Singlet oxygen. Singlet oxygen: toxic effects on cells

Normally, O2 is in a stable state called triplet and characterized by the lowest level molecular energy. Under certain conditions, the O2 molecule goes into one of two excited singlet states (*O2), which differ in the degree of energy content and the duration of their “life.” For most living cells in the dark, the main source of singlet oxygen is the spontaneous dismutation of superoxide anions (see “Superoxide Anion: Toxic Effects on Cells,” reaction 3). Singlet oxygen can also arise from the interaction of two radicals:

O2- + OH turns into OH- + *O2 (9)

Probably any biological system, in which O2- is formed, can be an active source of singlet oxygen. However, the latter also appears in dark enzymatic reactions in the absence of O2-.

It has long been known that in the light the toxicity of molecular oxygen for living organisms increases. This is facilitated by substances in the cell that absorb visible light - photosensitizers. Many natural pigments can be photosensitizers. In the cells of photosynthetic organisms, active photosensitizers are chlorophylls and phycobiliproteins. Oxidation of biologically important molecules under the influence visible light in the presence of molecular oxygen and a photosensitizer is called the photodynamic effect.

Absorption of visible light leads to the transition of the photosensitizer molecule to an excited singlet state (*D):

D + (h*new) goes into *D,

where (h*new) is a quantum of light.

Molecules that have passed into the singlet state can return to the ground state (D) or transition to a long-lived triplet state (TD), in which they are photodynamically active. Several mechanisms have been established by which an excited molecule (md) can cause the oxidation of a substrate molecule. One of them is associated with the formation of singlet oxygen. The photosensitizer molecule in the triplet state reacts with O2 and transfers it to the excited singlet state:

tD + O2 turns into D + *O2.

Singlet oxygen oxidizes the substrate molecule (B):

B + *O2 turns into BO2.

The photodynamic effect has been found in all living organisms. In prokaryotes, as a result of photodynamic action, many types of damage are induced: loss of the ability to form colonies, damage to DNA, proteins, and cell membranes. The cause of damage is photo-oxidation of some amino acids (methionine, histidine, tryptophan, etc.), nucleosides, lipids, polysaccharides and other cellular components.

Cells contain substances that perform the function of extinguishing singlet oxygen and reducing the possibility of structural and other damage caused by it. One of the “quenchers” of singlet oxygen are carotenoids, which protect photosynthetic organisms from the lethal effects photosensitized by chlorophyll. *O2 interceptors are also various biologically active compounds: lipids, amino acids, nucleotides, tocopherols, etc.

The energy difference between the lowest energy O 2 in the singlet state and the lowest energy triplet state is about 11,400 kelvin ( T e (agX 3 Σ g−) = 7918.1 cm −1), or 0.98 eV. Discovered by H. Kautsky.

Molecule structure

Molecular oxygen differs from most molecules in having a triplet ground state, O 2 ( X 3 Σ g−). Molecular orbital theory predicts three low-lying excited singlet states of O 2 ( ag), O 2 ( a′ 1 Δ′ g) and O 2 ( b 1 Σ g+) (nomenclature is explained in the article Symbols of molecular terms). These electronic states differ only in the spin and occupancy of the degenerate antibonding π g-orbitals. O2 states ( ag) and O 2 ( a′ 1 Δ′ g) - degenerate. O2 state ( b 1 Σ g+) - very short-lived and quickly relaxes into a lower-lying excited state O 2 ( ag). Therefore, it is usually O 2 ( ag) is called singlet oxygen.

The energy difference between the ground state and singlet oxygen is 94.2 kJ/mol (0.98 eV per molecule) and corresponds to a transition in the near IR range (about 1270 nm). In an isolated molecule, the transition is prohibited by selection rules: spin, symmetry and parity. Therefore, direct excitation of oxygen in the ground state by light to form singlet oxygen is extremely unlikely, although possible. As a consequence, singlet oxygen in the gas phase is extremely long-lived (the half-life of the state at normal conditions- 72 minutes). Interactions with solvents, however, reduce the lifetime to microseconds or even nanoseconds.

Chemical properties

The soft red glow of singlet oxygen produced by the interaction alkaline solution hydrogen peroxide with chlorine gas.

Direct determination of singlet oxygen is possible by its very weak phosphorescence at 1270 nm, which is not visible to the eye. However, at high concentrations of singlet oxygen, fluorescence of so-called singlet oxygen dimols (simultaneous emission of two singlet oxygen molecules upon collisions) can be observed as a red glow at 634 nm.

In mammalian biology, singlet oxygen is considered one of the special forms active oxygen. In particular, this form is associated with cholesterol oxidation and the development of cardiovascular changes. Antioxidants based on polyphenols and a number of others can reduce the concentration of reactive oxygen species and prevent such effects.

The most intriguing were the recent conclusions of European researchers that singlet oxygen molecules may turn out to be the most important regulators of cellular activity, significantly determining the initiation mechanism

Thursday, 13 Feb. 2014

Voeikov Vladimir Leonidovich doctor biological sciences, professor of the department bioorganic chemistry Faculty of Biology Moscow State University gives scientific explanation treatment with hydrogen peroxide.

My name is Voeikov Vladimir Leonidovich. I am a Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Bioorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University.

I would like to talk today about a technique that appeared about 15-20 years ago, about health technology and technology that is used for treatment and which is based on the latest principles functioning of a living organism. My story will be devoted to how this technique works. This technology is called - using the energy of singlet oxygen to increase internal energy organism, its adaptability, its ability to resist various factors unfavorable environment. Here is my lecture, I called it “The Beneficial Effect of Singlet Oxygen Energy.”

Where did this technology and this technique come from? Here in the picture you see a photograph of a very nice man - Tony Van der Valk, whom I met about 15 years ago at one of the international conferences. Tony Van der Valk is the inventor of the singlet oxygen energy treatment principle and the inventor of the first device that makes it possible to receive singlet oxygen energy. And my scientific activity This is due to the fact that I study and generally explore the mechanisms of the beneficial effects of reactive oxygen species. My doctoral dissertation is called “ Regulatory functions reactive oxygen species in blood and aquatic model systems.” So when Tony and I met, we had a lot to tell each other.

In general, the story of Tony Van der Valk is quite, I would say, dramatic and simply very interesting. He himself is a chemist who worked in the field of paper chemistry. And somewhere in the 80s he was diagnosed with brain cancer. In general, it is believed that this is an almost incurable disease. And, nevertheless, in Germany (and he himself is a Dutchman who lived in Sweden) he found a doctor from alternative medicine who cured him of brain cancer, using various techniques that are not widespread and do not always work. In particular, he cured him using hydrogen peroxide therapy.

And then, Tony Van der Valk thought about the mechanism of action of hydrogen peroxide therapy. I thought about how the use of this most beneficial effect of hydrogen peroxide or other reactive forms of oxygen can be improved and more widely distributed.

Being a chemist, he came up with the idea, I would say, to the point that it was apparently not hydrogen peroxide itself that actually worked. Because hydrogen peroxide decomposes very quickly, and as a result of its decomposition, so-called singlet oxygen is obtained. And Tony Van der Valk invented the principle of treatment with singlet oxygen energy and the corresponding generator.

I would like to start simply, with the most banal statement: life is breathing. We can live without water, without food for quite a long time. If you stop breathing for 2-5 minutes, death occurs, at least in humans. There are, however, animals that can live much longer, but, nevertheless, not a single animal and, in general, not a single living organism can live without oxygen in the environment. Aerobic respiration- This is the main source of energy for all living organisms. When the supply of oxygen to the body stops, life ends very quickly.

That is, our life activity, in general, depends on the air we breathe. Will we be healthy, active, will we think well and, so to speak, achieve some records or just feel very good? Or will we develop chronic diseases of varying severity, which will ultimately lead to a sad end? This, to a large extent, perhaps even primarily, depends on the air we breathe. He is so important.

And I think many people remember that in 2010, when there were terrible fires in the Moscow region, Moscow and the Moscow region were covered in haze, in fact, people simply could not breathe. And the consequences of this disaster were very severe. And as you probably read, you know that tens of thousands of people ultimately died from chronic diseases. They didn’t just suffocate, but breathing such stuffy air led to a sharp acceleration of pathological processes in people with already compromised health. And tens of thousands of people died due to this factor alone. That is, stuffy air means illness and aging.

This was an extreme situation. But in the end, today people who live in a metropolis cannot help but encounter bad air due to heavy traffic. In offices and indoors, people also do not always have the opportunity to breathe good air. Well, stuffy air means illness and aging.

In contrast to it there is Fresh air- this is health, vigor, anti-aging. And so, if many continue to believe that stuffy air means a lack of oxygen, and fresh air means a lot of oxygen in the air, then this is an erroneous point of view. It must be said that the oxygen in the air in Moscow in July-August 2010 was no less than the oxygen in the air in a forest, near a stream, etc. But the quality of this air varied enormously, and every person understands this.

What is fresh air and how does it differ from stuffy air? The answer to this question was received almost a century ago, more than 80 years ago, by our greatest physiologist, biophysicist and, by the way, poet Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky. He, having learned from the literature that the air may contain air ions that can affect air quality, began to carefully study them and came to to the following conclusion: oxygen in air that does not contain light negatively charged air ions is biologically inert. And he proved experimentally that with prolonged breathing of air depleted of air ions, the health of humans and animals significantly deteriorates.

Well, there was even such a “Crucis” experiment performed on animals, the so-called cruciate experiment, when he placed mice or rats in a chamber that was connected to the environment through a cotton filter. That is chemical composition the air in the chamber and in the environment was virtually the same. The only thing is that charged particles from the ambient air could not pass through the cotton filter. That is, the air in the chamber was not ionized. And it turned out that if you put mice in this chamber, give them water and food in sufficient quantities, clean this chamber from the products of their vital activity, but in such a way as to prevent the air of the chamber from mixing with the air of the environment, then the mice die with symptoms of chronic hypoxia after about two weeks, the rats live a week longer. But despite the fact that there is a sufficient amount of oxygen in the chamber, they die with symptoms of hypoxia or symptoms of suffocation.

It turned out that if you begin to artificially ionize the air in this chamber, and ionize it so that negatively charged ions appear there, then the animals do not die. Oxygen alone, it turns out, is not enough to saturate you with it. It is necessary that the quality of oxygen be such that there is something else present in it that allows it to be used. That is, simply, oxygen itself is a biologically inert compound. It needs to be activated in order to be able to breathe.

So, Chizhevsky called these particles “negatively charged ions”; they give oxygen life. At the time when he carried out this work, they did not yet know that there were different shapes oxygen. And now, already 30-40 years ago, it became known that negatively charged ions are the so-called representatives large group reactive oxygen species.

What's the matter? What happens to oxygen so that it can be absorbed by the body? Molecular oxygen, as shown here, is a diradical. I note that without basic knowledge It will be impossible to understand further in chemistry why all this works.

Here, we take an ordinary molecule, not an oxygen molecule. Each molecule consists of nuclei, the nuclei are surrounded by electrons. Most ordinary molecules have an even number of electrons, and each electron has a pair, called paired electrons. What does a couple mean? An electron is a negatively charged particle. But you can also imagine it as a ball that rotates. It can rotate clockwise and counterclockwise. So paired electrons are two electrons, one of which rotates clockwise, the other rotates counterclockwise. This is a physically stable state. That is, this is the state that nature prefers - to pair electrons so that they are similar to other pairs. For example, a man and a woman, when they form a couple, become less excited, and they usually search for a mate until they find one. So the electrons are also looking for a pair.

The oxygen molecules that surround us are unique in the sense that they contain electrons in their outer orbit that can enter into chemical bond. Oxygen contains two unpaired electrons. This common state is called triplet and this state is, in most cases, chemically unstable. That is, the triplet molecule will one way or another go into the singlet state when the electrons pair up. But, oxygen is designed in such a way that its state, when it is inactive, is a stable state. And in this steady state oxygen is not able to interact, that is, to oxidize molecules that are in their other stable state, in singlet. Therefore, oxygen is inactive.

But, oxygen can be converted into an active form. To do this, you need to apply, for example, an energy pulse. And this energy impulse will cause one of the electrons to spin up in the opposite side. And then, oxygen will become like an ordinary molecule, but only in an excited state, because it received an energy impulse and moved from the ground state to the excited one. Singlet oxygen is active oxygen, which can already enter into chemical reactions with ordinary molecules. Or maybe release this impulse of energy and move into this basic state. In addition, a chemically active form of oxygen may not enter into a chemical reaction, but store some energy, and then release this energy. This is the peculiarity of singlet oxygen.

Here is an oxygen molecule with two unpaired electrons: if an electron is added to it, which either came from some other molecule, or it ended up in the environment, then it turns out that two electrons were paired, and one remained unpaired. As a result, we get an extremely active chemical particle. This unpaired electron will look for a mate, therefore, this particle, which is called a “free radical,” will seek to enslave itself to someone else, that is, to find a mate. And these particles will combine with each other and produce, for example, hydrogen peroxide. This, in fact, is where the fundamentals of this chemistry and physics of oxygen lie, which ensure its participation in chemical reactions.

That active forms oxygen, free radicals, exist in our environment, exist inside the body, today, I think, only the lazy, who do not read medical literature, brochures, leaflets, do not know about this medicines, someone who is not looking for antioxidants. Why? Because it is generally accepted that reactive oxygen species are harmful by-products of metabolism. And indeed it is. This was discovered more than half a century ago, when the causes of death from ionizing radiation, radiation sickness, when it was shown that during irradiation a very large number of free radicals and, first of all, reactive oxygen species appear in the body, which arise when radiation acts on water in our body. Free radicals begin to interact randomly with organic molecules, damaging proteins, lipids, cell membranes, structures and so on. And, if such a lesion turns out to be very severe, it leads to death from radiation sickness. If it is not so severe, it leads to very serious chronic diseases.

Well, then there was the next idea. Of course, there are always some factors in the environment that cause the appearance of reactive oxygen species in the body. It later turned out that many toxic substances also stimulate the appearance of reactive oxygen species in the body. And they, in turn, begin to damage biological molecules important for our life. And they began to believe that reactive oxygen species are harmful by-products of metabolism.

This point of view continues to dominate until today. Although ancient saying Hippocrates says that everything is poison and everything is medicine. It all depends on the dose. And today only the most fanatical supporters of the general toxicity of reactive oxygen species continue to adhere to this point of view. Although it turned out that reactive oxygen species are universal regulators of all life processes.

In normal physiology, these reactive oxygen species are studied as beneficial factors, as factors of life. Even the development of a fertilized cell (when a sperm fertilizes an egg) begins with the fact that this cell begins to consume oxygen ten times more intensely, which, practically all of it, goes into the production of reactive oxygen species. What is this - suicide? No, it's necessary condition further development cells.

Still in scientific literature The dominant idea is that of the oxygen we inhale, only a few percent goes into the production of reactive oxygen species. And this is considered some kind of omission, metabolic error. In fact, more thorough research shows that tens of percent of all the oxygen we consume goes into the production of reactive oxygen species.

Without the production of reactive oxygen species by our body, the enzymes of our body, the cells of our body, immunity is not possible. Acquired immunodeficiency, when we can talk about a syndrome, is either the inability of our body or the reduced ability of our body to produce reactive oxygen species, or, on the contrary, excess production of reactive oxygen species in response to certain environmental factors. For example, Quincke's edema or acute allergies are an extremely intense production of reactive oxygen species. This is bad. But if we suppress the production of reactive oxygen species in our body, it will not be any better, because then any bacteria, any virus in our body will get favorable conditions for your own development.

We have already said about air that life activity is supported only by moist air containing at least 300-500 pieces per cubic centimeter molecules of reactive oxygen species, superoxide radicals. And value drinking water depends on the presence in it not just of oxygen, but of active oxygen. In general, this is the self-purification of water, this is also its value. Here are reactive oxygen species in normal physiology.

I will no longer dwell on the fact that normal physiology based on the normal functioning of all cells in our body. And biochemists, cell biologists, molecular biologists we've already collected enough great material, which suggests that reactive oxygen species act as universal regulators of a wide variety of vital processes that occur at the cellular level.

Already in the 21st century, starting from 2000, works began to appear that even have the following title: “Reactive oxygen species - a signal for life.” It turned out that without hydrogen peroxide or without the superoxide radical, the division of normal cells is impossible, and without cell division the existence of life, its development, continuation, and simply the existence of our body is impossible.

On the other hand, cell division can be pathological - these are oncological diseases. And it turned out that reactive oxygen species, hydrogen peroxide and other reactive oxygen species, trigger the mechanism of death or, even more surprisingly, differentiation of malignant cells. That is, malignant cells under certain conditions can transform and return back to normal condition. And this also requires reactive oxygen species.

Regarding the use or application of active oxygen in medical practice, and simply in the practice of healing, then these approaches have quite rich history. I will no longer say that fresh air and fresh water, which contain reactive oxygen species, are much better than stale air and bad water, which do not contain reactive oxygen species. That is, simply, in order to stay healthy, we need to get these reactive oxygen species from the environment. If we receive them insufficiently or excessively, due to irradiation, for example, then we can treat them with the help of active oxygen. And there is such a term - oxygen therapy or treatment with active oxygen.

I think many people have heard that hydrogen peroxide therapy exists. This hydrogen peroxide therapy is not prohibited, but it is not yet widely supported in medicine. But, nevertheless, there are doctors who use it quite widely. At least this is recommended the simplest thing, like rinsing your mouth with weak solutions of hydrogen peroxide. It is clear that this will lead to a decrease in the content of bacteria in the oral cavity, but the effect is more pronounced on other functions of the body. There are even intravenous infusions of very weak solutions of hydrogen peroxide. They began to be used for the first time at the end of the 19th century, and were very widely used until the 30s of the last century.

Aeroionization. Everyone has heard about Chizhevsky's chandeliers. Another question is what quality they are, how efficiently they work. But it is an improvement in the quality of the air we breathe.

Ozone therapy. In our country, ozone therapy is very widely used as a therapeutic technique, which makes it possible to alleviate the condition of patients and even, in certain cases, cure very serious diseases. Ozone is, naturally, also a reactive form of oxygen.

And finally, singlet oxygen therapy. Following Van der Valk, singlet oxygen energy therapy, that is, singlet oxygen energy therapy, abbreviated as SOE. What kind of singlet oxygen therapy is this? Where does it come from? And where, generally speaking, does this singlet oxygen come from in our body? I showed you a chemical method for producing singlet oxygen, but where does it come from in our body?

The fact is that our body continuously produces these kinds of superoxide radicals. Those radicals that are in the air are called negatively charged air ions. They are also produced in our body with the help of enzymes. These superoxide radicals are produced and immediately, very quickly, react with each other because these two species are extremely reactive, resulting in hydrogen peroxide. And according to this equation, oxygen should be released. When two energetic particles interact with each other, a portion of energy is released that is intense enough for oxygen to be released not in its ground triplet state, but for it to be released in an excited state. This excited state is the singlet form of oxygen.

Hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide itself is a fairly inert particle. We can go to the pharmacy and buy 3% hydrogen peroxide and, if we do not keep it warm and in the light, it will persist for quite a long time. But, under certain conditions, when catalysts are present, hydrogen peroxide breaks down very quickly. It is enough to stick an iron nail into hydrogen peroxide, and you will immediately see oxygen bubbles coming out of it, and besides, this solution will heat up very quickly. Hydrogen peroxide decomposes in the presence of catalysts, producing water and, again, excited oxygen, singlet oxygen.

Since in our body several tens of percent are normally spent on the production of superoxide radicals, which immediately disappear with singlet oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, which immediately falls apart with the help of the enzyme catalase, and singlet oxygen is obtained, then the product of these free radical reactions, which continuously flow in our body is singlet oxygen. But this is a very unstable form of oxygen, because it is in an excited state, like a stone that is at the top of a mountain, on a sharp peak, it cannot stay there for long, and it will quickly fall down, releasing energy electromagnetic waves, electronic excitation energy. This is the energy of singlet oxygen. This means that the body normally, in a healthy state, should produce singlet oxygen all the time.

What is the harmful, pathological effect of reactive oxygen species? Their pathological action can occur when this reaction does not proceed extremely quickly, and the active particles will not annihilate or eliminate each other, but will begin to enter into chemical reactions with DNA, proteins, lipids, and so on. And then, on the one hand, superoxide radicals will damage the bioorganic molecules that we need for our existence, and on the other hand, the energy of singlet oxygen will not appear in the body.

Hydrogen peroxide is always produced one way or another. And if it is not quickly eliminated, then it can also disintegrate and enter into chemical reactions with other substances, and again damage occurs, on the one hand, organic molecules, and on the other hand, the energy of singlet oxygen is not generated.

This is on the one hand. It is true that reactive oxygen species are very harmful. On the other hand, it is correct that reactive oxygen species are absolutely necessary for life. They are very harmful when they act like chemical substances, killing normal molecules. They are needed for life, when there is a flow of them, when they are produced and immediately eliminated, when there is a turbulent flow.

Here we can give the following analogy. For example, a fast mountain stream. This stream provides clean fresh air, the water there is cool and pleasant. And this stream fell into some kind of hollow, and the water stopped there, and this water begins to light up, it begins to smell bad, it’s still the same water. That is, a stagnation phenomenon occurred. If the water in a mountain stream is good for health, then the water from a puddle, where some of this water got into, can probably cause some kind of trouble if we consume it.

What exactly did Van der Valk come up with? Where did he get the energy of singlet oxygen so that it could be used purposefully? Van der Valk based his invention on a principle already known at that time, which was called photodynamic cancer therapy. How can ordinary oxygen be converted into singlet oxygen? It can be converted using chemical reactions, as discussed, but you can turn ordinary oxygen into singlet oxygen by exciting it, charging it with an energy quantum.

How can we charge this oxygen with a quantum of energy? It turned out that not everything is so simple. We must illuminate ordinary air extremely intensely in order for singlet oxygen to appear there. This is not very easy. But if there are substances called photodynamic dyes, and if these substances absorb light from the environment, then they become excited, go into a charged state and transfer their energy to an oxygen molecule, and ordinary oxygen goes into the state of singlet oxygen.

These kinds of substances, dyes, are present in some quantities in our body. Those who know a little chemistry and biochemistry see that the molecule of this photodynamic dye is very similar to the heme molecule, which is responsible for the transfer of oxygen in our hemoglobin. Other substances are obtained from heme - parphyrins, which can be excited by external light and activate oxygen, transferring it to the singlet state.

What is photodynamic therapy? It turned out that if this type of dye is injected into a person with cancer, then this dye for some reason (it’s just pure fact, which has no explanation yet) is concentrated in tumor tissue and is almost not concentrated in normal tissues. The dye is concentrated in the tumor tissue, and if this tumor tissue is localized, it is illuminated using a laser, for example, with different sides, i.e. apply laser energy to this very tissue, then in the area of ​​this tissue oxygen will go into the singlet state. And there will be so much of it that the tumor tissue will resolve or partially die, in general, it will be destroyed.

But there is some problem with photodynamic dyes, why this method of therapy, which is highly effective in certain situations why didn't he get this? widespread? Because if the tumor is located, for example, in the liver, deep in the body, then it is difficult to reach there with a laser beam. Photodynamic therapy works very well if the tumors are superficial or if they can be illuminated or supplied with laser energy using a light guide.

This is on the one hand. But there are also other circumstances, not purely technical, that do not make it possible to widely distribute this therapy. In our country, I must say, photodynamic cancer therapy, scientists and doctors working in this field, perhaps, have priority compared to other countries.

Why am I talking about this? I brought this up to say that there are substances called photodynamic dyes. If they are illuminated with light that is effectively absorbed, and oxygen is present nearby, then this oxygen will be converted into singlet oxygen. And so, in fact, this principle was used by Van der Valk to create a device, which he called at one time “Valk Ion,” which produces the energy of singlet oxygen. Now the device is called “Active Air”, “Air Energy”. This is exactly how this system works.

There is no singlet oxygen at the exit from this chamber; it does not live long. Therefore, although it is a very strong oxidizing agent, it will not enter into chemical reactions. If we inhale this moist air, then there are no active chemical particles in it, they will not damage the mucous membranes, lungs, nostrils, and so on. That is, there will be nothing negative here.

There is a picture here, a slide that shows how one of the modifications of this camera works.

What did Van der Valk do in his time? Firstly, he has been using this since the early 90s - mid 90s, when this technique began to be used. He did two procedures. One procedure is simply inhaling energy-activated singlet oxygen in moist air. And the second procedure is illumination with light, which contains frequencies, vibrations corresponding to the energy of singlet oxygen, water, and then drinking this water.

In general, these two ways of using singlet oxygen energy complement each other. Breathing lasted for several minutes, several tens of minutes, but this was already the job of doctors who were developing courses for using the energy of singlet oxygen. And then there was drinking charged water. And this kind of procedure in the hands of Van der Valk often led to absolutely amazing results, the cure of people who had long suffered from serious chronic diseases.

And what is important, essential is what never happened side effects. Why? Because it uses pure electromagnetic energy. No chemicals are used here.

I talked about hydrogen peroxide therapy, ozone therapy, even aeroion therapy. How does this approach differ from those approaches that, generally speaking, are also often beneficial? And because in other types of therapy the dosage is very important. If you went through these very active particles, which, ultimately, should disintegrate and turn into singlet oxygen, which should give up its energy if active particles too much, if the system in the body does not function effectively enough, which makes hydrogen peroxide from superoxide radicals, and from hydrogen peroxide, respectively, water and singlet oxygen, then, naturally, side reactions of these chemically active particles are possible, which will be accompanied by unpleasant consequences .

This is on the one hand. On the other hand, in other therapeutic approaches this singlet oxygen energy will be obtained in very complex environment body. And therefore, the effectiveness of using other methods of oxygen therapy, perhaps, may be to some extent specific cases no worse than the energy of singlet oxygen. But, in general, they, simply logically speaking, have lower effectiveness, as well as the danger of adverse reactions. Sometimes this is too harsh therapy. As for singlet oxygen energy, this is a very gentle therapy. That is, if this energy is not needed by a healthy body, then there will be absolutely no consequences. It will not be absorbed by what will absorb it in a sick body.

But already in the 2000s, research began by clinicians and doctors, first on healthy people. Generally speaking, there is a medical joke: there are no healthy people, there are underexamined ones. It is indeed a fact that if you carefully examine each person, you will definitely find some deviations from the average statistical norm. Nevertheless, they took people who were so-called practically healthy, and it turned out that even if practically healthy people in a certain mode, they use the energy of singlet oxygen, then they experience an improvement in their condition. Not to mention people who are healthy, but not practically, but so-called outpatients.

For example, in the work of the German physician Knop in 2004, it was shown that if we compare breathing with moist air charged with the energy of singlet oxygen for 10-15 minutes with inhaling pure oxygen, then there is a significant decrease in heart rate, a significantly higher than if a person were breathing simple inactive oxygen.

What is a decrease in heart rate? And this, by the way, is a reduction in oxygen consumption. And, it would seem, a paradox. Is it good to reduce oxygen consumption? When a person breathes activated air, he begins to consume less oxygen. It seems to us that maybe he will suffocate then?

In fact, I will again give this rather rough analogy. There are two cars. One with a perfectly tuned engine consumes, say, 6 liters of gasoline per 100 kilometers. And another, exactly the same, but with a poorly tuned engine, will consume twice as much gasoline for the same 100 kilometers. Accordingly, it will burn twice as much oxygen. So is this good? The main thing is not how much oxygen is consumed, but how effectively the oxygen that goes into oxidation is used.

By the way, this is also not universal knowledge, although, of course, competent qualified doctors and biologists know about this that as a person ages, there is an increase in oxygen consumption to maintain vital functions compared to how much the same person consumed when he was young , healthy, energetic and so on. That is, with age we begin to breathe more intensely. Why? Because we begin to use oxygen worse.

And after breathing activated air, we begin to breathe less intensely, which means we begin to use oxygen more efficiently. This means fewer oxidation by-products, less intoxication of the body, and so on.

There is an indicator called Heart Rate Variability. What does it mean? It means next thing. In general, a person’s body should normally have enough weak pulse, that is, a relatively slow pulse, approximately 60-70 heart beats per minute. If a person has experienced some kind of stress or performed physical exercise, then, naturally, this requires much more intense energy production, and the heart rate should increase. But when this state is over, then, accordingly, the pulse should drop to normal level. This is called heart rate variability, that is, the higher this variability, the better body interacts with various kinds environmental factors, that is, its effectiveness is much higher. If a person’s pulse at rest is 80, and during activity it rises to 120, let’s assume, and then for a long, long time he goes to rest and calms down, which means the variability is low. Clearly this is bad.

And so, the variability of the heart rate after spirovitalization, i.e. after breathing air saturated with singlet oxygen energy. These are simply different patients. Changes in heart rate variability in each of the 15 subjects: in some the variability increased less, in others it increased greatly, but in almost all people who breathed activated air, the variability increased.

Naturally, the question arises: how long will this kind of effect last? In order to consolidate any effect from a positive impact, a certain course is, of course, necessary, some kind of repetition is necessary. But these are questions that are related to the work of a specific physician, a specific doctor with a specific patient. This is already a little beyond the scope of our story.

Already on large quantities people who were tested or who used this device in order to improve their functioning, an increase in the overall quality of life was proven, according to their reviews, according to their analyzes and so on. Energy status, on average, almost doubles. Good health increases by 40%. There are tests and questionnaires that allow you to evaluate this in this way.

It should also be noted that breathing activated air increases the effectiveness of medications.

In general, the quality of life of people who regularly breathe air enriched with singlet oxygen energy increases.

The next slide lists somatic diseases that the energy of singlet oxygen will help us cope with: diseases of the eyes, cardiovascular system, slowing down the aging process, and so on. The only thing you need to understand is that using this device once will briefly increase, so to speak, your activity. Then everything will return to normal, it will not get worse, but will return to its previous state. It is necessary regularly, especially for older people, to resort to breathing air enriched with the energy of singlet oxygen. They say I’ve been sick for a long time and need treatment for a long time.

The energy of singlet oxygen also finds its application for athletes. Many experiments have been conducted that have shown improved sports activity and improved performance of athletes. In particular, what was this connected with? After a serious physical activity Naturally, a person’s muscles get tired, and the body as a whole gets tired. This fatigue is expressed in the fact that lactic acid appears in the blood, that is, oxidation processes are not completed, oxygen ceases to be used effectively, and the amount of ATP, that is, the main energy currency, decreases. So in control group there was a completely typical drop in energy after physical exercise and then a very, very slow regeneration. And in the group that breathed activated air, the drop in energy was not so rapid, therefore, these athletes will continue to work much more efficiently, and regeneration will be completed much faster.

Today there are already many hundreds of doctors, in particular in Germany and in some other countries European Union, And medical institutions use this device. As for the energy of singlet oxygen, those who are interested in this can already find speeches and lectures by doctors practicing this therapy. This principle of physiotherapy is beginning to spread more and more widely.

I would like to end by emphasizing one very important point. The energy of singlet oxygen is the natural energy of living nature. Let's go back to the fresh air. We already know well, and everyone feels it, that fresh air is better than stuffy air. What is fresh air? Where can we find fresh air? Fresh air where there is a lot of greenery. For example, I think that now many people have summer cottages and mow the grass with a lawnmower. So after people mow the grass, they feel much fresher air. All smells become brighter, more pleasant, and, in general, a feeling of freshness and health arises. The air above a freshly mown lawn is full of singlet oxygen energy. Or the same feeling of freshness and health after rain in the forest. Air in pine forest full of energy from singlet oxygen. The air at the waterfall is also full of singlet oxygen energy, because the water falling from high altitude and breaking down into free radicals, again then turns into water, and, as a result, energy is released, which activates oxygen, and oxygen becomes singlet. Chlorophyll green plants When illuminated, it converts inert oxygen into active singlet oxygen. That is, fresh air is where there is a lot of greenery, and this greenery actively photosynthesizes sunlight, and plants are sources of singlet oxygen energy.

In principle, people who always live in such conditions are unlikely to need all these devices. They will regularly use this natural energy in order to remain cheerful, lively, and energetic for a long time.

However, most of us are unlikely to move to such holy places. Most of us will continue to live in conditions of high air pollution, in conditions of physical inactivity, which also leads to a decrease in the production of normal flows of active oxygen in our body. In general, we need to maintain our activity and our health in different ways.

And, from my point of view, this method that was invented and the idea that was put forward at one time by Tony van der Valk, the idea of ​​singlet oxygen energy, is an extremely fruitful idea, it will develop very quickly, it seems to me.

Than in the ground, triplet state. The energy difference between the lowest energy O 2 in the singlet state and the lowest energy triplet state is about 11,400 kelvin ( T e (agX 3 Σ g−) = 7918.1 cm −1), or 0.98 eV. Discovered by H. Kautsky.

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    Inorganic chemistry. Oxygen. Lesson 10

    Obtaining oxygen

    Obtaining oxygen from hydrogen peroxide


Molecule structure

Molecular oxygen differs from most molecules in having a triplet ground state, O 2 ( X 3 Σ g−). Molecular orbital theory predicts three low-lying excited singlet states of O 2 ( ag), O 2 ( a′ 1 Δ′ g) and O 2 ( b 1 Σ g+) (nomenclature is explained in the article Symbols of molecular terms). These electronic states differ only in the spin and occupancy of the degenerate antibonding π g-orbitals. O2 states ( ag) and O 2 ( a′ 1 Δ′ g) - degenerate. O2 state ( b 1 Σ g+) - very short-lived and quickly relaxes into a lower-lying excited state O 2 ( ag). Therefore, it is usually O 2 ( ag) is called singlet oxygen.

The energy difference between the ground state and singlet oxygen is 94.2 kJ/mol (0.98 eV per molecule) and corresponds to a transition in the near IR range (about 1270 nm). In an isolated molecule, the transition is prohibited by selection rules: spin, symmetry and parity. Therefore, direct excitation of oxygen in the ground state by light to form singlet oxygen is extremely unlikely, although possible. As a consequence, singlet oxygen in the gas phase is extremely long-lived (the half-life of the state under normal conditions is 72 minutes). Interactions with solvents, however, reduce the lifetime to microseconds or even nanoseconds.

Chemical properties

Direct determination of singlet oxygen is possible by its very weak phosphorescence at 1270 nm, which is not visible to the eye. However, at high concentrations of singlet oxygen, fluorescence of so-called singlet oxygen dimols (simultaneous emission of two singlet oxygen molecules upon collisions) can be observed as a red glow at 634 nm.

Chlorophyll molecules are capable, under the influence of light, of effectively forming the triplet excited state of chlorophyll and thus sensitizing the formation of singlet oxygen. It is believed that one of the functions of polyenes, primarily carotenoids, in photosynthetic systems is to prevent damage caused by the formation of singlet oxygen by dissipating excess light energy incident on the photosynthetic components of cells, by deactivating excited chlorophyll molecules in the triplet state, or by direct quenching of singlet oxygen molecules.
Believe [ Who?] that singlet oxygen is also formed under the action

This article looks at what singlet oxygen is, how it differs from regular oxygen, and where it is used.

Singlet oxygen is the same molecular oxygen, that is, the formula of singlet oxygen is also O2. Ordinary and singlet molecules differ from each other only at the level quantum mechanics, that is, orbitals and electrons.

Features of the structure and chemistry of singlet oxygen

Unlike triplet or basic oxygen, singlet oxygen has a lone pair of electrons. In this state, oxygen has more high energy. In the gas phase, the most stable singlet molecules can persist for up to 72 hours, but over time they still transform into a more stable triplet state with lower energy. In solution, this transition occurs faster than a second.

The chemical differences between singlet oxygen are that it more actively enters into chemical interactions. Oxygen in the singlet state is a stronger oxidizing agent, and can also participate in organic processes in which triplet molecules do not participate.

The benefits and harms of singlet oxygen

In the body, active oxygen is converted into ordinary antioxidant protective system, but if this system is disrupted, diseases can develop. Antioxidants are used for their treatment and prevention.

Side effects of long-term exposure to active oxygen:

  • oxidation of membrane lipids and cell damage;
  • cholesterol oxidation and negative changes in vessels;
  • damage to the genetic apparatus of the cell, etc.
At the same time, dosed use of specially generated active oxygen is beneficial and is indicated for many diseases. In the liquid environment of the cell, incoming active oxygen quickly passes into the triplet phase, releasing energy. This stimulates many important biochemical processes.

Therapeutic effects of singlet oxygen:

  • stimulation of one's own antioxidant system;
  • acceleration of metabolic reactions and regeneration processes;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • increasing breathing efficiency, eliminating hypoxia;
  • diluting mucus in the lungs and facilitating its release;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • normalization of blood pressure.
Active oxygen is used for the treatment and prevention of many metabolic, cardiovascular, hormonal, pulmonary, digestive and neurological diseases.

Obtaining active oxygen

There are special oxygen generators that convert ordinary oxygen into more active oxygen. Used to activate oxygen physical impact- high frequency electrical discharge, magnetic field and others. Such devices usually receive oxygen from atmospheric air in low concentrations (about 30%), they do not replace conventional medical oxygen devices in treatment serious illnesses lungs and are not suitable for emergency care in acute hypoxia.