How to learn to manipulate a person, psychology lessons. How to manipulate a person

Isometric exercises- This special exercises which are designed to develop in a person high strength. They are not dynamic. They are effective due to maximum force tension, without any visible body movements that would cause muscle contraction.

In other words, an isometric exercise is when a person tries, say, to move something that is beyond his strength, or to break a metal chain. And in this case, it is not the result itself that is important, but the effort (since it allows you to put muscles and tendons into work in a very short period of time). But you need to aim for the result, because isometric training can be done most effectively if you really want to break a chain, move an impossible object, etc.

The theory of isometric exercises by Zass (Samson) and Bruce Lee

By right, the founder of this type of complex is Alexander Ivanovich Zass, a sensational Russian strongman who is also known by the nickname Samson. It was he who developed a theory in 1924 that shattered all previous ideas about the source of power.

Samson on personal example proved that human strength lies not in muscles, but in tendons. And even a person with a modest physique is capable of demonstrating incredible capabilities. Alexander Zass himself was of modest height - only 165 cm and light weight - 65 kg. But having trained the strength of his tendons, believing that they were of decisive importance, Samson achieved amazing results.

It got to the point that he could lift a horse, break chains, do somersaults with weights and defeat the strongest and largest opponents. For all his achievements he received the nickname “Russian hero”. And at the same time, Samson still had to fulfill dynamic exercises to build muscle mass. But as he himself said, this was done more for visual appeal than for results.

The training set he developed includes a number of isometric exercises. At the same time, which is convenient, the exercises can be performed both at home and even in a work environment (for example, trying to lift yourself along with a chair by holding the bottom of the seat - trapezius works, or trying to lift a table by resting your palms on the tabletop from below - biceps works).

The basic principle of the exercises is maximum effort in a few seconds. Beginners are advised to exercise for no more than 4-6 seconds. Subsequently, with experience, you can increase the duration to 8-12 seconds. What’s convenient is that you can do several approaches for different muscle groups in a matter of minutes. And due to the short duration of the training, it will be possible to conduct a new one quite soon.

Samson's theory gained great popularity, especially in the 1960s. The famous fighter also developed his own set of isometric exercises for himself. Bruce Lee! He always believed that training should be done with maximum effort.

Therefore, the isometric theory attracted his attention and he actively included it in his training. One of his favorite exercises was one that uses a simulator made of a bar and a crossbar connected by a chain. He placed the beam on the floor, stood on it with his feet, making it impossible to lift, and then pulled the bar towards himself, making different grips.

The chain was stretched, the beam naturally did not budge, and by “lifting” himself, Bruce Lee performed an isometric exercise.

A set of isometric exercises by Alexander Zass

Below is a set of classes developed by Zass:

  1. Pulling the chain by hand. To start, place your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Grab the chain near your knee with your straight hand, and bend it with your other hand near your waist. Use this hand to try to tighten the chain. Then change the position of your hands.
  2. Pulling overhead. You need to stretch the chain, holding it above your head. The tendons of the arms, as well as the back and chest work mainly here.
  3. Stretch in front of you. Hold the chain in front of your chest with your arms bent. And keep your elbows at shoulder level. Try to stretch it by using the muscles of your arms and chest
  4. Stretching the chain behind your back, with tension in your arms. The chain is located at the shoulder blades and is held with straight arms. There is tension on the triceps of the arms and a little on the chest.
  5. Stretching the chain behind the back, with back tension. The exercise is done the same way as what happened before, only the length of the chain is longer. The tension goes to the latissimus dorsi muscles.
  6. Stretching the chain from bottom to top. Press the chain to the floor with both feet wearing thick-soled shoes. Grab the ends of the chain with your hands and pull up. Possible placement of hands is near the knees, waist, behind the back. Works the muscles of the legs, arms and back
  7. Side stretch. The chain is fixed under one of the feet; pull it up from the side, bending your arm at the elbow. Then change position. The shoulder delta works.
  8. Biceps stretch. Press the chain with your foot to the floor and pull it up with one of your arms, bent at the elbow. Do this with both hands. You can adjust the length of the chain to work out the chain in various places loads. The biceps ligaments are well strengthened.
  9. Stretching the leg-neck chain. Throw one loop of the chain around your neck, the other around your foot and press it to the floor. You need to wrap something around your neck, because the chain presses quite painfully (but this still won’t really help with bruises). The back muscles become tense.
  10. Chest chain stretch. Fix the chain narrowly around your chest. Inhale, and as you exhale, tense your latissimus dorsi and chest muscles - try to break the chain.

Technique of conducting classes

Of course, in order to achieve results and not waste energy in vain, it is important to learn correct technique performing exercises. There are a number of tips that will help you do everything right. First, before training, you need to warm up and stretch to warm up your muscles and tendons. Secondly, it is important to comply correct breathing. The exercise should be performed only while exhaling.

Strength needs to be increased gradually, without sudden jerks. If during the process you feel a sharp pain, then you need to stop, take a break, and then try again, only more carefully.

You should not make an effort or stay in a static position for long. Then you can take a short rest and move on to the next approach.

Isometric exercises are recommended to be performed in the morning, after, because they invigorate better than coffee. And done before bedtime, they can prevent you from falling asleep.

Due to the heavy load on the muscles, total duration Isometric training usually does not exceed 15 minutes. But during this time the athlete manages to do several approaches of several repetitions for different groups muscles.

The number of repetitions for each exercise should be from 2 to 5. Moreover, the effort should increase each time. Let's say, with three approaches, you should do a minimum effort of 50% for the first time (to warm up). The second time, make an average effort - 75%. And on the third, last time, make your maximum effort, giving 100%. If you follow this system, isometric training will become much more effective.

Isometric workouts for women

Of course, women need to be especially delicate when performing isothermal exercises and try to limit themselves at first to exercises with high impact. Bad news The point is that these exercises do not allow you to lose weight as effectively as dynamic exercises.

But there are also advantages. Firstly, if you're looking to build strength without building massive biceps, then these workouts are for you. In addition, during isometric exercise, subcutaneous fat is included in the process, which promotes its resorption and has a positive effect on the skin.

Efficiency, advantages and disadvantages

The most important thing that constant tendon training helps you gain is greater strength. If you want to amaze your friends or enemies by demonstrating your capabilities, making efforts to overcome various strength obstacles, bend copper rods, or defeat all your opponents in arm wrestling with one left hand, then this sport is for you. Regularly performing these exercises will achieve this goal - to become stronger.

From the very first training, the work of the tendons is activated. Regular training can make them much stronger and stronger, increasing the body's capabilities. In just a few months, you will be able to lift significantly more weight than before, or perform an action that you could not do before.

The technique will be especially useful for athletes such as boxers and wrestlers. After all, their mass will remain the same, within their weight category. But strength will increase due to strengthening of the tendons.


  1. Short duration one workout, which allows you to increase their frequency.
  2. High efficiency due to the efforts made.
  3. Not required special simulators.
  4. Can be carried out in any places.
  5. Reduced chance of injury, when compared with dynamic exercises.
  6. Increased flexibility.
  7. Increased Strength, by strengthening the tendons, without gaining weight.


  1. If you do the exercises incorrectly, that is, the risk of injury or blood pressure surges.
  2. Proper use they only learn with time.
  3. Very important correct concentration and attitude.

Differences from static exercises

Although, at first glance, isometry and statics are veryThey are very similar (after all, in both cases it is assumed that there is no movement), but these exercises also have their differences.

And if you take a closer look this question, then the differences are fundamental. So, as for isometric classes and the technique itself. Here everything is done in short periods of time and with maximum tension on the tendons and muscles. Unlike static exercises, exercises of this type are performed for a long period of time with uniform muscle tension.

In the first case, the main goal– this is the development of muscle strength, strengthening of ligaments and tendons. Static exercises provide mainly endurance and general physical activity. By the way, to achieve both high endurance and strength, you can alternate classic static exercises with isometric ones. And although both of these types of exercises are somewhat different from each other, nevertheless, according to the principle of action, isometric ones are more similar to static ones than to dynamic ones.

Then you're ready to do exercises that will increase your hand speed!

Speed ​​kills, everyone knows it. Many great fighters have it: Muhammad Ali, Thomas Hearns, Ray Leonard, Mike Tyson, Roy Jones, Floyd Mayweather, Manny Pacquiao, I could go on and on.

Being able to hit your opponent with a punch before he can hit you with yours is perhaps one of the greatest advantages in boxing. A difference of a fraction of a second can make crucial between raising your hand in victory and lifting yourself off the canvas. Even if you were not born with speed, you still need it. Even if it's not part of your style, you still need to develop it. And I ask you to turn on these important exercises into your regular program, because everyone knows: SPEED KILLS!

I know the goal is speed, but don't rush yourself with these exercises. Most important factor in achieving maximum strength it is relaxation. Relaxation is first of all a state of mind, which then becomes a material reality. Keep your mind clear and don't focus on one thing too much. Relax! Relax! Relax!

Instead of complementing speed with strength and precision, focus on balance and coordination. A lot of beginners try to put both power and speed together at first, but this only slows them down and forces them to load up for punches. Don't load up on your punches or try to focus on hitting the target. Instead, give your arms free rein, just try to keep your balance underneath you and your movements coordinated with the speed of your arms.

Sharp and Relaxed Breathing = Sharp and Relaxed Movement

Shadow Fighting (Pure Speed ​​Training)

Shadowboxing is everything! The more time I spend in this wonderful sport of boxing, the more I realize that sometimes shadowboxing is all you need. This simple practice allows you to practice every technique without wearing out your joints or straining your body. This underrated exercise can help you develop almost everything in boxing: footwork, balance, strength, technique, and of course in our case, SPEED!

Shadow boxing is perhaps the purest form of speed training. There are no bags to stop your blows, no gloves that press your hands down with their weight. You punch the air with just the weight of your arms. Without anything slowing you down, this is the fastest speed you can move your arms. You can hit as fast as you can imagine your combinations. Shadowboxing can develop your mental speed, your punching speed, and your hand return speed.

Shadow Boxing Exercises:

Start moving around the ring and relax your whole body. Don't worry about squeezing your hands completely. Strike correctly, but not in a way that makes your shoulders tense and tired. You need your whole body to be relaxed when you do speed shadowboxing!

Here are the beat numbers I use:

1 = left jab
2 = right straight / right cross
3 = left hook
4 = right hook / right overhand
5 = left uppercut
6 = right uppercut
*vice versa if you are left-handed

Ok, HERE THEY ARE! Follow them and combine!

Basic jab

  • 1, move around the ring, 1
  • 1, step back, 1
  • 1, step forward, 1

Double jab

  • 1-1 (two steps forward)

Lined jab

  • 1-1-1

Jab, Right Cross

  • 1-1-2
  • 1-2-1
  • 1-2-1-2
  • 1-2-1-1

Left Hook

  • 1-2-3
  • 1-2-3-2


  • 1-2-3-2-1
  • 1-2-1-2-3
  • 2-3-2
  • 2-3-2-1
  • 2-3-2-1-2

Skillful Combinations

  • 1-1-3
  • 1-3-2
  • 1-2-3-3-2
  • 1-3-1-2
  • 1-2-3-1-2
  • 5-6-2
  • 5-1-2-3-2
  • 1-6-2-1-2


  • 1-6-3-2
  • 3-6-3-2
  • 1-2-5
  • 1-2-5-2

Long Combinations (focus on sharp, fast breathing!)

  • 6-5-6-5-2-3-2
  • 1-2-5-2-3-6-3-2
  • 1-1-2-3-6-3-2
  • 5-2-1-6-3-2-1-2
  • choose any of the above combinations and combine it with any other

Work 3 rounds. Exhale with every stroke and with every movement. Don't worry about doing all the combinations in the list above. Stick to your favorites and then try one or two new ones each time. You should NOT be tired. If you're tired, you're too stressed. Relax your shoulders even more and maybe even slow down a little. If you're running out of steam throwing punches in the air, imagine what it would be like in the ring.

When you step during combinations, take VERY SMALL steps. You only need to take 2-3 centimeter steps, so your legs can move as quickly as your arms. If you do big steps, your feet may still be in the air, leaving your punches without any support on your feet and without power.

Don't worry about strength! Some sequences with double backhands or double forehands will feel weak. Once again, you are only working on speed, not strength. Just let your hands fly and add a little rhythm. Take a few breaks from time to time between combinations and then get back up to speed.

One last note, watch Manny Pacquiao shadowbox in the video below. What he does is perfect example high-speed shadowboxing. Sharp breathing, very small steps, focus on quick strikes. He doesn't focus on single hits, he focuses on entire combinations. And for the 923084723rd time, RELAX!

Quick Strikes on the Bag (Speed ​​Endurance)

Fast strikes are not always speed. Sometimes it's endurance. Moving weight faster always takes more energy. So it's quite difficult to throw fast punches or even practice fast punches if you don't have the stamina for it.

Throwing a bunch of fast punches can wear anyone out. You don't realize it at first, but as you get tired, your slower opponent suddenly becomes faster than you. An even greater danger from fatigue is that your punches become too slow to hit your opponent. So let's work on your speed endurance so you can throw quick punches throughout the fight—not just the first round.

Exercise Impacts At Intervals:

Find yourself a partner and stand with him different sides bag. One boxer holds the bag motionless while the second punches the bag without stopping for 15-20 seconds. Then you change. Do this until the 3-minute round is over and then take a minute break. 2-3 rounds of this exercise is great way finish training on the bag.

Some Thoughts About This Quick Strike Drill:

  • Don't waste time bothering someone to count down 15-20 seconds for you. Instead, just count in your head or out loud while you throw your punches. When you're done, just stop and your partner will instinctively know to start throwing punches.
  • You can perform various options on the bag. In the first interval, throw regular punches, aiming high (palm down, aim for a point on the bag 15-20 cm above your head). In the second interval, throw vertical punches, aiming at shoulder height on the bag. By "vertical strikes" I mean strikes where the palm faces to the side, like a "stationary fist." In the third interval, throw SMALL short uppercuts to the bag at body level. Continue repeating until the end of the round.

Interval punching exercises develop endurance in your arms and shoulders. Which is VERY important in the later rounds of a fight or sparring. It doesn't matter if your whole body doesn't get tired...

When your arms and shoulders get too tired
your punches become too slow to hit your opponent.

Sure, you can still have your power in the later rounds, but if you don't have speed, that power won't matter! So work to make sure you increase your arm and shoulder endurance. In case you haven't noticed, this fast-punching exercise is a boxing rendition of Tabata exercises (in case you want to know more about the theory behind this training method).

A very important reminder, don't get too proud and try to hit the bag at that pace for the entire 3 minutes. Rest pauses allow your arms to regain the energy to hit maximum speed. You should always train at your true top speed (working at 100% when you are exhausted is not “true top speed”). Think about it, sprinters don't train for speed by running 2 miles at a time. Instead, they run short sprints, take a break, and repeat (aka Interval Sprints). The pauses allow their legs to regain energy to run at full speed again. This way, you spend more of your time training at full speed, rather than at half speed, which is what happens when overly ambitious beginners work out for 30 minutes without a break!

Another point about not skipping breaks is that your workout can be better when you constantly have to stop and start again. Throwing punches without stopping is easy when you are already on the move. But stopping and starting again, like in a real fight, is much more difficult when you have to keep running your rhythm. So please don't skip breaks. 15-20 seconds for each, then change!

Forced Speed ​​Training (Pneumatic Bag and Punch Bag Stretch)

An air bag and stretch bag are excellent equipment for developing speed. In addition to improving accuracy, timing, reflexes and coordination, they are also very good for “forced hand speed” exercises. Hitting quickly is quite easy if you only hit when you feel like it. Unfortunately, this never happens in real battles. In real fights, you are always FORCED to throw punches, even when you don't want to. Since you throw these blows, it is more in a panic reaction than as an action of your own own intentions, these “forced strikes” wear you out faster. So let's go back to the pneumatic bag and the stretch bag, they force you to hit even when you don't want to. No matter how tired you are, you MUST hit the bag.

The pneumatic bag and the stretching bag also have their own exceptional qualities. The pneumatic bag develops arm endurance and shoulder endurance. The stretch bag helps improve accuracy and timing. This projectile forces you to constantly react quickly and think quickly. Learning how to work a punching bag is an art in itself. I'll save that long explanation for another day. For now, just know that these implements will improve your hand speed. Perform 2-3 rounds on the pneumatic bag and stretch bag.

Resistance Training for Speed ​​Muscle Development

Push-ups (Explosive Speed)

Push-ups, when performed with speed-oriented technique, can help you add speed to your punches. Since everyone's hands are different, you need to find the perfect fit for where to place your hands and how low to go. Focus on speed, not strength. You need to finish this set FAST!


  • Because of my long arms and thin frame, I prefer to do push-ups where I only go down a third. This means that I only work the triceps in this “stretch” phase of the push-up. I do about 10 short sets with only 10-15 reps each. Once again, I only work at the top of the pushup to maximize fast speed and try to explode with each pushup. Focus on going down fast and going up fast (most people go down slow, go up fast). When you pause, pause at the top of the push-up, not the bottom.


  • Lower yourself into a push-up position, but place one hand on the medicine ball. Once you do a push-up, quickly move your body to the other side of the ball, resting your other hand on the ball. Do push-ups as fast as you can. 3 sets of 15 times. Another variation you can do is to take 2 medicine balls and place them at a distance wider than your shoulder width. Keep one hand on the ball and the other hand on the floor between the balls. Once you do a push-up, you move your body to the side, so both arms are constantly moving to the side and to the center. (If you need a more detailed explanation of this exercise, leave a comment). Again, 3 sets of 15 reps.


  • Another type of pleometric style pushup that I like is the clap pushup. You can do 3 sets of 10-15 push-ups with clap. What is important is to spend a minimum of time in the bottom push-up position. You don't necessarily have to fly high, but just make sure you don't spend too much time with your arms bent at the bottom of the push-up.

Resistance Training for Speed


You can also develop fast punching speed through harnesses and isometric training. Tourniquets are applied constant force when you throw punches. This constant resistance allows you to develop speed and explosiveness throughout the movement. Regular workouts They can’t do this with scales because the weight is only heavy at the beginning. As soon as you push out the weight, your driving force makes it easier to work when you throw your hand away. Swimming can be very a good helper into training with constant resistance, since the water is constantly working against you.

Isometric Workouts

Isometric training is a type of training in which you apply force, but your body does not move at all. But how can you apply force without moving?! You can do isometric arm training by walking up to a wall and getting into a punching position where you could theoretically punch the wall. Now push off the wall for 10-15 seconds, 3 sets at a time. You can stand under different angles, which simulate different blows and target different muscles (chest, shoulders, triceps).

The theory behind isometric speed training is that you train your arms as if they were rubber bands. You train your arm muscles to store energy so that as soon as the hold ends... SNAP—your arm flies out like a charged rubber band.

Return Muscles

The speed of the arm's return is something that MANY boxers miss in speed training. Everyone loves to work the striking muscles, such as the chest and triceps, but rarely does anyone work the return muscles, such as the back, lats, and hamstrings. What many boxers don't realize is that the return phase is half the movement of a punch, so being able to get your hands back faster allows you to punch again much faster!

I've also noticed that many beginners do nothing more than work on the bag in training. The bag is a strong object, meaning if you hit the bag, it will always spring your arm back, which does not train your return muscles. Sure, you can easily work the bag for 10 rounds, but what happens when you spar? After you miss just a few punches in the ring, your arms will be completely tired and you won't know why. That's because you're not used to missing and you're not used to punching through the air, and your return muscles (back, back of the shoulders, and lats) aren't developed to bring your arm back quickly enough.

The best exercises to strengthen the reflex muscles of the arm:

A fight with a shadow

  • You're constantly throwing punches through the air while shadowboxing, which forces you to use your muscles to bring your arms back. Try shadowboxing at 100% speed with gloves and you will understand how weak your recovery muscles are. You don't need to add weight or do anything else. Even regular shadow boxing will help you balance your back core muscles with your front core muscles.


  • Pull-ups are a great exercise for the back and lats. Do 3 sets of 6, 8 or 12 reps. Whatever you can't do, just do it. Now yours top part the body will no longer look so hunched over.

Stretching Exercises

  • I'm too lazy to list all the names of the exercises. Any exercise that simulates the motion of throwing your arm out should do the trick. I have TRX Suspension bands at my gym and they work great for this, but lowering the rope or stretching stretch ropes will also work.


Loose, relaxed muscles have the potential to move faster. Don't fight with pain in your shoulders or body. Make sure you spend good stretches and spend a significant amount of time warming up your muscles. Even on days when you don't train, try to stretch. Many of the fastest fighters I have met are often the most flexible people I know. (I wrote an article about .) FYI, you should stretch AT LEAST 30-45 minutes before each workout and then another 10-20 minutes at the end of each workout. Professional boxers, and perhaps elite athletes, usually do this at double the rate.

Final Thoughts About Hand Speed ​​Exercises

Speed ​​starts from the head and ONLY THEN in the body...

If you can't think fast, you'll never be able to move fast. that as it may, your body can't box on autopilot. Relax your mind, concentrate and stay focused, but be aware of everything that is happening around you. Don't focus on every single shot. Try to focus on the whole combination or the whole bunch. Each combination of strikes has its own purpose, whether it is to get in close, or to land a hook to the body, or simply to force the opponent to defend himself, to create space for himself to escape.

Oh, and one more thing. Don't try to do every exercise above on one day or every training day. Use several variations and focus on one thing a day rather than everything every day.

Manipulating people helps not only in business and in negotiations - these are extremely useful skills that will help in any life situation. Conversation technique in the right direction will be useful to each of us.

Where to start

Of course, you need to start with the right attitude. Managing people requires a lot of emotional investment as well as mental investment. Subsequently, your manipulation skills will be practiced to the point of reflex, and for the first time your tasks are Full time job on yourself and constant practice.

Start by setting yourself in the right mood - you can do anything. Repeat to yourself that there are no barriers in front of you, that everyone can learn anything - it’s just that some people need more time and effort, and others less. Get ready for changes in the worldview and attitude of others towards you.

Methods of manipulation

Manipulation will only happen if you make the right impression during a conversation. Therefore, set yourself in the right mood.

Method one: correct view. First of all, you can’t take him away. Secondly, you need to look either between the eyes or at a specific eye, preferably to your left, since it is connected to the hemisphere of the brain that is responsible for emotions. This way you can already distract a person from the non-verbal level. logical way thinking. Well, if, on the contrary, you need to awaken logical skills in a person, look into your right eye.

In turn, if you realize that you are being stared at using this technique, simply smile and look away, pretending that you did not notice anything.

Method two: imagine even yourself unpleasant person good. Yes, it often happens that we communicate with those who are not pleasant to us. This can be avoided by using your imagination. Imagine that you are communicating with a small child. This technique is used by all people in management positions.

Method three: directness. Don't fuss, don't squirm - ask what you want to ask. For example, if you feel deceived, simply ask: “Are you trying to deceive me?” There is nothing wrong with this, since it is just a question. If they are really trying to fool you, this will put the person in a very difficult position, because in this case no one ever expects directness.

Method four: Don't try to prove something to your opponent. Do not make excuses or give reasons to prove that you are right. In this case, subtle psychology works. Rightness is emotional condition, which cannot be transmitted to the interlocutor. By starting to argue, you will enter into a debate, and this is the first step towards recognizing that your point of view may not be correct. Always stand your ground.

Method five: Do not give in to provocations or change the course of communication. This works in cases where three or more people are involved in the conversation. If they try to offend you, then pause, looking into your opponent’s eyes, and then continue the conversation as if nothing had happened.

Method six: In situations where a person is dissatisfied with something, feign agreement - this works well if you are accepting an unhappy client at work. He screams, he is annoyed that he was sold something of poor quality, but you just agree with him, but do not confirm the quality and negative characteristics yourself: “I agree, this is very unpleasant situation...". After the outbreak of irritation passes, you can begin a constructive dialogue.

These methods of influencing people can be extremely useful for those who work in a field that involves many situations that require conflict avoidance. These methods of influence will help to subjugate even groups of people, winning them over with your authority. Use these techniques, improve your skills and don't forget to press the buttons and

Have you ever thought about why you fulfill someone else's whim, despite internal protests and your own reluctance to do this act? At work, at home, in the company of friends, while watching TV, manipulation surrounds us everywhere, and by mastering the basic skills of which a person achieves satisfaction of his own needs. How to manipulate people? It is enough to know several specific points of influence that allow you to force a person to fulfill a particular request.

Manipulation and manipulators. What to know and what to watch out for

Manipulation is various ways influence on a group of people or on separate personality, provoking a change in behavior, preferences regarding values, as well as the fulfillment of certain tasks, requests, by the object of influence (the person on whom the manipulative influence was directed). Manipulator - a person (group of people) who wants to implement own needs using psychological (emotional) influence on another person.

Most people do not notice how, under the influence of certain factors, they fulfill someone else’s request. In professional manipulation, a person is unable to recognize that he is being forced to perform an act contrary to his values, morals and desires, however, according to some signs, it is possible to identify how people manipulate other people. For example, an unexpected show of concern from stranger, boss, relative and other individuals who have not previously shown such feelings and emotions towards the individual - this is a sign of the beginning of manipulation. This also includes children's tears, hysterics, setting conditions (“if you love, then...”), intimidation and inducing fear, promises of improved living conditions after purchasing a product (fulfilling a request).

Is manipulation necessary in the modern world?

Everyday life is filled with various manipulative influences. Every day, each of us can encounter them simply by turning on the TV. Advertising presented to the eyes of a potential consumer is replete with indirect suggestions that evoke a desire in the vulnerable average person to buy a product. And modern television series (Russian, foreign) and reality shows contain a certain intrigue that makes you watch the next episode of the program again next time.

Ability to manipulate people - a whole science, which most politicians, professional marketers and businessmen possess. Both in politics and in business, morality has slightly different boundaries than in everyday life, which makes manipulation an indispensable means of achieving certain successes. It is worth noting that this kind of impact is not always negative; in some cases, its use allows you to achieve the goal set for a group of people or one person. For example, a schoolchild, after several repetitions by the teacher of the assigned task (“open the textbooks,” “take out a notebook,” etc.) in the future will perform it at the subconscious level. One more example - educational process. From this side, manipulation can be considered both negative and positive influence, depending on the values ​​and morals of the family.


Secrets effective impact on people help to reveal the secrets of psychology. How to manipulate people and what is needed for this? Science of mental activity advises a person to control himself, not show real emotions, develop charisma and learn some acting skills, as well as learn to “read” people - this will help develop personal manipulative tactics.

Before you try to influence a certain person, you need to take into account his age, gender and some mental characteristics. According to statistics, the people most susceptible to external influences are: emotional personalities, women, children and older people (over 50 years old). It is not for nothing that many scammers use pensioners, young mothers and children as their potential victims - each of them has leverage, it is this category that is the most vulnerable emotionally and mentally.

Some individuals have the gift of manipulation from an early age - in childhood, most of us do this unconsciously, over time either forgetting about such skills, or developing and improving them. What does it mean to manipulate a person? Literally, this means direct or indirect influence that forces a person to act according to the manipulator’s plan.

Is it worth learning about such influence? Absolutely yes. The technique of inserting into the human subconscious allows you to inspire people with what you want, without using anything other than communication. In addition, knowledge about possible methods this kind of protection against unconscious submission to other individuals. The art of manipulating people is easy for some, but quite difficult for others, it all depends on the individual character traits of the potential manipulator.


For effective suggestion it is necessary to exclude from vocabulary uncertainty and denial. How to manipulate people with words? It’s very simple: just replace “more” with “already”, “I” with “we” or “you” in a conversation with a potential victim. Also, the impact is facilitated by correctly placed phrases that do not include negation (no, never, not) and open questions(“When will we meet?”, “How will we resolve this issue”).

How to manipulate people with words on paper, in a report, in a letter? Contextual suggestion helps here. Due to correctly placed words in the text, a person can unknowingly fall under the influence of another person. How to achieve this? It's simple, most of the text should consist of ordinary phrases, and only 10% - of impact phrases. The essence of messages of this kind is that the selected fragments of text in the subconscious of the reader are formed into a certain setting. For example: “I want you to work for us for a long time, fruitfully and efficiently. Work, of course, for a small fee, no one is offering you work. Everything will be paid according to our tariffs.” The main thing is that when writing a message, it is necessary to take into account the future reader, his preferences and personality traits.

Recently, the problem of manipulating people, imposing other people’s opinions and views, and turning society into a thoughtless mass has been increasingly discussed on the Internet. Look At Me has compiled a shortlist of the most common techniques and rules that help persuade, win over, inspire and influence people in every possible way, as well as ways to protect yourself from social manipulation.

Social proof,
or the principle of social proof

In the Soviet Union, people first stood in line and only then wondered where it led. “If all these people are waiting, it means the product is good,” everyone thought. The very presence of a queue signaled the value of the product being offered. Thus, the principle of social proof was manifested in Soviet society. Based on herd instinct, it consists in imitating the behavior of the majority and is a protective function of our brain, freeing the latter from the need to process unnecessary information. This is where the nature of the mainstream lies.

The principle of social proof works especially effectively when a person finds himself in a confusing or ambiguous situation, and he does not have time to really understand it. “In any unclear situation, do as everyone else does” - Social Proof solves all problems at once. When we want to buy a new gadget and are racking our brains over which model to choose, reviews and ratings are often the decisive criteria for us. The principle of social proof has taken deep roots in modern business. There is no longer any need to prove to a potential client how good the product is; it is enough to note that the majority thinks so.

Today, marketers strongly recommend that owners of websites and various pages not advertise counters if the indicators on them are modest. A large number of subscribers - best sign quality and a reason to subscribe too. This also applies to site traffic.

Another painful example of using the principle of social proof is sketches and humorous series. Viewers often complain that they are annoyed by the background laughter after every joke. However, this does not affect the effectiveness of the method. People are accustomed to relying on the reactions of others when determining what is funny, and often react not to the joke, but to the off-screen laughter that accompanies it.

By the way, Social proof served as the basis for the emergence of some professions. For example, a claqueur is a person who comes to a performance for a certain fee, applauds the loudest and shouts “Bravo!”, or classic example- mourners who “set the mood” at a funeral in Brazil or the Philippines.

Group reinforcement method

This technique in some places echoes the previous one, but, unlike it, it is focused on changing human beliefs rather than behavior. According to this principle, at repeated many times the same thesis (ideas, concepts) within a group, its members will eventually accept this statement as truth. American academic and writer Robert Carroll emphasizes that a repeated proposition does not have to be true. It will be believed no matter how theoretically or practically proven it is. Moreover, it is believed that people take it on faith, without critical assessment, any group values, ideas, doctrines, if they identify themselves with this group and do not want to be branded as outcasts. This mental phenomenon and the manifestation of conformity is called indoctrination. Phenomena opposite to indoctrination: “social autonomy”, “criticism”, “non-conformism”.

A colorful example of the work of the group reinforcement method are stereotypes, myths and legends that wander from generation to generation. In addition, the technique is actively used by the media and is effective means V information wars. With the help of clever manipulation of facts and various speech tricks, the media impose certain beliefs on us through the systematic repetition of the same thoughts. To combat such trends in learning programs Some countries are introducing a media education course designed to develop critical thinking in people of all ages.

Rule of reciprocity

The rule of reciprocity states that a person must repay what another person has given him. In simple words- respond kindly to kindness. And since any obligations are depressing, you want to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Therefore, the rule works and is actively used by some “initiates”. Such people may deliberately provide a small favor with the expectation that they will make a larger request in the future.

Fragment from the television series
"Force Majeure" (Suits)

People say: “they take advantage of someone’s kindness.” It is noteworthy that knowledge of the rule of reciprocal exchange does not free a person from the desire to repay his “debts”.

Fragment from the television series “The Mentalist”

Why do supermarkets give you free food to try? For what various companies hand out pens, notepads and other souvenirs to their guests? How to explain free promotions in bars and chewing gum after dinner in restaurants? Do employees want to please customers? No matter how it is.

for help, or the Benjamin Franklin method

One day, Benjamin Franklin needed to establish contact with a person who openly disliked him. Then Benjamin turned to this man with a request to lend him a rare book. Franklin was as polite as possible in his request and thanked the man with even greater politeness when he agreed. After this incident they became good friends.

The essence of the method of the same name is that people love when they are asked for help. Firstly, based on the rule of mutual exchange, a person thinks that, if necessary, he can count on a return service. Secondly, by helping, he feels needed and useful. And this, as they say, is priceless.

By the way, it is believed that in the beginning it is better to ask for more than you want to receive. If they suddenly refuse you, the next time you try, you can voice a real request, and this time it will be awkward to refuse.

Logical rule

Psychologists have come to the conclusion that the desire to be or appear consistent in one’s actions is an innate characteristic of a person, which often forces him to go against his own interests.

The point is that in modern society consistency is considered a virtue. She is associated with honesty, intelligence, strength and stability. English physicist Michael Faraday said that consistency is more valuable than being right. Inconsistent behavior is usually considered negative quality and is taken for duplicity.

In order to force a person to act in a certain way, it is necessary to launch a sequence mechanism in his thinking. The starting point in this mechanism social psychologists called an obligation. A person who has made a commitment (even if unconsciously) will do everything to fulfill it.

Let’s say, if a person is recognized as the best chess player in the city, after this incident he will train three times more, just to justify the obligation and status entrusted to him. The sequence mechanism is launched: “If I am like this, then I must do this, this and that...”.

Positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a pleasant consequence for a person of his actions: praise, reward, or reward that encourages a person to perform those actions in the future.

Somehow the group Harvard students Conducted an interesting experiment. At one of the lectures, the guys agreed that when the teacher moved to one side of the hall, everyone would smile, and when he moved to the opposite side, everyone would frown. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to guess in which part of the audience the lecturer spent most classes. This experiment became known in history as the “Verplanck experiment” and became confirmation that positive feedback has an educational effect on a person.

According to American psychologist Skinner, praise educates a person more effectively than punishment, which is more likely to harm the individual. Freud confirms his colleague’s theory and, in describing the pleasure principle, emphasizes that a person’s desire to receive positive emotions pushes him to perform actions that reinforce them and are thus associated with pleasure. Consequently, the absence of the “action - pleasure” chain deprives a person of motivation and desire to do something.

Motivation by fear

Aikido method

Peculiarity martial art Aikido is about using the opponent's strength against him. Adapted to the communication environment, this method is used in tense negotiations or conflict situations and implies returning his own aggression to the opponent in order to get what he wants from the interlocutor.

Newton's law states: the force of action is equal to the force of reaction. Consequently, the more rudely a person responds to his opponent, the more fiercely he defends his position, the more retaliatory aggression he receives. Main principle Aikido - winning by yielding. To persuade a person to your point of view, first of all you need to agree with him, and “mirror” his manner of speaking and demeaning himself. And then, in a calm tone, offer your own version of the development of events. Thus, a person retains his strength, does not irritate his opponent, and ultimately wins.

A slightly exaggerated example might look like this: “You are a fool. You're doing everything wrong. - Yes, I'm doing everything wrong, because I'm a fool. Let's try to find a way out of this situation together..."

Vertical principle

All famous world dictators convinced their opponents even before they began to speak. They knew how to position their body in space in such a way as to look like a “living argument” in the eyes of their interlocutor.

Firstly, they were always vertically one level above those they were talking to. This has psychological explanation. The fact is that the subconscious initially perceives those who are higher as authorities. Our parents have always been above us. But they were our authorities for many years. This explains why many managers place chairs and desks in their offices so that they can look down on their subordinates.

Also, to our subconscious, a person who takes up a lot of space seems more convincing and right. Sweeping gestures, arms outstretched in a “T” shape on the back of a chair, or active movement around the room during a presentation - all this helps to embrace maximum amount space and grow in the eye of the beholder.

Built-in speech commands

Built-in speech commands help the initiator of communication create a certain mood in the recipient, evoke the desired emotion and, accordingly, direct his thoughts in a given direction. An embedded message is a fragment of a phrase that is highlighted by gestures or intonation. In this case, the impact occurs on the subconscious of a person, who may not pay attention to the phrase itself.

Introducing positive language into your speech (words like “pleasant”, “good”, “happiness”, “success”, “trust”, etc.), we make the other person feel happier and more successful. It doesn’t matter what we are talking about and in what context these words are used, the main thing is to highlight them with intonation or gesture.

Spiral of Silence

In theory mass communication There is such a thing as a spiral of silence. Proposed by German political scientist Elisabeth Noel-Neumann, this concept boils down to the idea that people may share a certain point of view, but are afraid to admit it because they think they are in the minority. The spiral of silence is based on fear social isolation and begins to work at the moment when someone confidently expresses his point of view on social significant topic. Those who disagree with what they hear prefer to remain silent and not speak out, because they are convinced that they are in the minority and are afraid of isolation.

There is a pattern that accomplished mature individuals do not succumb to the fear of social isolation and are able to express their opinions without regard to the public. It is these people who drive progress and stimulate global change. The second half of humanity is the guarantor of strength and stability in society.