Communism is Soviet power plus the entire country. Jokes communism

Lenin's Testaments

Testaments of Ilyich(or Lenin's testaments) - a phrase popular in Soviet times, which indicated that Soviet country lives and develops along the path outlined by its founder Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Sometimes Lenin’s last articles and notes were considered testaments; in other cases, a wider range of works were classified as testaments. Some of Lenin's quotes have gained particular popularity as testaments, for example: “Study, study, study, as the great Lenin bequeathed.” During the years of democratization, Lenin’s behest to remove Stalin from the post of Secretary General surfaced and became the subject of discussion. It was also discussed that Lenin may have bequeathed something completely different from what socialist construction led to. Official propaganda claimed that the country's leaders strictly followed the precepts, so they were invariably called “faithful Leninists.” Some communist parties (Yugoslavia, China) were criticized for deviating from Lenin's precepts. The name “Testaments of Ilyich” was given to a myriad of objects: plants and factories, state farms and collective farms.

The terms “Lenin’s Course” and “Ilyich’s Testaments” were often used to contrast the methods of Lenin and Stalin. At the same time, later Soviet time This is how they began to call everything that seemed “democratic”, different from the “totalitarianism” that was associated with Stalin.

Usage examples

  • “Working Moscow”, January 20, 1925: Lenin's Testament - attention to children- We do it to the best of our ability. It was recently opened with us kindergarten. The RCP cell put a lot of care and love into its organization. The kids feel great in the garden... We can safely say that these children are receiving a truly healthy upbringing to Ilyich's behests.
  • The party is dear. “Pravda”, January 21, 1939: We will go, Comrade Lenin, // Po your covenants, // Lenin’s truth is walking // All over the world. // And in home country collective farms // Will grow everywhere. // And you, Comrade Lenin, // Will be forever remembered!
  • Regimental Commissar N. Osipov. Just and Unjust Wars: Faithful to Lenin's behests and Stalin’s instructions, the Red Army will cross the borders of the aggressor, crush the enemy with the power of its weapons and with an armed hand will help the workers of the aggressor countries to overthrow capitalist slavery.
  • Bolshevik daring. “Pravda”, January 21, 1939: Underground gasification is Leninism in action, the embodiment of one of the geniuses Lenin's Testaments. On May 4, 1913, Lenin’s short article “One of the Great Victories of Technology” appeared in the Pravda newspaper. Lenin responded to the message about the discovery of a method for directly extracting gas from coal seams. In the idea of ​​underground gasification, V.I. Lenin saw a “giant technical revolution", saw the opportunity to "use twice a large share energy contained in coal...” “The revolution in industry caused by this discovery,” Lenin predicted, “will be enormous.”
  • Valentin Kataev. The party is leading us. “Izvestia”, March 8, 1953: Over the tomb of the immortal Lenin, Stalin took a great oath to sacredly fulfill Ilyich's behests. Over the tomb of the immortal Stalin, we take a great oath to sacredly fulfill his behests.
  • To the fields and farms. “Pravda”, June 29, 1971: Boys and girls who graduated this year came to the ancient Azov village of Peshkovo from all over the Azov region. high school. Why in Peshkovo? Yes, because on the collective farm "Testaments of Ilyich" lives and works the famous farmer, Hero Socialist Labor Fedor Yakovlevich Kanivets.
  • Solemn promise of a pioneer of the Soviet Union: “I, (last name, first name), joining the ranks of the All-Union pioneer organization named after Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, in the face of my comrades I solemnly promise: to passionately love and take care of your Motherland, to live, as the great Lenin bequeathed as he teaches Communist Party, as required by the Pioneer Laws Soviet Union».

Popular testament quotes

  • Study, study, study. It is a common misconception that Lenin said this phrase at the III All-Russian Congress of the RKSM on October 2, 1920. In fact, although he spoke in this speech about the need to learn communism, he did not repeat the word “learn” three times. But in the article “The Retrograde Direction in Russian Social Democracy” (z, published in g) he used the following repetition:

While educated society loses interest in honest, illegal literature, a passionate desire for knowledge and for socialism grows among the workers, real heroes stand out among the workers, who - despite the ugly conditions of their lives, despite the stultifying hard labor in the factory - find in themselves so much character and strength will to study, study and study and develop ourselves into conscious social democrats, “workers’ intelligentsia.”

A similar repetition was made in the article “Less is better”:

We need to set ourselves the task of updating our state apparatus at all costs: firstly - to study, secondly - to study and thirdly - to study and then make sure that science in our country does not remain a dead letter or a fashionable phrase (and this, let’s face it, happens especially often in our country), so that science really enters into flesh and blood, turns into compound element life in a completely and real way.

In the report at the IV Congress of the Comintern “Five Years Russian revolution and prospects for the world revolution” the word was repeated twice:

...every moment free from combat activity, from war, we must use for study, and first of all. The entire party and all layers of Russia prove this with their thirst for knowledge. This desire to learn shows that the most important task for us is now: study and learn.

Stalin also recommended studying several times in a row in his speech at the VIII Congress of the Komsomol:

Master science, forge new cadres of Bolsheviks - specialists in all branches of knowledge, study, study, study in the most stubborn way - that is now the task.

Several jokes are devoted to this phrase, for example this one. Schoolchildren conduct a seance. They summoned the spirit of Lenin. Lenin: “Study, study, study!” Schoolchildren: “And so that your spirit is not here!”
  • Communism is Soviet power plus electrification of the entire country. According to this instruction, Ilyich's light bulbs were lit throughout Russia. The phrase was said in the speech “Our external and internal position and the tasks of the party" at the Moscow provincial conference of the RCP (b) in 1920:

Communism is Soviet power plus electrification of the entire country, because without electrification it is impossible to raise industry... Communism presupposes Soviet power, like political body, which gives the opportunity to the mass of the oppressed to do all things - without this communism is impossible... This ensures political side, but the economic one can be ensured only when all the threads of a large industrial machine built on the foundations of modern technology, and this means electrification, and for this we need to understand the basic conditions for the use of electricity and, accordingly, understand industry and agriculture.

An anecdote about this makes next output: Electrification is communism minus Soviet power.
  • Less is more.
  • Of all the arts, cinema is the most important for us..

Lenin's last works

“Letter to the Congress” - Lenin’s testament

The “Letter to the Congress” dictated by Lenin () is often considered as Lenin's testament. Some believe that this letter contained Lenin's real will, which Stalin later deviated from. Supporters of this point of view believe that if the country had developed along a truly Leninist path, many problems would not have arisen. The “Letter to the Congress” includes the following provisions:

  • Increasing the number of members of the Central Committee to several dozen or even hundreds.
  • Central Committee members such as Stalin and Trotsky are central to the issue of sustainability. The relationship between them is more than half danger of split.
  • Comrade Stalin, having become Secretary General, concentrated immense power in his hands, and I am not sure whether he will always be able to use this power carefully enough.
  • Comrade Trotsky is perhaps the most capable person in the present Central Committee, but also overly grasping with self-confidence and excessive enthusiasm for the purely administrative side of the matter.
  • These two qualities of two outstanding leaders of the modern Central Committee can inadvertently lead to a split.
  • The October episode of Zinoviev and Kamenev, of course, was not an accident.
  • Bukharin is not only the most valuable and largest theoretician of the party, he is also rightfully considered the favorite of the entire party, but his theoretical views can very doubtfully be classified as completely Marxist, because there is something scholastic in him (he never studied and, I think, never understood quite dialectic).
  • Pyatakov is a man of undoubtedly outstanding will and outstanding abilities, but he is too keen on administration to be relied upon in a serious political matter.
  • A few dozen workers, being part of the Central Committee, will be able, better than anyone else, to check, improve and recreate our apparatus.
  • Stalin is too rude, and this shortcoming, quite tolerable in the environment and in communications between us communists, becomes intolerable in the position of General Secretary. Therefore, I suggest that the comrades consider a way to move Stalin from this place and appoint another person to this place, who in all other respects differs from Comrade. Stalin has only one advantage, namely, more tolerant, more loyal, more polite and more attentive to his comrades, less capriciousness, etc. This circumstance may seem like an insignificant detail. But I think that from the point of view of protecting against a split and from the point of view of what I wrote above about the relationship between Stalin and Trotsky, this is not a trifle, or it is such a trifle that can become decisive.

Thus, the “Letter to the Congress” was rather of a recommendatory nature, although Nadezhda Krupskaya subsequently used the text of the “Letter” as direct evidence against Stalin, speaking about the mandatory implementation of the will of Lenin as the first socialist leader.

Implementation of Lenin's plan for building socialism in the USSR

Party documents scientific works And educational materials Soviet period interpreted the development of the USSR after Lenin’s death as “the implementation of Lenin’s plan for building socialism.” Provision on the possibility of building socialism in individual country(in contrast to the world revolution originally envisioned by the classics of Marxism) is one of the main provisions of Leninism. The articles in which a plan for building socialism was developed were usually listed as “State and Revolution”, “Immediate tasks of Soviet power”, “Economics and politics in the era of the dictatorship of the proletariat”, “Better less is better”, “On cooperation”. The following main stages in the implementation of Lenin's plan were identified:

  • Socialist industrialization. Although the course towards industrialization was announced after Lenin's death by the XIV Party Congress in December 1925, it was often pointed out that this course was a continuation of Lenin's GOELRO plan.
  • Cooperation of the peasantry. Assessing the role of the peasantry in the revolution was the subject of many of Lenin's works. One of the first acts of Soviet power was the Decree on Land. In the years civil war peasants were forced to share food with workers through the policy of surplus appropriation and later the tax in kind. Lenin devoted several works to issues of cooperation in the countryside: “The Immediate Tasks of Soviet Power”, “Report on Work in the Village on March 23, 1919”, “On the Food Tax”, “On Cooperation”. Total collectivization was carried out after Lenin's death by decision of the XV Party Congress, held in December 1927.
  • Cultural Revolution . Eliminating illiteracy and building a system public education were also seen as the implementation of Lenin's ideas. It was noted that Lenin pointed to the need to study (or, more precisely, “learn communism,” as he did in “Tasks of Youth Unions”).

Testaments of Ilyich on the map of Russia

  • Village of Zavety Ilyich, Moscow region, Pushkinsky district. Index: 141254
  • Village Zavet Ilyich, Saratov region, Engelssky district. Index: 413168
  • Village of Zavety Ilyich, Altai region, Aleisky district. Index: 658110
  • Village of Zavety Ilyich, Khabarovsk region, Sovetsko-Gavansky district. Index: 682844
  • Village of Zavety Ilyich, Sakhalin region, Nevelsky district. Postcode: 694730
  • Village of Zavety Ilyich, Republic of Bashkortostan, Iglinsky district. Index: 452421
  • Village of Testaments of Ilyich, Smolensk region, Roslavl district. Index: 216500


  • They are faithful to Lenin's precepts. Composer Seraphim Tulikov.

Testaments of another Ilyich

Due to the identity of patronymics, the expression “Ilyich’s behests” is sometimes used in relation to another Ilyich - Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev. The Izvestia newspaper published an article “Ilyich’s Testaments” dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Brezhnev’s death.


  • Banner along the street: “The legacy of Lenin calls us forward”
  • Station "Zavety Ilyich" in the Moscow region (along the Yaroslavl road)

see also


  • V. I. Lenin. Last years of life and activity (December 1922 - January 1924)
  • Implementation of Lenin's plan for building socialism in the USSR (1925-1941)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Testaments of Lenin” are in other dictionaries:

    This term has other meanings, see Testaments of Ilyich (meanings). “Lenin lived, Lenin is alive, Lenin will live!” V.V. Mayakovsky The Testaments of Ilyich (or the Testaments of Lenin ... Wikipedia

  • Experience of Building Communism in a Single Country
    You cannot build communism in the country in which you live. This must be a country taken separately for the construction of communism. Therefore, before building, you need to choose a country. It could be America, Germany. France. A country that is economically developed and has not yet been ruined by the construction of communism. Switzerland is good both because of its nature and because of its banks in which you can invest capital. Because no matter how rich the country is, you need to come to it only with your own capital. It’s even better to first transfer there the capital you need to build communism. The essential question is where to get capital. It is usually taken from someone else's property. At the first stage, through its nationalization, and at the second, through privatization. First, someone else's property is nationalized into state property, and then state property is privatized into private property, but this time one's own. The main thing is to dump the economy in the state so that it is in bad condition, and then take what is bad, transport it to a separate country and build it there

    “What is Horizon?”
    - What is communism?
    - You walk down the street and there are cars. You take any for free and go. As you drive, you see jeans. You take any for free and move on. You drive out to the square, and there is beer, barrels, barrels, and a mug is chained to each one. This is communism.
    Lithuanian, Estonian, Latvian, Jewish

    Socialism is communism minus the electrification of the entire country.

    At the request of his fellow tribesmen, the Chukchi went to Moscow to find out when communism will happen. The Chukchi comes to see Gorbachev and asks: “When will there be communism?” - Look: you see, there is my “Volga”, “Volga” by Lukyanov, “Volga” by Ligachev. When your Volga is standing next to you, then, consider it, there will be communism. The Chukchi returned to the camp. - Did you find out? - I found out. You see, there are my high boots, your high boots and more high boots. When Gorbachev’s high boots stand nearby, then, consider it, there will be communism

    “everyone shuts up in fear”
    - What does the word “CUBA” mean?
    - Communism off the coast of America.

    Is it true that after entering Soviet troops Communism came to Czechoslovakia? - Is it true. Electrification in Czechoslovakia has been carried out for a long time.

    “Who is feeling good now?”
    - What is capitalism?
    - This is an unequal distribution of wealth.
    - What is communism?
    - This is an unequal distribution of poverty.

    If socialism is: “He who doesn’t work, doesn’t eat,” then communism: - Eat!!! - I don’t want...

    The American President once turned to God:
    - Lord, when will unemployment end in my country?
    God answered: “In a hundred years.”
    American President said: “I won’t make it!” - and began to cry.
    The French President asks God:
    God answered: “In a hundred years.
    The French President said: “I won’t make it!” - and began to cry.
    Our Secretary General asks God:
    - Lord, when will communism be built in my country?
    God said: “I won’t live long!” - and began to cry.

    “Operator Ordered to Write About Everyone”
    Resident of one of western regions Ukraine is accepted into the party. He is asked:
    - Do you imagine what communism is, the construction of which is our task?
    - That’s why life is so garne, if you live so well... Well, it was for Poland.

    “Why did you need it?”
    An American billionaire came to the USSR, bought everything in GUM and announced a free distribution of goods. There was a dump, there were killed and wounded.
    They ask: - Why did you need this? Billionaire: - I wanted to see communism with my own eyes - I distributed it according to needs...

    Two people are fighting.
    - Yes, you are a goat!
    - Am I the goat?
    - You don’t even look like a goat!
    - Who - I don’t look like?!
    "Communism is nothingness."
    A. Solzhenitsyn
    "Bolshevism is not a policy, it is a disease."
    W. Churchill
    "The Party solemnly proclaims: the present generation Soviet people will live under communism."
    From the Report of the CPSU Central Committee, which was delivered by N. S. Khrushchev at the XXI Party Congress
    “We reach such heights from where the shining peaks of communism are visibly visible.”
    N. S. Khrushchev

    Leaders of the People
    Gromyko to Carter: “In the coming years, we would like to buy grain from you in large quantities. - Please! - We would also like to purchase a batch of modern computers from you. - Fine! - How do you feel about selling us a number of technological patents? - Why not? - Mr. President, it would be nice to link these transactions into one comprehensive agreement. - Wonderful! We will conclude an agreement under which the United States undertakes to build communism in the USSR

    Poster at the Artillery Academy: Our goal is communism

    How do we know that communism has already arrived?
    - will be announced on the radio and in newspapers. If people still have televisions, they will report on television

    War communism. Exchange of telegrams between Sarah and her husband, who is in the Red Army. "I have to plant potatoes. There is no one to dig the garden." "Don't dig it up. There's a machine gun buried in the garden." "The security officers came. They dug up the entire garden." "Plant potatoes."

    pages NEXT 1

    Communism is Soviet authority electrification?
    Communism is Soviet power + electrification of the entire country?

    Communism is the Soviet power of soldiers, workers, peasants (poor peasants) deputies plus electrification of the entire country!
    Has the light bulb lit up in the Kremlin? And in the commissariats? And in the financial department? Then you can move on to the new part: Communism is the strictest accounting.
    Is the bread missing? Then New Economic policy– let’s not call it communism, the peasants will perceive it as People’s Communism itself.

    Have the neighbors settled down? Will the people run away? International terrorism and the danger of external aggression. We will urgently buy 300 American factories for the production of weapons and call the project industrialization.

    The best tool
    In the countryside, in the countryside?
    Without irony in response,
    Honestly, serenely!

    Merikos are good
    They know: “mini tractor”.
    The Russians are fine.
    Guess! Not a tractor?

    A hundred years have already passed,
    The industry has come to everyone.
    Only here in a shovel,
    All the hope is in the house.

    Tractor plows in the garden
    From the fence like in a den,
    Is a shovel better?
    Sorry about your back, guys.

    Note Tractor MTZ_80

    Mini tractor with power from 80 hp and higher (and not 12 hp) on a gear transmission from the engine to the wheels and other suspensions - this is the beginning of the independence of the mind from any community, the beginning of the end of the dominance of the rabid majority over a reasonable qualified minority, the beginning of the collapse of the majority, the replacement of the draft physical strength the power of an electronic robot controlled by an independent person.

    By 1939, they had built tens of thousands of wooden airplanes (corn trucks) and other rubbish, cast tens of thousands of high-speed gasoline tanks and lost everything, abandoned them with the commissars during three months of fighting in 1941 due to a shortage of gasoline and spare parts.
    To build more and then throw away the trash? There are still raw materials left, but there is not enough money. Yes, and there is no desire.


    Actually, V.I. Lenin said this: Communism is Soviet power plus the election of the entire country, plus American efficiency, plus the German organization of production... His phrase was emasculated to spite the bourgeoisie...

    IN AND. Lenin said this: Communism is Soviet power plus the power of the entire country, plus American efficiency, plus German organization of production...

    So this radically changes the essence of the issue.
    I read about this somewhere, but it was a long time ago.
    Searched the net
    NOVEMBER 20-22, 192018
    ......... Communism is Soviet power plus electrification of the entire country, because without electrification it is impossible to raise industry. This task is long-term, no less than 10 years, provided that a mass of technicians are involved in this work, who will give the Congress of Soviets whole line printed documents where this plan is developed in detail29
    Where can I find your source?

    I read about this in a closed collection of works by VIL over 20 years ago, which were not included in the PSS, and despite the fact that I have an excellent memory, I cannot specifically name the source, since I did not set out to remember it, there was no need. There were a lot of notes and orders from VIL that put him in a completely different light. Even then, I understood why He and his allies, relying on 4% of the Russian population, were able not only to retain the gains of the ECOC, but also to resist almost the entire world that had taken up arms.

    The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who total amount view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

    Communism, as you know, is Soviet power plus electrification of the entire country. In the early 20s, the correctness of this formula, for a long time attributed to Lenin, no one doubted.
    Lenin spoke differently. Continuing the thought of Karl Marx that capitalism is the era of steam, the leader of the world proletariat called socialism the era of electricity. And he became “a great pusher of the cause of electrification,” as one of the main characters of this story, Gleb Krzhizhanovsky, one of the few to whom Ilyich addressed himself as “you,” put it.
    It was this man who, on the threshold of 1919, slipped Lenin his article “Tasks of Electrification of Industry.” Lenin devoured the article, added, as usual, enthusiastic exclamation marks in the margins, and sat Krzhizhanovsky down to write a popular pamphlet on electricity for workers and class-conscious peasants.
    While Krzhizhanovsky was tormenting the paper, Lenin was developing regulations on the GOELRO Commission - State plan electrification of Russia. According to the plan, the country's territory was divided into seven main economic regions. Each district had to provide its own electrification with local fuel: coal, peat, shale, gas and wood.
    And off we go. To begin with, Lenin and his comrades took a ride to the village of Kashino near Moscow, where they lit the first incandescent lamp in a peasant hut. It happened on November 14, 1920. The history of electrification began. It was planned to devote the next 15 years to lighting Ilyich lamps throughout the country.
    At the head of all this was Gleb Krzhizhanovsky, who managed to involve both “pre-revolutionary” engineers and scientists from the Academy of Sciences in the work. Among them was the priest, philosopher and electrical engineer Pavel Florensky, who came to meetings of the GOELRO commission in a cassock. The Bolsheviks did not object.
    Literally all segments of the population, even Nepmen, were involved in the implementation of the program. Private cooperatives built stations, laid power lines, and electrified enterprises. For this they received tax breaks and even loans from the state.
    Ilyich's light bulb appeared in homes with incredible speed: the first part of the program was completed by 1926, and by 1931 it turned out that the plan was almost doubled. Instead of 1750 kW, 2560 kW were put into operation, and electricity production doubled in the 31st year alone. At the speed of light, Soviet energy reached the global level and took third place in the world (after the USA and Germany). Without electrification, no economic titan would have been able to bring the USSR into the ranks of the most developed industrial powers in the world in 15 years.

    Alexander Dostyan

    Currently, the people's most cherished dreams and aspirations are being realized.

    Now when I'm in a dazzlingly lit room Bolshoi Theater and looking around at the gold and purple velvet tiers with the smartly dressed audience, I involuntarily remember this hall in the winter of 1920...

    On December 22, 1920, the VIII All-Russian Congress Soviets, whose order of the day was Lenin's - Stalin's plan electrification of Russia. The atmosphere of this meeting can be judged from the description of Alexei Tolstoy:

    “In the five-tiered hall of the Bolshoi Theater, in the fog inhaled by people, hundreds of reddish light bulbs barely glowed. It was cold as in a cellar. When the map of the electrification of Russia flashed, the dull gold of the tiers in the hall began to flicker, and tense, thin faces became visible, with eyes widened by attention... People in the auditorium, who had a handful of oats issued by Today, instead of bread, without breathing, we listened to the dizzying but material prospects of the revolution, which is embarking on the path of creativity.”

    I vividly remember the delegates to the congress - soldiers, workers and peasants - and on the podium - Vladimir Ilyich, who, holding up the GOELRO plan in front of him, said: “In my opinion, this is our second party program...

    Communism is Soviet power plus electrification of the entire country.”

    In the harsh winter conditions of 1920, Lenin and Stalin put forward electrification as the main task of the young republic.

    The adoption of the GOELRO plan was a global event and caused a whole storm of malicious criticism and ridicule among the enemies of the Soviet regime.

    Leading the defeat of the White Guards and interventionists at the fronts, Stalin, together with Lenin, not only defended the GOELRO plan from enemies, but put its implementation on a practical track.

    Stalin's attitude to the GOELRO plan is clear from his remarkable letter to Lenin, which is now well known to every Soviet person.

    “An excellent, well-written book,” wrote Stalin. - A masterful sketch of a truly unified and truly state economic plan without quotes. The only Marxist attempt in our time to bring economically backward Russia under the Soviet superstructure is truly real and the only technical and production base possible under current conditions... to begin an immediate practical approach to the matter...”

    In his letter, Comrade Stalin outlined a whole program of practical measures to ensure the expansion of work to implement the GOELRO plan.

    Almost thirty years have passed since this wonderful letter was written, and always during large-scale undertakings, scientists and engineers again and again turn to this text, in which Stalin and greatest skill and determination at that harsh time built a bridge from theory to practice, providing for all the necessary initial activities for a great construction project.

    The teachings of Lenin and Stalin on electrification are a rich contribution to world progressive science. No one has yet dared to shake the fundamental tenets of this teaching. Here are its main principles: electrification of the entire country as the basis for creating the most advanced productive forces; systematic re-equipment of all industries National economy, culture and life based on their electrification; electricity production at central and regional power plants; wide use for the production of electricity from local low-grade fuels; construction of hydroelectric power stations taking into account comprehensive solution water management tasks (energy, transport, irrigation, etc.); Creation energy systems, gradually growing into a unified electric power system of the country; uniform and rational distribution of the electric power sector and productive forces in the country, taking into account the rise of backward regions, etc.

    Comrade Stalin, who deeply appreciated the significance and role of the electrification plan for the future Soviet republic, consistently develops it more fully and achieves not only its fulfillment, but also its overfulfillment.

    Already at the XIV Party Congress, Comrade Stalin, in the political report of the Central Committee, summing up the first results, said:

    “The issue of electrification should be especially noted. The GOELRO plan in 1921 planned for the construction of 30 power plants with a capacity of 1,500 thousand kilowatts and a cost of 800 million within 10-15 years.

    gold rubles. Before October revolution The power plant capacity was 402 thousand kilowatts. To date, we have built stations with a capacity of 152.35 thousand kilowatts and 326 thousand kilowatts are scheduled for commissioning in 1926. If development proceeds at this pace, then in 10 years, i.e. By approximately 1932 (the minimum target date), the plan for electrification of the USSR will be implemented.”

    Comrade Stalin's words came true brilliantly.

    According to the main indicators, the electrification plan was completed in 1931. As soon as possible, i.e. 15 years later (1936), it was exceeded by almost 3 times.