Is Artem Melnik a greedy fraudster? Negative reviews. One live training can cost more than an apartment in Russia

The path to a millionaire fortune is not easy and requires a lot of time and patience, but still not as difficult as we used to think. And you should start by correcting the ten main mistakes that prevent you from becoming a millionaire.

1. Wrong way of thinking

  • poverty is the root of all evil;
  • selfishness is not always bad;
  • you should concentrate only on a specific area of ​​​​knowledge;
  • it is necessary to be focused on the future;
  • action should be preferred to words;
  • you need to attract money from outside;
  • loyalty to your passion;
  • choosing the right time for risky operations.

Thus, in order to have millions, you first need to change your way of thinking.

2. Pursuit of perfection

An important life lesson you must learn: ideal is unattainable. Stop chasing perfection and you will move towards success much faster. When starting a new business, remember: the longer you prepare a product for sale, trying to make it as perfect as possible, the more time you give your competitors to conquer the market. Feel free to take risks, and then you will have a chance to get the most from the market. Some shortcomings of the product can be corrected even after the start of sales.

3. You spend all the money you earn.

Imagine for a moment that a large sum with five zeros appears on your account. How would you use these funds? If the first thought that comes to your mind is buying a new car, you are unlikely to ever become a millionaire. After all, the necessary quality of a rich person is to spend less than what he earns. Many owners of large fortunes, such as Warren Buffett, still do not allow themselves unnecessary expenses, although they have billions of dollars in accounts.

4. Your expectations are far from reality

Of course, millionaires set ambitious goals for themselves, but, nevertheless, all their goals are quite realistic. No millionaire would dream of becoming a billionaire overnight. Such an endeavor will require a lot of time and effort.

For example, you are unlikely to be able to run a 42 km marathon if you do not have sufficient training. So always track your progress, celebrate your results, and adjust your strategy to reach your goal of the first million.

5. You blindly imitate others

No one disputes the benefits of communicating with mentors and reading useful literature, the authors of which are already owners of a million-dollar fortune. But what has helped others will not always be effective in your case. So, it is unlikely that you will be able to follow the path of the founders of Apple or Microsoft. And their experience will probably be useless to the owner of a modest cleaning company.

You need to understand what techniques will work for your particular business, and what can help you achieve success in it.

6. You are too fond of taking loans.

Businessmen often turn to borrowed funds to develop their business. But this must be done carefully, taking into account all possible risks. Not everyone adheres to this rule, so paying off endless debts to banks is a common practice for many people. But all this money could be used to develop the business.

7. Long-term plans

Few people can look into the future and calculate all their actions in advance. Millionaires always work for the long term, have a clear vision of their future in 5 or even 10 years, and have a precise plan for how to achieve that future. They are able to foresee both future victories and possible obstacles along the way, for which they begin to prepare in advance.

If you want to achieve success in your business, be sure to draw up a clear action plan for the years ahead, including ways to attract and retain customers, create competitive advantages, and identify potential problems.

8. You hang out with the wrong people.

Rich people value their time enough not to waste it on passive and negative people, those who do not believe in their success and convince them of the hopelessness of any undertaking.

If you have firmly decided to become the owner of a million in the near future, stick with like-minded people, that is, those who are also purposeful and can support you on the path to success.

9. You try to handle everything on your own.

Even though you are an excellent specialist and know how to do everything yourself, you cannot develop a business alone. When opening a new business, start looking for qualified workers who will fight with you to develop your business.

10. You don't have enough faith in yourself.

The main mistake that prevents you from becoming a millionaire is a lack of confidence in your abilities. There are times when you just need to follow your intuition, and not try to guess every next step. As Dale Carnegie noted, doubt and fear arise from inaction. Take action and fear will give way to confidence and courage. Therefore, the main thing is to force yourself to leave the house and get down to business.

What is he like, an accomplished millionaire? The question, of course, is not about this person’s appearance. What is more important to us is his internal qualities, which allowed him to achieve such a dizzying success for many. Thanks to what character traits can we achieve our ideals and become successful? Here it is worth turning to examples of real people whose goal was to become wealthy and not need anything.

Low start

Most famous millionaires started out as ordinary people. But with great ambitions. It is also noted that many started working at regular jobs and only then went into their own business.

Some were not satisfied with the pay, others were not satisfied with the prospects for career growth. The man realized that his years of working for the owner of the company had disappointed his expectations and had not brought him anything positive.

It is precisely in moments of such a crisis that the question arises: “How can you make real money?” What did millionaires do to achieve their fortune?

The basis of success

And the first advice that accomplished millionaires give completely justifies your desire to read this article. A person must first find out what exactly allowed other people to get rich. This will save him from many painful mistakes and from wasting time on wrong paths.

A solid knowledge base is required, on the basis of which you can not only enrich yourself financially, but also improve yourself spiritually. Without which the path to success is also impossible.

Be honest

Yes, let this be news for those who firmly believe that big money is certainly associated with widespread deception, fraudulent connections and hiding from justice.

If you are interested in this fact, then be sure to check out The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley. The author of the book interviewed hundreds of millionaires to determine the most important secrets of their success. And on this list, honesty was the most important for the vast majority of successful people.

If you want to become rich, it is impossible without interacting with society. You will be in contact with a large number of people - negotiate, convince, make deals, etc. And here is a true business rule: “People are more willing to do business with someone they completely trust.” And who can you trust in our world if not an honest person?

If you have been repeatedly caught deceiving your partners or making non-transparent transactions, there will be few people willing to do business with you. Surely these will only be those who are confident that they themselves can outsmart you. And doing business in this way is difficult, almost impossible.

And here is the first rule of a millionaire: “Be a man of your word. Be honest.”

Cultivate self-discipline

The second trait inherent in successful people is self-discipline. You will find this in almost all reference books like “How to become successful?”.

In fact, it is the ability to organize oneself without outside participation that is a sign of success. If you have already developed self-discipline, you have come a long way.

Almost every successful person noted this character trait in himself. For example, let us turn to the words of the famous Robert Kiyosaki: “Self-discipline is the first factor that divides people into rich, middle class and poor.”

Do you want to become successful? Work every day to be able to organize yourself without outside help. Set goals, make long- and short-term plans. And most importantly, implement them on time and fully.

Become a workaholic

If you want to be successful, don't look at those people whose wealth is a gift of fate. An inheritance, a big win, an unexpectedly successful deal. Remember that this is a one in a million case. And you just can’t wait for it to happen to you.

Look at the self-made millionaires. It is their path that is a true example for those who want to become successful. And the third feature that defines such people is that they work hard. Yes, they are workaholics, in other words.

And this doesn't just apply to millionaires. Many people who have achieved success in sports, art, and mass media admitted that the main reason for their popularity is constant hard work on their goals and plans.

You can study the career of any “self-made” millionaire to see from his fate that everything said is true. A striking example is the world-famous Steve Jobs, who is ruthless to himself in terms of work.

Self-made millionaires work on things that other people don't like to do. This way, they not only outperform their competitors, but also create solid ground on which to build their success and wealth.

Love your job!

Surely you have heard the wonderful phrase “Follow your dreams” more than once. It will also guide you when you want to become a financially successful person. The overwhelming number of self-made millionaires noted that they love the business they do with all their hearts.

Thus, Warren Buffett said that the happiest people are those who were able to find their “life’s work.” It's simple: when you do what you love, you will do it well. You will try to develop, this business will motivate you to move forward, take risks, change, try new things.

And if you do something for the sole reason that “there’s money to be made here,” you put yourself at a huge disadvantage. You will probably lose to those who love this business. Those who work with enthusiasm and passion will ultimately do it better than you.

The principle of love for one's work was also shared by Steve Jobs. It was he who said: “The only way to do your job well is to love what you do.”

If you really want to build your own fortune, then think more than once about whether you really love what you do. Is it really worth dedicating your whole life to? Are you really pleased with your own successes, and not with the amount of profit that accompanies them? And the control question: “Would you do this for free?”

Be able to adapt

And the last thing that distinguishes successful millionaires. These are real "chameleons". They not only sensitively sense what their customers and clients need today and tomorrow, but are also able to quickly adapt to their needs.

These are the people who can make almost any activity successful. For example, the field of art, which in itself is unable to bring much profit. If you do not know how to adapt your business to current market demands, you are unlikely to become financially successful.

At the same time, it is important not to change yourself, not to betray your interests and ideals. Getting “lost” will not contribute to your success. Millionaires are sure: “You have to be flexible, but not bend.” This applies not only to your personality, but also to your business. It must be able to follow changing market demands.

Follow your heart, follow your dreams. But also make sure that your path is interesting to clients and customers.


Becoming rich, making yourself a millionaire is possible today. But remember that on this difficult but interesting path you cannot do without the following:

  1. Honesty.
  2. Self-discipline.
  3. Performance.
  4. Love for your business.
  5. Readiness for change.

How to become a millionaire? Everything ingenious is simple. So the answer to this question is simple. It is enough to follow just five factors to become successful. And this applies not only to financial well-being, but to all human activity in general.

Svetlana: Friends, hello everyone! We will spend time with you today: Svetlana Sorochan, a former participant in the training “The Millionaire’s Path” from Artyom Melnik, and already known to many Olga Matlakhova- this is the wife of Konstantin Mazurin.

Today we will have a women's interview, stay with us until the end!

You will learn a lot of things that you didn’t know before and, perhaps, you will understand something that you didn’t understand.

Today we will talk about everything:

  • about the training “The Millionaire’s Way”,
  • about the charity project of Artyom Melnik,
  • about scripts,
  • about the reality show “Looking for money on the Internet”,
  • about the investment club of Artyom Melnik,
  • about VIP 12 cards,
  • about traveling from Seattle to New York.

Just the facts and all the details. Something you haven't heard anywhere before.

Svetlana Sorochan and Olga Matlakhova are the wives of the participants in the “Journey from Seattle to New York”: Viktor Sorochan and Konstantin Mazurin.

Permission to transcribe and publish the interview in text form has been officially obtained from the copyright holders video

Svetlana: Will you share, Olya?

Olga: Yes, of course, I will share, this is the purpose of our meeting. The fact is that Kostya receives simply a colossal number of requests, questions, and letters to various social networks.

Svetlana: We are simply forced to reveal all this already.

Olga: Yes, it is impossible to answer everyone in such a volume. And if you take a small piece, it won’t be the whole picture.

Svetlana: I am very glad that you agreed to this interview, thank you. So, let's begin.

Beginning of dating and “The Millionaire’s Path”

First question: when did you meet Artyom Melnik, how did you trust him and when did you buy your first product from him? What was it?

Olga: We met Artyom Melnik by watching a number of his interviews on the Internet with famous people.

That is, at first we watched interviews with certain information business gurus and, as if by chance, we kept bumping into Artyom Melnik.

Accordingly, like many, they concluded that since Artyom is included in these circles, it means that he is also an interesting person, brings certain knowledge, skills and, in general, immediately gained trust.

Moreover, he conducts quality interviews and asks good questions. Smiling, friendly, inviting...

Why did we want to get to know Artyom Melnik better? Because we had a desire to become, say, more educated in matters of finance: the family budget, in matters related to investing.

And it seemed to us that Artyom could answer these questions, given that at that time he had already created and launched the “Millionaire’s Path” training.

Accordingly, we didn’t get to the beginning, we just didn’t know about it yet, but then, accordingly, there were some videos, videos...

Svetlana: And what month was it?

Olga: The Millionaire's Path training was launched in November (Note - November 2015)

Svetlana: Yes, the training is in November, have you joined?..

Olga: We wrote it off in April, and in May, I think, we paid. Yes, I think it was in May.

Svetlana: Since I was also part of this training... Were you not surprised when, after a month and a half, the meetings suddenly stopped, everything stopped altogether?

Olga: No, we weren't surprised at all. Why? Because we were lagging behind from the beginning.

We arrived several months later than everyone else, and we actively watched several small videos every day.

They did assignments, reports, that is, they watched films, read books and were not at all interested in what was happening to others.

We didn’t even have access to those who had already gone further, so our task was to catch up. Well, by the way, I’ll say that we completed the first stage, the first module of the “The Millionaire’s Path” training and, accordingly, never moved on anywhere else.

The beginning of friendship with Artyom

Svetlana: Okay, let's get closer to such close communication. I know that Artem and his family came to visit you. This is how this friendship happened and what month was it, so that people understand the chronological order?

Olga: The chronology is that we communicated with Artyom, and we wanted better results for us in the topic of finance.

We asked him for personal coaching. Artem kindly provided us with a place, we paid for personal coaching, this personal coaching included participation in the Millionaire’s Path training, as well as access to the Investors Club, which we were incredibly happy about.

And since we had personal coaching, we called each other once a month. It was supposed to be once every two weeks, but we managed once a month.

We had few calls before meeting in person. Probably three or four calls. And in the very first conversation, in a personal conversation, in a conversation of acquaintance, we began to really sympathize with Artyom.

We have common hobbies, travel, some similar values: family, health...

Artyom is open to the topic of health. And we said “come visit when you and your wife are on the Cote d’Azur, we will receive you with pleasure...”

Svetlana: It’s so nice when you meet people with similar values. You understand that you seem to have to be close to this person.

Olga: Yes, he is even more pleasant in personal communication. When you hang up after a conversation, you think: “God, this man is simply a gift from heaven!”

There simply weren’t such positive people in our environment. Artyom responded to our invitation with consent quite quickly, and in August, on the eve of the birthday of his wife Yulia Zaretskova, they flew to Nice to visit us.

They stayed with us for about 10 days in total. Together we organized a grand birthday party for Artyom’s wife, we traveled around France, traveled around the south of France.

We had the closest communication in these 10 days. Yes, I think they were there for 10 days for the first time. We communicated, we were in the company of Artyom 24 hours a day.

Svetlana: Was Kostya not working at that time?

Olga: No, Kostya did not work at that time, he freed up this time to relax and be with friends.

We traveled in the same car. We introduced Artyom and his wife to our French friends, whom we have known for more than 20 years. This is when we went to Biarritz.

Source - VKontakte website

And those people were already aged, that is, they were over 60 years old, they were simply delighted. They were simply completely delighted, because we all stayed with them for literally three nights, and there was complete delight in Artyom and his wife.

“Please come again,” said those French who do not speak Russian.

We are open people, we are trusting, and if we give, it will be from the heart...

We paid for our coaching, we participated in the Millionaire’s Path training.

It seemed to us that Artem didn’t owe us anything, essentially. We communicated with him absolutely sincerely, and I am convinced that the communication was mutually sincere, that is, Artyom and his wife were very pleased to communicate with us, I think.

Lots of money from Artem Melnik

Svetlana: Great. But tell me, it all started in September, right? We all know about Artyom’s reality show “Looking for money on the Internet.” As I understand it, he probably shared it with Kostya.

What can you say about this? Do you know how, say, the participants in this show were chosen? Did Artyom say something to Kostya, did he invite him to participate?

Olga: Even when we were in Biarritz, France, at our first meeting, Artyom began to ask us, are we ready to get a lot of money?

A lot of money! We were forbidden to say “earn money.” No, making money - no! Get a lot of money!

Of course we are ready. And then he told the scheme.

When he went on a trip to Alaska with Alexander Redkin, a conversation began just as part of a big trip to the USA, which was then being prepared.

A conversation ensued: “What after the big trip? Artyom, this big trip is about to take place, where more than 100 people will take part. It will be just mega something so grandiose. What after that?

And Artyom began to think. Together with Alexander Redkin, they came up with a grandiose project, which they called “Rich Travelers Club”

Artem Melnik, Grigory Shamaryaev and Alexander Redkin in Alaska. Source - VKontakte website

This was supposed to be for people who want to travel in the company of Artyom Melnik, Alexander Redkin... Subsequently, it was supposed to invite famous personalities with them on a trip, so that people would follow them as bait.

Svetlana: As usual.

Olga:...Travel in company with Radislav Gandapas. Artyom took aim at Leonardo DiCaprio... That is, they mentioned completely famous names, any.

Rich Travelers Club Card

He said: “We can invite any people.” He told me that the cards were supposed to be launched in January 2017. The coolest card is for 12 months, called VIP 12.

It gives the right, in my opinion, to four trips a year. In my opinion, two big ones, two small ones, well, in the company of Artyom.

Svetlana: Yes, this advantage is precisely the cards.

Olga: Yes, yes, that is an advantage. As he described it to us in August 2016. I would like to add something about the advantage. The main advantage for us, and for other people, I think, would be - this is how Artyom presented it to us - would be that there is an opportunity to use the club's assets.

The money that came from the cards was planned to be given 50% through the affiliate program, and 50% to the club. And such was the scope, the acceleration, that with this money it was possible to buy - well, according to Artyom’s fantasy - it was possible to buy real estate in any country, cars, scooters.

This plane is Artyom’s dream. It was voiced several times. That is, all this is for the club’s assets.

Of course, at that moment we were so under this diamond smoke that we didn’t even manage to ask who all this would be recorded on.

That is, these will all be assets of the club, and belong to the club. Accordingly, the founder is Artyom Melnik. He taught it to us like this: “I trust you, and you have the opportunity to enter the first hundred elders, the council of the Rich Travelers Club. Only a hundred have the right to choose a direction, to decide whether a person can join or not.”

He was upping the price, let’s say... Of course, we listened, but then the thought didn’t occur to us: why do we need to travel so much in the company of Artyom?

Now we traveled with him one more time, but why so much? Even before the club, we traveled as a family; we traveled to many countries together. We had a great time together!

We don’t mind traveling with someone else, maybe not so often, or these people need to be not random people, but people we know.

Svetlana: Certainly.

Olga: We didn’t think about this at all, we thought that we didn’t understand anything, and the idea was cool.

We thought that this was the information business. This is a real information business, which we understand nothing about. That is, Artyom, he is our mentor and we: “Of course, yes, Artyom, we are getting a card.”

Svetlana: So you already said then: “Yes, we want a card”?

Olga: Yes, then Kostya already said that we, of course, would buy it. Children are free, that is, the parents have a card, children are free. And yes, we fell for the beautiful image and paid money for the first card, for Kostina.

And even then I... Well, you know, these things happen in life like bells, right? Or some kind of shadow. I didn’t even receive any paper or printouts.

Svetlana: So you just transferred money to the account?

Olga: No no. They gave it in cash!

Svetlana: Cash?

Olga: They gave it in cash.

Greetings, dear reader, to my blog! In this article I want to introduce you to a very interesting person, his name is Artem Melnik. Artem is an avid traveler; he has currently visited 76 countries with his family!

At the same time, he earns his millions through the Internet, while on these very trips! In addition to all this, he invests money in precious metals (silver), as well as in real estate around the world.

Sometimes Artem Melnik shares information about his income. He says he does this not to brag, but to motivate and inspire people by his example. And, perhaps, as quickly as possible they stopped working at a job they didn’t like and started earning money through the Internet, in addition, they could independently travel around the world.

Artem Melnik owns 12 real estate units. 4 objects are located in Russia, 3 in Kazakhstan, 4 in Thailand and 1 object is located in Indonesia on the island. Bali. He also invested in 1000 kg. silver in the form of investment coins from different countries.

In one of the videos, Artem said that he has 52 sources of income. 12 sources are real estate. 35 sources of income with . The rest is most likely courses and personal training. Weekly income is just over 1 million rubles.

But it was not always so…

Artem Melnik was born on October 22, 1981 in the city of Temirtau, Kazakhstan. Next comes school, higher education and hired work. One of these hired jobs was employment at a metallurgical plant, where there was a lot of oil and dirt.

Such work took a lot of effort and time, and he dreamed of having more free time and traveling a lot. At that time, Artem did not yet know how to implement this, but he definitely understood that he never wanted to work as a mechanic, crawl through wells and turn nuts.

It all started with reading books. Then Artem realized that if you want to achieve high financial results, then you need a mentor who has already walked this path. He began to look for such people and learn from them.

Transferring the secrets of the new rich (abandoned)

After his dismissal, Artem Melnik began to look for various ways that would allow him to lead the lifestyle he dreamed of. He became a viewer of the channel “Business Secrets with Oleg Tinkov.” On this program he learned business.

But Artem saw a slight minus in this program. The guests of this program were very rich people. The gap between them and ordinary people was very large.

Thanks to Tim Ferriss and his book “How to Work 4 Hours a Week” and his “New Rich” concept, Artem knew that you could earn only 2-3 thousand dollars a month and still live like a millionaire.

Taking one idea from Oleg Tinkov, and taking a second idea from Tim Ferriss, Artem decided to create his own program “Secrets of the New Rich”. Artem decided that he would invite ordinary people into his program who are truly free and travel a lot around the world, while having some kind of business on the Internet.

Thanks to this program, Artem Melnik developed a mission. Help people become freer. Help build your income remotely via the Internet.

Over the several years that this program has been in existence, many “New Rich” have taken part in it. Interviews were also taken with such people as: Oleg Tinkov, Radislav Gandapas, Vladimir Dovgan, Igor Mann, Sergey Azimov, Andrey Parabellum, and many others.

The trick of the program is that filming is carried out not in a studio, but in beautiful places in different parts of the world. Thus, Artem fulfilled his dream: communicating with successful people and traveling.

The Millionaire's Path (divorce)

Thanks to his desire to continuously learn and develop, by the age of 30, Artem Melnik earned his first million dollars.

So in 2015, the training on finance “The Millionaire’s Path” was created. The goal of this program is to bring a person from 0 to $1,000,000 dollars within 3-5 years.

There are 10 steps in total in the training. Stage 1 involves forming the habits of millionaires. After all, to become rich, you need to shape your thinking. Think big and so on.

In the training you need to complete 1000 practical tasks. Whoever completes all these tasks to the end will earn his $1 million. As you can see, this is not a magic button, but hard and interesting work on yourself.

I also bought this training and I will say that the tasks require a certain amount of time to complete. For example: Read a book and take notes on it. That is, to work through the material, and not just read it.

Or keep your success diary every day, where you need to record all your new habits. There are 15 of them in total. An example of several of them.

  • Self confidence
  • Positive thinking
  • Maintain your income and expenses
  • Working with the subconscious

There will be both difficult tasks and enjoyable ones. For example, watch this or that movie. Watching various films during training is practiced by many famous business trainers around the world.

I came across reviews from some people about this training that watching films or reading books is some kind of “bullshit”.

I'll say it again. If you are a complete beginner, then set yourself up for the long term. There are no quick results. There is no need to create illusions. Champions get everything - just by reaching the end!

Attention! It is not recommended to buy Artem Melnik's courses! A lot of bad reviews.

One live training can cost more than an apartment in Russia

Artem Melnik continues to invest money in his education to this day. Most recently he attended Tony Robbins' live training in the USA. Just one such trip cost Artem a tidy sum, which is comparable in price to an apartment.

For Artem, training takes up approximately 20% of his entire life. It is continuous learning that moves him forward towards his goals.

As a result, such famous people as Radislav Gandapas, Brian Tracy, John Kehoe, Robert Kiyosaki, Anthony Robbins and others became his mentors.

We all know that knowledge itself will not make you rich and successful. It is important to immediately implement the acquired knowledge, otherwise you can become smart but poor. Artem Melnik recommends implementing the information received within the first 72 hours.

Reality show “Looking for money on the Internet” (scam)

Artem Melnik constantly experiments with different formats for presenting his content. So, in September 2016, a new project called “Looking for money on the Internet” was launched.
Artem gives the show participant ready-made scripts for making money via the Internet, which the participant works on and then reports back in video format. Absolutely anyone can become a participant in the reality show. It is enough to show your activity.

After the launch of the project, its participants began to see the first financial results. The first participant earned 66,637 rubles in 5 days. This motivated everyone very much, and there was a flurry of applications for the reality show.

In total, the participant is given 4 scripts.

  1. YouTube script
  2. Script “The most profitable affiliate program on the Runet”
  3. Difference in outsourcing rates

All money earned from this reality show goes to charity. Artem has a goal. Within a year, raise one million dollars for a good cause.

Attention! There are no scripts!

Big trip to the USA 2016 (divorce)

In the fall of 2016, Artem Melnik will go on a trip to the USA. This is a truly grandiose event that will happen in 2016. He gathered 100 like-minded people who love to travel and want to gain financial freedom.

The road trip should go across America! From New York to California in Lexus RX 350 cars. Perhaps the guys will go in Tesla electric cars.

Also during the trip, all its participants will attend live training sessions with the participation of such great people as Anthony Robbins and Richard Branson.

Artem Melnik is confident that this event will take the guys to a whole new level and reveal hidden potential.

Artem began filming the film “Secrets of Great Entrepreneurs” (empty words)

In addition to all this, Artem began filming a film about global entrepreneurs. This is his first experience as a director. This documentary will feature 33 entrepreneurs of the 21st century!

Is Artem Melnik a greedy fraudster? Negative reviews

Recently, there has been a whole wave of negative reviews about Artem Melnik and his reality show “Looking for money on the Internet.” Judging by the number of negative reviews and the schemes he uses, he really looks like a scammer.

We will closely monitor and update the information on this page. If you have something to say about this, welcome to the comments!

All was good. But Artyom was ruined by greed.

Money begins to fall from the sky onto an entrepreneur after he puts on a nice suit, kid shoes and buys a Bentley. This is exactly how it is shown in many films.

Practitioners assure that a large fortune is accumulated, if not by sweat and blood, then by steely will and high determination. This is exactly how the Rockefeller family collected its enormous wealth from generation to generation. At the moment, the fortune of John Davison Rockefeller (founder of the Rockefeller clan) is estimated at $300 billion.

Quotes and statements from people who have achieved great success in politics and business are always interesting and instructive for a wide range of people. For many successful entrepreneurs, it was the statements and quotes of John Rockefeller that gave them initial knowledge about money, methods of investing and the path to wealth.


1. Save money on everything, buy in bulk or directly from manufacturers.

2. Make a list of necessary things in advance and buy only according to the list.

3. If you don’t have much money, start a business. If you have no money at all, you MUST DO BUSINESS URGENTLY!

4. The path to wealth lies through passive income. You won’t earn money by working 24 hours a day and not using your head!

5) Create your own source of income - and live to your fullest satisfaction.

6. Communicate more with interesting people. Unsociable people rarely become rich.

7. Carefully study the biographies and statements of rich people.

8. Don’t stop dreaming about more, a person dies when he stops dreaming.

9. Help people for free, from the bottom of your heart - but not quitters and lazy people!

10. Your well-being depends on your own decisions.


1. The rich save time and money.

2. The rich invest everything they earn, and the poor spend it.

3. Money is a goal for the poor, but a huge opportunity for the rich.

4. A rich person never has extra money, but a poor person has it.

5. The poor man buys everything at the price offered. The rich find it cheaper.

6. The poor man poses as a “Persian sheikh,” while the rich man lives within his means.

7. Rich man's rule: "We are not rich enough to buy cheap things."

8. The rich invest in what will bring him income, and the poor in what will provide him with large expenses.

9. The rich look for the reasons for failure in themselves, and the poor in others.

10. The poor hate the rich, the rich do not notice the poor.

11. The poor work for money, and the rich work for money.

12. A poor person never knows where his money went. The rich control their spending.

13. Give a poor man a million, he will waste it. Give a rich man 10,000, he will make a million.

Rockefeller's success did not imply anything super-possible. He dedicated his entire life to his passion and hard work and was rightfully rewarded for this, having the opportunity to create the greatest business empire of all time and living to be 98 years old. He remained sane until his last breath, skillfully maneuvering in business.