Little-known Russian words. The most mysterious words in the world

In this article we will look at some Clever words and their meaning. Many of them are probably familiar to you. However, not everyone knows what they mean. The most taken by us from various areas human knowledge.


Quintessence - in medieval and ancient alchemy and natural philosophy - the fifth element, ether, the fifth element. He is like lightning. This is one of the main elements (elements), the most accurate and subtle. In modern cosmology, the quintessence is the model dark energy(its hypothetical form, which has negative pressure and fills the space of the Universe evenly). Quintessence in a figurative sense is the most important, essential, the main point, the purest and subtlest essence, extract.


Onomatopoeia is a word that is an onomatopoeia resulting from phonetic assimilation various non-speech complexes. Onomatopoeic vocabulary is most often associated directly with objects and creatures - sources of sound. These are, for example, verbs such as “meow”, “croak”, “rumble”, “crow”, and nouns derived from them.


Singularity - which represents a certain point at which the mathematical function in question tends to infinity or has some other irregular behavior.

There is also a gravitational singularity. This is a region of space-time where the curvature of the continuum turns to infinity or suffers a discontinuity, or the metric has other pathological properties that do not allow physical interpretation. - a short period of rapid technological progress assumed by researchers. The singularity of consciousness is a globally generalizing, expanded state of consciousness. In cosmology, this is the state of the Universe in which it was at the beginning. Big Bang, it is characterized by infinite temperature and density of matter. In biology, this concept is used mainly to generalize the evolutionary process.


The term "transcendence" (the adjective is "transcendent") comes from the Latin word meaning "to step over." This is a philosophical term that characterizes something inaccessible to experimental knowledge. B was used together with the term “transcendental” to denote God, soul and other concepts. Immanent is its opposite.


"Catharsis" is a term from modern psychoanalysis, denoting the process of relieving or reducing anxiety, frustration, conflict through emotional release and their verbalization. In ancient Greek aesthetics, this concept was used to express in words the impact of art on a person. The term "catharsis" in ancient philosophy was used to designate the result and process of ennobling, purifying, facilitating the impact various factors per person.


What other smart words should you know? For example, continuum. This is a set equal to the set of all real numbers, or a class of such sets. In philosophy this term used by the ancient Greeks, as well as in the works of the scholastics of the Middle Ages. IN contemporary works in connection with changes in the “continuum” itself, it is often replaced by the noun “duration”, “continuity”, “indissolubility”.


"Nigredo" is a term of alchemy that refers to complete decomposition or the first stage of creating the so-called philosopher's stone. This is the formation of a homogeneous black mass of components. The next stages after nigredo are albedo (the white stage, which produces the small elixir, which turns metals into silver) and rubedo (the red stage, after which the great elixir is obtained).


"Entropy" is a concept that was introduced German mathematician and the physicist Clausius. It is used in thermodynamics to determine the measure of deviation from the ideal real process, degree of energy dissipation. Entropy, defined as the sum of reduced heats, is a function of state. It is constant in various reversible processes, and in irreversible processes its change is always positive. We can highlight, in particular, This is a measure of the uncertainty of a certain message source, which is determined by the probabilities of the appearance of certain symbols during transmission.


In psychology, there are often smart words, and their designations sometimes cause difficulties in definition. One of the most popular is the word “empathy”. This is the ability to empathize, the ability to put oneself in the place of another (object or person). Also, empathy is the ability to accurately identify a particular person based on actions, facial reactions, gestures, etc.


Clever words and expressions from psychology also include a direction in this science that explains human behavior. It studies the direct connections existing between reactions (reflexes) and stimuli. Behaviorism directs the attention of psychologists to the study of experience and skills, as opposed to psychoanalysis and associationism.


Enduro is a style of riding on special trails or off-road, racing on long distances over rough terrain. They differ from motocross in that the race takes place on a closed track, and the lap length ranges from 15 to 60 km. Riders cover several laps per day, the total distance being from 200 to 300 km. Basically, the route is laid in mountainous areas and is quite difficult to pass due to the abundance of streams, fords, descents, ascents, etc. Enduro is also a mixture of city and motocross motorcycles.

They are easy to drive, like road vehicles, and have increased cross-country ability. Enduros are close in a number of characteristics to cross-country skis. You can call them jeep motorcycles. One of their main qualities is unpretentiousness.

Other smart words and their meanings

Existentialism (otherwise known as the philosophy of existence) is a movement in the 20th century in philosophy that viewed man as a spiritual being capable of choosing his own destiny.

Synergetics is an interdisciplinary area of ​​research in science, the task of which is to study natural processes and phenomena based on the principles of self-organization various systems, which consist of subsystems.

Annihilation is the reaction of the transformation of an antiparticle and a particle upon collision into some particles different from the original ones.

A priori (literal translation from Latin - “from what precedes”) is knowledge that is obtained independently of and before experience.

Modern smart words are not understood by everyone. For example, "metanoia" (from Greek word, meaning “rethinking”, “after the mind”) - a term that means repentance (especially in psychotherapy and psychology), regret about what happened.

Compilation (otherwise known as programming) is the transformation by some compiler program of text written in difficult language, into a machine, close to it, or objective module.

Rasterization is the conversion of an image, which is described in a vector format, into dots or pixels for output to a printer or display. This is a process that is the inverse of vectorization.

The next term is intubation. It comes from Latin words"inside" and "pipe". This is the insertion of a special tube into the larynx in case of narrowings that threaten suffocation (with swelling of the larynx, for example), as well as into the trachea in order to administer anesthesia.

Vivisection is the performance of surgical operations on a living animal in order to study the functions of the body or individual removed organs, to study the effects of various drugs, to develop surgical treatment methods, or for educational purposes.

The list of “Smart words and their meaning” can, of course, be continued. There are a lot of such words in various industries knowledge. We have highlighted just a few that we received quite a lot today wide use. Knowing buzzwords and their meaning is useful. This develops erudition and allows you to better navigate the world. Therefore, it would be nice to remember what smart words are called.

Ambivalence- duality of experience, expressed in the fact that one object simultaneously evokes two opposing feelings in a person.

Ambigram- graphically depicted words or phrases - perverts, i.e. readable on both sides. A simple example, the year is 1961 (if the units are sans serif). Complex A. - words in the form of a complex symmetrical calligraphic pattern.

Anagram- a word or phrase formed by rearranging letters or components, for example, "orange" and "spaniel".

Aneurysm- extension. In medicine - local expansion, for example, of a blood vessel.

Apology- excessive praise, biased, biased position due to special interest in relation to a phenomenon, object or person.

Authenticity- authenticity.

Outsourcing- transfer by one organization of some business processes and production functions another organization. For example, accounting, equipment maintenance, transport services, etc.

Bulimia- insatiable constant hunger, a painful condition, which is sometimes the cause of obesity.

Burime - composing poems based on given rhymes, or simply playing rhymes.

Validity- full compliance with certain standards or compliance of the result with the initially set tasks.

Virality- the effect of “viral” dissemination of information by the very persons for whom this information was intended.

Grooming- pet care. Now primarily used to describe cosmetic care for dogs and cats.

Downshifting- voluntary renunciation of the benefits of civilization in favor of simple and free life. For example, the transition from an urban lifestyle to a rural one.

Deja vu- the feeling that what is being experienced in this moment, has already happened before.

Decoupage- decorative technique in decoration and design: cutting out any patterns from flat materials (leather, fabric, wood) and then gluing them onto the surface to be decorated.

Dumping- dumping of goods or services at a significantly reduced price as a means of competition.

Divergence- discrepancy of any signs and properties as a result of certain processes or external factors.

Identification- establishing compliance along a number of direct and indirect signs, identification or self-identification.

Impress- make a positive impression, inspire respect, be liked.

Indifference- indifference, indifference.

Insurgent- rebel.

Hypochondria- painfully depressed state, painful suspiciousness.

Carving- artistic cutting, usually of vegetables and fruits. Also in hairdressing - long-term perm.

Customization- focus on the consumer, following the direct needs of the buyer when producing goods or providing services.

Quintessence- the most important thing is the essence.

Cognitive- the ability of consciousness to perceive information and assimilate it.

Come il faut- something decent that fits into generally accepted norms.

Convergence- rapprochement and acquisition of similarities in a number of characteristics of initially different systems.

Congeniality- similarity in spirit, similarity of thoughts.

Conglomeration- the connection of dissimilar objects into one whole while maintaining their original properties and characteristics.

Consensus- agreement on controversial issue, achieved as a result of the rapprochement of positions.

Constant- constant, an unchanged parameter.

Credo - life principles, ideological beliefs.

Lability- instability, variability.

Latency- secrecy, dim manifestation of an existing characteristic.

Leasing- long-term rental of equipment, etc., in which the lessee gradually pays its cost, thereby acquiring the leased property.

Marginal- located on the edge or beyond the main one. The opposite of the establishment.

Misalliance - unequal marriage with a person of lower status, an alliance with an unequal partner.

Memorandum- a reference document recording some facts, circumstances, etc.

Commercialism- pettiness, following selfish interests.

Metabolism- metabolism, as well as a direction in architecture characterized by dynamic variability: long-term buildings are combined with temporary ones.

Mise-en-scene- the location of the actors on stage. IN in a broad sense- arrangement of characters.

Misophobia- fear of dirt, obsessive fear pollution.

bad manners- bad manners, bad manners.

Nyctophobia- fear of night and insomnia.

Oxymoron- a combination of incompatible things. Stylistic figure- a combination of words in opposite meaning, for example, " hot Snow" Or colloquial: “Do you want some tea?” “Yes, no, perhaps...”

Ontogenesis - individual development body.

Offer- an offer to conclude a deal.

Paradigm- a basic conceptual scheme, characteristic of a certain period of time, underlying the definition and assessment of problems and their solutions, a complex of dominant trends in science.

Perturbation- an unexpected and sudden change in the course of events in a problematic direction.

Perfectionism- striving for perfection, following high ideals, increased demands on oneself and others. Can be considered as positive trait personality, but can also be perceived as a pathological form of a neurotic disorder.

Pleonasm- use in speech or text unnecessary words, which do not add meaning, but enhance expressiveness, for example, “path-road”.

Pluralism- diversity or plurality, both in mundane and philosophical contexts. Monism - when it's the other way around - is one thing. Dualism recognizes only duality.

Postulate- truth accepted without evidence.

Preamble- introductory part of some large text substantiating it.

Presumption- an assumption based on probability. In a legal context, it is the recognition of a fact as reliable until the contrary is proven. For example, the presumption of innocence and, conversely, guilt.

Prerogative- advantage, exclusive right by virtue of his position, the right of first priority.

Prolongation- extension of the contract beyond the stipulated period.

Prostration- exhaustion, loss of strength, accompanied by indifference to the surrounding reality.

Reduction- transition from complex to simple, weakening of something.

Resonance- in physics, an increase in the amplitude of oscillations when they coincide with external harmonic influences. IN in a general sense a reaction to a certain phenomenon, an echo of something. To resonate is to be in a state of resonance.

Reincarnation- rebirth of the soul.

Raiding- “free hunting”, actions with the aim of seizing, and sometimes destroying, someone else’s property.

Repair- compensation by the defeated party for material damage as a result of hostilities to the winner.

Representativeness- representativeness, demonstrativeness.

Retardation - compositional technique, consisting of delaying the narrative with the help of digressions, reasoning, spatial descriptions, introductory scenes. Also, later formation of the organ and its slower development.

Reference- a characteristic or review of someone or something.

Reflection- thinking about yourself internal state, introspection.

Simulacrum- an image or explanation of something that does not exist in reality. A copy that does not have the original.

Synopsis- presentation of a certain topic in a highly compressed and generalized form.

Sociopathy- antisocial personality disorder. Mental deviation, which is characterized by ignoring (impossibility of compliance) social norms, aggressiveness, inappropriate behavior in public.

Status quo- the actual state of affairs.

Sublimation- release of affective energy through creativity and active social or other activities.

Substance- objective reality: matter or spirit, to choose from.

Tautology- a combination of words that are identical or similar in meaning (for example, “ butter oil"), also the use in the interpretation of some concept verbal forms the same concept (for example, “an astronomer is a scientist who studies astronomy”).

Tactile- tactile.

Transliteration- writing words of one alphabet in letters of another. For example, "for example". There are corresponding standards for transferring Russian words into Latin.

Transcendental- the most generalized, initially inherent in the mind, but not acquired.

Trend- current trend, “the highlight of the season.”

Trolling- provocative behavior in Internet communication aimed at changing the topic of conversation and inciting conflicts. The term is actively included in real life. A troll is a person who commits provocative actions.

Utility- exceptional practicality.

Fetish- an object of blind, unconscious worship.

Physiognomy- the doctrine of the correspondence of facial features and appearance a person's character and thoughts. In a broad sense, a description of hidden internal traits based on external appearance.

Filigree- professionalism, precision in detail.

Franchise(franchising) - a commercial concession, i.e. the right of one party to use the capabilities and resources of the other party, in the most simplified and general sense - the lease of a trademark.

Frapping- it’s unpleasant to surprise.

Frustration- a state of depression, anxiety arising as a result of the collapse of hopes, the impossibility of achieving goals.

Hipster- a representative of the modern youth subculture with characteristic elitist ostentatious behavior and emphasized intellectual predilections in cinema, music, fine arts etc.

Happening- a kind of action, like a work of art.

Cheating, cheating- a very recent borrowing from the English language, meaning bypassing or violating some rules. Accordingly, cheating is a process, and the cheater is the one doing it.

Euthanasia- deliberate killing of a terminally ill person in order to end his suffering.

Heuristic- a field of knowledge that studies creative activity.

Euphemism- decent and acceptable expression instead of rude or obscene.

Egalitarianism- the concept of total equalization in society, in the economy, etc. - “universal equality”, equalization. Contradicts the basic laws of nature.

Exaltation- excited state, unhealthy activity.

Excess- an extreme form of manifestation of something, a process going beyond the boundaries of its normal course.

Empathy- the ability to put oneself in the place of another person, understanding another person “through oneself.”

Epicureanism- the desire to satisfy sensual instincts, an easy life and wealth (see hedonism).

Escapism- the desire to hide from reality in a fictional world.

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In the Russian language, as well as in any other language, there are many outdated, little-known, uncommon, unusual, unclear words and expressions, in other words - gloss. A collection of such words with explanations is called a glossary.

The author wanted to create a dictionary of rare and forgotten words, and not just outdated ones. The point is that not everyone obsolete word forgotten and not every rare word is outdated. This is not difficult to verify if you look at the Dictionary of the Russian Language by S.I. Ozhegov, which almost everyone has at hand. Almost a third of the words here have signs " obsolete", "antique"But it is difficult to recognize them as rare and forgotten: they are often used both in literature and in oral speech(amorous, sweetheart, execution). Words of this kind are not included in the glossary. It is quite obvious why: they are well known to the modern reader. Another thing is words like " grid" (member princely squad), "custodian"(watchman)" grivoise"(playful, immodest), " shibai"(small dealer-reseller) or expressions" person on the twentieth"(employee)" Egyptian maidens"(gypsies)" on the third platoon" (very drunk). There are countless words and expressions like this, because the layer of words called glossa is quite powerful in the Russian language.

Many of them are present in the works of Russian writers from Alexander Sumarokov ( mid-18th century century) until Alexander Blok (beginning of the 20th century). Not only a young reader, but also a sophisticated book lover may have difficulty reading masterpieces Russian literature gold and silver age. Especially in cases where the context does not help to understand the meaning glosses, and in explanatory dictionaries she is absent. This is where a glossary is needed.

This is a popular reference book for the thoughtful reader of belles lettres. Hence the simplification of the dictionary entry, in which there is no emphasis on the heading words (they are in their list), grammatical and stylistic notes, indications of direct and figurative meanings of words. Not in tradition linguistic dictionaries framed quote from literary source. This is done so that the reader, according to the compiler’s intention, pays attention first of all to what kind of old word, in what meaning, in which writer and poet it occurs. For the inquisitive reader, information about the origin of words and information about some realities is also provided.

The author has no doubt that his book is not without flaws, for it was said by a French writer of the 18th century. Antoine Rivarol: “There is no work that contains more shortcomings than a dictionary.” However, the author was consoled by Rivarol’s contemporary lexicographer Pierre Buast, who melancholy remarked that “God alone can compose perfect dictionary". (V.P. Somov)

All people want to appear very smart. To be considered smart person, You must learn to use smart words. This is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Below is short list smart words you need. Interspersed with both smart and obscene words in your texts, you have every chance to be known as a person of broad views.

Regular list of smart words and expressions:

Idiosyncrasy– intolerance. My favorite smart word. In general, the term is medical, but it can be used anywhere and everywhere. For example: I have an idiosyncrasy for fools!

Transcendental– abstract, abstract, academic, mental, speculative, mental, theoretical. Somewhere like this. Due to the breadth of the concept, a broad use of the term is recommended, where it is necessary and where it is not necessary.

Metaphysical- approximately the same as Transcendental. The term is good for answering a question whose essence you do not understand. For example, like this - “How do you feel about scholasticism? - In a metaphysical sense?”

Binomial theorem- a formula for representing the power of the sum of two numbers. It is used, as a rule, as an expression of something complex as opposed to uncomplicated. For example: “I also like Newton’s binomial!” = Shit-pie!

Scholasticism– medieval philosophical movement. I included scholasticism in my list of smart words solely because of its beautiful name.

Metrosexual- a euphemism for a homosexual. To be completely honest.

Esoterics- secret teaching. Nothing more is known about him.

Truism- a generally known opinion or statement. A typical example of a truism is “The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.”

Euphemism- replacing rude or harsh words and expressions with softer ones. Among the people, the phenomenon received a very biting and precise formulation: “There is an ass, but there is no word.”

Sophistry- ability to conduct debates cunningly. Juggling with words and concepts. For example: “Go to hell with your sophistry!”

Glossary- also a smart word. Unfortunately, I always forget its meaning and therefore almost never use it. List of abbreviations and abbreviations.

Eclecticism- a combination of heterogeneous views, ideas and theories. A euphemism for bad taste. For example: “He dresses so eclectic!”

Invective– obscene, vulgar language, swearing. Often used in combination with invective vocabulary.

Homogeneous– homogeneous. For example: “The homogeneity of this yogurt is beyond doubt.”

Gender– sexual. Intergender, respectively, intergender. A very favorite word in LJ.

Addiction- addiction. Eg. Internet addiction. Like mine.

Decadence- decadence. The term is good for assessing any actions of any characters. For example: “What decadence!”

Congruence- Very rich word. One of my favorites. It means a state of integrity and complete sincerity, when all parts of the personality work together, pursuing one goal. It is also often used with the prefix not. A very congruent word.

Hyperbola- exaggeration. For example: "Don't be hyperbolic, please!"

Voluntarism- a doctrine that places the volitional principle as the basis of existence. Nowadays it is used as evaluative term actions of a person that you personally do not like. For example: “Vanya drank all the tequila. This is pure voluntarism!”

Ubiquists- species of plants and animals that live everywhere. Don’t get carried away with this term, no one knows it anyway except you and me.

The cognitive dissonancenew information, which conflicts with the old knowledge available to man. The term was introduced into Russian use mainly by the writer Pelevin.

Epistemology- theory of knowledge, the main part of philosophy, considering the conditions and limits of the possibility of reliable knowledge. A very smart word. Unfortunately, it is rarely used.

Egocentric- Self-lover. Just like us all. It is important not to use the term in relation to oneself. Not accepted. Perhaps as a matter of self-irony.

Fisting- You don’t need this. This is from areas of severe depravity. Just know what it is when you use your fist.

Guelphs and Gibbelins- The Guelphs are for the pope and the popolans, the Gibbelins are for the emperor and the nobles. In general, you don’t need this either. It is unlikely that you will be able to show off your erudition. Few experts.

Coherence- Very beautiful word. (from the Latin cohaerens - in connection), the coordinated flow in time of several oscillatory or wave processes, which appears when they are added.

Frustration- disappointment. our life is a chain of frustrations.

Discourse- and so everyone knows. but it's a smart word.

List of "rare" words in the Russian language ACCORDING TO THE SITE VERSION

The list is strange in places, but still interesting.

1.Multifora- this is the most common file for documents

2.Gap- threaten

3.Rubbish-blam(or halam-balam) - “This is not halam-balam for you!”

4.Kichkinka- baby, addressing a little girl - not Uzbek, but not Slavic either. From Uzbek "kichkintoy" - baby.

5.Yeh-ay-yay- Nizhny Novgorod exclamation of surprise

6.Kefirka- a girl trying to whiten her face with sour milk (it can be seen from the patches of unevenly lightened skin, and they smear it on her face and neck, sometimes her hands. Her ears look amazing)

7.Dubai- a lady who came to earn money and was engaged in prostitution. Or dressing “like a Dubai woman” - bright, tasteless, with an abundance of rhinestones, gold and trinkets.

8.Oud- part of the body (shameful oud - what is usually called an indecent word).

9.Shake- rag, rags - thick lace

10.Chuni- type of shoes. This is often the name for general shoes that are used to go out at night for minor needs.

11.Rumble- drink alcohol.

12.Confusion- a tangle of everyday affairs or events.

13.Galimyy(or golimy) - bad, low-quality, uninteresting

14.Yokarny Babai- exclamation (eprst, hedgehog cat, e-moe, etc.), resentment at the current situation.

15.Scoobut- shave, cut hair.

16.ShuflYadka(shuflyada) - a small drawer (in desk, wardrobe, chest of drawers, etc.)

17.FLYING- last summer.

18.Ticket- receipt, bill, ticket, small piece of paper.

19.ZanAdto- too, too much.

20.MlYavatst, mlYavy - relaxation, reluctance to do anything, fatigue.

21.Get dirty- crack, make holes.

22.Kotsat- spoil.

23.To be a coward- run in small steps.

24.Scabrous- vulgar

25.Punch, plod - to walk slowly, not to keep up with someone.

26.Bukhich- alcoholic party.

27.Overdressed- very bright, dressed in a dirty manner.

28.Khabalka- a rude, uneducated woman.

29.Broody- chicken woman (offensive)

30.To gasp- hit.

31.Jamb- error.

32.spinogryz- harmful child.

33.Hag- crow, old woman.

34.Locker- porch.

35.Catch- attic.

36.BLUE- eggplants.

37.Fisherman, catcher - fisherman.

38.Nag- lose.

39.Tights- push in the crowd.

40.Sardonic laughter- uncontrollable, convulsive, bilious, angry, caustic.

41.Lapidarity- brevity, conciseness, expressiveness of syllable, style.

42.Algolagnia- sexual satisfaction experienced: - when pain is caused to a sexual partner (sadism); or - in connection with pain caused by a sexual partner (masochism).

43.Sublimation- this is a process in which attraction (LIBIDO) moves to another goal, far from sexual satisfaction, and the energy of instincts is transformed into socially acceptable, morally approved.

44.Lyalichny, Lyalichnaya - something very childish.

45.Buy up- do shopping.

46.Transcendental- incomprehensible to human understanding

47.Eschatology- ideas about the end of the world.

48.Apologist- Christian writer who defends Christianity from criticism.

49.Flute- vertical groove on the column.

50.Anagoga- allegorical explanation of biblical texts.

51.Lucullov- feast

52.Aiguillettes- these are these plastic things at the end of the laces.

53.Bonhomie- unceremonious, inappropriately familiar treatment under the guise of friendship.

54.Honeymoon(honeymoon in English) - we believe that this is the first month of newlyweds, but in English the word is divided into “honey” and “Moon”. More likely English word“honeymoon” implies that the ordinary Moon, which in the American imagination is in the form of cheese, becomes honey.

55.Acquisitive- a selfish, profit-seeking person. How many of them are around us...

56.Chat(“he’s going to squabble”, “to squirm”, “don’t squirm”) - to get cocky, to “show off”, to show off.

57.MorosYaka, pamorha (emphasis on the first syllable) - drizzling rain in warm weather and sun.

58.Witchcraft(don't conjure) - to disturb something, to cause it to sway.

59.Vekhotka, whirlpool - a sponge (rag, washcloth) for washing dishes, bodies, etc.

60.Bawdy(noun “obscenity”) - vulgar, shameless.

61.Glumnoy- stupid.

62.Korchik, also known as a ladle, is a small saucepan with a long handle.

64.Deal on the ball- the same as for free.

65.Punch to the top- upside down.

66.KagalOm- all together.

67.WALK- fidgeting, not finding a place before falling asleep in bed.

68.kiss, kiss - kiss.

69.Trandykha(tryndet) - a woman who is an empty talker (talk nonsense).

70.Nonsense- verbal nonsense.

71.Trichomudia- junk, husband. genitals.

72.Fuck you- defecate.

73.Bundel(bundul) — big bottle, bottle

74.Hamanok- wallet.

75.Buza- dirt, thick.

76.Shkandybat- trudge, walk.

77.Snoop around- walk, jog.

78.Zhirovka- an invoice for payment.

79.Ida- let's go, come on (let's go to the store).

80.Exercise- exercise.

81.Exercise- do exercises, faire ses exercises

82.Buffoon- buffoon, pretentious person.

83.Phat- talker, braggart.

84.Skvalyga- stingy.

85.Yoksel-moxel- used with feeling in moments of complete chaos.

86.Mess- mess.

87.Idle talker- Chatterbox.

88.Mandibles- unskillful hands.

89.Rinda- queue.

90.Poland- volume of a certain container.

91.Maza- small (from Latvian Mazais).

92.Nonche- today.

93.Apotheosis- deification, glorification, exaltation of any person, event or phenomenon.

94.Sneeze- scold someone.

95.Planter, mochilo - a small artificial reservoir near the garden.

96.Sandy- scold.

97.Epidersion- accident, surprise.

98.Perdimonocle- an illogical unexpected conclusion.

99.Set up- set against.

100.Skip- skip something.

101.Insinuation- (from Latin insinuatio, literally - insinuating) - slander.

102.SkopidOmstvo- greed.

103.SabAn- stairs with a platform (used when painting walls or other construction work).

104.Adobe- a dwelling made of reed bundles coated with clay.

105.Kryzhit— mark each verified list item with a checkmark.

106.Mikhryutka- a homely, frail person.

107.Dradedam- cloth (dradedam - a type of cloth) (the word is found in classical Russian literature).

108.Expansion- expansion of boundaries, limits.

109.De facto- actually, in fact.

110.De jure- legally, formally.

111.Rezochek- a cut piece of a product (from life).

112.loosenessdifferent books in one box upon receipt at the store.

113.Perzhnya- nonsense, trifle.

114.Check- the same as jackaling.

115.Herashka(vulg.) - something small and unpleasant, inorganic. origin.

116.Navel- something small, pleasant (Nabokov).

117.Pomuchtel(chekist.) - phone accounting assistant.

118.Triticale(bot.) - a hybrid of wheat and rye.

119.Rampetka- butterfly net (Nabokov).

120.Shpak- any civilian(Kuprin).

121.Bilbock- a toy (to catch a ball on a string with a stick) (L. Tolstoy).

122.Bibabo- a hand doll, like Obraztsov’s.

123.Nadys- the other day, recently, to spray, to brag, to brag.

124.Previously- better.

125.Smite- get dirty.

126.Mandibles- unskillful hands.