The letter yu, yu and the sounds it represents. Let's stand in a circle

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Presentation of Student 1st grade “A” GBOU Secondary School No. 49 Yusipova Amira

The letter Yu is the 32nd letter of the modern Russian alphabet. It came from the Cyrillic alphabet. “U” looks stable - it won’t roll away, the circle is firmly fastened to the stick. To prevent O from rolling away, I will nail it firmly to the post. Oh, look, what happened: It turned out to be the letter Y!

And the words that begin with it are noble: Jupiter, for example. After all, what a huge planet this is! And it’s amazing how good she is! Yes, a lot of other good things start with “U”! According to Pavel Globa, the letter “U” is associated with humor. This letter brings curiosity. Those with names starting with this letter turn everything into a joke.

Youth - what a wonderful time! Yu g, by the way, is also good - fruits, sun, vitamin D.

Once upon a time there lived a beast starting with the letter Y. He was cleaning his face. Hippopotamus - with the letter B, A rooster - with the letter P. Crocodile with the letter K, And a boar with the letter K. Platypus - with the letter U! What kind of animal begins with the letter Y? Does he have a long tail? - Yes. - Is he huge? - No. - Does he have thick fur? - Yes. - Does he have hooves? - No. - Are the beast’s teeth sharp? - Yes. - I'm afraid of him then. Funny poems

And this beast is not scary at all. It's just our cat. - Why is it on “Y”? - Call my cat Yulka!

Spinning on one leg, carefree, cheerful. A dancer in a colorful skirt, Musical... (spinster). I gra "Say the word." A boar went out for a walk, stood and fell into a puddle - a break. I’m happy with myself: – Oink-oink-oink, It’s good that I’m without... (pants).

Little Yulka, you are a neat little thing. Yulka loves yumbrikas and plays with cubes. Yulka-Yulenka-yula, Yulka was nimble. Yulka couldn’t sit still for a minute. Tongue Twisters

Find words starting with the letter

This is women's clothing, Ladies have hope for it: It covers, like a fur coat, It's not short... (skirt) Summer is a hot time, Children are going to the sea! There's a cheerful knock under the wheels The train is moving to... (south) I'm spinning, spinning And I'm not too lazy to spin even all day long! (yula) Riddles

Well, remember what words starting with the letter Y were?!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Project: "Fun alphabet. Letter B."

A project is one of the forms of the system-activity approach. The "Fun ABC" project is a joint project of students and parents. The theme of the project makes it possible to include first-graders in project activities...

Project: "Fun alphabet. Letter P."

A project is one of the forms of a system-activity approach. The "Fun ABC" project is a joint project of parents and students....

Project: "Fun alphabet. Letter L."

A project is one of the forms of the system-activity approach. Project: "Fun ABC" - a joint project of parents and students." It helps to make literacy lessons more interesting and intensive....

Project: "Fun alphabet. Letter A."

The "Fun ABC" project makes it possible to make literacy lessons more interesting and effective. After all, students act as teachers. The project is a joint creativity of parents and children....

Nadezhda Shtanko

Summary of an open lesson.

for pre-school children

teacher Shtanko N.A.

Topic: Letter “Yu”, sound “Yu”

Target: introduce the letter and sound “yu”.

Tasks: develop phonemic hearing; learn to highlight the sound “yu” in words; develop the ability to interact with each other

Equipment: projector

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Let's welcome our guests.

Children:- Hello!

Educator:- Guys, today I want to introduce you to the new sound “U”. To pronounce this sound correctly, you need to slightly round your lips and slightly stretch them forward (shows). Let's make this sound together. What sound is this, a vowel or a consonant?

Children: - Vowel

Educator: - Let's remember, what vowel sounds do we already know?

Children:- A, O, U, E, Z

Educator:- Well done. Tell me, please, how do we recognize vowel sounds?

Children:- Vowel sounds are easily sung, and air comes out of the mouth freely.

Educator:- Guys, how many sounds do you hear when you pronounce the letter U?

Children:- Two.

Educator:- What sounds are these?

Children:- [th] and [y]

Educator:- Fine. Now look at the screen, (slide number 1) the sound Y is indicated by the vowel letter Y. Let's draw the letter Y in the air. Look what letter is hidden in the letter Y.

Children:- ABOUT

Educator: - So that O doesn't roll away,

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened:

The result is a letter... YU.

There are parts of our letter in front of you, let's make the whole letter Y.

Children each make the letter U.

Educator:- Guys, I have a magic chest, and in it is the game “Guess what our names are?” Cards, and this is the task for them: Guess the names of these guys based on the first letters of the words. (Slide No. 2,3)

(Skirt, bow, apple – YULIA

Yula, crayfish, watermelon - Yura).

Let's clap the word YULIA. How many syllables are there? (2, and in the word YURA? there is also 2, but what letter do these names begin with?

Children: From the letter Y.

Educator: Guys, what is that sound? (slide number 4)

Children: Train.

Educator:- Guys, he also brought us some kind of task.

The little engine wants to play with you. He really likes vowel sounds, especially the sound [yu]. Determine the place of the sound [yu] in these words. If the sound is at the beginning of the word, put the picture in the main carriage, if in the middle - in the second carriage, at the end - in the last carriage.

(Yula, skirt, iron, key, cranberry, stick, mine, blow, bark, howl)

Educator:- Well done, you completed this task. Now let’s have a little rest: In autumn there are a lot of clouds in the sky, I suggest you play the game Little White Cloud.

A white cloud rose above the roof

The cloud rushed higher, higher, higher

The wind caught this cloud on the steep slope.

The cloud turned into a thundercloud.

We stand in a circle. Comparison by ear:

Luke - hatch.

Educator: Guys, look at the screen, I suggest you read the words one by one: (Slide No. 5)


Educator: Well done, and now I suggest you return to the tables, and in my magic chest there is still something for you.

Making answers to riddles:

I'm red, I'm sour

I grew up in a swamp.

Ripened under the snow,

Come on, who knows me?

(Cranberry)(Slide No. 6)

Making up the word cranberry.

Crutch of the curve

So he’s eager to fight.

(Hockey stick)(Slide No. 7)

Sometimes they take it out of me

And in your hands I will open

I am any castle.

(Key) (Slide No. 8)

Educator: - Explain the meaning of the word key. Let's make sentences with this word.

Children:- I can open the lock with a key.

Educator: - Well done. So, what vowel letter did we meet today? How many sounds do we hear in the letter Y?

(Children's answers)

If in a dream you write capital letters on a board or paper, then you will have to take part in an unusual task, which, contrary to your expectations, may come true. In general, writing letters in a dream is a bad omen, which often foreshadows misfortune or failure. If in a dream you spell a word, then success in business awaits you, which, however, will not be given to you without difficulty. A dream in which you memorize letters promises you a lot of interesting things and promises good luck in business. If in a dream you see individual letters, then you will receive news that will leave you perplexed. Seeing letters unclearly in a dream foretells receiving bad news about unexpected obstacles in business. Seeing large letters in a dream is a sign of success in the sciences. To see large letters of your name appearing in front of you one after another in a dream predicts your appointment to a high government position. However, if the alternation of letters is disrupted, then your new position will be too burdensome for you. If the dream is interrupted mid-sentence, then the promotion you were so expecting or changes for the better will not take place. See interpretation: alphabet.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Letters

Seeing letters in a dream means unexpected news. Trying to remember them will lead to material well-being. Writing in large block letters is your idea, which will seem strange to many, but will nevertheless be crowned with success. Writing letters on slogans, posters, walls is bad luck.

Interpretation of dreams from

Lesson type: Learning new material.

Goal: to introduce new letters denoting two sounds, to develop the ability to read expressively, correctly, understand the text fluently, and quickly navigate through the text. Promote the development of speech, memory, attention, thinking, phonetic hearing, broaden your horizons.

Equipment: cash register of letters, cards with graphic symbols of sounds, projector, computer, textbook “ABC” part 2.

During the classes

1. Org. moment

The long-awaited call was given,
the lesson begins.

2. Updating knowledge. (6 min)

And our lesson begins with repetition.

Game "Sound relay race" (2 min.)

Description of the game: The teacher shows the letter, and the neighbors at the desk pronounce the corresponding sounds (one calls a hard consonant, the other calls a soft one);

Well done!

Next a game called "Who can make up the word faster?" (4 min)

Equipment: subject pictures, letter box, cards with graphic designations of sounds.

Description of the game. The teacher shows an object picture and invites the children to create a word - the name of the object and a sound pattern - model of this word. The neighbors at the desk agree among themselves who will perform which part of the task, and work: one of the chips lays out the diagram, the second one of the letters types the word under it. The pair that completes the task before others wins.

3. Setting the topic and goals of the lesson. (2 minutes.)

Teacher: “Guess the riddle.”

I'm in June and July
Whatever happens suddenly
I'm leaving with my mother.
And where to? South).

What letter does the word riddle begin with?

D. - letter YU.

What is the topic of our lesson?

D. - The topic of our lesson is the letter YU.

What goal will we set for ourselves during the lesson?

4. New topic. (7 min.)

Acquaintance with the sounds [u], [y"u], which are denoted by the letters Yu, yu.

(According to the picture KEY.) ( 2 minutes)

(The diagram of the word is not divided into syllables. The word is not stressed. The diagram is not completely painted over. The sound [у] is painted in red.)

The teacher addresses the children: “What is this? (Key.) Let’s say this word and stretch out the vowel sound well. ([Kl"-u-u-uch]) What sound do we hear? ([u-u-u].) How to pronounce a consonant sound that forms a merging syllable with it? (It sounds soft [l".) How were consonant sounds read when they were followed by a vowel [u]? (Hardly.) This is the problem we will solve today."

Sound-letter analysis of words and determination of syllable structure. Working with the sound circuit. (2 minutes)

Teacher: “Say the word again and say how many syllables it has. (This word has one vowel sound, which means one syllable.) Let’s make a diagram and confirm the unusual situation that we have.” One student comes to the board.

Introducing the sound [y"y], which is denoted by the letters Yu, Yu. (From the picture SKIRT.) (1 min)

(The diagram is divided into syllables. The emphasis is placed on the first syllable, the diagram is not completely painted over. The sound [y"u] is painted green-red.)

Teacher: “Let’s say the word slowly, stretching out each sound. We listen carefully to the sounds. Especially the very first ones. ([y"ub k a]. Say the first syllable. ([y"ou b].) What sounds do you hear? ([y" ] and [у].) Here’s another problem that arose in our lesson. How to represent these sounds in writing? Which letter? Let’s try to pronounce these sounds shorter. We don’t speak so slowly in life. (Pronounces the word SKIRT.) What letter is being asked to indicate sounds ([th"] and [y])? (Letter Yu, it can denote two sounds at once [th"] and [y].)

In what cases does this happen?

D.-When the letter Yu stands at the very beginning of the word, it denotes two sounds [th"] and [u]. For example: Yura, South.)

Game "Catch the letter" (2 min)

Equipment: Text from the textbook "ABC" p. 47

Description of the game: Children first read the text, and then begin to look through it line by line, circling the letter indicated by the teacher. One student names words where the letter Y means 1 sound, the other - where the letter Y means 2 sounds.

In what cases does this happen?

5. Physical exercise (2 min)

One two three four-
We stomp our feet.
One two three four-
We clap our hands.
Stretch your arms wider
One two three four.
Bend over - three, four -
And jump on the spot.
On the toe, then on the heel,
We all do exercises.

Gymnastics for the eyes

6. Consolidation. (10 min)

1. Rebus game. Working with netbooks (3min)

"Listen to the riddles:

Name the most sour berry (Cranberry)

Weaving along the walls, very burdensome
And they call me:. (ivy)

I recognize the boy without much pain.
Because he wears it instead of a skirt :(trousers)

Find the answer among the pictures. Choose a diagram for each answer-drawing."

2. Working with syllables. (3 min)

Teacher: “Read the syllables in the table. Make up a word with any of the syllables. Say it and explain what sounds the letter u represents in your word.”

[nu] [ryu] [syu] [lyu] [vu] [tu] [byu]

[yun] [yur] [yus] [yul] [yuv] [yut]

Teacher: “Attach the syllables [lyu, ryu, tyu, yul] to certain syllables and get words. (2 minutes)

Game "We'll sit down." (2 minutes)

(Game for differentiation based on the material of direct and reverse syllables.)

Teacher: “Read the syllables: nu, pyu, ryu, vu, shu, gyu, syu, yush, yur, yul, yut, yuk, yuv. Depending on the softness and hardness of the consonant sound, place the gnomes on a chair or on a bedside table. Place gnomes on the chair that carry a syllable with a soft consonant sound, and on the bedside table put gnomes that carry a syllable with a hard consonant sound."

7. Physical exercise (1 min)

Gymnastics for the eyes

8. Consolidation (5 min)

Teacher: “Name the objects in the story picture, in the names of which the sounds are indicated by the letter yu. Indicate what sounds each letter yu represents (chandelier, trousers, iron - ([y]). Skirt - [y"y].)

The teacher asks the children to independently compose a story based on the plot pictures.

Title the text."

9. Reflection (1 min)

What letter did we work with today?

What have we learned about her?

Remember what goal you set for yourself at the beginning of the lesson, did you achieve this goal?

Look at the screen and select the emoji that suits you best:

  • The first emoticon indicates that you had an easy time in class,
  • Second, I needed the help of a teacher,
  • Tritium - it was difficult.


  1. Interactive demonstration tables "Teaching literacy. 1st grade" UMK V.G. Goretsky "Russian ABC" (series "School of Russia");
  2. ABC from A to Z. Teaching. - methodological manual / Comp. I.A. Gimpel. - Minsk: Asar, 2007.
  3. O.E. Zhirenko, L.A. Obukhova. Lesson developments for teaching literacy: reading and writing - M.: VAKO, 2009.
  4. Games for teaching literacy and reading. Uch. - methodological manual / Comp. N.N. Maksimuk-M.: VAKO, 2006.
  5. Goretsky V.G., Kiryushkin V.A. Russian alphabet: textbook. - M.: Education, 2011.

Yu, yu (called: yu) is a letter in most Cyrillic Slavic alphabets (in Bulgarian - 29th, in Belarusian - 31st, in Russian and Ukrainian - 32nd; excluded from Serbian in the mid-19th century, not introduced into Macedonian, created on the new model of Serbian). It is also found in some non-Slavic scripts.

Usually in the Cyrillic alphabet it is counted in order as the 33rd (), 34th in the Glagolitic alphabet (). Has no numerical value. In the Slavic alphabet the name is similar to the modern one - “yu”; in the Church and Old Church Slavonic languages, this is how the form of the accusative case looks like from the short form of the st. the pronoun she (Russian: her), although the coincidence of this word with the name of the letter is possibly accidental.

The Cyrillic letter comes from the Greek ligature IǑ, ιǒ (ΙΟΥ, ιου); There is no generally accepted theory for the Glagolitic form, although most often it is correlated with the Latin digraph IU (iu).
There were few variations in the Cyrillic script, mainly differing in the location of the connecting line (it could be drawn in the middle (as in modern fonts), on top, or made oblique).

Variants with different sizes of letter elements were also used: something like GO with a connection along the upper edge of the circle o (a similar shape may indicate the northern origins of the manuscript). This form, at times, could penetrate into printed fonts, for example, into the publications of F. Skaryna.

The iotating stroke in Old Russian cursive sometimes degenerates into something like a c-shaped stroke above the letter o, i.e. the letter took the form of delta δ (Greek). Another variation of the letter - “Yu reverse”, with the same meaning, is found in a number of Old Slavonic monuments of the 12th-15th centuries.

At the beginning of words, being after separating marks and vowels, it corresponds to the sound pair /ју/, and after consonants it gives their softening (if possible) and the sound /у/. True, after consonants in the Russian language it is not placed very freely (without taking into account borrowings).

After m, v, b, f, p almost always requires separation using a soft sign (drink, view, beat) or the letter l (save, love, graph, catch, feed), but occasionally exceptions can occur (dove) . When located after the gutturals k, g, x, hissing sh, h, zh, shch, as well as in the position after c, it does not apply.

After s, z, t, d, it also has a number of historically determined restrictions that allow you to put yu after these consonants in a number of endings of nouns (nail, crucian carp, guest, prince), but not in verbs (since the forms slyapyu, slyamzyu, postu, bdyu - colloquial, and in a literary language there should be a change in consonants, for example, as in slide, supply, vaksha, fast).

The only exceptions to the rules described above are borrowings (bust, music stand, bugel, déjà vu, murid, elector; brochure, jury, Čiurlionis; ditch, Hue, viper; Zurich, etc.), mainly foreign-language names and names.

Unlike Russian, the Ukrainian language traditionally has a soft letter combination qiu: Tsyurupa, tsyukati, patsyuk, on the finger, etc.
Now the letter yu in Church Slavonic orthography occurs only after the consonants l, n, r and (occasionally) after t, d, s, z, but once in the Old Moscow (and now Old Believer) version of the Church. language was actively used after soft hissing words: chyuti (smell), chyudo, ѿvrashchu, etc.