Karmic purpose by date of birth. Is it possible to find out your purpose by your date of birth? And how to do it

Do you have a purpose, a mission on Earth that you were born, raised and did what you did to fulfill? Does a person even have choice, what should he do in life, or in fact, somewhere deep down in us everything is tough recorded, and you just need to find it?

If we put aside all the religious and mystical prejudices about predetermined fate, about karma, and look at this problem from a different side and more down to earth, for example, from the point of view of what is happening now in our country and in the world, as well as life experience many successful people, then the following will be obvious: a person cannot find any inner peace and success in society until he finds in life that activity that really arouses passion in him, that area of ​​​​life that inspires him to achieve achievements, allows him not to be afraid of problems, but only deepen your skills, experiencing happiness in difficulties.

No one will argue that every person is absolutely unique and two identical people can not found. But not everyone understands that it is this uniqueness that is core value any person for himself, society, humanity and the entire universe in general.

The uniqueness of a person does not begin at the level of his body or emotions, not at the level of desires, or even at the level of his destiny. The uniqueness of each person lies much deeper - this is the level of his soul, living in the universe for billions of years, that is, that most intimate and dear thing that we have in principle.

The cause of crises in our society

The world is designed in such a way that only those who give themselves more to the world than consume from the outside survive and live happily, only those who successfully expresses its uniqueness in the world. Therefore, it seems quite obvious that the reason for today's world economic and ideological crises is that the main motivation of a person is not giving, but consumption.

Why is that? Each person is a “semiconductor” of the divine will, each of us receives from God (from the world, the universe, from within ourselves) exactly as much energy as he is ready to master - to transmit further along the chain. Energy flows through each of us like a river: littered with stones, it dries up, and the person gradually dies; if the path for water is clear and a person expresses himself, he becomes happy and lives long, being a good conductor of the divine force from within himself to the outside.

Why is our society in a consumption crisis? Just because people are not trained with childhood and school determine your innate predispositions, unique character traits and learn to follow them, despite external resistance, which will always exist, such is the nature of our society (see).

If a person does not have high awareness from birth, does not have high energy potential, then he most likely will not be able to “find his purpose” on his own, blindly through trial and error. Although we cannot exclude the fact that God is good, and perhaps a person will find himself “by chance.”

Stages of growing up

Usually, in order for a person to reach a stage in his awareness where he is seriously concerned about the question “ Who am I?” (and therefore can get a real answer to it), they must have gained a very impressive life experience. Below - short list tasks that a person solves on his way to reach the described stage. Although they are very individual for everyone, we will try to highlight a certain outline of a person’s movement along the spiritual path:

  1. First we need something basic grow up.
  2. You need to live through quite a lot of deep and unpleasant emotional states to learn to let them go, and then, free yourself from all negative programs, attitudes and patterns of thinking that we have absorbed from our parents, school and surrounding society.
  3. We're going through a phase social adaptation already in a more mature form, as our thinking becomes more structured, we develop our character through some kind of activity, learn to achieve success, to speak " I can do it".
  4. Our thinking becomes even more structured, in society we become freer from its everyday stereotypes, and then we strive to subordinate our lives to some clear idea, which is the quintessence of everything we are life experience. We are joyfully going to bright future.
  5. When fanaticism hits us hard enough, and the idea of ​​a bright future becomes too narrow, we expand our world to other people's world, we open up to them, we strive to understand and see who lives how, in order to figure out why my “bright future” is not working.
  6. Seeing the lives of others, we begin to try to understand for ourselves, “how do I live? Who am I? what is my purpose?", we delve deeper into our personal projects and try to make sure that our internal aspirations are as consistent as possible with what we do in society. We ourselves form around us the environment of people we need, in which we move around, doing our business.
  7. And only at the moment when our inner becomes equal to the outer, when we realize our deep value that guided us for a long time, and it stops “gnawing” at us from the inside, we really relax, and can try to touch the vision of “what is mine” true purpose" - not in thoughts and not in words, but in deeds. Only then does it come clarity.

Each stage must be passed, fast or slow, there is no possibility of jumping from one to another.

There is also a hierarchical interpretation that illustrates approximately the same thing in reverse order. It shows how everything else is formed from purpose.

  1. Our purpose, the task for life, given by us to ourselves even before birth.
  2. The values ​​that illuminate our life path and are turning points on our path concretize this purpose for us.
  3. The character traits that guide us when making certain decisions that are embodied in the events of our lives stem from those deep values who lead us.
  4. Thinking patterns are formed from character traits.
  5. Thinking causes emotional states.
  6. Emotions are expressed in body sensations.
  7. Body sensations ultimately affect health, our appearance, etc.

If after reading these diagrams you have some understanding of the where are you now?, and the desire to move on, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the practices of analyzing your individuality.

Practice of personality analysis

Some of these methods of self-analysis can help you describe your character, some indicate your dominant thinking patterns, and some indicate your “emotional profile.” Everyone is different, everyone is different, and everyone understands themselves in a unique way, so give it a try. several analysis methods, and something will definitely work for you.

In addition, one method complements the other well and expands your self-image. After all, not a single person fits into any one system, and these systems rather serve as beacons and keys in order to light your own flame of awareness inside you.

Preparation for practice

Preparing for practice comes down to unloading your mind from goals and problems hanging in the background by writing them down on a piece of paper:

  • Write down all your "I want" and "I don't want", in two columns.
  • Draw" chamomile", where you are in the center, and the petals are the spheres of life. For each petal, indicate in % the success of your functioning in this area. Write a plan for the next 5 years for all the failed petals, what you must implement to bring them to 100% . According to normal and good petals - also write down what to do so that everything continues to develop. In this model you must be self-sufficient - the petals must capture all levels (spirit, soul, body, society, etc.). And you must always leave place for new petals.
  • Analyze your personality using the S-Typology system.

Practice 1. Astrology

We have carried out an analysis free astrological services, now available on the Internet. Using them, you can analytically describe yourself, your personality, try to understand your life task, try to “erase” the found subconscious patterns of your behavior.

  • (very useful, even necessary materials)

Practice 2. Intuitive analysis

  • The books by Jean Shinoda Sick "" and "" - it makes sense to read, understand which archetype you belong to, and “erase” your dependence on it, or use it consciously and for its intended purpose.
  • Steve Pavlin's article "How to find the meaning of life in about 20 minutes" - no comments, everything is in the article.

Practice 3. Answering questions

Try to answer the following questions for yourself and record the answers on paper. They will of course change in the future, but what is important to you is this moment, it is important to take a step expressed in your specific actions.

  1. Who am I? My life purpose What does my soul want from me?
  2. What are my main predispositions and character traits?
  3. What do I love, what do I strive for, what does my heart desire?
  4. What do other people say, what do I bring to other people, what do they receive in my company?
  5. What is my immediate goal? My plan of action?
  6. What is stopping me the most right now from achieving what I want, my lowest point as a person?
  7. What questions bother me most in life right now, where does my attention flow? Write them out.

Practice 4. Watching videos and meditating

On video - realized people, who have reached high spiritual level(which was written about above).

Here it is important to go deep, so as to grasp what is being said between the lines. Make watching a meditation for yourself, where you temporarily turn off your analytical thinking and you will perceive energy and states. Before watching, clearly set a task for yourself - determine your main life goal, your purpose.

Sergey Bobyr:

Sergey Lazarev:

Yaroslavna Gordash:

Sergey Kovalev:

How to find out your life goal by date of birth.

1. Write down your date of birth in the format: day, month, year. For example, 12/26/1978. If you were born from the 23rd to the 31st, subtract the number 22 from the date. 26 - 22 = 4.

2. Write down the numbers of the month. In our case 12.

3. Add all the numbers of the year together: 1+9+7+8 = 25. If the sum is greater than 22, subtract 22. In our case: 25 - 22 = 3.

4. Sum up the resulting numbers: 4 + 12 + 3 = 19. The sum of the day, month and year will tell you about your life task. So, the task for a person born on December 26, 1978 is 19.

5. If the sum is greater than 22, subtract 22. For example, 11/12/1991 = 11 + 12 + 20 = 43 - 22 = 21.


If you got the number:

Life task 1. Magician.

Your task is to convey information to people, to help wise advice and through the word create harmony and beauty. A conversation with you can leave a deep imprint on people's hearts because you can touch the heartstrings with your words. You need to learn to accept yourself as anyone and work on your development. It is necessary to establish contacts with your immediate environment, neighbors, brothers and sisters, as well as peers. You can find yourself in a business related to words, speech, information (both oral and written).
People with the number 1 in the task often become journalists, writers, translators, psychologists, and esotericists.

Life task 2. High Priestess.

Your task is to know your inner world, learn to hear your intuition and work with large amounts of information. Your attention should be directed to matters related to natural sciences, nature, including animal protection. Strive to understand other people and help those who have lost their way to find their guiding star. You should become a good parent to your child, wise and fair, as well as a caring son or daughter to your mother.
Professions that may suit you include: ecologist, psychologist, doctor, teacher secret knowledge, analyst, diagnostician.

Life task 3. Empress.

Your attention should first of all be paid to such areas as: beauty, culture and art. You need to watch your appearance and the appearance of your loved ones, the decoration of the house, as well as ensuring that your family lives in harmony and material prosperity. But, building own business or striving for masterpieces of world culture, one must look for the golden mean between the material and spiritual worlds. And yet, for more high level, you need to become a "mother" as in literally, - having given birth and raised a child, and figuratively - to create a work of art or know-how, that is, to do something that will live after you.

Women need to reveal their femininity, and men need to learn to understand women and live in harmony and harmony with their spouse. You can find yourself in such professions as: stylist, interior designer, artist, jeweler, art critic, teacher. And you can also become just a good parent.

Life task 4. Emperor.

Your task is to realize yourself in your profession and leave your mark as a professional. But the most important thing is that you need to become the master not only in the house, but also in your life, learn to be responsible for what you do and for those who are under your command. You should set goals and achieve them, develop right attitude to power. You need to learn to understand your true desires from false ones. A man should pay attention to his masculinity, and a woman should not suppress a man, get married and learn to live in harmony with her spouse. People with the Emperor in the task can become businessmen, directors, administrators, officers.

Life task 5. High Priest.

Those who get an "A" on a problem can become very good teachers who will be remembered by the students as wise, just and interesting personalities. In life you are prescribed to obtain knowledge and pass it on to others, to engage in scientific research, study the history of peoples and their customs, preserve the traditions of their family and be their spiritual successor. Many people with this card, in addition to the teaching path, choose professions related to history, philosophy, and become leaders social movements and scientific figures.

Life task 6. Lovers.

Your task is to learn to choose with your heart, to accept independent decisions based on your own choice. You need to love with all your soul and every cell of your body. You must know all the facets of love: caring maternal, sexual and passionate, sublime and platonic, and find their ideal recipe in your relationship with your partner in order to become a harmonious partner in your love union. It is also important to learn not to divide people according to material, social and racial, realizing that every person deserves to be loved and happy. People who have discovered all the facets of the “six” in themselves can become good doctors, actors, proxies, loving and beloved spouses.

Life task 7. Chariot.

You should strive to change the world around you with own successes, professional achievements and recognition. You cannot be a gray mouse and hide behind the baseboard; you and your work must be visible to others. Learn to work with many contacts, large amounts of information, be mobile and agile, but not fussy. You also definitely need to learn to say “no” to what prevents you from achieving results, and to those who use you to the detriment of your interests. Many people with a “seven” in the task find themselves in business, in professions related to transport, with big amount contacts and movements, in military affairs and politics.

Life task 8. Justice.

Your job is to have a deep understanding of justice, to ensure that the rights of others are respected, and to protect those rights. You should not pass by situations where someone is treated unfairly, be it your home or the street. You can't bury your head in the sand when someone else is suffering from dishonesty. You also definitely need to learn to take responsibility for all your actions, understanding that any of your actions will have consequences, all the shoots of your actions will sprout. You will sow good deeds- you will reap goodness; If you sow bad deeds, you will reap misfortune. You also need to learn endurance and the ability to preserve peace of mind when even the little things drive you crazy.

You can find yourself in professions related to the judicial and legal system: lawyer, judge, animal rights activist, human rights defender, as well as in professions where the main work is related to paperwork, or where attentiveness and accuracy are required.

Life task 9. Hermit.

Your life's task is spiritual development, Full time job over oneself, gaining wisdom and experience, which ideally should then be passed on to others. You need to learn from the mistakes of others, respecting the experience of previous generations. You should also study ancient cultures and traditions. You must with great attention and treat older people with respect and help them. People with a "nine" in the task can become good teachers, esotericists, philosophers, scientists, historians, workers social sphere who help elderly and lonely people.

Life task 10. Wheel of Fortune.

"Ask, and it shall be given you;

seek and you will find;

knock and it will be opened to you"

Bible (Matt. 7:7).

Sooner or later, every person comes to the question of his own. For many reasons. Some people need this in order to get a taste of life, others in order to realize themselves, and others have learned that only by doing “their” business can they become rich, and not only in spiritually, but also in a completely tangible – material way.

The desire to understand "why did you come into this world" can be very relevant and necessary, but getting to the very essence is not as easy for many people as it seems, except in cases where the purpose has been known since childhood.

If you are one of those seekers and still have not found the answer to this question, read this article and you will learn a few simple methods, which will help you quickly find the long-awaited answer.

1. Family connections.

The method is purely analytical. If you know your grandparents, then remember what their profession was or what they worked for, or what their soul was, as they say, about.

Which of these professions or occupations? your soul will respond, that, perhaps, is your destiny. But don’t rush to draw negative conclusions. To find out whether this specialty is suitable for you or not, you need to work in this direction.

Sometimes you can learn something valuable and important for yourself from an outwardly unattractive, uninteresting or boring, at first glance, activity. Or maybe you can modernize this profession taking into account modern development world, or come up with your own direction in it, your own trick.

2. Children's games.

Remember what you're into loved to play. The child is still free from many restrictions, conventions and biases adult life, and therefore it is easier for him to find something to do for his soul. He only does what brings him joy and where he can express himself.

IN childhood we play those games that are truly interesting to us and that come easily to us - without any difficulty, and as if we had been doing this for a very long time and quite successfully.

3. Meditation “Help of the kind.”

Lie down in a secluded, quiet place, turn on relaxing music, adjust your breathing and enter a meditative state - imagine a place where you feel good, cozy and interesting. Find a path.

The path should lead you to a clearing. Look around and imagine how people begin to appear to your left and right - these are two branches of your family. On the one hand, there is the paternal line, and on the other, the maternal line. You remain between them.

Ask these people a question (you can write a mental note) that concerns you and see what happens. Depending on what you “saw” and “heard”, draw conclusions and use the hint you receive.

When you have enough information or you understand that communication is over for today, thank and return back along the path to the place where you started your meditation. This meditation gives very fascinating knowledge!

4. “I am a millionaire.”

Sit back, close your eyes and imagine yourself as a millionaire. You already have everything, you have fulfilled all your desires: a luxurious house, a car, a yacht, a plane, a million-dollar bank account. You have achieved everything you dreamed of and can afford everything you can think of. Ask yourself main question: “What would I like to do? What business fills my life with meaning and joy?”

Write down all the ideas that come into your head.

5. Interview your loved ones.

In addition to these ways to find out your purpose, it will be very useful for you to pay attention to how people you respect evaluate you. What do they say about you? What do they think about your activities, behavior and character?

For example, from loving parents you can often hear phrases like: “You’re just like a teacher, daughter!” or “Son, you will grow into a good detective, you have excellent deduction!”. Well, or something like this from friends or colleagues: “You are very sociable, you can become an excellent social worker” or “Are you by chance a psychologist by profession? You are a great judge of people." Listen to their words, perhaps they contain truth.

6. Numerology.

Or you can contact ancient science numerology, because it the main taskidentifying the influence of numbers on a person. By adding the digits of the date of birth, sometimes also the numerical correspondences of the last name and first name, you can find out the number that determines Life Path. It will indicate the path that will lead to the solution to your problem.

7. Tarot cards.

Another interesting direction, currently received wide use- This arcanology. It is built on the 22 arcana of the Tarot and is tied to their semantic and numerological meanings.

Using the layout, you can get hints about what talents and abilities can be realized, answers about your purpose, and main tasks for a certain period of life.

8. Astrology.

You can also “calculate” your destiny by contacting an astrologer.

Based on the place and time of birth, the astrologer draws up a map that identifies the main areas of professional guidance and professional activity person, shows in a person's horoscope success his professional path. With the help of a horoscope, an astrologer can make fine adjustments and determine not only a person’s talents, but also the area of ​​​​activity in which a person will actually work.

9. Palmistry.

You can try turning to palmistry.

Destination can be read using palmistry along the line of Fate on the hand. The word itself " fate" implies " I will judge". Depending on how a person currently realizes the freedom of choice given to him, his life path is determined.

10. Reincarnation.

Remembering your past lives, mapping out incarnations, you can determine what your soul is most inclined to. Having ascended to the World of Souls, you can ask questions to your Guides and receive answers about the goals of your incarnations. Also from the World of Souls you can see what task you have set for this life. With the help of Reincarnation, you can reveal your destiny for one life, for several lives, and understand.

Whether you turn to the magic of numbers, engage in self-knowledge, fortune telling by the stars, or turn to your Soul to find answers,
the main thing is how we live every day!

It is important to understand: our guiding ball is in our hands!

Maria Ladova, Tatyana Druk, Lana Chulanova

Everyone comes into this world with a specific mission. True, not all people are able to find what they came into this world for. Fulfilling his mission on Earth, a person fulfills his karmic duty, thereby taking the path that will make him happy. You can find out your life mission using destiny numerology. A simple mathematical calculation will help you determine your path number in this life.

Numerology of destiny and your mission

In order to find out your mission number, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth and bring it to a single digit.

Example: 06/14/1983 = 1+4+0+6+1+9+8+3 = 32 + 3+2 = 5. The mission number of a person with this date of birth will be five. After you calculate your destiny and mission number using numerological calculations, all you have to do is find out the meaning of the numbers.

The meaning of numbers in numerology and your mission

  1. Your task in this life is to lead people. In order to fulfill your mission, you need to become a leader. It's good if you hold a leadership position or work in the field of education. You have the ability to influence and help those who need new ideas and their implementation. Help people more often and encourage those who have lost faith in themselves.
  2. Your mission is to reconcile people, bring them together, and act as a mediator. You are able to see right through people, and your ability to speak and answer is admirable. Use your abilities for the benefit of yourself and the world around you.
  3. Your mission is to create and inspire. You are able to give people something new, original, useful and necessary. Realize your ideas, this is your mission. You are a person of energy, an innovator.
  4. Your mission, according to fate numerology by date of birth, is to manifest organizational skills. You must lead, mentor people and direct the energies of those around you where they need to go.
  5. Your mission is to express the beauty of this world through art. To fulfill your mission, you need to make creativity your life’s work, only then will you know what real happiness is.
  6. Your mission is to take care of people and procreate. You must give life to a new person to fulfill your destiny. This is where your happiness lies.
  7. Your task in this life is to learn something new and give this knowledge to other people. You are a researcher!
  8. Your mission is to maintain your fortitude and never stop at anything. According to fate numerology, the number 8 is the number of heroes and those you should look up to. You must be an example for other people.
  9. Your purpose is to protect the weak and make society kinder and more humane. Don't be afraid to take a minority view if it makes sense to you and comes from the heart. Do good more often and it will come back to you!
  10. Numerology of fate makes it possible to find out your mission and live in accordance with your destiny, following which you can find personal happiness. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    26.10.2014 08:13

    Probably, many people noticed that at some certain period of their lives they began to be haunted by numbers. TO...

    We come into this world for a reason. There is an opinion that each of us...