I entered the budget, what next? University admission rules

The epic of entering a university is such a multi-stage and protracted quest. It can last for 2-2.5 months. For 1-1.5 months you are a graduate, but as soon as you pass everything and get the results, you will finally cease to be one. Now you will bear the proud name of “entrant”, but again this will not last long. The blogger continues to share useful tips with graduates.

For those preparing for the main school exam

All this really looks like a multi-pass intellectual game: it’s as if you are constantly going through one stage and immediately reaching new level. Somewhere you will be a real participant in the events, and somewhere the struggle will unfold on vast expanses Internet (I mean the fight for budget places). As in any quest, you seem to understand that everything will end well (according to the laws of the genre, you will still be released from the bunker into the sun), but unexpected surprises await around every turn. Pleasant surprises are also possible: the state has come up with ways to improve the result. 10 bonus points and preferential admission- the ability to be cunning, but without deception, with honest work.

Today we’ll talk about deadlines for submitting documents to universities. This is the second stage for young tireless gamer graduates, when you will already take your first loud breath, having received cherished points for exams. Budget places are distributed through a public competition, that is, you will have the opportunity to observe the competition, as they say, online. The number of these places is determined by the state, and it also pays for the education of these students.

In 2016 full-time training for bachelor's and specialty programs was allocated 304 200 budget places . Availability of free higher education for total number school graduates amounted to 57%. These are official statistics.

Let's be optimistic and talk about funding the budget. Let paid training be a backup aerodrome, especially since the deadlines for submitting documents there are different (if you don’t enroll on a budget, there’s plenty of time to switch to a paid one).

You can submit documents to five universities at the same time, and in each for a maximum of three different directions

Theoretically, your last name could be at 15 different lists applicants at the same time. First, you bring copies to the admissions committee, and when the choice is made, then the originals of all necessary documents. In order not to get confused, you need to sort everything out on the shelves in advance. First, create your admission calendar. can be solemnly removed from the wall and replaced with a new one - the applicant’s calendar.

Deadlines for submitting documents to bachelor's and specialty programs (budget)

In 2017, the majority of bachelor's or specialty applicants will be able to begin their triumphant admission with June 20. Here is a small clarification: school graduates will be issued certificates only on June 24–25, so in reality very few people will bring documents on June 20. The main stream will be after the prom.

Bachelor's and specialty are two different shapes obtaining higher education in our country. But the admission rules for 1st year bachelor's and specialty programs are absolutely the same.

If you are admitted to a university only on the basis of Unified State Examination scores in the required subjects, then deadline submission of documents - 26 July.

If you are applying to faculties that provide an additional creative test, for example, “journalism”, “design”, “history of art”, “ acting skills"and so on, then the deadline for submitting documents is from June 20 By July 7. As you can see, they are the shortest.

Each university has its own creative tests, the requirements are very different, so you will have to monitor a large amount of information. But what is certain is that creative tests will be held in all universities at the same time. This is approximately from 11 By 26 July. See the schedule on the university website. If creative tests are in two different universities dropped out for one day, don't be alarmed. This problem can be solved, there is reserve days. Moscow State University and MGIMO, by the way, are holding their own internal exams By specialized subject. This year, the list of universities that practice such an additional test may expand.

When you have submitted copies of your documents, all you can do is wait and monitor your chances of admission. I strongly advise against taking original documents anywhere ahead of time! Your originals will not affect the competition situation in any way. If someone has higher scores, their name will still be higher than yours, even though they have copies of documents.

Deadlines for enrollment in universities

Monitoring is not an easy process; you must constantly look at the ranking lists of applicants on the websites of your universities. They will change all the time, scaring you with the number of people per budget place. But it's too early to give up. You must understand that one applicant can theoretically be included in 15 such rating lists at once. As soon as he decides on the choice of university and faculty, his name will disappear from the 14 lists, thereby freeing up space. The X-hour will come in early August, when it will be necessary to do final choice, bring the original documents and write a statement of consent to enrollment.

Two waves of admission to bachelor's and specialty programs

The first wave is the filling of 80% of budget places. To get into it, you need to August 1 Bring originals and a statement of consent to enrollment. The order for enrollment of the first wave is usually already freely available August 3rd.

The second wave is filling the remaining 20% ​​of budget places. The application and documents must be submitted to August 6. Orders for enrollment in the second wave will be dated 8 August.

This year there will be slightly more budget-funded places, since admission benefits for residents of Crimea and Sevastopol have been cancelled. In 2017 they will arrive at general principles.

An example for clarity. Let’s say that at some faculty there are 10 budget places. It turns out that on August 3, the order will list eight students who have scored greatest number points. The remaining two applicants will be included in the second wave and will be enrolled by order of August 8. Of course they will have too maximum points. After the first wave of enrollment, it will become completely clear which GPA admission to this faculty this year. By comparing with your numbers, you will understand the chances of enrollment in the second wave. If you have a chance of getting into the first wave of enrollment, the university usually contacts the applicant and invites you to bring original documents. If there are no calls and you have more questions than answers, I advise you to call the admissions office and ask about everything in detail.

Video: putting together a package of documents for a university:

Master's degree (budget)

Master's degree is the second stage of higher education in Russia. After your bachelor's degree, you can also apply for a budget place. After the specialty - unfortunately, no. Only for a fee.

It is better for you to check the deadlines with the university, as they are different for each university. The range of dates for accepting documents is as follows: from June 20 before 10th of August.

Admission to the master's program always takes place on a competitive basis. Each university invents its own entrance tests, so look for everything on their websites. Universities are required to post information about all the nuances of admission to a master’s program. detailed information before June 1st.

Somewhere in 20th of August There will already be orders for enrollment. There are very few budget places for master's programs. If you fail to get on the list of lucky ones, then paid training, as usual, will gladly accept you into his arms. By the way, bachelors who received Russian diplomas higher education, they can try to enroll in a master's program.

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For admission to budget places, you can choose five universities and each university has 3 specialties. Total 15 directions. You can also apply for paid places in the same specialties at the same time.

Deadlines for accepting documents: June 20 – July 25.
During this period, there may be entrance exams(from July 11), so you should hurry if you are considering such a university as possible option for admission.

Advice: don’t despair if your university requires you to take additional exam. This is a great opportunity to earn money extra points, if you are unhappy with your Unified State Examination scores. Moreover, many do not want to take the entrance exam, so competition in this university is reduced. You only need to pass one exam (not three), and at the same time they don’t give you anything hyper-complicated. So the entrance exam even gives you an advantage.

Reception of documents ends:
July 5 – if the university provides entrance tests creative/professional orientation;
July 10 – if the university conducts additional specialized entrance exams;
July 25 – for applicants only based on Unified State Exam results.

To the university for each direction you need to bring following documents:
1. Copy of the certificate;
2. Copy of passport (2 spreads: with photo and with registration);
3. Completed application (you can fill it out at the university itself, or download it from the official website of the university).

It is not necessary to bring a certificate with Unified State Examination scores, because All admissions committees have access to a database with your points. You can play it safe and take a copy with you just in case.

After enrollment, the following documents will be required:
1. 4-6 matte photographs without corners measuring 3x4 cm;
2. Medical certificate 086-U (preferably);
3. Certificate of registration (for young men).

Documents can be sent by mail (with a receipt receipt and a list of attachments), but they do not need to be notarized. You can apply to some universities through the official website.

First wave: July 27 – August 5.
On July 27, lists are published with a list of applicants recommended for admission and the points they scored. You can find them on official websites and information stands of admissions committees.

As a rule, the scores in the first wave are very high (sometimes 20-30 or more points), so you shouldn’t be surprised. If you were included in the recommended list in the first wave, then bring the original documents to this university. Otherwise, you will be excluded from the ranking, and you will not have the opportunity to participate in the competition in the second wave in this specialty. On August 5, the order for your admission will be published, but this does not mean that you will not be able to apply to another university in the second wave.

Second wave: August 5 – August 9.
On August 5, orders for the enrollment of applicants in the first wave are published and lists of those recommended for enrollment in the second wave are posted. The busiest period begins, when you need to monitor the situation every day. Every day the passing score decreases.

Enrollment in the second wave occurs if all budget places were not occupied in the first wave. However, during the second wave, many applicants will withdraw their documents, and budget places may become available.

Option 1. You brought original documents to one university in the first wave, but were included in the list of recommended ones at another university in the second wave.
In this case, if you wish, you can pick up the original documents from the first university (they must be provided within 24 hours) and submit them to the second university.

Option 2. You did not submit original documents anywhere in the first wave.
In this case, we hope for a decrease passing score(it decreases every day) and on August 7-9 we submit documents.

If you were unable to enroll in a government-funded place, you can submit documents for a paid place at any university until August 19.

End of August: meeting for admitted freshmen. At the meeting they will tell you about training, you will receive student cards And grade books, read the class schedule, choose a prefect.

To future students of Moscow universities: come to the university on August 10-19 to apply for social card student. It takes 2 weeks to prepare, so you need to submit your application in advance so as not to overpay for travel in September. This card will allow you to ride the metro for 350 rubles per month and commuter trains with a 50% discount.

Passing the Unified State Exam, waiting for the results, submitting documents to universities, and in some of them passing additional internal tests (DVI). And now, when the reception is over, the most interesting part begins - enrollment. Which of the applicants can rest on their laurels first, and which will have to worry until August? The sea is worried once, the sea is worried twice, the sea is worried three times, well, try to go to university.

The sea is agitated once

The first wave of enrollment is the very time when some applicants can fully realize how right it was once decision prepare and participate in All-Russian Olympiad. After all, it is those who wanted and were able to become its winners and prize-winners who are enrolled first, having bypassed all the DVIs. However, they can be sure of this even before the end. general admission documents. Target recipients and persons with social benefits are also among the first to be enrolled. In addition to them, this wave almost always includes winners and prize-winners of listed Olympiads, who received bonuses from non-competitive admission to additional points for the Unified State Exam (depending on the Olympiad and the university to which the applicant is admitted) and those who scored the maximum points for exams and DVI. The latter will have to provide the university with original documents and an application for enrollment within 5 days, everyone else from the above is given only 1 day.

If you have the right to special conditions enrollment, but not submitting documents on time, the applicant will be able to apply for a budget place, but only on a general basis.

As for ordinary applicants, upon admission, most apply to several universities, among which there is a clear favorite. And if there is even the slightest chance of getting into it, then the person, as a rule, is in no hurry to provide the originals to where exactly he is going. According to the new rules, if an applicant passes the budget points in the first wave, but does not bring the original documents to this university on time, from competition lists applicants do not drop out and can continue to “fight” for a budget-funded place in the second wave of enrollment. In any case, applicants with highest scores from among those who provided the originals.

The sea is worried two

The second wave is the time of everyone who received worthy Unified State Exam results and can now apply for budget places that were not taken by Olympiad participants, beneficiaries, target participants and more successful rivals. After all, many of them will not provide the originals, and some, for some reason, will take away their documents. The second stage begins immediately after orders are issued to enroll those who brought originals in the first wave. This time, those interested must provide the originals within 2 days. On at this stage in the face of the rector, everyone is already equal: applicants are admitted on a general basis without any priorities or benefits

The sea is worried three

No, no one and nothing is particularly worried anymore. There is no third wave as such. But those who were unable to enter the budget either in the first or in the second wave still have the opportunity to be enrolled in paid places. The deadlines for admission to them are set by universities and begin long before admission to places financed from state budget. In this case, you can submit an application for both free education and commerce at the same time. In the event that those who have entered into an agreement and have already paid for training suddenly go to the budget, the agreement is terminated and the money is returned back.

Dates of the main stages of enrollment in 2018:

  • July 28 - 29 – enrollment of beneficiaries and target recipients.
  • August 3 - 8 – admission to the budget in the 1st and 2nd waves of regular applicants.
  • August 10 - 30 – enrollment under the contract (in several stages).

As you can see, the winners and medalists of the Olympiads are always at the top of this pedestal. They have the opportunity not only to be enrolled in the desired university as a priority, but also to save their nerves (and they will come in handy in life). Therefore, start preparing for the Olympiads now and get into the best educational havens with the first wave!

In our country, recent schoolchildren, as well as graduates of previous years, continue to enroll in universities. Applicants no longer have time to submit documents. Since today it is possible to enroll simultaneously in several different universities, there is a separate procedure for enrollment in universities in the country. They require 2 admission orders; this admission regulation is the same for all universities in the country without exception. Applicants and their parents may not fully understand this order, and needs to be studied more closely. How does admission to a university take place in 2018: the procedure and deadlines for admission, what are the first and second waves of admission, when are enrollment orders signed?

Photo: pixabay.com

Until what date is it allowed to submit documents for admission to a university?

The entrance campaign at Russian universities ends today – July 26. This is the last day to submit documents to Russian universities. Enrollment will begin on July 27.

Universities make a special rating of applicants based on the scores they received on the Unified State Exam. In addition to those entering on a general basis, places in universities will go to all kinds of beneficiaries: target students, Olympiad students, orphans, etc. A certain number of guaranteed places is always allocated for them.

The first order on transfer to the budget will be published on July 29, the second on August 3. Enrollment for free/ paid places will be available from August 8, 2018.

The main question in terms of how admission to universities occurs in 2018, which is not completely clear to many applicants, is what the first and second orders for enrollment are, and how the lists of applicants in these orders are formed.

Photo: pixabay.com

The procedure for enrolling in universities in the first wave

First of all, places are given to beneficiaries, target recipients and winners of Olympiads. They must provide original documents to the university within 1 day.

Also, based on the rating of points received on the Unified State Examination, a preliminary list of applicants passing the competition and having the opportunity to be enrolled in this university. The first order allocates 80% of the remaining budget places for them. For general applicants, the deadline for submitting original documents is 5 days.

There are a number of nuances here. The first is related to the deadlines for submitting original documents by beneficiaries/target recipients/olympiad participants. If they want to enroll in a particular university and at the same time do not have time to submit documents within the allotted time, then they lose the benefit as such and can only be enrolled on a general basis based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

The second nuance is that applicants have the opportunity to apply for admission to several universities. This is the most important advantage of the Unified State Exam.

Naturally, often school graduates with good results Unified State Exam, they pass on the first order to several universities. In this case, they get the opportunity to choose educational institution. And then everything is simple - the applicant submits original documents to his priority university, other universities do not wait for him, and he will not be included in the second order. And his place will be given to a person from among those who received fewer points on the Unified State Exam.

Another potential situation is more complicated. For example, a graduate first of all wants to enroll in university A, but has also applied to university B. On July 29, it becomes clear that he is guaranteed to get into university B, and in university A he is not included in the list of applicants, but is among the leaders in points Unified State Exam among those who did not pass the first order.

Here you should not get upset and take the original documents to the conditional university B. You will need to wait for the second order of enrollment to appear.

The updated rules for admission to universities are such that an applicant, even if he did not submit original documents within 5 days after the first order, is not completely removed from the lists. He is included in the second list, so a place in university B in conditional example he will still be guaranteed. But if at university A he finds himself among the leaders among those who were not included in the first list, then he is almost guaranteed to be in the second order. When will those for whom this university was a reserve be weeded out?

Photo: pixabay.com

How does admission to universities occur under the second order?

The second enrollment order will be issued by universities on August 3. It will fill the remaining 20% ​​of budget places. Any benefits are not valid here; everything will be given in accordance with the points earned on the Unified State Exam.

The deadline for submitting original documents for those included in the second order is 2 days.

20% of budget places filled by the second order is the minimum. Sometimes the number of places may be more. For example, if someone submitted original documents after the first order, and then took them away. Or not all of those who were included in the first order submitted original documents (which happens more often).