What are your plans for the future? Set time frames

Once you identify and write down goals for each area of ​​your life, you will accomplish more in one to two years than the average person accomplishes in 10 to 20 years.

Systematic, intentional goal setting begins with asking questions and thinking about what you really want. Goal setting begins with IDEALIZATION, with a decision about what specific ideal will be the result that you passionately want to achieve if there are no restrictions.

Write down your goals in terms of: personal, positive, real. Write it down, for example, in the following form: “I earn $ xxxx per month”, “I have xxxx partners in my structure”, “I live in a beautiful project house with an area of ​​3500 m2”. Each of these goals personal, positive, refers to present time and therefore will be immediately perceived by your subconscious as a command.

Think clearly about your goals; be flexible in the process of achieving them. Remember, whatever you want, will want you. Rewrite your main goals every day. Magnetize your brain and your emotions with your goals. Regularly visualize them as reality.

Get ready for the most incredible things that will begin to happen in your life!

p. 50

Personal goals

Be completely selfish. "Your ego is truthful." Determine what you really want for yourself globally before setting your goals in a specific area.

    What would you dare to dream if you knew you couldn't fail?

    How would you change your life if you received $1,000,000 in cash today?

    How would you live your life if you had 6 months to live?

    What type of activity brings you the most sense of self-worth, satisfaction And significance?

    What gives you a sense of meaning And purposefulness of your life?

    What do you really love to do?

    What does your ideal lifestyle look like?

Based on the previous questions, write down 10 goals that you would like to achieve in the next 3-5 years if you didn't have any restrictions



page 51

Life Process Planning

Prioritize these goals. If you could only achieve one goal from this list, which one would you choose? If you could achieve two of them, which would be number two? Do the same for all ten goals.

Life Process Planning


The quality of your family life and your relationships have a greater impact on your happiness than any other single factor. You need more specific goals for your family's life than what you have every day.

    How do you imagine ideal your family's lifestyle?

    What would you like to provide for your family?

    What kind of home would you like to have for your family?

    Which things, What do you think your family would like to buy?

    How much time would you like to spend with your family each year, on holidays and weekends?

    What kind of relationship would you like to have with each member of your family?

    What kind of education would you like for your children?

    If you were financially independent today, what changes would you like to make in your family life?

Write down 10 goals that you would like to achieve with your family in the next 3-5 years, especially if you didn't have any restrictions.



page 53

Life Process Planning

Prioritize these goals. If you could achieve any goal on this list, which one would you choose? If you could achieve two goals, what would the second one be? Do this exercise for all 10 goals.

Many of us make plans for the future at the end of the year. And this, in general, is correct: as you know, “if you don’t know where to sail, not a single wind will be favorable.” But when our plans don’t come true, we get upset and don’t know who to blame: ourselves for laziness or life for unpredictability? And often the reason is simply that some mistakes were made during planning.

How to plan for the future correctly?

Let's talk about it.

Three roads to the future

To plan is to create mental image possible future. Therefore, you can plan achievements in any area from career to spiritual development. However, if it is quite possible to plan income growth by 20%, then is it really possible to set yourself a goal, for example, to become 10% kinder? Or 17.5% less jealous?

There is such a not entirely scientific, but practically useful classification. You can be a “man of purpose,” “man of direction,” or “man of action.”

When I know for sure specific goal goal that I want to achieve (for example, earn $3000 a month), I become a “goal person”: I break its achievement into stages, link them in time, look for necessary resources and I step forward.

It happens that formulating a specific final goal I can't, but I know in which direction I want to move. For example, I want to work with children, but I haven’t decided whether I want to go to work in kindergarten, or to a children's hospital, or to become a nanny. That is, I cannot specify the goal, but I have determined the direction.

Finally, the third case: I see the situation only one step forward. For example, tonight I have a date with my new friend - we are still getting to know each other, and it’s too early to make plans for the future...

When it comes to plans related to internal growth, character traits, personal qualities, you need to become a “man of direction” and a “man of step”, i.e. set yourself a goal to change in the desired direction (make conscious choice) and think about what one step you can take in the chosen direction.

For example, if I want to become more tolerant of the grumbling of old parents or the noisy games of children, then right tonight, perhaps, I will have the opportunity to practice this quality... And, if I treat the situation this way, then I’ll take a small step, but in the right direction...

What is written with a pen...

Why is it better to write down your plan and goals?

First, writing a goal helps us clarify it. If I want to expand my social circle, it would be useful to understand whether I want to speak in front of a full room, or whether I just need one pair of eyes opposite...

Secondly, the recording is made in order to return to it from time to time: it is very useful once a week (or less often, but regularly) to look at the written down goals and think: I am closer to them last days or not? If we don’t do this, the daily hustle and bustle will overwhelm us, and we will easily forget about our plans...

Work on mistakes

But it’s not enough to write down the goal, you still need to write it down correctly.

We often make the mistake of formulating a goal based on the principle of “by contradiction,” i.e. we write about what we don’t want. Example: “I don’t want my boss to yell at me.” And what do you want? How do you want it to be? So write down: “I want my boss to speak to me respectfully.”

This is all? Not at all.

Another common mistake when planning is that we include other people's actions in our goal. In fact, any goal formulation “I want him (she) ...” is a trap that we have set for ourselves. We are not given the power to control the will of other people, even Electronics did not have a control panel, let alone living people... When correct wording achieving the goal depends only on ourselves. “I want to feel calm and confident when communicating with my boss.”

Another feature of a correctly formulated goal is the presence of a criterion for its achievement. "I want to learn English". How will you know that your goal has finally been achieved? The wording needs to be clarified: “I want to read English fiction in the original." Or: "I want to speak fluently with native speakers."

Chess player for life

How does a person feel when his plans do not come true? And this depends on his attitude to the plan.

If the plan is an obligation that its originator must fulfill, then when “the weight is not taken,” the person feels sadness, disappointment, and if it was about solving some difficult, painful problem, then he may feel shame and even inferiority...

And if the plan was nothing more than a tool for conscious life, a means of helping to increase the degree of control over one’s destiny, then “non-achievement” is not a problem, but food for thought. What stopped me? Didn’t calculate your strengths and resources? The unexpected intervened life circumstances? Didn't apply the required amount of effort? All this can (and should) be taken into account.

Grandmaster plays chess game always having a definite plan. But it is not always possible to implement it, because the enemy, naturally, interferes. So is the grandmaster upset? Of course not. He changes strategy, comes up with new plan, based on the current position on the board. Here is an example of a constructive attitude towards the plan. Flexibility, taking into account circumstances and existing (and changing) opportunities are absolutely necessary.

"Let's swim... Where should we swim?"

There are two extreme ideological positions. The first is that “everything is in my hands.” The second is that “everything is in power higher powers". In the second case, it is generally impossible to plan your life in principle. In the first case, not fulfilling the plan is a shame, and there is no one to blame but yourself.

The reality is that in our lives much depends on ourselves, but not everything. No one plans to get hit by a car next year, but unfortunately, this misfortune will happen to thousands of us... So you shouldn’t exaggerate the degree of control over your life.

On the other hand, like a rower in a boat, we can row in the direction where our heart draws us - otherwise, as Vladimir Vysotsky sang, “those who have abandoned the rudders and oars are carried away by the hard times.”

When it comes to goals such as “improving your personal life,” “improving relationships with someone,” it is correct to take responsibility only for your part of the journey. You can do a lot: learn to cope with emotions, become a more skillful interlocutor, master new skills, etc. But it is important to remember the freedom of another person, and not try to control what does not depend on you.

And it is also very important not to confuse fantastic goals with “difficult to achieve”, but realistic ones. Learning to walk on water as well as on dry land is a fantasy, but swimming across the English Channel is very difficult, but possible. Regrowing a lost arm is, alas, impossible, but climbing mountains despite an injury is an achievable goal.

But most importantly: you need to hear your own inner voice and separate it from social stereotypes(“by the age of 27, every woman should be married”) and parental messages (“in our family all men are dentists”). Otherwise goal achieved will not be yours, and then it will be worthless.

When starting any serious business, you need to ask yourself: What are your plans for the future? For some reason, an athlete will never jump from a plane without stowing and checking his parachute. Therefore, all leading experts recommend drawing up a clear plan before starting any activity.

Need correct positioning tasks and the corresponding deadline for its completion. If you decide to improve your figure in a year, then develop a training method down to every day. When and how much you will train, how long the training will last, what set of exercises will be used. After this, do not deviate from your plan.

Self-efficacy is a definition from social psychology. It helps to assess a person’s faith in himself, his abilities and strengths. Such confidence is the most important condition success. A person who expects a refusal frames his question in a certain way. Such a person in the store will ask, “Do you have any salt?” The one who expects success, who does not doubt himself, asks, “Do you have salt?”

Enlist the help of like-minded people. It’s difficult to quit smoking if everyone in your family smokes, you have frequent smoking breaks at work, and even treat yourself to a cigarette. Before you begin solving a particular problem, find allies among your friends, colleagues and relatives. Together with a like-minded person, the task will become much easier.

Reward yourself for achievements along the way to your goal. If you've lost a kilogram on your way to losing weight, buy yourself a book by your favorite author and praise yourself. If you've been on a diet for a whole week, take a walk around picturesque places at the end of the week, or go to an exhibition or to the cinema. Such a reward system will change the attitude towards the process of achieving the goal and make it enjoyable.

Don’t give up, giving up, even if the failure that has befallen you is not the first or even the tenth. Many people know Alain Kara's book, which helps you quit smoking. Many people quit smoking thanks to this book. The author himself could not quit smoking for 30 years, but did not give up trying. In the end, he got rid of this habit, and his experience helped him write a book.

Dear friends! On Saturday at 16:00 I broadcast on Periscope on the topic of competent time planning, or rather, competent setting of goals and objectives. For some strange reason, the recording was cut off and was not saved. This post duplicates my broadcast in text form. Read and use it for good! :)

How to wisely make plans for the future?

To those who want to learn how to use their time effectively and wisely, I always say: " You can learn to have time to do everything. BUT! Not right away ." Everything has its time.

Achievement skills are like a muscle that can be trained. Just as you won’t be able to immediately lift a weight of 100 kg, in the same way you won’t be able to load yourself up with a list of 20 major tasks at one moment and successfully complete them on the same day without losses to your health and psyche.
To successfully “pump up” your academic achievement skill, you need to remember the “3 Ps” rule:

1. Consistency
2. Frequency
3. Proper motivation

Today we will talk about the key basic postulates of competent planning.

1. Happiness or unhappiness?

Have you noticed that the people around you can be divided into two? large groups? The first group of people are the lucky ones. It seems that everything works out for them, any business is successful, they are happy, quite successful, they have good mood and yet they still have time: they constantly go on vacation, and do shopping, and events, and work.

The second group is those who are actively trying or not trying very hard, but those people who constantly have some kind of problem. There may be more or less of these problems, but they exist, and even if a person tries to solve them, he either fails to do so, or the effect is short-lived.

Do you know such people?

In the first case, a person knows exactly what he wants, what he knows how to do, he sees goals in front of him, and these are his goals, and not those planted in his head by someone or established due to circumstances. You can't force these people to do what they don't want, even for money. It is impossible to lead such people astray; they make their own decisions and live in accordance with their purpose.

They live their own lives, not someone else’s, spend their time and energy on what they should do, and not what they are forced to do. A person grows as a person, as a professional. Spends his strength and energy wisely and rationally.

In the second case, a person is driven not by his goals and plans, but by circumstances. He is easily influenced by others, suspicious, and other people's criticism upsets and hurts him. A casually spoken word of disapproval can ruin his mood and discourage him from doing anything at all. Beginning new life, he approaches the matter with enthusiasm, but quickly “cools down” and gives up. He usually does and earns money from things he doesn’t like. When asked to change something in his life, he says something along the lines of: “Well, how can I change my job, I have…” and then all sorts of excuses follow.

A person lives someone else’s life or tries not to think about his own life and goals at all. Career it’s not easy for him, because it’s almost impossible to grow in a business that you don’t love. The strength goes nowhere.

What do you think fundamentally distinguishes people from the first group, the so-called? "lucky ones" from others?

The main difference between these people is that the first have their priorities set correctly and the main directions and goals in life are determined.

Well-set goals and a well-built system of values ​​and priorities in life are the foundation of your well-being and success. If you set goals that contradict your worldview, conscience, and ideas about happiness, you will never achieve these goals and, accordingly, will not become fully happy.

Think at your leisure and honestly answer a few questions for yourself:
- Which people are there more in your environment?
- What kind of person do you want to be?
- Which group of people today would you consider yourself to be?

2. happiness VS pleasure

Surely you have met people who have everything for happy life: house, car, fashionable outfits, attention, success, but they are either not happy about it at all, or take it for granted. Most time, such people, oddly enough, suffer or “suffer.” Along with such people, you have probably met those who live as a family in a small apartment, dress modestly, have an unpretentious menu, and can afford a cafe only on holidays. At the same time, they are cheerful, active, and even glow.

Have you ever thought about why the former remain unhappy, although they have everything that, as it seems to us, is necessary for happiness, and the latter are happy despite the lack of many goods?

The thing is that we often confuse the concepts of happiness and pleasure, although the difference between them is significant. As a result, we surround ourselves with things and strive for things that give us pleasure, but do not give us a feeling of happiness.

The main task is to understand what makes you happy , and not what gives you pleasure. By correctly formulating your goals, taking into account the above factor, you will be able to avoid further unreasonable waste of time and effort on something that will never bring you happiness, and focus your attention on more reasonable and necessary tasks for you.

3. Main areas of life and their planning.

On the eve of the New Year, many of us tend to make plans for the future, set new goals, firmly believing that in the next, new year, they will definitely be realized, and all dreams will come true. As you start planning for the next year 2016, don’t forget to assess the state of the main areas of your life. currently.

To do this, write down in a column those areas of life that you consider important, for example:
1. Health
2. Beauty and fashion
3. Family
4. Cozy home
5. Work
6. Creativity
7. Personal growth
8. Rest
9. Travel
10. …
and so on. The number of spheres may vary from person to person, and that's okay.

Next, rate each of the areas of life you have written down on a 10-point scale, where 0 means completely dissatisfied, and 10 means 100% satisfied; it couldn’t be better. As a result, you will get something like:
1. Health - 6
2. Beauty and fashion - 8
3. Family - 6
4. Cozy home - 5
5. Work - 10
6. Creativity - 2
7. Personal growth - 1
8. Rest - 3
9. Travel - 3

Enter the obtained data into an Excel spreadsheet and create a radar chart with markers. The same can be done on a piece of paper by hand. Using the data above, I created a chart that looks like this:

Such diagrams are often called the "Wheel of Life" because... they most clearly illustrate which area of ​​your life is most “lost” at the moment, and what you should work on first. The smoother, or more accurately, “rounder,” your “wheel of life” looks, the more harmonious you live and feel.

Probably, if you are drawing up such a diagram for the first time, it will have a shape that bears little resemblance to a circle, as illustrated in the example. This means that there are many areas of life to work on. There is a huge temptation to tackle everything at once, but you remember where we started our conversation? "You can learn to have time to do everything. BUT! Not right away."

To begin, select 1-2 areas of life on which you will begin your work. I recommend choosing Health as a must (since without it we will no longer need benefits, entertainment, or anything else) and anything else to choose from, and plan a list of goals and tasks in these two areas for the month.

Let's say you decide to take care of your health and want to establish a system proper nutrition. If up to this point you have been eating mostly fast food or processed foods, then most likely your first task will be to study the topic of proper nutrition and choosing your diet for this month. Well, let's write it down like that. And then we will specify our goal, breaking it down into a number of additional tasks:

Goal: Build a proper nutrition system
1. Study materials about proper nutrition
2. Make a list of healthy foods
3. Buy healthy products from the list at the supermarket
4. Throw away all unhealthy and lost food items from the refrigerator.
5. Find recipes for delicious dietary dishes on the Internet
6. Buy plastic containers (after all, at work you also need to eat right, and the canteen next door is unlikely to serve fresh vegetables with steamed chicken fillet)

And only when such a list lies in front of you, can you safely open your planner and write down tasks on certain days month. And in order not to forget about the promise you made to yourself, bet on mobile device Lots of reminders and alarms. Remembering the “3 P” rule, you will form within a month good habit, which will give you good health, mood, a sense of pride and satisfaction.

This is where I will probably finish the conversation about the basic rules of long-term planning. I will tell you how to wisely allocate time for the implementation of certain tasks and how not to waste time in vain in my next broadcast. On Periskor, as well as on Instagram, I am la_la_kate.

Life goes on as usual, and you have no idea when it will turn its back on you. Why is it important to make plans for the future rather than live for today? What is the point of our actions when we don’t know where we are going? If you feel like a “squirrel in a wheel,” it’s time to get to know your inner world. A monotonous life loses its taste over time, and we strive for more. What should each person try and what values ​​should he listen to? You will find out right now!

How to decide what is most important in life

Why are we in this world? What connects us to each other? How to achieve happiness and, finally, spiritual peace? These questions are needed to understand what is most important in the life of each of us. You go to work, go to university, visit stores every day, read a book, surf social media. networks and everything seems wonderful... but few people think about global things.

Why monotonous life has captured our consciousness and doesn’t want to let you go on the path of development? People complain about routine, blame many factors, rush from one place to another, but cannot stop for a moment and think about the meaning of what is happening. In general, the search for meaning is introspection. We ourselves build the framework in which we find ourselves. for a long time. Going beyond the boundaries of the familiar is often associated with a crime against one’s system. Everyone decides for themselves what is most important to them and what can be left out of sight. For some, it is important to be principled and not succumb to outside provocations.

Other people are more driven and ready to merge with total mass. What is the best way to determine plans for the future? Make a list of values ​​in order of importance! If for someone the first priority is “not to betray a loved one,” then the second will indicate “climb the career ladder Despite everything". Everyone is individual, so we ourselves must search for meaning.

What does a person need? First of all, be sincere with yourself! Under the pressure of the environment, public opinion, fashion trends people artificially place themselves in a “problem” situation. The most important thing in life is to learn to move towards your own happiness without disturbing the happiness of others. The most important thing is not to act against your will if you predict the course of events.

Someone complains about a constant lack of money, although they have been working for 15 years nervous work with a small salary. It is important for someone to find happiness in marriage, but he/she has been looking for his ideal in his own interests for more than 7 years. People deliberately go for pleasure, entertainment, live with the idea of ​​ideals for decades, but do not even want to spend several years on a specific goal.

What is characteristic is true desires go against the established habits of the individual. It's hard to go to workouts when you like to sit on the couch with a tablet in your hands. It's hard to do own business, if you are not ready to take risks, try, look for ways to implement. It is difficult to master a foreign language if you are simply lazy.

It turns out that a person needs to be diligent. Plans for the future will never come closer if you waste energy in vain. You cannot think about one thing, talk about it, but act completely differently. To win happiness, you need to destroy all the barriers that block the entire process.

Eat good family but not enough money? You need to appreciate the fact that you have family, and this energy will allow you to either rise in your career or find a decent job with decent pay. Is everything bad in your family and you have no money? It will not be possible to live in prosperity until problems on the personal front are resolved.

One problem leads to another and here it is necessary to eradicate the cause of failure. It is important to understand your true values, which keep you in good shape and give you strength to live. If you chase imaginary happiness, but neglect the main values, a person will begin to “destroy” and put himself in a remote corner. Money can be imaginary happiness ideal relationship, career, appearance, when the truth may lie in family, individuality, pleasant work, albeit with a small salary. If you find the main goals that will pull you towards success, you are on the right path.

How to determine your plans for the future

Drawing up a plan is an opportunity to put all things in order. This is especially important when there is a mess in the head, but in reality the person is not “true” to his goals. It's best to plan for many years. Development requires specifics, and self-control is impossible without an accurate schedule.

The plan is a great support for personal growth, regardless of needs, gender, age. Without a clear understanding of his tasks, a person will periodically stop and be distracted by unnecessary things. To avoid a smooth transition from learning English and creating a business project to watching TV, you need to give yourself responsibilities.

The plan expands the worldview. If you are squeezed within your own framework, live by other people's ideas, do not value your freedom - this is the best solution.

Making a list of goals

Take a piece of paper, a pen and write what you want to implement. It’s worth pointing out what you can subconsciously master and start working on it. Such a list will discard everything unnecessary and show what is most important. Here, hardly anyone would write watching TV, visiting McDonald's and mindlessly looking at pictures on the Internet.

Set time frames

Plans for the future love specifics. “I will lose 20 kg in 5 months or I will speak English in 12 months.” Life may be a long thing, but we have foolishly spent years wandering from one place to another... and there are zero results. At a pace, a person does not pay attention to " bad habits", which constantly distracted him from working on himself. You shouldn’t set the unattainable bar “I’ll earn a million in two months.” Why not say “I will earn 20 thousand in two months and save it for business development.”

Don't be afraid of difficulties

Efforts help people reach a higher level. It's like training in the gym - you need to gradually increase the load so that soon you admire your beautiful body. How about the idea of ​​working productively for a week and ordering pizza as a reward on the weekend or going to the movies? The psyche and body together love pleasure, and it is especially pleasant to receive them for merit. Wrote 10 articles in three days - went for a massage. Read a 150-page self-development book and go on a long-awaited shopping spree. Constant growth makes you closer to success.

Create an image and match it

How can you be rich if: firstly, you do nothing for it, and secondly, you don’t think like a rich person and don’t look like one. Desire is the paint with which we decorate the canvas of goals. “I will make a beautiful body and walk along the beach, everyone will look at me in admiration” or “I earn decent money, drive up to the orphanage in a good car and donate things and toys to them.” It is important to scale the idea and start living it, then old life will be left behind.

Things to do in life

What needs to be done in life by a person who does not know how to manage his time meaningfully? Every day we do things that we impose on ourselves or are imposed on us by others. What if you remove “what is fashionable is important to others”, and make an action from pure heart? Down with prejudices and complexes - we improve karma, grow morally and become a different person from today.

Support someone in difficult times

The most important thing in life is not to become callous and remember that someone now needs your help. You can save a child’s life and give a blood transfusion, or you can donate money for the expensive treatment of a woman with cancer. If you see a person lying on the grass, it is important to approach him, find out if you need help, and call an ambulance. We close ourselves off in our own world, but forget to pay attention to the needs of others. One good deed can give you hope for salvation.

Green your city and love nature

We sit at the computer all day, we eat chemical food, we are looking for a new Iphone at a discount... but what about visiting forests, picnics, cleanup days in parks. Great idea to unwind - buy a few seedlings and plant them in your yard. Why not invite friends on social networks to get together to clean the park and plant flowers? Nature is our home, which we forget about, spread garbage, destroy flora and fauna. We must not forget our origins, because great power is hidden in them.

Learn several foreign languages ​​and travel

It’s cool to understand what a foreigner is talking about and carry on a conversation with him. And it’s even better to visit other countries, experience a sea of ​​unforgettable emotions, and know no boundaries in communication. Polyglots live interesting life, then why not start with English and work your way up to Japanese?

Find a circle of interests

The things you need to do in life are to find “your” people who will share your values ​​and be able to dream. Outside support is needed to find a common solution, to express oneself without oppressing one’s goals. Do you want to fight against testing products on animals? Today there are many clubs that are developing this idea. Do you want to travel for photography? Millions of photographers will definitely support you, and there are many of them in your city.

Make a big surprise for your family

You watch with delight the video when a son gives his father a car or a mother receives the pink convertible of her dreams, like Elvis Presley. A holiday for your family is a holiday in your soul. Carefully select a surprise, prepare for it, feel excitement and pride in your actions. There is nothing better than surprise, happiness from the fact that you invested your efforts.

Try becoming a vegetarian

Excessive meat consumption has become a problem last century. Slaughterhouses are built in places where forests and meadows used to grow. Scientists have proven the harmful effects high concentration cattle, poultry on the environment. In addition, it is very cruel when whales, millions of cows, and rare breeds of animals die for human purposes. We don’t need much to maintain our diet, and according to statistics, some of the meat simply disappears before reaching the consumer. Less meat consumption and an “impact” on plant foods - interesting experience, which entails help environment and the fight against cruelty. This is not harmful to health.

Save money for the future

10% of salary, which gradually grows into a fortune. You should always save and love this business! What you need to do in life is to learn to be careful with your profits. Cash inflow, like sea ​​wave- before you know it, you’re already at sea. Will the standard of living change if you live not on 6000, but on 5500? The difference can be put on deposit and gradually reported. Yes, not so much at first, but after a few years the amount will bring confidence in the future. It is important to resist the temptation to spend everything. To do this, we recommend reading the book “The Richest Man in Babylon.”

Future plans - best tool for guaranteed happiness not in a year or two, but now. When you know what you are striving for and confidently move towards the goal - you do not lose heart, you are not touched by those little things that used to constantly distract you. You should never stop if the idea is worth it!