Self-education of the teacher preparing children for school. Teaching coherent speech is an important condition for preparing a child for school (creative report on self-education)

State budgetary children's educational institution

kindergarten No. 26 combined type Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg


Educator: Del Natalya Vasilievna

2016 – 2017

Self-education plan for teacher Del Natalya Vasilievna

Topic: “Preparation for teaching literacy to children in the preparatory group”

Target : Promote the development of the phonetic side of children's speech, auditory

Attention and phonemic hearing, in order to prepare children for learning sound

Word analysis.

Objectives of educational activities:

1.Teach children to highlight a given sound in pronunciation, compare (distinguish,

differentiate) sounds that are close in articulatory or acoustic terms

(hard and soft consonants, voiceless and voiced consonants, hissing and whistling,


2. Identify by ear the sound that occurs in a series of 4–5 words. Notice words with

a given sound in a nursery rhyme, a tongue twister, select words with a given sound,

form an idea of ​​a word, sound, syllable, sentence;

3.Conduct sound analysis, working with a word (short, long) and using various games; activate the idea of ​​a word, sound, syllable, sentence.

4. Pay attention to preparing your hand for writing, developing basic graphic skills and preparing for writing techniques.

5.Develop writing skills: reading individual words and phrases, write

Printed letters.

Planned results (in the form of targets)

Have a good grasp of the concepts: “word”, “sound”, “syllable”, “letter”, “sentence”.

Differentiate the concepts of “sound” and “letter”;

Distinguish between vowels and consonants;

Carry out sound and syllabic analysis words;

Identify the difference in the sound (syllable) composition of two words, know the letters.

- by syllabic and continuous reading methods

Work plan for the 2016 – 2017 academic year


1Selection of methodological literature and GCD notes for joint activities with children. Studying.

2 Selection and production of a card index of didactic games for teaching literacy


1Selection of visual material with pictures for different sounds

2. Registration of a consultation for parents “Where to start learning to read”

3 Production of didactic material “Sound houses”,

“Find the place of the sound in the word”, “Word diagrams”.


1Replenish the card index with articulatory gymnastics.

2Selection of material for the formation of graphic skills.

3Designing a card index with finger games.

4 Production of individual material for each child “Cashier



1 Registration of consultation for parents “Development fine motor skills in children"

2 Replenishment of the collection of strokes and hatches.


1 Registration of a consultation for parents “Games with letters for preschool children”

2 Making didactic games: “Syllabic tables”, “Make a word”


1 Replenishment of the card index with pure tongue twisters and tongue twisters

2 Update strokes and hatches.


1 Making educational games

2 Updating visual material for sounds


1 Design of a memo for parents “Land of Letters”

2 Selection of material for the final event:

Leisure “In the Land of Sounds”


1 Final event - leisure.

2 Job analysis.

3 Monitoring.

Methodological literature

  1. Bondarenko T. M. Complex classes V preparatory group kindergarten. Voronezh 2009
  2. Shumaeva D. G. “How good it is to be able to read!” “Childhood – Press 2000
  3. Ushakova O. S. Speech development of children 5 – 7 years old. LLC “TC-Sfera” 2014
  4. VolchkovaV. N. Lesson notes in the preparatory group. Voronezh 2010
  5. Gavrina S. E. Development of speech. Preschool school. Moscow Rosmen 2014
  6. Kuritsyna E. M. Games for speech development. We speak correctly. Rosmen 2014
  7. Zhurova L. E, Varentsova “Teaching literacy. Notes.
  8. Kylasova L. E. Didactic material for classes with children 6–7 years old on speech development. Volgograd 2015

Currently highest value in the development of society acquires human factor. First of all, creative and independent, responsible and enterprising workers are required, capable of continuous development and self-education. In this regard, the main goal of individual human progress becomes the development of independence and the full disclosure of the capabilities and abilities of the individual.

In the context of humanization of education existing theory and the technology of mass education should be aimed at creating strong personality capable of living and working in a constantly changing world, capable of boldly developing their own strategy of behavior, implementing moral choice and bear responsibility for it.

According to requirements new education paradigm The main task of the school is to prepare an independent, educated, creative person capable of continuous development and self-education. Due to this special meaning for self-realization of students' personality has technological education.

Modern technological education expands the boundaries of students’ technological training, developing technological thinking, which ensures the formation of such abilities as the ability to:

    predict your development within a given goal;

    make decisions at the level of inclusion in labor activity;

    focus on constant updating of knowledge and skills;

    realize oneself in the process of work;

    find innovative solutions in difficult situations;

    determine your own interests;

    design an algorithm for various types of activities.

The problem of preparing the younger generation for life and work, development scientific foundations its implementation in secondary schools is presented in the works of a number of famous scientists and teachers. Works by L.P. Aristova, E.Ya. Golanta, B.P. Esipov, and others, devoted to the problem of analyzing the development of independence in children as the most important indicator of the fruitfulness of learning.

In my opinion, independence is the basis for the formation of creativity in the activity of the subject, and creative activity is the active interaction of the subject with the surrounding world, as a result of which he purposefully changes this world and himself and creates something new that has social significance. Therefore, the future directly depends on the efforts of the school: how well it ensures the development of student activity and independence in learning.

The main mistake of many teachers, starting from the initial and ending high school, in an effort to limit ourselves to providing knowledge and ensuring the assimilation of the material.

The disadvantage of education mainly consists in the inability to work independently, in the inability to develop skills in academic work. There is a lack of methodological material and recommendations on the issue of a system for developing independence among students. But the point is educational technology- search for new scientific approaches to the analysis and organization of the educational process, a set of methods and means that ensure the implementation of lesson goals in the educational system. This is what connects theory and practice, the procedural and substantive aspects of learning. Currently, there is a fascination with forms of learning without their deep theoretical analysis, without taking into account the substantive foundations of learning.

A holistic pedagogical understanding of this problem leads to the need to find effective ways to develop student independence. The success of this process is determined by many factors, among which the most important is the student’s awareness of his abilities, interests, and knowledge of methods of independent activity. At the same time, the tasks of education modern stage require a specific study of the problem of student independence based on the material of individual subjects. However, the traditional organization of student independence remains predominant in most schools. These shortcomings of mass practice are explained, as mentioned above, by the lack of development of technology for developing the independence of schoolchildren in the classroom.

Organization independent work, its management is a responsible and hard work every teacher. Fostering activity and independence must be considered as component education of students. In this regard, one of the main tasks of modern education is:

    developing in students the ability to operate acquired knowledge and apply it in new situations;

    draw independent conclusions and generalizations;

    find solutions in non-standard conditions.

Also, the fundamental requirement of society for a modern school is the formation of an individual who can independently:

    creatively solve scientific, industrial, social problems;

    think critically;

    develop and defend your point of view, your beliefs;

    systematically and continuously replenish and update your knowledge through self-education;

    improve skills, creatively apply them in reality.

Effective use of independent work allows you to solve a large number of the above problems.

Wherein independent work of students is an important component of the educational process. It is advisable to consider it as a form of organizing students’ educational activities, carried out under the direct or indirect guidance of a teacher, during which students mainly or completely independently perform various types of tasks in order to develop knowledge, skills and personal qualities.

Requirements for organizing independent work of schoolchildren

Any student’s independent work organized by the teacher must meet the following didactic requirements:

  • be purposeful;

    be truly independent work and encourage the student to work hard when completing it;

    At the same time, at first, students need to develop the simplest skills of independent work;

    for independent work, in most cases it is necessary to offer such tasks, the implementation of which does not allow working according to ready-made recipes and templates;

    assignments should be of interest to students;

    independent work must be systematically and systematically included in the educational process;

    when organizing independent work, it is necessary to carry out a reasonable combination of the teacher’s presentation of the material with the independent work of students to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities;

    When students perform independent work of any kind, the leading role should belong to the teacher.

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a junior schoolchild

Junior's Boundaries school age, coinciding with the period of study in primary school, are currently set from 6-7 to 9-10 years. During this period, further physical and psychophysiological development of the child occurs, providing the opportunity for systematic learning at school. Forming the ability to independently acquire and expand knowledge is one of the main objectives of training. At the same time, independent work of schoolchildren intensifies the learning process.

Educational activity becomes the leading activity at primary school age. It determines the most important changes occurring in the development of the children’s psyche at a given time. age stage. Within the framework of educational activities, psychological new formations develop that characterize the most significant achievements in development junior schoolchildren and are the foundation that ensures development at the next age stage. Gradually, motivation for learning activities, so strong in the first grade, begins to decline. This is due to a drop in interest in learning and the fact that the child already has a conquered public position he has nothing to achieve. To prevent this from happening, learning activities need to be given new, personally meaningful motivation. The leading role of educational activities in the process of child development does not exclude the fact that the younger student is actively involved in other types of activities, during which his new achievements are improved and consolidated.

The younger student is optimistic, inquisitive, emotional, loves to play and fantasize. This is a passionate nature, a completely independent person, who has her own views and judgments and does not always accept other people’s opinions without evidence. At the same time, the authority of an adult and his opinion largely determine the behavior of a younger student. All this directly affects the child’s interaction with the world around him. However, it is difficult for the child long time maintain stable voluntary attention, memorize significant material

Considering this feature, the teacher may well use independent work in teaching a younger student, which will help the child remember the amount of material he needs.

A distinctive feature of any primary school student is an interest in the world around him, the need to acquire new knowledge not only about the objects that directly surround him, but also about rather abstract ones. Therefore, it is important for the teacher to accustom the child to independently master new knowledge. They will help him in this various forms independent work that will help the child learn step by step the world.

It is especially important to emphasize such a psychological feature of a junior schoolchild as a holistic perception of the world.

Knowledge of the surrounding world is associated with such psychological characteristics of a child of primary school age as goodwill, openness, and positive reflection. Under certain conditions, a primary school student can develop the ability to empathize.

At this age, another important new formation appears - voluntary behavior. The child becomes independent and chooses what to do in certain situations. This type of behavior is based on moral motives, forming at this age. The child absorbs moral values ​​and tries to follow certain rules and laws. This is often associated with selfish motives and desires to be approved by adults or to strengthen one’s personal position in a peer group. That is, their behavior is one way or another connected with the main motive that dominates at this age - the motive of achieving success.

New formations such as planning the results of action and reflection are closely related to the formation of voluntary behavior in younger schoolchildren.

A child of primary school age already develops elements of reflection: he can objectively evaluate himself, learns to reckon with the opinions of others and take them into account in joint activities. However, this is not his typological feature, that is, not inherent in everyone without exception, although the presence of these phenomena in some children indicates the possibility of their formation in all. This must be taken into account in the educational process

As a rule, younger schoolchildren fulfill the teacher’s demands unquestioningly and do not enter into arguments with him, which, for example, is quite typical for a teenager. They trustfully accept the teacher’s assessments and teachings, imitate him in his manner of reasoning and intonation. If a task is given in class, it means it is necessary, and the children carefully complete it, without thinking about the purpose of their work.

At this age, children acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities with readiness and interest. Anything new (a picture book the teacher brought, an interesting example, a teacher’s joke, visual material) evokes an immediate reaction. Increased reactivity and readiness for action are manifested in lessons and in the way the children quickly raise their hands, impatiently listen to a friend’s answer, and strive to answer themselves. In order to identify the capabilities of each child, the teacher must systematically carry out independent work. As a result, he will be able to monitor the progress of children.

The primary school student has a very strong focus on external world. Facts, events, details leave a strong impression on him. At the slightest opportunity, students run closer to what interests them, try to take an unfamiliar object in their hands, and fix their attention on its details. Children happily talk about what they saw, mentioning many details that are little understandable to outsiders, but are apparently very significant for them.

At the same time, at primary school age, the desire to penetrate into the essence of phenomena and reveal their cause does not noticeably manifest itself. It is difficult for a younger student to identify the essential, the main thing. For example, when retelling texts or answering questions about them, students often repeat individual phrases and paragraphs almost word for word. This also happens when they are required to tell in their own words or briefly convey the content of what they read.

The development of the personality of a primary school student depends on school performance, assessments of the child by adults. At primary school age, children's desire to achieve increases. Therefore, the main motive of a child’s activity at this age is the motive of achieving success. Sometimes another type of this motive occurs - the motive of avoiding failure.

The main achievements of this age are determined by the leading nature of educational activities and are largely decisive for subsequent years of education: by the end of primary school age, the child must want to learn, be able to learn and believe in himself.

Full-fledged living of this age, its positive acquisitions are the necessary foundation on which the further development of the child as an active subject of knowledge and activity is built. The main task of adults in working with children of primary school age is to create optimal conditions to reveal and realize the capabilities of children, taking into account the individuality of each child.

“Formation of competence in the field of independent positive activity among students junior classes»

Actuaflatness of the topic.

In the materials of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard (primary education), one of the value guidelines is “development of independence, initiative and responsibility of the individual as a condition for his self-actualization”. In this regard, the key competence of a primary school student is educational independence, which is based on reflective skills, takes into account the individual characteristics of students and is based on general educational skills.

Today's junior high school students are significantly different from their peers of previous years. The range of readiness levels for school is very wide: from complete ignorance of letters and numbers, lack of basic spatial orientation skills, to the ability to read fluently and explain the meaning of what is read, compare and generalize. But regardless of the effort expended. The child still experiences difficulties due to the inability to work in an individually oriented mode. This reinforces the importance of changing priorities in the learning style and focusing on the formation of independence, since the child’s ability to carry out learning activities without the help of an adult would allow him to solve a number of his problems. individual training and expanded the prospects for student self-education.

Federal State educational standard proclaims as one of the most important tasks modern system education “formation of universal educational activities that provide schoolchildren with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement” In the standard, universal educational activities are grouped into four main blocks : personal, regulatory, general cognitive (including general educational, logical, problem posing and solving), communicative actions. The most important task The modern education system is the formation of universal educational activities that provide schoolchildren with the ability to learn, the ability for self-development and self-improvement. That is why the “Planned Results” of the Second Generation Education Standards (FSES) determine not only subject, but meta-subject and personal results.

The main results of teaching children in primary school are the formation universal methods actions, developing the ability to learn - the ability to self-organize in order to solve educational tasks, individual progress in the main areas of personal development - emotional, cognitive. As a result of training, the child should develop: the desire and ability to learn, initiative, independence, cooperation skills in different types activities.

That is why today a primary school teacher is rethinking his teaching experience and asking himself the questions: How to teach children? How to develop the ability to learn? What does it mean to be able to learn? How to form and develop universal learning activities among students?

In first grade, children develop an idea of ​​learning activities. Students find the answer to the question: What does it mean to be able to learn? They are introduced to the two main steps of learning activities - "What don't I know?" and “I’ll find a way myself!” Younger schoolchildren learn to identify difficulties in educational activities, set a goal, and build a way to achieve a goal. In my work, I pay attention to the formation and development of students’ ability to check their work using a model based on an algorithm, and I also introduce them to the error correction algorithm. Students learn to follow instructions and strictly follow the pattern. Thus, I form regulatory universal learning actions among first-graders. Regulation is nothing more than managing actions, it is the basis of the success of any activity, it is the ability to manage one’s activities. A. G. Asmolov in the manual “How to design universal educational activities. From action to thought” notes that “in elementary school, the following regulatory educational actions can be distinguished, which reflect the content of the leading activities of children of primary school age: the ability to learn and the ability to organize their activities (planning, control, evaluation); formation of determination and perseverance in achieving goals, optimism in life, readiness to overcome difficulties. . Thus, goal setting, planning, mastering methods of action, mastering algorithms, evaluating one’s own activities are the main components of regulatory universal educational actions, which become the basis for educational activities.


1. Universal learning activities.

The term “universal learning activities” means the ability to learn, i.e. the subject’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new things social experience.

Fundamentals of educational independence.

Modern programs Primary schools contain the requirement to cultivate educational independence and develop the ability to learn. The child who is at the end primary education has not acquired these qualities, in basic school he cannot cope with the growing demands for mastering educational material and the increasing workload. He loses interest in

classes, studies well below his capabilities, and when he graduates from school, he finds himself unable to carry out his work creatively without outside help. Academic independence, the foundations of which are laid in the 1st grade, is considered as one of the indicators of the maturity of the educational activity of a primary school student. The authors of teaching materials for elementary schools include a large amount of material for the development of educational independence in each subject. Independent activity is formed by various means, the most common of which is independent work. It is ensured by a high level of cognitive activity of elementary school students according to the criteria of self-regulation and goal setting, which are formed precisely at this age. Independent work means special shape organization of educational activities carried out under the direct or indirect guidance of a teacher, during which students mainly or completely independently perform various types of tasks in order to develop knowledge, skills, abilities and personal qualities(I.F. Kharlamov). The effectiveness of instilling educational independence in children of primary school age is possible with a fundamental restructuring of the positions of the teacher, who must: consider the education of independence as a purposeful task that is especially significant for the development of the individual; – abandon petty tutelage and authoritarianism; – ensure that the adult’s position is adequate to the level of independence of children (advisor, consultant, participant); – take into account the desires, capabilities, abilities, knowledge and skills of children as much as possible; – actively use incentive mechanisms (for example, incentives, game designs); – create an emotionally favorable background, a friendly, trusting atmosphere in the classroom; – promote the development of the subjective position of schoolchildren; - build educational work based on the relationship between educational and educational processes, interaction between school and family; – take into account that the development of independence proceeds, as it were, in two planes: from internal logic (less - more, more fully) and from class to class; – don’t force it educational process and comply individual approach, taking into account the uniqueness of each student and the pace of his development. To effectively guide students’ independent learning activities, it is important to determine the signs of independent work: the presence of a teacher’s assignment; teacher guidance; student independence; completing a task without the direct participation of the teacher; student activity

Forms, methods and means of forming the foundations of independence (the ability to learn) of primary schoolchildren.

The teacher plays a leading role in shaping students' learning activities. Therefore, selection of lesson content, development of a specific set of the most effective educational tasks (within each subject area), determining the planned results, choosing methods and forms of teaching - all this requires a competent approach from the teacher. The second generation federal state educational standard is based on a system-activity approach. Consequently, today we have to move away from traditional transmission ready knowledge from teacher to student. The teacher’s task becomes not only to explain, tell, show everything in a clear and accessible way during the lesson, but also to include the student himself in educational activities, organize the process of children’s independent acquisition of new knowledge, application of acquired knowledge in solving cognitive, educational, practical and life problems. Many practicing teachers in their work encounter difficulties due to the low motivation of students to acquire new knowledge and be active in educational activities. The solution to this issue is the use of active forms and methods of teaching in the classroom. One of the effective means of promoting cognitive motivation, as well as the formation of universal educational actions, is the creation of problematic situations in the educational process. A. M. Matyushkin characterizes the problematic situation as “ special kind mental interaction between object and subject, characterized by such mental state subject (student) when solving problems that require discovery (discovery or assimilation) of new knowledge or methods of activity previously unknown to the subject.” In other words, a problem situation is a situation in which a subject (student) wants to solve some difficult problems for himself, but he lacks data and must look for it himself. Problem situation - a means of organization problem-based learning, this is the initial moment of thinking, causing a conscious need for learning and creating internal conditions for the active assimilation of new knowledge and methods of activity.. A problematic situation arises when a teacher deliberately confronts life ideas students with facts that schoolchildren do not have enough knowledge or life experience to explain. It is possible to deliberately confront students’ life ideas with scientific facts using various visual aids and practical tasks, during which students are sure to make mistakes. This makes it possible to cause surprise, sharpen the contradiction in the minds of students and mobilize them to solve the problem. For example, in a lesson on the surrounding world in first grade on the topic “Who are the birds?” I offered the children the following problem situation:

Name the distinctive feature of birds. (These are animals that can fly.)

Look at the slide. What animals did you recognize? (Bat, butterfly, sparrow, chicken.)

What do these animals have in common? (They can fly.)

Can they be classified as one group? (No.)

Will the ability to fly be a distinctive feature of birds? - What did you expect? What actually happens? What question arises? (What is the distinctive feature of birds?)

A problematic situation can be created by encouraging students to compare and contrast contradictory facts, phenomena, data, i.e. practical task or a question to confront different opinions of students.

So, in a Russian language lesson on the topic “Proper name. Words that are pronounced the same but spelled differently”, I offered the students the following situation:

One first-grader girl wrote about herself. Here's what she came up with:

"Hello! My name is Amina. I live in the city of Khasavyurt. I love reading fairy tales. My favorite fairy-tale heroes- Pinocchio, Cinderella. I also like to play with the ball.”

Correct the mistakes. Write the last sentence in your notebook.

How did you spell the word ball in a sentence? (Different answers: ball, Sharik.)

Let's look at the screen. What's the problem? (We see that some guys have this word written with capital letters, and for others with a small one.)

What question arises? (Who is right?)

What should be done? (Stop and think.)

In school practice, problematic situations that arise when there is a discrepancy between the known and required methods of action are widely used. Students face a contradiction when they are encouraged to perform new tasks, new actions in old ways. Having realized the failure of these attempts, they are convinced of the need to master new methods of action. Creating problem situations in the classroom makes it possible to intensify mental activity students, direct them to search for new knowledge and methods of action, since “the next stage of work in the class is solving the problem. Children express different offers how to solve the problem. If children quickly offer a successful (effective) solution, it is up to the teacher to decide whether it is possible to move on to next stage lesson. If the teacher has no doubt that most children understand the essence of the discovery (or this proposal was made almost simultaneously by many children), then you can move on. However, sometimes a situation arises when the essence of a good idea is understood by one or two people in the class, and the rest are not yet ready to accept it. Then the teacher must deliberately “neutralize” the children who guessed it, thereby forcing the rest to continue to guess.” Tolmacheva in the book “Lesson in Developmental Education” note: “At this stage of work, it is important for the teacher to ensure the participation of each child in joint actions to retain and solve the educational task.” At such a lesson, a research approach to learning is implemented, the principle of activity, the meaning of which is that the child does not receive knowledge in a ready-made form, but “obtains” it in the process of his work. Them but today’s student needs such a lesson. A lesson in which the teacher teaches the child to learn, teaches activities. A. A. Leontyev notes “Teaching activities means making the learning motivated, teaching the child to independently set a goal and find ways, including means, to achieve it (i.e., optimally organize one’s activities), helping the child to form skills of control and self-control, assessment and self-esteem." The teacher builds the education of younger schoolchildren on the basis of the technology he has chosen. If, for example, we build student learning on the basis of communication technology, then this technology contributes to the education of a student who knows how and wants to learn, to be proactive in acquiring new knowledge, who knows how to defend his point of view and at the same time knows how to listen, treat the point of view of others kindly and with respect, and be sociable. The peculiarity of this technology is the construction of training based on the active interaction of all participants in the educational process with the involvement of all possible means (sources) of information. Organizational forms of this technology are: learning in a community, mutual learning, work in pairs and groups of shift composition, educational dialogue, educational discussion.

An effective means of developing independence in primary school students is a group form of education. The use of group forms leads to increased cognitive activity and creative independence among students; the way children communicate changes; students assess their capabilities more accurately; children acquire skills that will help them in later life: responsibility, tact, confidence.

In this case, it is important to remember some advantages group work(according to V. Okon). This form of organizing children's activities: - contributes to the implementation of educational goals, teaching them responsibility, readiness to help others, and partnership; - contributes to the implementation of cognitive goals, increases student productivity, develops them cognitive activity and independence; - expands the boundaries of interpersonal relationships and promotes connections between students; - makes the process of self-assessment more objective, increases objectivity in assessing others. The teacher plays the main role. It is necessary to organize the educational process in such a way that each student can realize his potential, see the process of his progress, evaluate the result of his own and collective (group) work, while developing independence as one of the main personality qualities. Thus, the inclusion of problem situations, group forms of teaching in the lesson, constructing a lesson in the technology of the activity-based teaching method contributes to the formation of universal educational actions in students, gives children the opportunity to grow up as people capable of understanding and evaluating information, making decisions, and controlling their activities in accordance with their goals. . And these are exactly the qualities that a person needs in modern conditions.

Self-education topic:

“The formation of educational and cognitive motives is the key to the quality of successful learning”

“A student is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a candle that needs to be lit.”

Goals: study of the motives of students' educational activities to improve the quality of successful learning.


- study the literature on the topic “Motivation for learning and its formation”

- consider the methodology for developing student motivation

- conduct research on the formation of motivation for educational activities

Approximate plan for working on the topic and expected result



Expected result


1.Analysis of difficulties.

2. Statement of the problem.

3. Studying literature on the problem and existing experience.

1 year (1st grade)

Studying literature on a problem arising from the methodological theme of the school. The material is reviewed and compiled into a portfolio.


1. Determining the goals and objectives of working on the topic.

2. Development of a system of measures aimed at solving the problem.

3. Forecasting results.

1 year (1st grade)

Design of the work, a system of activities prepared for conducting research work.


1. Introduction of software, systems of measures.

2. Formation of a methodological complex.

3. Tracking the process, current, intermediate results.

4. Correction of work.

Carrying out a number of practical activities aimed at developing motives for learning and educational activities, etc. to study motivation for two years of study


1. Summing up.

2. Presentation of material on the topic of self-education

3. Observation of the growth of motivation development in 3rd grade.

3 year (3rd grade)

Speech at the Moscow School of Elementary School Teachers.

Study of teaching motives, their dynamics.


1. Using experience in the process of further work.

2. Distribution.

During the long-distance slave.


1.1.Motive and motivation

1.2. Ways of formation educational motivation

Chapter 2. Research of motives for educational activities of primary school students

2.1. Research methodology

2.2. Corrective work on the formation of educational motivation




Relevance of the topic. Observation of the work of teachers shows that they do not always pay due attention to the motivation of students. Many teachers, often without realizing it themselves, assume that once a child comes to school, he should do everything that the teacher recommends. There are also teachers who rely primarily on negative motivation. In such cases, students’ activities are driven by the desire to avoid various kinds troubles: punishment from a teacher or parents, bad grades, etc.

Often, on the very first day of school, a student learns that now he cannot behave as before: he cannot get up when he wants; you cannot turn to the student sitting behind you; you can’t ask when you want to do it, etc. In such cases, the student gradually develops a fear of school, a fear of the teacher. Educational activities do not bring joy. This is a signal of trouble. Even an adult cannot work in such conditions for a long time.

To understand another person, you need to mentally put yourself in his place. So imagine yourself in the place of a student who has to get up every day, usually without sleep, and go to school early in the morning. He knows that the teacher will again say that he is stupid, unintelligent, and give him a bad grade. The teacher’s attitude towards him was passed on to the students in the class, so many of them also treat him poorly and try to annoy him in some way. In a word, the student knows that nothing good awaits him at school, but he still goes to school, goes to his class.

If a teacher faces a similar situation, he cannot stand it for a long time and changes jobs. The teacher must constantly remember that a person cannot work for a long time on negative motivation, which generates negative emotions. If this is the case, then is it any wonder that already in elementary school some children develop neuroses.

In this regard, it is worth remembering. His main merit, in our opinion, is not in his notes and strong points, but in the fact that he removed children's fear of school, making it a place of children's joy. And school should definitely bring joy to a child. This is required not only by a humane attitude towards children, but also by concern for the success of educational activities. At one time, L. Feuerbach wrote that what the heart is open to cannot be a secret to the mind. The teacher’s task, first of all, is to “open the child’s heart”, to awaken in him the desire to learn new material, to learn to work with it.

Psychological study of motivation and its formation are two sides of the same process of education of the motivational sphere whole personality student. Studying motivation is identifying it real level and possible prospects, the zone of proximal development for each student and the class as a whole. The results of the study become the basis for planning the formation process.

Formation of motives for learning is the creation at school of conditions for the emergence of internal motivations (motives, goals, emotions) for learning; the student’s awareness of them and his further self-development of his motivational sphere. At the same time, the teacher does not take the position of a cold-blooded observer of how the students’ motivational sphere spontaneously develops and takes shape, but stimulates its development with a system of psychologically thought-out techniques.

The teacher himself can study and form the student’s motivation (without waiting, for example, for the arrival school psychologist) through long-term observation of the student in real life conditions, analysis of the students’ repeated judgments and actions, thanks to which the teacher can draw fairly reliable conclusions, outline and adjust the paths of formation.

The purpose of this work is to study the motives of students’ educational activities. In this regard, the following tasks were set:

study the literature on the topic “Motivation for learning and its formation”

consider the methodology for developing student motivation

conduct research on the formation of motivation for educational activities

To solve the problems, the following scientific methods were used: research methods: methodological (social pedagogical - observation of the educational process, study and generalization of work experience, experimental and statistical methods).

Object of study: motivation of educational activities.

The subject of study is ways to form motivation for educational activities.

The research hypothesis is that if the content of training is aimed at motivating learning activities, then it should contribute to the emergence of deep cognitive interest in the material being studied.

The work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, literature and applications.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of motivation for educational activities

1.1.Motive and motivation

In human behavior, there are two functionally interrelated sides: incentive and regulatory. Drive ensures the activation and direction of behavior, and regulation is responsible for how it develops from beginning to end in a specific situation. Mental processes, phenomena and states: sensations, perception, memory, imagination, attention, thinking, abilities, temperament, character, emotions - all this mainly provides the regulation of behavior. What same concerns its stimulation, or motivation, it is associated with the concepts of motive and motivation. These concepts include an idea of ​​the needs, interests, goals, intentions, aspirations, motivations of a person, the external factors that force him to behave in a certain way, the management of activities in the process of its implementation, and much more. Among all the concepts that are used in psychology to provide and explain incentives in human behavior, the most general and basic are the concepts of motivation and motive. Let's look at them.

The term "motivation" represents a broader concept than the term "motive". The word "motivation" is used in modern psychology in a twofold sense: as denoting a system of factors that determine behavior (this includes, in particular, needs, motives, goals, intentions, aspirations and much more) and as a characteristic of a process that stimulates and maintains behavioral activity at a certain level.

The following aspects of behavior require a motivational explanation: its occurrence, duration, stability, direction and cessation after achieving a set goal, pre-setting for future events, increased efficiency, rationality or semantic integrity of a single behavioral act. Moreover, at the level cognitive processes their selectivity is subject to motivational explanation; emotionally specific coloring.

The concept of motivation arises when attempting to explain rather than describe behavior. This is a search for answers to questions like “why?”, “why?”, “for what purpose?”, “for what?”, “what is the point?”. Detection and description of causes sustainable change behavior is the answer to the question of the motivation of the actions containing it.

Any form of behavior can be explained by both internal and external reasons. In the first case, the starting and final points of explanation are the psychological properties of the subject of behavior, and in the second case, the external conditions and circumstances of his activity. In the first case we talk about motives, needs, goals, intentions, desires, interests etc., and in the second - about incentives, coming from the current situation. Sometimes all the psychological factors that, as it were, from within a person determine his behavior; called personal dispositions. Then, accordingly, they talk about dispositional And situational motivations like analogues of internal and external determination of behavior.

A person's momentary, actual behavior should not be considered as a reaction to certain internal or external stimuli, but as the result of the continuous interaction of his dispositions with the situation. This involves viewing motivation as cyclical process continuous mutual influence and transformation, in which the subject of action and the situation mutually influence each other, and the result of this is actually observed behavior. Motivation in this case is thought of as a process of continuous choice and decision-making based on weighing behavioral alternatives.

Motivation explains purposefulness of action, organization and stability holistic activities aimed at achieving specific purpose.

Motive, in contrast to motivation, is something that belongs to the subject of behavior himself, is his stable personal property, which internally encourages him to perform certain actions. Motive can also be defined as a concept that, in a generalized form, represents a set of dispositions.

Of all possible dispositions, the most important is the concept needs. It is called the state of need of a person or animal in certain conditions, which they lack for normal existence and development. Need as a state of personality is always associated with a person’s feeling of dissatisfaction associated with a shortage of what is required (hence the name “need”) by the body (person).

The quantity and quality of needs that living beings have depends on the level of their organization, on the image and living conditions, on the place occupied by the corresponding organism on the evolutionary ladder. The plants that have the least needs are those that need mainly only certain biochemical and physical conditions of existence. A person has the greatest variety of needs, who, in addition to physical organic needs, also have material, spiritual, social ones (the latter are specific needs associated with communication and interaction of people with each other). As individuals, people differ from each other in the variety of needs they have and the particular combination of these needs. Main characteristics human needs- strength, frequency of occurrence and method of satisfaction. An additional, but very significant characteristic, especially when it comes to personality, is the substantive content of the need, i.e. the totality of those objects of material and spiritual culture, with the help of which this need may be satisfied.

The concept second only to need in its motivational significance is target. The goal is that directly conscious result for which this moment action is directed towards activities that satisfy the actualized need. If the entire sphere of what a person is aware of in the complex motivational dynamics of his behavior is presented in the form of a kind of arena in which the colorful and multifaceted performance of his life unfolds, and we assume that the most vividly illuminated at the moment is the place that should fascinate greatest attention viewer (the subject himself), then this will be the goal. Psychologically, a goal is that motivational content of consciousness that is perceived by a person as the immediate and immediate expected result of his activity.

The goal is the main object of attention and occupies the volume of short-term and operative memory; associated with it, unfolding at a given moment in time thinking process And most of all kinds of emotional experiences. Unlike the goal associated with short-term memory,needs are likely stored in long-term memory.

The considered motivational formations: dispositions (motives), needs and goals are the main components of a person’s motivational sphere.

In addition to motives, needs and goals, interests, tasks, desires and intentions are also considered as drivers of human behavior. Interest called a special motivational state" educational nature, which, as a rule, is not directly related to any one need that is relevant at a given time. Anyone can arouse interest in oneself unexpected event, which involuntarily attracted attention. Any new object that appears in the field of vision, any particular, randomly occurring auditory or other stimulus.

Interest corresponds to a special type of activity, which is called indicative research. The higher an organism is on the evolutionary ladder, the more time it takes this type of activity and the more perfect its methods and means. The highest level of development of such activity, available only to humans, is scientific and artistic and creative research.

Task as a private situational-motivational factor arises when, in the course of performing an action aimed at achieving a certain goal, the body encounters an obstacle that must be overcome in order to move on. The same task can arise in the process of performing a variety of actions and therefore is just as non-specific for needs as interest.

Desires and intentions -- these are momentarily arising and quite often replacing each other motivational subjective states that meet the changing conditions of the action.

Interests, tasks, desires and intentions, although they are part of the system of motivational factors, participate in the motivation of behavior, however, they play not so much an incentive role as an instrumental one. They are more responsible for the style, rather than the direction, of behavior.

The motivation for human behavior can be conscious And unconscious. This means that some needs and goals that govern a person’s behavior are recognized by him, while others are not. Many psychological problems receive their solution as soon as we abandon the idea that people are always aware of the motives of their actions, deeds, thoughts, feelings. In fact, their true motives are not necessarily what they seem.

Any teacher knows that an engaged student learns better. In psychological and pedagogical terms, developmental programs in subjects should be aimed at developing sustainable cognitive interest. The solution to this problem will be helped by clear planning of the lesson structure, the use of various forms of teaching, carefully thought out methods and techniques for presenting educational material. Interest plays important role V motivation for success. In order to instill in a child a healthy desire to achieve the intended goal, teachers themselves must have a sincere interest in their activities and be objective about the successes and failures of students. Achievement-oriented behavior desired result, assumes that every person has motives for achieving success. It is known that students motivated for success prefer goals of average difficulty or slightly inflated ones, which only slightly exceed the result already achieved. In other words, they prefer to take calculated risks. Students with a failure mindset tend to make extreme choices: some set low and others set high goals for themselves. After completing a series of tasks and receiving information about successes and failures in solving them, those who are motivated to achieve overestimate the significance of their failures, while those who are unsure of success, on the contrary, tend to overestimate their successes. In this regard, the teacher needs to assist the child in adequately choosing a goal and take a differentiated approach to assessing the results of completing the assigned tasks. When assessing the result, the teacher usually compares the achievements of some students with the achievements of others. The basis for comparison is a certain standard. Psychologically, it is more justified to compare the child’s own results today with previous ones and only then with the general standard. Cognitive interest is formed and becomes stable only if educational activities are successful and abilities are assessed positively. The direction of a student's educational motivation and his status as a student in the classroom are interconnected. In a friendly atmosphere, students develop positive communication skills. However, it often happens that schoolchildren are constrained by fear of bad rating, criticism, fear of compromising oneself, of not being accepted as “one of our own.” Inability (by various reasons) take part in the life of the class, as well as determine one’s goals, leads to difficulties at school more often than low intellectual capabilities. The analysis of negative relationships (quarrels, conflicts, etc.) in a group deserves special attention, since they lead to delays in personality development, and in some especially unfavorable conditions- and to its degradation. In case of a long stay in such a group negative relationship generate anxiety and frustration. Scientific concept"anxiety" in everyday language express words such as anxiety, fear, apprehension, apprehension, increased tension. Personality anxiety is a basic personality trait that is formed and consolidated in early childhood. It has a negative impact on the formation and development of other human properties and characteristics, such as the motive for avoiding failure, the desire to evade responsibility, and the fear of entering into competition with other people. A student who has such a motive does not make maximum effort in an activity, but is content with the minimum sufficient to avoid being punished, although, as a rule, he is capable of more. Educational activities are always multi-motivated. TO internal motives educational activities can include such as own development in the process of learning; knowledge of the new, unknown, understanding of the need for learning for later life. Motives such as the process of learning itself, the opportunity to communicate, praise from significant persons are quite natural, although they are to a greater extent determined by dependence on external factors. Motives such as studying for the sake of leadership, prestige, material reward or avoiding failure are even more saturated with external factors.

Therefore, one of the main tasks of the teacher should be to increase the “specific weight” of internal motivation for learning in the student’s motivation structure. The development of internal motivation for learning occurs as a shift of motive to the goal of learning. Each step of this process is characterized by the superposition of one motive, closer to the goal of the teaching, on another, more distant from it. Therefore, in the motivational development of a student, as well as in the learning process, the zone of proximal development should be taken into account. In order for a student to truly get involved in work, it is necessary that the tasks that are set for him in the course of educational activities are not only understood, but also internally accepted by him, that is, so that they become significant for the student.

1.2. Ways to form learning motivation

The teacher’s task, first of all, is to “open the child’s heart”, to awaken in him the desire to learn new material, to learn to work with it.

In psychology, it is known that the development of learning motives occurs in two ways: 1) through students’ assimilation of the social meaning of learning; 2) through the very activity of the student’s learning, which should interest him in something.

On the first path the main task The teacher’s job is, on the one hand, to bring to the child’s consciousness those motives that are socially insignificant, but have a fairly high level of effectiveness. An example would be the desire to receive good grades. Students need to be helped to understand the objective connection of assessment with the level of knowledge and skills. And thus gradually approach the motivation associated with the desire to have a high level of knowledge and skills. This, in turn, should be understood by children as a necessary condition for their successful activities useful to society.

On the other hand, it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of motives that are recognized by students as important, but do not actually influence their behavior. This way of forming educational motivation is directly related to the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process. In psychology, quite a lot of specific conditions have been identified that arouse a student’s interest in educational activities. Let's look at some of them.

Research has shown that cognitive interests schoolchildren significantly depend on the method of disclosing the educational subject. Usually the subject appears to the student as a sequence of particular phenomena. The teacher explains each of these phenomena and gives a ready-made way to deal with it. The child has no choice but to remember all this and act in the manner shown. An example would be a mathematics course and a Russian language course. So, when learning addition, the child moves through many concentric circles, separately mastering addition within the first ten, second, hundred, etc. Within a hundred, he separately learns to add ten with ones, then round tens, then two double digit numbers without going through ten and only at the end - with going through ten. A bunch of mechanical calculations, and as a result the meaning arithmetic action often remains unclear. Students' mistakes speak volumes about this. So, for example, by studying subtraction in this way, the student transfers the features of a particular method to the action as a whole. Specifically, it looks like this: after acquiring the ability to work with numbers, where the number of tens and the number of units in the minuend are greater than in the subtrahend, etc.), the student, without realizing it, “generalizes” this case into a general rule: “ When subtracting from more you need to subtract the smaller one” - and when subtracting the type, you get 23.

With such a disclosure of the subject, there is a great danger of losing interest in it.

On the contrary, when the study of a subject proceeds through the disclosure to the child of the essence that underlies all particular phenomena, then, relying on this essence, the student himself receives particular phenomena, educational activity acquires a creative character for him, and thereby arouses his interest in studying this subject1. At the same time, as the study showed, both its content and the method of working with it can motivate a positive attitude towards the study of a given subject. IN the latter case there is motivation by the learning process: students are interested in learning, for example, the Russian language, independently solving language problems.

The second condition is related to the organization of work on the subject in small groups. discovered that the principle of selecting students when forming small groups has great motivational significance. If children with a neutral attitude towards a subject are combined with children who do not like this item, then after working together the former significantly increase their interest in this subject. If you include students with a neutral attitude towards a subject into the group of those who love this subject, then the attitude towards the subject among the former does not change.

The same study showed that great importance To increase interest in the subject being studied, there is group cohesion among students working in small groups. In this regard, when recruiting groups, in addition to academic performance, general development the student's wishes were taken into account. They asked: “Who would you like to study with in Russian language lessons in the same foursome?” Influence group cohesion This is explained by the fact that when working in small groups, it is not the teacher-student relationship that comes to the fore, but the relationship between students.

In groups where there was no cohesion, the attitude towards the subject worsened sharply. On the contrary, in close-knit groups, interest in the subject being studied increased significantly. Thus, the number of people who love this item increased from 12% to 25%.

In research. A.K. Markova discovered that it is also possible to successfully form educational and cognitive motivation using the relationship between motive and goal of activity.

The goal set by the teacher should become the goal of the student. There are very complex relationships between motives and goals. The best way to move is from motive to goal, that is, when the student already has a motive that encourages him to strive for given by the teacher goals.

Unfortunately, in teaching practice such situations are rare. As a rule, the movement goes from the goal set by the teacher to the motive. In this case, the teacher’s efforts are aimed at ensuring that the goal set by him is accepted by the students, that is, motivationally ensured. In these cases, it is important, first of all, to use the goal itself as a source of motivation, to turn it into a motive-goal. It should be taken into account that elementary school students have poor goal-setting skills. Children usually put the goal associated with learning activities first. They are aware of this goal. However, they are not aware of the private goals leading to it, they do not see the means to achieve this goal. For example, students were asked to complete a certain number of tasks within a strictly certain time. The tasks could be chosen from among those presented. It turned out that in this situation only 19.3% of students showed goal-directed behavior. 54.7% of students failed to complete the task and actually lost the goal set for them. This indicates the need for special training in goal setting for younger schoolchildren. As shown, for this the goal should be clearly defined. It is also very important that children take part in its formulation, analysis and discussion of the conditions for its achievement.

To transform goals into motives-goals, the student’s awareness of his success and progress is of great importance. For this purpose, teachers, for example, when introducing new topic Together with the children, they draw up a special table, which clearly shows the composition of subject knowledge and the list of skills that students must master. The table has a special column where children themselves note what they already know, what they don’t know yet, and what they doubt. Naturally, at first children cannot yet adequately evaluate themselves, but gradually they get used to doing this. The result systematic work This kind of work is not only increasing the motivating power of the goals set, but also developing the ability to evaluate one’s successes and see specific shortcomings.

As mentioned, one of the effective means of promoting cognitive motivation is problem-based learning.

When using the activity theory of learning, problem-solving is organically included in children's learning activities. As we have seen, at each stage it is necessary to use problem situations and tasks. If the teacher does this, then usually the students' motivation is sufficiently high. high level. It is also important to note that the content is cognitive, i.e. internal. Crucial to motivate learning, it has a type of oriented basis of action used in the educational process. The first type of OOD, when used systematically, often leads to negative motivation. On the contrary, the third type of orienting basis for action provides stable positive motivation.

Comparison of teaching motives traditional education and experimental learning, based on the activity approach, showed the advantages of the latter.

First of all, it turned out that the dynamics of motives in elementary school are not determined age characteristics. With traditional education, as a rule, by the third grade a “motivational vacuum” sets in: loss of cognitive motives, lack of interest in learning.

In UMK " Primary School 21st century" for the formation of learning skills, the formation of educational and cognitive motives is essential. They include: a stable interest in solving various educational problems, the child’s desire to learn and improve the results of his activities. The conducted studies have convincingly shown that the formation of motivation directly depends on training content.

The advantages of activity theory are as follows.

Firstly, the basis of the content of training in the third type of indicative basis of actions is basic (invariant) knowledge.

Secondly, the content of training necessarily includes generalized methods (methods) of working with this basic knowledge. Mastering both of these opens up enormous opportunities for the child to move independently in this area. He is able to independently construct an approximate basis for actions in any particular situation based on acquired basic knowledge. This serves as a source of positive cognitive motivation.

Thirdly, the learning process is structured in such a way that the child acquires knowledge and skills through their application. As we have seen, tasks are introduced at all stages of the acquisition process. By solving these problems, the student simultaneously acquires both knowledge and skills. As a result, learning occurs without memorization, but at the same time provides strong memorization. This is another source of positive motivation.

Self-education plan for the teacher of the second junior group on the topic “Spiritual and moral education of preschool children through reading fiction”

A child only learns non-conventional sounds by studying native language, but drinks spiritual life and strength from the native breast of the native word. It explains nature to him as no natural scientist could explain it; it introduces him to the character of the people around him, to the society among which he lives, to its history and aspirations. As no historian could introduce; it brings him into folk beliefs, V folk poetry, as no esthetician could introduce; it finally gives such logical concepts and philosophical views, which, of course, no philosopher could convey to a child.

K.D. Ushinsky

Relevance of the selected topic

Spiritual and moral education is the formation of a value-based attitude towards life, ensuring sustainable, harmonious development person, including the cultivation of a sense of duty, justice, responsibility and other qualities that can give high meaning deeds and thoughts of a person.

The period of preschool childhood is the most favorable for the spiritual and moral education of a child. Of course, a child receives his first moral lessons in the family. It is in the family that the child begins to form an attitude towards the world around him, other people, and love for his family. The task of adults is to indicate the direction of development and help develop high moral qualities in the child.

A 3-4 year old child becomes able to sympathize and empathize. The development of visual-figurative thinking serves as the basis for the formation of ideas about the consequences of a particular action. In addition, visual-figurative thinking allows children to retain in their minds ideas about the rules of behavior.

Artistic word - good helper in the formation of correct attitudes in the child’s behavior. With the help of fairy tales, a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart, and the little person begins to develop an idea of ​​good and evil. Not only fairy tales, but also stories and poems can help in the education of a spiritual and moral personality.

It is important for educators, as well as parents, to realize how important it is to read fiction to a child and discuss the works they have read with children. Indeed, often correctly selected works help children develop ideas about how to take care of their loved ones, how to be friends, how to be polite, etc.

The purpose of the work on the topic of self-education: promote the formation of spiritual and moral qualities in children of primary preschool age through reading works of fiction.


Analyze methodological literature, other sources and increase your level of knowledge on this topic;

Select fiction that promotes the spiritual and moral education of children;

To develop in children the ability to think, compare, analyze the actions of literary heroes, and teach them to evaluate their behavior;

Arouse parents' interest in working together in this direction.

Work plan for the year

Practical solutions

Studying methodological literature

September - May

1. Alyabyeva E.A. Moral and ethical conversations and games with preschoolers, Sfera Creative Center, Moscow, 2003.

2. Boguslavskaya N.E., Kupina N.A. Cheerful etiquette, Ekaterinburg, 1996.

3. Galiguzova L.N., Smirnova E.O. Stages of communication: from one to seven years, Moscow, 1992.

4. Petrova V.I., Stulnik T.D. Moral education in kindergarten, Mosaika-Sintez, Moscow 2008.

5. Torshilova E.M. Naughty or peace to your house. Program and methodology aesthetic development preschooler. Moscow, 1998.

6. Internet resources.

Analysis of the studied literature.

Work with children


Reading books to children moral discourse about what you read.

Reading works about the Motherland, native land, discussion of what you read.

Literary lounge (in joint activities in the evenings).

Reading works about friendship, conversations based on what they read.

Literary lounge (in joint activities in the evenings).

Studying the rules of behavior according to A. Usachev’s book “Lessons in Politeness.”

Reading and conversations based on A. Usachev’s book “Lessons in Politeness.”

Preparation for leisure activities.

Leisure “Fairyland”

Preparing for open lesson: drawing up notes, selecting visual material.

Open lesson on the topic “Visiting a fairy tale.”

Working with family


To identify attitudes towards reading in the family, parents’ knowledge about the possibilities of education with the help of children’s fiction.

Questionnaire “Education with the help of books”

Consultation for parents “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...”

A sliding folder in the parent's corner.

Individual work with parents.

Practical advice “How to make a child friends with a book.”

Preparation for the round table: collecting information on the topic, drawing up notes, preparing booklets.

Round table “Book is the best educator”

Gathering information, preparing memos.

Preparation of a report on the work done for the academic year.

Presentation for parents (at a parent meeting) “We read, we read, we learned a lot!”



Drawing up a work plan, preparing a list of literature on the spiritual and moral education of children, compiling a file of moral and ethical conversations.

A work plan for self-education, a list of fiction for reading to children, files of moral and ethical conversations.

Consultation for teachers “Spiritual and moral education of preschool children through reading fiction”

Speech at the teachers' meeting.

Preparation of a master class for teachers on the topic “What do fairy tales teach?”

Speech at a workshop.

Preparation of a report on the work done on the topic of self-education.

Speech at the final teachers'

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