Map of India in English. Where are the borders? India Hotel Map

Where is India located on the world map? The Republic of India is unique and interesting state in South Asia. The capital of the country is New Delhi. From the western part the country borders with Pakistan, from the northeast with China, Bhutan and Nepal. WITH east side with Bangladesh and Myanmar. India also has sea borders with the Maldives from the southwest, Sri Lanka from the south and Indonesia from the southeast.

Many people are wondering if there are direct flights and how long will the flight to India take? It turns out that a direct flight from Moscow to India is possible, but only during a certain period.

On the coastal map of India you can see that the country is washed by waters Indian Ocean, and the most large rivers, which originate in the Himalayas: the Ganges and the Brahmaputra. These two rivers flow into the Bay of Bengal.

Coastal map of India

On a detailed map with cities and states in Russian, we can see that India consists of 29 states and seven union territories. The most visited states among tourists are: Andhra Pradesh, where there are many different temples and very picturesque nature; Hyderabad is the most developed center information technologies country, and is also known for its numerous historical and architectural attractions.

Map with cities and states of India

Ancient India is one of the first world civilizations, the history of which began with the emergence of the Indus Valley Civilization.

The Indus, or Harappan, civilization is one of the three most ancient civilizations of mankind, along with the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian.

In the 7th millennium BC, a manufacturing economy began to develop in the Indus and Saraswati valleys. At that time, the Mergar culture was famous. People found effective method received food, began to engage in agriculture, hunting and cattle breeding. Thanks to all this, a new cultural and historical complex was gradually formed.

The peoples who inhabited South India were called Dravidians.

They actively developed monumental construction, bronze metallurgy and small sculpture.

Interesting to know: in Mohenjo-Daro, archaeologists discovered perhaps the first public toilets, as well as the city sewerage system.

Since scientists still cannot decipher the Indus Valley script, it is impossible to judge political development Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, as well as the names of the rulers remain unknown.

It is known that international trade played important role for residents Ancient India.

IN XVIII-XVII centuries BC, the Dravidian population begins to move to the southeast, and loses its previous level of development. Presumably this was caused by deterioration natural conditions. The final blow to Harappan civilization caused the Aryan invasion, which was described in the Rig Veda ─ the ancient source texts. The N cemetery culture is one of the descendants of the Indus civilization.

Behind Indus civilization the Vedic period followed.

Most scholars believe that the Vedic civilization existed during the period II-I millennium BC, and Indian scientists believe that the Vedic civilization began to exist in the 7th millennium BC.

Wherever the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans was located - in Asia or in Eastern Europe, suggest that the Indo-Iranians separated from them before all other separate peoples. After this, they clearly lived for a long time together with the ancient Iranians in Iran, where a common Indo-Iranian culture was developed.

This connection is evidenced not only by the similarity of language, but also by the commonality of religious and cultural ideas.

It is impossible to say what made the Indo-Aryans separate from their relatives the Iranians and go to India.

The time when this happened is also unknown. In any case, the Indo-Aryans left Iran before they created their ancient literary monument- Rigveda. Usually its creation is dated back to 1500-2000 BC.

At that time, the Indo-Aryans lived in northwestern India and specifically in the Punjab, because the Rig Veda mainly only contains the names of the rivers of the Punjab. During this era, Hindus called themselves "Aryans", which meant "noble". The history of India, almost before the era of Buddhism, is the history of the gradual conquest of the Hindustan Peninsula by Aryan newcomers and the displacement of non-Aryan natives.

Even then, the Hindus were an agricultural people; they cultivated the land with a plow harnessed by oxen.

Cattle breeding played an important role; cows, sheep, goats, horses, donkeys, and dogs were bred.

Interesting to know: Among the Hindus, the cow was an object of cult; prayers for the gift of cow herds were constantly heard in hymns.

Gods and heroes were compared to bulls, dawn and rain clouds- with cows.

Among the crafts, carpentry, cart-making, blacksmithing, pottery, tanning, weaving, sewing, and knitting were known. There were no cities as such; they lived in villages, which were sometimes fortified. The entire people were divided into peoples, who were divided into tribes, and the latter into villages or communities. At the head of the people was the king or leader, at the head of the tribe was the elder, and at the head of the clan or community was the headman.

The Vedic Hindus were distinguished by their belligerence, and they fought not only with enemies, but sometimes with each other.

The battle was fought in chariots; there were no horsemen. On the chariot were the fighter himself and his driver. They also used hand-to-hand combat on foot. The armament consisted of a shell that covered the shoulders and top part torso, helmet, bow, and on the arm the arrows wore a special belt that protected them from the blow of a lowered bowstring. The arrowheads were poisoned.

Since there was no written language yet, hymns were passed down from generation to generation orally.

Music was greatly loved and accompanied by prayers to the gods, the highest and purest of which is Varuna. He reigns over all life and light.

The remaining gods are subordinate to Varuna, they can be divided into three groups: gods of visible celestial light phenomena, gods airspace, winds, etc., gods residing on earth.

Around 1200 BC, Hindus begin to move from Punjab further east and occupy the upper reaches of the Ganges and Yamuna and the Saraswati and Drshadvati rivers.

Appear big cities and capitals of famous dynasties.

Castes arise, the importance and power of the priests increases. The doctrine of the transmigration of souls arises. During this era, India is already trading with other countries. Sacrifice becomes the center of all religious life.

Brahmins (priests) declare themselves gods, forming special class gods.

In Yajurveda the following classes are formed:

  1. Brahmin priests;
  2. rajanya (royal) or kshatriya (dominant, noble);
  3. Vaishya (peasants);
  4. Shudra (not Aryan or mixed population).

Interesting to know: there are four stages personal life- ashrams, of which a brahman must go through all four, a kshatriya - three, a vaishya - two.

Each boy between the ages of 7 and 12 (Brahmin 8-10, Kshatriya 11, Vaishya 12) is given to a Brahman teacher to teach the Vedas. This stage is called Brahmachan (disciple). The following are: grhastha (householder), in which one who has studied the Vedas can get married and have his own house; vanaprastha, when the one who raised his children goes into the forest and becomes a “forest hermit”; samnyasin - “one who has renounced the world.”

The Buddhist period in the history of Ancient India begins in the 5th century BC.

It was at this time that Buddha lived - a being who achieved enlightenment. Culturally, the main event at this time was the spread of iron tools. Trade and market relations are developing intensively.

Cities of many thousands are formed, and the royal power, the number increases slave force. Magadha becomes the strongest state North India, and its capital Pataliputra is the largest and richest city. Magadha reached its special power in the 4th century BC, when the Nanda dynasty was in power. It was this dynasty that united the entire Ganges basin with its power.

Soon Punjab and the Indus Valley were united under the rule of Chandragupta of the Mauryan clan.

At the end of the 4th century BC he conquered Cambodia, Gandhara and related areas Eastern Iran. His successors were Bindurasa and Ashoka. In the entire history of ancient India, Ashoka was the most powerful ruler. He exterminated all his brothers and unleashed devastating wars in the south, annexing almost the entire Deccan. However, later Ashoka's tyranny was replaced by a policy of “spreading goodness” within the empire, where Buddhism played a major role.

By the end of the 3rd century BC, the Mauryan power began to quickly disintegrate. This dynasty was finally overthrown in Magadha in 180 BC.

Ancient India

God of War Skanda

Sculpture of ancient India

Painting of ancient India

Where is India?

India located on the continent of Asia, in the GMT+5:30 time zone (from current time: 18:37, Wednesday).

Offset from its time zone: h. The country is located on an area of ​​3287590 km² with a population of about 1173.1 million people. Neighboring countries: China, Nepal, Myanmar, Bhutan, Pakistan, Bangladesh.

The capital of the country is India?

The capital of the country of India is New Delhi.

IND latitude and longitude

India on the world map

Largest cities in India


Map of India in Russian

Detailed map India in Russian. Map of roads, cities and countries on the map of India.

Show on map India.

Where is India on the world map?

What types of names are not taken into account in this wonderful country: “continent of state”, “state of a thousand wonders”, “land of contrasts”,

However, none of them fully captures the range of emotions that a trip to India provides you with. The state is located in South Asia and is the largest in terms of territory and population in the region.

Interactive map of India with cities and countries

India combines picturesque old architecture (Khajuraho, Agra), a sacred river (Ganges), a beautiful beach (Goa) and a tour of the rest (Dudshagar Falls, Corbett National Park, floating islands of Loktak Lake, Mumbai).

The extraordinary beauty of nature and the unique culture of this ancient country attracts and for a long time does not allow anyone who has ever managed to be here.

Countries of India on the map

According to the government structure of the country, it is a federal republic of 29 countries, 6 union territories and the capital of Delhi. The country includes the following states: Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Goa, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Jammu and Kashmir, West Bengal, Orissa, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland , Punjab, Sikkim, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Telingana, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.

India also includes neighboring territories such as Lakshadweep or Andaman and Nicobar.

Geographical location of India

India is located south of the equator, and lies within the majority of the Precambrian Indian Plate that forms the Indian subcontinent and adjacent to the north of the Indo-Gangetic Plain. India Geographical coordinates: 20 ° 00 "N.

w. and 77 ° 00 ‘E. e.

Indian Territory

The country occupies an important territory: its area is 3,287,263 square meters. Km, which is the seventh highest in the world. From snowy peaks in the north to palm trees in the south Indian countries reach 3214 kilometers. Between the east and west of the country there are more than 2933 kilometers. Indian Ocean coast ocean water- Bay of Bengal in the southeast and Arabian Sea in the southwest.

Borders of India

India is bordered in the west by Pakistan, China in the northeast with Bhutan and Nepal, and in the east with Myanmar and Bangladesh.

Water boundaries separate the country from the Maldives in the southwest, Sri Lanka in the south and Indonesia in the southeast. The disputed territory, which contains the state of Jammu and Kashmir, borders Afghanistan.

The total length of India's borders is 14,103 km.

India on the world map

Indian regions on the map

India is located in South Asia, on the Hindustan Peninsula. total area The country's territory is 3.3 million square meters. km. On the map, India looks like almost isosceles triangle. At its base are the Himalayan mountains.

The length of the territory from north to south is about 3200 km, from east to west - 3000 km.

Length land border India is 15200 km. The sea border stretches for 6083 km.

In the north, the state borders Afghanistan, Bhutan, China and Nepal. In the east there are borders with Bangladesh and Myanmar (Burma), in the west the country borders on Pakistan. In the east, India is washed by the waters of the Bay of Bengal, in the south by the Palk Strait and the Indian Ocean, and in the west by the Arabian Sea.

The state also includes the Andaman and Nicobar, Laccadive, Amyndive and Minicoy Islands in the southeastern part of the Arabian Sea.

Most of the state's territory is occupied by the Deccan Highlands.

It is bordered on two sides by the Eastern and Western Ghats. IN total there are 7 in the country mountain ranges. The highest of them is the Himalayas.

Between the Deccan and the Himalayas lies the vast Indo-Gangetic Plain (Jamno-Gangetic Plain). Narrow plains also extend along the coasts.

for fans of traditional maps:
1.1. Big tourist map India, which lists all the major cities and marks with stars the major tourist attractions of interest to travelers. This map will help you understand where the places you want to go are and create an idea of ​​the geography of India

1.2. Detailed geographic map India, indicating in addition to cities also meridians, rivers, mountain systems, etc. This map is quite detailed and very large; to view the map, click on the preview and it will open in a new window.

2. Interactive travel map of India and Asia

On the Indonet there is interactive map India (and Asia too), which marks all the places indicated in this guide, as well as stories and other materials written by travelers, with direct links to them from the map. That is, the map itself indicates how many materials there are; by enlarging the map by scrolling to a city or attraction, you will see the number of posts about this place.
Unfortunately it doesn't work anymore.

3. Interactive map of India

Unlike graphic and scanned maps, the interactive map of India from allows you, thanks to navigation, to look around the whole of India and even find a village, see Indian national highways and local access roads, as well as plans of large Indian cities with names of streets and hotels. Various flags on this map of India indicate places for which there is information in the guidebook; the names of the places are naturally in Russian.

View on map bigger size
Navigation maps for GPS are laid out for each state separately, you can find and download them using the links for maps of India

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India is one of the largest countries in South Asia. Most of its territory is located on the Hindustan Peninsula. South part The republic is washed by the Indian Ocean. The northern and northeastern parts are surrounded by the highest mountain system planets - the Himalayas. The northwestern region is located in the Thar Desert.

Physical card

Physical map of India (schematically shown) shows settlements, major rivers of India and communication routes.

The satellite clearly demonstrates the features of the country's topography.

Contour map

To organize the information received, below is presented contour map, with borders and major cities marked on it. Here you can see where India is located on the world map and how its borders lie.

Economic map India - another one good helper in getting to know the country. The economic map of India shows which regions are employed and in what volumes various types industry and Agriculture. But the country's main income comes from the service sector.

Today the Republic ranks second in the world in terms of population. But according to forecasts, the population of India, by 2028, has every chance of catching up with the number of its neighbors from the Middle Kingdom.

A detailed map of India will show the location of the largest cities:

  • Mumbai;
  • Delhi;
  • Bangalore;
  • Calcutta;
  • Chennai.

The history of settlement of some of them begins after the end of the 16th century (in the 16th century European countries began to fight for the colonization of the territory). And some of them began their development even before our era.

You can't ignore the places ancient cities India:

  • Madurai;
  • Varanasi;
  • Patna;
  • Pushkar;
  • Ujjain.

Each ancient Indian city has its own customs and traditions, legends and beliefs.

Goa on the map of India is located in the southwestern part.

Another popular tourist destination is Kerala. On the map of India, Kerala is located in the very south. The largest national park located here, a tiger reserve, a Vishnu temple and a butterfly garden make this place highest degree attractive for tourists.

For those who are interested various beaches, unique resorts are indicated below - on the map of India.

Airports in India are shown on the map below.

Rivers and ocean

The Indian Ocean is one of the largest and deepest on the planet - it ranks third. All the seas, straits and bays that make up it number 11.68 million square kilometers. The country's shores are washed by the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal.

Large rivers flow into the latter:

  • Ganges;
  • Godavari;
  • Brahmaputra;
  • Kaveri;
  • Krishna;
  • Mahanadi.

The main rivers are the Indus and the Ganges.

India Hotel Map

Among the most popular hotels stand out:

  1. The Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai;
  2. Courtyard Agra, Agra;
  3. The Lalit New Delhi, New Delhi;
  4. ITC Rajputana, Jaipur;
  5. Abhimaani Vasathi, Bangalore.

It neighbors Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, China and Pakistan in the east, northeast and western borders respectively. The state of Jammu and Kashmir in the northern part has autonomous status, partly under the control of Pakistan and China.

Climate and weather

Most of the territory is characterized by three periods with their own climatic characteristics:

  1. From June to October is the rainy season and quite high temperatures air;
  2. From November to February – cool, windy weather;
  3. From March to May is a very hot period.

Road map

The map of national roads shows:

  • The Golden Quadrilateral (yellow-orange line) is a highway connecting the main cultural, industrial and agricultural centers of the country;
  • North-South Transport Corridor (orange line);
  • West-East transport corridor (green line);
  • Gray lines are national backbone networks.

Provinces and regions

Administratively, the Republic is divided into states (currently there are 29), union territories (there are six) and the capital region of Delhi (the capital of India is New Delhi). On the map of India, states are indicated by different colors.

The next type of administrative division is districts, or okrugs. There are currently 642 districts, but new ones are constantly appearing.

In turn, districts are divided into more small areas, called talukas.

In regional terms, the following territories can be distinguished:

  • Northern;
  • Western;
  • Eastern;
  • Northeast;
  • South.

The most exotic beaches in India include South India. The northeastern part of the country is for adventure lovers. Western region is a place with beautiful scenery, a milder climate and unique historical monuments. The population density here is the highest.

Having absorbed many different cultures and traditions, possessing unique and diverse natural objects, India – perfect place for an unforgettable holiday.

Interesting Facts:

  1. Chess, pi and decimal system calculus appeared here;
  2. During the time when most of the planet's population led a nomadic lifestyle, the Harappan civilization already flourished here;
  3. Button to notify the driver about stopping at public transport(buses) is replaced by a rope with a bell tied to it;
  4. Quantity official languages– 21. Plus, “auxiliary” English;
  5. In addition to the main four seasons, there are two more: pre-spring and monsoon seasons;
  6. More than a quarter of the country's population does not have reading or writing skills. Half of the total population lives in houses without sewerage or running water;
  7. Traffic on the roads is not regulated in any way;
  8. The world's first school of medicine, as well as a university, appeared here;
  9. Thousands of years ago, people here already consumed cane sugar and had knowledge about anesthesia, genetics, and the immune system;
  10. The most a large number of whiskey is also produced and consumed here.

India ranks central position in South Asia. The country is located throughout the Hindustan Peninsula up to the Himalayan range, thus becoming not only the largest in the region, but also the seventh largest in the world.

From the south, southeast and southwest it is washed by waters Indian Ocean. A detailed map of India shows that despite the abundance coastal zones, the country does not have large island territories, except for the Andaman and Nicobar archipelagos.

Today, India has the second largest population in the world. This figure has already exceeded 134,000,000 people. The leader of the list, China, is only 50 million ahead of India, but with each passing year this gap is narrowing. And the population density of 360 people per km² makes the country one of the most densely populated regions in the world.

India on the world map: geography, nature and climate

With a territory of 3,287,263 km², finding India on the world map is not difficult. In the north-west it borders with Pakistan, in the north-east along a natural mountain border it has three more neighbors - China, Bhutan and Nepal, and in the east it touches Myanmar. Also in the eastern part, Bangladesh is located as a coastal enclave inside the country, and in the northernmost provinces, India disputes the border areas with Afghanistan with its closest neighbors.

The country's coastline stretches for more than 7,000 km. Therefore, India also borders other countries by sea: Sri Lanka in the south, the Maldives in the southwest and Indonesia in the southeast.

Geographical position

For India, like any large country, characterized by a significant variety of relief. The northeastern regions are located at the foothills of the Himalayan mountains. Highest point countries - Mount Kanchenjunga Home. This is the third highest peak in the world - 8586 meters above sea level.

The central part of India is occupied by the Deccan Plateau, dotted with fertile river valleys. On the northwestern border is the Thar Desert, which occupies historical territory Rajasthan.

India is distinguished by abundant water pool. Despite the absence of large lakes, the region is replete with deep rivers. The largest ones, such as Ganges And Brahmaputra originate in the Himalayas and flow into the Bay of Bengal. River Indus, which gave the country its name, today mainly flows through Pakistan.

The coast of India has virtually no relief and is represented by long beach lines in the west and marshy wattles in the east.

Animal and plant life

Indian river valleys have the greatest biodiversity on Earth. India is home to 6% of the flowering plants and 8.5% of the planet's animal species. The unique conditions of a number of Indian regions create the ground for high endemicity of plant species. About a third of all plants in India do not grow anywhere else. In the northern and eastern mountainous regions there are extensive coniferous and monsoon teak, sandalwood And bamboo forests changing to the south savannas And mixed evergreens forests. Trees such as sal and neem are common in tropical plains. Dramatic growth and increased population density have put thousands at risk of extinction rare species. India is among the leaders in terms of the number of endangered animals and plants.


Thanks to northern borders the region's mountains are reliably protected from the cold Central Asian winds, climatic conditions the main parts of India are relatively comfortable. The average winter temperature increases from north to south from 16 to 28°C. In summer it levels out, reaching 30-32°C everywhere, but severe droughts up to 45°C are not uncommon. Rainfall varies across the country stylishly.

IN central regions it is 300-500 mm, most of which falls during the short rainy season. In the western desert regions this figure barely reaches 100 mm.

In high mountain regions, precipitation levels are much higher. Thus, the Shillong plateau, located on the map of India in Russian in the northeastern part of the country, is recognized as the rainiest place on Earth - more than 12,000 mm of precipitation per year.

Map of India with cities. Administrative division of the country

In view of his federal structure, India is divided into 29 states And 7 territories. The most dense population (about 1000 people per km 2) lives in the Ganges River valley and in a number of agglomerations west coast. A map of India with cities in Russian demonstrates that in central and southern regions The population density is quite uniform and fluctuates within the national average.

New Delhi

New Delhi is the official capital of India. In fact, this is a district of the city of Delhi, located in the northern part of India. Although the population of New Delhi does not exceed 300,000 people, all the highest government bodies of the country are concentrated here.


Mumbai, called Bombay until 1995, is the most Big City India. Situated on the Arabian Sea coast, the city is the commercial, industrial and technological capital of the country. The standard of living of the population here is higher than in other regions of India.


Kolkata (until 2001 - Kolkata) is the fourth most populous city in the country, located in the delta of the Ganges River. Historically the capital of British India, Kolkata remains the center of Indian culture and education.

Detailed map of India in Russian. Map of roads, cities and states on the map of India. Show India on the map.

Where is India located on the world map?

What names have not been invented for this amazing country: “country of a continent”, “land of a thousand wonders”, “land of contrasts”. But none of them fully reflects the palette of emotions that a trip to India guarantees you. The state is located in South Asia and is the largest in terms of territory and population in this region.

Interactive map of India with cities and states

India combines picturesque ancient architecture(Khajuraho, Agra), sacred rivers (Ganges), magnificent beach (Goa) and sightseeing holidays (Dudhsagar Falls, National Park Corbett, floating islands of Loktak lake, Mumbai). The extraordinary beauty of nature and the unique culture of this ancient state attracts and does not let go for a long time anyone who has ever been lucky enough to visit here.

States of India on the map

By state structure the country is federal republic, consisting of 29 states, 6 union territories and the capital region of Delhi. The state includes the following states: Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Goa, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Jammu and Kashmir, West Bengal, Orissa, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Manipur, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Punjab, Sikkim, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Telingana, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. India also includes union territories such as Lakshadweep or the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Geographical location of India

India is located south of the equator, and most of it lies on the Precambrian Hindustan Plate, which forms the Hindustan Peninsula and the adjacent Indo-Gangetic Plain to the north. Geographic coordinates of India: 20° 00" N and 77° 00" E. d.

Indian territory

The country occupies a significant territory: its area is 3,287,263 square kilometers, which is the 7th largest in the world. From the snowy peaks in the north to the swaying palm trees in the south, India's territory stretches for 3,214 kilometers. There are more than 2933 kilometers between the east and west of the country. The coasts of the state are washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean - the Bay of Bengal in the southeast and the Arabian Sea in the southwest.