Countries with the best roads in the world. The most expensive things in the world (29 photos)

Experts from the World Economic Forum traveled along the roads of 144 countries to select the best. Unfortunately, out of 144 possible places, Russia took only 136th position in the final list. Our neighbors are Ukraine and the Central African Republic of Gabon.

By the way, The roads of Moldova were recognized as the most terrible. Well, we bring to your attention the ten countries that top the ranking of countries in terms of road quality.

10. Germany

The last place in the top ten can be explained by the fact that most of the German autobahns are over 30 years old. By the way, to check the condition of roads, the Germans have been using the latest laser scanning technology since this year.

9. Finland

Maintaining the quality of roads in a country where winter temperatures annually drop to minus 40 degrees is not an easy task. To detect hidden defects that can destroy the coating over time, the Finns use thermal imaging cameras.

8. Hong Kong

This small Asian state boasts the highest level of infrastructure development, including transport. No expense is spared in building and maintaining the quality of roads in Hong Kong, believing that the transport network plays an important role in the attractiveness of the region for investors.

7. Austria

The most troublesome for Austrian road builders is the high-altitude Alpine sections, which deteriorate faster than others. However, the responsible services cope with their task successfully - the roads in Austria are of the highest quality.

6. Switzerland

In order to maintain the excellent quality of the road surface, Swiss roads were made toll. When entering the country, you must purchase a vignette. Traveling through some tunnels requires an additional fee, since maintaining the road through the mountain is expensive.

5. Oman

Expensive cars of oil princes and their subjects must drive on good roads. This rule has been followed in Oman for several decades. No expense is spared on the development of the country's road network.

4. Portugal

Even 25 years ago, the quality of the road surface in the country horrified both local residents and tourists. However, today in Portugal even the tiniest villages can boast excellent roads, not to mention highways of national importance.

3. Singapore

The level of development of engineering and construction technologies in the country deserves special praise. The road construction industry was no exception. Huge amounts of money are allocated for the construction and repair of highways in Singapore, which allows them to maintain the highest quality, despite the volume of traffic.

2. UAE

The construction of roads in the Emirates is carried out using technologies borrowed from the Germans, in addition, almost all highways in the country are well lit at night. The country is also fond of numerous multi-level roundabouts, for the design and construction of which the best engineers from all over the world are involved.

1. France

Excellent quality of coverage, availability of lighting at night, an abundance of service stations - all this makes French roads the best in the world. Moreover, experts note that the quality of toll and free roads is practically no different.

Despite many years of promises from officials, Ukrainian roads continue to “delight” with their condition. So much so that in the most recent ranking from the Global Competitiveness Index for road quality, they took 130th place out of 137.

Rating of world roads. Photo:

The best roads in the world are in the United Arab Emirates. Following them are the roads of Singapore and Switzerland. The top five also included Hong Kong and the Netherlands. The United States ranked 10th.

Rating of world roads. Photo:
Rating of world roads. Photo:

By the way


Good roads to wait 5 years

Every government promises Ukrainians good roads. At presentations and press conferences, journalists are shown beautiful developments, told about plans and promised that in the near future, domestic roads will become at least no worse than those of their neighbors. But the reality is very different from the pictures of officials. Even in the capital, on many streets the asphalt disappeared along with the snow.

The current government also promises Ukrainians good roads. True, not immediately, but after a few years. In the meantime, they will make do with ongoing repairs. Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Vladimir Omelyan said that the two main roads Kyiv - Odessa and Kyiv - Chop will be patched up by the beginning of May. He clarified that for now we are not talking about major repairs, but about current ones.

The best roads in the world are not in Europe or the USA. This conclusion was reached by experts from the World Economic Forum (WEF), who analyzed data on the state of automobile infrastructure in 138 countries.

Only one representative of the European Union made it into the top five countries with the best roads in the world. If we talk about the TOP 10, then there are five EU members in it. The States did not make it into the top ten at all - the Americans are in 13th place.

Countries such as Germany (16th place) and Luxembourg (15th place) also found themselves outside the top ten. Latvia was recognized as the country with the worst roads in the European Union, taking 95th place out of 138 possible. Well, if you want to find Ukraine, then you need.

Before moving on to the TOP 10, let's say a few words about the rating itself. The WEF assessed the state of the automobile infrastructure on a 7-point scale. Not a single state managed to score seven points.

Countries with the best roads in the world: TOP 10

Place A country Point
1 UAE 6,5
2 Singapore 6,3
3 Hong Kong 6,2
4 Netherlands 6,1
5 Japan 6,1
6 France 6,0
7 Switzerland 6,0
8 Austria 6,0
9 Portugal 5,9
10 Denmark 5,7

Road taxes are increasing every year, but the roads are getting worse and worse. There is no uniform standard for repair work, there is no permanent equipment. In different countries, outside forces are constantly being brought in to make roads of better quality, but there is not even a smell of quality. After expensive repairs and the past winter, the surface is spreading, cracking, breaking, swelling. Driving along them is not only unsafe, but also expensive - along the sidewalks you can find dozens of car service stations with queues.

If you are planning a trip, we recommend taking note of countries where the roads are, to put it mildly, not quite “appetizing” and comfortable for driving. Driving on them is strictly prohibited. This will lead to car breakdown, an accident, a bad mood and unfulfilled trips.

Top 10 bad roads

1. Guatemala

Guatemala opens the ranking of the worst roads in the world. This is a unique shot taken by a local journalist. For many years it was impossible to reach the authorities to report such a large hole in the road. They either did not know and did not hear this, or simply did not want to find out the circumstances. After all, there are people responsible for road repairs. This layer of asphalt is made to last - thick and of high quality. Well, what's underneath? Groundwater? Land that forms sloping terrain? You can't treat people with such disdain. The huge pit began to look like a channel into the underworld - every hour the earth collapsed on the sides, and it was impossible to stop the process - there were no means, no capabilities, no equipment.

Now we need to restore everything from the very depths, pay the victims for the damage, because on the territory of the cliff there were small businesses, boutiques and even traffic lights. But people pay taxes, lose business, and cannot earn a penny. If earlier the tax crushed business, now the result of “technology” crushed the area. There is an urgent need to introduce Russian ingenuity, rent Romanian equipment, hire Moldovan workers and call upon the Indian Buddha for the successful construction of roads.

2. Kashmir (India)

India has the second worst roads in the world. Hindus are a proud and demanding people. They know their traditions, respect religion, but they look after the roads badly. Today they receive silver in the ranking and second place in the top 10. Landslides happen all the time in the mountains, probably Mother Nature is to blame. But no - we decided to overcome the mountain, please build normal roads so that there are no casualties later. By the way, according to statistics, every third car breaks down, every fifth one gets into an accident, and every seventh one falls off cliffs. The city administration does not know how to solve such matters, but the main thing is to pray, rely on the forces from above, and wait for manna from heaven. Tell me, is it blasphemy? No, this is just laziness and oversight of the authorities. You can’t do this, the birth rate will fall, the nation will die out, the economy will grind to a halt, the budget will run out.

3. Manila (Philippines)

Here are the top three worst roads in the world – the Philippines takes bronze. Here roads are often built, quickly, but not to a high quality. The authorities say that they are ready to spend the last of the government funds and their own savings, but why - such terrain involves constant landslides, cliffs, and collapses. This spoils the environment, roads, and transport stops running. The asphalt layer is too small for sloping terrain, as any design engineers who study geodesy will tell you. But how can we explain to the authorities that a little more costs for a slightly thicker layer of asphalt, a little better quality work and more time - and everything will last for at least 5 years. Cracks are inevitable in rocky terrain - but why build roads without such basic requirements in mind?

4. Thailand

Thailand is among the countries with the worst roads in the world. There is a beautiful area here that it would be a shame not to walk through. Sometimes, of course, you want to drive through, but it’s better not to risk it. After constant floods and earthquakes, roads are not restored. First of all, efforts are devoted to building houses, then to restoring agricultural structures and buildings. Roads, as the government has stated, are not the most popular means of excursion and recreation for visitors. Therefore, they do not require repairs, at least urgently. As you can see, the canvas is good, smooth, clean, no patches, no joints. But natural disasters are completely inappropriate - constant destruction is a constant investment. This is an unprofitable country for the authorities; they need to move to the east.

5. Mozambique

A beautiful area, so unusual, winding and reminiscent of a river. And this, surprise, is the road of an international flight. Here, according to the idea, cargo buses and trucks should pass through, delivering goods for export and import. I wonder what condition the products are brought in, and how they are exported to other neighboring countries? Who even buys goods that are transported over this impassable road? The authorities promised to do at least some kind of coverage, but there was not enough money. Of course, where does the country get its finances if the only means of earning money for the entire population is trading in whatever they find, make, or steal? How they survive is unknown. But the economy is thriving, and we complain about potholes in the roads.

6. Guinea

The country is alien to Slavic nationality for people, but you need to know about it. More precisely about its roads, which are also the worst. In addition to the lack of asphalt, there is a lot of garbage here that is not removed by trucks. Well, what did you want? There is no way a garbage collection vehicle will drive along a broken road, which means it won’t collect anything. And without this, repairs are impossible. This is a paradox, although local residents are not particularly worried about the condition of the road surfaces.

7. Russia

But that same Russia, the empire of power and opportunity. but oddly enough, it is also among the top 10 worst roads in the world. It is mentioned below that the country provides financial assistance to neighboring republics, although it could leave some money for the construction of roads. As they say, what to judge. Why even criticize such a large country that recently introduced a tax - every massive transport must pay a tax that will go towards the construction of intercity lanes. But you have to pay taxes - you go, you build. It would seem correct, but not quite. People make the surface with their own money, and everyone drives, including foreigners, trucks and cars, whose tax is 13% of the amount paid by the heavyweights.

8. Romania

A country of the European Union, where many countries from the CIS are heading. Lately this has been relevant in Moldova. This movement of the authorities is not justified, and we all already know what kind of roads are in Moldova. In part, Romania has good roads that are pleasant to drive on. But the EU tax is so high that people are ready to repair them themselves. Let us remind you that employees of small enterprises receive their salaries partly in Romanian lei, euros and food stamps. Yes, you heard right. There are a lot of expensive cars, a lot of beautiful houses, architectural monuments, but there are also a lot of trucks that drive along international highways, city roads and rural areas. The asphalt cannot withstand the weight and collapses.

9. Ukraine

Another CIS country with the worst roads in the world. They don't make holes, but at least they are visible. There is not a single road on which there would not be a bump or uneven asphalt. After each rain and frost, there is less and less asphalt. Local authorities say they are trying to do everything in their power, but the forces are getting smaller every year. Although the taxes are low, driving on such highways is dangerous, scary, and generally not desirable. An interesting fact is that part of the money was taken from a neighboring country - Russia, which also has not the most pleasant road routes.

10. Moldova

This country is closing the top ten worst roads in the world. Although high-quality roads have been built here lately, they are only in the capital. In other settlements there is neither asphalt nor soil. People get out of the situation as soon as they can. The holes are patched with improvised materials, most likely taken from construction sites. Over the past year, Moldova has financed road construction jointly with Romania. But in previous years (2012-2015), each time after repairs it was necessary to make new canvases. This is probably a Moldovan business - take money from neighboring countries, invest, then after some time raise taxes again so that there is enough for reconstruction. And a full re-construction is just around the corner.

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10/30/2016 at 15:33 · Pavlofox · 6 420

Rating of world roads

Rating of world roads compiled based on the quality of road surfaces in ten countries. All transport routes included in the top ten scored from 6 to 6.6 points out of a possible 7. The quality of the road surfaces was assessed by highly qualified international experts.


They have high-quality transport routes that score 6 on a seven-point scale. Despite the flat terrain, there are certain difficulties with road construction here due to the large number of rivers. But this did not prevent the construction of a grandiose and dense network of highways in the state. At the highest level in the Netherlands there are not only the main roads, but also secondary ones without any potholes or other defects. The main routes include several lanes and numerous junctions. As for rural roads, they have one lane in each direction. In the Netherlands there are no tolls even on expressways.


Despite its difficult climate and rather marshy terrain, it is distinguished by exceptionally high-quality roads, the condition of which is taken care of not only by the authorities, but also by the citizens of the country. The construction of transport tracks is carried out exclusively by highly qualified specialists using a specific methodology. The technology used by the Finns was developed a long time ago and is still used today. The quality of the paintings undergoes strict control, which is carried out by experts. To keep transport routes in good condition for a long time, you need not only a high-quality road surface, but also careful attitude towards it on the part of drivers, and in this country everything is in perfect order.


with its transport roads of the highest quality, it ranks eighth in the ranking of the best roads in the world. No expense is spared on the development of transport routes in the Asian state, because the exclusive cars of the oil princes must travel on exceptionally high-quality roads.


It is distinguished by exceptional quality and high functionality of the transport roadway, which allows it to be in the top ten rankings of the best roads in the world. The country has a large number of expressways that require tolls. These highways are distributed fairly evenly throughout the state, making it possible to quickly and conveniently reach any part of it. However, travel along them is quite expensive, and this is not surprising, because you always have to pay for quality and comfort. Some of the roads pass along the picturesque slopes of the Alpine mountains. The roads encircling the rocks are real serpentines with many bends and sharp turns, passing right over the cliffs.


, or rather its transport routes, occupy sixth place in the ranking among the highest quality roads in the world. Thanks to the excellent road surfaces, this country is very popular among motor tourists. Austria has a complex mountainous terrain, but despite this, it is all dotted with transport routes. Even small rural passages are distinguished by the highest level of coverage and maximum comfort. Many roads in Austria are mountainous, as most of the country is covered by Alpine ranges.


It is in fifth place in the ranking of the best roads in the world. This country has a huge number of transport routes with high density. A significant part of the modern roads here were built during the Third Reich and were designed for the movement of columns of heavy military equipment, so these transport routes still successfully cope with the huge traffic of trucks. The first German autobahn, which is still in operation, is more than 80 years old.


In the ranking of the best roads with their own highways, it occupies fourth position. Road routes here are divided into several categories: expressways, toll highways, national freeways, municipal roads and rural thoroughfares. There are not many toll highways here, and they mainly connect the capital Lisbon with other cities. They are the fastest way to get to your destination than free ones. As for the coating, both are of good quality.


The roads are considered to be some of the best in the world. Road surfaces occupy approximately 12% of the entire territory of the country, which can significantly reduce the transport load. The roads have not only high-quality surfaces, but also excellent informative markings and lighting. The road network in total has a length of over 3 thousand kilometers and 150 km of highways. Expressways have up to 5 lanes in each direction. There are electronic boards on the routes informing drivers about the congestion of the tracks and the availability of parking spaces in the nearest parking lots.


has some of the best roads in the world. The total length of roads in the country is about 1 million kilometers. There are several types of roads here: A, N, D, C, V. Type A is an expressway with a concrete median, which is superior in quality to others. Type N are national roads with a maximum speed limit of 110 km/h with concrete dividers. Type D is a good quality departmental road surface. C, V are public roads that also have high-quality coverage. They are distinguished by markings and quality of lighting. High-quality roads, good lighting and markings make French roads also the safest in the world.


Public roads in the World Economic Forum were rated as the best in the world, scoring 6.5 points out of 7. The high rating included the level of quality of public roads, ports, the state of transport infrastructure, and airports. The United Arab Emirates won due to its latest infrastructure projects. The country wants to achieve perfect condition of all facilities in the next five years. The state has already adopted international quality standards and achieved incredible success. Most intercity highways have a minimum of three lanes in each direction, with median barriers and night-time lighting along the entire length of the highway.

Experts also compiled a rating of the worst roads in the world. Countries such as Poland (2.6 points), Russia and Ukraine (2.5 points) fell into this category with their road surfaces. The poorest roads were in Moldova, scoring only 1.5 points out of 7.

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