Nostradamus about the year. Use of solar energy

Michel Nostradamus is a talented scientist, philosopher and alchemist. But he is better known as a soothsayer. Researchers studying the manuscripts of Nostradamus claim that his book of predictions covers a huge period of time - from 1557 to 3797. However, not all of his prophecies about the future have survived to this day.

To this day, historians are trying to fully decipher his prophecies. In their opinion, the accuracy of Nostradamus' predictions is 70-80%. Although, if you find the right key to his coded prophecies, then, most likely, his manuscripts will turn out to be very valuable. What, according to his predictions, awaits us soon?

What did he say about the third world war?

For the most part, the scientist wrote in his works about future fate European countries. He composed prophecies for the most powerful rulers of Europe and for the Pope himself. His creations represent hundreds of quatrains, which are combined into centuries.

According to modern researchers, most of Nostradamus' quatrains have very vague content. Some of his predictions are not clear in their consistency. When describing future events, the great alchemist almost did not name specific dates, but pointed only to events of an astronomical nature. For example, speaking about the date of an upcoming event, he only named cosmic phenomena that will happen this year.

Many clairvoyants and soothsayers spoke about the beginning of the third world war. According to most prophecies, this war should become the bloodiest and most terrible, and the consequences of military actions will lead to the fact that our planet will become uninhabitable. That is, in the prophecies of all times, this event was equated with the apocalypse.

If we turn to the centuries of Michel Nostradamus, then in his predictions little is clear about what year the third year will be World War and what will serve as its beginning. All his prophecies are encrypted in such a way that it is impossible to understand the essence of their content. Scientists have struggled for a long time to decipher the message about the third world war, and have presented several interpretations to the public.

“War will begin when a camel drinks water from the Rhine and Danube and does not repent of it. And then Rona and Laura will shudder. But the Rooster in the Alps will destroy him.” This quatrain says that the war will begin when the camel drinks water from the Rhine and Danube. According to scientists, the camel in this quatrain symbolizes the Arab countries. According to one interpretation, the Arab coalition will strike Europe.

There is another version according to which camels are Arab migrants living in European countries. They drink water from the Danube and Rhine. If the interpretation is correct, then this prophecy has already come true. Speaking about in his prophecy, Nostradamus had in mind the “Gallic rooster,” that is, France.

According to the third version, the Arab wars will drink the blood of Europeans, or rather Germans, since at first they talk about the Rhine and Danube. The Rhone is a river in France, which means that this state will also suffer. Laura is a mountain in Guinea. It follows from this that the war will affect all continents. Near the Alps, the Rooster will destroy him - this prophecy can be interpreted as the coming of a savior born in the year of the Rooster according to the eastern calendar.

According to the manuscripts of the French scientist, next war, which will take over the whole world, will be terrible and bloody. In the end there will only be two left powerful countries– Indian state and China.

There are several other important predictions regarding the war. Nostradamus spoke about the seven: “Seven will come from the east, and they will bring death with their deadly retinue. Hail, rage, evil, plague. The whole West will take flight because of the king of the East." This prophecy again talks about the confrontation between the West and the East.

“Seven” - perhaps Nostradamus meant seven by this word Arab countries who united to take over Europe. The “deadly retinue,” according to the interpretation of researchers, is nothing more than allies of the invading countries. “Hail, rage, evil, plague” - this is probably how the soothsayer wanted to characterize it difficult time. “The West has taken flight” - a prediction of victory for the Arab countries.

According to historians, Nostradamus encrypted the date of the start of the third world war in the following message: “it will begin in the year in which the day of the crucifixion of Christ coincides with the day of St. George. The day of the Holy Resurrection of the Lord will fall on the feast of St. Mark, and Christmas will be on the day of St. John.”

It should be noted that there have already been such days in history - in 1886 and 1943. Next year, on which all the listed holidays coincide, will be 2038. It is interesting that, despite the difference in calendars, this year coincides for Catholics and Christians.

Predictions for the 21st century

The 21st century in the alchemist’s prophecies is presented as a very complex and unstable time, when the old will collapse and the new will be built. This is the era of Aquarius, a time of change and transformation.

The great scientist predicted global disasters which could lead to the end of the world. Tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, fires and hurricanes - all this, according to prophecy, will be one of the problems of the 21st century.

Nostradamus' predictions about the 21st century began to come true back in 2001. Historians claim that the events of September 11, 2001 were described in one of the quatrains.

According to historians and scientists who interpreted the quatrains of Nostradamus, the next global war will begin in 2038. The use of nuclear and other weapons will make life unbearable in many countries. West and East will confront each other.

The year 2017 in the prediction calendar is associated with the rise of power of the four rulers. They are the ones who will influence the politics and economy of all countries. However, their collision will lead to a serious conflict between the countries of Europe and the states of America.

The middle of the 21st century will be marked by the weakening of the power and economy of many Western countries . USA and some European states will be at odds. This confrontation will weaken them completely. World domination countries of Asia and the East will receive.

Nostradamus also predicted the emergence of new diseases that could cover the whole world. The search for a cure will take a long time, and millions of lives will be taken by the terrible disease. Incurable diseases will be a consequence of the use of bacteriological and chemical weapons. The prophet also wrote about an outbreak of a serious virus that would take over almost the entire planet. The source of the virus will be the countries of the East.

The main essence of Nostradamus’ predictions about the 21st century is this is a change in world dominance and big changes in geopolitics.

List by year

If you study the interpretation of Nostradamus’s predictions about the future, you can conclude that the coming decades will be filled with a series of important events, discoveries and changes.

Prophecies for Russia

The future, according to the predictions of Nostradamus, is a staircase leading upward. The state will become economically strong and raise its authority. The most important thing is that Russia will become the dominant country.

  • From 2017 to 2018 Russia will be able to emerge from the crisis and take the first steps towards global influence. The economy will strengthen. Will begin to develop Agriculture. These years are also characterized in the prophecy as troubled - many of the influential people will reveal their true face. There will be either a change of power, or the government will change the state development strategy.
  • 2019- a time of social unrest and discontent. There is a risk of Russians splitting into several groups.
  • In 2020 our state will take on the role of a world arbiter, which will have to resolve most conflicts in Europe, Asia and the East.
  • In 2023 New horizons will open up for Russia, but the ruler of the state will have to make a difficult choice.
  • In 2025 Russia will expand its borders. Relations with the United States and some European countries will deteriorate. This could lead to armed conflict. The President will initiate the creation of a powerful union of several countries. This alliance will include Russia, China, Great Britain and India. Subsequently, a number of other countries will join it. It will be new step for Russia, which will bring it closer to global influence.
  • From 2029 Russia will begin to fight a new enemy. A person will appear on the political arena whose influence and power will threaten all of humanity.
  • 2035, according to prophecy, will mark the beginning of a golden age for Russian Federation. The state will have a strong economy and developed trade. Russians will be among those who will make new discoveries in science and astronomy.
  • 2039– Russia, despite its rise, will be in crisis due to armed conflicts around the world.
  • 2045– a new danger for Russia is coming. The country will begin to unite states into a strong union to combat new disasters and wars.

According to these prophecies, Russia will become a world power. She is destined to become a world arbiter, to decide interstate conflicts and create new world and new foundations.

What are Nostradamus tables?

The book of predictions by Nostradamus was first published in 1555. On title page the soothsayer left an encrypted message - a key, which, having solved it, anyone could find out the future from this book. This code remains unsolved to this day.

In the 19th century, scientists Raphael and Tzadkiel tried to decipher the code and got a little closer to solving it. Based on this code, they compiled tables that help to find out the future.

These tables received the name of Nostradamus, despite the fact that he did not invent them. It is not known for certain whether scientists deciphered its code correctly; this will most likely remain a mystery forever. Now, based on the table of Nostradamus, fortune-telling is made for the future.

Whether you believe the predictions of Nostradamus or not is up to you. His prophecies are difficult to understand and unravel. Perhaps because of this, most people believe that his prophecies are unlikely to come true.

Among the many famous seers there is one who remains at the peak of popularity to this day - even though several centuries have passed since his death. Yes, we think you already guessed who we are talking about. Michel de Nostredame, better known as Nostradamus, achieved incredible fame thanks to his collections of prophecies. To be honest, most of his poetic predictions make no sense at first glance, but there is obviously a reason why his quatrains have remained popular over the centuries.

Before going headlong into the world of the occult, Nostradamus worked as a doctor in France.

Predictions of Nostradamus about a series of terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Hitler's rise to power, Trump's triumph in the presidential election and many others significant events were able to gain the trust of society and encouraged many people around the world to listen to his prophecies. Below we present it to your attention forecasts for 2017.

1. The Renaissance of China

Emerging superpower China will take bold steps in 2017 to address the "economic imbalance" currently occurring around the world. Nostradamus predicts that such steps will lead to significant consequences.

2. Financial crisis in Italy

Italy will become a victim of the financial crisis. Unemployment and borrowing will rise, making the country the epicenter of the EU financial crisis. Banks will fail one after another, and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

3. "Hot" wars

In 2017, Nostradamus predicts so-called “hot” wars that will be associated with global warming and resource reductions. But the biggest threat to the entire world will continue to be terrorism.

4. Latin America

According to Nastradamus' predictions, 2017 will be the year of redefining the development tactics of countries Latin America. There is a possibility that the government will move away from the "left" direction of its policies and create the ground for potential civil unrest in the region.

5. United States of America

The United States, the world's current superpower, will lose control of its actions and begin to make hasty decisions global problems due to corrupt politicians, ideological differences and growing inequality.

6. Use of solar energy

Nostradamus predicts that by 2017 solar energy will account for the majority of global energy resources. This will help businesses and the wider economy combat ever-increasing energy costs and climate change.

7. Commercial space travel

In 2017 space travel will become real, but it is too early to talk about flights beyond orbital ones. Exploration of the Moon, asteroids and the search for minerals will no longer be the main goals of these trips.

8. Ukraine and Russia

Ukraine and Russia will make peace, although the details of the terms of the truce remain a mystery to us. The United States will oppose this agreement, but Germany and other European countries will happily support such a development.

These are the events prophesied by Nostradamus this year. Of course, it is too early to say whether his predictions will come true, so we can only hope that only the most harmless of them will come true.

Translated and adapted by: Marketium

In today's rapidly changing conditions, it is very difficult to predict what exactly tomorrow will be like, so experts prefer not to talk too much about this. However, people are still looking for methods that will help them find out what awaits them in the future, therefore, it is not surprising that for 2017 they are considered very popular among the population. During his life, the astrologer made a huge number of predictions and most of of them came true, so it is still worth studying his prophecies concerning the near future of Russia and the whole world.

Michel de Nostredame is a famous French physician, alchemist, philosopher and, most importantly, astrologer, who became famous for his truthful predictions about the future. He was born back in the 15th century into a fairly wealthy family, because his parents served as doctors, and what is noteworthy is that his family at one time converted to Catholicism, although they were Jews. When Michel was 14 years old, he went to study at the institute, where he began medical and astrological sciences, but soon a plague epidemic began and the boy decided to find a cure for it; in fact, after all these events, he decided to devote his life to medicine. It is considered a paradoxical fact that, although Nostradamus devoted almost his entire life to treating the plague (in addition to studying astrology), members of his family died precisely from this disease.

At the same time, he was compiling astrological predictions about the future, which are called quatrains and in total he wrote 942 of them (in fact, they are considered his legacy), so it would be useful to find out what quatrains Nostradamus has for 2017.

Today, on the astrologer’s grave, words are written that here lies the only person who is able to predict the future of the planet, thanks to the help of the stars, and these words are completely deserved.

What's next for the world?

Frankly speaking, around Nostradamus' predictions about the future modern man There is quite a lot of controversy, because most people believe that the predictor could not have looked so far ahead, because he lived several centuries ago. In any case, everyone must decide for themselves whether to trust their forecasts, and time will tell how true they are.

The official forecast of Nostradamus for 2017 says that today a baby with an ugly appearance is expected to be born in the world, and it is he who will become a harbinger of trouble for the entire planet. Trouble will most likely come with east side, and everyone needs to prepare for a military conflict that will start among themselves Arab peoples, but gradually it will spread to nearby states and countries. The result of all this will be a confrontation between two worlds, in one of them Christians live, and in the other Muslims, and during this confrontation chemical weapons will be used. Naturally, everyone will suffer from chemical weapons - both those at whom they are aimed and those who will shoot, and from the consequences of such a war, many people will have to move to the north.

In addition, humanity will face many vagaries of nature, because if you believe the boats of Nostradamus, the world will begin to be flooded with rains, and they will be so strong that most of Europe may go under water. The stars told the soothsayer that most of the continents would remain devastated, and a large number of people will die - some from the military conflict, some from natural disasters. Nature will force people to move to new places, and one cannot help but notice that the prophecy of Nostradamus about what awaits Russia in 2017 says that people will begin to settle Western Siberia, which is best preserved, because on its territory there are many natural resources, which are needed to create human life.

What awaits the Russians?

The predictor was confident that 2017 would be quite a difficult year for the residents of the Russian Federation, but at the same time this state would suffer less from military problems and natural disasters than all the others. Moreover, he (like many other clairvoyants and astrologers) believed that it was the Russian Federation that would become a justice of the peace and would accept important decisions in any serious disputes and conflicts between other states. In addition, the predictions of Nostradamus 2017 for Russia, videos of which can be found below, indicate that this country will become a superpower and it will be precisely this that will prevent the development of global political changes in the world. No one will be able to avoid the crisis, and the Russian Federation will suffer from it no less than everyone else, but the West will suffer more. Of course, it is worth understanding that Nostradamus’s quatrains were encrypted, therefore, they can be solved in different ways, so perhaps some predictions will not come true, but the past has made it possible to verify that the astrologer’s predictions are largely true.

The future of Ukrainians

To be as frank as possible, there are no specific predictions of Nostradamus for 2017 for Ukraine, because in those days such a country simply did not exist. However, Michel's forecasts mention the lands where Ukraine is now located, and he says that this country can serve as a peacemaker, perhaps it will carry out this mission together with Russia, and it can be assumed that the countries will decide to unite.

Supporters of Nostradamus claim that the forecasts this person constantly come true, and the difficulty lies only in deciphering his predictions. Unfortunately, there are no specifics in the quatrains, but scientists were able to decipher the events that relate to the future world. It’s hard not to notice the fact that Nostradamus’s predictions are distinguished by their gloom, but you shouldn’t be afraid of the future, because it will come anyway. Perhaps the astrologer's unfulfilled predictions did not come true only because the change in his future is in human power, because people tend to work on themselves, which means there is always a chance that military conflict and natural disasters will bypass the world.

no 01/23/2017

The famous astrologer Michel Nostradamus saw a map of the starry sky with some special x-ray vision. The astrologer, scientist and seer wrote down his predictions in verses, the so-called “Centuries”. The more common name for each verse is katran, and this term is used by numerous interpreters to indicate its place in the master’s works.

Over time, the astrologer, revered by his great contemporaries, was undeservedly forgotten. But poems translated into many languages late XIX century abroad, in the 20th and in Russia, he gained new fans. The skeptical attitude of some does not stand up to literal instructions regarding specific historical figures. Many centuries directly point to Hitler, and one even mentions his name. And this is without commentary from interpreters, using only the original source.

So let’s re-read the valuable works more carefully and find direct and indirect pointers regarding 2017.

Weakening UK and unexpected election results in France

Brexit, launched in 2016, will weaken Britain sevenfold. Thanks to German support, France will avoid this fate. All this thanks to Uranus in the sign of Aries in opposition to Jupiter. This rather strong combination awaits us in the month of March. It is not yet clear whether such consequences will entail for the owner of most colonies.

But the precarious position of the kingdom is in for an even more terrible shock. This year the katran found in the astrologer’s grave should be fulfilled. We should wait for the death of a certain lady for whom the whole world will mourn. According to simple conclusions, we should expect the death of Queen Elizabeth, who has ruled Great Britain since 1952. The grieving relatives will definitely honor the last will of the mistress of the state, and the next ruler will not be the current heir, but his eldest son! It is not known whether such an outcome of events is possible, but indications of such an outcome are nearby.

Let's return to France. The upcoming elections in April-May will lead to the first woman in the history of the state in the main post. A certain lady will end up in the Champs Elysees, the presidential residence. So another confirmation or refutation of interpretations is just around the corner star map great scientist.

Russia in perspective 2017

Regarding the Russian Federation, the forecasts are the most unpleasant. During the time when Saturn and Mars are at their brightest, which is expected in July, the country will be engulfed in war. It is unclear whether this will be an uprising of individual subjects of the Federation or an invasion foreign troops. Most of all, the katran points to the unlikely second option.

Nature will also not spare the country - large territory will be burned sun rays. The lack of rain and hot winds will complement the picture close to the apocalypse in a particular area. But it could also be 2010, known for its fires and ultra-high temperatures.

Year of Science or what will delight scientists

Some of the prophecies of 2017 are dedicated to scientists. An astrologer, sometimes uses the names of specialists in specific area knowledge, often without indicating specialization, indicates in his poems the following:

“A terrible-looking fish will appear, itself aquatic and with human face, caught without hooks."

Here Nostradamus was mistaken by a hundred years. The blobfish, described in 1926, matches the description exactly. It was only opened at the beginning of the last century.

However, the following indication concerning physicists is not clear why, since it relates more to the field of biologists and physiologists and seems simply incredible.

« Great King(according to some assumptions this may be the chapter Russian state) will be left alive, and people will become like Christ, receiving pardon and immortality.”

All work to achieve immortality should be crowned with success this year. Physicists will get incredible results, which will benefit humanity by giving them the opportunity to preserve great minds. The interpretation allows for inaccuracy of place and time, but the achievement itself remains indisputable.

In many centuries, disasters are sent to the earth in the form of crop failure and famine. Only one prediction concerns victory over this human scourge. People will have so-called “artificial food”, which is unlikely to satisfy gourmets, but will save humanity from starvation.

By the end of the year, it is quite possible to check the success of the predictor in this area. Although a visual image can already be observed. A timing error can be easily forgiven when the description is made almost from a photo.


Pavel Sergeev

11:36 13.02.2017

I'm sorry, but with Nostradamus everything is more complicated. He warned that he wrote “much more vaguely than other prophets” and that “most of the prophetic quatrains are so complex that they will not be understood by any interpreter.” He knew where, who, when and how his messages should be deciphered. That which is retroactively after any historical events discovering that they were predicted by Nostradamus only served to ensure that Nostradamus' predictions were not forgotten. The meaning of the encrypted messages of Nostradamus is that in future centuries the key to deciphering the Bible will be received from him. But to do this, you must first decipher the messages of Nostradamus. This was done mainly by Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima in the following books: 1. “Nostradamus Deciphered”, February 1998. ; 2. “Nostradamus Deciphered”, May 1998 ; 3. “The Keys of Armageddon, Nostradamus Deciphered 2”, April 1999.
These books came to me a short time after publication. Some of the predictions with dates were in the past, and some were in the future. And I watched the fulfillment of some of his predictions in current time, knowing about them in advance from books, and, one might say, I was shocked. Upon careful study of them, a guess arose that these predictions belonged to the biblical ones. I also had to carefully delve into the Holy Scriptures. The guess was confirmed. There are two sides to the 'key' in Nostradamus' messages. The task of one side of the `key`: to be deciphered by the secret, i.e. as if received in future centuries, with confirmation by fulfilled predictions; the second side of the `key` specifies the decryption approach, i.e. , understanding the secrets Holy Scripture- The Bible, because it says: “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, the glory of kings to investigate a matter.” "Tsars", of course in spiritual matter. It took me about fifteen years to find logical meanings using modern knowledge, available to most now, and write them down. A book has been published. It, with additions, is posted by me in the public domain on Google at:
I wish you a difficult but successful reading!

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Michel Nostradamus, a 16th century French astrologer and philosopher, predicted many historical phenomena the coming days, including the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers, the defeat of Napoleon and Hitler, the events of September 9, 2001 in the USA and others. WITH early years he studied astrology and various occult sciences, used this knowledge for prophecies. History knows not many clairvoyants who are truly able to predict the future.

First of all, those who turn to the predictions of Nostradamus need to remember that his quatrains cannot be interpreted unambiguously. But researchers studying his works still managed to unravel the messages he encrypted, and their interpretations of the prophecies are quite accurate. So what does Nostradamus predict for 2017? Here are the predictions he made for our time.

World Wars

Based on his prophecies, the dramatic events taking place in the Middle East will continue. In 2017, another major armed conflict will break out, Iran and Turkey will take part in it. Victory will be for the Iranians. This is exactly what is discussed in the almanac of Nostradamus, dated 1565. The parties to the conflict are designated by the soothsayer in this way - they have turbans of two colors - white (like the Iranians) and blue (like the Turks). Later, according to the predictor, Turkey will try to use this for its expansion into Europe. Turkish army, according to Nostradamus, will advance through Africa. This will be a mistake. The Turkish army will get bogged down and for this reason will have to return.

According to predictions, hostilities between Islamists and Christians will continue in 2017. However, it is difficult to know whether new clashes will occur or whether existing ones will worsen.

Unusual natural phenomena and natural disasters

In his writings, Nostradamus mentions unusual weather events, natural disasters And natural disasters, which will continue to intensify. He described the following: "the water should rise so that the earth would be seen falling underneath." He also foresaw the appearance of some ugly creature. Researchers creative heritage They see a direct connection between this phenomenon and the fact that a flood will soon occur in one of the “big” cities. In their opinion, it is the connection between these events that is confirmed by the 86th quatrain of the 5th century. Most likely, he believed that the appearance of the freak higher power tried once again to warn people about possible punishment with water. However, people ignored the warning. And after the flood, the leaders of the country where it occurs will lose power, and “exile” awaits them.

France, according to Nostradamus, will suffer in 2017 due to pollution of water bodies, which will lead to problems with water resources. This will especially affect residents of the regions of this country. The evacuation of people from disaster zones will take place “along the Rhone” on ships. About it we're talking about in the 71st quatrain of the 5th century.

Also, according to the soothsayer, this year humanity will face another serious issue; he calls it “the great famine.” And, although at first this will affect only certain territories, it will soon be felt by the entire planet.

Prophecies for Russia

Although Nostradamus does not speak directly about Russia, there are still texts where it is mentioned allegorically. He states: “The Northern King from Aquilon (a reference to Russia) will help set everything right.” Perhaps we are talking about a situation related to the conflict in Syria, where Russia’s role will be to establish order or reconcile the warring parties.

It will be interesting to see how the prophecies of the great soothsayer come true.