Fa military department. What is a military department at a university and what does it give?

Responsible for military training: military training office, military training cycle, military department (VC), faculty of military training (FVO), military training center (MTC), military training faculty, etc.

The military department should not be confused with military faculties (departments), military training centers of some civilian educational institutions, which trained and are training officers of a special profile. For example, military medical specializations in medical schools (universities), which have existed since the end of the 19th century.


Military educational formations first appeared in higher educational institutions of the USSR in the second half of the 1920s. Among the first educational institutions in which such units were created was Moscow Higher Technical School named after. N. E. Bauman and Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Subsequently, they began to be created at engineering, medical and many humanitarian educational institutions. The purpose of creating such units was to train students from educational institutions as junior commanders of the Red Army, and subsequently of the Soviet Army, as reserve officers capable of being drafted into the ranks of the armed forces in wartime and taking the position of junior commander. Initially, military departments trained junior general officers. Subsequently, in connection with the development of various branches of the military and branches of the armed forces, with the introduction of modern technology into the army, the training of junior officers took place in specific military specialties, including military political workers. Junior reserve officers trained in higher educational institutions of the USSR before 1941 during the Great Patriotic War to a certain extent filled the positions of junior commanders and political workers during mobilization. This experience was later considered successful, and in the post-war period, the training of junior reserve officers in educational institutions of the USSR was even more developed. By the beginning of the 1920s, only very rare (mostly creative) educational institutions did not have a military department. From the beginning of the 2010s, the training of junior reserve officers in higher educational institutions began to wind down. As a result of the reform of the Russian Armed Forces in 2008, only a few dozen higher educational institutions remained; see having military chairs.

Quality of training of junior officers in civilian educational institutions

Military training is not the main focus for students. For this reason, the corresponding disciplines are perceived as secondary and, as a result, junior reserve officers graduated from military departments at civilian educational institutions are certainly inferior to officers trained in military educational institutions. On the other hand, the general educational level of such reserve officers is much higher than the educational level of graduates of military educational institutions, which gives them the opportunity to quickly adapt to a military situation.

Conscription for military service of graduates of military departments

Depending on the needs of the USSR Armed Forces, reserve officers - graduates of military departments could be called up for military service. In the 1990s, the conscription of such persons was most significant due to the lack of personnel officers. In modern Russia, reserve officers were called up for military service until 2008. Currently, reserve officers are not conscripted for military service, however they may be called up for short-term training or enter into contracts for military service.

The influence of the military department on the education system

see also



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See what “Military Department” is in other dictionaries:

    department- , s, w. * Military department. decomposition stud. Department of military training at a civilian university. ◘ There is a lecture at the military department. The major dictates and at the same time writes on the board... Panorama, 1997, No. 19, 28. We did not have a military department, only... ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies

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    Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Prosecutorial Investigation Faculty Opening date (year) ... Wikipedia

For many university applicants, it is of great importance whether there is a military department at the university. It is known that such a department makes it possible to solve the problem of military conscription directly within the walls of the university. Thus, for many young people, a university with a military department looks much more attractive than an educational institution without one. What is a military department, what does it offer to students in 2018, why is it important not to confuse the department with a military training center.

What is a military department at a university?

Military departments at universities are essentially departments of additional education. Additional education in this case is a military specialty.

Depending on the duration of the course, a student, by attending additional classes, can acquire the specialty of a soldier, sergeant or lieutenant. This solves the problem of military conscription - students acquire a military specialty at a civilian university, without undergoing military service.

Upon graduating from a university and receiving a diploma, the student already has a military ID in his hands and is a private, sergeant or reserve lieutenant. He doesn't need to serve in the army.

What title a student will receive depends on the program and duration of the course:

  • reserve soldier (or sailor) - 18 months,
  • reserve sergeant (or sergeant major) - 24 months,
  • reserve officer - 30 months.

Classes at the military department usually take up one additional day of study. If, for example, classes at a university run from Monday to Friday, then students of the military department study until 8-9 o’clock on Saturday. Classes may include both theory and a practical part, including a trip to the territory of the nearest military unit.

Why you shouldn’t confuse a military department and a military training center

When entering a university and focusing on whether a particular university has a military department, a young man needs to be careful. In addition to military departments at universities, there may also be military training centers.

The difference between them is quite significant. The main difference is that the military department trains reserve servicemen, and the training center trains future contract soldiers.

Simply put, when a student graduates from the military department, receives a military ID and goes into the reserves, he is not required to serve in the army. But a student at a military training center signs a contract according to which he is obliged, after graduating from a university, to go to serve in the specialty and rank that he receives at this center. The term of service under such a contract is at least three years.

Military training centers are more suitable for those who would like to pursue a military career. In fact, civilian universities with such centers are an alternative to military universities. And if for some reason a young man was unable to enter a military university, he can apply to a civilian university with a military training center. Such a university provides a more in-depth education in civilian specialties and a less in-depth education in military ones. However, this is an opportunity to join the army as a junior officer and begin a career in the army.

If the main thing for a young man is to avoid military service after graduation, he needs a military department.

Today, many relatives and friends of school graduates recommend that young people enroll in universities that have their own military department.

The department has a great advantage - if a young man is usually called up as a soldier, a university graduate will already have the rank of officer. As a rule, it is not so easy to get into such institutions. Let's try to find out whether there is any real benefit from a university/institute with a military department?

The essence of the military department

Not everyone knows that military training in universities in Russia has existed for over almost 100 years; this is one of the most glorious national army traditions. Approximately in the form in which the department is now organized, it appeared in 1926. The essence of the creation of the military department was the training of high-quality officers of junior ranks.

At that time, 180 hours of theory were allocated for study, followed by 2 months of military training in a specially equipped camp. After this, future officers were required to serve in the Armed Forces for 9 months, then passed exams, and only after that they were included in reserve officers.

After the Victory in 1945, the tradition of creating military departments only strengthened, the number of higher educational institutions with military departments increased, since actions during the war showed that this system was indeed effective. Alas, with the collapse of the USSR, military departments were left unattended; in many universities they were simply abolished, not all of them have been restored to this day. Currently, the number of higher educational institutions with a military department in the country is 35.

However, in addition to traditional military departments, today special military centers have been created, after graduating from which students also become junior reserve officers. In other words, after such military training, the military registration and enlistment office will not be able to conscript young people on a general basis.

How is studying at the department carried out?

However, if a university contains departments of military training, this does not mean that absolutely all students will be able to become owners (of a military specialty). Firstly, there is a maximum age limit of 30 years, and attention is also paid to health. The department's educational training begins only in the 3rd year of university, and before that, students are required to undergo a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office. Only after this they have the right to submit the following documents to the military department:

    Medical examination results.

    A copy of your passport.

    Record book.

    A certificate issued by the dean’s office and indicating that the student is actually studying at the university.

Studying at the military department consists of theoretical and practical parts. Theory is taught in the form of regular lectures, it alternates with the study of drill training. There are also classes on familiarization with weapons, fire training, and students become familiar with military equipment. From time to time, students can travel (even to regional cities) for special training to study technology (usually for up to a week).

The rank of sergeant requires that the student has been in training for at least 24 months. If the period of study at the military department is 30 months, the student can become a reserve officer. However, it is possible to become a reserve rank and file if the student’s course of study at the department does not exceed 18 months.

Upon completion of training, students are sent to. Their duration is a month, for which students are taken to a special territory (often located within the boundaries of a military unit). After passing the training camp, students are required to pass an exam, take an oath, after which they are awarded the rank of reserve lieutenant.

Sometimes it happens that during the process of studying or undergoing training, a student is inclined to believe that he wants to connect his future life with the army. In this case, the state provides him with the opportunity. In such a situation, he is given not only the rank, but also the position of officer.

In practical terms, this means a pretty good salary. In addition, it is usually easier for a person with a higher education to make a career in the army, so the prospects are quite broad. Moreover, in connection with the recent serious development of almost all branches of the military, the modernization of equipment, the revision of military training and the improvement of personnel, officers who are technically savvy are quite in demand.

The military department is an excellent opportunity to avoid military service for those who are not eager to give back to their country, gain serious physical skills, and then proudly answer girls’ questions about serving in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. Of course, the reasons why young people do not want to go into service can be different - from a pacifist worldview to weak physical characteristics. Also, a person is able to prefer training with a subsequent career instead of push-ups, shooting and forced marches.

Currently, 37 higher educational institutions in the country have a military department, which offers the opportunity to combine study with preparation for (or instead of) military service. These 37 universities are not very evenly distributed throughout the country and are located only in eight cities of Russia: Moscow (17), St. Petersburg (12), Novosibirsk (2), Nizhny Novgorod (2), Perm (1), Tyumen (1) , Yekaterinburg (1) and Chelyabinsk (1).

When enrolling in the department, students must understand that studying at the department is voluntary and is not part of the approved program of the educational institution.

And refusal to stay in the military service will not affect the deferment from military service received during the study. This provision is regulated by Article 20 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”.

Upon completion of the department, the student receives an officer rank - usually a lieutenant - and becomes a reserve soldier who can be called up for service only in wartime. This department not only provides exemption from military service, but is also advantageous in that it can become a graduate’s second profession, on a par with the main specialty obtained at the university. In addition, recently there has been a tendency for employers to hire employees who also have a non-civilian profession with great pleasure.

How to get to the military department

Naturally, in order to study at this department, you first need to become a student at an educational institution that has this department. It is extremely difficult to enroll in such universities, since in Russia, instead of 226 in 2008, there are currently only 37 left. Therefore, the demand for studying in them among applicants is quite high and, as a result, the passing score is higher than in other institutions.

In order to enroll in the military service, you need to undergo a medical examination and collect a package of documents. At this stage, some applicants drop out due to the hassle of enrolling, forgetting that later they will spend much more time in the army. The list of documents that the department’s management will accept for consideration is as follows:

  • passport and photocopies of its 1, 2, 3 and 4 pages;
  • ID card of a Russian citizen subject to service in the armed forces and its photocopy;
  • photocopy of the temporary registration document (if necessary);
  • record book;
  • four photographs in 3 × 4 format.

These documents are attached to the application on a standard form issued by the military department. The application must be endorsed by the head of the physical training department (about the student’s physical readiness) and from the dean of the faculty (recommendation for military training). The student receives a referral for preliminary selection to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration. During the preliminary selection the following are assessed:

  1. Physical training, according to which the conscript is determined by the fitness group for service: “A” - fit, “B” - fit with restrictions.
  2. Psychological selection, where the category of professional suitability is established - 1, 2 or 3. The remaining categories are eliminated.
  3. The applicant meets the necessary conditions for military service (for example, no criminal record).

After this, persons who have passed the preliminary events are admitted to the main selection, which is carried out by a special commission of the Ministry of Defense. At this stage the requirements are stricter:

  • physical training (sprinting and long distance running, pull-ups);
  • training (level of knowledge in the main type of training);
  • those who have the right of preferential enrollment (orphans, children of military personnel and students of Suvorov military schools and cadet corps).

After this, students who have successfully passed this most difficult stage of selection are included in the competitive list, which is given by the chairman of the commission to the rector with a recommendation to allow the listed children to take classes. Those who are dissatisfied with the commission’s decision have the right to challenge it within three days in the form of an appeal.

Features of study

The military department, although it is a fairly independent unit, for a student it should be associated with studies in the main specialty. Different universities look at military school passes differently (it all depends on the interaction between the military and the main one), but it is worth considering that expulsion from the “native” department automatically means dismissal from the second one. After this, the former student has only one way left - to the military registration and enlistment office during the next conscription.

In many educational institutions, passing through the military department can also be based on a fee, which implies more serious rules than for state employees. For example, they are able to bring the conditions as close as possible to active service, which can result in strict requirements for appearance (short haircut, absence of all kinds of jewelry - earrings, piercings, etc.).

In any case, when attending these classes, students should understand that high self-discipline, responsibility and the ability to follow the instructions of their commanders are highly valued here. And the end of the classes is crowned with a training camp, during which future reserve officers demonstrate their skills achieved during the classes. Those who successfully complete the training are given a document stating that they have graduated from the military department. After this, students are assigned officer ranks and are assigned to the reserves.

Girls at the military department

From the point of view of Russian legislation, women do not have any obligations to the state in terms of the need to undergo military service. And public opinion towards representatives of the fairer sex who want to devote themselves to the army, as has historically been the case, is quite skeptical. However, any student can easily enter the department and master any non-civilian specialty.

The military department is an opportunity to receive the rank of reserve lieutenant while studying at a university and not have to go into the army after studying. But graduates of the military training center cannot avoid service.

Now there are military departments in only 35 educational institutions; in another 33 universities, military departments have been transformed into military training centers (MTC).

What is the difference? Graduates of military departments not subject to conscription for military service. UVC graduates obligated to serve three years under contract. If military service is not your life’s dream, try not to confuse a military department with a military training center when choosing a university.

Military specialties

As a rule, a military specialty is closely related to the civilian specialty that a student receives and depends on the profile of his training.

For example, St. Petersburg State University ITMO offers four military specialties: “Navy Missile Weapons”, “Navy Torpedo Weapons”, “Information Security Technologies”, “Artillery and Optical-Electronic Weapons”. Students of the Faculty of World Politics of Moscow State University are trained in the military-accounting specialty “Organization of Psychological Combat.” At the military department of the Moscow State Linguistic University they receive the specialty “Foreign language” with the qualification “military translator”, at the military department of MGIMO - the specialty “Linguistic support of military activities”, etc.

Military service - will they be called up or not?

After graduating from the military department, you will receive the rank of reserve officer. You won't have to serve in the army.

Previously, it was different - some graduates of the military department were drafted into the army with the rank of officer. Now this norm has been abolished: reserve officers are not subject to conscription.

The procedure for conscription for military service is determined by the Regulations on the conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2006 No. 663 with amendments and additions of May 20, 2014. In the latest edition of this document, section III “The procedure for conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation enlisted in the reserve with the assignment of the military rank of officer” has been excluded.

But this is true only for the military department.

Military training centers are a completely different story. Students who graduated from UVC:

  • study full-time at a university;
  • be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • be under 30 years of age;
  • not have an unexpunged or unexpunged criminal record;
  • be fit for military service for health reasons or fit with minor restrictions (fitness groups A and B);
  • meet the professional and psychological requirements that apply to specific military specialties;
  • successfully pass the standard standards for physical training.
  • Some universities impose additional conditions (for example, good academic performance). It is better to find out specific requirements on the VC of your university.
  • sign a contract for three years or five years the day after graduation and are sent to the army with the rank of lieutenant;
  • if they refuse to conclude a contract, they are obliged to serve in the army as usual, and also to reimburse the funds spent on their training at the UVC.

If you don’t want unpleasant surprises, find out whether the university you have chosen really has a military department, or whether it has been disbanded and turned into a teaching center. Even on the websites of universities there is outdated information: military training centers are called military departments. Don't get confused!

Advantages of the military department

  • there is no need to undergo military service in the army with the rank of private;
  • additional specialty;
  • reserve officer rank;
  • habit of discipline.

In addition, students who study at the military department receive an additional payment to the scholarship:

  • those who did not serve under conscription - 15% of the scholarship;
  • those who have already served under conscription - 25% of the scholarship.

Disadvantages of the military department

An extra school day. Typically, the schedule allocates one day a week (eight to nine academic hours) for classes on VK. However, not all universities have this day off for students who do not study at VK. Other classes can be arranged for them - in medical training or life safety.

Discipline at the military department it is usually stricter than the university average. The teachers there are career officers. They are not too lenient about absenteeism and tardiness. The matter may well end in expulsion from the department.

As a rule, on VK there is appearance requirements students. Usually, piercings, jewelry, tattoos not covered by clothing, etc. are not allowed. You will have to cut your hair short, and come to classes clean-shaven, in a suit and tie (on some VKs - in uniform).

Military training. During the summer holidays after the last semester at VK, you will have a month of training camp in a military unit.