Mikhail Romanov was elected to the throne. First Romanov

In the World of Tanks game, the most important thing is the tanks. Here are real-life combat vehicles presented, each of which has its own unique story. This is partly why this game is so popular in the world. Every player finds a good tank for himself in World of Tanks and calls it ideal. But in this review we will look at the most attractive cars that are fun to play and fight for the victory of your team.

It is quite difficult to select the 10 best World of Tanks tanks. After all, each car is good in its own way. Some tanks will be very fast, some will be powerful, and some will combine both high speed and power. And what criteria are used to determine the efficiency of the unit? However, each level has its own most successful combat vehicles, which we will try to highlight.

Let us immediately note that we will begin our review of good tanks in World of Tanks right from the fifth level, since below this level frivolous combat vehicles are used. They can hardly be called effective and interesting. In the WOT game, serious battles begin from the fifth level and above.

Level 5

To summarize, there are only 3 best tanks in World of Tanks at level 5. The first of them is the Soviet KV-1 unit. This is a fairly well-known Soviet car that had big success on the battlefields against fascist Germany. This tank has a solid historical component, powerful all-round armor and versatile weapons. All this gave the tank a serious reputation in the game. Almost every older generation gamer considers it their duty to buy this tank and upgrade it to the maximum.

The second best tank in World of Tanks 2017 is also the Soviet T-34. She also has rich story. It is believed that the T-34 combat vehicles changed the course of the war. In the game, this tank is valued for its high maneuverability, as well as for its 57 mm ZiS-4 gun, which easily penetrates armor but causes little damage. In the WOT game there are two popular development branches for medium and heavy tanks. At the fifth level, gamers have the opportunity to purchase similar combat vehicles.

There is also a cool one, but it’s quite difficult to get. In the game, users call it an “imba,” that is, a machine that is out of balance. Has all-round armor. It can barely be penetrated by a level 5 cannon. Even “sixes” often cannot damage the armor of the KV-220 tank.

Level 5 Bonus

A bonus at the fifth level is the T67 combat vehicle - this is an American anti-tank self-propelled gun with high speed of movement, stealth, low silhouette, and most importantly, high armor penetration. The unit easily destroys tanks of its level with one shot.

Level 6

At the sixth level, the best tanks in World of Tanks are represented by one Soviet and two British combat vehicles. It’s worth starting with the legendary T-34-85, monuments to which are in many Russian cities.

The T-34-85 is a Soviet medium tank that has maneuverability and a good gun that can penetrate tough armor. High accuracy, rate of fire, maneuverability make the unit popular. His demand is also explained by his rich combat history, but this does not play a role in his fighting qualities, which are at their best. With the right tactics, positioning, and ammo, many experienced players have won victories in this Tier 6 tank against more powerful Tier 8 tanks.

The second good tank in World of Tanks at level 6 is the English Cromwell. The car is good for extras. Unlike the Soviet T-34-85, the British Cromwell has no armor at all, which is why the vehicle received enormous speed movement and high-speed gun. All this gives a significant advantage to the player who, without any problems, “shines” enemy tanks for his team.

The third tank of the level is the Sherman Firefly. This combat vehicle has a cool OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII, which allows you to effectively fight even against older tanks of the 8th level.

Level 6 Bonus

The bonus at this level is the Soviet KV-2 tank with very powerful armor and an M-10 152 mm cannon. This vehicle is capable of fighting even with level 10 units, not to mention combat vehicles of its own level. However, getting this tank is quite difficult. Therefore, it is extremely rare in the game, which cannot be said about the T-34-85. This is one of the most popular models, which is in the arsenal of almost every player.

Level 7

According to many gamers, the seventh level of the game is the most balanced. Consequently, it is difficult to single out equipment that would have significant advantages over other combat vehicles.

The first good tank in World of Tanks at level seven is the IS or IS-2. Both cars are almost identical to each other. Therefore, we will add them to this list. The IS is one of the most popular tanks in the game and is quite famous due to its powerful gun, mobility and armored turret. If such a seventh level tank gets into battle with equal vehicles and tanks of more than low level, then the allied team has it easy - the IS always goes straight into battle. And often this ends well. If the IS gets into battle with tanks for more than high level, then shooting from cover is a good tactic that also brings results.

The second unit is the Tiger I. This German heavy tank took part in World War II. It also has a rich history, and in-game its execution is simply stunning. The vehicle has 1500 hit points and is equipped with a Kw.K gun. 43 L/71. Playing on such a tank is pleasant and fun. But if a vehicle gets into battle with tanks of a higher level, then tactics need to be developed as for anti-tank artillery.

The third best vehicle is the T29 heavy tank with powerful armor that sometimes even level 9 vehicles cannot penetrate. Of course it has its advantages, but weak sides are also present. A good balance between armor, mobility and damage makes this vehicle almost universal and convenient for use on the battlefield, which explains the popularity of the tank.

Premium tank level 7

At level 7, the best premium tank in World of Tanks is the so-called “Gatling gun”, or “flea” - this is the German E-25 anti-tank self-propelled gun. It's a very small car and hard to get into. It causes a lot of problems for clumsy and “blind” machines like Soviet tanks TT. The E-25 does little damage. However, the rate of fire and accuracy infuriate opponents who fall under the gun of this “flea.” Unfortunately, this car has become so popular that it is no longer even on sale. However, there are no fewer of them on the battlefield, because those players who managed to buy it or win it for completing tasks actively use it to “farm” money.

The seventh level is so rich in cool tanks that the following vehicles are worth highlighting separately:

  1. T-34-1.
  2. Spähpanzer SP I C.
  3. LTTB.
  4. M41 Walker Bulldog.

All these models should also be on this list.

Level 8

At this level, there are already quite serious tanks that take part in company battles, global maps, fortified areas.

In World of Tanks, the best Tier 8 tank is the IS-3. This vehicle is ideal for all of the above battle modes due to its frontal armor on the turret and hull, high-quality gun, low silhouette and mobility. All this makes such a tank successful on the battlefield.

In second place is the FCM 50t - a very difficult machine to play on which beginners will constantly lose. It is a slow and large tank with no armor that is easy to destroy. However, experienced players set records with this tank again and again. As an analogue, we can offer AMX Chasseur de chars. This car has even weaker armor. However, the camouflage factor of this tank is high, making it difficult to detect. The model also has a very high speed, which is guaranteed by the Maybach HL 295 F engine with 1200 horsepower. Among the best medium tanks in World of Tanks, the AMX Chasseur de chars deserves attention first of all. You just need to know how to play it, and such a machine cannot be recommended for combat to a beginner.

The AMX 50100 is the next best Tier 8 tank and is often found in company battles and fortified areas. Such a combat vehicle is capable of destroying any tank of its class in 1-2 shots and quickly “escaping” from the scene of the crime. This is exactly how most players try to use the machine. The biggest drawback of the tank is its long reload time, lasting 50 seconds. During this time, the tank is “meat” for the enemy. Second weakness- lack of armor. However, this is typical for many French cars.

Level 8 Bonus

Bonus tanks of the eighth level are the British-made Charioteer tank destroyer and the Japanese medium tank STA 1. These are hidden combat vehicles that are perfectly camouflaged. Therefore, it is appropriate to use them as support for allied tanks that are fighting on the main battlefield.

Level 9

The improved tank VK 45.02 (P) Ausf is an imba (that is, an unbalanced vehicle), which, with its new durable armor, represents one of the best tanks at later levels. The technique perfectly holds back the enemy’s onslaught and can be at the forefront of the attack. However, it is important for her not to “shine.” After all, the sides of the tank are very weak, and a shell hit from the side will be fraught with bad consequences. But mobility partly solves this problem.

The second model is the German medium tank E 50. This is a universal vehicle that can suddenly open up in an unexpected area of ​​the map, coming from behind enemy lines. It can also be used as a heavy tank for frontal attack. Thanks to high mobility and a powerful accurate gun, the game is played on the "epis" (so this model called by the players) is a lot of fun. This machine gives the player many options for fighting, and he himself decides which tactics to choose. For the experienced gamer, this opens up great opportunities, but even a beginner will find it quite pleasant to drive this tank. However, if a player has reached level 9, then he can hardly be called a beginner.

M103 is the third best heavy tank of tier 9. This American example has high armor at the front, which can withstand hits from large calibers. Therefore, it is appropriate to use it in battle as the main penetrating force. And if the map allows, then due to its good mobility the tank allows you to play “cat and mouse” with enemies.

Level 9 Bonus

The bonus vehicle at level 9 is the Soviet medium tank T-54. The developers deteriorated this vehicle several times, reducing the thickness of the hull armor. However, this tank is still very popular and a worthy contender for the title of best. High speed, low silhouette and mobility - these are the advantages of the machine.

Level 10

At the last, 10th, level there are the best tanks, which are to some extent the result technical development every nation. All cars of this level have their own “chips” and have good characteristics. Naturally, there are even imbats such as ART-SAU, PT 10 and Waffenträger auf which must be replaced.

In general, it is almost impossible to single out the best World of Tanks tier 10 tank. After all, we are always talking about extremes. There are huge “cast iron walls” that are difficult to break through, there are powerful drum heavy vehicles, as well as diverse medium tanks. Consequently, the player will have to make a choice and determine for himself which tank is better in World of Tanks. After all, the excellent balancing of the game does not allow us to highlight best car, which would be superior to others in all (or at least half) of the parameters. Therefore, among the “dozens” it is impossible to single out just one tank.


Each player determines the best combat vehicle for yourself to the best of your abilities and playing style. Some people like to butt heads with heavy tanks, while others prefer to quickly move around the map in order to find targets for their team. The developers very carefully worked out the characteristics of all combat vehicles in the game and eliminated situations where most players choose the same unit, forgetting about the others.

Who is the master on the battlefield - these are tanks. These armored tracked vehicles form the main driving force any of modern army. From our 10 best tanks in the world, you will know what power lies within them and how the best tanks were created and how they have been modernized over the past century. So, we present to your attention the 10 best tanks in the world.

Behind last centuries dozens of the best tanks were designed to pave their deadly path on the battlefield. Based on expert opinion and audience ratings technical features cars, we will take 5 main characteristics that will allow us to highlight the 10 best tanks of all time. It will be assessed based on the following characteristics:
1. Firepower;
2. Armor protection and safety;
3. Mobility;
4. Production volume;
5. Intimidation factor.
Tanks will be scored on 10 points.

10th place: M-4 Sherman (USA)

This tank came off the production line in 1942. And for the first time he took part in hostilities in northern Africa. About 48 thousand of these machines were built. Its speed reached about 40 km/h. The maximum distance he could travel was 160 km. The engine is a radial 9 cylinder. The power-to-weight ratio of the tank is 15.8 horsepower per 1 ton. The thickness of the frontal armor is 62 mm. Armament: rapid-fire 76 mm cannon. The disadvantage of the M-4 Sherman was that it had a gasoline engine, so when a shell hit it, it simply caught fire. The Germans called this tank the "Burning Cauldron" or the "Soldier's Cauldron". And the Americans called this tank “Fry Oven” because it constantly caught fire. Having received these tanks into service, American tank crews began to say: “If you find yourself in this tank, break your claws.” But if a shell hit the tank, then the crew only had a couple of seconds to get out of the tank before it turned into a burning grave.
In terms of firepower, he receives: 2 points;
Armor protection and safety: 2 points;
Mobility: 4 points;

Intimidation factor: 0 points.

9th place: Merkava (Israel)

First produced in 1977. Speed ​​55 km/h. Distance without refueling is 580 km. Diesel engine with turbocharging. The power-to-weight ratio of the tank is 14.28 horsepower per 1 ton. The armor is classified. Armament: rapid-fire 120 mm cannon. Merkava was not created on a drawing, but created on the battlefield, and war teaches that good tankers better than good tanks. Merkava is the only tank in the world that is designed with a special safe cabin for the tank driver. All the tankers in the tank are located in the middle of the tank, and all the equipment is around the tank. This tank was created for people to survive. The tank's developers are convinced that the crew will live if a shell hits the tank. They placed the engine in front of the tank behind the gun.
In terms of firepower, he receives: 7 points;

Mobility: 4 points;
Performance: 2 points;
Intimidation factor: 8 points.

8th place: T-54/55 (USSR)

It first appeared in 1948. By the standards of Western analysts, about 95 thousand of these tanks were produced. The speed that he could reach was 55 km/h. The maximum distance without refueling was 402 km. Diesel engine V-shaped. The power-to-weight ratio of the tank is 14.44 horsepower per 1 ton. The thickness of the frontal inclined armor is 203 mm. Armament: 100 mm rifled gun D-10T. No tank model has ever been produced in such quantity. As with all Russian tanks, little attention was paid to crew safety. Tank building was based on Lenin's idea, let's take it not by quality, but by quantity. The tactical idea of ​​the Russians is simple, the more tanks, the stronger the defense.
In terms of firepower, he receives: 5 points;
Armor protection and safety: 5 points;
Mobility: 5 points;
Performance: 10 points;
Intimidation factor: 4 points.

7th place: Challenger (England)

Released in 1982. Speed ​​60 km/h. Travel without refueling 500 km. Engine Condor V-12 cylinder. The power-to-weight ratio of the tank is 19.2 horsepower per 1 ton. The armor is classified. Armament: 120 mm rifled gun. This tank took part in military operation"Desert Storm" And during the course of hostilities not a single tank was lost. It hit its targets at a distance of about 5,500 km. The tank will be able to fire 1 shot at intervals in 15 seconds. In a battle in Iraq, one tank was hit by 14 guided missiles and 1 shell. The crew is alive, the tank is on the move. The only thing that was inoperative was the sighting device was damaged. The tank returned to service after 6 hours of repairs. The armor of this tank even protects against high-explosive mines. And it is distinguished by its high durability. The secret of such safety is that they know how to add ceramic tiles between the armor plates, which extinguishes and disperses the fiery liquid of molten metal. Only 386 of these machines were produced.

Armor protection and safety: 10 points;
Mobility: 6 points;
Performance: 1 point;
Intimidation factor: 4 points.

6th place: Mk IV Panzer (Germany)

This tank kept the whole world in fear for several years. First released in 1932. The highest speed could reach 40 km/h. Without refueling it could travel up to 210 km. Engine Mayboh petrol V-12 cylinder. The power-to-weight ratio of the tank is 10.6 horsepower per 1 ton. Armor thickness 50mm. The main armament is a 70mm cannon. When this tank first appeared on the battlefield, nothing could stop it. German tank divisions destroyed everything in their path. For the first time, this tank had improved equipment. They advanced on these tanks for 30 km. in a day. And how is everyone German tanks, this is a complexly designed machine.
In terms of firepower, he receives: 7 points;
Armor protection and safety: 6 points;
Mobility: 7 points;
Performance: 3 points;

5th place: Centurion (England)

Produced in 1945. Speed ​​35 km/h. Without refueling it could travel 195 km. The engine is a forced petrol V-12 cylinder. The power-to-weight ratio of the tank is 12.54 horsepower per 1 ton. The armor varies in thickness from 17 to 152 mm. Armament, 107mm cannon. In this tank there was simple system firing, easy to repair. At that time, the gun sight was a big leap forward. As evidence of this, the military conflict in 1983 in Israel showed that two modernized Centurions were only damaged, and on the other hand, 52 Syrian T-62s were destroyed.
In terms of firepower, he receives: 8 points;

Mobility: 5 points;
Performance: 8 points;
Intimidation factor: 3 points.

4th place: WW1 Tank (England)

When this tank first appeared, people fled when they saw this machine of horror. Maybe on modern look this is not true, but 100 years ago this tank seemed like a ruthless steel monster created to kill. Produced in 1917. Speed ​​6 km/h. Distance without refueling is 35 km. Daimler 6 cylinder engine. The power-to-weight ratio of the tank is 3.3 horsepower per 1 ton. Armor from 6 to 12 mm. Armament: 2 guns with 3 kg shells. The worst thing about these tanks was that ordinary soldiers didn’t know what they were, they didn’t even know the word tank. At that time they were the most terrible that an ordinary soldier could see. But he was also dangerous for tankers. Exhaust from the engine flowed directly into the cockpit. So they could choke on the exhaust. They were just iron boxes. But in November 1917, these tanks showed what they were capable of. To Cambrey tank division out of 300 vehicles, an almost invulnerable line emerged simultaneously German front was broken through. After 6 hours, British tanks retook the front line somewhere up to 8 kilometers. Without tanks, such a breakthrough would have taken several months and would have involved much greater losses in manpower. And at this moment the era of tanks has arrived.
In terms of firepower, he receives: 6 points;
Armor and safety: 7 points;
Mobility: 5 points;
Performance: 3 points;

3rd place: Tiger (Germany)

This tank is the most terrible of all times. The name of this tank caused fear and panic among the soldiers. When it first appeared on the battlefield in 1942, nothing could compare to its power. In the first months after its appearance, there simply were no weapons that could destroy this machine. This tank swept away everything in its path and at the same time remained invulnerable. He was a nightmare for coalition troops. The speed that he could reach was up to 37 km/h. Without refueling it could travel up to 195 km. Maybach petrol engine. The power-to-weight ratio of the tank is 12.3 horsepower per 1 ton. The armor reached a thickness of up to 100 mm. The main weapon is an 88 mm cannon. Once, in a 6-hour battle, the Tiger was hit by 227 shells, despite the fact that the tracks and wheels were damaged, it was still able to travel 65 kilometers until it was safe. The Tiger was a monster among tanks and the embodiment of Hitler's idea of invincible army. At that time, if you compare the Tiger with another tank, it is the same as comparing an ordinary person with a giant. Seeing such a formidable tank for the first time, the soldiers fled in fear. The Tiger tank provided the strongest psychological pressure at the enemy during battle. The tiger was difficult to defeat and had the smell of death. With just one shot from his powerful 88 mm cannon, he could turn a coalition tank into powder. During World War II, one of the Verkhmat tankers, Michael Whitman, received many awards; he was responsible for 141 destroyed coalition tanks. About 1,500 of these tanks were produced during the war. The problem with this tank is that it is too large and expensive to produce. The production of this tank required a lot of resources.

Armor and safety: 9 points;
Mobility: 6 points;
Performance: 1 point;
Intimidation factor: 10 points.

2nd place: M1 Abrams (USA)

According to Western specialists, but not ours, this tank is the best in the world today. Produced in 1983. The speed reaches 73 km/h. Distance without refueling, 465 km. Textron Gas Turbine engine, gas turbine. The power-to-weight ratio of the tank is 26.64 horsepower per 1 ton. The armor is classified. Armament 120mm M256 smoothbore gun. Although foreign experts praise it about the invulnerability and strength of this tank, the combat operations in Iraq showed how they are disabled by simple heavy machine guns. Penetrating side and rear armor. And in the Iraq Desert Storm battles, these tanks fought with the long-discontinued T 76 and boasted that their shells did not penetrate the armor of the M1 Abrams. One of the serious flaws in the design of this tank is its gas turbine engine. Seriously needed large system fuel supplies to keep it running. Let us remember the history of the war with Hitler's Germany when the warring party begins to have problems with fuel delivery. These formidable tanks are becoming an unnecessary convoy, and they were taken out of action and destroyed. The M1 Abrams tank is very power hungry, and if in the middle of a battle you have to call a convoy of fuel tankers to drug its power-hungry gas turbine engine, then it doesn’t matter how good it is. Putting the M1 Abrams on the battlefield is like fighting with a helmet on one leg.
In terms of firepower, he receives: 10 points;

Mobility: 8 points;
Performance: 3 points;
Intimidation factor: 10 points.

1st place: T-34 (USSR)

In first place is the best tank of all time, the Russian T-34 tank.
This tank played decisive role During the Second World War. This machine stopped the columns of Nazi tanks, When it seemed that everything was already lost and fascist army An invincible tank burst into battle and changed the course of the Second World War. This is a first class car. It is often thought that the best tanks during the Second World War were made by the Germans, but this is not so, the best tank during the war was our tank, created in the USSR. It was a real shock for the German commanders. New Russian tanks of improved design advanced quickly, easily overcoming the muddy terrain. German command They couldn’t understand how this happened, how the Russians created such a good tank. These vehicles were a serious breakthrough in tank building.
First produced in 1940. The speed reached up to 55 km/h. Cruising range 431 km. Diesel engine 4-stroke, 12 cylinder. The power-to-weight ratio of the tank is 15.87 horsepower per 1 ton. The thickness of the inclined armor is 65 mm. The main armament is a 76.2 mm cannon.
When the Germans first captured the T-34, all their comments were about how crudely and carelessly it was made, and if you looked inside there was only a control lever to drive the car. But the Germans greatly underestimated this car. It was the only tank with sloped armor, which was an innovation at the time. The T-34's armor was made in such a way that projectiles flying head-on were deflected from their trajectory when they hit the sloping armor. Thus, the shell hit the T-34 and changed its direction and simply ricocheted. The idea of ​​using sloped armor is quite simple, but it changed the shape and design of all tanks forever. But it wasn't just the armor that made the T-34 look better, it was easy to manufacture. And during the entire war, a lot of them were produced. For every 1.5 months, 1,350 of these tanks were produced. It was a simple, reliable and working tank. If there was no T-34, then most of Europe would speak German.
In terms of firepower, he receives: 9 points;
Armor and safety: 10 points;
Mobility: 10 points;
Performance: 10 points;
Intimidation factor: 9 points.

The first Russian tsar from the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, was born on July 22 (July 12, old style) 1596 in Moscow.

His father is Fyodor Nikitich Romanov, Metropolitan (later Patriarch Filaret), his mother is Ksenia Ivanovna Shestova (later nun Martha). Mikhail was a cousin of the last Russian Tsar from the Moscow branch of the Rurik dynasty, Fyodor Ivanovich.

In 1601, together with his parents, Boris Godunov fell into disgrace. Lived in exile. In 1605 he returned to Moscow, where he was captured by the Poles who captured the Kremlin. In 1612, liberated by the militia of Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin, he left for Kostroma.

On March 3 (February 21, old style), 1613, the Zemsky Sobor elected Mikhail Romanovich to reign.

On March 23 (March 13, old style), 1613, the ambassadors of the Council arrived in Kostroma. At the Ipatiev Monastery, where Mikhail was with his mother, he was informed of his election to the throne.

Poles arrive in Moscow. A small detachment set out to kill Mikhail, but got lost along the way, because the peasant Ivan Susanin, having agreed to show the way, led him into a dense forest.

June 21 (June 11, old style) 1613 Mikhail Fedorovich in Moscow in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin.

In the first years of Mikhail's reign (1613-1619), real power was with his mother, as well as with her relatives from the Saltykov boyars. From 1619 to 1633, the country was ruled by the tsar’s father, Patriarch Filaret, who had returned from Polish captivity. Under the dual power that existed at that time, state charters were written on behalf of the Sovereign Tsar and His Holiness Patriarch Moscow and all Rus'.

During the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, the wars with Sweden (Peace of Stolbovo, 1617) and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (Truce of Deulin, 1618, later - Peace of Polyanovsky, 1634) were stopped.

Overcoming the consequences of the Time of Troubles required the centralization of power. The system of voivodeship administration grew locally, the order system was restored and developed. Since the 1620s, the activities of Zemsky Sobors have been limited to advisory functions. They gathered at the initiative of the government to resolve issues that required the approval of the estates: about war and peace, about the introduction of extraordinary taxes.

In the 1630s, the creation of regular military units began (Reitar, Dragoon, Soldier regiments), the rank and file of which were “willing free people” and homeless boyar children, the officers were foreign military specialists. At the end of Michael's reign, cavalry dragoon regiments arose to guard the borders.

The government also began restoration and construction defensive lines- serif features.

Under Mikhail Fedorovich they established diplomatic relations with Holland, Austria, Denmark, Turkey, Persia.

In 1637, the period for capturing fugitive peasants was increased from five to nine years. In 1641 another year was added to it. Peasants exported by other owners were allowed to be searched for up to 15 years. This indicated the growth of serfdom tendencies in the legislation on land and peasants.

Moscow under Mikhail Fedorovich was restored from the consequences of the intervention.

The Filaretovskaya belfry was erected in the Kremlin in 1624. In 1624-1525, a stone tent was built over the Frolovskaya (now Spasskaya) tower and a new striking clock was installed (1621).

In 1626 (after a devastating fire in Moscow), Mikhail Fedorovich issued a series of decrees appointing persons responsible for restoring buildings in the city. Everything in the Kremlin was restored royal palaces, new retail shops have been built in Kitai-Gorod.

In 1632, an enterprise for teaching velvet and damask work appeared in Moscow - Velvet Dvor (in mid-17th century centuries, its premises served as a weapons warehouse). The center of textile production became Kadashevskaya Sloboda with the sovereign's Khamovny yard.

In 1633, machines were installed in the Sviblova Tower of the Kremlin to supply water from the Moscow River to the Kremlin (hence its modern name - Vodovzvodnaya).

In 1635-1937, on the site of the ceremonial chambers of the 16th century, the Terem Palace was built for Mikhail Fedorovich, and all the Kremlin cathedrals were re-painted, including the Assumption (1642), the Church of the Deposition of the Robe (1644).

In 1642, construction began on the Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles in the Kremlin.

On July 23 (July 13, old style), 1645, Mikhail Fedorovich died of water sickness. He was buried in the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

The first wife is Maria Vladimirovna Dolgorukova. The marriage turned out to be childless.

The second wife is Evdokia Lukyanovna Streshneva. The marriage brought Mikhail Fedorovich seven daughters (Irina, Pelageya, Anna, Martha, Sophia, Tatyana, Evdokia) and three sons (Alexey, Ivan, Vasily). Not all children even survived to adolescence. The parents experienced the death of their sons Ivan and Vasily in one year especially hard.

The heir to the throne was Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov (1629-1676, reigned 1645-1676).

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

On March 3, 1613, in the Moscow Kremlin, the Zemsky Sobor elected young Mikhail Romanova. The son of Patriarch Filaret reigned for more than 30 years and was remembered as a sovereign of “good character.” However, a number of historians argue that power at that time actually belonged to Filaret, since the young tsar was extremely inexperienced and dependent. Others believe that it was thanks to the founder of the Romanov dynasty that the long-awaited period of stability and prosperity began. What circumstances led young Mikhail Romanov to the throne and what influence he had on the history of Russia - in the RT material.

  • Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov
  • globallookpress.com
  • Viktor Kornushin

Difficult childhood

The future founder was born in 1596 into the family of Moscow Romanov boyars: Fyodor Nikitich (later Patriarch Filaret) and his wife Ksenia Ivanovna. Mikhail Fedorovich was the great-nephew of Ivan the Terrible and the cousin of the last Russian Tsar from the Moscow branch of the Rurikovich dynasty - Fyodor Ivanovich.

IN Time of Troubles Boris Godunov viewed the Romanovs as his main rivals who wanted to take the Moscow throne. Therefore, very soon the entire family fell into disgrace. In 1600, Fyodor Nikitich and his wife forcibly took monastic vows and left worldly life under the names Filaret and Martha. This deprived them of the right to the crown.

In 1605, False Dmitry I came to power. In an effort to confirm his belonging to the royal family, the impostor ordered the Romanovs to be returned from exile. By coincidence, the released Filaret took the main church post under False Dmitry. When the impostor was overthrown by Vasily Shuisky, from 1608 Filaret took on the role of “nominated patriarch” of the new impostor False Dmitry II, who located his camp in Tushino. However, before the enemies " Tushino thief"Filaret called himself his prisoner.

  • Unknown artist. Portrait of the nun Martha (Ksenia Ivanovna Shestova)

After some time, Filaret flatly refused to sign the agreement drawn up by the Poles on the transfer of the Russian throne to the Polish prince, the Catholic Vladislav. For disobedience, the Poles arrested Filaret and released him only in 1619, when a truce was concluded with Poland.

Meanwhile, Mikhail Romanov spent several years in Vladimir region at his uncle's estate. He found himself in Moscow at the height of the Polish-Lithuanian occupation, after Vasily Shuisky was overthrown and the Seven Boyars were established. In the winter of 1612, nun Martha and her son took refuge in their estate near Kostroma, and then fled from Polish-Lithuanian persecution in the Ipatiev Monastery.

Only with the liberation of the capital in 1613 did a revival become possible Russian statehood. Therefore, at the beginning of the same year, the first all-class Zemsky Sobor was convened, in which both the townspeople and rural inhabitants took part. A new ruler had to be elected by voting.

"Consolidating figure"

“The accession of Mikhail Fedorovich to the throne became possible after the very difficult trials of the Time of Troubles, the self-organization of the zemstvo worlds, which formed the first and second militias for the liberation of Moscow in 1612. It was the Zemsky Council of the Whole Land that convened a council to elect a tsar, and after the election of Mikhail Romanov on March 3, 1613, he received power from all ranks of the Russian state. What was important was the initial general agreement with the candidacy of Mikhail Romanov as a relative of the last legitimate tsar before the Time of Troubles, Fyodor Ivanovich,” the doctor said in an interview with RT historical sciences, professor of Ryazansky state university named after Sergei Yesenin Vyacheslav Kozlyakov.

  • Ivanov S.V. "Zemsky Sobor" (1908)

More than ten candidates were nominated at the Zemsky Sobor, including princes Dmitry Trubetskoy and Dmitry Pozharsky. “Foreign princes” were no longer considered as contenders for the Russian throne.

“Mikhail Fedorovich turned out to be a consolidating figure for many. After the Time of Troubles, when militias liberated Moscow, Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich was perceived as the last legitimate tsar, after which chosen tsars appeared who had no direct relation to this tradition, impostors. Mikhail was next of kin the last legitimate Moscow tsar from the Rurikovich dynasty,” the head of the department of auxiliary and special historical disciplines Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State University for the Humanities Evgeniy Pchelov.

The expert also emphasized that Mikhail Fedorovich was outside all the time political struggle, which unfolded during the Time of Troubles, he did not personally declare claims to the throne, and did not take part in the meetings of the Council. But it was his figure that symbolized the continuity of power.

Heavy "legacy"

“After the election of the tsar, the restoration of power immediately began, which was reduced to the “as before” order. No one took revenge on anyone; the boyars who were sitting in Moscow during its siege by the zemstvo militias remained in power and again entered the Boyar Duma. Nevertheless, the first years of the reign of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich turned out to be very difficult, but at this time priorities were correctly set: restoration of the state, pacification of the rebellious Cossacks, return of lost territories,” says Kozlyakov.

After concluding a truce with Poland, the Poles freed Filaret from captivity in 1619. It is widely believed that until the death of the patriarch in 1633, all power was actually in his hands.

"Despite big role Filaret, Mikhail Fedorovich was a completely independent sovereign, but he inevitably had to rely on someone’s support and help during several years of the first period of his reign. The Zemsky Sobor provided great support to Mikhail Fedorovich,” says Pchelov.

Experts say that the first years of the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich, when the new sovereign found himself surrounded by a family circle of the Romanov boyars, the princes of Cherkassy, ​​Sheremetev and Saltykov (relatives of the tsar’s mother), seem to provide grounds for asserting that the tsar was a weak and weak-willed ruler.

“At the same time, the main problems of the kingdom related to war or the collection of emergency taxes were still resolved with the help of Zemsky Sobors. Given the predominance of the Tsar's relatives in the Duma, representatives of other families of the princely aristocracy also remained there. And no one in the “Romanov” party could strengthen itself enough to replace the tsar. Even with the return of the royal father, the future Moscow Patriarch Filaret, in 1619, the concept of primacy royal power have not changed,” explained Kozlyakov.

  • Patriarch Filaret
  • globallookpress.com

According to the expert, historians can talk for a long time about the peculiar “dual power of the great sovereigns” - the tsar and the patriarch. But the role of Mikhail Fedorovich and the Boyar Duma in all matters remained decisive. Patriarch Filaret also supported him in this, after whose return they stopped convening Zemsky Sobors. Tsar Mikhail Romanov made compromises to take into account his father’s opinion, but this was not based on lack of will and fear, but warm relations between father and son, as evidenced by the surviving correspondence between the king and the patriarch.

After the death of Filaret, Mikhail ruled independently for 12 years. And the people remembered him as a righteous and honest sovereign. Mikhail Fedorovich was not a supporter of strict rules. For example, to govern the cities, he introduced the institution of voivodes, but after petitions from the townspeople, it was not difficult for him to replace them with elected representatives of the zemstvo nobility. The young ruler regulated the collection of taxes. The unit of taxation became the share of land and special enterprises (bakeries, mills, craft shops). For reliable accounting, scribe books were drawn up, which restrained the arbitrariness of tax collectors.

Under Mikhail Fedorovich, search work began natural resources, iron smelting, weapons, brick and many other factories were built. It was he who founded German settlement in Moscow - places of settlement for foreign engineers and military personnel, who would play a big role in the era of Peter I.

“If Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich had been such a weak ruler, the transformation would not have happened in the second part of his reign (after the passing of his parents) in the 1630s-1640s. I wouldn’t be able to establish myself,” emphasizes Kozlyakov.

But the most important thing that Mikhail Fedorovich managed to do was to lead the country out of the deepest crisis into which the Troubles plunged it.

“The heyday of the Muscovite kingdom during the time of Alexei Mikhailovich, his son, was founded under Mikhail Fedorovich. The war with the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was over, and a peace treaty was concluded with Sweden. Certainly, Smolensk War The 1630s were not very successful. Nevertheless, the country recovered after the Troubles and began to confidently move forward,” concluded Pchelov.

By January 1613, representatives of fifty cities gathered in Moscow, who, together with Moscow people, formed a zemsky (electoral) council. They immediately began to discuss the issue of foreign candidates for kingship. Thus Philip and Vladislav were rejected. Finally, a decision was made “not to elect a tsar from the list of foreigners,” but to elect the ruler of the Russian state from the great Moscow families. As soon as the discussion began about which of their own could be elevated to the throne, opinions were divided. Everyone voted for a candidate they liked, and for quite a long time opinions could not agree.

However, at the same time, it turned out that not only at the cathedral, but also in Moscow itself, among the Cossacks and zemstvo people, the son of Metropolitan Philaret, young Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, enjoyed special authority. His name was already mentioned during the election of Vladislav and now both oral and written statements from Cossacks and townspeople began to arrive in his favor. On February 7, 1613, the cathedral decided to choose Mikhail Romanov, however, out of caution, they decided to postpone the matter for a couple of weeks in order to find out during this time in the nearest cities how they treated Mikhail. So by the twenty-first of February the boyars had left their estates with good news, after which Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was proclaimed tsar and all members of the council, as well as all of Moscow, swore allegiance to him.

However, the new tsar was not in Moscow. In 1612, he sat with his mother (nun Marfa Ivanovna) in the siege (Kremlin), and then, freed, he left for Kostroma through Yaroslavl to his villages. There he was in danger from a wandering Cossack or Polish detachment, of which there were many walking around the Russian land after the fall of Tushin. Mikhail Romanov is saved in the village of Domnino by his peasant Ivan Susanin. Having notified Mikhail of the danger, he deceives his enemies into the forest, where he accepts death, instead of showing them the boyar’s hut.

After this, Mikhail Fedorovich took refuge in the Ipatiev strong monastery near Kostroma, where he lived until the moment when an embassy appeared to him offering the throne. At the same time, Mikhail Romanov refused the throne for quite a long time, and his mother also did not want to bless her son for the throne, fearing that people would sooner or later destroy their son because of their cowardice, as had happened before with previous kings.

Only after much persuasion did the ambassadors receive his consent, and on March 14, 1613, Michael himself accepted the kingdom and went to Moscow.