How I understood the meaning of my life. Essay "the meaning of my life"

Examples of essays on the topic " The meaning of my life."

Kolukanova Anastasia
Every person has a meaning to their life. But not everyone thinks about this. In the bustle of days, we run, do not notice anything around us, and solve problems that arise. But sooner or later we ask ourselves the question: what are we living for?
What is the meaning of my life? It’s about giving happiness and joy to the people around me, warmth to loved ones, gratitude to my parents for the fact that I was born into this world in the first place and for the fact that they invested so much love in me that I probably won’t be able to give to them in my entire life. . In achieving success in an honest way, despite all the difficulties, remaining human, helping others if it is clear that it is necessary, and not waiting for them to ask for it. It’s about finding a faithful friend who you can rely on at any moment, a loved one in whom you can be one hundred percent sure that no circumstances will change his attitude towards you. Analyzing this topic, I can give an example. I know a man who devotes himself to his work and his family all his life. Who buys gifts for his children and grandchildren and spends nothing at all on himself. For whom money has no meaning, although everything in our lives depends on it. I'm proud that this wonderful person- my grandmother. Probably, the meaning of life is to live it in such a way that they remember you, are proud of you, and try to be like you.
Everyone will agree that life is never easy, but at any moment in your life you need to know what is important and what is secondary. We must not forget about why and for what you live.
Soldatov Anton

Each person must determine for himself life goals and the tasks that form and, in fact, constitute his meaning of life. Achieving these goals means reaching a certain stage in life, at which you will need to give an objective assessment and set new ones. necessary tasks and goals.

If you look at the meaning of life from a purely biological point of view, then the meaning of life is survival. the main objective every living organism is to survive in a hostile world.On at this stage development of society, this goal on the one hand sounds wild, but on the other hand it is quite true.

Today, society is far from ideal, and I think hardly anyone can argue with this. In large metropolitan cities, people actually survive. Most people get so caught up in this “race of life” that they sometimes forget about their own family and friends, not to mention other truly important aspects of life.

Under the influence of a society that is based on “money foundations,” a person, without noticing it, becomes greedy and indifferent. People are becoming heartless. In their opinion, this is a world where everyone is for himself. Is this possible? After all, only mutual assistance, compassion and the most ordinary human kindness have made this world what it is now. The current generation does not understand what it has today.

And yet only a small part of people manage to save human face. People who help each other. Those who respond to someone else's misfortune and do not miss the opportunity to help.

So what is the “meaning of life” from our everyday point of view? In my opinion, this is always the highest goal. A goal that every person should pursue in their life. This is, of course, caring for parents. Every person feels indebted to them. To those who gave them life.

Yes, you can say a lot of words about higher goals and so on, but in reality do nothing. What do we have today? How often do we see our parents? Do we help them? Are we making them happy? Rarely, infrequently... I think that every person should think about this question. Every person should think about how painful it is for them when we simply forget about them because of some business and elementary haste, the race of life, the pursuit of “well-being.” When you promised to stop by for a cup of tea, but got caught up at work and even forgot to call. They are waiting. Sometimes they even know that it is in vain, but they wait. We don’t understand all this now, but sooner or later we ourselves will find ourselves in their place. We will be the same. And we will understand our children the same way they do. Yes, in old age a person becomes humble and wise, but still such behavior is unacceptable. How many times have we argued with our parents over trifles that upset them? But this is all different, but it seems to me even more global problem than the topic of this ESSAY.

I think main problem“the meaning of life” is that a person becomes fixated on secondary, everyday goals and tasks, about material values etc., completely forgetting about what he was striving for in the first place. After all, in the end we will still come to one, main goal. As life progresses, a person becomes more and more aware of his purpose. His mind goes deeper and deeper into the essence of the world. People are increasingly trying to understand why they should live. Why is he here? My personal opinion is that a person in this life is given all the trials for a reason. Here, in this world, a person is temporarily, but for the purpose of gaining experience or overcoming any obstacles in order to move to another entity or world, on the path to his own self-improvement and achievement maximum point self-awareness. Our mind is limited within strict limits, and no one can know what lies ahead. This is purely and personally my point of view, which may contradict other people’s opinions.

So what about me? I have several goals in life:

Study at school and go where I want

Get a job in order to create and provide for your family

Help parents and take care of them

Engage in self-development for spiritual satisfaction

I believe that this is where the meaning of my life lies.

I don’t know if my preferences will coincide with anyone else’s, or if someone will consider my opinion wrong... I don’t care about that. I am strong in my intentions and goals. And I will go to the end no matter what.

Zulyanshina Galina
It is impossible to give a specific answer to this question. After all, each of us has thought about this at least once. Someone dropped this topic, realizing that there was no meaning to life. Some people have outlined their life point by point and strictly follow them, while others have been looking for this meaning all their lives.
Personally, I absolutely cannot live without something new. I need change, new communication, new activities and stories. I want to do something grandiose: jump with a parachute, climb a mountain, raise my disabled sister to her feet, get a profession, my favorite profession, play my favorite song on the guitar, ride with the breeze on my motorcycle. I want to do what I'm on this moment I can not. I breathe it, I eat it. You need to know that you are better than you were, that you did what you wanted. When nothing new happens to me, I just get depressed. I’m starting to lose interest in life, precisely this meaning.
A smile means a lot to me, from myself, from loved ones, just from passing people, I want to write with the energy of happiness.
Anyone who spends his entire life searching for the meaning of life will not be happy. Live and be happy!
Conclusion: in general, the meaning of my life is to improve it and get joy from it. For me, you need to love life, otherwise life is not life.

Savchuk Nikita

What is the meaning of life? All people ask this question sooner or later. The pursuit of happiness is the meaning of life for any person.

Young children, if they are surrounded by the love and care of their parents, are always happy; with growing up, they come to understand that the world around them is complex and diverse, life poses serious questions, and it will no longer be possible to be in a state of childish happiness. For an adult, living a happy life is not an easy task. And the very definition of happiness is different for different people. It all depends on national, cultural, social characteristics, and on upbringing.

For me, happiness is the opportunity to achieve my goals and when people close to me are near me.

To be happy is to be healthy, because if a person is sick and physically weak, then he cannot fully realize himself.

Happiness in relationships- communication with people you can trust and count on Hard time. Agreements with these people are always effective.

Happiness in work is a business that generates income and allows you to gain financial independence and freedom. Work that you want to do and develop.

There are people who primarily strive for material wealth, while at the same time forgetting about spiritual development. Reaching material wealth, they make up for the lack of spiritual wealth expensive things, pleasures, and in some situations alcohol, psychotropic substances. As a result, they never experience real happiness, and everything else without it is meaningless.

Experience happiness, just live according to to its principles and have spiritual health- quite normal and natural. Roles and goals change, but the principles remain. Everyone can and should develop and improve in order to constantly maintain a state of happiness.

The meaning of my life

Most likely, each of us has had a question about the meaning of life. Why and for what purpose was a person born and lives? It is not immediately possible to answer it. The whole point is that no one can give absolutely accurate answers, because this very meaning is unique to each and every individual. Many people, if you ask them this question, will answer that they live for the sake of procreation, their meaning in life is to give birth to one or more children and devote their lives to raising them.

Another part of people devotes their life and sees its meaning in some favorite activity or profession. They are constantly moving towards this goal. There are those who want their mark to remain in history, but for this they want to do something important and grandiose, for example scientific discovery. But for some it is enough to simply live and get all the pleasures from life, without particularly wondering about its meaning.

I think that, as many people as there are, so do their visions of the meaning of life. After all, everyone has their own, it’s called personal. And only one person decides for himself how to live it. We, not yet such adults, listen to the advice of elders: teachers, comrades, relatives, whom we consider authoritative and have already lived a large number of years, and parents. But still, each of us has our own cherished dream, maybe it will be the meaning of my life?

When I'm alone at home or just before going to bed, I often think about what I mean, who I will be. I am considering several options for my future, perhaps they will really become the meaning of my entire life. later life. Most likely, after finishing my studies at one of the higher educational institutions and after receiving my diploma, I will find a job I like. I will already have my own apartment, separate from my parents, and possibly a family. I don’t see anything funny here, because if we don’t dream about our family and children, then we can die out. If we consider ourselves from the point of view of a person, as a species, then procreation is a fairly serious meaning in life.

Of course, reading statistics on the Internet, we find out that modern world The population is growing very quickly, this may be a terrible problem in the future and more than one, these include wars and epidemics that constantly arise in different corners Earth, and insufficient natural resources. All these factors could well lead to the global collapse of all humanity. But I would take all this into account if I were a pathological skeptic, but by nature I am a great optimist. And therefore I think that in the near future these problems can be solved with the help of laws. Such dark sides regarding continuation human race, simply shouldn't happen.

The question about the meaning of life is not new, it has been asked at all times. I once read the following lines from Pushkin: “A vain gift, a random gift, life, why have you been given to me?” He, too, at one time wanted to understand what the meaning of his life was, it was not unclear and incomprehensible. Perhaps the poet never answered this question to himself. We are now firmly convinced that his meaning of life lay in these unsurpassed works of prose, poetry and drama that he created. IN in this case Distant descendants answer the poet’s question.

Every person sooner or later begins to think about why he lives, for what purpose he came into this world, what is the meaning of his existence on Earth. Reply to this the most difficult question everyone has their own.

Some people believe that the only meaning of life is to receive pleasure - a wide variety and more. A day spent “not having fun,” according to such people, will be lived in vain.

Some people see the meaning of their life in gaining knowledge, in developing their own intelligence. For such people, studying, developing their mental abilities, are a source of supreme pleasure.

Some people see the meaning of life in love. The main goal of their life is to do everything possible and even impossible to make their loved one feel good. A variation of this approach is love for your family. A person lives for the benefit of his closest and dearest people.

There are people who see the meaning of life in benefiting society or its individual members. Well, some people believe that there is no meaning in life at all, except for the biological one. That every person is born only to maintain the number of humanity, as biological species. Well, each of these opinions has a right to exist.

What is the meaning of life specifically for me? Perhaps in a combination of all the options given here. Yes, I was born into the world as a biological unit so that the species size of humanity would not decrease. And I want to enjoy my life. But, besides this, I want to develop as a person, expand my horizons, develop my talents and use all this to bring joy and benefit to the people around me. I want to receive a good education and master a profession that I truly enjoy. So that this profession is useful for society, and brings me good income and a feeling of deep satisfaction. I want to happily go to my favorite job and happily return home to my beloved family, which will also be part of my meaning in life. Perhaps this is where happiness lies?

Option 2

Everyone has their own meaning in life, and there is no point in arguing with this. Of course, one way or another, we will find a group of people united by common ideas and worldview, but they will each evaluate the meaning of existence itself in their own way.

A bunch of the smartest people our planet tried to give their answers to this question. And many succeeded. Take the same Greek philosophers whose ideas the people followed. But time after time, their ideas were replaced by new ones, other people came and presented the people with their own, different from others, thoughts and reasoning.

What is the meaning of my life? Unfortunately, there will be no answer to this question here. I, like many others, would be glad to have an answer to such a weighty question. But will there be any meaning in life itself if we know its true meaning? real meaning? Doesn’t the search for this very thing force us not to stop, but to create and think?

If humanity had a universal answer, we would have lost our appearance long ago. It's like a man who all his life dreamed of climbing to the top high mountain planet, and after he finally fulfills his dream, he no longer knows what to do next.

Asking the question about the meaning of life ordinary people, we get simple and concise answers. For some it is family, career, the desire to become a famous, rich, significant person for society. But what will happen to their meaning in life when they achieve all this? Will the meaning really disappear, burst like soap bubble? No, the meaning of life cannot have an end, no matter how it sounds. The meaning of life is something that guides us throughout our lives, even if we don’t notice it. It’s like some kind of energy that is always with us, but we cannot see it and, in many cases, even realize it, it is so illusory.

Let's move on to people who, as they say, do not have this very notorious meaning of life. That's all. What to do in such a situation? Maybe it's worth looking for it? Maybe it still exists, but it got lost behind problems and unnecessary thoughts? One way or another, it is difficult to imagine a person without some meaning in his own existence. It is very, very scary to live without knowing why and without knowing what to do with this very life.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the meaning of life is certainly the guiding star of humanity. Without this meaning, we would not leave the caves and discover new lands. It is through the presence of meaning that we do what we must.

Essay on the topic The meaning of my life

Probably the most controversial and difficult question is the meaning of human existence. The most difficult thing about this is the need to solve this topic for yourself. And every person.

People may be interested various areas and spheres, but, one way or another, you will always have to decide for yourself what the meaning of personal existence is. Of course, there is always the possibility of leaving this question unanswered, and many do this quite happily, arriving, so to speak, at the end without burdening themselves with any reasoning. Others take the opportunity to join some religious or philosophical tradition, where the whole meaning will be provided, and sometimes even in a beautiful package.

However, in each of these options there is practically no personal action, no personal effort. Everywhere here a person uses meaning received from somewhere outside, and not independently.

Therefore, initially, in my opinion, the meaning of my existence lies precisely in the definition of this very meaning. One should not treat this matter with disdain, because if the meaning is clear, then it is clear where to go, why to live and why to die. If the meaning is not entirely precisely defined, then life path and its completion are, in fact, spent practically in vain.

Of course, such a topic is difficult to describe, indeed, sometimes even difficult to express in words. After all, sometimes there are moments when, it would seem, the whole meaning is so clear and simple, one’s own inner space and external world remains in absolute clarity under your gaze. Always after this, contradictions arise, cloudiness and understanding slips away like sand or water through open palms.

Probably, each person really has some kind of separate meaning, and it is precisely such seconds of understanding that confirm this fact. After all, the feeling of understanding is common to everyone, but everyone understands something differently.

Even if this meaning does not exist, it seems to me that one should fill one’s existence with something valuable and worthy, just as an artist paints something on an empty canvas.

6 7 8 9 10th grade. Philosophy

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Life is a continuous birth, and you accept yourself as you become.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

We should not be afraid of death, but of empty life.
Bertolt Brecht.

Life is not about living, but about feeling that you are living.
Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky.

What is the meaning of my life? As a rule, this question does not arise by chance; most likely, it is associated with the stage personal crisis. But don’t be afraid of this moment in life, most likely you have grown up, and growing up is most often associated with the emergence of responsibility for your life. As you live your life, considering at a certain stage of your life’s journey what you have created or have not yet managed to create, you rethink the meaning of your stay in this world.

We come into this world by chance and get a chance to turn our random life into something meaningful: to fill our life that has befallen us with meaning. We will never again have the opportunity to appear in this world again and try another chance to make our lives meaningful. A person is doomed to make his life meaningful on his own.

The desire to find meaning in life is common to all people - it is an innate and natural quality inherent in each of us. However, very often it remains deeply hidden in our subconscious, and it can be difficult for us to explain and clearly formulate what we are striving for and what we want to understand. And here literature, art, the experience of the older generation, a meeting with a psychotherapist, a psychologist come to our aid.

There are periods in our lives, when we lose some elusive thread with ourselves and then the meaning of our life seems to us to be lost irretrievably. We lived and lived and everything was fine, and then suddenly bam and it’s not clear what I want from this life. Joy has disappeared somewhere, feelings have become blurred, interest has disappeared, melancholy. It’s as if life is passing nearby, but without touching me or enveloping me with its intoxicating breath. A person who lives without meaning is deprived of deep intrinsic motivation, inner rod, which would allow him to take his own destiny into his own hands. As a result, we become weak, lose our support, any unfavorable life situation, any problem pulls the ground out from under our feet, the world collapses and we are left lying under its rubble, doing nothing. Why, because I don’t see any meaning in my life? So I go with the flow, not understanding where the “shore” is. What does this “shore” look like and what is this “shore”, how does my shore differ from the shore of another person, how do I differ from you and how are we similar, why do I need this meaning of life? My head is spinning, but I need to live or want to live, which is also not very clear...

At such a moment, we become easily controlled - the lack of meaning deprives us of strong life criteria and aspirations. We are losing our supports, or rather we don’t see them. As a result, our individuality, our abilities and talents suffer. And then we become easy prey for those who similar situation needed to manipulate us, to achieve their own selfish goals and interests. I can be manipulated by everyone: my boss at work, my loved ones, my children, my spouse, my wife, salespeople in hypermarkets, and anyone else. Why, I’ve already learned how to manipulate myself, and not live by my true needs and desires. Because there is a strange message: “beware of your wishes, they tend to come true.” Now you can be convinced of anything, and you perceive any other person’s opinion as your own. Instead of controlling your own destiny, you allow yourself to be controlled by other people and even external circumstances.

Life without meaning is often an alarming sign that a person is moving away from responsibility for himself to himself, losing self-respect and accepting his, alas, endless imperfection. A kind of “blindness” and “deafness” appears in relation to one’s pain, to one’s needs. At the same time, all forces are concentrated on the only object that becomes the center of life - on oneself, but the person does not feel the fullness of life. This good diagnosis: apparently, man has still not been able to answer the question of who needs him, what use his powers and abilities could have. And this is always the main source of confusion, internal problems and instability.

In my opinion, the meaning of life is revealed through the meaning that I attach to each of my actions, deeds or the decision taken. These are not my conclusions, these are the desires and needs of my heart. Any meaning that the heart can give to my thoughts, decisions and steps, when it guides them, can already be called meaning.

Thinking about what makes up the meaning of my life, I realize that the life path I have passed gives me a chance to know myself more deeply, to become a little more familiar to myself and perhaps at least a little more understandable to myself.

Practicing psychologist,
psychotherapist Konopy Natalya.