Kel thuzad story. Breaking with the old life and traveling to Northrend

Who was once known by the advisors of the Kirin Tor. The lich's imposing, skeletal form seems to be shrouded in frost and malice, blue reflections filling its oddly shaped skull, and its empty eye sockets sparkling with a cold, pale fire. The elongated body of the former magician, more than two meters in height, hovers ominously above the ground, leaving behind a trail in the form of a freezing cloud of frost. The lich wears a rune-studded robe that does not cover his ice-covered chest. The ceremonial headdress on his skull resembles the crowns of the ancient lords of Nerub. Several frost-covered chains are carelessly wrapped around various parts of his new body, their ends floating freely in the air.


Kel'Thuzad was always considered a maverick by other members of the Kirin Tor due to his insistence on studying the dark arts and, above all, necromancy. However, other archmages forbade anyone from practicing dark magic. Hearing the powerful challenge of the Lich King from Northrend, upset by his short-sighted colleagues, the archmage began to communicate with a mysterious voice and realized that he promised enormous power and knowledge. Leaving his fortune and very high position, Kel "Tuzad left the Kirin Tor, sold his vast possessions and, pushed by the voice of Ner" Zul in his mind, went to Northrend, to the Ice Crown.

For many months, Kel "Thuzad wandered alone through the icy desert. He passed through the destroyed kingdom of Azjol-Nerub and was one of the first to understand the power of this ever-increasing force. Finally, the magician reached his final goal, the Citadel of the Lich King. Boldly approaching the entrance, he was shocked that the undead guarding her allowed him to freely enter inside - as if they were already waiting for him. The magician went deep down to the base of the glacier, and, finding the Lich King among the ice and darkness, offered him his soul. The dark lord promised Kel " Tuzadu receives immortality and great power in exchange for loyalty and obedience.

Cult of the Damned

Ner "Zul was pleased with his new servant and gave him the most important task. After three years of wandering, Kel" Thuzad, on the orders of his master, returned back to Lordaeron to create a plague that would destroy the kingdom of people. However, unlike most of the Dark Lord's servants, Kel'Thuzad's human appearance was retained. The charismatic wizard could use deception and persuasion to carry out his master's plans.

Over the course of three years, Kel "Thuzad used his wealth and outstanding intellect to create a secret brotherhood of like-minded people, which he called the Cult of the Damned. He promised his assistants eternal life in Azeroth and universal equality in exchange for serving the Lich King. It is surprisingly easy for all new and new men and women forgot about their faith in the Holy Light, becoming novices of the Cult of Kel'Thuzad.

Having achieved success in creating the Cult of the Damned, Kel "Thuzad" placed the plague of Ner"Zul in special artifacts called plague cauldrons. These cauldrons were placed in many of the northern villages of Lordaeron owned by the Cult, and because of them, huge amounts of grain were infected with the plague. Any person who tried this grain died almost instantly and turned into a servant of the Lich King. His plan worked. More and more wild zombies appeared in the northern lands, and this army, called the Scourge by the necromancer, prepared for war with humanity.


However, people did not sit idly by. The order of paladins, the Silver Hand, became interested in strange reports of the appearance of the dead in the north of Lordaeron. The young paladin and Prince of Lordaeron Arthas, his mentor Uther the Lightbringer and the young sorceress of the Kirin Tor Jaina Proudmoore, daughter of Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, taking a small detachment of loyal people, went to study the plague of Kel "Thuzad. Their fears were confirmed - the mysterious plague did not just kill people, but turned them into undead.In addition, they discovered that necromancers were behind it.

The goal of Arthas and his friends was Andorhal, the trading capital of the northern lands. When they reached the city, they found it on fire and the inhabitants nowhere to be found. There, Arthas first met Kel "Thuzad and learned that this plague was his doing. However, the necromancer disappeared before the paladin crushed his head with his hammer.

Arthas went north, and in a small town called Brill he again met with Kel "Thuzad. This time the prince took his chance and killed the necromancer in a rage. Kel" Thuzad only managed to say before his death that his death now means nothing.

"Naive fool... my death will not change anything... in general. Now... when the conquest of these lands... has begun..."

However, Arthas himself later became a servant of the Lich King, a Death Knight and, ironically, it was he who had to resurrect the necromancer he had once killed. Having defeated the remnants of the paladins guarding the remains of Kel'Thuzad, and capturing the magical urn in which the necromancer's ashes were reliably protected from decay, Arthas went to the Sunwell of Quel'Thalas, the only place in which there is enough magical power to resurrect the creature. On the road he was accompanied by the ghost of Kel "Thuzad", telling the truth about the Lords of Terror and about the true masters of Ner"Zul, the demons.

Having destroyed all the elves that resisted the army of the Lich King, and simultaneously killing and reviving the leader of the elves Sylvanas Windrunner as a banshee, Arthas reached the Sunwell. The Death Knight lowered an urn containing the necromancer's ashes into its waters and watched as the reborn Kel "Thuzad" emerged from the water.

The Destruction of Dalaran and the Call of the Lich King

The Lich King's further goal was to capture Medivh's Book of Spells, with the help of which Kel "Thuzad could summon the eredar Archimonde to Azeroth. Neither the magic of the archmage Antonidas nor the defense of Dalaran could withstand the power of the Scourge army; Kel" Thuzad killed Antonidas and took the great artifact. While Arthas defended the necromancer from the attacks of the remnants of the army of Dalaran, Kel "Thuzad performed the ritual of summoning the demon. The ritual was a success, but with the very first decree Archimonde promoted the demon Tikondrus to the lord of the undead in Azeroth, removing both Kel" Thuzad and Arthas from control. However, the necromancer knew about Ner’zhul’s secret plans, and therefore calmly left without getting involved in the dispute.

Arthas traveled to Kalimdor in search of a demon hunter named Illidan. In the destroyed Lordaeron, Kel "Thuzad and Sylvanas remained under the supervision of the Lords of Terror. Upon returning, Arthas drove the demons out of the capital and freed the necromancer and the Dark Huntress. The Death Knight and Kel "Thuzad went to the mountains of Alterac, but Arthas felt unbearable pain. Soon Ner "Zul appeared to him - the Lich King was losing strength and ordered his servant to immediately return to Northrend. The Scourge began to quickly retreat. Kel" Thuzad prepared everything for sending Arthas and escorted him to the coast. Arthas asked his faithful servant and "friend" - words you don't often hear from a Death Knight - to stay in Lordaeron and control the situation. Gathering the remaining forces of the Scourge, the former archmage headed to the Plaguelands.


Left alone, Kel "Thuzad took a convenient position - the Scourge troops under his control allowed Sylvanas' Forsaken and the undead Dread Lords to fight for power and influence in the plague-ridden Lordaeron. And now, with the Dread Lords gone, he lost only the Tirisfal Plains to Sylvanas, leaving most of the Plagues The land is under his control, and his virtually impregnable stronghold, the necropolis of Naxxramas, hovers over the eastern half of the former human kingdom.

Lair of the Frostwyrm (ex-Frostwyrm Lair)
The last wing of the instance, which opens its doors only after the previous four have been completely completed. Here the raid will be met by the ice dragon Sapphiron, and the champion of the Lich King’s army himself, the powerful Kel “Thuzad”. Achievements

  • Kel'Thuzad Defeated: Kill Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas normally.
  • Death of Kel'Thuzad (Heroic): Kill Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas on Heroic difficulty.
  • And the whole world is not enough: Kill Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas in normal mode, killing at least 18 abominations in his room.
  • The World Is Not Enough (Heroic): Kill Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas on Heroic difficulty, killing at least 18 Abominations in his room.
  • Sapphiron's Death: Kill Sapphiron in Naxxramas on Normal difficulty.
  • Sapphiron's Death (Heroic): Kill Sapphirion in Naxxramas on Heroic difficulty.
  • Club of the Hundred: Kill Sapphiron in Naxxramas on Normal difficulty. No raid member should have a cold protection value higher than 100.
  • Club of the Hundred (Heroic): Kill Sapphiron in Naxxramas on Heroic difficulty. No raid member should have a cold protection value higher than 100.
Sapphiron Abilities Nax/10 Sapphiron Abilities Nax/25
  • 4,250,000 HP
  • Icy aura(Frost Aura): the dragon deals 1200 frost damage every second to all raid members. After 15 minutes of battle, the damage increases to 7200 per second (enrage).
  • Phase 1
  • Stealing Life(Life Drain): a course that deals 2-3k shadow damage and heals Sapphiron for 4-5k HP every three seconds. Hangs on two random people in a raid once every 24 seconds.
  • Cold(Chill): speaking in Russian, Blizzard. Slowly drives around the hall with Sapphiron, slows down those who hit him by 50%, and inflicts 3.5-4.5k frost damage on them every two seconds.
  • 11,870,000 HP
  • Icy aura(Frost Aura): the dragon deals 1600 frost damage every second to all raid members. After 15 minutes of battle, the damage increases to 9600 per second (enrage).
  • Phase 1
  • Stealing Life(Life Drain): a course that deals 3-4k shadow damage and heals Sapphiron for 6-8k HP every three seconds. Hangs on five random people in a raid once every 24 seconds.
  • Cold(Chill): speaking in Russian, Blizzard. Slowly drives around the hall with Sapphiron, slows down those who hit him by 50%, and inflicts 5-6k frost damage on them every two seconds.
General Abilities
  • Phase 2
  • Frost Arrow Icebolt: Encases two players in a block of ice, similar to an ice block. At the moment of casting, it deals 2.5-3.5k frost damage to the player and everyone within a 10-yard radius. The boulder breaks LOS, meaning you can hide behind it.
  • Ice Breath(Frost Breath): After casting two Frost Arrows, Sapphiron begins a seven-second cast of Frost Breath. A player who did not manage to hide behind a block during this time (see above) receives more than one hundred thousand frost damage (unconditional death).

When the raid first enters Sapphiron's hall, players are invited to watch a short animated scene during which the dragon is assembled into a single whole from bones lying on the ground. This first time, the raid can calmly enter the room and take its place.
In the second and subsequent pulls, the dragon will already be in place, so the tank will pull on its own. In principle, it doesn’t matter which way you hold it with its muzzle, but traditionally it is turned with its tail towards the door so that the incoming raid does not fall under the cleave.


Sapphiron is an ordinary dragon, with ordinary abilities - a cleave and a tail strike. The dimensions of the model are unusual here - the hitbox is simply huge, and in connection with this the cleave has a simply gigantic scope. In addition, as we know, the cleave occurs from the center of the model, and therefore it is very easy to die in a completely unexpected place. Be careful!

There are two phases in the battle. During the first, the dragon stands in the center of the hall and hits the tank. Blizzard flies around and hangs its course. Every 45 seconds of the battle, Sapphiron rises into the air and the second phase begins: several people are forcibly placed in ice blocks, and the entire raid hides behind these blocks. A powerful AE is surrendered; those who did not have time to hide died. Phase 1 begins, and so on in a circle.

The entire raid is located on one side of the dragon, so that it can reach the ice blocks in 7 seconds. Mili carefully approaches from the side (not allowed from the front - a cleave, an unpleasant blow from the tail with knockback), aims at the back leg and surrenders there. You can stand quite far away due to the huge size of the hitbox.

In general, the fight is purely healer. You will need a lot of healing, the raid sags very much and all at once. Under no circumstances should anyone (except a tank) stand in the blizzard - be sure to run out. Forget about the thought “whatever it is, they’ll treat it.” They won't heal.

After the dragon has risen into the air, the raid is distributed and waits until the required number of people fall into the ice blocks. No need to run as fast as you can to the first one that appears! There is a high probability that the next block will fall directly into the crowd of people already hiding behind the first one, and all these people will get very sick. Wait for the second one.

So, the entire raid, including the tank, hides behind a piece of ice and waits there for the Ice Breath cast. After this, the tank comes out, turns the dragon to its previous position, and after that everyone else runs to Sapphiron - this way you won’t get hit.

That's all, the tactics are simple. Pray for your healers.

Phase 3. At 40% of the boss's health, 4 (Nax/25) or 2 (Nax/10) beetles appear. The tanks pick them up and the DPS race begins - the beetles give themselves a buff that increases the power of their attack, and after some (not very long) time it will be impossible to heal the tanks under the beetles. By the third phase, all cooldowns should be off, and the raid's DPS on the boss should be maximum.

All boss abilities from the second phase transfer to the third. It is possible that the beetle tank will fall into mind control; in this case, two tanks should stay close to each other in order to catch other adds.

Summary: the key to success in this battle is to carefully monitor what is happening around you and have time to react accordingly. The boss doesn't have much health, and you will most likely have enough DPS for the third phase if no one dies.

I was rejected by my comrades. Exile. Sent to the icy wastes... But I was not alone. Not really. The voice, my only companion, led me to my goal. Terrible creatures were waiting for me at the entrance. My blood ran cold as I entered Icecrown. Inside, I witnessed enormous power that could easily become mine. Frightened, I ran... but not far. It's too late, my choice has already been made. Too late I realized that such power is not given away... without a price. Now I have come to collect what the world owes me.

I am Kel"Thuzad...

Archmage of Dalaran

Many powerful people around the world heard the call of the Lich King. One of the most famous was the archmage Kel'Thuzad of Dalaran. Although he was a member of the Kirin Tor, the council of Dalaran, he remained a recluse among his colleagues due to his passion for studying the dark arts and necromancy. Hearing the call from Northrend, Kel'Thuzad strained all his mind to enter into dialogue with the Voice. Convinced that Dalaran was too petty to practice necromancy, he vowed to learn everything he could from the undoubtedly powerful Lich King.

Kel'Thuzad: Hush, Helcular. There are strangers...
Helcular nods.
Helcular: So you can teach me this... this...
CT: Necromancy. It's called necromancy. And yes, I have the power to give you this gift.
H: And the Kirin Tor? What do they say about Necromancy?
K: Don't worry about it, Helcular, since you are neither the Kirin Tor nor a necromancer.
K: Although to be completely honest, I don't give a damn what the Kirin Tor thinks! They are fools studying their outdated sciences.
H: Then teach me, Kel'Thuzad. Teach me everything you have!
Kel'Thuzad nods.
K: In due time Helcular, everything in due time...

Breaking with the old life and traveling to Northrend

Having renounced his high position and wealth, Kel'Thuzad left Dalaran forever. Led by the voice of the Lich King, he sold all his property and headed north. Alone, he traveled many leagues by land and sea, finally reaching the shores of Northrend. Wanting to lend himself and his powers to NerZhul, he passed through the ruined kingdom of Azjol-Nerub and was one of the first to understand the full power of this ever-growing power. Kel'Thuzad realized that forming an "alliance" with the mysterious Lich King would not only be wise, but also potentially profitable. After many months of wandering through the snowy deserts, Kel'Thuzad finally reached the Icecrown Glacier. Approaching the entrance, he was shocked when the undead guard immediately let him through without asking anything, as if he knew about his arrival in advance. Descending below the ice and earth in the darkness, he appeared before the Frozen Throne and offered his soul to the dark lord of the dead. The Lich King was pleased. He promised Kel'Thuzad immortality and great power in exchange for his loyalty and obedience. Kel'Thuzad, tempted by the knowledge and power granted, accepted his first task: to return to the world of the living and create a new religion that would represent the Lich King as a god.

Creation of the Cult of the Damned

Returning to Lordaeron after 3 years of wandering, an elderly but still charismatic magician created a group of like-minded people - a brotherhood. The Brotherhood, the so-called Cult of the Damned, proclaimed social equality and eternal life in Azeroth in exchange for their service and obedience to Nerzhul. Over the course of several months, Kel'Thuzad acquired many acolytes for his new cult among the weary, broken peasants of Lordaeron. More and more new cult members appeared in the country. The necromancer was surprised to learn that many city residents were also striving to join the brotherhood, renouncing the True Light, but still continued to keep the plan secret from the crowd. With Kel'Thuzad's superior performance in Lordaeron, Nerzhul began his final preparations for his attack on human civilization. By placing the plague's energy into portable artifacts called Plague Cauldrons, NerZhul ordered Kel'Thuzad to transport the cauldrons to Lordaeron, where they were to be hidden by local cult members. The plan worked perfectly. The cauldrons, guarded by loyal minions, released the plague on the sleeping villagers at night. They woke up as servants of the Lich King... Soon the entire north of the country was devastated. More and more living dead joined the ranks of the army. Kel'Thuzad, observing her, called her Scourge - very soon she would pass through the gates of Lordoron and wipe out humanity from the face of the earth.


Kel'Thuzad, following the orders of the Lich King, arrived in the small town of Brill, where he was noticed by Jaina Proudmoore and Prince Arthas. From there, he quickly retreated and they were forced to follow to Andorhal, where Kel'Thuzad told Arthas about MalGanis (a demon messenger of the Legion overseeing the progress of Nerzhul's work) in Stratholme. Enraged, Arthas overtook Kel'Thuzad and killed the necromancer. Dying, the former archmage said that his death did not change anything.

Arthas headed to Northrend, where he killed MalGanis and took Frostmourne, after which he returned to Lordaeron and began to wreak destruction and chaos in his kingdom. He became a servant of the Lich King. Having defeated the paladins guarding the remains of Kel'Thuzad, he collected his ashes on special carts and began his journey to the Sunwell. Along the way, Arthas was accompanied by the ghost of Kel'Thuzad, telling him about the Dread Lords, revealing to him the truth that NerZhul was a prisoner, and the demons were his masters. On the way to the Sunwell, Arthas burns the homeland of the high elves, kills the archer leader Sylvanas Windrunner and revives her as a banshee. Having passed through the gate, the Scourge opened its path to a magical source. Arthas put the remains of the necromancer into the water and from there a creature emerged - the reborn Kel'Thuzad.

Archimonde and the destruction of Dalaran

On the way to Alterac, Kel'Thuzad said that the Scourge was just a tool, a vanguard before the coming of the Burning Legion, and now they were coming to summon the eredar sorcerer named Archimonde to the mortal world. Having destroyed the orcs guarding the portal, Kel'Thuzad contacted the dark lord. He sent him to Dalaran for the Book of Medivh. After attacking Dalaran, killing Antonidas and stealing the holy book, Kel'Thuzad began the ritual of summoning the demon. At the same time, Arthas protected him from the constant raids of the Kirin Tor mages. Having completed the spell, Archimonde exited the portal. His first decree was to promote the demon Tichondrius to the lord of the undead of Azeroth, removing Kel'Thuzad and Arthas from control. But, knowing his master’s plans, the necromancer silently left without interfering.

After the war

Arthas traveled to Kalimdor in search of a demon hunter named Illidan. In the destroyed Lordaeron, KelThuzad and Sylvanas remained, under the supervision of the dreadlords. Returning, Arthas drove the demon generals out of the capital. The necromancer and the dark huntress were free again. The Death Knight and Kel'Thuzad went to the Alterac Mountains for the peasants hiding there, wanting to bring their souls as a gift to the Lich King, but suddenly Arthas felt severe pain, but decided to continue the attack on the Alliance forces. Soon Nerzhul appeared to Arthas with orders to immediately return to Northrend. The scourge began to quickly retreat. Kel'Thuzad prepared everything to send Arthas, when the demons attacked and he had to return again. For the second time, Sylvanas, freed from the will of the Lich King, attacked Arthas, severely wounding him, but Kel'Thuzad came up in time and saved his master. He accompanied the Prince to the coast. Arthas asked him as a faithful servant and friend stay in Azeroth and control the situation. Gathering his remaining forces, the former archmage headed to the Plaguelands.

Master of Naxxramas

In classic WoW. KelThudaz was the final boss of the game. Naxxramas, introduced in patch 1.11, made it possible to defeat him, which was done. But here's what's interesting. They overthrew him, but did not kill him. Having imprisoned a particle of his soul in one talisman, he will be reborn every time until the artifact is split. There was a quest at level 60, the task of which was to take this talisman

Kel'Thuzad is an archlich, one of the main allies of the Lich King, and the final boss in the Naxxramas raid instance.

During the period shortly before the Second War, when Kel'Thuzad was still human, he was a member of the high council of mages in Dalaran. Even then, he was known for his interest in the forbidden powers of necromancy, and when the Lich King sent his psychic call, Kel'Thuzad cast aside all his past and traveled to Northrend to face his new master.

Later, while on a mission to infect the town of Brill, Kel'Thuzad was exposed and killed by Prince Arthas. When Arthas himself began to serve the Lich King, Kel'Thuzad appeared to the prince in the form of a spirit and convinced him to resurrect himself with the help of the Sunwell in the city of Silvermoon. This was done, and Kel'Thuzad was brought back to life in the form of a terrifying lich.

Boss Abilities:
On a note: The abilities of the boss in a raid dungeon for 10 and 25 people are identical, but the damage dealt and the amount of life the boss has is much greater for a raid of twenty-five.

Phase 1.
Kel'Thuzad is invulnerable, and the raid fights the adds emerging from seven pens around the perimeter of the room.

  • Soldier of the Frozen Wastes: skeletons going on a raid. If they reach their target, they explode (3-4k damage with dark magic). Susceptible to Shackle Undead. There are 71 skeletons in total, but you can accidentally drop more.
  • Unstoppable Abomination: abominations that apply a -10% healing debuff to the tank. There are eight awards in total, but you can accidentally or specifically (to complete the achievement) pull more.
  • Soul Weaver: banshee, hits 6-8k with dark magic and knocks back 30 yards. Does this only if it comes to a raid. 55 thousand hit points, goes slowly, only eight banshees.

Phase 2.
3 minutes 48 seconds after the start of the battle, Kel'Thuzad himself enters the action.

  • Frostbolt: a two-second cast that hits the tank with 10k-13k frost damage. It is cast very often, and if possible, it should be knocked down in a group. Cannot be reflected.
  • Frostbolt (AoE): instant cast of AoE frost bolts, hitting everyone in the hall with the boss for 4-5k frost damage. Resistant. Repeats the cast every 15 seconds.
  • Chains of Kel'Thuzad:

On a note: in the 10-person version of the instance, the boss does not use this spell

The boss takes control of three people from the raid, increasing their physical size by 200%, damage by 200% and healing by 500%. In this state, players buff and heal Kel'Thuzad, they need to be controlled in any way that humanoids are susceptible to. Lasts 20 seconds. Doesn't take control of the tank. Resets the boss's aggro list.

  • Detonate Mana: debuff applied by the boss to a random player using mana. 5 seconds after casting, the player explodes, dealing 10k lasso damage to everyone within a 10 yard radius (but not themselves). Burns 2000 mana from the player himself.
  • Shadow Fissure: a red circle that acts as a kind of void zone. Appears around a random player in a raid, and 5 seconds after appearing, deals 60-140k damage with dark magic to everyone standing in the circle. Whoever did not run out of the circle died.
  • Frost Blast: puts a random player in the raid, as well as everyone within a 10-yard radius of them, into an ice block. The player cannot do anything while in the boulder and will be dealt damage equal to 104% of their maximum health over 4 seconds. If the player is not treated within 4 seconds, he will die.

The effect will "bounce" across people standing within 10 yards of each other, similar to chain lighting.

Phase 3.
At 40% of the boss's health, 2 adds appear - Nerubian beetles. Each of them has the same HP as Kel'Thuzad. Every 15 seconds, beetles apply a buff to themselves that increases damage by 15%. The buff stacks up to 99 times.

Reid runs into the circle drawn on the floor of the hall. After this, the encounter starts.


The fight is quite difficult, and differs from other fights in the instance in the large number of absolutely deadly boss abilities: no matter how much health you have, if you or your healers work incorrectly, you will die.

Please note that none of these abilities can be removed by PvP trinkets, ice block, KoSh or paladin shield.

The battle has three phases: during the first, the raid is confronted by adds coming from all sides, during the second, Kel’Thuzad himself comes out, and during the third, beetles come to the aid of the boss.

You will need three (Nax/25) or two (Nax/10) tanks - one will be a MT and will deal with Kel'Thuzad, and the rest will be the beetles that come during the third phase.

Phase 1. The raid stands in the center of the room, and various mobs approach the raid from all sides - weak skeletons, abominations and banshees. Mili DPS is engaged in abominations, and ranged shoots the rest.

15 seconds before Kel’Thuzad becomes active, you need to quickly finish off the remaining adds and spread out so that the boss’s potentially lethal abilities hit only single targets, and not whole packs of players.

Phase 2. MT takes the boss and tanks him where he stands. Miles of DPS, depending on the quantity, costs one at a time (10 yards), or is distributed into several groups so as not to fall into ice bombs all together. Ranged DPS and healers are spread throughout the room.

In this phase, you have to monitor everything at once:

Frost bolts: Miles knock down all boss castes.
Mana Burst: Every mana user monitors whether he has a debuff similar to the Arcana AoE icon. If it appears, then you need to very quickly run away to a place where the explosion within a radius of 10 yards will not hurt anyone.
Void zone: A very bright, rotating red animation of the void zone predicts quick death for everyone who does not leave it. It is especially dangerous in miles where people are standing in groups. We run out.
Ice Tombs: If a person caught in a block of ice is not treated within 4 seconds, that person will die. Healers are advised to set up their interface so that they can see the Ice Blast debuff on players' tiles - this will greatly help matters.

In Nax/25, in addition to the above abilities, the boss also does mind control. At this moment, the aggro is reset, so you need to stop the DPS and allow the tank to pick up the boss again.

Controlled people need to be polymorphed/cycloneized/whatever to prevent them from healing the boss or killing someone in the raid in two hits.

Phase 3. At 40% of the boss's health, 4 (Nax/25) or 2 (Nax/10) beetles appear. The tanks pick them up and the DPS race begins - the beetles inflict a buff on themselves that increases the power of their attack, and after some (not very long) time it will be impossible to heal the tanks under the beetles. By the third phase, you must have completed all cooldowns, and the raid's DPS on the boss requires maximum.

All boss abilities from the second phase transfer to the third. It is possible that the beetle tank will fall into mind control; in this case, two tanks should stay close to each other in order to catch other adds.

The key to success in this battle is to carefully monitor what is happening around you and have time to react accordingly. The boss doesn't have much health, and you will most likely have enough DPS for the third phase if no one dies.

Kel"Thuzad- one of the main servants of the Lich King, responsible for spreading the Scourge plague across Lordaeron. After being killed by Arthas during the Third War, he was reborn as a lich. With the help of Arthas, he summoned Archimonde the Defiler, leader of the Burning Legion. However, Kel'Thuzad's true allegiance was to the Lich King and not to the Burning Legion. When Arthas traveled to Northrend during the events of the Frozen Throne, he left Kel'Thuzad as his lieutenant to command the Scourge in Lordaeron. He previously ruled the Plaguelands from the necropolis of Naxxramas, hovering above Stratholme, but now Naxxramas and, by extension, Kel'Thuzad are located in the eastern part of the Dragonblight, where he once again serves the Lich King.

Kel'Thuzad was one of the heroes in the Undead campaign in Warcraft III. In World of Warcraft, he is the final boss in Naxxramas, a raid dungeon that was introduced in patch 1.11. In World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, Kel'Thuzad may be Found in Old Hillsbrad Foothills in the Caverns of Time.


Location Level Health
Old Hillsbrad Foothills 55 5,228
Borean Tundra ?? 6,693,600
Dragonblight ?? 13,945

Kirin Tor

novels or short stories about Wacraft.

Kel'Thuzad of the Kirin Tor.

Kel'Thuzad was always considered another member of the Kirin Tor, a maverick due to his insistence on studying the dark arts and, above all, necromancy. However, the other archmages forbade anyone from practicing dark magic. Hearing the powerful challenge of the Lich King of Northrend , upset by his short-sighted colleagues, the archmage began to communicate with a mysterious voice and realized that he promised enormous power and knowledge. Leaving his fortune and very high position, Kel "Tuzad left the Kirin Tor, sold his vast possessions and, pushed by the voice of Ner"zhul, his mind, went to Northrend, to Icecrown.

Call of the Lich King

This section contains exclusive information for novels or short stories about Warcraft.

For many months, Kel "Thuzad wandered alone through the icy desert. He passed through the destroyed kingdom of Azjol-Nerub and was one of the first to understand the power of this ever-increasing force. Finally, the magician reached his final goal, the Citadel of the Lich King. Boldly approaching the entrance, he was shocked that the undead guarding her allowed him to freely enter inside - as if they were already waiting for him. The magician went deep down to the base of the glacier, and, finding the Lich King among the ice and darkness, offered him his soul. The dark lord promised Kel " Tuzadu receives immortality and great power in exchange for loyalty and obedience.

Cult of the Damned

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Necromancer Kel "Thuzad, leader of the Cult of the Damned.

Ner'zhul was pleased with his new servant and gave him an important task. After three years of wandering, Kel'Thuzad, on the orders of his master, returned back to Lordaeron to create a plague that would destroy the kingdom of men. However, unlike most of the Dark Lord's servants, Kel'Thuzad's human appearance was retained. The charismatic wizard could use deception and persuasion to carry out his master's plans.

Over the course of three years, Kel "Thuzad used his wealth and outstanding intellect to create a secret brotherhood of like-minded people, which he called the Cult of the Damned. He promised his assistants eternal life in Azeroth and universal equality in exchange for serving the Lich King. It is surprisingly easy for all new and new men and women forgot about their faith in the Holy Light, becoming novices of the Cult of Kel'Thuzad.

Having succeeded in creating the Cult of the Damned, Kel "Thuzad" placed the plague of Ner"zhul in special artifacts called plague cauldrons. These cauldrons were placed in many of the northern villages of Lordaeron owned by the Cult, and because of them, huge amounts of grain were infected with the plague. Any person who tried this grain died almost instantly and turned into a servant of the Lich King. His plan worked. More and more wild zombies appeared in the northern lands, and this army, called the Scourge by the necromancer, prepared for war with humanity.


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However, people did not sit idly by. The order of paladins, the Silver Hand, became interested in strange reports of the appearance of the dead in the north of Lordaeron. The young paladin and Prince of Lordaeron Arthas, his mentor Uther the Lightbringer and the young sorceress of the Kirin Tor Jaina Proudmoore, daughter of Admiral Daelin Proudmoore, taking a small detachment of loyal people, went to study the plague of Kel "Thuzad. Their fears were confirmed - the mysterious plague did not just kill people, but turned them into undead.In addition, they discovered that necromancers were behind it.

The goal of Arthas and his friends was Andorhal, the trading capital of the northern lands. When they reached the city, they found it on fire and the inhabitants nowhere to be found. There, Arthas first met Kel "Thuzad and learned that this plague was his doing. However, the necromancer disappeared before the paladin crushed his head with his hammer.

Arthas went north, and in a small town called Brill he again met with Kel "Thuzad. This time the prince took his chance and killed the necromancer in a rage. Kel" Thuzad only managed to say before his death that his death now means nothing.

"Naive fool... my death will not change anything... in general. Now... when the conquest of these lands... has begun..."

However, Arthas himself later became a servant of the Lich King, a Death Knight and, ironically, it was he who had to resurrect the necromancer he had once killed. Having defeated the remnants of the paladins guarding the remains of Kel'Thuzad, and capturing the magical urn in which the necromancer's ashes were reliably protected from decay, Arthas went to the Sunwell of Quel'Thalas, the only place in which there is enough magical power to resurrect the creature. On the road he was accompanied by the ghost of Kel "Thuzad", telling the truth about the Lords of Terror and about the true masters of Ner'zhul, the demons.

Having destroyed all the elves that resisted the army of the Lich King, and simultaneously killing and reviving the leader of the elves Sylvanas Windrunner as a banshee, Arthas reached the Sunwell. The Death Knight lowered an urn containing the necromancer's ashes into its waters and watched as the reborn Kel "Thuzad" emerged from the water.

The Destruction of Dalaran and the Call of the Lich King

Kel"Thuzad uses the Demon Gate to contact Archimonde.

The Lich King's further goal was to capture Medivh's Book of Spells, with the help of which Kel "Thuzad could summon the eredar Archimonde to Azeroth. Neither the magic of the archmage Antonidas nor the defense of Dalaran could withstand the power of the Scourge army; Kel" Thuzad killed Antonidas and took the great artifact. While Arthas defended the necromancer from the attacks of the remnants of the army of Dalaran, Kel "Thuzad performed the ritual of summoning the demon. The ritual was a success, but with the very first decree Archimonde promoted the demon Tikondrus to the lord of the undead in Azeroth, removing both Kel" Thuzad and Arthas from control. However, the necromancer knew about Ner’zhul’s secret plans, and therefore calmly left without getting involved in the dispute.

Arthas traveled to Kalimdor in search of a demon hunter named Illidan. In the destroyed Lordaeron, Kel "Thuzad and Sylvanas remained under the supervision of the Lords of Terror. Upon returning, Arthas drove the demons out of the capital and freed the necromancer and the Dark Huntress. The Death Knight and Kel "Thuzad went to the mountains of Alterac, but Arthas felt unbearable pain. Soon Ner'zhul appeared to him - the Lich King was losing strength and ordered his servant to immediately return to Northrend. The Scourge began to quickly retreat. Kel'Thuzad prepared everything for Arthas' departure and escorted him to the coast. Arthas asked his faithful servant and "friend" - words you don't often hear from a Death Knight - to stay in Lordaeron and control the situation. Gathering the remaining forces of the Scourge, the former archmage headed to the Plaguelands.

After the war

Left alone, Kel "Thuzad took a convenient position - the Scourge troops under his control allowed Sylvanas' Forsaken and the undead Dread Lords to fight for power and influence in the plague-ridden Lordaeron. And now, with the Dread Lords gone, he lost only the Tirisfal Plains to Sylvanas, leaving most of the Plagues The land is under his control, and his virtually impregnable stronghold, the necropolis of Naxxramas, hovers over the eastern half of the former human kingdom.


The Four Horsemen and Kel'Thuzad.

Kel'Thuzad's World of Warcraft.

In the Lich King"s haste to spread the plague of undeath over Azeroth, he gifted Kel"Thuzad, with the flying citadel of Naxxramas, a horrific base of operations for the Scourge. Consistent attacks from the Scarlet Crusade and Argent Dawn factions weakened the defenses of the floating fortress, enabling an incursion that led to Kel"Thuzad"s defeat.

Caverns of Time

In the old Hillsbrad Foothills near Southshore, in the Caverns of Time, you can meet Kel'Thuzad, still in the guise of a sorcerer.

Wrath of the Lich King

Inside, I bore witness to horrific acts, demonstrations of power, power that could be mine for the asking. Terrified, I ran...but did not get far. All too soon, my choice was made. Too late did I realize that such power does not come...without a price.

Now, the world shall pay a far greater toll, for I have returned.

I am Kel"Thuzad...

Your curiosity will be the death of you.

Conversation with Helcular

Kel'Thuzad meets with Helcular in the Old Hillsbrad Foothills, a dungeon in the Caverns of Time. He patrols the main road between Hillsbrad and Southshore. At some places he stops to talk with Helcular:

Kel"Thuzad says: Hush Helcular. There are a lot of strangers here... Helcular nodes. Gelcular says: So you can teach me this... this... Kel"Thuzad says: Necromancy? This is called black magic. And yes, it is within my power to convey this gift to you. Gelcular says: What about the Kirin Tor? What did they say about this black magic? Kel"Thuzad says: This is none of your business Helcular, you are neither a member of the Kirin Tor nor a necromancer. Kel"Thuzad says: But to be frank, I don't give a damn what the Kirin Tor thinks! They are fools, and this can be established in many ways. Gelcular says: Teach me, Kel "Thuzad. Teach me everything you know... Kel"Thuzad nods. Kel"Thuzad says: In due time, Helcular... All in due time... If a captured animal is near them and is killed by Sally Whiteman and Reno Morgraine, the dialogue will continue: Kel"Thuzad says: Well, Helcular, let me show you something to give you a taste of necromancy... Kel"Thuzad pronounces incomprehensible words. A dead animal comes back to life. Kel"Thuzad says: Do you see, Helcular? Do you still doubt her power? I control life! Kel"Thuzad says: And death... The animal dies again. Kel"Thuzad says: I'm still working on some minor details...

He is still seen wearing the robes of the Kirin Tor, but due to the nature of the conversation, it is presumed that he has already joined the Lich King, or was in the process of doing so.

Warcraft III quotes

Main article: Quotes from Warcraft III/Undead Scourge#Kel'Thuzad

World of Warcraft quotes

Main article: Kel"Tuzad_(tactics)#Quotes

Little things

  • In the alternative timeline where Thrall died as an infant, Kel"Thuzad did not take up necromancy but instead became chief adviser to King Aedelas Blackmoore of Lordaeron. Without Kel"Thuzad leading the Cult of the Damned, the Scourge never grew in large enough numbers to be a threat and history turned out completely different.
  • Kel"Thuzad was voted by Michael McConnohie in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne and his original appearance in World of Warcraft.
  • Kel"Thuzad is voiced by a different (unknown) actor in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, as Mr. McConnohie also portrays The Lich King and the producers thought this might "confuse the players".
  • Despite having a new voice actor in Wrath of the Lich King, Kel"Thuzad still uses his original laugh. This can be sometimes heard when he kills a player during his encounter. Those wishing to avoid a repair bill can fly to his location at the Plains of Nasam in southwest Borean Tundra , where Kel"Thuzad will laugh every 30 seconds or so.
  • Kel"Thuzad"s Gold Coin is an in-game item. The description says, "Sometimes... I wish someone would come along and just give me a big, long hug."
  • Kel"Thuzad was a wizard in the Warcraft RPG and a necromancer in the World of Warcraft RPG.
  • The Alliance warlock Tier 9 set is named after Kel"Thuzad. Though is he not normally classified as a warlock, Kel"Thuzad did learn a great deal about demons by studying the Book of Medivh (which allowed him to summon Archimonde).
  • He has a pet based on him, Lil" K.T. . Kel"Thuzad himself will mail the player the pet and congratulate them on joining his fanclub.
  • The Lich King drops Bloodsurge, Kel"Thuzad"s Blade of Agony . The blade had no prior in-game appearances.
  • Nyorloth (creator of the WoW Story Forum and the Ask CDev project) seemingly confirmed Kel"Thuzad"s continued existence by mentioning that he has "survived two separate Lich Kings".


    Necromancer in Warcraft III.

    Necromancer in Warcraft III.

    Lich in Warcraft III.

    Lich in Warcraft III.