tool for planning and managing your time in everyday practice should probably be used most effective remedy personal self-management - time diary.

day since defining their priorities.

It’s not a busy day, but I want to get a lot done. What should I do? There are no miracles, but optimizing the structure of your day is quite possible, and you need to start doing this with morning planning. Ability to prioritize, understanding Pareto principle and familiarity with B. Franklin’s system of setting life goals, Alps method , Eisenhower matrix And ABC analysis, knowledge of the rules for compiling a to-do list, the use of small and medium time.

List and priorities

1. First, draw up a general to-do list for the day as usual. List detail - optimally 15 items.

For very short, 3-minute tasks, don’t write them down at all: it’s cheaper to do them right away.

2. Set priorities: A (important and urgent), B (important and not urgent), C (urgent but not important). Look Eisenhower Matrix

When you really start doing this, and doing it in writing, that is, responsibly, you will understand how powerful it is. Because this is a decision about an entire day of your life: what you will actually do and what you will remove from your life...

Three columns

In accordance with your priorities, rewrite the list in three vertical columns: A, B and C. If you write things in one or two words, it will take a minute, and you will think about it again and feel the correctness of your priorities.


Now we bend the sheet so that column C goes out of sight, and only the important and most important matters remain in the field of our vision and attention.

We count the required time

Opposite each item we write how many minutes you want to allocate today (you plan, you need) for this matter. The basis for these numbers will be the experience gained from tracking your time.

Add up the total number of minutes.

We pack in frames

Determine the realistic amount of time that you can manage, and pack into this amount what you have planned for today. See article 500 equals 300 plus 200. The article may also be useful Impeccability

We put the “pegs”

“Pegs” are events of the day that are tied to a strictly defined time of day. Write them into your schedule.

Negotiations - 15.00. We meet in a cafe on Prechistenka.

If necessary, count and place a Dead-line on them. Look Dead-line

Making the composition of the day

Everything important is already known: the time frame of the day is clear, the pegs are set, the to-do list is defined. Now create a composition for the day. The basic rules are simple:

  • we start with the most important thing, ensuring best time the highest priority matters,
  • Then we arrange things, taking care of the change in the nature of the activity, in order to find joy and relaxation in each subsequent switch.

Preparing the “RAM”

​​​​​​​​​​​​​Prompt tasks are short tasks that can quickly fill unexpected free time.

The meeting is delayed, you have 15 free minutes: what to do with yourself? Oh, you have letters printed out, which are convenient to look through now. So, we make sure in advance that any disruptions in the planned schedule can be meaningfully covered up with something: we think through and prepare a list of such “operative” tasks, short tasks.

Sometimes they are called “patches” - something that can quickly cover up the holes of the day. Which name do you like best, choose for yourself.

As a rule, it is convenient to make “operatives” out of cases in column C: things that are quite urgent, but not very important. You don’t have to do them, but if time comes up, we’ll do them with pleasure.

That's it, the work plan for the day is ready, and you are ready for the main turns of events. If events unfold in a completely unexpected way, we state: “New introduction!”, and rewrite the day’s plan in accordance with the new circumstances. Usually it doesn’t take more than 10 minutes, then we live as usual according to a flexible and thoughtful plan.

I wish you success!


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