Mgutu Health Passport. University sports life

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
South Ural State University
Department of Physical Education
Health group: Basic Preparatory Special. medical
(check as appropriate)
Existing contraindications (restrictions) to physical education
I was involved in a sports section (which one, for how many years)
1st year students are recommended to undergo examination at the Center
rapid assessment of a person’s condition" (for swimming
SUSU swimming pool, tel. 267-96-81)

TASK No. 1 . Familiarize yourself with safety precautions
Safety requirements for physical education classes and
sport of SUSU students.
1.Students who have undergone occupational safety instructions, a medical examination and who have no contraindications due to health conditions are allowed to participate in physical education classes.
2. Students belonging to different medical groups due to health and physical development are required to engage in physical education in accordance with the doctor’s recommendation (in the medical groups corresponding to the disease).
3. Training sessions are conducted only in conditions that meet hygienic standards and requirements (temperature conditions, condition of the surface on sports fields, in ventilated rooms, etc.).
4. Students are allowed to attend classes only in sportswear that meets the conditions of the classes (weather, etc.) and the requirements of the sports facility (swimming pool, hall).
5. There should be no foreign objects on the body, clothes and pockets of the student’s sports suits that pose a health hazard during classes (cutting and piercing, etc.), as well as those that do not allow the correct reproduction of motor actions (bracelets, chains, telephones, etc.).
6. Students with chewing gum in their mouth, drugs or toxic substances are not allowed to attend classes.
7. Smoking is prohibited immediately before class, during class and immediately after class.
8. Students who feel unwell or unwell (headache, fever, chills, nausea, etc.) are not allowed to attend classes. The student is required to report any discomfort to the teacher and consult a doctor to determine the cause.
FULFILL:_______________________________ ________________

The purpose of physical education of students is the formation
physical culture of the individual and the ability of directed use
various means of physical culture, sports and tourism for
maintaining and strengthening health, psychophysical training and
self-preparation for future life and professional activities . To achieve the goal in the process of physical education, relevant tasks are solved, which are expressed in the requirements for the results of mastering the discipline.
Physical culture is presented in higher educational institutions as an academic discipline and an important component of the holistic development of the individual. Being an integral part of the student’s general culture and professional training throughout the entire period of study, physical education is included as a mandatory section in the Basic educational program for bachelor’s training.
The educational discipline “Physical Education” most fully carries out its educational and developmental functions in the targeted pedagogical process of physical education, is studied over a period of 2.5 years (5 semesters) in the amount of 360 hours (72 hours in each semester) and includes the following mandatory sections : theoretical, practical and control.
Theoretical The section forms a worldview system of scientific and practical knowledge and attitude towards physical culture ;
Practical The section includes both mandatory types of physical exercises (topics): gymnastics (exercises of professionally applied physical training and strength training), athletics (certain types), cross-country skiing, swimming, sports games, and elective sports
(fitness, athletic gymnastics, tennis, shooting, etc.) Consists of two subsections:
- methodological and practical, ensuring operational mastery of methods and methods of physical education and sports activities to achieve educational, professional and life goals of the individual;
- educational and training, promoting the acquisition of experience in creative practical activities, the development of amateur performances in physical culture and sports in order to achieve physical perfection, increase the level of functional and motor abilities, the targeted formation of personality qualities and properties;
Control The section provides information on the degree of mastery of knowledge and skills, on the state and dynamics of physical development, physical and professional preparedness of each student.
Attention! To be admitted to the physical education test, a student must
attend classes in full (complete educational and practical tasks
in the health passport) and fulfill all the requirements stipulated
federal state educational standard.

At the end of the 5th semester (December), a final certification (exam) is held in the discipline “Physical Education”. The examination is carried out in the form of an oral examination or defending an essay on a topic previously agreed upon with the teacher
(theoretical and methodological knowledge and skills are assessed) and passing examination standards for physical fitness (at the choice of the teacher). The final grade for the exam consists of two grades: the grade for the practical section and the grade for the theoretical section. Students exempted from practical classes for health reasons take the exam only in the theoretical section.
Attention! To pass the exam in the theoretical section in the 5th semester
Only those students who have no debts are admitted
previous semesters, and those who have passed the standards for the practical section.
As a result of studying the discipline “Physical Education”, the student must develop the following general cultural competencies: own
means of independent, methodically correct use
methods of physical education and health promotion, readiness for
ensuring full-fledged social and professional activities
By the end of the physical education course, the student must:
Know: scientific and practical foundations of physical culture and healthy
image and lifestyle.
Be able to: use creative means and methods of physical
education for professional and personal development of physical
self-improvement, formation of a healthy image and lifestyle.
Own: means and methods of strengthening individual health,
physical self-improvement, physical culture values
personality for successful socio-cultural and professional
Students excused for health reasons additionally
must master the methods of health-improving physical culture (with
taking into account individual contraindications).

Rice. 1. Image
runners on an amphora
Hellas 6th century BC
“There is nothing more noble than the sun, which gives
so much light and warmth. This is how people glorify
those competitions, greater than which there is no
nothing, - Olympic Games”
The history of the Olympic Games has two periods: ancient olympic
games And modern Olympic games.
The first Olympic Games of antiquity were held in 776 BC. in honor of the conclusion of a truce between the warring states of Hellas and
Sparta. The Olympic Games were held until 394 BC. (293 games played). IN
394 BC they were banned by the Roman Emperor Theodosius as a manifestation of "pagan" beliefs.
At the first games they competed only in running
one stage(the length of the stadium) – “stadium”. According to legend, Hercules himself determined the length of the path in
600 of your feet (192.27 m). The games program gradually expanded. Running at the 24th stage was included - “dilisodrome”, wrestling, pentathlon -
“Pentathlon” (running 1 stage, long jump, javelin and discus throwing, wrestling), fist fighting, chariot racing, etc. The winners of the Olympic Games were sung by poets, their names were carved on columns installed on the banks of the Alpheus River. That is why the winners of the ancient Olympic Games became known to us. Among them is the world famous mathematician
Pythagoras (fist fight). During the days of the games, poets, artists, scientists, musicians, and artists from many cities in Greece gathered in Olympia. Art competitions and fairs were held.
Pierre de Coubertin. Outstanding role in the revival of modern
The Olympic Games were played by a French public figure, educator and teacher Pierre de Coubertin(1863-1937). On his initiative, on June 26, 1894, the International Sports Congress was convened, which decided to revive the Olympic Games, and a governing body was created - the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Its president from 1896 to 1925 was Pierre de
First Olympic Games modern times took place in Athens in 1896
G., at the birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games. The second Olympic Games took place in
Paris in 1900, in recognition of the outstanding services of Pierre de Coubertin in their revival.

Rice. 2. The very first in history
Olympic Games medal,
Athens, 1896
Rice. 3. Olympic emblem
Olympic emblem– five intertwined rings, symbolizes the unity of the five continents (top row: blue, black, red; bottom row: yellow and green). Olympic motto:
“Faster, higher, stronger” (“Citius, altrus, fortius”).
Before the start of the games, the athletes take an oath: “...we will participate in these
Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules by which they are held, in a true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and for the honor of their teams."
Olympic flame illuminated by the sun's rays in Olympia. The relay carries the Olympic flame to the stadium, where it is lit in a special bowl and burns throughout the games. This tradition began in IX
Olympic Games in 1938
Amsterdam and has never been violated since then.
Russia took part in the IV Olympic Games for the first time, which took place in 1908 in London. Of the five participants, three managed to win medals, and N. Panin-Kolomenkin won a gold medal in figure skating.
After the break, our athletes participated in the XV Olympic Games
1952 in Helsinki.
In 1980, Moscow became the capital of the XXII Olympic Games.
The Winter Olympic Games begin their history in 1924. However, their prehistory began in 1908, when figure skating competitions took place in London as part of the IV Summer Games program.
In 2004, the Olympic Games took place in Athens (Greece).
In 2008, the Olympic Games in Beijing (China).
In 2012 took place in London, and in 2014. Winter Olympic Games will be held in Sochi (Russian Federation)
In 2016, the Olympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
TASK No. 2
What sports do you like?
What famous athletes do you know?

Based on medical supervision, all students involved in physical education are divided into three medical groups depending on:
* health status;
* physical development;
* physical fitness.
Based on a medical examination, the doctor determines which group you belong to and whether you have contraindications to physical activity.
Physical education curricula are drawn up for each medical group.
Human health and life expectancy are affected by various negative factors.
TASK No. 3
Rank (1-11) the negative impacts based on your opinion (mark the most important factor for you with number 1, etc. up to 11)
(Your opinion)
Negative Impacts
Lack of physical activity and movement
Low quality of medical care
Lack of knowledge and healthy lifestyle skills
Curriculum overload
Poor living conditions
Drug use, substance abuse
Predisposition to hereditary diseases
Stressful situations, excessive anxiety
Alcohol consumption
Ecological situation
Specify another factor: no deviations in the state of health with insufficient physical fitness deviation in the state of health of a permanent or temporary nature

Determined by the ratio of longitudinal and girth dimensions and by the development of muscle mass of the body.
There are three main types
Like any scientific classification, these body types are arbitrary.
There are transitional options between asthenics, normosthenics, and hypersthenics.
For the simplest type diagnostics, rely on the description and measurement results.
With the thumb and index finger of your right hand, clasp your left wrist in the place where the bone protrudes.
He grabbed it easily, even with too much force -
They barely grabbed it, they even had to strain - normosthenic.(b)
The girth didn't work out. No matter how hard we tried
TASK No. 4
Write down your body type
Rice. 4. Body types

For an approximate assessment of the harmony of the physique, you can use the method of anthropometric indices, such as the Quetelet index.
Weight and height indicator(Quetelet index) is determined by dividing weight in grams by height in centimeters:
Quetelet index = body weight (g) / height (cm)
TASK No. 5
Determine your weight and height index. Enter the results into the general
table on page 37.
Body composition. Body weight itself consists of the weight of muscles, bones, nerve tissue, skin and internal organs. These tissues are highly metabolically active and are heavily involved in energy production during exercise. The main function of fat is to store energy for later use. The fat layer does not actively participate in the exercises.
Your body weight is less important than your percentage of muscle and fat mass.
TASK No. 6
(perform every semester, enter the results in the table on page 37)
Circumference measurement:
1. Chest circumference (tape
located strictly under the chest)________ cm;
2. Waist circumference________ cm;
3. Pelvic circumference (the tape is located along
the most protruding part of the buttocks)_________ cm;
4. Circumference of the right and left thigh (measured
along its most voluminous part)____________ cm;
5. Right/left biceps circumference (measures-
For young men, the circumference of the arm is in the upper third,
approximately at chest level) in a state:
- rest_____________ cm
- tension _____________ cm;
6. Circumference of the right and left shin (measured
the most voluminous part of the lower leg) ____________ cm.
Rice. 5.Measurement

The heart is a muscle, “the engine of our body.” The main feature of this muscle is that it contracts without the participation of a person’s will. The cardiac muscle consists of striated muscle fibers. They contract quickly.
Heart rate (pulse). A person's heart rate can be determined by their pulse. Pulse is the vibration of the wall of an artery (blood vessel) during blood pulsation. Usually the pulse is counted at the carotid or radial artery.
At rest, the heart rate (HR) of an untrained adult is 65-75 beats/min. In a well-trained person, the resting heart rate is most often below 60 beats/min.
TASK No. 7
Calculate your resting heart rate.
Your resting heart rate is _________________ beats per minute.
Heart rate does not depend on age, but on the strength of the heart muscle,
which increases with increasing level of training
Even during light work, your heart rate increases instantly. So, in particular, if you slowly get up from a sitting position, your heart rate will increase, and for some significantly: by 15-20 beats per minute, which indicates an inadequate reaction of the body (cardiovascular system) to such a small load (normally the increase should be 6-12 beats/min).
To determine the level of functional readiness, various functional tests are used.
TASK No. 8
Stand up slowly. Calculate your pulse in 15 seconds. beats per minute
Determine the difference between heart rate (standing) and heart rate (sitting) =_____________
For home self-control, you can use a test with climbing up regular flights of stairs in the entrance of a multi-story building (limit the ascent time to 2 minutes).


Who plays basketball best at MSUTU?

30th of March at MSUTU named after. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU) basketball competitions among institutions were held. Both boys and girls – MSUTU students – competed with each other.

The boys competed first. One of the players is a master’s student at the Institute of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mikhail Kukharenko. He has been involved in sports since he was 7 years old. His life included athletics, gymnastics, and wrestling. He became interested in basketball in the fifth grade. “It was a section at a children’s and youth sports school. I studied there for 7-8 years, received a diploma and a rank. Then he played for college and university. For me, basketball is like the first serious hobby that I developed serious feelings for. This is a game in which you can compete with strong opponents, while having fun and not being afraid of being defeated! " – noted Michael.

According to M. Kukharenko, he was very pleased with the level of all the teams. He especially highlighted the training of the BiRH and SAITiP institutes. “The teams tried to fight for every ball, tried to win. At times it was even breathtaking! Our team members understood each other well, helped and supported each other. We were just a little short of victory. The team’s weakness turned out to be “slight indecision.” We should have acted a little more boldly, then we would definitely have taken first place! I am glad that such events are held at our university!” - said Kukharenko.

After the boys, the girls came out onto the playground. After warming up they started the game.

Student Elizaveta Maslyukova played for the Megafaculty of TPPiTM. She is a first year student at the institute. The height of this athlete reaches 181 cm. The girl admitted that she has been involved in sports since childhood. “I was 7 years old when at school, because of my height, they noticed me and asked me to play basketball. That's when my love for this game began. I worked professionally for six years, but then I had to leave. Thanks to Artyom Yuryevich Lakhtin, Deputy Director for Physical Culture and Health, I was able to continue doing what I love. If it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have the opportunity to train or play. Now basketball is an integral part of me. I can no longer imagine my life without him. Every week I am eager to train, I get tremendous pleasure from them,” she emphasized Elizabeth.

E. Maslyukova I am sure you should never underestimate your opponent, especially in basketball. “Basketball is usually played by lively girls, because it is a contact sport. I was very worried before the game because I didn’t know what to expect from my opponents. But at such events you get a lot of positive emotions. The very atmosphere in the hall contributes to this. I’m glad that our university organizes basketball competitions!” – said the athlete.

And even if not everyone received the coveted cups that day, everyone remained winners - after all, everyone received a lot of impressions!

Basketball game results

Among young men:

· 1st place - UKIT (college)

· 2nd place - TPPiTM

· 3rd place - SAITiP

· 4th place - SGT

· 5th place - BiRH

· 6th place - E&P

Among the girls:

· 1st place - E&P

· 2nd place - SGT

· 3rd place - TPPiTM

· 4th place - UKIT

· 5th place - BiRH

· 6th place - SAITiP

Congratulations to the winners! And for those who did not take prizes, we wish them to achieve victory next time!

Hat fights took place at the Universitetskiy sports and recreation complex

March 22 The qualifying tournament for Russian hat fights was held for the first time on the territory of the Universitetsky sports and recreation complex. Its goal is to attract young people to traditional Cossack fun and games.

Specialist of the Network Center for Cossack Training, 1st year master's student at SAITP Timur Useinov was a tournament judge.

“Russian hat fighting is an old Russian pastime that is gaining popularity again. According to the rules of the tournament, two participants wearing hats enter the battle. The task of each fighter is to remove the headdress from the enemy. To do this, opponents must use dexterity and cunning. The battle continues until two hats are removed. Sometimes another consolation fight is organized for the loser and thus he is given a chance to remove the headdress from the opponent at least once. To avoid injury, we asked the guys to wear light gloves. By the way, girls took part in the tournament. In addition to pairs competitions, there were also team competitions. They competed six against six people. Our participants in red hats fought against opponents in blue hats. The hat fighting area was limited. Whoever married her had to leave the team. Also, the score went to two victories. More than a hundred people aged 7 to 14 years took part in the tournament. These are representatives of military-patriotic centers and schools of the Cossack continuous education cluster. The young cadets and Cossacks showed themselves with dignity and gave their all. All fights were quite dynamic. I think it was one of the best tournaments we’ve ever had!” – emphasized Timur Useinov.

According to the tournament judge, the winners will take part in the finals, which will be held on Red Square, as part of the Spasskaya Tower for Children festival. It should take place at the end of August.

Results of the Russian hat fighting tournament

Personal score:

Participants 7 – 9 years old (height up to 140 cm)

1st place – Georgy Panfilov

2nd place – Artur Sbitnev

3rd place – Edgar Gesin

Participants 7–9 years old (height above 140 cm)

1st place – Andrey Ryabov

2nd place – Musa Eldarkhanov

3rd place – Alexander Divin

Participants 10 – 12 years old (height up to 150 cm)

1st place – Alexey Parlyuk

2nd place – Abdulla Abdulkhakimov

3rd place – Artyom Makarov

Participants 10 – 12 years old (height above 150 cm)

1st place – Dmitry Gusev

2nd place – Andrey Karamazov

3rd place – Gleb Andreev

Participants 13 – 14 years old (height up to 160 cm)

1st place – Dmitry Satdinov

2nd place – Alexander Tsibanev

3rd place – Victoria Mushtakova

Participants 13 – 14 years old (height up to 175 cm)

1st place – Ivan Sirbu-Soloviev

2nd place – Igor Evlashin

3rd place – Matvey Lebedev

Participants 13 – 14 years old (height above 175 cm)

1st place – Yuri Varvanin

2nd place – Danil Lushpay

3rd place – Mikhail Shkuratov

Team standings:

1st place – Kuzminki school

2nd place – school No. 1536

3rd place – OD (Olympic Village)

MSUTU student Matvey Eliseev won a bronze medal at the Biathlon World Championships

On March 16, the Russian biathlon team consisting of Matvey Eliseev, Nikita Porshnev, Dmitry Malyshko and Alexander Loginov finished behind the Norwegians and Germans. The Russians used seven additional rounds.

25-year-old master's student at the Institute of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Moscow State Technical University. K. G. Razumovsky (PKU) Matvey Eliseev started at the first stage of the relay. In shooting from a prone position, he did not make a single mistake, but on the second firing line, in the “stand,” he needed two additional cartridges. Despite this, he overtook the leaders and was the first to pass the baton. For Matvey, the relay award was the first at the world championships.

In the overall team medal standings at the World Championships in Östersund, the Russian team took seventh place. For Russians, this result was the best since 2011 in terms of the number of awards won.

For reference: On February 24, 2019, Matvey Eliseev won a silver medal at the European Championship in the pursuit race.

Vyacheslav Ryabov defeated Karatas Hussein in 19 seconds!

On March 21, at the Vegas City Hall, under the slogan “Universal Fighter,” the first WTKF tournament was held, combining competitions in several sports disciplines.

Vyacheslav Ryabov, a Cossack student at Moscow State University of Technology named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU), in the first fighting show under the auspices of the new international professional federation World Total Kombat Federation (WTKF), fought with Karatas Hussein (Turkey) and defeated him in 19 seconds.

Vyacheslav has been practicing martial arts for several years and came to the fight with three crushing victories (according to the Mixed Martial Arts Federation). Both in the stands and in front of the screens at home during the broadcast, his family, friends and classmates were rooting for him. He himself admits that he felt this support.

“Every athlete has his own truth, for me it is: faith, family, loved ones, respect and humility. When all these components work in full, victory is inevitable. I felt the support of my family and fans behind me. I knew that I couldn’t let them down and lose in this battle,” said Ryabov.

The WTKF international tournament was attended by titled athletes from seven countries, in particular: world champion in universal combat and Russian champion in hand-to-hand combat Rashid Koichakaev (Russia, Balashikha), Honored Master of Sports in hand-to-hand combat Jahongir Jumaev (Uzbekistan), winner of the World Cup in hand-to-hand combat combat sambo, world champion in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, ex-champion of the Fightnight organization in the middle weight Abusupiyan Alikhanov (Russia), world champion in MMA (MMA union), participant of ACB and Fightnights Nodar Kudukashvili (Georgia), master of sports in hand-to-hand combat, winner of international tournaments Dmitry Vezhenko (Russia, Khakassia) and two-time world champion in kickboxing Sean Tolouee (Turkey).

“Health Day in the Pool” was held at MSUTU

March 12, 2019 in the sports and recreation complex "University" MSUTU named after K.G. Razumovsky (PKU) held a “Health Day in the pool”. The competition took place as part of events dedicated to the XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk. The main goal of the competition at MSUTU is to popularize a healthy lifestyle.

The competition among students was opened by the head of the department of physical education and pre-conscription training, deputy director for physical education and health work at ISGT Artyom Lakhtin. The event was attended by the first vice-rector of MSUTU, Galina Kapitsa. “You are all winners, regardless of the places you get. First of all, the students won because each of them has an electronic portfolio. Thanks to him, everyone will know that you take an active position in life. It’s no secret that an employer will want to hire a person who not only works well, is not only a professional, but also leads a healthy lifestyle!” – Galina Kapitsa concluded her speech.

University students, staff and faculty competed in the 50-meter freestyle swim. The chief judge of the competition was a senior lecturer at the Department of Physical Education and Pre-Conscription Training at MSUTU. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU), candidate master of sports in swimming Herman Gershun.

“Our students began to take part more actively in the swims. Apparently, work is being done in the right direction, which is why the results are positive. There are also those who constantly take part in competitions. It is clear from the technique that the guys have become better swimmers than last year. And the level increased, and the result accordingly. We had people who once could not enter the water at all, but now they calmly covered a distance of 50 meters. This is also great progress for them. We, in turn, are pleased that you have become more active in swimming. We promote a healthy lifestyle and we are pleased when people actively take part in such events!” – noted the chief judge.

Student Margarita Kozletinova learned to swim 2 years ago under the guidance of a trainer G. Gershun.“Sport has always taken first place in my life. But it so happened that until my second year at the institute I did not know how to swim. After I became interested in this sport, there were more competitions, more people, more communication, I myself became more open, my health improved. My best result is 30.12 seconds. I achieved it at the last interuniversity competitions. The distance was 50 meters. Nowadays it is more difficult to combine training and work on a diploma, and sports require constant improvement. Therefore, today I could have performed better,” the competition participant emphasized.

Student Vesta Solomentseva This is my second year of swimming. He enjoys basketball and table tennis. She also thinks she could have done better at the Pool Wellness Day. In her opinion, her nerves played a cruel joke on her. Like a real athlete, she doesn’t give up. “To succeed, you need to pay attention to your mistakes, learn from them and practice more often. We need to be less nervous,” said V. Solomentseva.

The best result of the health day among students was shown by Ilya Petrov(27.38 s), and among employees and teachers - Vladimir Kulakov(27.5 s). According to the chief judge, these are decent results for the MSUTU swimming team.

455 students took part in the competition: BIRC (71), UKIT (64), SAITP (62), EMIP (46), ISGT (101), TPPITM (111). Also, 15 university staff and teachers (3 women and 12 men) competed. At the end of the swim, everyone received certificates and medals.

Results by institution:

1st place – BIRKH

2nd place – TPPITM

3rd place – ISHT

4th place – SAITP

5th place – UKIT

6th place – EMIP

Best personal results:

up to 30 years (men)

Kulakov Vladimir Gennadievich (TPPITM)

30–45 years (men)

Slokvenko Taras Fedorovich (Network Center for Cossack Training)

45–60 years (men)

Gulyaev Andrey Anatolievich (ISHT)

from 60 (men)

Abramov Yuri Viktorovich (EMIP)

up to 40 years (women)

Vakulenko Antonina Nikolaevna (SGT)

up to 45 years (women)

Fokina Margarita Ilyinichna (accountant)

45-60 years (woman)

Moiseeva Olga Aleksandrovna (SGT)

Congratulations to the winners and participants!

MSUTU students competed in a volleyball tournament

March 2, 2019 On the basis of the College of Information Technologies, a volleyball tournament was held among men's and women's teams, dedicated to the opening of the XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk. The main referee of the game was the Deputy Director for Physical Education and Health Work of ISHT Artyom Lakhtin.

The dance support group performed at the grand opening "ONSPORT."

Eight teams took part in the tournament - 4 men's and 4 women's. The games were played in a round robin system.

Volleyball tournament results:


1st place– team “Dragons” - team of school No. 867;

II place– MSUTU team;

III place- Team "UKIT".


1st place– MSUTU team;

II place– team from school No. 1505;

III place– team of school No. 1987.

2nd year student of TPPiTM Maria Pleshakova has been playing volleyball since she was 11 years old. While still a schoolgirl, she received a second adult rank in this sport. According to the girl, when she entered MSUTU, she was incredibly glad that she was included in the national team. In this tournament she became one of the brightest players.

“The tournament was intense, everything was well organized. 3 teams of girls came to our gym, with whom we later competed. There were three games in total, two of which included our MSUTU team. I want to say that there were tense moments when we ourselves made mistakes, but we tried not to relax. We were supported and mentored by our coach Artyom Yuryevich Lakhtin. Thanks to him, we took a well-deserved first place! Personally, I have positive impressions of the games, I would gladly play more! Such tournaments allow our team to become more united, see different playing techniques and learn skills. I hope that our university will organize such competitions again, which will allow us to attract future student-athletes so that they can decide on their future choice of profession and university!” – told M. Pleshakova.

All tournament participants were awarded sweet prizes, and the winning teams were awarded certificates, medals and cups. Everyone received a charge of vivacity and good mood!

Congratulations to the girls on their victory! We wish all our athletes success in new competitions!

The junior team of the Kazak sports club took first place in the spring biathlon

On March 2, 2019, on the territory of the park and the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Pokrovsky-Streshnevo, the game “Patriots of Russia. Spring Biathlon” was held.

30 participating teams completed a biathlon course more than 3 km long using laser tag equipment. Tests included: military hand-to-hand combat, archery, first aid, machine gun preparation and drone control.

The junior team of the MSUTU sports club “Cossack” took part in the third stage of the “Spring Biathlon” of the series of military-historical orienteering games “Patriots of Russia”.

Cossack students who took first place in the senior age group, completing the distance in 23 minutes without penalties at the shooting range, were awarded medals and certificates for participation in the final stage of the games.

Congratulations to the winners!

From October 23 to 26, students of MSUTU named after. K. G. Razumovsky (PKU) took part in the regional stage of the All-Russian physical education youth project “From student achievement to the GTO insignia”. Over the course of four days, students of the First Cossack University passed the GTO standards in such disciplines as general physical training, swimming, athletics, and shooting.

The results are currently being counted. And soon we will find out whether our students have passed the All-Russian stage of the physical education youth project “From the student test to the GTO insignia.”

A water polo tournament in memory of Sergei Fotin was held at MSUTU

October 26 and 27 at MSUTU. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU) a water polo tournament was held in memory of the young scientist-teacher Sergei Fotin.

Students from four universities took part in the memorial tournament:

MSUTU named after K.G. Razumovsky (PKU), RGSU, RTU (MIREA) and RUT (MIIT).

The memorial tournament was solemnly opened by the Olympic champion, Vice-President of the Russian Water Polo Federation Evgeniy Sharonov and the director of the Universitetsky sports and recreation center Sergei Dikovinny.

From the first day, the competition was a bitter struggle and brought great pleasure to both the spectators and the tournament participants.

The first place and the main prize, the cup of the memorial tournament in memory of Sergei Sergeevich Fotin, was won by the team of our university!

The places between the participants were distributed as follows:

1st place – MSUTU named after K.G. Razumovsky (PKU).

2nd place – RGSU

3rd place – RTU (MIREA)

4th place – RUT (MIIT)

The award ceremony was attended by MSUTU Rector, Doctor of Economics, Professor Valentina Ivanova and tournament sponsor Sergei Vasilievich Fotin.

All participants in the memorial tournament received medals and gifts from sponsors and the Russian Water Polo Federation.

For information

Sergey Sergeevich Fotin is a young doctor, scientist, teacher, who previously worked at MSUTU. He died in a car accident while on duty.

From October 6 to October 7, 2018, with the support of the trade union organization of MSUTU. K. G. Razumovsky (PKU) held a student sports trip to the “Spasatel” base in Naro-Fominsk. The participants of the trip were activists and athletes - those students who became winners in the Cossack Spartakiad of MSUTU. The guys had an active time. They were divided into teams, each of which was made up of representatives of different institutions. In accordance with the program, Jeff’s exercise, a sports quest, and evening dances were organized

On October 15, 2018, the first game took place as part of the XXXI Moscow Student Sports Games. The MSUTU women's team defeated the MGMSU team with a score of 3:0.

On October 17, the first game of the MSUTU men's volleyball team took place within the framework of the XXXI MSSI. Our team lost to the PMSMU team with a score of 0:3.

On September 29, at the Luzhniki sports complex, student-athletes of MSUTU. K. G. Razumovsky (PKU) took part in the award ceremony for the winners and prize-winners of the Moscow student championship, held as part of the XXX Moscow student sports games. The event took place as part of the sports festival of the Moscow leg of the torch relay of the XXIX World Winter Universiade 2019 in Krasnoyarsk.

In the final part, the guests of the holiday were delighted with the concert. The sports festival ended with a big fireworks display.

On June 5, 2018, the Union State Student Youth Spartakiad started in the Belarusian city of Zhlobin. The Student Spartakiad is an annual event that has been held since 2003 and brings together young people from two countries - Russia and the Republic of Belarus (Belarus). This year the competition is held under the motto “Our unity – our victories.” Support is provided by the Association of Student Sports Teams of Russia.

The Union State Spartakiad in 2018 is being held in four stages - two each on the territory of Belarus and Russia. 192 students from 21 universities in Russia and Belarus took part in the sports competitions in Zhlobin. For five days, from June 5 to 10, 2018, athletes competed in athletics (100 and 400 meters running, long jump), volleyball and mini-football.

Among the youth who took part in the Spartakiad there were two students from our MSUTU!!! Olga Spitsyna and Igor Asonov were among the outstanding non-professional athletes at Russian universities and showed excellent results in athletics.

The future is ours! Each of us can take an active part in the sports life of our university and the country as a whole. The flag is in your hands - and for events!

On June 15–16, 2018, the Moscow Championship among juniors and juniors under 23 years old was held - the second stage of the IV Summer Youth Spartakiad of Russia. Shavrin Alexander, a student at the Institute of Biotechnology and Fisheries of Moscow State University named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU), took second place in the 110-meter hurdles, third place in the 200-meter race.

Final of ASSC Russia

From May 6 to May 10, 2018 in the village. Sukko (Krasnodar Territory) at the Smena health camp hosted the All-Russian final of the ASSC of Russia “On Sports” among the country’s universities. The winners and medalists of regional qualifying competitions in chess, volleyball, basketball, football and table tennis gathered in the village, located in the valley of the Sukko River, surrounded by mountains, 12 kilometers south of Anapa. In total there are more than 1200 athletes from all regions of Russia.

Our university was supposed to be represented by a girls volleyball team (silver medalists of the Central Federal District) and a chess team (bronze medalists of the Central Federal District), but due to the large number of participants, the girls volleyball players were refused at the last moment, and the only representative at this sports festival was Dmitry Drozdov, student 1 -th course of TPPiTM. Out of 104 declared chess athletes, Dmitry showed good results. Thus, he took 11th place in blitz chess competitions, and 16th place in classical chess.

In honor of the Great Victory, the participants in the final “On Sports” depicted the silhouette of the world-famous photograph of the Soviet war correspondent E. A. Khaldei, “The Banner of Victory over the Reichstag”! The victory banner in 1945 was hoisted by Georgians M. V. Kantaria (1920–1993), Ukrainian A. P. Berest (1921–1970), Kumyk A. I. Ismailov (1916–2010), Russian M. A. Egorov (1923 –1975) is a common victory for a multinational country! Russian students believe that the peoples who forged this Great Victory need to live in peace and friendship. 1,200 students from all over our country took part in the flash mob. The purpose of the action is to remind everyone of the feat of our ancestors in the Great Patriotic War.

Our student-athletes will now prepare to compete in the next academic year. We hope that our university will represent teams in all sports that will be represented in the finals of the ASSC of Russia in 2019. Let's wish them good luck!!!

Volleyball tournament "Victory Day"

On May 5, 2018, a career guidance volleyball tournament among men's and women's teams was held at the College of Information Technology, dedicated to the great holiday - Victory Day. Athletes and guests of the tournament honored the memory of the fallen defenders of the Fatherland with a minute of silence.

At the opening parade, groups from our university performed: the Cossack Stanitsa choir and the dance group of the support group NASporte.

Eight teams took part in the tournament - 4 men's and 4 women's. The games were played in a round robin system.

  • The winner among the boys was the “Olympus” team, a team from schools in the area of ​​Vernadsky Avenue, grades 8–11; second place was taken by the MSUTU team and third place by the Sokol team (team of the Sokol district);
  • for girls: first place was taken by the Victoria team - the team of school No. 1236; second place – MSUTU team and third place – Sokol district team.

All participants were awarded sweet prizes, and the winning teams were awarded certificates, medals and cups.

Day of health on the water at MSUTU named after. K. G. Razumovsky (PKU)

On April 24, 2018, in the swimming pool of the Universitetskiy sports and recreation center of MSUTU named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU), the first university-wide Water Health Day was held. Students and staff from five institutes and the College of Information Technology took part in the swimming competition. The competition participants - representatives of each educational institution - came to our pool at a strictly appointed time and performed a freestyle swim at a distance of 50 meters.

The important thing is not to win but to take part! – these famous words of the French public figure, teacher Baron Pierre de Coubertin (1863–1937), who revived the practice of holding the Olympic Games, became the motto of university-wide competitions.

Participants were awarded separately for each institute.

At the end of the event, university staff also spoke.

A total of 237 people took part in the competition.

The winners at Health Day were:

  • Bead Diana for girls and Zuikov Gleb for boys – TPPiTM
  • Dashina Polina and Zaichenko Alexander – SGT
  • Guseva Ksenia and Masalitin Vasily – EMIP
  • Vera Markelova and Nikita Chulets – BIRC
  • Grigorieva Lyudmila and Kudryashov Dmitry – SAITP
  • Dulova Daria and Tsikovino Oleg – UKIT

At the Rector's Cup, the individual winners were:

  • Kozletinova Margarita (TPPiTM) and Odnorozhnikov Kirill (SAITP) – first age group
  • Maria Prokudina (SGT) and Vladimir Kulakov (TPPiTM) – second age group
  • Alexandrov Roman Viktorovich (UKIT) – third age group
  • Konnova Irina Gennadievna (UKIT) and Abramov Yuri Viktorovich (EMiP) – fourth age group

The winners and runners-up were awarded certificates and medals.

The winners in relay swimming were:

  • SAITP team – in the younger age group
  • EMIP team is in the older age group.

The teams were awarded diplomas and cups.

Swimming "Open Championship MSUTU Day of Cosmonautics"

On April 12, 2018, a swimming competition dedicated to Cosmonautics Day – “Open Championship of K.G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technology (PKU)” – was held at the Universitetskiy Sports and Recreation Center. The winners were chosen in several categories (various swimming styles and relay). More than 30 people from different institutes in the age group of 18-25 took part in the competition. The places were distributed as follows:

Distance: 50 crawl girls

1st place - Kozletinova Margarita (CCI and TM);

2nd place - Anna Kadushnikova (CCI and TM);

3rd place - Busina Diana (CCI and TM).

Among young men:

1st place - Mikhailov Roman (STANKIN);

2nd place - Kirill Odnorozhnikov (SAiTP);

3rd place - Vladimir Kulakov (TPPiTM)

In the relay:

1. Chamber of Commerce and Industry;


3. MSUTU team.

The winners were awarded cups, certificates and medals.

All-Russian ASSC Russia competitions took place at the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov in three areas: volleyball, basketball and chess.

The team of the First Cossack University adequately presented itself in the competition.

The women's volleyball team took second place, and the boys' volleyball team took fifth place.

The men's team was represented in basketball; they are in 6th place in the standings.

In the chess competition, the boys won third place, the girls – fourth.

It is worth noting that Lyubov Soboleva became the best player of the volleyball tournament!

03/01/2018 MSUTU students took part in the “International exercise 180318”

On March 1, 2018, the All-Russian relay race “International exercise 180318: selection of champions!” started. On Friday, March 16, students of the First Cossack University also joined the action. The exercise took place at the Palace of Wrestling named after. Ivan Yarygin.

In total, 120 students of MSUTU took part in the event. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU).

“I really enjoyed today's event. It's not just charging. This is a massive national exercise with the most famous champions and political figures of Russia. Events like this are energizing. I’m sure that with this we show our unity, our strength,” Cossack student Timur Useinov shared his impressions.

The relay race is organized by the Federal Agency for National Affairs and takes place in different regions of the country until March 18. The essence of the action is as follows. It is expected that participants will perform 180,318 sports exercises en masse: squats, pull-ups, etc. The number was not chosen by chance - it symbolizes the voting date.

You can also join the action on social networks; to do this, before March 18, you need to post a video of your workout with the hashtags #ChoiceofChampions180318, #YourVoiceDecides, #ProVote180318. The winners will receive T-shirts with autographs of famous athletes: Alexander Karelin, Vyacheslav Fetisov, Nikolai Valuev and others.

02/28/2018 Rector's Chess Cup

On February 28, 2018 at 15.00, a sports event was held in honor of the 65th anniversary of the K. G. Razumovsky Moscow State University of Technology (PKU) - the “Rector’s Chess Cup” for everyone. The competition was held according to the Olympic knockout system. More than 45 athletes took part.

The places were distributed as follows:

3rd place – Valentina Avinova (UKIT), Irina Klepova (ISHT)

2nd place – Kiyametdinova Nadezhda (UKIT)

1st place – Akhmeeva Milena (ISHT)

3rd place – Daniil Feinberg (UKIT), Alexander Fokin (TPPiTM)

2nd place Vladimir Kulakov (TPPiTM)

1st place – Drozdov Dmitry

The winners among boys and girls played in the final - the rector's cup went to Dmitry Drozdov.

Thanks everyone for participating.

We invite you on March 6 to a darts competition among university institutes, which will be held in building 5 on the street. People's Militia, 38 (m. Oktyabrskoye Pole).

02/14/2018, 02/17/2018 Volleyball, Moscow Championship

On February 14 and 17, the girls' volleyball team of MSUTU. K. G. Razumovsky (PKU) met with two teams from our group as part of the Moscow city championship. The fight was persistent and difficult for our volleyball players. In both meetings, the MSUTU team lost to the “Courage” team with a score of 1:3 and the “Liberty” team with a score of 0:3. This happens, because in sports someone always wins and someone loses. Let this be a lesson for our athletes and strengthen their fighting spirit.

This week, February 20 and 24, our team will face new opponents. We wish the MSUTU volleyball team good luck, luck, dedication and beautiful serves!

02/10/2018 Ski track of Russia-2018

On February 10, 2018, the annual All-Russian mass race “Ski Track of Russia 2018” took place. Students of our university took part in this winter festival, but this time they did not become winners or prize-winners. At the same time, everyone was satisfied, receiving a charge of vivacity and good mood.

01.2018 Athletics. Moscow Championship

From January 17 to 19, 2017, the Moscow Championship among juniors under 20 and under 23 years old was held at the CSKA athletics and football complex. Shavrin Alexander, a 2nd year student at the Institute of Biotechnology and Fisheries at Moscow State University of Technology named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU), took 3rd place in the 60-meter hurdles.

On January 31, 2017, the Moscow High Jump Cup to music was held at the Znamensky Brothers Olympic Center. The winner of the competition was Olympic champion Ivan Ukhov: his result was 2 meters 35 centimeters. Shchepelev Alexander Anatolyevich, a teacher at MSUTU named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU), was a representative of the competition panel of judges. A special guest of the competition was Jose Satamayor, a Cuban athlete and world record holder in high jump: his achievement of 2 meters 45 centimeters has stood for 30 years. The host was Dmitry Guberniev, a commentator on the Russian federal sports television channel Match TV.

All competition participants are presented in photographs.

01/27/2018 Volleyball

On January 27, 2018, a volleyball meeting took place between the women's teams of MSUTU named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU) and the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Moscow "School No. 1416 "Lianozovo" with the aim of conducting career guidance work with high school students. Three games were played. In a bitter struggle the team of schoolgirls defeated our students.

Everyone received a charge of vivacity and good mood.

20-21.01.2018 Volleyball

January 20, 2018 A game took place between the teams of MSUTU. K.G. Razumovsky (girls) and VICTORY "School No. 1236 named after S.V. Milashenkov", held in the gym of this educational institution. The teams played 5 games, and our girls won a landslide victory in all of them. Tatyana Sergeeva, a student at the E&P Institute, was recognized as the best player.

January 21, 2018 Another sporting event took place - the DogM project "Club Day". As part of this competition, a friendly volleyball match took place between the teams of the administration of the Kurchatov School and students of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education MSUTU. K.G. Razumovsky (PKU) (boys). 5 games were also played here. 4 of them were won by the friendly team of our students, and one game was won by the school administration team. Everyone received a charge of good mood and vivacity.

16-17.12.2017 XXX Moscow student sports games

On December 16–17, 2017, in the athletics arena of the National Research University MGSU, athletics competitions (winter championship) were held as part of the anniversary XXX Moscow Student Sports Games.

According to the results of the competition, the first place was taken by the team of the Russian State University of Physical Education and Technology with a score of 649 points, the second place by the team of the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture with a score of 643 points, and in third place were students from Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov - 598 points.

The team of MSUTU named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU), consisting of 11 students, performed well - the athletes fulfilled the standards of the 2nd and 1st categories, as well as for the title of candidate master of sports.

We congratulate our students on their good performance and wish them success in achieving high sporting results and beautiful victories in the future!

12/16/2017 Cup “In Memory of the Defenders of the City of Moscow”. Career guidance volleyball tournament

On December 16, 2017, a career guidance volleyball tournament took place. Men's and women's teams from colleges and national schools took part. The dance group of MSUTU named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU) performed at the parade.

The national teams of MSUTU named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU) became the winners among both boys and girls.

Second places:

boys – UKIT

girls - “School Team”.

Third places:

boys - college of hotel service

girls - UKIT.

At the end of the competition, all participants were awarded sweet prizes.

12/16/2017 Volleyball tournament among men's and women's teams

On December 16, 2017, at the University College of Information Technologies (address: Kostomarovskaya embankment, 29, 3rd floor, sports hall), from 9.00 to 17.00 there will be a volleyball tournament among men's and women's teams dedicated to the “Memory of the Defenders of the City of Moscow.”

At 12.00 there will be a grand opening of the competition - performance of dance groups, raising of the flag and a minute of silence.

Among the competition participants are invited colleges from Moscow and the team from Moscow State Technical University named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU). Girls' teams will start fighting at 9.00, boys' "battles" will begin at 11.00.

There will be a canteen at the college for EVERYONE interested.

We are waiting for volleyball fans and fans!

12/09/2017 GTO race

Students of MSUTU named after. K.G. Razumovsky (First Cossack University) took part in the GTO race, organized in order to develop and strengthen the student sports system in Moscow, as well as to popularize sports and a healthy lifestyle among students. The race took place on December 9, 2017 on the territory of the Athletics Arena of the National Research University MGSU (Moscow, Yaroslavskoe Shosse, 26, building 4).

A sports race with obstacles was held with the support of the “TRP Race” project among teams of educational institutions of higher education.

The event was held with the support of the Moscow Department of Sports and Tourism, the Moscow City Duma Commission on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy and the VSporte Public Sports Movement.

The task of the Race participants was to overcome a cross-country course with obstacles in an athletics arena in the minimum time. The scoring system included the team’s performance of elements of the All-Russian Sports and Sports Complex GTO complex. In addition to the sports program, an interactive part was organized for participants and fans, including demonstration performances, warm-ups and master classes by famous athletes of the Russian Federation.

Our team was represented by two students from BIRKh - Alexander Koryukhin and Ekaterina Maryina, and four students from the SGT Institute - Margarita Brinzevich, Angelina Kaplina, Anna Biryukova and Liliya Belanova. Our team did not show good results, but gained invaluable experience from participating in competitions.

11/19/2017 Moscow Championship in Integrated Martial Arts

On November 19, the Moscow open championship in complex martial arts among Cossack youth was held for the prize of the ataman of the Moscow Region East Kazakhstan region of Moscow. The championship is organized with the support of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow.

The main goals and objectives of the championship are: preparing Cossack youth for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, law enforcement agencies, and other law enforcement agencies; raising the prestige of service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; promotion of healthy lifestyles.

The First Cossack University fielded a team of 8 volunteers to organize this event. from among Cossack students. Also at the opening of the Moscow championship in integrated martial arts, the creative team of the Cossack Stanitsa University performed.

Based on the results of the competition, the MSUTU team showed a good level of preparation. 1st year Cossack student Vyacheslav Ryabov especially distinguished himself (he took 1st place in the absolute weight category). Well done guys, keep it up!

12/06/2017 Swim among university staff

On December 6, 2017, a swimming competition was held among university employees at the University sports and recreation complex of the First Cossack University.

The competition was held as part of the University development program for 2017-2018. (sports events) and for the purpose of popularizing and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

The judge of the competition was a teacher from the Department of Physical Education at MSUTU. K.G. Razumovsky, candidate master of sports in swimming German Gershun.

9 women and 21 men took part in the swim. The rector of the university also took part. All employees were divided into two age groups: under 36 and after 36 years.

Swim results:


  1. After 36
    I place - Lyubov Ponomareva (UKIT),
    2nd place - Valentina Ivanova (rector),
    III place - Olga Bredikhina (CCI and TM).
  2. Up to 36
    I place - Natalya Ivanova (UKIT),
    2nd place - Marina Prokudina (SGT),
    III place - Maria Klokonos (CCI and TM).


  1. After 36
    I place - Dmitry Borisenko (BIRKH),
    2nd place - Igor Nikitin (CCI and TM),
    3rd place - Gocha Bezhanidze (BIRH).
  2. Up to 36
    I place - Timur Useinov (SGT) and Vladimir Kulakov (CCI and TM)
    2nd place - Artur Elibekyan (economic department),
    III place - Taras Slokvenko (Network Center for Cossack Training)

Congratulations to our winners!

11-15.10.2017 All-Russian boxing competition

At the All-Russian boxing competition (Yaroslavl, October 11–15, 2017), Master of Sports of the Russian Federation Khumaryan Gor, a 1st-year student at the SCT Institute, majoring in “Human Resources Management,” defeated his rivals in the junior welterweight (60–64 kg) ) and won a gold medal.

20-23.10.2017 125th regatta “Silver Belt of Berlin”

Congratulations to the winners of the 125th Berlin Silver Belt Regatta!

Graduate students and staff of MSUTU took part in traditional competitions in water rowing"Silver Belt of Berlin" among all age categories.

Maxim Bashkatov, Maxim Zhemaldinov and Ivan Kechkin, as part of the team of the Russian rowing club CSK VMF, finished with a result of 23:00.51 and took first place in the sprint race and third place at a distance of 6,500 meters.

Ivan Kechkin is a teacher at the Institute of Fisheries Biotechnology, Maxim Zhemaldinov is a graduate student, and Maxim Bashkatov is a master’s student. As the rowers themselves say, at the very start they crashed into a barge, but were able to control the controls and, finishing third (lost 5 seconds to the German team), became bronze medalists.

23-25.10.2017 European Women's Sumo Championship

On October 23–25, 2017, the European Championships in women's sumo.

Master of Sports of the Russian Federation Danina Polina, a 1st year student at the SGT Institute, defeated her opponents - took first place and became the European champion.

We look forward to further victories!

10.27-29.2017 Water polo tournament named after Sergei Sergeevich Fotin

On November 27, 28, 29, a tournament was held in the "University" swimming pool. water polo named after Sergei Sergeevich Fotin. A young doctor, scientist, teacher who worked at our university, S.S. Fotin died in a car accident while on duty.

Students from four universities took part in the tournament: MSUTU named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU), MTU (MIREA), RUT (MIIT), Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

Present at the opening ceremony of the tournament were: the rector of our university, Dr. Econ. sciences, prof. Valentina Nikolaevna Ivanova, Olympic champion, vice-president of the Russian Water Polo Federation Evgeniy Konstantinovich Sharonov, tournament sponsor Sergei Vasilyevich Fotin.

From the first day, the competition was a bitter struggle and brought great pleasure to the spectators and participants of the tournament.

The first place and the main prize - the tournament cup - was won by the team of our university!

1st place – MSUTU named after K. G. Razumovsky (PKU)

2nd place – MTU (MIREA)

3rd place – RUT (MIIT)

4th place – Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

All tournament participants received medals, valuable prizes and gifts from sponsors and the Russian Water Polo Federation.

10.28-29.2017 XII Voronezh region swimming tournament of the "masters" category "Capital of the Black Earth Region"

On October 28–29, 2017, the XII Voronezh region swimming tournament of the “masters” category “Capital of the Black Earth Region” took place. Our team of swimmers under the leadership of coach G.S. Gershun, consisting of Margarita Kozletinova, Vasily Masalitin, Dmitry Kudryashov, took part in the training swim and showed decent results. Thus, M. Kozletinova (CCI) took 3rd place in the 50 m freestyle with a result of 31.95 seconds. The guys barely made it to the place on the podium: hundredths of a second were not enough. We wish them good luck in their future performances.

2. Means and methods of muscle relaxation in sports.

3. Methodology for independent development of individual elements of professional-applied physical training.

4. Methodology for conducting industrial gymnastics, taking into account the given conditions and nature of work.

Educational and training sessions are based on the widespread use of theoretical knowledge and methodological skills, in the use of various means of physical culture, sports and professionally applied physical training of students to acquire individual and collective practical experience in physical culture and sports activities.

Their focus is related to ensuring the necessary physical activity by achieving and maintaining an optimal level of physical and functional readiness during the student’s training period; acquiring experience in improving and correcting individual physical development, functional and motor capabilities; with the development of vital skills, the formation of a stable motivational and value-based attitude towards physical education and sports activities. The classes provide for the development of cognitive creative activity aimed at independent and constant use of physical culture and sports for the purpose of physical improvement, the formation of vital and professionally significant psychophysical qualities and personality traits, skills and abilities to ensure active recreation, the prevention of general and occupational diseases, and injuries. , bad habits.

The means of the practical section, aimed at teaching motor actions, developing and improving the psychophysical abilities, personal qualities and properties of students, are determined in the work program for the academic discipline by the department of physical education of each university independently. Mandatory types of physical exercises for inclusion in the physical education work program are: certain types of athletics,

swimming, sports games, cross-country skiing, exercises of professionally applied physical training and strength training. The selection of exercises in practical classes should include improving previously studied and teaching new motor actions (skills and skills), as well as developing the qualities of endurance, strength, speed of movement, dexterity and flexibility. Physical exercises from various sports, professionally applied exercises, and health-improving systems of physical exercise are used. Exercise equipment and computer training systems may be used during classes.

Practical educational material for the special educational department is developed by the departments of physical education, taking into account the indications and contraindications for each student, has a corrective and health-prophylactic focus on the use of physical education means, and includes special means for eliminating deviations in the state of health, physical development and functional state of the body. When implementing it, an individually differentiated approach is required depending on the level of functional and physical fitness, the nature and severity of structural and functional disorders in the body caused by temporary or permanent pathological factors.

Number of teaching hours in physical education

Part-time and part-time courses (evening)

on the basis of secondary and secondary vocational


Note: Including 2 hours - the first organizational and methodological lesson with first-year students. With full-time students, a compulsory form of teaching theoretical and practical material is used.

The work program and curriculum for evening students differs from full-time students by using a predominantly independent form of studying theoretical and practical material

Type of educational work

Total hours


Auditory lessons

Practical exercises (PL)

Type of educational work


Total labor intensity of the discipline

Auditory lessons

Independent work 388

Laboratory workshop

Type of final control

Form of study: full-time based on secondary education

vocational education

Type of educational work

Total hours


Total labor intensity of the discipline

Auditory lessons

Practical exercises (PL)

Methodological and practical exercises (MP)

Independent work during extracurricular hours

Laboratory workshop

Type of final control


These forms can be used both in educational institutions and at enterprises, as well as at the place of residence.

Extracurricular activities are organized and conducted in the form of:

Classes in sections, sports clubs, interest groups.

Sports and physical culture and recreational events,

Self-study (possible using programs developed by specialists).


A “Health” passport is awarded to each MSUTU student. He is

an integral part of the student’s record book and a mandatory accounting and reporting document when taking the “Physical Education” course and when passing the test in all years of study.

The “Health” passport contains sections on functional and physical training and physical development of the student.

Information on compliance with regulatory requirements from the protocol on competitions between educational groups in the “Health” passport

are entered by the teacher of the Department of Physical Education.

A credit in physical education is given to the student subject to successful completion of the regulatory requirements and provision of a correctly executed “Health” passport.



Types of measurements

Year of study

Year of study

Year of study


Testing (autumn)

Testing (spring)

Positive developments


Testing (autumn)

Testing (spring)

Positive developments


Testing (autumn)

Testing (spring)

Positive changes relative to initial testing


Resting heart rate in the morning after sleep

Heart rate for 6 s at the end of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd min. rest after 3 min. running in place. Hip with rumbles. 90°, frequency 180 steps per minute.

Physical development

Standing height (cm)

Body weight (kg)

Tilt of the torso forward, cm below the level of the feet (legs straight)

Bridge (distance in cm between the line of the arms and legs)

Chest excursion (cm)

Waist (women) (cm) Chest (men) (cm)


Run 100m (s)


Flexion and extension of the torso from a lying position, hands behind the head (number of times)

Running 3000 m (men) 2000 m (women) (min., s.)

Pull-ups (men) (number of times) Push-ups lying on the knees (women) (number of times)

Medical group

Last name I.O.

Teacher's signature


Basic textbooks, teaching aids, guidelines

1. Kolokatova L.F. Physical culture of students: textbook / L.F. Kolokatova; MM. Chubarov Moscow State University industrial Univ. – M: MGIU, 2010. – 480 p.

2. Kolokatova L.F., Chubarov M.M. Methodology for the formation of student physical culture. Laboratory workshop, - M., MSUTU, 2010 – 136 p.

3. Physical education at the university: Texts of lectures: Textbook / Ed. Ed. M.M. Chubarova. – M.: MGIU, 2002. – 214 p.

4. Kolokatova L.F. Information technologies in the psychophysical training of technical university students: textbook / Penz. state arch-builds. acad. – Penza, 2007. – 256 p.

5. Kolokatova L.F. Psychophysiological aspects of a healthy lifestyle: textbook for universities / L.F. Kolokatova, T.A. Petukhova; Penz. state un. arch. and builds. – Penza, 2005. – 98 p.

6. Kolokatova L.F. Balanced system of indicators in the organization of physical education of students / L.F. Kolokatova, T.A Petukhova, M.M. Chubarov; Penz. state un. arch. and builds. – Penza, 2006. – 68 p.

8. Chubarov M.M. Computer, information support for the lecture course “Physical Education”: textbook / L.F. Kolokatova, M.M. Chubarov; Moscow state ind. Univ. – M., 2007. – 94 p. Author's text – 48 p.

9. Chubarov M.M. Computer, information support for practical classes in physical education: textbook / L.F. Kolokatova, M.M. Chubarov; Moscow state ind. Univ. – M., 2007. – 75 p. Author's text – 45 p.

10. Course of lectures on psychophysiology: textbook Under the general editorship of Kolokatova L.F. – Penza, 2009. – 235 p.

11. Petukhova T.A., Kolokatova L.F., Chubarov M.M. Basketball at the university: technique, tactics PGUAS, 2008.- 140 p.

12.Popkov A.I. Mastering skiing techniques: textbook - M., MGIU, 2002. - 111 p.

13. Kolokatova L.F., Chubarov M.M. Methods of research and assessment of psychophysiological and physical indicators of students: educational and practical manual - M, 2004 - 46 p.

14. Physical culture of a student: Textbook: Ed. V.I. Ilyinich. – M.: Gardariki, 2003.

Health passport for students MKOUSOSH No. 6

Medical care at the school is at the proper level. A medical office is currently being set up, equipped with the necessary medications to provide first aid. All vaccinations and tests are carried out as planned. 100% of students were covered by medical examination. Based on the results of the examination, students are divided into health groups, medical groups and disease groups, etc. School students undergo a more in-depth medical examination at the Petrovsk regional hospital.

Health workers provide health improvement to students on an individual basis. Children with chronic diseases receive the necessary consultations from a health professional.

Dynamics of students’ health status:

Total trained


1 group

2nd group

3 group







in exercise therapy






Proportion of students with illnesses



nervous system

respiratory organs

digestive organs


organs of vision


Presence of positive dynamics in student health

Using the health attitude index, we analyzed school students. The importance of various components was taken as the dominant one - life values, which were assigned a certain rank. The rank named “health and healthy lifestyle” dominated.

Enrollment of students in sports sections








Proportion of students involved in sports sections





5-6 grades

7-9 grades



10-11 grades


The key to success in any big business is a deeply thought-out organization and creative approach of the performers.

The school can and should become a school of health, where, along with educating children, significant attention is paid to the maximum realization of the physical, psychological, social potential of both children and adults, the acquisition by students of knowledge and the development of skills necessary for making decisions related to their health, as well as maintaining and improving a healthy environment. Work to introduce adolescents and young people to a healthy lifestyle should be multifaceted. As universal means of promoting a healthy lifestyle, individual and group interviews, photographic materials, films and videos should be more actively used, and the most competent specialists, as well as persons of authority among young people, should be involved in the educational process. We should continue to practice the already traditional sports weeks for schoolchildren and schoolchildren’s sports days.