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the team has formed an opinion about the person. The team is female. The salary is pitiful. How to change the opinion of the team, make sure that you are in authority, even if the position is small? So to speak, become an informal leader among more senior colleagues. At the same time, there is already such a supposed “leader,” but people are afraid of him.

You see the problem in your age, in your position, in your salary.

You cannot change this unless you take up a part-time job and thereby improve at least as much as your financial situation.

If this is not possible, then you should start developing your skills and succeed in your work (even if it is not profitable). Come to work and think only about it. Why do you need the idle gossip of women. They will never be pleased if such a team here even “possesses oil on their heads,” and they will only look in the direction that is more profitable for them.

Let them gossip a little, see that you don’t care, and finally start doing business at work, and not looking at each other. You can’t raise children with them, don’t live with them, and don’t spend your free time.

It is much more important to be held in high esteem by your family, to receive the warmth and support of your closest people. Work must be left at work and all the worries associated with it. According to your descriptions, most likely there is no order in the team precisely because of the management style of the bosses.

Competent management will not allow division into “acceptable” and “not.” There is an opportunity, change your job.

I work in a women’s team, everyone is divided into groups, everyone is whispering about each other, there is complete division in the team. My policy is neutral, I don’t have any special friendship with anyone, I came to work, did it, said “Hello” and “Goodbye” to everyone, if they ask me for a service to replace me, to help finish the work, to help calculate and process the necessary information - that’s all me I'm helping. But I never ask for a favor in return.

I advise you, too, if they ask you for a small request, do not refuse. It’s better not to ask for anything yourself.

Appearance is not unimportant. Even with a low income, you can look: neat, well-groomed, clean hair, pleasant smell, tighten where necessary with the help of basic exercises. Come to work with your head held high, never complain (everything is fine with you), but you don’t need to brag too much (they don’t like that either).

If they are scratching their tongues about you, then let it be out of envy, not pity.

How to change your opinion about yourself?

I’m 15, I’m modest by nature, shy and very suspicious lately. I don’t try to see each other and show myself, because I’m afraid of criticism. Then I feel very bad if someone criticizes and all the desire to do anything disappears.

But that’s not really what the question is about. In my class, I already have a reputation for being so quiet, I practically don’t communicate with anyone, I don’t engage in discussions in class, I don’t communicate with classmates during breaks.

And now, I really want to change, to become more liberated, but I’m afraid my classmates won’t accept this. They even accept all my remarks with ridicule (For example, we often play mafia as a class lately, and there you need to speak out. What am I -I tried to say, the reaction was: they laugh at me, they don’t even consider me to be a normal person and don’t perceive my words.)

I don’t know what to do. Every day I promise myself that I will behave differently, that maybe the world didn’t converge like a wedge in the class, but, by the way, it’s the same in other groups. I constantly feel uncomfortable, in some way - sometimes guilty, uninteresting. I’m also very romantic and somewhat of an idealist. I can’t look at terrible people, and I think with fear about the future, and yet I’m already finishing 10th..(

In general, this is my situation. Maybe you can tell me something, give me some advice. I know that I need to change, but so far something is not working out, and also, it feels like I myself have created some kind of cocoon, a barrier between myself and the world around me. I just think a lot about my problem, analyze it, but it hasn’t brought anything good yet. Thanks in advance, I hope for a speedy response.

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How to change your opinion about yourself

Each of us wants attention from those people who seem interesting to us. But this attention does not always satisfy us, because opinions about us can be not only positive, but also negative. How can we change our opinion about ourselves in order to improve relationships with those who are important to us?

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In fact, this is not so easy to do, because a person, by nature, very rarely changes his opinion about someone or something, and if this happens, it usually happens with difficulty. Be prepared for long changes on the part of those around you and do not require them to immediately realize that you are not at all who they think you are.

In order to change something, it is important to understand what exactly repels people about you. Most likely, you made the wrong first impression, did not show yourself at your best, or even did something stupid. Be clear about what you did wrong.

Next, it is worth remembering that people will not change their opinion about you if you convince them of how good and wonderful you are, and they misunderstood you. You will make the situation worse if you resort to shouting, arguing and indignation. In this case, others will take you for a crazy person and will prefer not to contact you anymore.

To change your self-image, you need not to talk about your qualities, but to demonstrate them in specific actions. The first impression of you was also formed from your actions, accordingly, and you need to change it not with words. Prove in practice that you have something to love and respect for.

But you shouldn't play. If a negative opinion about you is to some extent true, then you should not portray a positive hero just to please others. Start changing yourself, remove negative qualities from your character, and people will notice and appreciate your changes.

And most importantly, take your time. You try, do good deeds with all your might, speak thoughtfully and sincerely, but for some reason people treat you the same as before. It's okay, because it is known that building is more difficult than destroying. It may take a lot of time for people to change their opinion about you, so be prepared for this and wait patiently.

As a last resort, you need all this, and not other people. First of all, you need to change, and the people around you, whose opinions are valuable to you, will eventually see you from a real and positive side.

The earth is full of rumors: how to change your opinion about yourself

Popular rumor is sometimes very cruel. Under the pressure of public opinion, some people renounce their own beliefs, but there are also those who go against it, defending the right to identity.

But even if you are not a conformist, sometimes you want to restore justice and your good name. To understand how to change your opinion about yourself, focus on the psychology of those people in whose eyes you want to look different. To change your opinion, you have to change yourself. If you once seriously damaged your reputation, you will have to restore it bit by bit

. Demonstrate your determination to start a new life not with words, but with deeds. Look for ways to build trust with those whose opinions are important to you. Learn to admit your mistakes - it demonstrates your strength, not your weakness. People believe actions much more than words, even the most beautiful and convincing ones.

Therefore, make it a rule for yourself to do something first, and then talk about something - the less you promise, the less chance you have of being an empty talker again. If you think that making a promise to someone will discipline you, you are mistaken. Keep communication with gossipers to a minimum so as not to give them a reason to spread another rumor about you. If such news does not affect your reputation, simply forget about its existence. Also you can use the gossipers' weapons against themselves.

For example, Baba Masha from the 5th entrance tells you that she heard something unpleasant about you. Say that you yourself heard that Baba Masha’s grandson was caught by the hand when he tried to steal something. Of course, the gossip girl will dispute this. Take a moment and say: “You see that rumors cannot be trusted, do you really think that gossip about me is also real?” To think less about public opinion, increase your own authority in your own eyes. Think what do you need to feel confident?

A beautiful hairstyle, a new suit, a serious relationship or higher education? Don't prove anything to others - do it for yourself. Competing with others is as pointless as fighting for someone else's dream.

. Whatever you do, you do it for yourself, even helping others. Therefore, make friends with those you really like, do what you love, then other people's stereotypes will worry you the least.
You see the problem in your age, in your position, in your salary. You cannot change this unless you take up a part-time job and thereby improve at least as much as your financial situation.
To the question: How to change your opinion about yourself?, psychologists with higher psychological education answer
How to change your opinion about yourself
Each of us wants attention from those people who seem interesting to us. But this attention does not always satisfy us, because opinions about us can be not only positive, but also negative. How…
The earth is full of rumors: how to change your opinion about yourself
Popular rumor is sometimes very cruel. Under the pressure of public opinion, some people renounce their own beliefs, but there are also those...

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The idea of ​​completely changing oneself does not come to all people. As a rule, such desires arise when a person is already “on the brink”.

He gets the impression that his life is following an unpredictable scenario, but he still has a chance to change this state of affairs. If you are in a similar situation, this article is for you.

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If you expect someone to accept you “as you are,” then you are just a lazy idiot. Because, as a rule, “the way it is” is a sad sight. Change, you bastard. Work on yourself. Or die alone

Faina Ranevskaya

What motivates a person to change himself completely?

There will come a time when you decide it's over. This will be the beginning

Louis Lamour

Very often a person has the illusion that the entire world around him is against him. The job is disappointing, there are no friends, the neighbors are annoying, the appearance is no good. This phenomenon can be called a kind of conspiracy theory. Every failure only confirms that everything is predetermined, and things will only get worse ahead.

Some people who do not have the willpower to pull themselves together begin to slide down an inclined plane, drink alcohol in order to escape the world of reality at least for a while, stop taking care of their appearance, and become depressed. They certainly need help, advice, and support. If on their life path they meet a wise and friendly person, he will certainly change their idea of ​​themselves and the world around them.

People who are unhappy with their lives can be divided into two categories.

Category one

In one team there was a person whom everyone tried to avoid. He always looked dissatisfied, and his face had such an unfriendly expression that no one had the slightest desire to engage in conversation with him. If, due to production needs, it was necessary to exchange phrases with him, he expressed malicious definitions, and it was noticeable that everything around him infuriated, irritated, and unbalanced him.

This man's appearance was constantly sloppy; his clothes fit him like a sack. He looked at those around him with either a rudely mocking, or a coldly indifferent, or a sadly gray gaze, and each of his colleagues tried to leave the space they shared with him as quickly as possible.

The bosses still appreciated this man, since he did his job quite well, and therefore urged him not to pay attention to such trifles. But still, one day the employees decided to express all their comments to him and find out why he behaves in such a way as if everyone around him owes him something. At one of the meetings, a young girl plucked up courage and asked him why he had such an attitude towards his colleagues.

The man did not expect that he would have to answer, and with an irritated face he squeezed out the phrase: “What right do you, nonentities, have to get into my soul?! If you only knew how much I hate you all!” After this, silence reigned; everyone present at the meeting froze and began to gradually disperse.

Such people belong to the first category. They blame the world and people around for their failures. They believe that they are treated with prejudice, that they deserve better, and do not see anything bad in themselves. It seems to them that they are not valued, that they want to be used, so they treat people with a clearly expressed degree of mistrust and disdain.

Most likely, such a person will never want to change himself. Everyone around will tolerate his presence, avoid communicating with him, but this will never teach him anything. This category of people will not work on themselves, nor will they read this article.

Category two

If a person begins to wonder why he is accompanied by failures and mistakes, why he fails to achieve anything in life, and comes to the conclusion that it is time to come to his senses and start working on himself, this is a representative of the second category.

He tries to make a plan of action, set goals and move forward. This is usually a person with a critical mindset. He realizes that the source of all his troubles is in himself, and tries to change himself completely. Such people will not neglect criticism, will draw balanced conclusions, and still achieve success.

Representatives of the second category will be interested in specialized literature, follow the advice of experienced psychologists, and learn to be masters of their lives.

How to learn to evaluate yourself critically

A person who has decided to take the path of change should create adequate self-esteem. This process involves a critical balance between your own strengths and daily tasks of any level of complexity, as well as the demands of the people around you. Distortions of the emotional, motivational and emotional components must not be allowed, otherwise this will create insurmountable obstacles on the path to harmonious development.

Self-esteem is formed under the influence of the surrounding world, and is based on the opinions and impressions of those people who are in the circle of constant communication. No matter how strange it may sound, a person can start playing the “split personality” game. Of course, this has nothing to do with mental disorders, since it is simply a method of drawing up one’s own verbal portrait. Here one of the speculative personalities acts as himself, and the other as an unbiased and strict critic and educator.

You just need to look at yourself from the outside, and write on a blank sheet of paper everything that prevents you from living a full life.


You should start by looking in the mirror. If the appearance is sloppy, the body is far from ideal, the hair is untidy, this will repel others, and the person will begin to feel like an outcast in any company. People will start to avoid him, which will certainly affect their mood and desire to work on themselves.

All comments to yourself should be included in the program, and specific plans should be outlined. Excess weight - go to the gym, if you don't like your hair - go to the hairdresser, unattractive clothes - go to the store for new ones. There is no doubt that this will be immediately noted by the people around you, and they will look at the person with different eyes.

Communication style

You can start your experiment at any time. When a person comes to work, he can analyze how he looks and in what tone he communicates with his colleagues. You should immediately give an objective assessment, “am I too arrogant,” “maybe I seemed unfriendly,” “probably I listened to my interlocutor without due attention.”

All comments should be included in your program, and it should be noted what exactly will be done to eliminate the shortcomings. The following phrases would be appropriate here:

  • greet people warmly and with a smile;
  • listen to your interlocutor carefully, without interrupting;
  • express your opinion without raising your intonation;
  • avoid offensive remarks.

Relationships with loved ones

Close people include family, workmates with whom you maintain extra-office relationships, and good friends. A person must analyze how attentively he treats them, whether he is unreasonably rude or callous, whether he is interested in their affairs, and whether he is trying to do good to them.

If he comes to the conclusion that he made mistakes and behaved differently from what others expected, he will try to establish relationships with them and apologize for his inattention or lack of restraint. We must not forget that it is never too late to do this. There is always an opportunity to correct the situation, if there is a desire.

It will not be an exaggeration to say that work in these directions will not keep you waiting for results, and will only prove that every person can completely change their life.

People who have their sights set on qualitative changes in their lives can be given some useful tips that will help them cope with their tasks.

Learn to see the positive sides in everything. Everything that surrounds you is not monochrome. The outside world, the people around you - they all have not only shortcomings. So is it worth seeing only flaws in them if you can try to find virtues? First of all, you will become kinder, softer, and people will begin to reach out to you, seek communication, share joys and count on support in difficult situations. It will be much easier to change yourself completely.

Every person simply must learn to think positively. If you feel like you are in a hopeless situation, you should not immediately become despondent. First you need to pull yourself together and try to calmly analyze the situation. After all, you can always find some kind of solution, and if necessary, ask for help, including advice, from your loved ones. Most likely, everything is not as scary as it might seem at first glance, and there is no reason for despair. This approach will allow you to change yourself completely and benefit others.

If you are determined to start a new life and want to change yourself completely, you should create a daily routine. You should approach this activity creatively, and add to the list not only ordinary and familiar activities, but also tasks to achieve your goals. Such tasks need to be highlighted in a different color so that all attention is focused primarily on them.

Examples of such activities would be training at a stadium or gym, attending educational courses or trainings, participating in socially beneficial or volunteer events.

To change yourself completely, you must learn to control your emotions. If you really want to tell a person everything that you are thinking about at that moment, it is useful to slightly bite your tongue. In this moment, you will have enough time to control yourself and not offend anyone. Believe me, it’s much worse to be rude, curse, and then apologize or pretend that nothing happened. Here the saying that the word is not a sparrow would be very appropriate. Prudence has been and remains one of the fundamental virtues.

You should always imagine what you would do in the other person's place. This will contribute to fair treatment of your loved ones, or even random people. After all, it is unknown how you could react to any situation if it happened to you. The ability to understand others is something without which it is completely impossible to change oneself.

You need to learn to forgive. Carrying grievances with you is a simple matter. But not everyone can throw this burden away. To harbor a grudge, to ignore someone for a small mistake or misdeed is to kill everything human in yourself. Only those people who are characterized by condescension can change themselves completely. This does not mean at all that they will be so kind or forgiving. On the contrary, they will begin to be respected and valued for their ability to find a common language and reasonable compromises.

To cope with the task and change your life, you need to be confident in your strengths and capabilities. In order to successfully solve all the assigned tasks, you should learn to convince yourself of their significance and feasibility. It’s very easy to feel sorry for yourself, console yourself with the phrase: “I can’t handle this,” and give up. Then there will be little chance of winning. Giving up in the face of difficulties is the lot of weak people who spend their entire lives blaming anyone for their failures, but not themselves.

Only one who has managed to develop clear internal guidelines can become a successful person. They will motivate you to achieve specific results, and the strength for activity will appear as if on their own. You need to clearly see the final goal, and then there will not be a single obstacle on the way.

You can start with small steps, gradually complicating tasks and putting forward new requirements. In this process, the spirit and will will be tempered, and the desire for success will appear. If you want to lose weight, give up sweets first. Then make it a goal to do ten squats every day. During the warm season, go for runs, increasing the load. Write down all the results, including your own weight, in a notebook. Then, when the goal is achieved, you will receive such moral pleasure that you could not even dream of before.

To summarize, it can be noted that a person is able to change himself only if he realizes this need himself. No force will force him to work on himself, except the desire to achieve success and victory over his own “I”.

Despite the simplicity of the question posed, it is actually incredibly complex and individual. After all, the best side looks different for everyone, and the ways to achieve perfection always border on difficulties. In this article we will try to give you the basic ways to change yourself (your character, behavior, outlook on life, etc.). We cannot guarantee your changes only after reading our article, but if you complete most of the suggested points, you can be sure that you will not recognize yourself at all!

7 steps to help you change yourself for the better

  1. Start fighting bad habits! You won't get better if you have bad habits. The fact is that they will interfere every time: either you will be constantly scolded for them, or you yourself will be tormented by thoughts about your shortcomings. They will prevent you from improving in life. Everyone understands perfectly well that you can’t get rid of bad habits quickly, but to do this you just have to start. Let it be a reduction in the dose of nicotine or alcohol, but you will begin to at least somehow move in a positive direction. You can read more detailed instructions on how to get rid of bad habits in one of our next articles in the online magazine site, so subscribe to updates!

  2. Make a plan for the next five years! It is unrealistic to become better in one day, in a year it is also difficult, but in five years it is more than possible, and you can change so much that you simply do not recognize yourself. Your plan must be 100% realistic (in any case of fate), and also very detailed. You must know what you will be doing in any month of your life. Also make a system that will help you track how much you have deviated from your plan. It’s quite simple to create such a system - write next to each month in the future what results you should achieve. We remind you that goals should not be exorbitant, especially if it concerns your weight, then you will not lose 20 kilograms in 1 month, no matter how much you want it. And if it concerns money, then according to the plan there should also be as much of it as you can actually get. It is better to exceed your plan than not reach the minimum mark.

  3. Do good deeds. It’s easy enough to distinguish a good person - he always does good deeds! Doing good is not only useful, but also pleasant. After all, think how easy it is to help an elderly woman carry her bags or fix a broken fence in her country house. It is easy for a child to get a kitten from a tree, and for a young mother to lower a stroller from the floor to the street. Such actions require a minimum of time and effort from you, but at the same time you receive an incredibly positive attitude, words of gratitude, and not only your personal opinion of yourself, but also the opinion of others grows. You shouldn’t refuse help, especially if it costs you nothing, you shouldn’t turn a blind eye to injustice, you shouldn’t be indifferent - and then you can change yourself for the better!

  4. Be honest with yourself and others. Another feature that distinguishes a positive person from a bad one is the ability to always be honest. It is always easier to lie than to tell a person the truth in the face. There are so many blatant lies around us that sometimes it makes us feel sick. Moreover, everyone lies - acquaintances, friends and even close people. No, lying for good is one thing, but lying for personal gain is a completely different situation. There are few honest people on earth, but they exist! Do you want to become one of the few?! It is difficult to be honest not only with people around you, but also with yourself. After all, remember how often we deceive ourselves?! Example: they were rude in the store?! And we walk along the road and think that it’s my own fault, that I got into trouble or at an unnecessary moment. Salary cut?! The boss is just a bastard and that’s it?!... But in fact, everything is the opposite than in the previously described situations. The rudeness was not your fault, but the cut in salary was due to your mistakes.

  5. Keep your word. Several centuries ago, honor was not just an empty phrase; people died for it and they were afraid to miss it all their lives. One of the main points of honor was the ability to keep one’s word. Do you want to change yourself?! Learn to keep all the promises you made. Do not dare to say out loud what you cannot achieve, and if you have already spoken, then please do what was said, no matter what the cost. Those who keep their word are respected and listened to in any society, because they always know that the words spoken by this person are not an empty phrase, but the truth that cannot be disputed. Keeping your promised word is very difficult, not even everyone can do it, but it’s definitely worth learning!

  6. Create a strong relationship with your significant other. You cannot become a better person without having love in your heart that could warm you at any moment in your life. A person is a creature that cannot live without love; he will always strive to find a person with whom he would like to spend the rest of his life. Therefore, if you are not in search of your love, you will never be able to achieve perfection. It’s not for nothing that all high-ranking officials had other halves. After all, this is also an indicator that a person knows how to create a family, values ​​it and tries in every possible way to teach others this. It is unlikely that anyone will follow your example if you are lonely and unhappy.

  7. Create your appearance in a way that you really like. It’s not enough to just change yourself inside, because we all evaluate ourselves not only by personal qualities, but also by external ones. Here you need to learn to stop being afraid of experiments - to try yourself in different “roles”. This is especially important and necessary for women. It's not enough to change your clothing style. After all, you must change your hairstyle, makeup, manner of movement, gait, etc. After all, only in this way will you believe in your changes. Come up with an image for yourself that would be interesting to you, that you would like to imitate and who to be like. Yes, we agree that there are no ideal women, and having an idol is not right! However, you can take from each famous woman only those criteria that you like exclusively!

These are all the steps that can change your destiny! They are complex and easy at the same time. Do you want to change yourself? Take action!
Changes take quite a long time to take effect; for many, it will take years to change themselves into the person they like. However, it is better to spend a few years on your positive changes than to live a life that you would not like at all!

I live in a non-Muslim country; among my acquaintances, colleagues and friends there are many non-Muslims. I was lucky to be born in a society where people of various nations and religions live in harmony and peace, celebrate holidays together, are friends and distinguish each other by belonging.

One day we received an invitation to an event organized by the school community. “You can relax, forget about your problems and sip a glass of wine,” the invitation read.

Normally, to this type of invitation, we would respond: “We appreciate your consideration, but we apologize that we will not be able to attend the event due to prior commitments.” And this obligation is to our religion, the instructions of which we try to follow in every situation in life. Our commitment to Islam is our highest priority in every action and word we do and say. And we, by declining the invitation, seem to be hiding from the rest of the world in our little shell, which only Muslims know about. Of course, Islam is a priority for us in everything, but I didn’t want us to alienate ourselves and alienate those who sincerely want our communication.

And this time I decided to do things differently. I decided to do the opposite: take responsibility into my own hands and invite everyone to my home, to a Muslim “party”, and show that Muslims also relax, but not with drinks and the like. I sent invitations to everyone, writing that we would be very happy to attend the event, but we could not, because such a party is outside the comfort zone of Muslims. Instead, we invite you to our home, to hold a party in the Muslim concept, although it would be more correct to call it a meeting, a gathering.

My friends embraced this joy with enthusiasm. They were happily ready for a new experience. For a whole month I thought through the details of the so-called party. And I wanted everything to be at the highest level.

When the day came, I got up early in the morning, prepared the house for the event, cooked food and walked around the house like crazy. The last time I was this excited was on my wedding day. In the evening, guests began to arrive and greeted us with the traditional Islamic greeting “Asalamu Alaikum”. It was very touching.

Meeting with friends at our house went very well. Delicious food, communication. In addition, to diversify the party, I organized henna painting for the girls - mehendi, trying on traditional Lebanese abayas, niqabs and kufi.

There was something magical about this evening. All the differences that make us different have been erased. We were all just people, the same and understanding. This is what it means to respect and accept the differences of a community. Open your doors to others.

The Almighty has blessed us to be a part of this society. This is the first time we have opened our doors to other people and hopefully not the last time. As Muslims, we open our doors to everyone who has questions and doubts. The time has come for Muslims to change their tactics. It's time to come out of your shell, open up to the world and open up your world to those around you. Perhaps negative opinions and stereotypes exist in society only because people do not know us, we are behind closed doors. Society is misguided about Muslims and is closed to us, so maybe it's time to open up to them and dispel all existing prejudices.

I don’t know what my management of this community looks like from the outside, but I guess that many people don’t like it. But I believe that I have the right to be harsh and even rude. This right is given to me by 10 (or already 11) years of total anesthesia experience. During this time, I tried 80% of the surfactants available in the territory of the former USSR, sat and cried, both slow and fast. He seriously damaged his psyche, as evidenced by 4 visits to special medical institutions and other series of unpleasant and deeply affecting stories.
Now I am a conditionally time-remitting polydrug addict, tolerant of all surfactants, with non-addictive practical experience in correcting (because it is unlikely to be completely cured) the negative consequences of taking various surfactants, enormous experience in catching my own (I confess, not always successfully, but that’s all what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger”) and other people’s roofs.
And then the worst thing: my generation i.e. those who started hanging around in the early - mid-90s of the last century) are already starting to die and are actively ending up in hospitals with a wide variety of diseases / And I see that our mistakes are actively being repeated by the next and next generations of drug users. And therefore, without warning, I will ban arrogance, ignorance of the subject of discussion, stupidity (primarily), rudeness, attempts to sell, as well as pressure to buy surfactants, disrespect for the expert’s point of view, lack of justification for one’s position, and in general, all the garbage here that prevents the community from working: helping people avoid pitfalls, suggesting proven paths - in general, giving a map of this (or that? - by the way, the one who answers the answer most accurately will receive an exclusive prize) of the world on the other side of the usual doors of perception. (the clearest example is the last topic: there are no more than 30-40 percent of comments on the case)

For your information: I am either the 4th or the 5th caretaker. The Mongol appeared here at my suggestion also relatively recently: he is the one who does the design, the design, the avatar, and he comes up with a much more regular queue for pre-moderation. I determine the “general policy,” so to speak, the vector of movement, occasionally correcting or changing the “party” course.

And now about the good stuff: I honestly have a sense of humor, and I also love talented creatives (just not the crazy ones). But the administration will strictly separate honey from cutlets, etc., which means that the style of communication in one topic may be unacceptable in another. Next: we have a paid account, but we still don’t know who spent their modest bucks for what and for what purpose. And the worst thing is that no one knows what to do with this bonus: the surveys didn’t bring much benefit, so I suggest making a bunch of avatars and creatives, or hanging up the community anthem. You should use freebies, or at least try.