Fatigue after work. Working without fatigue: useful tips

Everyone experiences periods of devastation, and they can be dealt with if you follow simple rules.

1. Determine the reason why you are tired from work

To change your life, you need to know what exactly needs to be changed. So ask yourself why you like or dislike yours. Understand what caused dissatisfaction with work.

Are you underestimated, don’t like the team, have a tight schedule, a lot of overtime? The reasons for dissatisfaction can be very different, and the most important thing is to find them.

2. Pay attention to your health

Nerves at work worsen your health. Heavy workload, conflicts, loss of interest in work will definitely affect your well-being. And the employer does not need employees who are constantly sick. So here's some unexpected advice: if you have problems at work, pay attention to your health. Give up bad habits, sleep well and eat well.

3. Find extra income that will help you relax

You will have to work, even if you really don’t want to. No one has canceled the need to eat, utilities are expensive, the family needs to be fed... But if work does not bring pleasure, you need to find an activity that will bring it. And on which you can also make money.

If you are a good dancer, try teaching dance. If you draw, paint a picture and sell it. You can earn money by sewing, knitting or other handicrafts. Arrange online courses on a topic that you are well versed in. There are as many options as there are many talents you have.

Of course, it is not necessary to earn money this way, but you can try.

4. Develop professionally

If you work in one position for a long time, the work becomes automatic and becomes boring. And if the thought comes to your mind that you already “know everything,” this is a sign that you need to develop further. Because in the 21st century it is physically impossible to know everything.

Go to courses in your field - they will tell you what you missed and share their experience. And in classes in a different direction, you can master a different profession or at least learn to better understand what your colleagues are doing. And this is the beginning of professional growth. At least ask your colleagues about what, how and why they do it, and then look for more information on the Internet.

5. Change your environment

A workaholic will not be able to make new friends. Closing himself in the close company of colleagues, he forgets what normal personal communication is and loses the skills of friendly communication. And in order to maintain an interesting conversation, you need to share with others something other than work information. Perhaps it is this fact that you don’t meet new people in life that is the reason for fatigue. Think about who you communicate with most. If with colleagues, remember old connections outside of work or make new ones.

6. Remember why you got the job

A husband and wife who have lost romance in their relationship are advised to remember the time when they met and the reason why they could not live without each other. In the same way, those who are tired of work need to remember why they came to work for this company in the first place. Perhaps your priorities in life have changed and your work no longer matches them. Or the work process itself has changed, the people who made it special have left the company. When you figure it out, you will understand what needs to be changed in your work.

7. Take a break and rest

In case of serious problems at work, they always advise you to distract yourself: take a vacation for at least a week, go to a neighboring city for a few days and see the sights. They are rightly advised - a change of environment helps clear your thoughts. And then you can look at the problems with fresh eyes.

The main thing is to temporarily turn off your phone, tablet and other gadgets, do not read work email, so that no one can contact you about work issues.

The most important rule to follow if work has ceased to be enjoyable is that the situation needs to be changed urgently. How is another question. But if you continue to work in a company you don’t like, the work will stop benefiting both you and her.

Working until late in the evening, business meetings on weekends, frequent rush jobs, urgent reports and unplanned business trips have become commonplace for many. From time to time you become so tired from work that you only have enough strength to eat and go to bed.

This is how the body signals that it is working at the limit of its capabilities and needs rest. More often, such negative manifestations disappear after a full night’s sleep or a weekend.

A more serious symptom is constant fatigue after work. It does not go away even after a night's rest. Waking up in the morning, a person feels exhausted, sleepy and unrested. Falls, it is difficult to concentrate and perform usual tasks efficiently.

Irritability, nervousness, causeless anxiety, mood swings and sleep disturbances appear. This is how chronic fatigue syndrome may manifest itself. One of the reasons for this disease is constant overwork. And if you don’t take a break and don’t relieve chronic tension, then not only the nervous system can suffer: negative factors can seriously unbalance the functioning of the immune, endocrine, cardiovascular systems, and gastrointestinal tract organs.

Checking your health status

If constant loss of strength after work and emotional instability are accompanied by disruption of the intestines, a regular increase (or drop) in body temperature, muscle fatigue and headaches are bothering you, then you should go directly to a medical facility for examination.

Similar symptoms can be caused by the following pathologies:

  • endocrine, autoimmune disorders;
  • infections;
  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • mental illness;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals.

To exclude serious diseases, laboratory tests, ultrasound diagnostics, ECG and other studies are performed.

How to relieve fatigue after work

There is no better way to relieve fatigue after work than relaxing treatments. The ideal way to relieve tension after a hard day is a massage. It’s good if you have the opportunity to use the services of a professional and undergo a full massage course. Self-massage of active points will also provide a relaxing effect. Regular stroking, rubbing, kneading the back, back of the neck or scalp, performed by someone close, has a relaxing effect.

A warm shower, bath with essential oils, sea salt or foam will help relieve chronic tension after work. Warm aromatic water, soft light music and dim lighting will help you calm down, relax and get positive emotions.

Changing the mode

It is not always possible to completely eliminate the influence of stress, anxiety and worry. To prevent these negative factors from overloading the nervous system, neutralize their effects.

This will help you effectively:

  1. Full healthy sleep of at least 7-8 hours. This much time is needed to ensure high productivity of the nervous system and brain.
  2. Regular exercise. Morning exercises or running, fitness classes, yoga, swimming will help you stay energetic all day long. Choose the most suitable type of activity for yourself. During physical exercise, endorphins are released, which cause a feeling of pleasure and joy. During physical activity, blood vessels dilate, blood pressure increases for a short time, and oxygen supply to tissues improves. By training, you will become less susceptible to stress and will cope with its consequences faster.
  3. Walks, outdoor activities. If possible, you should walk to, from work, or during breaks. Even a 20-30 minute walk down the street will allow you to relax after work, get distracted and switch gears. Spend at least one day off every two weeks outdoors. Active rest is a workout for muscles and the central nervous system, saturates the body with oxygen and is a great way to relieve chronic tension.
  4. Complete balanced nutrition. Choose natural and as healthy foods as possible. It must contain the necessary elements and saturate with energy. Proper food containing proteins, slow carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids will allow you to be alert all day.
  5. Optimal drinking regime. One of the reasons why you feel tired after work may be dehydration. For normal cellular processes, drink more clean water, and intake of coffee, alcohol, and sweet drinks should be limited.

Every day we need to manage to do more, fulfill ever-growing plans, build a career, and we also need to devote time to loved ones and household chores. This rhythm requires constant concentration and leads to persistent nervous tension, which affects the general physical condition.

Listen to yourself, rest after work, balance and prevent further deterioration of your well-being.

I titled the article “How to be less tired at work and at home,” but I’ll start from afar - with my main secret ;-). In my life I have moved a lot, even a lot - I have changed at least a dozen rented apartments. Student years, studying in different cities, looking for an apartment after graduating from university... And the further, the worse - each new move was worse than the previous one, it seemed simply unrealistic to be less tired while transporting things. No, no one, of course, argues - moving is tiring (with age, things become more and more, and these are not just boxes with books and clothes, but also equipment, furniture), but since I was tired and exhausted!.. In general, not I recommend!))

So here it is. During my last move, I thought: how can I be less tired and why, in fact, do I get SO tired? Not just SO, but SOOOO, that after I bring things into the apartment, I just collapse from fatigue and walk around like a zombie for several days? The answer that I found seemed quite convincing: before the move, already a few days ago, I began to stress myself out - like how hard it would be, how many bruises I would have again from all these boxes and suitcases, how I would carry them, they were so heavy , and how to pack it into the car, and how to worry: have you forgotten anything?

The solution that I found was also simple: in order to be less tired, I simply forbade myself from thinking about the move in detail and imagining HOW difficult it would be. As soon as such thoughts came, I immediately told myself: “Stop! There’s no escape anyway, the move will still happen – there’s no point in stressing yourself out. My worries and thinking about the situation in detail will not change anything - except that I will spoil my nerves and get tired IN ADVANCE.” No, of course, I was packing my things - but more detached than usual: not imagining all the upcoming difficulties while packing, but listening to pleasant music or turning on my favorite movie.

As a result, the next move was much easier, and lo and behold! – easier both physically and psychologically! My conclusion: I was more tired not from the move itself, but from my preparatory thoughts and worries. After this story, I thought about other situations: perhaps, in them, I can be less tired if I simply think less about them, and not frighten myself with all sorts of sad incidents from the lives of acquaintances and acquaintances?

I decided to apply this principle in other areas of life: don’t stress yourself out in advance; if you need to think about it, then think about the facts, and not my irrational fears and worries. This helped me get tired less - both at work and at home. Isn't it really that simple? And if you also want to be less tired, this is my advice No. 1. What else?

  1. No multitasking: one period of time is one thing
  2. Be sure to go out into the fresh air at lunchtime. Social networks and news all behind the same computer monitor - this is not relaxation!
  3. Will allow you to be less tired at work making to-do lists. It’s great if you master it - it can be used to plan any tasks in general: both at work and at home.
  4. Less intrigue. Stay away from people who are ready to constantly discuss colleagues and savor other people's mistakes. Extra intrigue means extra stress. Extra stress means more fatigue.
  5. Ask to work remotely. Remote work is applicable to many professions today: programmer, accountant, journalist, designer, and even secretary. Perhaps, within the walls of your own home, you will be less tired of the same work.
  6. Weekends are sacred! On weekends you need to rest, no work! Without proper rest, you will be very tired even at your favorite job.

And yes, don’t forget: our body is very smart and gives many clues to its owner. Perhaps, if you are very tired at work, this is a signal that it’s time to change it?

  1. Share chores around the house. Let each family member know what he must do and understand that no one else will do it for him.
  2. Be sure to keep lists of household chores— you can download templates in the section (it's free!).
  3. Master non-standard time management methods: for example, every day, clean a certain area for only 15 minutes or do household chores for 25 minutes, and then rest for 5 minutes (and so on several times). So you won’t even have time to get tired of everyday life) Read more about techniques for.
  4. Look for ways to make your life easier. For example, putting things in order with music, original gadgets for maintaining cleanliness, and aromatherapy will make everyday chores more enjoyable. In the blog I already told you which ones I use and how I use them. All these methods help me get less tired of everyday life.

What if you have your own ways to help you get less tired at work or less tired at home?

Chronic fatigue syndrome does not only affect workaholics. And in general, this phenomenon has nothing to do with ordinary fatigue.

Expert – Doctor of Psychology Vera Loseva.

Doctors are looking for immunological, infectious, neurological causes of chronic fatigue syndrome - and find nothing. Meanwhile, psychologists offer their own theory: the peculiarities of the response to stress of people living in a space overcrowded with information are to blame for this disease.

TIRED OF Idleness?

A condition similar to chronic fatigue syndrome occurs when the body becomes imbalanced between the stimuli sent by the external environment and our response to them. Why are signs of chronic fatigue often felt by housewives or people with monotonous, monotonous work, and simply slackers who are ready to lie on the couch for days without anything to do? Because their nervous system stimulation is insufficient.

Stress in moderation is good for health - it allows the body to mobilize, gather together internal forces in order to be ready to correctly respond to the “message” from the outside world and provide protection.

When these incentives are few, the settings begin to “go astray.” A similar thing happens when stimulation is too active. Examples of overstimulation are everywhere and literally cultivated by society. Thus, chronic fatigue syndrome becomes a programmed disease.


The first path to illness is the desire for perfection, which is fueled in every possible way by advertising, the film industry, and popular literature. It is argued that literally everyone can and should achieve wealth, fame, be successful from the point of view of society, and arouse the admiration of others. Moreover, each of us already has all this, and whether we show these wonderful qualities or not depends only on us. A person, trying to overcome high barriers, often sets himself impossible tasks. For example, he may be a successful manager or a successful actor, but at the same time he is forced to sacrifice something, for example, his personal life, old friends, or raising children. And first of all - spiritual harmony, because no one has ever managed to be at the “top” all the time. Even the greatest have experienced periods of decline. The very position that everything needs to be done to the maximum or not at all leads to a nervous breakdown.

ANTIDOTE. It is very important to forgive yourself in difficult moments, allow small weaknesses, and not continue to rush to the finish line at full speed. Love yourself, not your imaginary image - do not forget that you are real and unique as a person, and are not at all a figment of someone’s imagination.


This feeling often leads to a colossal loss of energy. After all, envy is a destructive feeling, a real generator of complexes and ill will.

ANTIDOTE. Envy is practically untreatable. If you suffer from it seriously, things are bad. Try to switch to more positive feelings - admiration for nature, a loved one, art. Remember that even the most successful person has reason to envy those who are higher than him.


Another way to waste energy is to always focus on the opinions of others about you. At the same time, the lion's share of activity is spent reacting to facial expressions, words, supposed thoughts and feelings of colleagues, friends, and relatives. This complex is based on self-doubt and a constant desire for approval.

ANTIDOTE. Understand that people are usually not that interested in your successes and failures. They are focused on themselves, and your activity usually takes place on the edge of their consciousness. Usually they easily forget what they once said about you, and you are ready to think about a carelessly thrown word for weeks. So is it worth wasting energy so mediocrely?

PROBLEM 4: REluctance to be satisfied with little

Sometimes even such a noble feeling as the desire for self-realization can lead to a leak of energy. Nowadays, it has become fashionable to say that the possibilities of every person are limitless. This is wrong. Only some people succeed in “jumping over their heads”, and even then at the expense of a colossal waste of mental strength and the loss of the good that was achieved at the previous “stage”.

ANTIDOTE. Learn to be happy with what you have. Remember that in every victory there is a share of defeat, and in every defeat there is a positive life experience. A person who has not risen through the ranks can enjoy freedom more, take a break from the stress of responsibility, and have a better chance of maintaining health. As Dale Carnegie said, his farmer grandfather, who never traveled beyond his home state, was much happier than many bosses with eaten away livers and habitual nightmares whom the great popularizer of psychology met along the way.


The constant desire to protect oneself has a detrimental effect on health. For some, this is expressed in an endless desire for a higher material level, for others - in a passion for various “systems”. As a rule, neither one nor the other provides a guarantee of safety, but it drains strength very quickly.

ANTIDOTE. Remember that it is impossible to foresee everything in life - the world always develops according to its own laws, and not according to our wishes, and His Majesty chance can nullify all the measures you have taken. So is it worth it?


It destroys internal protection and this is a common feeling. We are talking about people who constantly expect to be deceived and try to calculate what they can gain from this or that enterprise. Such a person is forced to constantly restrain himself, save his strength in order to “sell” it at a higher price.

ANTIDOTE. The rationality of such behavior is apparent. We will never be able to calculate how much and what will be “returned” to us in response to our efforts. It has been noticed that the more a person gives, the more he receives - at least in the form of gratitude, good attitude from others, which is a powerful feed for his internal “reservoirs”.


Oddly enough, energy leakage is also caused by extremely economical spending of this very energy. Each activity has five components: goal - plan - execution - control - internal assessment. If a person masters only some of these components, for example, does not set goals for himself (others do this for him) or delegates the assessment to his superiors or relatives, he eventually accumulates mental stress, which leads to chronic fatigue. Those who have ways to hold all the components in their hands usually do not get tired: they receive energy from their activity.

ANTIDOTE. During your vacation, try doing activities that are completely different from those in which you might get high grades. Allow yourself to be a C student in something. The main thing is to step back from your usual activities, check “your course” with your state of mind, and look for the main guidelines in it. And the energy sources that the world around you is so rich in will replenish your reserves and help you forget about chronic fatigue syndrome.

It is normal for a person to be tired after a busy day at work or an intense workout. It’s not normal when fatigue doesn’t go away even on weekends and you’re so tired that you can’t rest. But this also happens. Before you start doing anything, make sure that it is real fatigue and not a symptom of larger troubles.

Fatigue is a symptom of some diseases.

Diabetes, depression, thyroid problems, anxiety, anemia and even snoring are diseases that signal themselves through fatigue Why am I tired all the time?. It takes no more than a week to get checked by an endocrinologist and do a couple of blood tests, but you will find out what is the reason for your poor health: a disease or lifestyle.

2. Learn to sleep properly

It’s trite, but a constantly tired person most likely sleeps poorly: he suffers from insomnia, shallow sleep or lack of time to rest. If you think that you have no time to sleep, remember: you need to sleep not 8 hours, but correctly.

This is what it means 10 tips to beat insomnia..

  • Go to bed at the same time every day.
  • Sleep in the dark.
  • Sleep in silence.
  • Sleep in a cool bedroom with an open window (at an air temperature of 16–18 °C).
  • Sleep on a flat mattress and under a warm blanket.

There are many more ways to improve sleep, but in practice few people even follow the rule of a cool bedroom. So try to start with this.

3. Find fuel

Energy is obtained by burning fuel, our fuel is food. If you fill a car with a gasoline engine with diesel fuel, then, of course, it will go, but not far. It’s the same with our body: if we feed it just anything, we won’t be able to get enough energy. We have written about how to eat right many times, but fatigue is a trap. To stick to a nutrition plan, regularly buy the right foods, cook them, and not break down, you need a schedule and strength. But they are not there.

Get started with three simple steps:

  1. Reduce your coffee intake Self-help tips to fight fatigue., no matter how paradoxical it sounds. Coffee and other tonic drinks are borrowed energy. You will spend more than you can afford, and you will have to pay with a lack of strength.
  2. Instead of sweets and fast food, snack on nuts and cottage cheese. Protein foods help cope with lack of strength better than candy and coffee.
  3. Take snacks based on flax seeds - they are rich in antioxidants. However, more details are needed about them.

4. Use antioxidant supplements

One of the reasons we constantly feel tired is free radicals. These are unstable molecules, they are usually formed as a result of vital activity, especially after exercise. The body can cope with so many free radicals, but we can get an additional portion from the environment: cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes, ultraviolet radiation. When there are too many free radicals, the body falls into depression, the consequences of which are disruptions in energy production, cell destruction, the development of diseases and accelerated aging.

Antioxidants are molecules that counteract oxidative stress, neutralize free radicals, protect our cells and restore energy production.

For chronic fatigue, use nutritional supplements Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Treatment. which contain antioxidants. Such as the antioxidant complex "" - a dietary supplement (not a medicine).

Synergin contains six antioxidants in high dosages: coenzyme Q 10, lycopene, rutin, vitamins C and E, beta-carotene. All these substances are found in common foods: meat, vegetables, berries. Another thing is that the amount of antioxidants in food is small, we simply cannot eat enough food to get the required amount of antioxidants. This is what Synergin is fighting against: two capsules contain enough antioxidants to provide the body without exceeding the permissible level of consumption.

While the antioxidants inside us fight free radicals, we feel how fatigue recedes, strength and a desire to do more for ourselves appear.

5. Take breaks from work

When there are so many things to do that it is impossible to sort them out, stop! Understand that Bolivar will not endure so much, decide which tasks must be done without fail, and what can wait. On the list of the most important tasks of the day, the first item should be “Rest.”

Do those things that absolutely need to be done, and if after that you have no strength left, rest. The most important things will be completed, and you will be able to switch gears and gather energy without feeling remorse.

Plan your day in the evening, but adjust your plans in the morning. We wake up with different amounts of energy, and if you feel like you’re falling down after barely brushing your teeth, then it’s better to reschedule your plans: leave the most important things in order to devote more time to rest.

6. Learn to move

Movement and physical activity are the last things you want to do when you're tired. What kind of gym can we talk about if there is no strength for anything at all? But we are made to be on the move Rev Up Your Energy.. When we move little, all processes in the body automatically stop: the body slowly processes food, slowly starts working, and slowly adjusts to rest. It turns out to be a vicious circle: we get tired and therefore move little, but as a result, the body reserves less energy for movement and reduces its production.

There is a way out: when tiredness haunts you, you need to start with walks.

And nothing else. Put on something very comfortable, go outside, not somewhere, but just like that, without a purpose. You can’t: sit, wander around the shops, go to the nearest kiosk for fast food. You can: walk.

How to warm up when you need to go outside but don’t want to? Start breathing. Take a deep breath and exhale sharply until you feel you are ready to stretch your neck and do at least 10 squats.

7. Learn to say no

Sometimes we get tired because we can't say no and we say yes to every project, help with every request, and take on too much. We cope, but to our own detriment.

Give yourself a break. Don't stay at work late, redoing work for your colleagues - they can handle it themselves. Refuse the party - your friends will understand, and you will rest and get some sleep. Say no when you are asked to do something again. Think about yourself.

8. Get a massage

Try a massage at home after a hard day Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Other Treatment. stop, hands, stretch your neck and face. Of course, it’s great if someone gives you a massage, but if there is no one willing, buy a gymnastic roller or take a tennis ball to stretch the most tense areas of the body: neck, back, feet.

If you are so tired that you suffer from insomnia, cannot concentrate on work and lose your appetite, sign up for a course of therapeutic or relaxing massage. It becomes easier under the hands of professionals.

9. Go to the sauna or bathhouse

Heat makes the blood flow faster, at the same time helps to relax and tones. Take a warm bath, lie in it for 15 minutes, or go to the bathhouse or sauna. Just don’t sit in the steam room for too long: you didn’t come for extreme stress, but for rest and recovery.

10. Learn to switch from work to rest

You need to leave your work at work, don’t take it home even in your thoughts. At home, don’t check work email, don’t write to colleagues about unfinished business or questions that can wait until tomorrow (in fact, most questions are just that), don’t go into the corporate chat if you have one. If an extremely important event is planned at work tomorrow, then worrying about it is appropriate, but such events happen no more than two or three times a year. And the rest of the time - no “overtime” thoughts. Switching things up will also help you relax.

The best way to take your mind off work is to communicate with loved ones. Talk to your family, play with your pets, call your friends, or text someone you haven't seen in years and ask how they're doing. The energy of loved ones will help you feel better.