Chemical equilibrium diagram. Chemistry

Evgeniya (name changed)

Last year, after more than four years of service in customs, I left. Tired of it. My education is higher in economics, not RTA. In Pskov, work is generally so-so, but the opinion that working in customs is great still exists to this day. I applied for the vacancy of a senior customs inspector and turned out to be the most “lucky”: it was very difficult to take people off the “street” at that time; a girl who was already on her sixth attempt tried to get into customs with me. That time they took her.

21 days are allotted for accepting documents, I submitted them by the end of this period - I graduated from the university, and the diploma was about to be issued. In June I submitted documents, and in August they signed a contract with me. The main thing is that the education is higher, not necessarily received at the RTA. In general, when submitting documents you need so many certificates! When I saw this list... Well, it's crazy.

After receiving the documents, the stages of the competition begin. At the same time, an inspection is carried out by the internal customs security service.

The first stage is a psychologist. You take a huge test, it contains about 600 questions on knowledge of the Russian language, but more on general psychological picture. A scale is drawn up based on the test, and something becomes clear from it: which qualities are clearly expressed in a person, and which are less so. Psychologically suitable candidates are selected.

For example, a person with leadership qualities The customs office does not need him for the position of customs inspector.

Then a day is set for another stage. What should jump off your teeth is the Customs Code, 311 Federal Laws, 273 Federal Laws - mandatory for combating corruption, another 79 Federal Laws. In fact, there is a lot to learn, a lot.

Everyone is released into Big hall, give a basic test of about 20 questions. You write, you submit, you leave. And then the person starts calling one by one to the commission. There are about 9-12 members. You come in, introduce yourself, and they ask you questions about your knowledge of the law. Results appear in a week or two. A letter arrives telling you whether you passed the competition or not. If you pass, they sign a contract with you.

Lasts three months probation, after it you are a full-fledged worker - you are given the first shoulder straps and stars.

Nowadays, many people are leaving their jobs and vacancies are appearing. I don’t know how it is for those who work in the office 5 through 2, but it’s very difficult at the post. The workload is crazy – both physically and psychologically. When we worked for days, no matter what, you muster your will, you bomb for a day and you’re home for three days. And then when they made a day/night/bedtime/weekend schedule, we stopped seeing life altogether.

We had at least 3-4 people at our post who graduated from RTA. The last girl who got there after graduating from the academy went through a competition - the placement has already been cancelled.

Neither the salaries nor anything else differs between those who were assigned to customs and those who came from outside.

RTA graduates, I won’t say that they were disappointed, but they were surprised: they spent so many years on specialized education, but do not have any privileges compared to others who received non-core education, like me.

For the first 1.5 years I really liked my job - the uniform, and this: “Where do you work?”, and you so proudly: “At customs.” After pink glasses slept.

What is the average salary in customs? The minimum I saw was 35 thousand. So the salary of an ordinary inspector throughout Russia is 17 thousand something. This is pure, i.e. about 20 thousand minus income tax. Plus there are quarterly bonuses and savings at the end of the year. This is the money I need to live on, I’m no longer a student, my parents won’t help me.

And so I had practically no time, hard work, disproportionate salary. It took me a very long time to gather the courage to leave. This is a system, it sucks you in a lot, and when you quit, your co-workers look at you like you’re crazy: “How?!”

I hoped that something would change, but everything only got worse: less money, more work. Legislation is changing. They require us to work faster, but at the same time they complicate the design. That is, innovations are irrational, in my opinion. A strong trend of reprimands has emerged: if you are reprimanded, you lose your bonus. And if earlier reprimands were issued for really serious things, then over time they began to be imposed even for an incorrectly entered letter from the passport, although this error does not affect anything: you will still compare the passport data with the database, and you will understand what was meant not the Russian “B”, but the Latin “B”.

IN Lately many in the Pskov customs did not receive a bonus due to the comments imposed. And if previously they were removed at least before the bonus was issued and did not deprive people of money, now this trend has practically been reduced to zero. So an inspector can work for a year without a bonus, on a bare salary of 17 thousand rubles.

Oleg (name changed)

I graduated from RTA in 2015. Twice I tried to get a job at the Baltic Customs - I got to the point of competition, but both were unsuccessful. They say that it is much easier to get to the Pulkovo customs office than to the Baltic one.

The distribution was removed in 2014, and even those who studied at the target (when the state pays for your education with the condition that you go to the place that is subsequently offered to you - editor's note) did not get into the service. In my group, three studied on a paid basis, including me, three studied on a budget, and another 7 studied on a target basis. As a result, none of us work in customs.

Without work experience, you can apply for either the position of state customs inspector or the position of senior state customs inspector. The salary is somewhere around 19-25 thousand rubles, not counting bonuses and the 13th salary.

When they announce a competition to fill a vacant position, you first submit documents, then go through a psychologist. And then you wait almost six months for it to start next stage– interview with test. I don’t know why it’s taking so long – they’re checking the documents or what.

The further test is simple - they check knowledge of the Constitution, the Russian language, and level of PC proficiency. By the way, for some reason they wrote on pieces of paper, although they should have been on the computer. At the interview itself, they asked questions about the Constitution and important for the service federal laws. And of course, about why you want to serve in the customs authorities.

In one case, a couple of weeks before the competition, I learned from friends that the successful candidate for the position I was applying for had already been identified.

This person ultimately received the contract.

It happens that information about the competition is not posted on the website, and two people take part in it - formally this is enough. One of them already works in customs - he is brought in for the numbers. Both write the test, but the one who is already working refuses the interview, and the only applicant wins the competition.

The main problem is that there are very few competitions themselves. Every year RTA graduates about 500 people, and about 50 vacancies appear per year for those who have no experience. So consider how realistic it is to get a job in customs and whether it is worth getting a specialized education. I paid 400 thousand rubles for my studies, but I could have gone to Faculty of Physics, on a budget.

The main motivation for most of those who applied to me was placement, but it was canceled six months before our graduation. Plus, of course, a guarantee of stability: after all, this is a government agency, and it will not close.

Denis (name changed)

I graduated from RTA in 2015. Of course, he was no longer included in the distribution. I received my diploma and wondered how I could get a job in the customs service Russian Federation. I began to make inquiries about this and found out that in any case I needed an army - a military ID with a note of unfitness or service. The second thing that was negative was the salary. Salary of a first-class civil specialist civil service where I wanted - the legal department of the Baltic customs - 16 thousand rubles. The Baltic customs then, and even now, was not worried better times. And everyone I talked to about this topic said: “You shouldn’t go here.” I didn’t get to the competition because I stopped at the stage of submitting documents: army and salary.

When I entered the RTA, there was no requirement for the army. But then the legislation in part conscription began to change, people began to be drafted into the army directly from their workplaces.

I found out about the law enforcement unit of the customs - I wanted to try to go to the epaulets, but, firstly, there were not a single vacancy (just like now), and secondly, in an informal conversation, an acquaintance said that “you can’t just get there” - either by great acquaintance, or by great merit, so to speak. After that I gave up trying to get a job in customs.

Through an acquaintance, I was offered a job at customs in another region of Russia, but I refused because it was not the capital. Well, the salary, of course, the salary.

None of my classmates, as far as I know, work in customs authorities.

I work in the customs area and I can say that the education of the academy gave me a lot of useful things. At least I learned how to communicate with government agencies. Let's say in my first year I was afraid of, say, any patrol policeman. And now at work I have to communicate with both majors and colonels. They're not like that scary people. I learned the art of negotiations - the teachers at the academy worked in government agencies one way or another, and agreeing with them about an exam was much more difficult than persuading any official to take some action.

It turns out that living freely is much more profitable than being in the service. In addition, the civil service is very burdensome - you cannot have large property (and I would like to in the future), a serious business, it is very difficult to confirm your income and, even more so, expenses. I watch my parents, who are also in the civil service, but of a different kind - for them it is constantly hysterical.

Is it difficult to get a job in the customs authorities? Is it necessary to get an education at the Russian Customs Academy or have the patronage of an uncle in uniform? We spoke to three people, two of whom were RTA graduates, about their attempts to get hired at Customs. Ironically, the girl who received a place in the Pskov customs did not graduate from RTA, and two graduates of the academy were never able to get into the coveted Baltic customs.

Development international relations in the field of economics has made customs specialists in demand. There is not a single state that exists in isolation and can develop without having connections with the economies of other countries. Foreign economic activity involves the import and export of goods and services across borders. This entire process is controlled by customs organizations.
Customs business represents the entire system of relations related to international ones. This is one of the most important links that determine the main body in this system is customs.

But customs is also a complex chain of relationships, which also includes domestic and country elements.

Today it is in great demand. This is especially true for those who know their job very well and strive to improve their level of professionalism. Many educational institutions offer training in customs affairs. After graduating from such an institution, you can work in several directions. This could be the position of a customs broker inspector, customs manager, customs clearance specialist or foreign economic activity specialist.

The customs specialty provides comprehensive training in the field of international relations and foreign economic relations. They study here general concepts customs affairs and principles for carrying out activities in this area, methods for determining the country of origin of a product and its value.

One of the areas during training in the specialization “customs business” is the specifics of keeping records of customs and other payments, as well as cash collateral, which goes to the accounts of customs authorities.

The movement of goods across borders requires certain controls. This is also the responsibility of customs specialists. They monitor compliance with transportation rules, prohibitions and restrictions that apply to certain groups goods and services passing across the border. If unusual situations arise or violations are detected, the customs officer is obliged to stabilize the situation and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Modern technologies make accounting and other areas of activity much easier. Therefore, customs business also requires knowledge in the field of new developments. The specialist must be able to use information Technology and systems, technical means And software in your work.

The customs officer must conduct analytical work and foreign trade statistics. That's why this direction is given special place in the learning process. In addition, the customs officer must provide advice and counsel to those moving goods and services across the border.
We can say that this is a very interesting and exciting profession. There is an opportunity for career growth and advanced training.

Most customs officials are former students Russian Customs Academy. This is the main source of personnel, but its graduates are rather theoreticians. The best of them are offered a place in customs, but not necessarily at customs posts. Yesterday's students occupy vacant positions in functional departments, passenger departments at airports and other places. Graduates of military schools are also welcome at customs. Higher education– this is the minimum that everyone who applies for a job in the structure should have.

How to get to the customs service?

A specialist who wants to find a job comes to the HR department and submits an application to participate in a competitive selection for vacant positions. Requirements depend on the specific vacancy. There is no general average assessment parameter, but they try to hire people with experience at customs posts. Of all the applicants, the one who passes the selection best is selected. The only exceptions are employees of positions that are being eliminated or where layoffs have occurred. They are transferred to other positions without participating in the selection.

Before the competition, applicants undergo an interview - this is the first qualifying round for employment in customs. But competition among specialists is high: this moment for one vacant place there are five candidates.

Where do graduates go after university?

There are very few open vacancies in customs authorities. Most often these are places in the logistics department and in functional departments at posts. Work related to customs clearance is more interesting and in demand, therefore, as a rule, there are almost no vacancies here. In any case, you will have to build a career from the beginning.

What does a novice customs specialist need to be prepared for?

The Customs Service is a paramilitary structure in which it is customary to strictly maintain chain of command and follow orders. To a person who loves freedom, hot temper it won't be easy. On the other hand, the customs authorities highly value diligence, responsibility, and the ability to make decisions and be responsible for them.

The legislation is constantly changing, and you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to constantly learn something new, engage in self-education, and independently monitor innovations in the work of the structure. Customs officers need to have a good knowledge of customs legislation, constantly read orders and monitor changes in regulations of the federal service.

Are there risks in the profession?

In the work of a customs officer, any mistake or violation can cause damage to the state. And for this, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation stipulates various penalties. To avoid problems, you should make literacy and diligence your main skills.

How to move to the next step in your career and not get stuck in one position?

As in any other company: be competent, proactive, purposeful, try to optimize work and offer new solutions.

What specializations are there in customs?

Conventionally, customs education can be divided into three areas.

The first is professional. This customs academy, where there are faculties of customs clearance, cargo release or post-release control. This area includes specialists who know customs legislation in terms of collecting payments, determining product codes, implementing currency regulations, and so on.

The law enforcement unit may also come in handy at customs. This area includes specialists with legal education: investigators, interrogators. They investigate administrative cases of violation customs rules. Mostly employees law enforcement: police, prosecutor's office, OBEP and tax inspectorate.

The third direction of development is economic training. Employees of such departments deal with trade restrictions, currency and export controls, and ensuring the protection of rights to objects intellectual property and other similar tasks.

Is it possible to build a career in customs without connections?

While personal connections play virtually no role in job placement and competitive selection, career growth largely depends on them. In the process of work, contacts and acquaintances appear. Again, you are working for your reputation. And literate and competent people are always valued! From time to time, some positions are vacated, since reorganizations are carried out quite often in the customs authorities. Customs offices are united and reformed every few years, which makes it possible to get a job or transfer to a higher position. The customs structure is large: there is a Federal customs Service, regional customs department, customs and posts, customs clearance departments. And this entire vertical is available for development.

Is there “horizontal” development in customs?

Yes. The opinion that customs officers do the same thing in the same position year after year, almost until retirement, is erroneous. Any current employee can sign up for the competition and try his hand at any other position. Current customs officers are sometimes transferred to new regions and developed in other positions. Therefore, once you get a job in the system, even for a very modest vacancy, you can confidently develop and build a successful career.

What is the professional secret to a successful career in customs?

The main secret is to study the orders and know customs legislation well. But it is not enough to simply apply this knowledge in practice - those who can use it to find non-standard solutions some questions. This is greatly appreciated because customs affairs There are situations that seem dead-end at first glance.

From customs to business?

With all the advantages of public service, it has one main drawback: conservatism and lack of mobility. The business is much more dynamic and aimed at developing new directions. At the same time, there are always people who are literally created to work in government agencies, and there are those who are cramped in them. Some people easily change lanes, others have to make an effort, while others return to customs. The main rule here is to be honest. Anyone who is responsible for his words and does not let anyone down will definitely make good acquaintances and connections that will help in the future in life.

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Will hundreds more teenagers die from drugs passing through a corrupt border post? Will a batch of counterfeit medicines that could affect the health of thousands of citizens be imported into the country? Will a terrorist planning a large-scale attack with dozens of casualties pass through using false documents? Without exaggeration, it will depend on you. The profession of a customs officer is an amazing combination of routine paperwork with enormous responsibility and unconditional respect for the specialty.


The profession has been known since ancient times. Even though thousands of years ago it was not represented by a modern specialty, guardians of the borders of countries, empires and occupied territories have always occupied a special place in society. The profession appeared synchronously with the formation of the first centralized states. Can't be named the exact date, but this definitely happened at the beginning of the development of world society. The impetus for the development of prototypes of modern customs came from the beginning of trade between countries.

Hundreds of years ago, caravans with goods passing through the borders of countries were subject to taxes. This was necessary to ensure the replenishment of the treasury. In Rus', customs began around the 9th century, when duties and a trade tax - “myto” - were introduced in the principalities. The collectors of myt were called “mytniks”. It is interesting that in modern Ukrainian language a customs officer is a mitnik.

Customs – what kind of profession is it?

A customs officer is a civil servant whose responsibilities include monitoring goods transported across the border, passing people, collecting fees and customs duties. As a rule, university graduates begin work as ordinary inspectors. Later they become senior inspectors, heads of department. A brilliant career will allow you to occupy the chair of a policy developer in the field of customs, and perhaps one of the leaders state apparatus. But over 90% of specialists forever remain simple inspectors.

What are the duties of a customs officer:

  • Conduct inspections of citizens and cargo at customs posts, train stations and airports.
  • Prepare customs documentation, collect fees and duties.
  • Detect contraband and prohibited goods.
  • Keep records of confiscated cargo.
  • Conduct investigations of offenses within the competence of customs law.

In addition to the general profession, there are several narrow specialties - checkpoint officer, passport control worker, department specialist and others.

The work as a whole cannot be called interesting or at least somewhat creative - it is complex, routine, sometimes boring or dangerous, but always extremely responsible. The security of the state, in particular economic, largely depends on customs officers. Failure of specialists to fulfill their duties, corruption and a simple lack of employees can lead to a real tragedy.

Minimum romance - maximum hard work. Customs officers meet trains and check people heading to the country, inspect cargo, and establish compliance of documentation with Russian and international standards. Often the industry employs dog handlers who specialize in searching for goods, drugs and other substances prohibited for import into the country. Is the profession of a customs officer suitable for a girl? Quite if she is ready to cope with hard work and take on a huge burden of responsibility. There are many women working in this field – about 35% of total number employees.

Rating of the TOP 10 best online schools

International school foreign languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Also available computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR.

Individual sessions with a tutor for preparation for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam, Olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online school in English, which gives you the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school English language of the new generation. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. Lessons school curriculum from 1st to 11th grade: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside of Russia.

Online University modern professions(web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

Largest site online education. Allows you to obtain a sought-after Internet profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is unlimited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way game form. Effective workouts, translation of words, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

Where to study to be a customs officer

You can become a customs inspector without specialized education. But you definitely need to graduate from university to get more chances to build brilliant career. The more prestigious and authoritative it is, the better. TOP 5 universities in Russia that teach customs business:

  1. Russian Customs Academy.
  2. Academy National economy and public service.
  3. Economic University named after. Plekhanov.
  4. Technological University in Korolev.
  5. University named after Witte.

The average passing grade in one subject exceeds 85.5, so enrolling in best universities countries is not so simple. But it’s still worth submitting documents - you don’t lose anything. However, at the same time, we recommend that you try to enroll in several more universities or institutes that you like. Remember that studying in a reputable ranking university will give advantages at the start of a career, but will not predetermine success.

Pros and cons of the specialty

Advantages and disadvantages will directly depend on the position held. It is obvious that a senior official or policy maker in the customs industry feels quite comfortable. But since we are not presenting a presentation of the opportunities and prospects of the industry, but an analysis of the real state of affairs, we will note the pros and cons of ordinary professions - inspectors, checkpoint employees, airports and train stations.

Key pros :

  • Respectable, respected profession.
  • A special mission is to ensure the country's security at the borders.
  • Benefits – customs officers are often treated like military personnel.
  • Possible supplements to pensions and social benefits.
  • Civil service with all provided privileges.

Main flaws:

  • Low level of comfort.
  • Average and sometimes downright low salaries.
  • Bureaucracy and paperwork.
  • Rampant corruption.
  • Maximum high level responsibility.
  • Constant pressure from people who disregard the law.

Many experts admit: size wages does not correspond to working conditions and level of responsibility.

In most cases, this is important, hard and at the same time low-paid work. Bureaucracy, work in conditions confined space, all-round pressure – this is what 99% of customs officers at the start face. However, they can be compensated not only by opportunities for career growth, but also benefits, privileges, respectability of the profession.

How much do customs officers earn?

Imagine: you have dreamed of this profession since childhood. They imagined themselves as the defender of the state borders of their country. You wrote an essay at school on the topic “My future profession- customs officer." Then we entered the university, graduated and started working. But your level of well-being leaves much to be desired. This industry cannot be called the most “money-rich”.

How much do customs officers earn in different regions Russia:

  • Moscow region – 50,000 rub.
  • Leningrad region – 43,000 rub.
  • Samara region – 41,000 rub.
  • Krasnodar region – 40,000 rub.
  • Primorsky Territory – 35,000 rub.

The above regions can be called some of the most favorable for customs officers. However, the average salary in the country barely exceeds 26 thousand rubles. Accordingly, many specialists receive 20 thousand rubles or less with the same difficult work. You can only count on a big salary if you have a successful career.


Customs is a sought-after specialty. Its popularity can be explained by the confidence of applicants in the further construction successful career. However, at the start it is difficult to count on comfortable conditions labor and high wages. The key qualities required by a customs officer are concentration, perseverance, good memory, observation and excellent intuition. It is very important that a specialist knows how to make decisions quickly and is as resistant to stress and constant pressure as possible.

Customs officer

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