Syntactic norms (construction of sentences with gerunds). Looking me over from head to toe

1. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Having graduated with honors from the Polytechnic Institute,

1) tears of joy welled up in his eyes

2) I had a successful career ahead of me

3) my sights are set on working in a design bureau

4) a graduate with a diploma in process engineering came to a well-known plant.

2. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Working with chemical reagents in the laboratory,

1) try to be extremely careful.

2) I understood many of the laws of chemistry.

3) relationships sometimes don’t work out.

4) the inscriptions on the flasks are made in clear handwriting.

3. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Having made a name for itself through disease research and vaccine use,

1) I have developed wonderful relationships with all the scientists.

2) it contributed to the spread and development of science.

3) the scientist Louis Pasteur remained a very modest man.

4) additional financial resources are needed.

4. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

When starting to write an essay-reasoning for the Unified State Exam,

2) carefully, thoughtfully read the source text.

3) the problem is often formulated inaccurately and incorrectly.

4) the commentary on the formulated problem is ignored.

5. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Reading about the sufferings of Bruno and Galileo,

1) the dogma about the existence of only one world was anathematized.

3) the doctrine of the infinity of the Universe will never be forgotten.

4) the tragedy of scientists still haunts researchers of their lives.

6. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Traveling through the endless Far Eastern taiga,

2) a description of the relief of Primorye is given and mountain system Sikhote-Alin.

3) geographer V. Arsenyev studied the rich flora and fauna of this region.

4) it’s already dark.
Provide a grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
Reading the books of zoologist A. Brem,
1) these are not studies, but biographies of animals.
2) it gets very interesting.
3) the main ideas are expressed correctly.
4) you are joyfully surprised by the weirdness of the world.
Reading books about Leonardo da Vinci and looking at his paintings,
1) think about the extraordinary exception that nature has made for humanity.
2) nature wanted to combine many talents in one person.
3) nothing should distract you.
4) it quickly became dark outside the library window.
Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
Throwing stones into the water
1) splashes flew in all directions.
2) wide circles disperse.
3) Leonardo da Vinci explained the spread sound waves.
4) I had great mood.
Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
Seeing the blue Earth and a completely black sky through the porthole,
1) there is a desire to protect her from any troubles.
2) the astronaut had no equal.
3) the astronaut was overcome with joyful excitement.
4) the astronaut froze in fascination.

The work was added to the site website: 2016-03-13

">1 option


">Creating a painting,">
1) the artist used oil.
2) oil was used.
3) oil paints were used.
4) the work was carried out for several days.

;color:#000000">A4-2 Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence:

;color:#000000">Rising into the sky,

;color:#000000">1) the glider is supported by rising air jets;

;color:#000000">2) the glider is held by rising air currents;

;color:#000000">3) the glider needs wind;

;color:#000000">4) the flight of the glider resembles the soaring of an eagle.

">Applying new method,

;color:#000000">A4-4. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

;color:#000000">Releasing final exam on literature,

;color:#000000">1) on exam paper the topic of the essay is written.

;color:#000000">2) we were offered several essay topics.

;color:#000000">3) avoid spelling and punctuation errors.

;color:#000000">4) it is understood that school will end soon.

">A4-5. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.">
">After reading Vampilov's play,">
1) much remained unclear to me.
2) images of characters appeared in front of me.
3) I wanted to see her production in the theater.
4) I decided to get closer to the work of this playwright

">Having thought through the daily routine down to the smallest detail,
">1) it was difficult to change anything.
2) we have achieved greater labor productivity.
3) it took into account that I have a busy work schedule.
4) I had to make changes to my usual life.

;color:#000000">A4-7. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence:


;color:#000000">1) interest in Russian history is awakened;

;color:#000000">2) it helps to study history;

;color:#000000">3) always interesting;

;color:#000000">4) understand history better

;color:#000000">A4-8. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence:

;color:#000000">Leaving on a trip,

;color:#000000">1) suddenly guests came to us.




">A4-9. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
">Looking at the rock paintings of the era stone age,

1) the drawings can be understood by people of different nationalities.
2) you see the most important events people's lives, hunting scenes and battles.
3) the understanding of such drawings can be ambiguous.
4) the realities of the distant past are visible.

;color:#000000">A4-10. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

;color:#000000">Having driven the sharks far out to sea,





;color:#1a1a1a">Option 2

;color:#1a1a1a">A4-1. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

;color:#1a1a1a">Having read the task carefully,
1) I have some questions.
2) start implementing it.
3) everything became clear to me.
4) you need to follow the example.


">Settled down on an earthen embankment,

  1. ">The spectators could see the entire stadium.
  2. ">games at the stadium were held to the approving or indignant shouts of the spectators.
  3. ">The spectators had an excellent view of the entire field.
  4. ">It was possible to watch the progress of the competition.


">When making a proposal,

  1. ">a remark was made to me.
  2. ">its structure is being considered.
  3. ">consider both lexical and grammatical meaning words
  4. ">style of speech must be taken into account.

">Cultivating vineyards">,

  1. ">The peasants took into account the terrain.
  2. ">great importance have geographical factors.
  3. ">the composition of the soil is taken into account.
  4. ">Traders determined the needs for grapes.

;color:#000000">Having carefully prepared for the performance,;color:#000000">
1) the speaker’s speech should nevertheless resemble improvisation.
2) the speaker’s speech must contain successful examples, images, and humor.
3) at good speaker speech is figurative, emotional and at the same time logical.
4) the speaker made a convincing speech.

">A4-6. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.">
">After paying the bill,

4) the books will be sent to you within a month.

;color:#000000">A4-7. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

;color:#000000">Hearing the signal,


;color:#000000">2) we hurried to the dining room;


;color:#000000">4) everyone was filled with rejoicing.


;color:#000000">Driven the sharks far out to sea;color:#000000">,

;color:#000000">1) the rescuers were no longer worried about anything.

;color:#000000">2) dolphins together with people met a rescue ship.

;color:#000000">3) calm reigned on the fishing boats.

;color:#000000">4) Another attack awaited the residents of the village.

;color:#000000">A4-9. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.






">Using a new method,
">1) brilliant results were achieved.
2) the language is learned very quickly.
3) you can quickly master any language.
4) the time required for language acquisition is reduced.

;color:#000000"> ;color:#000000">Option 3

;color:#000000">A4-1. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence:

;color:#000000">Walking around the city,

;color:#000000">1) suddenly it started to rain.

;color:#000000">2) his beauty is striking.

;color:#000000">3) we noticed a museum of modern art.

;color:#000000">4) we had fun taking pictures.

">A4-2. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.">
">Seeing a red traffic light,
1) the driver braked.
2) the car was stopped.
3) the car stopped.
4) traffic on the road has stopped.

;color:#000000">A4-3 Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

;color:#000000">Hearing the signal,

;color:#000000">1) the tents were instantly assembled;

;color:#000000">2) we hurried to the dining room;

;color:#000000">3) we didn’t have time to get ready;

;color:#000000">4) everyone was filled with rejoicing.

">A4-4. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.">
">After paying the bill,
1) ordered books are stored for a month.
2) your order will be completed by the publisher.
3) it is necessary to inform the publisher in writing of the payment order number.

;color:#000000">A4-5. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence:;color:#000000"> Entering the room,

;color:#000000">1) I had a surprised face;

;color:#000000">2) it was dark and stuffy there;

;color:#000000">3) I sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV;

;color:#000000">4) suddenly the lights went out.

;color:#000000">A4-6. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

;color:#000000">Lost by the end;color:#000000" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">XVII;color:#000000"> centuries the meaning of a defensive structure,

;color:#000000">1) Zemlyanoy Rampart became the customs border of Moscow.

;color:#000000">2) customs outposts appeared on Zemlyanoy Val.

;color:#000000">3) The earthen rampart was made the customs border of Moscow. 4) at the gate Zemlyanoy Val began to collect customs duties

;color:#000000">A4-7 Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence:

;color:#000000">Leaving on a trip,

;color:#000000">1) suddenly guests came to us.

;color:#000000">2) take care of return tickets in advance.

;color:#000000">3) there was a very cheerful atmosphere.

;color:#000000">4) there were too many things.

;color:#000000">A4-8. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

;color:#000000">Using language means expressiveness,

;color:#000000">1) speech is filled with bright colors,

;color:#000000">2) the writer figuratively solves the problem of Napoleonism.

;color:#000000">3) the individuality of the style is emphasized.







">A4-10. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.">
">Determining the meaning of unknown words,
1) I was overcome by doubts.
2) consult a dictionary.

">3) context is taken into account.
4) some of them turned out to be ambiguous.

;color:#000000">Option 4

;color:#000000">A4-1Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

;color:#000000">Working on an essay,

;color:#000000">1) no one should distract you;

;color:#000000">2) you will need critical articles;

;color:#000000">3) don't get distracted;

;color:#000000">4) first a plan is drawn up.

;color:#000000">A4-2. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

;color:#000000">Studying plants middle zone,

;color:#000000">1) I became interested in this problem.

;color:#000000">2) some of them are used for landscaping.

;color:#000000">3) they were collected in a herbarium.

;color:#000000">4) pay attention to their differences from other plants

;color:#000000">A4-3. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

;color:#000000">Using expert advice,

;color:#000000">1) you can renovate your apartment yourself.

;color:#000000">2) careful attention to these recommendations is required.

;color:#000000">3) I have a problem own solution Problems.

;color:#000000">4) everything will become simple and clear.

;color:#000000"> A4-4 Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

;color:#000000">Doing hometasks,

;color:#000000">1) don’t get distracted

;color:#000000">2) music plays often

;color:#000000"> 3) the correct meeting must be used

;color:#000000">4) could have been written good essay

;color:#000000">A4-5. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

;color:#000000">Consuming a small amount of fuel,

;color:#000000">1) energy resources are saved.

;color:#000000">2) the car can reach high speed.

;color:#000000">3) the problem of energy saving is solved.

;color:#000000">4) one of the advantages of the car is its efficiency.

;color:#000000">A4-6. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence:

;color:#000000">Getting acquainted,

;color:#000000">1) a favorable impression should be made.

;color:#000000">2) we followed the rules of good manners.

;color:#000000">3) there was a change.

;color:#000000">4) they were given names.

">A4-7. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

">Playing chess,

  1. ">I have a headache.
  2. ">
  3. ">the evening flew by unnoticed.
  4. ">

;color:#000000">A4-8..Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence:

;color:#000000">Leaving on a trip;color:#000000">,

;color:#000000">1) suddenly guests came to us.

;color:#000000">2) take care of return tickets in advance.

;color:#000000">3) there was a very cheerful atmosphere.

;color:#000000">4) there were too many things.

;color:#000000">A4-9. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

;color:#000000">Comparing the words “glad” and “joy”,

;color:#000000">1) they are perceived as having the same root.

;color:#000000">2) it seems obvious to us that they have the same root.

;color:#000000">3) we must take into account that historically they come from different roots.

;color:#000000">4) this is an interesting example of rethinking words and changing their composition.

">A4-10. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
">After paying the bill, ">
1) ordered books are stored for a month.
2) your order will be completed by the publisher.
3) it is necessary to inform the publisher in writing of the payment order number.
4) the books will be sent to you within a month.

">option 5

">1. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

">Analyzing the poem,

">1) ">rhythm and intonation are often not taken into account.

">2) ">don't forget to determine its size.

">3) ">we got into an argument about its topic.

">4) ">a decision must be made about the method of analysis.

">2. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

">Having moved to my uncle's estate,

">1) ">Evgeny Onegin quickly lost the desire to live in the village.

">2) ">Eugene was occupied with managing the farm for some time.

">3) ">Onegin initially doomed himself to voluntary loneliness.

">4) ">The hero’s “Russian blues” does not go away.

">3. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

">Studying history of Russia,

">1) ">perceived differently known facts pan-European


">2) ">you begin to better understand the events of our time.

">3) ">the features of the events of half a century began to appear before me


">4) ">The French students had more and more new questions.

">4. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

">Getting ready for the mountains,

">1) ">you need special permission.

">2) ">Lesha had a desire to take a camera with him.

">3) ">Bring warm clothes with you.

">4) ">we were haunted by uneasy premonitions.

">5. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

">Denying yourself everything,

">1) ">we saved money on housing costs.

">2) ">Andrey Yuryevich was saving money for a country house.

">3) “>It was noticeable how hard it was for the Shatrov family.

">4) ">New Year's gifts were a real holiday for Vanechka.

">6. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

">Rereading Yesenin's poems,

">1) ">Lena always had a dreamy and somewhat detached look.

">2) ">the reader is revealed amazing world Russian nature.

">3) ">you admire how emotional and expressive

">they are written in language.

">4) ">I always wanted to set them to music.

">7. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
">Repeating alone old truths,

  1. "> new laws are derived logically.
  2. ">it is impossible to open something new.
  3. ">there is no comprehension of the new.
  4. ">this is unlikely to lead to a discovery.

">8. ">Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
">Traveling by bicycle,

"> 1) the muscles of the legs and back develop.

">2) considerable endurance is required.

">3) you get great pleasure.

">4) my headlight broke.

">9. ">Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
">Refuting general statement,

">1) give at least one argument against what was said.

">2) we got into a heated argument.

">3) I didn't have enough arguments.

">4) this is called a counterexample.

">10. ">Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
">Using introductory words,

  1. ">These words make speech more emotional.
  2. ">the speaker's attitude towards the information contained in the sentence is revealed.
  3. ">the speaker expresses his attitude towards the information being transmitted.
  4. ">speech becomes more emotional.

">Option 6

  1. ">Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
    ">Wanting to become famous in any way,
  2. "> by court decision Herostratus was executed.
  3. ">Everyone was strictly forbidden to even mention his name.
  4. ">the shepherd Herostratus decided to destroy the temple of the goddess Artemis.
  5. ">this building was considered the crown of construction skill.
  1. ">Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

">Reading textbook text,

  1. ">don't get distracted.
  2. ">every phrase must be thought through.
  3. ">a dictionary is needed.
  4. ">This will take at least an hour.
  1. ">Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

">Overcoming all the difficulties of crossing the Alps,

  1. ">highest mountains and deep abysses surrounded them.
  2. ">Russian troops won victories over the enemy at the rocks of St. Gotthard.
  3. ">The Devil's Bridge hung over one of the abysses.
  4. ">The Russian soldiers had no fear.
  1. ">Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
    ">Composing problem model,
  2. ">several options for solving it are taken into account.
  3. ">translate the problem statement into mathematical language.
  4. ">I did not take into account the meaning of the variables.
  5. ">mathematical language must be used.
  1. ">Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

">Sending a telegram,

  1. ">return address is required.
  2. ">be sure to include a return address.
  3. ">They won't accept it without a return address.
  4. ">I didn't have enough money.
  1. ">Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
    ">Hearing a long beep,
  2. ">only after this you can dial the number.
  3. ">dial the subscriber's number.
  4. ">the subscriber's number is dialed.
  5. ">means the line is free">.

;color:#000000">7 . ;color:#000000"> Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence:

;color:#000000">Reading works Valentina Pikulya,

  1. ;color:#000000">interest in Russian history is awakening;
  2. ;color:#000000">this helps to study history;
  3. ;color:#000000">always interesting;
  4. ;color:#000000">understand the story better.

;color:#000000">A4-8. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence:

;color:#000000">Leaving on a trip,

  1. ;color:#000000">suddenly guests came to us.
  2. ;color:#000000">take care of return tickets in advance.
  3. ;color:#000000">there was a very cheerful atmosphere.
  4. ;color:#000000">it turned out to be too many things.

;color:#000000">A4-9. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence:

;color:#000000">Getting acquainted,

  1. ;color:#000000">a favorable impression should be made.
  2. ;color:#000000">we followed the rules of good manners.
  3. ;color:#000000">there was a change.
  4. ;color:#000000"> names were given to them.

">A4-10. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

">Playing chess">,

  1. ">I have a headache.
  2. ">we develop logical thinking.
  3. ">the evening flew by unnoticed.
  4. ">will and observation are cultivated


">1 option


">option 2


">option 3


">Option 4


">option 5


">Option 6


Option No. 2

Using additional literature,

    writing an essay will not be a problem for you.

    you can easily complete the task.

    Students had to search for the necessary information for a long time.

    this helps in preparing for exams.

Having become a creator, an artist 100 - 50 thousand years ago,

    at primitive man consciousness has changed.

    human transformation begins.

    the person remains so to this day.

    Perhaps, at first, man was motivated only by practical goals.

Using a phraseological dictionary,

    I was amazed by the richness of the language.

    The introductory article is read first.

    explain the meaning of this expression.

    Some examples will seem familiar to you.

Exploring the work of Pushkin,

    you are amazed at the versatility of the poet’s talent.

    features of classicism, sentimentalism and romanticism are revealed.

    the versatility of his talent is admirable.

    There are many more discoveries awaiting the literary critic.

5. Indicate a sentence with an adverbial phrase that does not contain an error.

    Being interested in many sciences, paleontology attracted him most of all.

    Afraid of being late for the exam, he woke up very early.

    Growing lushly in the summer, you can admire the southern front gardens for a long time.

    When visiting foreign countries, the beauty of their nature delights us.

6. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Rushing to the exam

    Excitement should not overwhelm you.

    It turned out that I forgot the cheat sheets.

    don't forget what you've learned.

    the hours ran quickly.

Escaping the heat

    need shade.

    hot green tea may help.

    Air conditioners help.

    animals can hibernate during the summer.

Syntactic norms (construction of sentences with participial phrases)

Option #3

1. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

While working on an essay,

    First, a plan is drawn up.

    think over its composition.

    you need additional materials.

    nothing should distract you.

2. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

After carefully examining the substance found,

    Scientists have found that it contains the rarest elements.

    his chemical composition turned out to be unusual.

    its chemical composition has been established.

    it is impossible to determine its use.

Solving the problem,

    read the conditions carefully.

    reference books are used.

    You cannot use a calculator.

    there may be several answers.

4. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Reading Russian classical literature,

    you will enrich yourself with knowledge of the history of our homeland.

    there is a lot to learn from many heroes.

    I admire the style of such writers as Chekhov, Bunin, Korolenko.

    the life and customs of our people are being recreated.

5. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Analyzing the work of Pushkin,

    Many more discoveries await literary scholars.

    features of many genres and trends are revealed.

    you are involuntarily amazed at the versatility of his talent.

    His talent is admirable.

6. Indicate a sentence with an adverbial phrase that does not contain an error.

    Having become acquainted with the results of the study, much becomes clear.

    After reading the article by a famous journalist, I was left with the impression of understatement.

    After walking several kilometers, fatigue knocked us off our feet.

    Having a sense of time, you can get a lot done.

7. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Looking me over from head to toe,

    his face expressed complete disappointment.

    I found this silence strange.

    She asked to be notified of her arrival in future.

    he needed to sort out his feelings.

Syntactic norms (construction of sentences with participial phrases)

Option No. 4

1. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

After watching New film E. Ryazanova,

    we felt sad.

    Everyone liked him very much.

    We decided to express our opinion to the director.

2. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in Russian,

    Explanatory and other dictionaries help you.

    writing an essay is one of the most difficult tasks.

    study all sections of the course and the rules of spelling and punctuation.

    Part B assignments require deep knowledge theoretical material.

3. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

After reading the aspiring writer’s manuscript for the second time,

    I was overcome by doubts.

    the proofreader discovered a factual error.

    I was informed that it was being prepared for publication.

    I thought about his talent.

4. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Going beyond the clouds

    the whole neighborhood suddenly took on an ominous appearance.

    the sun did not appear for a long time.

    it was dusk.

    darkness covered the forest.

5. Indicate the sentence in which the participial phrase is used correctly.

    By naming similar objects with the same word, ambiguity arises.

    By establishing the relationship of languages, it serves as valuable material for historians.

    Without water, predator birds get moisture from food.

    By coming up with a way to record gestures, it would help people of different nationalities communicate.

Studying the history of your country,

    the chronicles will help you with this.

    read memoirs of eyewitnesses of historical events.

    Museums store many unique documents.

    archives play a huge role.

7. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Preparing to write an essay,

    You need critical literature of your contemporaries.

    Extracts from criticism are made.

    It is not advisable to use ready-made samples.

    Be sure to read the work itself first.

Syntactic norms (construction of sentences with participial phrases)

Option #5

1. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Having been on an excursion in Taganrog,

1) the photographs captured all the monuments that we saw.

2) we came across a wonderful guide who knew the history of his hometown very well.

    in the city they carefully treat everything with which the name of Chekhov is associated.

    we saw the houses in which the prototypes of the heroes of Chekhov's works lived.

2. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Approaching the forest

1) I felt scared.

2) it started to rain heavily.

    it was starting to get dark.

    involuntarily I slowed down my steps.

3. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

While working on the review,

1) the main idea is not immediately determined.

    the text was evaluated.

    determine first main idea text.

    linguistic means of expression text.

4. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

After reading the story a second time,

    I think he is imperfect.

    I liked his composition.

4) some similarities with other works of the same author were discovered.

5. Indicate the sentence in which an error was made when using the participial phrase.

1) Having written the essay, the graduates began to prepare for the next exam.

2) Having met With Through the works of a famous linguist, I decided to become a philologist.

3) By studying the work of this writer, we learned a lot about the past of our country.

4) When preparing for the Russian language exam, explanatory dictionaries will help us.

6. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Getting readyto oralperformance,

    understand the essence of the issue.

    the personal conviction of the speaker will be required.

    I had my own vision of the problem.

    the opponent’s point of view became clear.

7. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Returning from work

    I stopped by on my way to see a friend.

    there were traffic jams on the roads.

    suddenly the weather turned bad and it began to rain.

    the shops were no longer open.

Syntactic norms

Option #1


    He paid little attention to this building.

    Yesterday we were just talking about this film.

    The mountainside we were descending, covered with thick ferns, was very steep.

2. Indicate a sentence in which the syntactic norms are not violated.

    The conversation with the head of the department lasted a long time.

    We haven't seen each other for only a week, but we already miss him.

    We bought beautiful fashionable tulle.

    He remembered the taiga and how he hunted a bear.

3. Which sentence has no grammatical error?

    You need to learn grammar to avoid mistakes.

    Upon arrival in Taganrog, he called me.

    The employee was fired according to the order.

    We ate sandwiches with delicious salami.

4. Which sentence has no grammatical error?

    It got colder and we put on warm coats.

    I missed you very much.

    The commission established the causes of the accident.

    It was raining and two students.

5. Please provide a sentence without a grammatical error.

    At the last competition, the Zhiguli car came first.

    According to the order of the rector, the head of the department went on a business trip.

    Those times have passed a long time ago, but we remember them well.

    My desk neighbor asked who would go to football with me.


7. Indicate a sentence that does not contain a grammatical error.

    Everyone who worked to improve the school garden was thanked.

    She is an excellent teacher.

    Garibaldi led the movement of Italians fighting for the independence of their homeland.

Syntactic norms

Option No. 2

1. In which phrase are the syntactic norms observed?

    strong coffee 3) defeated

    spoke for the book 4) according to plan

2. Which sentence has no grammatical error?

    Despite our persuasion, he did as he wanted.

    Not worth attaching special significance this information.

    The head of the clinic received us quickly.

    For an applicant wishing to study at this faculty, it will be necessary to know English.

3. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the synonymtaxi norm).

    The lightning in the darkness seemed whiter and more dazzling, so that it hurt my eyes.

    When the Sun rose from the sea, it illuminated the mountain peaks covered with snow.

    The snowstorm grew stronger and stronger, as if hordes of snow giants had flown in from somewhere beyond the Volga and began waving their wide white sleeves.

    The view that opens before the traveler who comes to the shore of Lake Baikal remains in the memory for a lifetime.

4. Which sentence does not have a grammatical error (syntacticthe norms have not been violated)?

    During the holidays I will go to my grandmother’s village, which is located on the banks of the Don.

    Yesterday we returned from school late in the evening.

    “I miss you,” I wrote in the letter.

    The most ancient literary monuments that have reached us date back to the 11th century.

5. taxi norm).

    sparkled bright lightning, and after that a sharp clap of thunder was heard.

    The mood of the crew, beyond usual, was high.

    Immediately one could hear the wind rustling in the trees.

    Despite the stormy weather, a patrol ship set out to sea.

6. In what sentence? subordinate clause complex sentence cannot be replaced separate definition, expressed by a participial phrase?

    Not a single photograph conveyed the special reflection that lay on it.

    When the cart that brought Leontyev to the cordon disappeared, he looked around and sighed.

    The land from which two people starved cannot be stopped loving forever.

    The sound that attracted his attention seemed very strange.

7. In which sentence the subordinate clause cannot be replaced by a participial phrase?

    The sea, which raged all night, was already serene and calm in the morning.

    The maid was an orphan who, fleeing from starvation, had to enter service.

    The sky was full of stars, which emitted an even, quiet light.

    The fun evening, which began without us, was in full swing.

Syntactic norms

Option #3


    When the performance ended, all the actors came on stage and bowed.

    Turgenev was a writer unusually sensitive to the beauty of words.

    Chaliapin was a genius on the dramatic stage as well as on the opera stage.

2. Indicate a sentence that does not contain a grammatical error.

    I not only read newspapers, but also magazines.

    You can still find a lot of interesting material in Ogonyok.

    This is what students were taught at school.

    I took a book lying on the table that belonged to the teacher.

3. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the synonymtaxi norm).

    The flame spread to the pine needles and, fanned by the wind, flared up with a groan and a whistle.

    Despite the early hour, the streets were full of people.

    Our stay in the bay, contrary to the expectations of many, was prolonged.

    This autumn burst into our native places, although at the right time, but still especially suddenly and sharply.

4. Which sentence has no grammatical error?

    Contrary to the forecast, it started to rain.

    After school I will go to my grandmother's.

    I returned from school late.

    I recovered thanks to treatment.

5. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the synonymtaxi norm).

    The state of affairs in the company leaves much to be desired.

    My friend has a big sweet tooth.

    We sincerely rejoiced at their success.

    Dominic stood almost on the very bank of the river, steeply descending to the rocks visible in the distance.

6. In which sentence the subordinate clause cannot be replaced by the participlenew turnover?

    The wind that rose at night fanned the flames of the fire.

    The decoration of the apartment in which he lived alone was very sparse.

    The meadows, which were strewn with birch leaves, breathed the sun.

    The peasants who accompanied us showed us the house we needed.

7. Choose the correct one from the listed sentences.

    I will go to university after finishing school.

    Students taking part in the Olympiad and who pass two rounds will receive certificates.

    Children, boys and girls, were walking in the park.

    The train arrived according to schedule.

Syntactic norms

Option No. 4

1. Please indicate the offer without grammatical errors(correct according tobuilt).

    In the story “The Jumper,” Chekhov condemns idleness.

    The whole house was filled not only with sighs, but also with alarming creaks.

    One of the heroes of the novel, searching for meaning life, the path to inner freedom opens.

    A coordinating conjunction is used and connects homogeneous members of a sentence.

2. Indicate a sentence that does not contain a grammatical error.

    Immediately upon arriving home, I called my friends.

    Having arrived a couple of days early and starting work that had been put off for a long time, I suddenly felt insurmountable fatigue.

    He was constantly asked whether he would complete the book he had begun.

    Dense lilacs have grown near his house?

3. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error.

    There are still no reviews for the theater's premiere performance.

    His mother was worried about him and Nina.

    In winter we missed the sea.

    People revere and adore the merits of this famous doctor.

4. Which sentence has no grammatical error?

    Ivasi was stale.

5. Which sentence has no grammatical error?

    It should be noted that the audience was highly active.

    That's why I'm telling you.

    You need to pay the fare.

    I miss my family.

6. Which sentence has no grammatical error?

    Don't pay attention to such trifles.

    This was his characteristic handwriting.

    Ivasi was stale.

    Whoever came to our city admired its provincial antiquity.

7. Indicate a sentence that follows syntactic rules.

    No one, not even the most famous doctors, could give him the correct diagnosis.

    The famous actors involved in the play, as well as all the other participants, performed with great success.

    The Cossacks' horses, which were covered with foam from the unbearable heat, climbed heavily along the steep path.

    IN new article famous scientist talks about ancient culture and modern art.

Syntactic norms

Option #5

1. Which sentence has no grammatical error?

    This behavior is not typical for an educated person.

    We drank strong black coffee.

    The peasantry has always fought against the landowners.

    The floor was presented to the school director.

2. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error.

    One of the independent arts, existing since the end of the 15th century, is graphics.

    Everyone who loves Russian culture in other countries knows the names of the great poets and writers - Pushkin, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy.

    Upon arrival from St. Petersburg, Gogol settled in the Aksakovs’ house (now on Suvorovsky Boulevard).

4) About your attitude towards classical music wrote V.P. Aksakov in the essay “Postscript”.

3. Which sentence has no grammatical error?

    The poem “Dead Souls” was the last work of art by N.V. Gogol.

    Old people are tolerant of children's pranks.

    Children rarely listen to and follow the advice of their parents.

    The trolleybus driver asked passengers to pay for the fare.

4. Indicate a sentence that does not contain a grammatical error.

    The state of affairs in our organization leaves much to be desired.

    We rejoiced at the success of the graduates.

    Many people gathered at the prince's place.

    The unbearable heat and drought lasted for more than a month.

5. Indicate a sentence that does not contain a grammatical error.

    Everyone who worked to improve the school garden was thanked.

    The writer clearly and talentedly showed what worries him.

    She is an excellent teacher.

    Garibaldi led the movement of Italians fighting for the independence of their homeland.

6. In which sentence is the subordinate clause of the complex pred?provisions cannot be replaced by a separate definition expressedparticipial phrase?

    I remember opening the book while standing near the kiosk where I bought it.

    We have had and still have writers who managed to introduce science into their stories and novels as essential quality prose.

    The writer is occupied by a dream that lives in everyone’s heart, be it a lumberjack, a shoemaker, a hunter or a famous scientist.

    Green's stories were intoxicating, like the fragrant air that knocks us off our feet after the fumes of stuffy cities.

7. Which sentence has no grammatical error?

    Classes were held according to the schedule.

    One of the Russian writers who described Russian life in detail was Ivan Bunin.

    For many centuries the peasantry fought against the landowners.

    He is not far from the truth in his statements.




Orthoepic norms



Believing in October Revolution, 1) the second stroke overtook him in New Year's Eve 1921. 2) the personality of a great scientist was formed. 3) N. Zhukovsky’s research in mechanics amazed scientists. 4) he gave himself to her recklessly. 15.

Choose the grammatically correct continuation. Studying the laws planetary movements, 1) among scientific treatises There is one completely unusual job. 2) it’s already completely dark. 3) fanaticism and mysticism coexist with the incomprehensible revelations of genius. 4) read the research of Nicolaus Copernicus. 16. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Seeing the blue Earth and a completely black sky through the porthole, 1) there is a desire to protect her from any troubles. 2) the astronaut had no equal.

3) the astronaut was overcome with joyful excitement. 4) the astronaut froze in fascination. 17. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Helping the poor and disadvantaged, 1) were chosen by us best products and things. 2) my heart aches with pain for them. 3) try to be delicate. 4) compassion and mercy are tested. 18. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Having cleared the streets and courtyards of garbage, 1) our mood was wonderful.

2) the air becomes cleaner. 3) don’t forget to plant flowers and trees later. 4) large trash cans are needed. 19. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Inviting a girl to the cinema, 1) her beauty has attracted me for a long time. 2) my gallantry knew no bounds. 3) buy your ticket in advance.

4) I didn’t need my friends’ help. 20. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Watching the news on TV, 1) I liked the announcer. 2) he turned out to be uninteresting. 3) it talked about the upcoming education reforms. 4) sometimes you think that these are crime reports. 21. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Breaking the rules fire safety, 1) the iron became very hot.

2) the fire hose has been removed. 3) there is a threat to the lives of others 4) be prepared for big troubles. 22. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Having planted a huge The Cherry Orchard, 1) the muscles of the arms, legs and back are strengthened. 2) satisfaction filled his soul. 3) decided to give the first harvest to an orphanage. 4) the first frosts destroyed the seedlings. 23. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Having won the World Cup, 1) the stadium was jubilant for a long time. 2) the ball flew into the opponent’s goal. 3) the team began to train hard again. 4) the mood of the fans changes. 24. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Buying a gift for mom 1) my wallet quickly became empty.

2) I was overcome with tender love for her. 3) try to arrange a real holiday for her. 4) our plans have changed. 25. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Returning home to Siberia. 1) the Decembrists were not allowed to live in Moscow and St. Petersburg. 2) the road of the Decembrists was endless.

3) the names of the Decembrists were forbidden to be mentioned. 4) many Decembrists hoped to see Russia renewed. 26. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Being rude to a stranger, 1) he felt completely unwell. 2) his rudeness knew no bounds. 3) some kind of dissatisfaction was felt. 4) my conscience suffered. 27. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Defending besieged Leningrad, 1) the blockade claimed thousands of lives. 2) hunger and cold reigned in him. 3) artillery shelling was carried out day and night.

4) our soldiers showed miracles of courage. 28. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Having outlined a personal position in the essay, 1) argue it thoughtfully. 2) the arguments were very interesting.

3) I had an unexpected idea. 4) the essay turned out to be interesting. 29. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. By nominating Faraday as a member Royal Society, 1) a stifling wave of secret envy swept over some of his opponents. 2) scientists recognized his enormous contribution to the science of electricity. 3) luck was with him.

4) the science of magnetism has reached wide road. 30. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Thinking about interplanetary flights, 1) space has ceased to be inaccessible. 2) SP. Korolev discussed his plans with the designers. 3) SP dreams. Korolev were brought to life. 4) suddenly a crack was discovered in the ship’s plating. 31.

Provide a grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Reading memories of Tolstoy, 1) my impression has changed. 2) the book left a pleasant impression. 3) I had a desire to go to Yasnaya Polyana.

4) you understand him as a writer and a person. 32. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence: Ordering the horsemen to dismount, 1) the horses went to the stable. 2) the order to attack was read. 3) the enemy's cavalry was defeated. 4) the commander went to one of them. 33. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Having completed more than two hundred parachute jumps, 1) the plane flew to the base. 2) free fall slowed down sharply.

3) the ground was rapidly approaching. 4) I stopped being afraid of the sky. 34. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence Laughing at your vices, 1) I felt sad. 2) gradually free yourself from them. 3) the joyful excitement did not go away for a long time. 4) the habit of analyzing one’s own actions was born.

35. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Having studied the works of Archimedes, 1) the passion for invention lived indestructibly in him. 2) Ancient Rome I never learned the secrets of this scientist’s throwing machines. 3) the surprise of the descendants knew no bounds.

4) human rumor and the judgment of descendants mean little to him. 36. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Setting out to conquer Mountain peaks or stormy rivers, 1) the backpacks were carefully packed. 2) the determination of tourists knew no bounds. 3) it is necessary to study the route. 4) a first aid kit never hurts. 37. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Thinking about meaning of life, 1) the heroes of L. Tolstoy will help you find your way.

2) L. Tolstoy’s favorite heroes follow difficult paths.

3) my sympathies belong to the heroes of L. Tolstoy. 4) the hearts of readers are open to L. Tolstoy’s favorite heroes. 38. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Listening to songs based on poems by R. Rozhdestvensky, 1) you experience an amazing feeling of spiritual cleansing. 2) involuntary tears flowed from the audience. 3) there remains a feeling of great gratitude to the poet. 4) loud applause was heard in the auditorium. 39. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Solving the complex test, 1) the error may appear due to inattention. 2) you need to be extremely careful.

3) inattention led to an error. 4) I had a feeling of uncertainty. 40. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. When I first came to the Papuans, 1) the researchers had problems. 2) scientists studied the ethnographic features of the tribe. 3) the travelers were amazed by their friendliness and hospitality. 4) Charles Darwin's theory of evolution arose. 41. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence: Having met Lobachevsky geometry, 1) First of all, spatial thinking is required. 2) it has no analogues in the world. 3) the beauty of his reasoning amazed me. 4) you open his four-dimensional world of the theory of relativity. 42. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence. Feeling hostile attitude of classmates, 1) my mood dropped.

PREPARATION FOR THE Unified State Examination in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE.


53 options with answers.

(data examples of assignment A4 included in many practice tests Unified State Exam In Russian; the likelihood of their inclusion in real options Unified State Exam is unlikely; however, solving these examples in preparation for the exam will be very useful in terms of student understanding general principles grammatically correct construction proposals)

1. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Speaking of the richness of language,

1) a discussion began in the audience.

2) I became interested in this problem.

3) specific examples are required.

4) we meant mainly his vocabulary

2. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

3. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Performing this piece

1) there was a feeling of joy.

2) I tried to convey my mood.

4) the audience listened well to the pianist.

4. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence:

Returning from a trip,

1) an interesting incident occurred.

2) we shared our vivid impressions with friends.

3) I couldn’t sleep.

4) remembered for a long time interesting cases on my way.

5. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

After reading a new book,

1) I was fascinated by its plot.

2) preparations for the reading conference have begun.

3) I became interested in history.

4) it helps to better understand the world around us.

6. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Without counting on help,

1) my strength began to leave me.

2) the students completed the task independently.

3) independence is very important.

4) the textbook helps you better cope with difficult material.

7. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

8. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Studying history

1) it took a lot of time.

2) our contemporaries are learning the lessons of the past.

3) there is an opportunity to be proud of her past.

4) it helps to better understand the present.

9. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Playing chess

1) I have a headache.

2) we develop logical thinking.

3) the evening flew by unnoticed.

4) will and observation skills are developed.

10. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Creating an environmental forecast,

1) condition is taken into account environment our city.

2) design it in the form of a map with special symbols.

3) special knowledge is required.

4) scientists have processed a large amount of statistical material.

11. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Using linguistic means of expression,

1) speech is filled with bright colors.

2) the writer solves the problem of Napoleonism in a figurative form.

12. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Having driven the sharks far out to sea,

1) the rescuers no longer cared about anything.

2) dolphins together with people met a rescue ship.

3) calm reigned on the fishing boats.

4) another attack awaited the residents of the village.

13. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

2) the game was accompanied by approving or indignant screams from the audience.

14. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Having expressed the idea of ​​the need for versatile education,

1) it is very poorly reasoned.

2) the scientist did not consider it necessary to comment on it.

3) her argumentation is practically absent.

4) the article raises a very pressing issue.

15. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

4) pay attention to their differences from plants in other zones.

16. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Starting to play music

1) you have little time left for entertainment.

2) creative abilities develop to a significant extent.

3) I made many interesting acquaintances.

4) I became acquainted with musical notation.

17. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Planting vineyards

3) the composition of the soil is taken into account.

18. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence .

Consuming a small amount of fuel,

1) energy resources are saved.

2) the car can reach high speed.

3) the problem of energy saving is solved.

4) one of the advantages of the car is efficiency.

19. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence:

Coming back from school

1) evening came and it became dark.

2) my neighbor’s car overtook me.

3) it started snowing heavily.

4) we met with Maxim’s parents.

20. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence:

Closing the book

1) everything was immediately forgotten.

2) the characters remain in our memory.

3) try to recall the text of the poem in your memory.

4) I remembered yesterday morning.

21. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Using the advice of experts,

1) everything will become simple and clear.

2) careful attention to these recommendations is required.

4) you can renovate your apartment yourself.

22. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

When making a proposal,

23. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

While on the road,

1) they brought us fresh newspapers.

2) home is always remembered.

3) I liked the trip.

4) usually think about home.

24. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Going up to the observation deck,

1) in clear weather you can see the whole city.

2) there is a wonderful view of Moscow.

3) the city is clearly visible.

4) is filled with excitement at the sight of the open spaces.

25. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Creating a novel trilogy,

1) documented data were used.

2) the writer used authentic documents of the era.

3) authentic documents of the era were used.

4) documents of the era confirmed the authenticity of the events.

26. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Preparing for the exam

1) serious work was done.

2) the students did serious work.

3) the graduates had a hard time.

4) great difficulties were expected.

27. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Checking the results obtained,

1) a repeated experiment was carried out.

2) their accuracy was confirmed.

3) the scientist conducted a repeated experiment.

4) repeated experiment confirmed their accuracy.

28. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Creating a painting,

1) the artist used oil.

2) oil was used.

3) oil paints were used.

4) the work was carried out for several days.

29. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

When making a proposal,

1) a remark was made to me.

2) its structure is considered.

3) take into account both the lexical and grammatical meaning of words.

4) the style of speech must be taken into account.

30. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Seeing a red traffic light,

1) the driver braked.

2) the car stopped.

3) the car was stopped.

4) traffic on the road has stopped.

31. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Having changed my appearance,

1) Marina will have the opportunity to find an interesting life.

2) your possibilities will become limitless.

3) the individuality of the style is emphasized.

4) you can discover new abilities in yourself.

32. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

After reading Vampilov's play,

1) much remained unclear to me.

2) images of characters appeared in front of me.

3) I wanted to see her production in the theater.

4) I decided to get closer to the work of this playwright.

33. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Planting vineyards

1) the peasants took into account the terrain.

2) geographical factors are of great importance.

3) the composition of the soil is taken into account.

4) traders determined the needs for grapes.

34. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence .

Studying the plants of the middle zone,

1) I became interested in this problem.

2) some of them are used for landscaping areas.

3) they were collected in a herbarium.

4) pay attention to their difference from plants in other zones.

35. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Having carefully prepared for the performance,

1) the speaker’s speech should nevertheless resemble improvisation.

2) the speaker’s speech must contain successful examples, images, and humor.

3) a good speaker’s speech is figurative, emotional and at the same time logical.

4) the speaker made a convincing speech.

36. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Using a new method,

1) brilliant results were achieved.

2) the language is learned very quickly.

3) you can quickly master any language.

4) the time required for language acquisition is reduced.

37. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Using a phraseological dictionary,

1) I was amazed by the richness of the language.

2) the introductory article is read first.

3) explain the meaning of this expression.

4) some examples will seem familiar to you.

38. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Having discovered organic substances in comets,

1) a new hypothesis was put forward about the origin of life.

2) this provides grounds for important conclusions.

3) scientists have suggested that life could have been brought from space.

4) scientists have an assumption about the existence of life outside the Earth.

39. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Listening to the opera “The Snow Maiden” by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky,

1) a lyrical mood arises.

2) images of characters appeared before the listeners.

3) you admire the talent of a great musician.

4) is overwhelmed by excitement.

40. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Depicting any object,

1) the painting captures the artist’s worldview.

2) the artist creates an exact copy of it.

3) the artist conveys his idea of ​​the world.

4) for the artist his own perception of the world is important.

41. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Having paid the bill,

1) ordered books are stored for a month.

2) your order will be completed by the publisher.

3) it is necessary to inform the publisher in writing of the payment order number.

4) the books will be sent to you within a month.

42. Specify the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence .

Approaching the city,

1) I came across a local history museum on the outskirts.

2) a strong wind began.

3) I felt dizzy.

4) I noticed that a strong wind was blowing.

43. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Having conquered the British Isles,

1) football matches were organized between the conquering Romans and the British.

2) the Romans taught the indigenous people to play football.

3) the British mastered the game of football.

4) football also penetrated there along with the Roman soldiers.

44. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Speaking about Pushkin,

1) one cannot fail to say about his lyceum friends.

2) I remember the poem “Autumn”.

3) we have a bright feeling.

4) the critic found very precise words.

45. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Using the participle,

1) the structure of the sentence must be taken into account.

2) the grammatical structure of the sentence is important.

3) you need to take into account the structure of the sentence.

4) sentence structure is often not taken into account.

46. ​​Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Having thought through the daily routine to the smallest detail,

1) it was difficult to change anything.

2) we have achieved greater labor productivity.

3) it took into account that I have a busy work schedule.

4) I had to make changes to my usual life.

47. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Taking the capital of the Kazan Khanate in 1552,

1) Ivan the Terrible tried to attract new subjects to his side.

2) huge territory came under the authority of the Moscow Principality.

3) Ivan the Terrible was faced with the task of winning over new subjects.

4) the power of the Moscow principality extended over a vast territory.

48. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

While on the road,

1) I had a dream.

2) always think about home.

3) they brought us fresh newspapers.

4) home is always remembered.

49. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Determining the meaning of unknown words,

1) I was overcome by doubts.

2) consult a dictionary.

3) context is taken into account.

4) some of them turned out to be ambiguous.

50. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Using automobile reference books,

1) it takes a lot of time to repair a machine.

2) you can repair your car yourself.

3) I came up with my own solution to the problem.

4) your car will always be in excellent condition.

51. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Looking at rock paintings from the Stone Age,

1) the drawings can be understood by people of different nationalities.

2) you see the most important events in people’s lives, scenes of hunting and battles.

3) the understanding of such drawings can be ambiguous.

4) the realities of the distant past are visible.

52. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Situated on an earthen embankment,

1) the spectators could see the entire stadium.

2) the games at the stadium took place under the approving or indignant shouts of the spectators.

3) the spectators had an excellent view of the entire field.

4) it was possible to observe the progress of the competition.

53. Specify the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence .

After reading the assignment carefully,

1) I have some questions.

2) start implementing it.

3) everything became clear to me.

4) you need to follow the example.


1) 4; 2) 3; 3) 2; 4) 2; 5) 3; 6) 2; 7) 4; 8) 2; 9) 2; 10) 2; 11) 2; 12) 2; 13) 4; 14) 2; 15) 4; 16) 4; 17) 1; 18) 2; 19) 4; 20) 3; 21) 4; 22) 3; 23) 4; 24) 1; 25) 2; 26) 2; 27) 3; 28) 1; 29) 3; 30) 1; 31) 4; 32) 4; 33) 1; 34) 4; 35) 4; 36) 3; 37) 3; 38) 3; 39) 3; 40) 3; 41) 3; 42) 4; 43) 2; 44) 1; 45) 3; 46) 2; 47) 1; 48) 2; 49) 2; 50) 2; 51) 2; 52) 4; 53) 2.