Minister of Defense 1976. Dmitry Fedorovich Ustinov

A prisoner who has fallen into slavery gives all transfers and parcels, will fulfill all desires, with the exception of sexual ones, all his money, transfers from freedom, etc. belong to his slave owner.

I once described this case on the Urkagan website, then I myself was quite surprised, since I encountered such a phenomenon for the first time. Constantly disappearing on katrans, I sometimes had to meet with one prisoner. He played excellently, and when we found ourselves at the same table, if we didn’t play “on the paw,” we simply “massed” each other, not allowing us to go into the red. Eventually there were three or two of us left, we stopped playing, postponing the game until next day. I knew his game and didn't want to waste time, maybe he felt the same way about me.

When he played, one authoritative zechar constantly “loomed” behind him; he himself did not play, but they always came and left together. As I later learned, this man once paid for it when he had no money. Paying does not mean helping for free or on credit, as prisoners often do. The word “pay” or “pay for him” means in the prison world that he is buying this person along with his guts. He can decide his fate at any moment by sending him to a barracks, for example, making him a snoop, washing floors or a teahouse owner. Everything that a prisoner who once lost belongs to the one who paid for him, including his life. There is a demand for “bloodthirstiness”, but in this case there was nothing reprehensible, everything was purely according to concepts.

In this case, they paid for one banal purpose. The man, the future slave owner, decided with the help of a good player to always be with the “lave”, and money is needed to buy a buzz. Drugs are sold only for cash, and if there is money available, then there will be no problems with purchase and delivery.

MOSCOW, August 21 - RIA Novosti, Larisa Zhukova. About thousands of Russians are serving sentences in prison - according to this indicator, our country ranks second in the world after the United States. Despite this, Russian penal system remains quite closed: not much is known about the life of prisoners. A RIA Novosti correspondent recorded a monologue of one of the prisoners, the author of the Telegram channel “Basement,” who wished to remain anonymous.

About the camp

I'm still very young. An ordinary guy from a typical family, he was studying to become an engineer at a technical school, with a year left. Almost as soon as the “opportunity” to go to a maximum security prison appeared, I immediately “took advantage of it.” I am serving my sentence near Moscow. It doesn’t matter what they call me - “prisoner”, “convict”, “prisoner”. Nothing changes: I still sit as I sat.

My story is one of imprudence, even stupidity. She couldn't do without drugs. Almost half of the prisoners are under Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal acquisition, storage, transportation, production, processing narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues." - Ed.) It is not without reason that it is called “folk”. Instead of treating drug addicts, they are imprisoned for many years.

The camps are divided into “red” and “black”. In the “Reds” power is in the hands of the administration: telephones and “free” things are allowed only to “close associates”. They practice senseless violence: for example, they weld a sewer hatch to a crowbar to make a kind of shovel, and send them out to “catch snowflakes.”

In the “blacks”, in addition to the administration, there are “thieves”. You can find everything: phones, game consoles, laptops, alcohol and even drugs. Our camp was like this for about five years. Most of zone did not visit the canteen: every day they grilled kebabs, went anywhere, in a word, “ford-walk”. There was also a separate barracks where moonshine was distilled.

But after the change of leadership, the screws began to be tightened. Among the employees, everyone who once had even a suspended criminal record was fired. Riot police began to arrive. CCTV cameras were installed everywhere. Carry-on luggage is prohibited - transparent bags are issued. For alcohol, you can be put in jail for 150 days, and for drugs - for 300, with the possibility of increasing the term. We stopped walking alone and without a “wash” (razor blade).

About money and expenses

Being in prison is not as cheap as it seems at first glance. Firstly, the services of a lawyer: from 500 rubles to several million. Secondly, parcels and transfers: every two months - at least five thousand, excluding the cost of cigarettes. Thirdly, you need to pay for long dates. Fourthly, expenses for improving living conditions.

Each prisoner has his own account in the accounting department, which “travels” along with his personal file. Pensions, salaries and transfers from friends and relatives go there, it is used for purchases in local store and payment of fines for violations. The limit is nine and a half thousand rubles per month. Sometimes they pay for the services of a photographer in order to send pictures to relatives: they usually take pictures near the church, this is the most a nice place in the camp.

In the barracks, constant expenses are spent on cleaning and tea, sweets and cigarettes for those sufferers who end up in quarantine, isolation ward or hospital. Therefore, here is our own " tax system": we chip in every month into a common bag, which is located in the "thieves" corner of each barracks. The amount is set individually in the first week. Usually it is a thousand rubles. They take about three thousand from small drug dealers. Those who are caught for rape pay more, so that they are not touched.

There are also “voluntary-compulsory” fees: for the transportation of prohibited items and for mobile communications from those who have a telephone - 500 rubles each.

Most transfers go through online wallets, which almost everyone has: a mobile number is enough. Cryptocurrency is not used - too complicated. Sometimes the sums are sent to prisons for especially dangerous criminals, for example to the Vladimir Central.

The telephone itself is a separate expense item. It gets there in three ways: through employees, driving cars and “stuffing”, so it costs twice as much as in the wild. The hunt for communications equipment is always on. For using a telephone, you can not only lose large sums from the Internet account linked to the number, but also end up in jail for 15 days and receive the status of a “malicious offender” - up to eight years of additional supervision.

About earnings

Various craftsmen are held in high esteem. Some prisoners need rosary beads, backgammon, chess, paintings. For others, legal support in writing appeals and cassation complaints. The third is phone or charger repair. Prisoners are willing to pay each other for all these services. Fixed prices It is not customary to establish, and everyone thanks in their own way.

Some especially eloquent ones find “absentee girls” - girls who are ready to wait for them and transfer money to them. Maintaining attention when you're behind bars is a talent, so you can't say it's mass phenomenon. There were cases of marriages with new acquaintances in the zone. When two lonely hearts find each other, no fences can stop them.

The Word of God and the government house: is it easy to be a priest in prison?October 31 is the day of employees of pre-trial detention centers and prisons in Russia. RIA Novosti spoke with an atypical employee of the pre-trial detention center, with the senior priest of the church in Butyrka prison, Father Konstantin, about the intricacies of his service and the repentance of prisoners.

Separate Goldmine for the common fund - these are games. For each game they pay, regardless of winning or losing, about 15 rubles. The most commonly played games are dice, cards and backgammon. Chess and backgammon are allowed, cards are not, but they are easy to hide. The lucky ones fall in line with the unlucky ones with money, and their winnings can approach six figures.

I don’t play myself: it’s not my thing. I earn money in other ways: passive income from the investments made is about ten thousand per month. Before my phone was confiscated, I tried to trade Forex, but I didn’t have time to follow all the fundamental events and news and gave up. You can’t play on the stock exchange: either you don’t have the required “free coin”, or the site is slow, or you need to register with a photo.

I'm currently learning about cryptocurrencies. I invest in interesting and long-term projects. I’m saving up for a “safety cushion” that will be more useful when I’m free. I don’t have any income from blogging yet: readership is unstable.

About caste, time and escape

The only thing that is more or less preserved from prison stereotypes is caste. These are “thieves” (with privileges), “goats” (who occupy administrative positions such as a librarian and collaborate with the administration), “muzhiki” (ordinary prisoners), “wool” ( service staff) and "roosters" (low caste).

Basically they are all from dysfunctional families and godforsaken places where young people have nothing to do. In the absence of options to “get out among people,” they use alcohol and drugs, and this leads to sad consequences.

The main enemy in prison is time. His ideal “killer” is a phone with mobile Internet, a window to Big world. But after total checks, the phones were confiscated, and life in the barracks became monotonous.

The TV here is on all day, but the choice is limited: best case scenario- ten channels, more often - three. Mostly they show news. Many began to play sports, some went to work to brighten up their leisure time. The most popular option is the industrial zone: you won’t earn money, but you won’t feel like a sprat in a bank.

We're not talking about escape. Here, “runners” are not considered heroes—heroes are not sent to prison. Those who run away for no reason and spoil the situation of the entire camp may even be sent to the “roosters”. Although it is not difficult to escape from the camp.

But you will have to hide for the rest of your life. IN major cities It’s better not to show up - technology will easily give away the location. Escape abroad requires money. And living as a hermit in the forest in the hope that they won’t be discovered means not relaxing for a minute: persecution mania may develop.

About future

At the moment when they put handcuffs on my hands, it seemed that this was a misunderstanding, because this could not happen to me. All the plans for the future that I made a few minutes ago have changed dramatically.

At first I clung to the last threads: I hoped that at the first trial I would be released on bail or house arrest. In the pre-trial detention center I hoped that the judge’s verdict would be in my favor, and at most they would give me a suspended sentence. But, alas, there are practically no acquittals, and the article was difficult.

It was my own fault, my stupidity, that I got here. But once here, I found out what my real price in the eyes of the environment without "candy wrappers" in the form social status and good work. It was as if I was left naked. Of all my relatives and friends, there are only a few people left who still worry about me and support me in every possible way. I don't know what I would do without them.

Most likely, I will not continue my studies. Firstly, with a criminal record they may not take it back, and secondly, radio engineering is not my thing. I want to connect the work with information technology. If possible, I’ll learn the basics right here in prison. Fortunately, it is still possible to access the Internet.

Dmitry Medvedev called for people not to be imprisoned for economic crimes in 2009 - he owns catchphrase“Stop making business a nightmare.” A year and a half ago, Vladimir Putin proposed mitigating criminal liability for businesses in order to improve the business climate in Russia. Time passes, presidents speak, and the number of people in pre-trial detention centers accused of economic crimes increases. Over the past two years, it has grown by 59% - to 6,539 people, Boris Titov, Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights under the President, told Sekret.

Entrepreneurs, or “commercials” as they are called in prison, have become convenient targets for blackmail and extortion. Cellmates and guards give businessmen nicknames: “sweetie,” “buttered bun,” “cash cow.” Blackmail and extortion can be carried out both by the administration and by prisoners who share with the administration. Because of wealthy people More and more are being planted, and the demand for more is growing. comfortable conditions existence behind bars. Entrepreneurs who survived a collision with prison told The Secret, on condition of anonymity, what services can be purchased unofficially in a pre-trial detention center, how to improve conditions of detention, and the dangers of excessive extravagance and love of comfort in the dungeons. We checked the data obtained with lawyers, human rights activists and other experts, and also asked the Federal Penitentiary Service for a comment - however, at the time of publication of the material, the service did not provide it.

The result was something like a reminder to entrepreneurs who ended up in prison.

1. Don’t be afraid to be left without communication

Maximum quarantine time without any connection with outside world- 15 days

Vera Goncharova, lawyer: After being taken into custody, the defendants are sent to quarantine cells to find out if they have any infection. According to the rules internal regulations correctional institutions from 2005, a person can be kept in quarantine for no more than 15 days. Prisoners in pre-trial detention centers are not allowed to use mobile phones.

An entrepreneur who was imprisoned in a Moscow pre-trial detention center and is now serving a sentence in a zone in the Ivanovo region: They stay in quarantine for no more than a week or two. In quarantine, there are no cell phones, no dates, no connection at all with the outside world, and because of this, everyone is a little confused. under stress. In quarantine you are being assessed. And every word you say - about wealth, about the woman you love, or simply something harsh - determines which cell you will be sent to and where you will then sit for the rest of your sentence. There are many options according to the local hierarchy.

Working in the prison medical unit costs

Most businessmen are imprisoned as “men” - ordinary prisoners. But some are labeled as “goats,” that is, collaborating with the administration and snitching on their cellmates to investigators. Such people are often beaten. It is during quarantine that those convicted under economic articles (159, 160, 165, 171, 172, 174, 199, 201) begin to “break through”, trying to find out how much money they have, and offer to sit in cells with improved conditions. They are also called “commercial slots” and “vips”. A special block for economic ones costs from 50,000 rubles per month. The trap is that, having paid once, you will be forced to pay for all the years that you will be in prison - both in the pre-trial detention center and in the zone. There will be pressure if you refuse to pay.

2. Be prepared to be deceived

Almost all proposals to resolve issues in pre-trial detention centers turn out to be fraud

Pyotr Dobrovitsky, Chairman of the Bar Association “Dobrovitsky and Partners”: I divide those who revolve around those under investigation into three categories: solvers, scammers and scammers. Fraudsters are friends of prisoners who come to the entrepreneur’s relatives and promise to arrange his release for money. They do this in the first week or two, when relatives are in a state of passion, and the entrepreneur is in quarantine and cannot get in touch. This is a divorce in 99.9% of cases. Scammers are, as a rule, former law enforcement officers who work in conjunction with their investigator friends. Kidala tells the entrepreneur that he has already agreed on everything with the investigators, offers to admit guilt and promises a suspended sentence for this. Takes money from the entrepreneur. The entrepreneur transfers them to a card through a mobile bank or asks relatives for help, and then they give him five or six years. Then the entrepreneur hires normal person, but it is no longer possible to do anything.

Vera Goncharova, lawyer: In eight cases out of ten, all proposals for resolving issues in a pre-trial detention center are deception. This applies to both bribes to influence the investigation and payment for services inside the prison itself.

3. Prohibit relatives from communicating with people from the pre-trial detention center without your knowledge

Relatives of entrepreneurs who find themselves in pre-trial detention receive at least two calls from extortionists

Dmitry Vasilchenko, lawyer: This is the simplest rule of hygiene: do not tell your cellmates the names of your wives and mistresses. And forbid wives and mistresses from leaving their real contacts with the packages. Let them get themselves SIM cards that are not registered to anyone and leave the contacts of these SIM cards. It is the relatives who will be put under the greatest pressure, extorting money.

An entrepreneur currently in a small Moscow pre-trial detention center: My wife left her contacts along with the package, and a day later a man called her and introduced himself former employee FSIN and said: “1 million, and in a week your husband will be reclassified as a witness.” I immediately told my wife to throw out the SIM card and strictly forbade her to respond to such calls. He said that if anything was needed, I would get in touch myself and tell you the account number where to transfer the money.

4. Keep quiet

One word is enough to make enemies for several years

Sergey Vodolagin, partner law firm Westside Advisors: The most important thing is to remain human in any situation. There is no need to say too much, because this way you can give information that will fall into law enforcement agencies or to the staff of the pre-trial detention center and will worsen your conditions.

Peter Dobrovitsky: Need to forget obscene language, because something was said accidentally expletive may end up on prison slang curse, for which you will later have to answer. Forget about gambling. Never sit down to play cards for matches or anything - there are so many scammers out there that they will definitely cheat you. And card debt is the worst. And he will follow you everywhere - both in the pre-trial detention center and in the zone.

An entrepreneur who was in a Moscow pre-trial detention center and is now in Ryazan region : Sit down - be silent. This is the main rule. Come up with a legend that will be as close as possible to your recommendation and tell it to everyone. When you enter the cell, introduce yourself - give your first and last name, the article under which you were arrested. You don’t need to say anything else to whoever needs it - they will already learn everything about you from the prisoner radio. In the pre-trial detention center, those who behave like men and don’t whine are respected. Those who share with everyone what they brought to them - after all, entrepreneurs who sit in common cells often have more food than others. They especially despise those who don’t wash themselves, don’t wash their clothes and don’t get their hair cut - they slide into pigs. Such people are beaten and humiliated.

5. Think 146 times before cooperating with the administration and the investigation.

Most people under investigation are promised a suspended sentence for making a plea bargain, but in reality only a few are released with a suspended sentence

Sergey Vodolagin: When bargaining with the investigation, they most often promise a suspended sentence. I know of cases where people actually received a suspended sentence. But this is very rare.

Peter Dobrovitsky: If you make a deal with the investigation to reduce your sentence, that’s your business. But if you not only admit your guilt, but also drag your partners along with you, that’s already another story. Such people will then not enjoy any authority at all in the zone. They will not necessarily sleep near the toilet and they will not necessarily be beaten later. But no one will communicate or share with them.

The cost of unofficial services in pre-trial detention centers can be reduced by

An entrepreneur serving a sentence in Vladimir region : I was offered a plea deal, but I refused. But my partner agreed, and even overwhelmed me with his confession. He received an "A" instead of the promised suspended sentence. And I got a seven, but I’m soon going to be released on parole - I’ll be released before he does. As fate would have it, my partner and I were sent to the same zone. He sits here like a bitch - no one communicates with him, although he has quite influential defenders.

6. Don't buy anything in packages. Bargain

The cost of unofficial services in a pre-trial detention center can be reduced by 15 times by bargaining

: When I went into quarantine, they immediately told me that I could get comfortable and sit with other merchants. My cellmates offered me, but apparently someone from the management of the pre-trial detention center showed them the materials of my criminal case - how would they know that I had money if they didn’t see that I was accused of fraud worth tens of millions.

The price of the camera was set at 750,000 rubles. I was lucky to have a lawyer. I knew that this price was a scam. He said that he didn’t do what I was accused of. That I don't have money. And that I will pay as much as I can. We bargained for a long time, but in the end we agreed to 50,000 rubles a month. And another guy still pays 750,000. Another - 250,000. When in the pre-trial detention center they understand that you are guided by prices, they begin to explain that they are selling you all the services in a package. But this is a scam, it doesn’t happen like that. There is no need to buy services in bulk. You need to buy one at a time, as needed. Then it will be less problems and questions. Everything will be cheaper, and you won’t be perceived as a cash cow.

7. Don't be afraid of pressure

It is very difficult to stop paying for unofficial services in a pre-trial detention center. Especially if you are overpaying.

Peter Dobrovitsky: If an entrepreneur immediately sets himself firmly that he will not pay, he will be very in rare cases They will try to put pressure on you, but in most cases they will leave you alone. But people who paid and then stopped will most likely be put under quite a lot of pressure. When a person, after caviar and cognac, switches to moonshine and cucumbers, the employee serving him gets very upset. So it's better not to pay right away.

Zoya Svetova, member of the Public Monitoring Commission: IN last years There were stories in Moscow pre-trial detention centers when prisoners were extorted money by threatening them with beatings. But they extorted after the person had paid once or twice, and this was not for improving conditions, but simply because they went too far. There were similar stories in pre-trial detention center-4 and pre-trial detention center-5.

: If the thieves have their eye on the “bun and butter”, they will still achieve their goal. They will create situations and problems for you, for the solution of which you will pay, and you will also be grateful that they took this money from you. In order to pay, they can be transferred to a cell with crazy Chechens. In one cell there was one, he got up in the middle of the night and attacked the sleeping people with a knife, threatening to kill. The camera stood up, they calmed him down, saying, be quiet, brother. The sweet guy we sent to the Chechen ended up begging for money if only he would be transferred from his cell. But you can do without the Chechens: if you refuse to give money during quarantine, you are transferred to a worse cell, where there are only 20 bunks for 40 people. Cellmates might piss on the mattress. They may not take you to the shower for three weeks.

8. Find out the real prices in the pre-trial detention center

Staying in a so-called VIP chamber can cost from 50,000 rubles per month per person

Zoya Svetova: In different pre-trial detention centers there are cells that could be called “VIP cells”. Their prices are for Lately grew up. I think this is due both to the crisis and to the fact that the number of those arrested under Article 159, under which businessmen and representatives of the banking sector, that is, fairly wealthy people, are imprisoned, is increasing every year. Prices rise outside, and accordingly they rise in prison.

Peter Dobrovitsky: Investigations into merchants last on average a year. Court - from six months. So you buy yourself a camera for an average of a year and a half. Once you start paying, you can't stop. According to former clients, Cell phones is present in all cells of all pre-trial detention centers, except for Lefortovo and the second isolation ward in Matrosskaya Tishina. During the inspection, mobile phones are taken away. And then they return it back, sometimes, however, they offer to buy it back a second time. According to my former clients, you have to pay money for this service.

An entrepreneur personally familiar with the customs of one of the main Moscow pre-trial detention centers: The red price for sitting in a special block is 50,000 - 60,000 rubles per month. But now bankers who do not know the real value of money in the pre-trial detention center and in the zone have gone to prison. They overpay for everything, driving up prices and only making things worse. And for yourself (if you start paying, you will pay until the end). And to those who will sit after them. Not only for bankers, but also for entrepreneurs.

The money you pay for a special block includes security, a guarantee that you won’t have crazy Chechens. Loyalty to the administration. Warnings about inspections and searches. The right to a telephone (but the telephone itself will still need to be bought, and often you have to buy it many times, since the very operatives who brought you the phone then take it away during checks, and then offer to buy it back again). Clean linen (for merchants it is most often white, and for thieves it is colored). Two mattresses instead of one (ordinary prisoners sleep with one, and the wires dig into the whole body). Right to detergents in the cell. The right to food from any restaurant. The right to sit with people like yourself. The right to steamers, juicers, fans, refrigerators. All these services and things must be paid for separately - usually at a price that exceeds the actual cost. How many times it exceeds depends on you.

Olga Romanova, head of the human rights organization Sitting Rus': An increase in the number of suspects and accused of economic crimes, primarily under Article 159, mass initiation of criminal cases against bank employees (on average against a couple of people from each bank with a revoked license, and they take both those actually guilty of withdrawing money and those whoever came to hand) - all this led to the appearance of “special” cells in almost all Moscow detention centers. And the prices for staying in these cells have increased. Previously, this secret service cost about 250,000 rubles per month per camera. Now the price in some detention centers is from a million rubles per cell. However, this is not just about bankers. Recently, we were contacted by the relatives of a successful architect accused of fraud: they are extorting 100,000 rubles from him for creating more or less decent living conditions in one of the pre-trial detention centers near Moscow.

Person under investigation, served four sentences, performed the duties of a camera watcher in a pre-trial detention center: There is also an activation service - this is an examination of the patient and an assessment of his state of health. Well, so that you will be released from punishment due to illness. I once helped a friend of mine buy such a service. It cost 20 million rubles. And even despite my help, the man was abandoned.

9. Find out the prices in the zone where you are being sent

Working in a medical unit with the opportunity to sleep in a double cell with a plasma TV in the zone costs 2 million rubles

An entrepreneur who was imprisoned in a Moscow pre-trial detention center and then transferred to Ivanovo region : The most trump card is working in the medical unit. You will sleep in a double room with shower and toilet, and a plasma TV. It costs 2 million rubles until the end of the term. There are probably some other monthly payments, but I don’t know them anymore. I work in a library. It costs the same as working in a club: from 300,000 to 600,000 rubles, depending on how full you are. You pay this amount in a lump sum, and then you pay another 20,000 - 30,000 rubles a month until the end of the term.

Illustrations: Bella Lane / “Secret of the Firm” Infographics: Natalya Osipova / “Secret of the Firm”

Not a moment of peace. This is exactly what can be said about the current existence in our zone. The boss had a fit and decided to improve discipline. Both among the special contingent and among personnel. I started with the latest ones. According to the talkative warrant officer, the colonel announced a muster and forced all employees to march outside the zone. The trouble was that those who arrived first walked until they were blue in the face until they waited for the last ones, and this took a very long time. Afterwards, the owner gave the deputies and heads of departments a beating. They, in turn, took it out on their subordinates - such as detachments, safety inspectors and others. Then it was the prisoners who got it.

Red or black zone?

Published: 01/21/2015;
  • Life in prison

All readers are familiar with such concepts as “red” or “black” prisons. In the first case, the administration and the “active” rule the show; in the second, it’s the beholder and blatote. But, as you know, in this mortal world there is not only black and white, but there are shades. So in the case of prisons and colonies, everything is not so simple.

Everything is relative

Published: 06/01/2015;
  • Life in prison

They say correctly - everything is learned by comparison. One figure with a “rattle” Spetsurik, who served time in total for about thirty years, having changed all the regimes, including the special one. Like most “special officers”, this “overstayer” does not use swear words or slang expressions, is very well read and loves to talk, remembering the past, that is, consider past terms. He came to our area periodically because he lives nearby and commits stupid thefts when drunk. I was especially impressed by his story about the post-perestroika period in captivity.

In search of prohibition

Published: 12/29/2014;
  • Life in prison

New Year is the most hated holiday in prison

Published: 12/15/2014;
  • Life in prison

Weekends and holidays They don’t like you in the pre-trial detention center. These days, the “feeders” through which the average prisoner communicates with the outside world do not clap. Fat, good-natured women - whirligigs in camouflage, looking like rural teachers - do not deliver mail and books from the library. They don’t call you to the “feeder” for a “volume” (conviction) of garbage from the special unit. The guards do not shout “slightly” when leading the defendants out for interrogations and visits. They don’t take people to court, they don’t take them to the doctor, the exercise yards are empty. All the usual prison life, the so-called movement, freezes.

Paradoxes of Captivity

Published: 10/28/2014;
  • Life in prison

In the morning, a search was carried out in the detachment. Because it was freezing rain outside, they did not kick us out of the barracks, but allowed us to stand in the aisles. Watching the inspectors carry out a search, I thought how squeamish they were. They dig through lousy bed linen with their bare hands, shake out dirty panties and socks, and feel under the insoles of stinking shoes with their fingers. By the way, such jackals don’t wash their hands afterwards, but continue to serve, wiping their muzzles, picking their noses and picking up the filter of cigarettes before lighting them. What are we used to, but to do this!


Published: 05/06/2014;
  • Life in prison

Convicts, who for some reason are threatened with physical violence in the zone, resort to all sorts of tricks and tricks, as well as sacrifices, just to “break out” of the colony or cell of the pre-trial detention center. We will talk about why such situations arise and how cunning prisoners get out of it in this material.

What has changed in Russian prison in 10 years?

Published: 05/27/2014;
  • Life in prison

Autumn is in full swing. It begins to get dark early. On the high concrete fence of the pre-trial detention center, a garland of lanterns lights up as early as five o’clock in the evening. The entire pre-trial detention center is surrounded by lights around the perimeter. They kind of remind me of red flags that you can’t step over. You can't do it on pain of death. I am again, after a ten-year break, under investigation. And I write these notes.

Passing through the gates of the prison, you need to forget for a while about everything that you are losing, perhaps for a long time - life begins new stage. “Good life“In prison, like everything else in this world, you need to learn. The closed world of the camera forces daily self-control, restraining easily growing aggression. You have to think not only about yourself, but also about not disturbing the peace of mind of your cellmates. In places of deprivation of liberty, a person ends up in extreme situation. Very difficult to save peace of mind in conditions of forced isolation, when all possibilities and desires are limited.
As a result, seemingly unreasonable conflicts and fights break out, which give way negative emotions. Erupted nervous tension, causes various kinds conflicts, but stress driven inside also brings terrible harm. You shouldn’t be surprised, because it’s not for nothing that they say that “all diseases come from nerves.” Therefore, it is important to remember that one of the main tasks for someone behind bars is maintaining mental health.
Some are ruined by disgust, which, of course, cannot be lost. But its demonstration sometimes leads to sad consequences. Then the general is such an innocent, but rather naive perception of reality. There's a huge thing going on internal conflict: Some intellectuals cannot understand that you can live here and feel like a human being, even do what you love - they have such a mental structure. And by doing this, involuntarily, without meaning to, they demonstrate their inequality. For example, they refuse a cup of tea that goes around, and it is offered to you out of respect. Whether you like it or not, take a sip, don’t offend.
We must fight, we must find those forms of existence that will allow us to survive. The question of survival and the question of overcoming fear is the main thing. It is never completely possible to resolve this, because behind the barbed wire there is no such state when a person is absolutely safe and is not afraid of anything.
Knowing the rules and traditions of “prison dormitory” does not eliminate the need to search and find, and think for yourself.
You cannot, for example, simply make a threat and then refuse it. If you have already thrown, even by accident, some kind of threat to a guard or a goat, then you must carry it out. You need to be responsible for your words. In prison, no change in the situation is recognized, no “accident” is recognized. What does “accidentally” mean? Accidentally means you didn’t foresee something yourself. Therefore, accidents happen to a person. Accidentally is also some kind of sign of unreliability. The value of this world is a person who is generally confident, confident in himself. In a world where everything is very unreliable, reliability becomes a value. Attracts a person's reliability.
It is necessary that others are confident in your confidence, so that the person walking next to you understands that you will not push anything like that now, that the shepherd dogs will not rush here. Therefore, authority in the zone is enjoyed by people who feel reliable. That is, a person stands reliably, does not blur, does not say one thing today, another tomorrow, does not look for petty benefits, perhaps wants to live comfortably. In fact, here the benefit always comes at the expense of someone else.
You can warn about something, but you will still forget something and fail to foresee it. Moreover, not everything is the same everywhere. If you're lucky, you'll find it good man, which will tell you what to do. If not, rely only on yourself.

Advice from experienced people is only a drop in the ocean, but they have been tested by life.

Don't break prison laws. Remember the life you have to live in prison.
Do not steal from your own and do not “knock” are the main commandments.
Remember: everything that can happen to you depends ninety percent on you, on how you behave from the very beginning.
Talk less, listen more and look closely. The less you say, the less likely you are to get into a “misunderstanding” - into a “jamb”.
Ask your cellmates: what is allowed and what is not allowed.
Don’t ask unnecessary questions, but if you’re unsure about something, it’s better to ask.
Do what everyone else does.
Be restrained in communication - “watch your market.”
Before you say anything, think very carefully. It is better to remain silent than to say the wrong thing.
Before you do anything, think even more. It is precisely the inability to outline necessary plan action turns life into hell.
Avoid directly contradicting the opinions of others, as well as self-confidently defending your point of view.
Avoid hostility and conflicts - they have no place in the “right house”.
Don't impose your opinion. This does not give positive results.
Don't look for an easy life - don't cooperate with the administration.
Don't look for small gains. Do not be greedy. IN hard time need to share.
You cannot demand anything from other prisoners without reason.
Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask.
Each person acts or speaks one way and not another, due to certain reasons. But this does not mean that you should strive to understand everyone. Don't get into anyone's soul - and it will be best.
Don't be afraid of your cellmates. Don't be afraid of the jailers.
Remember: fear causes nervous tension, anxiety, and makes you agitated.
Do not allow your dignity to be humiliated by representatives of the administration, especially in the presence of the “offended”.
Don’t pretend: don’t pretend to be an expert on “prison laws” and “authority” if you are not one.
Do not swear. In prison and in the zone, the responsibility for speech is much greater than in freedom.
Never say “just like that.” Such a concept simply does not exist in prison or in the zone.
Forget the word “accidentally”.
You cannot say and then retract your words. If you say something, you have to do it - “the boy said it, the boy did it.”
Don't interfere in your own business. Everyone is responsible for themselves. You cannot be responsible for another person.
Do not pick up anything that has fallen next to the long range vehicle.
Do not pick up anything from the floor - “mined”, do not eat anything from red packages - “rooster color”.
Don't take anything from someone else without asking. Before you take anything, ask permission.
Pay off your debts.
Remember that no one has the right to take your “free money”.
Don't do someone else's work.
No one has the right to force you to remove your camera out of turn.
Don’t take anything from the “lost” one, don’t come into contact with him, don’t drink from the same container, don’t touch his things. This is the last thing. You can only give to him, but you cannot take.
If possible, do not communicate with representatives of the administration, and when in direct contact with them, do not lose your dignity.
If conflicts arise with other convicts, do not, under any circumstances, turn to the administration for help.
Behave carefully and thoughtfully towards the administration.
Watch yours appearance, try to always be neat and tidy. Try to get it good items toilet - soap, toothpaste, shaving equipment, etc.
Do not pick up objects found by chance. Don’t pick up “bulls” and leftovers.
Do not spread unverified information and rumors. Strictly monitor your speech and critical statements regarding other prisoners.
Don't interfere in other people's conversations unless asked to do so.
Listen to the opinions of “authorities,” but always have your own opinion.
You must “sleep and see” - always be careful in your relationships with others.
Maintain restraint and composure in difficult life situations.
Remember about your loved ones who remain free: it is better if a person endures his own troubles himself, and does not burden others with them.
It is not good when a person, having loved ones, burdens them with demands for help at every need and thereby complicates their lives.
Strive to pull yourself together, don’t let yourself get into trouble. Remember that your future depends on this, not only in places of imprisonment, but also in the wild. Those who stumble in prison will not be able to rise in freedom.
Think about how prison and the zone test your strength. Strive to keep your psyche in order.
Does not work psychological protection in a person who does not feel supported by loved ones.
Those who maintain peace of mind in confinement are immune to nervous diseases.
Never use today to take revenge for past grievances.
Don't forget about self-control, no matter how irritated you are. Arguments should not be destructive. If you are so angry that you are ready to scream or use your hands, wait until your anger subsides, and then take on the issue.
Don't attack an inmate's physical or mental disabilities - this is never forgotten or forgiven.
Balance your emotions with reality and always listen to the voice of common sense.
Learn to be happy with what you have and don't worry about what you don't have.
Know how to see positive side every event.
Don't perceive material goods as the equivalent of happiness. Often these concepts are incompatible. Throughout human history there have been wise people who understood this.
The Roman philosopher Seneca advised: “Treat every gift of fate with suspicion and timidity.
After all, both the beast and the fish fall into a trap, drawn by deceptive hope. Behind what you think are gifts of happiness lies an ambush. Whoever wants to remain unharmed should avoid these gifts, which serve as bait, as much as possible.
Lead healthy image life, take care of your body only as much as is necessary for health.
Let food only moderate hunger, drink - thirst, clothing - cold and housing serve as protection for the body from bad weather. But it is absolutely indifferent whether it is built of turf, or of colored and foreign stone: know that a person can equally hide under straw or under gold. Despise any decorations obtained through backbreaking labor.
Remember that there is nothing worthy of admiration except the soul, and nothing is great enough for its greatness.
When entering into a conversation, do not start it with issues on which you have different opinions.
On the contrary, from the very beginning, carefully focus on those issues on which you agree.
Let them tell you from the very beginning: “yes, yes.” Keep your partner from saying “no” as much as possible.
The psychological scheme of what is happening is extremely clear. When a person says “no” - and actually means it - he is doing much more than saying the word “no”.
His entire body - nerves, endocrine glands, muscles - are tuned into denial.
A negatively-minded person can choose one of two tactics: flee from the battlefield (withdrawn into himself and accumulate anger) or attack in turn.
Devote your time to books. A book is a universal friend and helper. This is a silent companion who is always ready to give you wise advice. This is a friend who can always be with you and will never betray you.
Books are the wisdom of humanity. Through a book you communicate with the smartest people of all times and peoples. Books will help you understand life and your place in it.
“Tell me what you are reading,” noted Goethe, “and I will tell you who you are.”

Prison law