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Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

"East Siberian State University technology and management"

Institute of Economics and Law

Faculty of Law

Department: “Customs Affairs”


In the discipline: “Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity”

On the topic: “Classification of goods supplied disassembled or unassembled”

Completed: student III course 512-2 gr

Kyshyk Dorzhievich Zorigt

Checked by: Ph.D. econ. sciences, prof.

Alekseev A. L.

Ulan-Ude, 2015


Chapter 1. Theoretical basis classification of goods in accordance with the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union

1.1 Theoretical foundations of classification of goods

1.2 Features of making a classification decision regarding goods in disassembled or unassembled form

1.3 Features of declaring goods disassembled or not assembled

Chapter 2. Problems associated with the movement and classification of goods in disassembled and unassembled form, arbitrage practice on this issue

2.1 Problems associated with the movement and classification of goods in disassembled and unassembled form

2.2 Practice court decisions regarding the movement of goods in disassembled and unassembled form


List of sources used


We live in the second decade of the twenty-first century. This century has already characterized itself as a century of development high technology. To date technical progress achieved such incredible results that it is even difficult to imagine. Undoubtedly, all this is connected with humanity’s desire to make its existence easier and safer, as well as to meet the needs of the Earth’s population, which is growing every year. declaration of goods disassembled view

Each state tries to provide its population with the required benefits independently, but unfortunately, the level of development, as well as the degree of resource provision of countries, are different, so it is often necessary to resort to importing foreign goods to meet all the needs of the state’s population. Russian Federation in this issue is no exception.

After Russia's transition to capitalist rails and the removal iron curtain The volume and variety of goods transported across the customs border of the Russian Federation have increased very sharply. The variety of goods is really very large, they move as the simplest objects personal consumption, as well as complex multi-component technical devices, which include: vehicles, production equipment, various complex building structures and much more. Many of these goods are very large, and moving them assembled and ready for consumption across the customs border is simply impossible.

When carrying out foreign economic activity, entrepreneurs often have problematic issues of law enforcement practice of moving just such goods and placing them under the customs procedure. The reason for most of these controversial issues is an incorrect classification of these goods in accordance with the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union.

The object of this course work are goods in disassembled or unassembled form, and the subject of the study is the legislation of the Customs Union in the field of classification of goods transported in disassembled or unassembled form, in accordance with the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union.

The purpose of the course work is to study the classification of goods supplied disassembled or unassembled in accordance with the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union.

To achieve the goal of the work, the following tasks are defined:

· Familiarize yourself with information about goods supplied disassembled and unassembled;

· Determine the place of these goods in the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union;

· Study the features of the classification of these goods under the Commodity Classification of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union;

· Study the practice of moving these goods;

· Identify problems associated with the classification of the goods being studied.

To write the course work were used legislative acts Customs Union, teaching aids, official Internet resources.

Glava1 . TheoreticalbasicsclassificationsgoodsVcomplianceWithTNforeign trade activitiesTS

1.1 Theoreticalbasicsclassificationsgoods

The theory of customs classification (legally significant classification of goods for customs purposes) relates to customs law. Customs law itself is considered young scientific direction, about which legal scholars argue: is it independent or part of administrative law? Practicing lawyers experience significant difficulties in analyzing legal situations related to customs classification. In particular, these are situations that arise in legal relations regarding customs classification, as in the declaration of goods, customs control and consideration of cases of administrative offenses in the field of customs affairs, and when challenging decisions of customs authorities in arbitration courts. In publications on customs law, little attention is paid to issues of customs classification, although they are key in the field of customs affairs. This is due to the fact that the legal properties of the classification of goods for customs purposes are closely intertwined with the commodity properties of property moved across the customs border, and the technological properties of object classification operations. The regulatory legal acts in the field of customs use the phrase “classification of goods according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity”, and sometimes - in accordance with the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity. For example, in accordance with Art. 52 Customs Code of the Customs Union // IPS "ConsultantPlus". "When declaring goods at customs, they are subject to classification according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity." Where, in accordance with Art. 50 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union (TC CU), the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity is the Unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union (TN FEA CU), used to implement measures of customs tariff and non-tariff regulation of foreign trade and other types of foreign economic activity, maintaining customs statistics. To shorten the text we will use the phrase “customs classification”.

In the territory former USSR There are now several customs classifiers in operation, in particular the CIS, EurAsEC, CU and Russia. However, in the Unified Customs Tariff (UCT) of the CU, the unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the CU is used as a customs classifier, the Unified Customs Tariff of the Customs Union // IPS "ConsultantPlus". . Thus, legally significant customs classification of goods is carried out on the basis of a regulatory legal act - CCT CU.

To properly understand the legal properties of customs classification operations, it is necessary to identify the types of persons carrying them out and the requirements for them, as well as the essence of these operations and the legal properties of their products. The legally significant product of customs classification operations is a classification decision, where a classification decision is a documented decision in the form of information about the classification of goods according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity. Persons carrying out customs classification operations can be divided into the following types:

independently occasionally declaring goods;

professionally performing the functions of customs representatives;

customs officials performing functions related to the classification of goods according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity:

To verify the correctness of the classification of a particular product;

On technical management of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity;

On making preliminary decisions on the classification of goods.

All persons who professionally perform operations for classifying goods must undergo special training and appropriate certification. Their job regulations must contain a corresponding entry about the rights, duties and responsibilities when performing these operations. They must have officially formalized procedures (administrative, technological regulations) and procedures (methodologies) in the workplace that contain requirements for performing these operations.

Next, we will consider the essence of operations for classifying goods for customs purposes. Let's start the study with the object of classification. The object of classification is a specific product or type of product that is intended to be moved, declared, moved or moved across the customs border. Often a product is classified not according to a sample (sample) of the product, but on the basis of documents for the product according to its name, description and/or graphic image(photos, etc.). The name of the product can be in the form of a product name (product name), a commercial name and/or the name of a position in the nomenclature of the TN VED classifier (customs name). The customs name of the goods is necessary to unify the various names of goods accepted in different countries or different producers of the same type of product (goods).

A description of the goods is necessary to detail the product properties of the goods, since the concept of “goods” in customs affairs represents the legal state of property in the form of a material carrier transported across the customs border. Any carrier has product properties that can be used to determine its beneficial or negative properties for humans, society and/or nature. The product properties of the carrier as a commodity in customs affairs affect tariff and non-tariff customs legal relations. Operations for classifying a product are important not only for making a classification decision in the field of determining its customs tariff position, but also for deciding on the conformity of a product with established non-tariff restrictions and prohibitions on a product, for the final decision on a product, as well as for qualifying the act of a subject of law, moving goods across the customs border.

In the Customs Union, in order to introduce restrictions and prohibitions on transported goods, a Unified List of Goods has been approved, to which prohibitions or restrictions on import or export are applied by the member states of the Customs Union within the framework of the EurAsEC in trade with third countries. Provisions on the application of restrictions. Decision of the Interstate Council of the EurAsEC dated November 27, 2009 N 19 // IPS "ConsultantPlus". .

In accordance with Art. 4 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union "prohibitions and restrictions - a set of measures applied to goods moved across the customs border, including measures of non-tariff regulation, measures affecting foreign trade in goods and introduced on the basis of national interests, special types prohibitions and restrictions on foreign trade in goods, export control measures, including in relation to military products, technical regulation, as well as sanitary-epidemiological, veterinary, quarantine, phytosanitary and radiation requirements that are established by international treaties of the member states of the Customs Union, decisions of the Commission of the Customs Union and regulatory legal acts of the member states of the Customs Union, issued in accordance with international treaties of the member states of the Customs Union." Thus, final decision for goods for customs purposes consists of a classification decision and a decision to confirm the compliance of the goods with non-tariff customs requirements.

IN scientific publications It is sometimes believed that the classification of a product ends with the coding of the product (determination of the product code according to the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity), and therefore it is the product code according to the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity that is the legally significant result. This statement can be considered incorrect, since in addition to customs tariff and non-tariff purposes, the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity pursues statistical goals and product codes according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity are used precisely for these purposes.

In many cases, to make a decision on a product for customs purposes, organoleptic and mental analysis either the product itself (sample (sample)), or its documentary representation. However, since these analyzes have legal meaning, then they must be carried out in accordance with procedures (rules, regulations) and methods. These cases are obvious cases. However, there are products for which non-obvious cases arise, and therefore they require special or expert examination of the product (sample (sample)). In such cases, the person making a decision on the product turns to a competent person to conduct a special or expert research. Regardless of the type of research, it must be carried out using the same methods, since the results of the research have legal significance. If the research of the same product is carried out using different research methods, then verification and assessment of the accuracy of the research results using these methods is required.

In addition, in cases where sampling and sampling of goods for research is carried out, this selection and collection must be carried out in accordance with established procedures and methods. We also note that the procedure must be approved in a normative legal act (NLA), and the methodology is established in a normative and technical document (NTD), for example, in a standard. If at least one of the above requirements is not met, then the legitimacy decision taken for goods for customs purposes may be questioned. Thus, to classify a product for customs purposes (determine the customs name), it is necessary to have a commercial and/or product name of the product, its description, including in the form of values ​​of the actual properties of the product that affect its classification according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity.

In cases where there are no documents for a product or they do not indicate the name of the product and do not provide the values ​​of essential properties necessary for classification according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, it is also necessary to conduct a special or expert study of the product.

Operations for classifying goods according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity can be carried out not only by the executor in accordance with the procedure and methodology, but also can or should be checked and assessed by another person. In particular, these may be auditors from the customs classification authority or customs officials. In Russia there are no auditors or bodies (centers) for customs classification. Next, we will dwell on the essence of operations for classifying goods according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity. The person carrying out these operations relies on universal methods comparison of the desired object with a certain set of classes in the form of class names. Where the sought object is the commercial and/or product name of the product and/or its description. The names of positions act as classes in the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity. Also in the TN VED as a classifier there are classification rules in the form General rules interpretations (OPI) and special criteria in the form of Notes. Thus, the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity as an official customs classifier within the framework of the Unified Customs Union of the Customs Union contains a classification order (OPI), but does not have classification methods. In addition to the mandatory part, the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity includes a recommendatory part in the form of Explanations of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity. However, clarifications adopted by decisions of the Customs Union Commission (CUC) or the Federal customs service Russia (FTS) are mandatory. Some clarifications of the Federal Customs Service of Russia, although they belong to the recommendatory genre, have elements of a mandatory nature. In particular, the well-known Methodological Recommendations of the Federal Customs Service Methodological Recommendations for preparing an application for a preliminary decision on the classification of goods according to the unified Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity in the Federal Customs Service of Russia and RTU // IPS "ConsultantPlus" represent clarifications and have some both legal and methodological shortcomings. in particular, the Recommendations cannot contain mandatory requirements, characteristic of regulatory legal acts and affecting the constitutional rights and legitimate interests of declarants. If it is necessary to clarify unsuccessful (incomprehensible to declarants) provisions of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Customs Service, then this must be done by officially updating it.

On the other hand, the Methodological Recommendations note that the reason for the request additional information is the absence necessary information about the product, allowing to uniquely identify the product and determine its code at the level of a ten-digit code designation, and (or) the presence of conflicting information about the product. This provision introduces an illegitimate identification operation and mixes it with the legitimate concept of identification of goods given in the Customs Code, which is unacceptable. Here the developers mixed the concepts of “product identification” and “product identification” from different laws. However, it should be noted that this regulation contains some useful clarifications, in particular, in an application for a preliminary decision, information must be submitted following documents and information depending on the product in respect of which a preliminary decision is required:

Documents containing information about the composition of the goods, the content of any substances (elements), materials in the goods, if such requirements are established by the note to the group, item or text of the item of the CU FEACN;

Documents containing information about processing processes and types of processing of goods, if classification sign, defined in the notes to the group, position or the text of the position of the Commodity Classification of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union, is the type of processing of the goods or the degree of processing of the goods (technological diagrams, technological instructions, description technological process and so on.); - documents containing information about technical specifications of the product and the principle of operation, if the classification characteristic defined in the notes to the group, position or the text of the position of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union is weight, size, power, productivity, etc. (technical documentation (drawings, block diagrams, technical passport, operating instructions, process diagrams, user manual, etc.)). This effectively clarifies the requirements of the Notes. However, from a legal point of view, the genre of methodological recommendations does not provide for the establishment of mandatory norms affecting the legitimate interests of third parties. Any guidelines or the methods must be scientifically sound. In this regard, let us consider the main aspects of classification theory. In classification operations, three main methods of comparison are used: identification, diagnosis and/or situational analysis of the desired object. When applying the identification method, two mappings of the same object are compared, and regarding the desired mapping of the object, a decision is made about its identity (individual belonging) to the compared mapping of the object or the absence of identity. In identification there are only two alternative classes, so identification cannot be used in customs classification. However, in scientific publications, and in some regulatory legal acts of the Federal Customs Service, the opposite opinion is stated. In customs, identification is widely used in the form of the imposition of identification means and the use of identification means in customs procedures, including during the processing of goods. Also, the identification method is used when applying identification means to samples (samples) of goods sent for special or expert research.

The second method of comparison - diagnosis is the basis of customs classification, but in scientific publications devoted to customs classification, its mention is rare. Moreover, this method in some laws of the Russian Federation it is referred to as identification of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" // IPS "ConsultantPlus". , although group identification is actually applied.

By diagnostic operations we mean actions that compare at least two objects, and with regard to the desired object, a decision is made to assign it to a certain set homogeneous objects(group of objects). Sometimes in scientific publications such actions are incorrectly called group identification, since there cannot be group identity by definition of identity.

The main feature of diagnostics is the ability to compare the actual values ​​of properties of real objects with their criteria, including criteria values ​​in documents related to a given object. The documents can be documents for the goods, including a contract, legal acts and/or standards. Moreover, these criteria may have tolerances, which allows the required object to be classified as a group, even if its values ​​lie within the tolerance limits ( acceptable values). Diagnosis of the desired object ends with a conclusion about its compliance/non-compliance certain group(to the class). In this case, the number of classes can be quite large, but finite, and the diagnosis should end with the selection of only one class from a given set of classes (nomenclature).

Here it is necessary to dwell on the difference between the concepts of homogeneous products and homogeneous goods. Homogeneous products mean the homogeneity of product properties, which allows them to be classified as homogeneous products in a statistical sense. The concept of homogeneous goods is defined in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Customs Tariffs”.

In particular, similar goods are goods that are not identical, but have similar characteristics and consist of similar components, which allows them to perform the same functions as the goods being valued and to be commercially interchangeable with them. When determining whether goods are similar, characteristics such as quality, reputation and the presence of a trademark are taken into account.

Goods are not considered homogeneous if they are not produced in the same country as the goods being valued, or if in relation to these goods the design, development, decoration, design, sketches, drawings and other similar works were produced (performed) in Russian Federation.

Goods produced by a person other than the manufacturer of the goods being valued are considered only in cases where similar goods from the same manufacturer have not been identified in the customs territory of the Russian Federation.

The method of situational comparative analysis is practically not used in customs classification, and information on its use can be found in the article by Nesterov A.V. On the relationship between identification, diagnosis and situational research // Bulletin of Criminology. 2009. N 3. P. 34 - 37. .

A person interested in the classification of goods under the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity can contact a competent person to conduct a special or expert study of the product, but he does not have the right to entrust him with the classification of goods under the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity. This is determined by the fact that the competence of this person includes the study of the essential properties of the product, which are causally related to the properties of the product that affect the classification of this product. Unfortunately, some scientific publications advocate the opinion that an expert can legally perform meaningful classification goods according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity.

In conclusion, we note that for objective (true), correct and reliable customs declaration of a specific product it is necessary:

Obtain objective (complete, relevant and representative) data about the actual properties of a particular product;

Obtain the necessary reliable information about the commercial and product name of the product;

Correctly use the basis of the HS and OPI.

1.2 OrderacceptanceclassificationsolutionsVrespectgoodsVdisassembledorunassembledform

Currently, there are a huge number of products that simply cannot be supplied assembled and ready for use.

The classification of such goods is carried out according to Rule 2a Basic rules for the interpretation of the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity of the Customs Union

According to this Rule, the term “goods presented unassembled or disassembled” means products whose components must be assembled using fastening material (screws, nuts, bolts, etc.) or, for example, riveting or welding, provided that for This requires only assembly operations. In this case, the complexity of the assembly method should not be taken into account. However, the components will not undergo any further work to complete them. Unassembled components of a product in excess of those required to assemble the product must be classified separately.

The procedure for making a decision on the classification of goods in unassembled or disassembled form, including incomplete or unfinished form, imported or exported within a specified period of time is established in Article 107 Federal Law"On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation" (311-FZ) Federal Law "On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation" (311-FZ)

Goods in unassembled or disassembled form, including incomplete or unfinished form, the import or export of which is supposed to be in different consignments over a period of time exceeding the time limits specified in Article 170 of the Customs Code of the Customs Union, may be declared indicating one classification code according to the Commodity Nomenclature foreign economic activity in the presence of a decision of the customs authority on the classification of goods;

The decision on the classification of goods in unassembled or disassembled form, including incomplete or unfinished form, the import or export of which is expected in different consignments over a certain period of time (hereinafter in this article - the decision on the classification of goods), is made by the federal body executive power, authorized in the field of customs affairs, on the basis of a written application from a person authorized to act as a declarant of goods.

An application for a decision on the classification of goods must contain:

1) information about the applicant;

2) information about the product (name, list of product components);

3) delivery time of the goods;

4) the customs procedure under which the goods will be placed;

5) the name of the customs authority where the goods will be declared.

The following documents are attached to the application specified in Part 3 of this article:

1) documents confirming the completion of a foreign economic transaction in relation to goods;

2) the constituent documents of the applicant or changes made to such documents that have undergone state registration in the prescribed manner, in the case of importing components of goods as a contribution to the authorized (share) capital of the organization;

3) an application from a resident of a special economic zone in the case of placing goods under the customs procedure of a free customs zone;

4) a list of product components (in table form) on paper and electronic media:

5) technical description indicating the purpose, functions performed, principle of operation, including the interaction of individual components of the product;

6) a description of the individual components of the product, indicating the purpose, functions performed, principle of operation, and the material from which they are made;

7) assembly (installation) drawing (diagram).

If the documents and information submitted by the applicant are insufficient to make a decision on the classification of goods, the federal executive body authorized in the field of customs affairs notifies the applicant of the need to provide additional information within 30 calendar days from the date of filing an application for a decision on the classification of goods. Additional information must be provided within 60 calendar days from the date of notification to the applicant in writing.

If the information is not provided within the prescribed period or the applicant refuses to provide documents and information necessary for the classification of the goods, the application for a decision on the classification of the goods is rejected. An application for a decision on the classification of goods is also rejected if such an application and the documents attached to it contain conflicting information or if the components of the goods in unassembled or disassembled form, including incomplete or unfinished form, do not form a a product classified by a completed or complete product code.

The decision on the classification of goods is made within 90 calendar days from the date of registration of the application for a decision on the classification of goods. If it is necessary to provide additional information in accordance with Part 5 of this article, the period specified in this Part is suspended and resumed from the day the federal executive body authorized in the field of customs receives the last document containing the requested information.

The decision on the classification of goods must contain the following information:

1) the name of the customs authority that made the decision on the classification of the goods;

2) registration number of the decision on the classification of goods and the date of its adoption;

3) information about the applicant (name of the organization, postal address to which the decision on the classification of the goods should be sent);

4) name of the product;

5) ten-digit product code according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity;

6) list of product components:

a) names of components, including parts that make up a separate component of the product;

b) classification code of the product component according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity;

c) the number or weight of components, including parts that make up a separate component of the product, in the units of measurement used in the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity;

7) details of documents that confirm the completion of a foreign economic transaction and in accordance with which the import or export of components of goods, or other documents necessary for customs purposes, is carried out;

8) the name of the customs authority where the goods will be declared;

9) the type of customs procedure under which the goods will be placed;

10) signature of a customs official.

The decision on the classification of goods comes into force from the date of its adoption.

The decision on the classification of goods is changed in the following cases:

1) the adoption by the Commission of the Customs Union or the federal executive body authorized in the field of customs affairs of a decision or clarification on the classification of certain types of goods, mandatory for execution by customs authorities;

2) identifying errors and typos made when making a decision on the classification of goods or when preparing documents by the applicant;

3) changes in the terms of a foreign economic transaction, if such a change relates to a product or its individual components;

4) changes in the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity.

The decision to change the decision on the classification of goods comes into force within the period specified in the decision to change the decision on the classification of goods.

The decision on the classification of goods is terminated in the following cases:

1) if the customs authority has established that the applicant, in order to make a decision on the classification of goods, submitted forged documents or provided false information;

2) if the final customs declaration is not submitted within the time limits provided for in Part 8 of Article 215 of this Federal Law;

3) if the applicant refused in writing to supply the goods, including after the import or export of individual components of the goods.

The decision to terminate the decision on the classification of goods is not made if the conditionally released components of the goods in accordance with the classification rules relate to the classification code of a completed or complete product specified in the decision on the classification of goods.

The decision to terminate the decision on the classification of goods comes into force from the day the decision on the classification of goods is made.

Declaration of goods in unassembled or disassembled form, including incomplete or unfinished form, the import or export of which is supposed to be in different batches of goods, indicating one classification code according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, is carried out in accordance with Article 215 of this Federal Law.

1.3 Features of declaring goods disassembled or not assembled

Goods in unassembled or disassembled form, including incomplete or unfinished form, the import or export of which is expected in several consignments during the period established in accordance with Article 215 of the Federal Law “On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation” (311-FZ), may be declared (including by a person who is not an authorized economic operator) indicating one classification code according to the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity.

The conditions for applying the declaration of goods provided for in this article are:

1) the presence of a decision on the classification of goods confirming the classification of goods in an unassembled or disassembled form, including in an incomplete or unfinished form, according to the classification code of a completed or complete product (hereinafter in this article - the decision on classification), issued by the federal executive body, authorized in the field of customs affairs, a person authorized to act as a declarant of goods, before declaring the goods or its components;

2) delivery of components of goods to one recipient when importing this product as part of a foreign economic transaction concluded by this person, or as a contribution to the authorized capital of the recipient, and when exporting goods - supply of components of goods by one sender as part of a foreign economic transaction concluded by this person;

3) customs declaration of imported goods is carried out to one customs authority in accordance with the customs procedures for release for domestic consumption or free customs zone.

Before declaring goods, the import or export of which will be carried out in an unassembled or disassembled form, including incomplete or unfinished form, the declarant sends to the customs office in the region of activity of which the goods will be declared, a written notification of planned deliveries (hereinafter in this article - notification) with a copy of the classification decision certified by the declarant attached. The notification contains information:


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Don't know where to start? Believe me, the main thing is to want to start and be confident in your actions. Translating text is not difficult, especially when you have access to electronic dictionaries, various specialized resources, the main thing in such work, no matter how strange it may sound, is to start doing it.

Opportunities that are open to you

Consecutive interpretation during oral dialogue. I myself often made such translations, but I didn’t work remotely, but like this. It was not far from Lake Baikal when I hitchhiked there with my friends. A group of American tourists came to the lake, I don’t know where the American guide went, but the point is that they were given our guide, who could only say: “Hello.” I could not help but influence the reputation of our country, and took up consecutive translation. The essence: the guide says a sentence, you listen to it, then translate it into English, and so on for several hours of continuous “talking”.

There is also such work online, you connect to the dialogue as a participant in a conference, meeting or seminar remotely, via Skype. Of course, I didn’t take any money for my services, but you can make good money this way.

Legally competent technical translation and other highly specialized topics are rated much higher than classical ones. If your translation will be used for “internal” use in the workflow, this is one thing, but here are the tasks technical translation– create texts that will be used when working with foreign partners or providing regulatory support for business.

Notarized translations. If you are moving to another country, you need to have documents translated by a notary or international treaties. I will say right away that this is good income, because my friend has been doing this for many years in a row. He does not sit at home; to work, he only needs a computer and Internet access to receive and send work.

The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the translator must himself obtain a certain license to engage in this type of activity. It is inexpensive, but you can only get it by passing certain exams on your knowledge of the language and its level. Notaries, as a rule, work with translators on a long-term basis, so if you find an employer, you can assume that this is serious and for a long time.

Correction and editing of materials on different languages. This work at home is not very paid (since the actual texts do not need to be translated, you only need to correct errors), but at the same time, the process itself is no less labor-intensive.

Unusual earnings for those who do not stand still

I would like to tell you about one work that is not entirely related to translations, but is related to foreign languages. I can even recommend it to those who want to get practice in a foreign language and want to communicate more in it. The point is, there are websites, and you need to tell about it: what you see, is it easy to find information on it, what do you like, what don’t.

This is necessary so that the site owner knows how rationally the space is being used and how easily the necessary information can be found. I did this job for a year and a half, then I decided to find something else. No, it’s not that I stopped liking it, it’s just that I’m always developing and rarely stand in one place, even if it’s warm and cozy. I was looking for a job on this site Maybe this information will be useful to you. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will be happy to help you.

On the same site I found subtitles for various television show and films. The only thing that may confuse you is that the money comes through the PayPal payment system, so find out before registering whether there is a PayPal cash out point in your city. Ukraine, for example, has a company office only in Kyiv.

Where else can you find work for beginners who want to start translating texts?

In order to work from home, you only need a computer with Internet access and a few hours of free time. It seemed that if there was a desire, vacancies would appear on their own, you just need to register on a specialized website and start working from home.

But in fact, all sites have their own operating features, which no one will tell you about when registering. As a result, it may turn out that such a job is not suitable for you, and you have already lost time, and the income you received was not what you expected. Therefore, before registering your account, think about the work scheme that suits you best.

Domestic translator communities

The search-translator.rf network is a popular site for searching for employees focused on the Russian market. In Search-Translator of the Russian Federation there are many specialists who work not only with popular languages, but also in the language of countries near and far abroad. The disadvantage of this system is the significant predominance of those who want to work over customers. But here you can always find information about remote work for translators.

Online bureau

Another type of work at home for a translator is to find a job in a specialized agency. Here you can register as a professional certified specialist and receive an order for written translation of legal, medical, technical literature.

Or you can perform less labor-intensive written translations remotely or place orders for oral consecutive translations, literary translations, stylistic or grammatical corrections of the text.

Becoming a member of a specialized bureau is a special type of work for a translator. As an intermediary between the translator and the customer, the employer takes a fixed commission percentage. But only on this site you can often find a fairly well-paid job.

To help you!

The rating table of domestic and some foreign agencies can be viewed on the website Here it is convenient to select a potential place of work by category.

The world's largest freelance resource will also help you find potential employer. On the portal, most people are engaged in rewriting or copywriting, so translators, and especially professional ones, are worth their weight in gold here.

Project orders can be found on the page


I think this little article will be useful to you, and you will decide to earn money remotely and become your own boss. If you have been working as a translator for a long time, write in the comments how you started and why you decided to take on such work. It will be interesting to read and, perhaps, you will give an impetus to someone who dreams of such work, but never dares to start...

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Text - agent Q. specially for

In contact with

Today only the lazy do not use the Internet. Naturally, a huge number of people want to make money online. Well, if not for a decent life, then at least to pay for this very Internet and install all sorts of newfangled gadgets.

Victor Berezyuk's opinion on this matter!

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And so, a person ends up on a serious Internet resource, such as international news, and there is an advertisement: “Earning money without investment.” Here, I found it! After all, the site is serious and will not place any cheap advertisements. And the visitor is unaware that this site has nothing to do with such work, but simply rented out space for advertising.

The delighted user clicks on the icon, and a quite decent one-page page opens, where he is invited to earn the most different ways. All these methods are even grouped in a separate column. And they were chosen so well that everyone can find a job for themselves. You can find everything here. And layout, and design, and copywriting, and posting and many other activities that can be performed on the Internet for money. At the bottom of the site there is a huge link: “Write to us.”

A man writes a letter and waits anxiously. But you don't have to worry for long. The answer comes almost instantly. True, there was a discrepancy. There is only one type of income left - you need to transfer money from account to account. But they offer very decent payment - 200-300 dollars for 3 hours of work. Wow, so you can not only pay for the Internet, but also quit your main job - he thinks new employee, already typing in a search engine a request to search for a new car.

Well, okay, the car will wait. After all, you have to earn money for it first. The email contains a link for registration, which goes smoothly and without delay. It is suggested to register in some exotic payment system. The user had no idea about its existence, but a list is posted on the website international organizations who control this system, the place of registration (some unknown islands in the ocean), and even contacts. Nothing suspicious, especially since you can earn money without investments. After all, this is exactly what was promised at the very beginning. And so far, the promises are being kept.

Not a job, but a dream

The person is ready to work, which he reports in the letter. And then he sees that a certain amount of money drops into his account in this payment system. That's three million. In dollars, of course. And then a letter arrives, and in it a large number of accounts to which these three million dollars need to be transferred in small batches.

For example, 300 thousand each. The first few translations are difficult. Still, you need to get used to the form on the site into which the data is entered. Well, then, the work goes surprisingly quickly. Literally automatically. And, despite the fact that there were a lot of bills, the man completes the work in three hours and reports that everything is done. The answer comes immediately. And this answer makes the heart beat faster. It turns out that during these 3 hours, $250 was earned, which will be transferred to the user’s Web Money wallet. The mind frantically calculates how much you can earn in a 12-hour working day. He calculated it and refuses to believe it - as much as 1000 bucks a day. 30 “pieces” per month. Not bad at all! But you can still faster translations do than on the first day of work. And the happy newly minted employee already mentally sees himself in a car dealership, choosing a new foreign car.

A spoon of tar

But there is a fly in the ointment in this ointment. However, it’s a very small spoon that you may not even feel. And suddenly one forgets that folk wisdom claims that this very small spoon spoils a huge barrel of honey.

The small problem is that the company asks you to confirm your wallet with a small transfer. Only $90 needs to be transferred to the wallet specified by them, and immediately your earnings will be transferred to you and more invoices will be sent to you further work. And these $90 will be added to your earnings. And all this will happen instantly.

Moreover, the person learns that he worked at the lowest rate. But he can easily upgrade to a higher one by purchasing a virtual card. They are different - bronze, silver, gold. You also have to pay different prices for them. So, a gold card will cost you only $500, but with it your earnings increase 4 (!) times. Tempting, isn't it?

What's next

And then everything depends on the common sense of the employee and his awareness. Events can develop in two planes - either the money is transferred or not. It's a pity, really, 3 hours of wasted time, well, to hell with them. After all, 90 dollars is a pity much more.

So, if a “dummy” person does not know that there is fraud on the Internet, then he will transfer this money without a second thought. He is reassured by the fact that he found advertising on a serious site, that the sites are so attractive and professional, that the payment system is also serious. So, the transfer to the specified wallet is made. A happy employee awaits the promised salary and further instructions. The wait, alas, is absolutely in vain. The letters he sends are not answered. These are the people this “swindler” is designed for. It is designed to ensure that the World Wide Web is replenished with new users every day.

It’s another matter if a person is already aware that he can easily be deceived. If he read reviews about similar work, he visited sites that expose scammers. Then he will never take the bait and transfer the money. True, a day later a letter will arrive asking him why he doesn’t want to continue cooperation, but that’s it “ nice talking" will end.

If you want to learn simple types making money on axleboxes, social networks and applications, on such resources as Yandex.Toloka, Workzila, Seosprint and Profitcenter, Vktarget, Aptools and other dozens of proven sites, in order to earn from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles per month, use a special online training center with personal support - Delovary.RF!

We draw a conclusion

What can be concluded? He's alone. If you are asked to confirm something with your money, then you can say goodbye to it (money). However, as with the “employers” themselves. It would seem that logic suggests that why not calculate these 90, for confirmation, from the 250 already earned? But, unfortunately, logic turns off if they promise easy big money!