What is the amount of the increased scholarship? Rules for assigning academic scholarships

Budget classification codes are regulated by order from the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation. New option document, which was adopted in 2017, contains all the names of contributions and their corresponding meanings. All KBK are divided into the following sections:

  • taxes for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs on special social tax (including personal income tax);
  • tax payments for enterprises operating under special tax regimes;
  • premiums for insurance policies;
  • payments for past periods;
  • payments for new periods;
  • classifier for fines and penalties;
  • codes for making other tax deductions.

Payments to the pension and insurance fund also need to be supported by budget classifier codes. The declaration is filled out by the tax agent, who is the responsible person to the fiscal authorities. You should carefully monitor the correct filling of all lines, as an error will lead to failure to fulfill obligations to the tax office. This state of affairs is fraught with fines and other penalties.

What is KBK for paying taxes?

BCC (budget classification code) is a combination of numbers by which government agencies identify and group revenues, expenses and sources of the country's budget. The code is indicated in any accounting declaration that is subject to control. Usage certain combinations figures are based on the regulations of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

The need to use the BCC is to regulate relations between entrepreneurs and the state. Supporting payments with codes allows organizations to:

  • have official confirmation of payments made;
  • analyze the purpose of the payment;
  • get rid of penalties in case of problems with fiscal authorities.

Every company involved in commercial activities, reports to the tax service, providing information on profits and expenses. The BCC can be figuratively called the state account. Due to complex structure inflows and outflows Money there is a need to create large quantity such "accounts". In the process of depositing funds into the budget important role octmo also plays, which allows you to determine the territorial affiliation of the municipality.

How to find out the BCC for paying transport tax?

Physical and legal entities pay transport taxes in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. To officially credit funds to the budget, the tax agent is required to enter the corresponding BCC in the declaration.

Many changes were made to the structure of the budget classifier codes in 2017, but the reforms did not affect the payment of transport tax. You can find out the required code using the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The structure of the document is quite difficult for an inexperienced taxpayer to understand. In connection with this difficulty, it was decided to create official explanations and regulations at the level of the Federal Tax Service. With the help of explanations from territorial fiscal authorities, you can easily find out the required budget classifier code.

All BCCs have a standardized length. Each of the twenty characters of the code corresponds to a specific parameter, which allows you to identify the direction of the payment to the state budget. The structure of a number combination consists of four blocks, each of which includes five characters.

How to find out the BCC for paying income tax?

All BCCs are regulated by an order issued by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The use of codes is supported by certain articles of the Tax Code. Find out the code for paying tax on income from operational activities Enterprises can also rely on regulations and orders from local fiscal authorities, which are issued systematically and are explanatory in nature.

The BCC for paying income tax consists of twenty characters, which are divided into four sections. Each combination encrypts certain information necessary to identify the payment.

The first three digits encrypt the data to determine government agency. The fourth digit of the code is the name of the income group for which the tax is calculated. The next two characters indicate the specifics of the payment. Next group number encrypts the value of the income item and subitem.

  • stock;
  • regional;
  • federal.

The next four numbers determine the direction of the payment:

  • payment of a fee or contribution;
  • payment of penalties;
  • payment of the penalty.

The last three digits help determine the classification of the type of income. Complex use combinations of these numbers makes it possible to perform identification automatically. The right approach for analysis, KBK will help you correctly read codes and determine the intended purpose of the payment.

How to find out the BCC for paying real estate taxes?

Payment of property taxes involves the use of a budget classifier code. The values ​​of all BCCs are contained in the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. For some individual entrepreneurs, working with such documents is quite difficult, so local fiscal authorities issue their own regulations, which are explanatory in nature.

The use of budget classifier codes is mandatory for all organizations engaged in commercial activities. Responsibility for the correct entry of codes into the declaration rests with the enterprise accountant. It is worth considering that errors in filling out codes in the declaration can lead to debt. The system will not be able to recognize the combination of numbers, so the payment simply will not reach the recipient.

The application of the BCC is carried out on the basis of instructions approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated July 1, 2013 No. 65n. The guidelines establish the structure, principles of purpose, General requirements to the procedure for the formation and application of the BCC and are mandatory for everyone.

  • budget revenues;
  • budget expenditures;
  • sources of financing budget deficits;
  • general government operations.

Budget revenues are replenished, among other things, by taxes and similar payments. They are quite varied, but each is assigned its own separate budget classification code, with the first three digits of the code indicating the payment administrator. The most common administrator code is 182, code of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

KBK in payment in 2019

What is income for the budget, for taxpayers is payment to the state treasury of taxes and equivalent payments and insurance premiums (except for “injuries”). Therefore, each of them first goes to the accounts territorial body Federal Treasury and is classified there on the basis of the BCC.

For any taxpayer or tax agent, regardless of its organizational and legal form, it is very important to correctly fill out the payment, since errors, for example, incorrectly filling out this field in payment order, can lead to money being transferred to the wrong address. The Federal Treasury may classify it as “unclarified.” This means that the payer has an unpaid obligation to the state, i.e., outstanding arrears, penalties, fines and other sanctions from the state, in in this case to the payment administrator. This can be avoided if you indicate the budget classification code correctly.

Order No. 87n dated 06/09/2017, which amended the current guidelines for the application of the BCC, contains new budget classification codes:

  • excise taxes New budget classification codes have been introduced for heating tobacco and nicotine-containing liquids, as well as e-Sigs(Order of the Ministry of Finance dated 06.06.2017 No. 84n);
  • resort fee. New BCC for transferring resort fees to the appropriate budget. Now the payment should be transferred to 000 1 15 08000 02 0000 140 (“Payment for the use of resort infrastructure (resort fee)”), where the first three digits (zeros) will be the revenue administrator. The administrator of the resort fee has not yet been determined.

How to correctly indicate BCC in settlement documents

The form of the payment order and the transfer of obligatory payments to the budget are approved by the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated 03.03.2003 No. 1256-U, and the rules for filling out are approved by the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation dated 03.03.2003 No. BG-3-10/98. In 2019, the payment order forms established by the Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 383-P and Order of the Ministry of Finance dated November 12, 2013 No. 107n are used.

Each field of the order has its own code, with the help of which the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance establish the rules for filling out the details. For example, intended for payer status.

We indicate the BCC in the field with code 104.

An example of filling out field 104 in settlement documents

Let's look at several examples of filling out field 104 in a payment order from a taxpayer, a contribution payer.

Insurance premiums

From 01/01/2017, all contributions for compulsory insurance of employees, except for contributions for injuries, must be transferred to the Federal Tax Service. For the convenience of payers, the Federal Tax Service website contains information on which BCC to indicate for payments to the budget. So, to pay insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance (20%) for June we use 182 1 02 02010 06 1010 160.

Payment order details for OPS (20%) for January 2019:

  • field 104 - budget classification code, for example, insurance contribution for compulsory pension insurance;
  • field 105 - OKTMO, territory code according to the all-Russian territory classifier municipalities at the place of registration of the taxpayer (tax agent);
  • field 106 - for current payments, indicate the TP code ( current year);
  • field 107 - value of the tax period indicator; can take the corresponding value of the period: MC - monthly payments;
  • field 108 — document number, in this case it is set to “0”;
  • field 109 - date of the document, in this case it is set to “0”;
  • field 110 - payment type, not filled in;
  • field 24 - purpose, in this case the number of the policyholder in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is indicated.

Corporate income tax

Sometimes it is necessary to distribute one tax at appropriate rates across different levels budget: federal and regional, for example, for profit.

Suppose you need to pay tax in the amount of RUB 20,000.00 in 2019. (tax base amounted to RUB 100,000.00).

To do this, you need to generate two payment orders:

  • to the federal budget the amount will be 3% - 3000.00 rubles;
  • to the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation - 17%, that is, 17,000.00 rubles. in the example.

Each budget level has its own budget classification code:

  • to the federal budget - 182 1 01 01011 01 1000 110;
  • to the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation - 182 1 01 01012 02 1000 110.

The code for field 104 of the order for the federal budget will contain the corresponding code:

For the regional one it will be different:

Payment of tax by an individual

Any citizen (payer) is forced to understand the CBC. This will be required to pay taxes such as land tax and personal property tax.

The basis for payment is a tax notice sent by the tax authority (clause 4 of Article 397 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). However, each payer must check whether the details are correct, including the budget classification code.

The KBK is incorrectly indicated on the payment slip: what to do?

Since the KBK belongs to the group of details that allow one to determine the identity of the payment, if an erroneously specified KBK is detected in the order for the transfer of tax, the payer has the right to contact the tax authority with an application to clarify the identity of the payment. This position has been repeatedly expressed by the Ministry of Finance (for example, letter dated January 19, 2017 No. 03-02-07/1/2145), the Federal Tax Service (for example, letter dated October 10, 2016 No. SA-4-7/19125@), as well as Arbitration court in the AC Resolution North Caucasus District dated 04.12.2014 No. A53-7943/2013.

Budget classification codes (BCC) are not just a set of numbers, they are essentially a chart of accounts for accounting for income and expenses of the Russian budget. We are offering to you short description revenue code structures for tax revenues to the budget. The full version can be found in Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 1, 2013 N 65n “On approval of the Instructions on the procedure for applying the budget classification of the Russian Federation”

Revenue code structure


The structure of the income code is presented in the form of three components.
  • Administrator
  • Type of income (group, subgroup, article, subitem, element)
  • Subtype of budget revenues (group and analytical group)
Administrator consists of three characters and defines the revenue administrator code. Administrators, for example, are the Federal Tax Service (code 182), the Social Insurance Fund (code 393), the Pension Fund (code 392)

Type of income is the same for all budgets of the country and includes:

  • group
  • subgroup
  • article
  • sub-article
  • element (defines the type of budget).
Income group has the following meanings:
  • 100 - tax and non-tax revenues;
  • 200 - gratuitous receipts.
Group 100 “Tax and non-tax income” (and we are only interested in this in this article) contains the following subgroups of income:
  • 101 - taxes on profits, income;
  • 102 — insurance contributions for compulsory social insurance;
  • 103 - taxes on goods (work, services) sold on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • 104 - taxes on goods imported into the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • 105 - taxes on total income;
  • 106 — property taxes;
  • 107 - taxes, fees and regular payments for the use of natural resources;
  • 108 - state duty;
  • 109 - debt and recalculations for canceled taxes, fees and other obligatory payments;
  • 110 - income from foreign economic activity;
  • 111 - income from the use of property in state and municipal ownership;
  • 112 - payments for the use of natural resources;
  • 113 - income from the provision of paid services (work) and compensation of state costs;
  • 114 - income from the sale of tangible and intangible assets;
  • 115 - administrative fees and charges;
  • 116 - fines, sanctions, compensation for damage;
  • 117 - other non-tax income;
  • 118 — receipts (transfers) for settling settlements between budgets budget system Russian Federation.
Income type code budgets has one of the following income element codes:

01 - federal budget;
02 — budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
03 - budgets of intra-city municipalities of cities federal significance;
04 — budget of the city district;
05 - budget municipal district;
06 - budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
07 - budget of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation;
08 - budget Federal Fund mandatory health insurance;
09 - budget of the territorial compulsory health insurance fund;
11 - budget of the urban district with intra-city division;
12 - budget of the intracity district;
13 - budget of the urban settlement.

Income subtype code budgets is used to detail revenues by budget revenue type codes. It consists of two parts: a group of subtypes of budget revenues (14 - 17 categories of the KBK) and analytical group subtype of budget income (18 - 20 categories of the KBK). All these codes are approved by the Directives on the procedure for applying the budget classification of the Russian Federation

Subspecies group When administering taxes and fees, the following are established:

  • 1000 – tax (fee)
  • 2100 - fine
  • 2200 - percent
  • 3000 - fines
When administering contributions, other groups are possible. In particular, insurance contributions for compulsory pension insurance have a subtype group 1010, and contributions for medical insurance - 1013.

To pay administrative and tax fines, subtype group 6000 is used.

Analytical group of income subtype is a grouping of income by type of financial transactions related to income, and consists of two groups: 100 - income and 400 - disposal of non-financial assets. We are only interested in the first one.

The income group is detailed in articles 110 - 180:

  • Article 110 “Tax revenues”. This article covers income tax, personal income tax, VAT and other taxes and fees paid in accordance with the Tax Code;
  • Article 120 “Income from property”. This includes income from the use of state and municipal property;
  • Article 130 “Income from the provision of paid services (work) and compensation of costs.” This item includes income from the provision of paid services (work) by public sector organizations and government bodies;
  • Article 140 “Amounts of forced seizure.” This article pays, in particular, arrears, penalties and fines on canceled insurance contributions to state extra-budgetary funds;
  • Article 150 “Gratuitous receipts from budgets.” From the name it is clear what it refers to;
  • Article 160 " Insurance premiums for compulsory social insurance." This includes revenues from non-budgetary funds from insurance premiums, as well as penalties and fines.
  • Article 170 missing
  • Article 180 “Other income”. This item includes all those incomes that are not included in the above items.
We hope that it has become clearer to you what KBK is and why there are so many numbers there.
KBK-2018 is in ours And remember that last year’s codes may not be valid in the current year, even if you pay tax for last year.

Scholarship – financial aid, which is paid to students of universities, technical schools, colleges, secondary educational institutions, other educational institutions, as well as graduate students and those studying for doctoral studies. Often a scholarship is the only source of survival while studying. What is the amount of scholarships for students in 2017?

Before enrolling in an educational institution, a future student should familiarize himself with the fact that the scholarship is paid only in state universities, technical schools, etc. Private educational institutions are deprived of government support, so students also do not receive financial assistance.

What types of scholarships are there? Russian educational institutions pay their students the following types financial assistance:

  • Academic. It is received by full-time students who are at budget form training and who do not have academic debt. Such students should only study for “Good” or “Excellent”. However, this indicator may not be final, since in different universities There may be different criteria.
  • Advanced academic. It is awarded to students starting from the 2nd year, provided that in the 1st year they distinguished themselves with high results in studies or sports. Participation in cultural life establishments are also welcome.
  • Social. It is paid to students who need financial assistance from the state. The fact of its payment does not depend on the student’s academic results. Provided only on the basis of the necessary documents according to which payment is made material aid. But this help can be not only monetary, but, for example, in the form of payment for living in a hostel.
  • Nominal government and presidential. It is paid to faculty students priority areas who have high academic achievements.

In total, there are 15 types of scholarships in Russia.

Academic scholarship

What does the scholarship depend on and how is it paid? Academic scholarship is assigned to all applicants automatically. They will receive it in the same amount throughout the first semester. Payment is made by card or cash within the same time frame.

The academic scholarship ceases to be paid one month after the issuance of the order to expel the student. The graduate student receives the first scholarship in the month of his enrollment in the educational institution. Payments subsequently change depending on knowledge scores.

How to get an increased scholarship? Only students who:

  • Passed the competitive selection;
  • Included in the top 10% of the results of each semester.

Social scholarship

In 2017, a social scholarship is paid in the amount of 720 rubles. for secondary institutions vocational education and 2010 rub. for bachelors and master's students. How to get a social scholarship? You can count on such payments:

  • Disabled people of groups I and II, as well as people with limited physical capabilities;
  • Orphans, as well as children left without parental care;
  • Combat veterans;
  • Students whose family income does not exceed the subsistence level in their place of residence.

How to receive a social scholarship? To do this, you need to contact the dean's office necessary documents, confirming the right to receive it.

The social scholarship is not paid if the student has unsatisfactory grades based on the results of the session. If academic performance improves, payments are restored. At the same time as this type of scholarship, an academic scholarship can also be paid on a general basis.

Accrual and payment of presidential and government scholarships

Almost all students who have made their choice in favor of areas of priority for the country’s economy can count on presidential scholarships. As for graduate students, the number of scholarships for them is limited to 300. They are appointed annually for a period of 1 to 3 years.

Who receives these scholarships? Students who achieve high academic performance can count on presidential supplements. Students who:

  • Full-time students;
  • Over the course of two semesters, they passed the subjects with “excellent” marks;
  • Conduct active scientific activities, which is confirmed by diplomas and certificates;
  • Participate in innovative developments.

Distinguished student receiving presidential scholarship, can apply for an internship in Germany, Sweden and Germany.

For receipt government scholarship Higher and secondary students can count on educational institutions full-time students on a budgetary basis, nominated by the institution's teaching council. For average educational institution this must be a 2nd year student, or for a university – a 3rd year student. Restrictions for graduate students - from the second year.

When is the government scholarship awarded? Its payment is made in accordance with the following requirements for applicants:

  • High level academic performance;
  • Publication in a scientific journal;
  • Victory or participation in the All-Russian or international competition, festival or conference;
  • Participation in international exhibitions, grants;
  • A scientific discovery backed by a patent.

Scholarship amounts

Russian legislation sets a lower limit for scholarship payments, allowing educational institutions to pay a higher amount depending on financial capabilities. Scholarship Fund of any educational institution is approved with the participation of student representatives or student union.

In 2017, the scholarship for students was increased by 5.9%, which is 1,419 rubles. in universities of the country. The scholarship at the technical school in 2017 is 487 rubles. For 2018, this increase is planned by 4.8%, which will amount to 1,487 rubles. It is obvious that the minimum scholarship in Russia does not cover the minimum requirements student life, therefore the desire to obtain increased scholarship obviously. A student who passes the exam without “C” grades has the opportunity to receive a scholarship in the amount of about 6,000 rubles.

A session passed “excellently” can become a stepping stone to obtaining more larger amount. The average extended scholarship in Russia last year was 7,000 rubles. Most successful students can receive a scholarship of up to 20,000 rubles.

Minimum size state scholarship for graduate students and doctoral students – from 2637 rubles. Scholarship scientifically - teaching staff in postgraduate studies in technical and natural sciences - from 6,330 rubles, residency - from 6,717 rubles. Doctoral students receive from 10,000 rubles.

An increased stipend for a graduate student can vary from 11 to 14 thousand rubles. Currently, the State Duma is considering a bill that would raise the stipend to the minimum wage.

Additional benefits

During their studies, a student or graduate student may qualify for additional payments related to one or another event in life:

  1. For the birth of a child. To do this, a statement from the student is written to the head of the institution. With the approval of the student trade union organization, payment is made.
  2. To purchase textbooks. Payments are made annually to postgraduate students in the amount of two scholarships. An orphan student can receive the same benefit, but in the amount of three scholarships.
  3. Behind successful learning in full-time education at the expense of budget funds.
  4. Personalized scholarships in honor talented people. Paid as support for talented and successful students of children, for achievements in the field of sports, science, technology, and creativity. The amount of such scholarships may vary.
  5. Academic leave for medical reasons.

There is nothing stopping students from receiving multiple payments at the same time. Thus, some talented guys can receive monthly payments comparable to the average salary in the country. However, you need to remember that the number of additional scholarships is very limited, so only the best can get them.

There are two types of scholarships paid in technical schools and colleges:

  • Social. Its size is 730 rubles. It is paid to all students who passed the session without “tails”. Besides, in this category includes all weakly protected categories (orphans, disabled people, students from large or defective families, etc.);
  • Academic. The amount of this scholarship is 487 rubles. It is paid to students on a budget basis who pass the exam without failing grades.

There are no maximum size restrictions. However, in fact, most educational institutions prefer to pay the minimum amounts established by the state. In some technical schools, scholarships may be increased due to regional allowances and sponsorships.

Deprivation of scholarship

For undergraduate and graduate students, the scholarship is not set for the entire duration of study, but is reviewed every semester. Reasons for deprivation of a scholarship may include:

  • Systematic absenteeism;
  • Academic debt at the end of the academic semester;
  • Based on the results of the semester, there are grades below “good”.

Go to correspondence form training, as well as academic leave are also reasons for depriving a student of a scholarship.

Is the stipend paid in the summer? Payments of scholarships in summer months no different from other periods. They take place as scheduled, and their size depends solely on the student’s performance.

Only important point, which is worth knowing about the scholarship in the summer - for June the scholarship is paid in the amount established based on the results of the session of the first semester. This is due to the fact that the second session only takes place in June, based on the results of which the scholarship for July and August will be awarded.

The Master's scholarship ceases to be paid to those students who complete their studies. The last scholarship is received for the month of June, since studies stop before the first of July.

Scholarship Russian students significantly inferior to similar payments in developed European countries.

State aid is all that a university student can count on, otherwise he will be forced to devote less time to study and be torn between classes and part-time jobs.

The country must create conditions that allow one to focus on knowledge, so scholarships are a very pressing issue.

The legislative framework

The procedure for paying scholarships is regulated by Article 36 Federal Law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation.”

The scholarship is cash payment assigned to the student so that he strives to master the corresponding educational course. Only those students and graduate students who have chosen to study full-time can count on receiving it.

If we talk about timing, the scholarship should be paid at least once a month.


Among the main types of scholarships can be distinguished:

  • academic;
  • for graduate students;
  • social.

Academic achievement directly depends on academic performance and scientific works, but is assigned to students in need of social support.

Scholarship Fund is a source of payment of scholarships, the distribution of which is made on the basis of the institution’s charter and in the manner established by the council of the higher educational institution. Agreement on the document cannot be carried out without the student union and student representatives.

In order to be appointed academic scholarship , the head of the educational institution must sign the corresponding order submitted by the scholarship committee. Such payment stops 1 month after the order to expel the student (due to academic failure or graduation) was issued. The scholarship committee may include a member of the student union or a student representative. A student who studies with “excellent” grades, or “good” and “excellent” grades, or only “good” grades, can count on an academic scholarship.

Graduate student begins to receive a scholarship immediately after the rector has signed the enrollment order. Further payments depend on the results of the annual knowledge assessment (exams).

If a student or graduate student is very interested in educational and scientific activities and has achieved success in them, then he may be assigned increased scholarships. To do this, he needs to write an application to the dean’s office and attach all the necessary documents to it.

Who is eligible to receive a scholarship?

The first scholarship is the most nice moment for a student. Anyone who receives a deposit can count on a regular payment. budget place, full-time. If a freshman is or, then he must also be paid a social stipend.

Disqualification may occur after any unsuccessful session.

Payment amounts

Currently, scholarships are paid in the Russian Federation various kinds(15 titles).

The amount of this monetary allowance is such that it is unlikely that the student brethren can be very happy about it.

Graduate students, residents, interns and doctoral students receive a little more, but this is still very far from what is necessary. True, if a student or graduate student does not have any other source of income, then he has the opportunity to receive some additional scholarship. The most successful ones manage to receive about 20 thousand rubles monthly.

Minimum stipend student at a university is 1,571 rubles, at a vocational school - 856 rubles. Despite the not very modest amount, a student studying at a higher educational institution without “C” grades can receive about 6 thousand rubles. And if the session showed “excellent” results, then you can think about increased scholarship , the size of which varies educational institutions varies from 5,000 to 7,000 rubles. A similar payment for a graduate student ranges from 11,000 to 14,000 rubles. True, to receive such significant scholarships, a student or graduate student must not only shine with knowledge, but also show interest in social and sports life University.

Increase in scholarships in 2018-2019

Last year, the Ministry of Education raised the issue of increasing scholarships for all students studying in educational institutions of the Russian Federation. During the debate, representatives of the Russian Ministry of Education planned to increase student payments in 2018 by 4.0%, which will be valid until the end of 2019.

During the first half of this year, it is planned to index scholarships by 6.0% (of the inflation rate) for the 2017-2018 academic year. Thanks to this, payments to students will be increased once again.

Scholarships for 2018-2019 academic years will increase in the following way:

  • for 62 rub. for university students;
  • for 34 rub. for technical school students;
  • for 34 rub. for college students.

Features and amount of social scholarship

Receive social scholarship are entitled to:

In addition, for social scholarship A student who has a certificate in hand stating that his family income does not reach the amount established at the place of his registration can apply. This document must be updated annually.

The social scholarship is stopped paid if the student has unsatisfactory grades and is restored as soon as he passes necessary items from the moment payments were suspended.

Along with a social scholarship, a student has the right to receive an academic one on a general basis.

The procedure for calculating and paying presidential and government scholarships

Presidential scholarship can be received by all students who have chosen specialties that are considered a priority for the country’s economy. Graduate students studying in the Russian Federation can count on receiving only 300 scholarships. The appointment is made annually for a period of 1 to 3 years.

Students who have achieved success and special merit can also receive a presidential supplement. The awarding of such a scholarship requires the development of a list of areas in which the development of students will ultimately result in significant benefits for the state.

Primary requirements to receive the presidential supplement:

  • day department;
  • half of the subjects during 2 semesters must be passed with “excellent” marks;
  • active scientific activity leading to achievement of success confirmed by diplomas or certificates;
  • development of innovative inventions or derivation of theories, information about which was published in any Russian publication.

A student who has earned a presidential scholarship has the right to undergo an internship in Germany, France or Sweden.

A student of a state educational institution of higher and secondary education can also count on receiving government scholarship. To do this, the institution’s teaching council must nominate several candidates ( full-time department, budgetary basis), students in the 2nd year (for college) and 3rd year (for university). A graduate student can be admitted to the competition no earlier than the 2nd year.

The nominated candidate must meet the following requirements:

  • high level of academic performance;
  • publication in a scientific journal;
  • participation or victory in any competition, festival or conference held at the All-Russian and international level;
  • participation in a grant, all-Russian and regional scientific exhibition;
  • the presence of a patent indicating the authorship of a scientific discovery.

Other aids for students

The occurrence of certain circumstances may result in payment to a student or graduate student lump sum benefit, for example, if he has . To do this, the head of the educational institution must receive an application from the student, and the group in which he is studying and the student trade union organization must approve it.

A graduate student annually receives an allowance equal to 2 scholarships for the purchase of textbooks. An orphan student or one without parental care receives an annual allowance for the same needs in the amount of 3 scholarships.

In addition, students are entitled to various types of compensation:

  • for successful full-time studies at the expense of budget funds;
  • academic leave in accordance with medical indications.

Changes for 2018-2019

What categories of students are eligible for scholarships?Scholarship amount per year of study
2017-2018 2018-2019
Minimum scholarship (academic)
College students856 890
College students856 890
University students1571 1633
Social scholarships
College Students856 890
College students856 890
University students2358 2452
A stipend paid to residents, trainee assistants, and graduate students3000 3120
A scholarship awarded to graduate students working in natural sciences and engineering fields7400 7696

For another type of scholarship for distinguished students, see the following video: