Singing at home. How to learn to sing on your own at home

Many people have a natural ability to sing. They quickly learn vocals because... as they already have a beautiful voice. Natural data in this case play an important role. However, even those who do not have them can quickly learn to sing and do it quite beautifully. To do this, you need to master a vocal technique that will allow you to control your voice like a musical instrument. If you want to learn how to sing quickly, you can try a few exercises and practice.

Learning to sing on your own

It is quite possible to learn to sing on your own, but this will require a lot of effort and time. You should be patient. The first thing you should learn is to sing in unison with some sound. You need to try to adjust your voice to certain sounds. To begin with, it may not be a full-fledged song, but just a melody. You should start training with monotonous sounds. It could even be a year old on the phone.

To try to reproduce a sound in unison with a melody, you need to turn it on and try to make this sound in different ways. Your task is to get into the tune of the melody by humming it. Do this every day to train your voice. Gradually move on to more complex melodies and sounds.

Exercises to help you learn to sing

There are several basic exercises that will help you learn to sing. With their help, you can feel how it should be done correctly. The presented exercises can bring into working condition all the organs that are responsible for proper breathing and sound production. They develop the diaphragm, laryngeal muscles, vocal cords and lungs well. It should be noted that during the exercises, it is necessary to train inhaling through the nose. Try to keep it noisy and at the same time short and sharp.

  1. Start with a preparatory exercise called the “pump.” You need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. In this case, the arms should be extended along the body. Now make a slight bow, rounding your back. Imagine that you are pumping something. Take a short breath through your nose from the second half of the bow. There is no need to straighten all the way. Such bows should be repeated about 12 times. Exhalation must be done through the mouth without making any effort.
  2. The second exercise aimed at training breathing and voice is called “hug your shoulders.” You need to raise your arms so that they are at shoulder level and then bend them. Now you should throw your arms towards each other so that it looks like you are hugging your shoulders. At such a moment of hugging, you need to take a breath. Don't spread your arms too wide. There is no need to swap them either. You need to repeat the exercise 12 times.
  3. Perform light bows as in the first exercise, but with the difference that place the palms of your hands on your abdominals. In this case, it is necessary to tense your stomach when bowing and make some sounds. These include mi-mu-me-mo, ri-ru-re-ro, etc. The palms on the stomach, in this case, will press on it from above and help pronounce sounds in the desired key. This exercise is aimed at making you feel a special support, without which you will not be able to form your voice correctly.
  4. Chanting exercises are important. They bring the ligaments into a state of readiness for singing. Do them every time you decide to practice vocals. To chant, you need to stand in front of a mirror and then sing the vowels. At this time, you need to actively articulate. When playing the sound “a,” you need to open your mouth wide and try to reach your chest with your lower jaw. When you sing “e” or “e”, try to make a barely noticeable smile, while opening your mouth a little. When pronouncing “and” you need to actively smile and pull the corners of your lips towards your ears. When pronouncing “y”, make your lips look like you are applying lipstick. Repeat similar exercises every day.

Performing songs helps many people express their own emotions and experience certain life situations. Vocals can infect with positive energy and have a good effect on the body as a whole. To really master vocals quickly, there are a few tips you can follow.

  1. Try to learn to sing according to notes. In this case, you need to accurately reproduce the pitch of each note. Do not try to scream so as not to tear the ligaments;
  2. Breathe from your belly as you sing. Try to inflate it rather than retract it. The mistake of many is that they take a deep breath, but this should not be done;
  3. Try to study the musical scale. Here it is important to understand the size of the work, what musical signs, pauses and tonality are present in it. If you do not understand all these terms, then first start by studying and deciphering them. This will greatly help you in the future. It's not easy, but if you want not just to sing, but to do it beautifully and more professionally, then this is necessary. You can easily read musical texts and reproduce them accurately;
  4. Remember one of the basic rules of vocals: consonants must be pronounced and vowels must be sung;
  5. If you have any speech therapy speech defects, you should not give up singing. By studying vocal techniques and training, you can get rid of many congenital speech defects;
  6. The ability to play any musical instruments helps you quickly learn to sing. If you already know how to play any of them, then you will be able to learn to sing quite quickly without the help of a professional. If you wish, you can immediately train and sing and play something;
  7. Do vocal exercises and chants constantly. Try to adjust the sound of your voice. Record it on a voice recorder and then listen to it. This will help you evaluate what you are not doing well;
  8. Choose a song that you like and sing it along with the performer. After that, try singing karaoke. Try to get into the melody and key as best as possible.

The modern world is full of unique talents who can outsing even cult performers of their genres. Every season you can watch a talent show where very young and unknown participants demonstrate a wonderful voice, perfectly performing famous songs, shocking professional singers. Many people think that such people were simply lucky to receive a memorable and melodic timbre from birth, giving them such a significant advantage over the majority. And, although this factor also plays a role, you should not downplay the importance of your own abilities, because the right training and exercises can often reveal the vocal potential even in those who considered themselves hopeless. In this material, we have selected a number of useful recommendations and tips that will give you the opportunity to learn to sing on your own at home from scratch, spending no more than a few hours a day on this activity. Let's look at the main components of successful vocals in order.

The Importance of Musical Ear

This may come as news to you, but people who have spent their entire lives in the music industry hear melodies on a slightly different level than many others. To the uninitiated, it may seem as if any song consists solely of writing a suitable backing track (read: musical accompaniment) and singing its lyrics. In fact, behind each cult piece there can be months of long work to create a good composition that will please the ear and fit the lyrics of the song. To do this, you need to be able to distinguish existing notes by ear, as well as their combinations and transitions between them. For a beginning vocalist who wants to learn how to sing beautifully at home, this talent is no less important than for a composer.

Based on the above, you might have already guessed that listening to melodies and songs will play one of the main roles in the development of musical hearing. Most people have a relative perception of melody, when each note stands out only against the background of the others, which allows one to roughly grasp the change in tonality in the composition. An absolute ear for music will give you the ability to feel all the notes and their combinations put into the work by the author. To become the owner of such a talent you will need:

  • Familiarization with terminology and relevant materials, including literature, audio and video recordings, on the topic. Rare craftsmen are able to learn to sing, intuitively perceiving music and without knowing at least 12 notes (we have not met such people).
  • Find information on the Internet about the creation of famous songs and compositions, pay attention to the behavior of the vocalist during performance at recording sessions.
  • Listen to a variety of music regularly. Don’t get hung up on one genre, because your musical ear does not tolerate boundaries. Discover new forms of performance, familiar and not so familiar songs.
  • It’s good if there are people in your environment whose field of activity is related to music or vocals. You can ask them to conduct training with you, or monitor your practice. Their advice and guidance will help you avoid mistakes in the initial stages.

Setting up the respiratory system

Even a three-minute song with all the bridges and several verses of the chorus requires the performer to correctly calculate his strength. You don’t need to have an excellent ear for music to feel if the vocalist is running out of steam and is out of step with the required tempo. This can be avoided by learning to properly load the respiratory system. In addition, the development of suitable breathing has a positive effect on the vocal cords, protecting them from strain or colds. Fortunately, nothing interferes with us in the process of learning to sing beautifully at home, and monitoring the pace of our breathing.

  • Inhalations and exhalations should be as silent as possible so as not to disrupt the rhythm of singing. Accordingly, you should avoid oxygen starvation and shortness of breath, accustoming yourself to short and vigorous inhalations and exhalations during the performance process.
  • The best advice to support the previous point would be belly breathing technique. Since most people today are accustomed to inhaling and exhaling through the chest and mouth (the reason for this is the fast pace of life, due to which there is not enough oxygen inhaled through the nose), you should learn to redistribute the load on the stomach so that air intake does not affect to the timbre of the voice.
  • Try it straighten your posture and watch your stomach while breathing. Practice singing and breathing at the same time in this way, using your chest and mouth as little as possible.

Developmental exercises

Finally, let's move on to training the voice itself, which, as it turns out, is only one of several main components of beautiful vocals. It is at this stage that many readers may have a hitch, because a considerable number of people are ashamed of their voice on a sound recording. We hasten to console you: although the voice on the recording is truly real (if the recording device was of sufficient quality), it is noticeably different from the trained and set timbre, which can adapt to the desired tone. Compare, for example, the voices of famous singers in their works and during interviews. You will notice a serious difference, since most of our lives we do not strain our throat much while speaking, which is why our voice can often be rough or harsh. Accordingly, even the owner of the deepest and roughest bass can learn to sing at home on his own by correctly applying all the techniques and tips:

  • A very important component of good vocals is diction and accuracy of pronunciation. Get out of the habit of “chewing sounds” and study transcriptions (especially if you want to sing in a foreign language). To this day, one of the best methods for developing diction and articulation remains tongue twisters, which evenly load the entire vocal and linguistic apparatus.
  • Learn to sing different notes and make smooth transitions between them. Experiment with your voice, change the tonality of sounds. Audio training helps a lot; try to imitate the performer’s voice.
  • Please also consider natural characteristics of the vocal cords. There are few people in the world who could equally successfully perform works in any genre. Maybe your low bass is able to recreate Viktor Tsoi's original songs or you got the voice of Chester Bennington? Try different genres to find your calling, because each of them has its own specific requirements.
  • Just as you can learn to sing on your own only through regular training, get used to it practice both singing and breathing every day. It is even advisable to combine them, which is what skilled vocalists have to do.
  • Try it sing without music, recording yourself on a voice recorder. Listen to your voice from the outside, because often this is the only way to spot mistakes that you cannot hear with your own ears. As mentioned above, you can turn to a specialist for criticism if possible.

Thus, by adhering to the described rules, within a few weeks you will begin to notice changes in a positive direction. Of course, you shouldn’t give up if your successes come over a longer period of time, because for each person this process also depends on their innate characteristics.

Services of professional vocalists

If you are wondering if there is another way to develop your vocal skills other than learning to sing at home, we can offer a useful alternative. is ready to provide you with the services of a staff of professional vocal teachers with extensive experience in this field. Sign up for private lessons or with a partner that will help you develop your vocal potential, teach you how to breathe properly, and give you the opportunity to practice in a variety of genres, including rock and pop singing.

All people love to sing. Some prefer to do this to the sound of a guitar, sitting around a fire, others - at the festive table. Some people constantly drink popular tunes, others sing in the shower, imagining themselves as a show business star. However, no matter how much you love to sing, this does not mean that you can sing.

If your desire to sing is great, and you would like your vocal abilities to be appreciated by others, it means that you have repeatedly asked yourself the question: how to start singing, and do it at a professional level.

Any vocal specialist will immediately say that learning to sing correctly on your own is out of the question. Anyone who wants to learn to sing will need the services of a teacher who can correctly set the voice of the future performer, will monitor your lessons and, if necessary, correct them, and also point out your mistakes.

In fact, if you do not plan to conquer the audience of La Scala with your talents, it is quite possible to learn to sing on your own. Of course, this is quite difficult, but there is nothing impossible about it. And although you may not become an opera star, your vocals will become much better.

The most important condition for someone who wants to learn to sing is to have an ear for music, because if you are deprived of it, you will only be able to hit the right notes by accident. Don’t be upset: it’s almost impossible to meet a person who has no ear for music at all, which means that you most likely have it. And if it exists, then it can and should be developed.

First, learn to sing in unison with someone, playing notes at the same pitch at the same time. You can repeat the notes of the piano or guitar. At first it is quite difficult to sing in unison, but you cannot stop these activities. Once you start hitting a given note on your first try, you can move on to practicing other notes in the range available to you. You shouldn’t try to jump above your head at this stage. You still won’t be able to hit notes lower or higher than your range, but you can completely damage your vocal cords.

Having become comfortable with playing notes in unison and hitting them accurately, you can begin to master the next stage. Start imitating one of the artists whose songs you like. It is very important that the performer you choose sings in the same key with you and you can sing comfortably along with him.

What else can help those who are interested in how to start singing? Learn to hear the way you sing. It’s quite difficult to sing and listen to yourself at the same time, so you can’t do without recording equipment. Try singing something and then listen to what you get. Your voice may seem unfamiliar to you, but this is not surprising, because “from the inside” we hear ourselves completely differently from how others hear us. Don't pay attention to the fact that the voice sounds like someone else's and give your singing an objective assessment. Determine how accurately you hit the notes, does your voice sound beautiful from the outside?

The art of singing involves not only the ability to accurately hit the right notes. In order for what you sing to sound beautiful, you need to master the techniques of proper articulation and breathing. A singer's breathing differs from that of an ordinary person in that it actively uses the diaphragm. In this case, all inhalations are made, and exhalations, on the contrary, are performed smoothly. Learn to control your breathing in such a way that the air supply after inhaling is enough to sing an entire phrase “in one breath.”

To prevent your singing from sounding like chewing porridge, you need to work on your diction and articulation. Tongue twisters will be your best helpers in this. With their help, you can not only make all the sounds you pronounce clear, but also develop breathing. When practicing tongue twisters, focus not on the speed of their pronunciation, but on the clarity of the words.

Having learned proper articulation, breathing and hitting notes, you can demonstrate your achievements to someone around you. Don't be afraid if you are criticized to the nines, it will help you get rid of mistakes and show you what still needs to be worked on.

We hope this article provided the answer to how to start singing. There is nothing impossible about this, you just need to show persistence and perseverance. Of course, these activities will not make you a pop star, but you will be able to delight your loved ones with songs performed by you.

Many of us want to learn to sing, and every person has a song or several songs that they dream of performing beautifully. We deny that we have neither hearing nor a voice when we are asked to sing, but at the same time we take great pleasure in singing along with our favorite vocalists in the kitchen or in the shower. Perhaps some of you yourself sometimes compose and play out melodies in your head. How to sing a song in such a way that it penetrates oneself and hooks the listener? How to learn not just to whisper under your breath, but also to delight your friends or audience at karaoke? Let's figure it out in 7 simple steps that will help us sing a song beautifully

We are all, to one degree or another, susceptible to feelings of fear and shame. I wrote about this in more detail in. There is nothing unusual in this, because we live in a society where there are norms and standards. Living examples of great performers and amazing vocalists keep us silent. Forget about it! Everyone expresses themselves as best they can, the main thing is to put their soul and emotions into the performance of the song. Now you are not rushing to the big stage, so don’t let the responsibility weigh on you. At the very least, you will amuse your friends, and this is also worth a lot. Treat your singing with ease and humor! By the way, there is a theory that a person first sang and then spoke. Sing a song Anyone can do it and do it their own way. So, my first advice is to relax!

Step 2: Gradually increase your number of listeners

No one forces you to immediately demonstrate your creativity to your parents or friends, but showing the teacher what you can do today is the right decision. After all, he can guide you and become the first understanding listener, and not just nip your endeavors in the bud. Often we hear in response: “You don’t need to sing.” But if you want to sing, sing and don’t listen to anyone, it means you need to release your emotions, which means this is important for you. Try first sing a song alone, then sing it to a teacher or a really good friend, parents. Then gather a group of 3-5 people and sing for them. Yes, it will be difficult for you to move from one stage to another, but each time you will overcome yourself, and then you will perform at a friend’s anniversary or start a solo career.

By the way, there is another backup trick: find yourself a partner who also wants to sing. Take on this task together, because company is always more fun, and it will be easier for you to start demonstrating your vocal skills.

Step 3. Practice singing not only with the performer, but also with minus

The downside is that it’s an instrumental “track” without vocals. Usually singing along with a performer is not very difficult, but sing a song to minus Without the support of a vocal “track”, of course, it won’t be so easy. But that's why there are steps. Without achievements at one stage, transition to another is impossible. So, practice the first verse of your favorite song with the performer. Then do the same with a minus. Don't make the most common mistake - don't rush to sing the song from beginning to end. When you are done with the first verse, have analyzed the shortcomings, when you are already confident in entering in the right places and doing it rhythmically and cleanly - move on to the chorus and then further. Don't think that 2-3 times will always be enough for you. Do this, if not everything works out well at once, and 20-40 times. Even professional vocalists train for a very long time before recording, believe me! If you don't know where to find the minus, I suggest you go here: . By the way, you can change the tempo and key there, but this does not always have a good effect on the quality of the minus.

Step 4. Record your performance and analyze it

I think that it is no secret to you that we ourselves hear our own voice differently than those around us. If you record yourself on a microphone or voice recorder, you will understand how you really sound. We don't always like it, but the fact remains. In order to improve and love your voice, you need to work on it. You can read about how to do this.

While working on a certain composition, you constantly need to record yourself with a voice recorder. And there is no need to rush here. First, we record the first verse: without a minus (clear voice), then with a minus, analyze all the rhythmic and intonation inaccuracies, monitor the diction, correct errors and record again. Always work on your mistakes. This recommendation is relevant not only for the article “How to sing a song.”

Step 5. Play the vocal part on the piano or ask a teacher/musician to do it for you

It is important for you to hear the melody not only in a song with words, but also separately from the arrangement, without words. This way, your brain remembers the main thing: the sounds you need to reproduce with the words. When listening to a vocal part performed by a keyboard, try to imagine the arrangement of sounds: which one is higher, which one is lower, by how many tones. Even if you are not at all familiar with musical literacy, you should at least learn the basics. Soon I will definitely prepare an article about musical intervals. If you do not have the opportunity to play a vocal part, then know that our Free Voice Academy provides this service. . After receiving the material, you will sing solfeggio: instead of words, pronounce the names of the notes that you sing. It is also useful to sing a vocal part using different vowels or combinations of sounds.

Step 6: Work on the Lyrics

It is simply impossible to sing a song well without emotions. If you pronounce the text insensitively, falling into notes and rhythm, then the main component will still be missed.

So, in the work on the text there is two aspects:

Picture/emotion. You should clearly define what you are singing about. It doesn't matter if it's your song or if it was written by someone else. Find yourself in her, because she is close to you, if you like her. Draw pictures in your head, pronounce each phrase with meaning, imagine the people and situations that accompany this song. Sing a song beautifully- means living every word in it.

Diction. The words must not only be felt, but also clearly pronounced, so that your listener enjoys the beauty of your singing, and does not try to isolate whether there is any meaning in it. Even if it seems to you that everything is fine with your diction in life, do not be lazy to do a simple exercise, because in a song your diction should be even better. As for singing songs in a foreign language, in particular English, it is better to write a transcription.

Step 7: Set a date for when you will perform this song in public.

You must have an end goal that will guide you. Perhaps it will be your birthday, which you are going to celebrate at karaoke, where you finally decide to sing for your friends. Perhaps you just want to surprise your loved one. You can plan, go to the studio and record your song with a minus, like my students do. I consider this an achievement! 😃

You have imagination, but you get the meaning. We need a goal to go towards! So put it on!

I think you've got it figured out how to sing a song. If you have any questions, write in the comments. If you need help preparing a song, then!


Almost everyone can sing. Of course, some have more natural talent than others, but even a bad voice can be improved with effort and practice. Whether your voice graces the shower or the stage, there are a few steps you can take to open up your airway. Start with the basics, which include proper posture, breathing, and vocal technique. Once you have mastered the basics, practice singing regularly. Enlist the help of a teacher, vocal coach, or instructional videos to let your voice shine through.


Part 1

Correct posture and breathing

    Practice breathing exercises. Try the practical and very fun book method. Lie down on the floor and place a book on your stomach. Sing a comfortable note and as you exhale/sing, try to make the book rise.

    Learn to inhale quickly. To sing well, you need to learn to take in a lot of air with a quick breath. Using your lungs and a little imagination, this method will not be difficult. Start inhaling, imagining that the air is heavy. Let it penetrate deep into your body. Then inhale faster, still imagining the air as heavy, but letting it sink into your body at a faster rate. Keep doing this until you can inhale a lot of air at a fast pace.

    • If you have a rich imagination, you can also imagine that your lungs are balloons that are filling with air.
  1. Control your exhalation. And if you want to surprise others (or yourself) with a strong, smooth voice, then work on exhaling softly and continuously. To do this, practice exhaling while blowing on the feather. Take a feather and try to make it fly into the air with one long exhalation. When you do this, your belly should return to its normal size, but your breasts should not sag. Repeat this exercise until you can breathe out long, evenly with ease.

    • Exhale until you feel like you have expelled all the air from your lungs.
  2. Working on dynamics. If your heart has ever beat a little faster when a song transitions from a soft melody to a loud, emotional chorus, you probably understand the power of dynamics. The more you practice, the louder and softer you will be able to sing. Start singing at a comfortable pitch, gradually increasing the volume, and then decreasing again to a soft singing. When you start, you will probably only be able to sing from a moderately soft tone (mezzo piano) to a moderately loud tone (mezzo forte), but with practice your range will increase.

    Work on your agility. Sing from C to B, then back to C, quickly back and forth, trying to hit all the notes. Do this in increments of semitones on different syllables. This "stretching of the voice" gives it greater flexibility.

    Pronounce vowels correctly. Sing vowels at each level (high, low and in between).

    Practice scales. Practice them often, especially if you have difficulty with high notes. Most trainers recommend starting with 20-30 minutes a day as this will also strengthen the muscles used for singing. Developed vocal muscles will give you more control. To practice scales, identify your range (tenor, baritone, alto, soprano, etc.) and learn how to find notes that cover your range on the keyboard or piano. Then practice the basic scale in each key, moving up and down with the vowel sounds.

Part 3

  1. Make time for singing every day. Practice, practice, and practice again! To improve your voice, you need to practice every day. Consider singing as voice training. If you take a long break from training, you'll be sweating, out of breath, and collapsed the next time you exercise. Even if you only have time to warm up in the car on the way to work, that's a good thing.

    • If possible, set aside a specific time to study each day. For example, if you know that you will have a time between 9 and 10 am, then mark that time in your planner for studying.
  2. Exercise for a short period of time. Musicians can practice for several hours, but this is not the case for ordinary singers. An overworked, stressed voice is an unattractive voice. Try to exercise for 30 to 60 minutes a day. You should not exercise for more than 60 minutes. If you are sick or very tired, it is better to give your voice a little rest.

    • Don't force yourself if you feel like you can't exercise for thirty minutes.
  3. Learn to sing for free. There are hundreds of vocal training videos on YouTube, filled with everything from amateur tips to polished professionals. Of course, the internet is a chaotic place, so finding a good vocal coach can be difficult. However, if you find someone suitable, they can be an extremely valuable resource for you. Browse through vocal lesson channels and see which ones provide the most useful and truthful information.

    • Be careful! Not all the information you find will be reliable, and even if it is, there is a chance that you will misinterpret the instructions. A teacher or vocal coach is the best choice.
    • Please be aware that you may be required to audition to join the choir. Relax and perform at your best. You will succeed!
  • Drink warm tea with honey or room temperature water when you feel thirsty. This helps with dryness and the tea will help soothe your throat.
  • Avoid smoking as smoking can damage your vocal cords.
  • Clear your nose if it's stuffy to avoid a stuffy voice or shortness of breath.
  • Don't try to sing high until you're warmed up and properly prepared. Don't overstrain your vocal cords, it's harmful. And if you know that you have a long part, then before you sing it, take a deep breath, and then sing.


  • If your vocal cords start to hurt, stop singing for an hour, warm up, and then try again. Not only will you damage your vocal cords, but your voice will sound strained and unpleasant if you don't take a break.
  • If your vocal cords or throat are very sore and you notice that you can't even speak without pain, don't use your voice at all. You must remain silent for the rest of the day. Drink plenty of warm tea and breathe in the steam for 20 minutes. If the problem persists, consult a doctor.
  • Pre-existing tension in the jaw, shoulders, neck muscles and surrounding areas can cause pain. Make sure you are completely relaxed before singing. If your jaw trembles while singing, this is a sign of tension. If you continue this way, it can lead to muscle tissue tearing.
  • If you try to sing a low note and create a high-pitched sound, you will damage your voice. This can cause harmful lumps. A rough growth on the vocal cords will not go away without surgery or a long break from singing.