It's dangerous to be a student - full version of pancake margarita. It's dangerous to be a student

Margarita Blinova’s novel “It’s Dangerous to Be a Student” is the second book in the “Hard Everyday Life!” series. and talks about how the life of the main character Angelina developed further. She finds herself in the world of magic, but she herself does not have any superpowers, so she diligently learns the theory. The girl wants to complete her studies as quickly as possible and receive the long-awaited diploma.

While Angelina dreams of finishing her studies, fate gives her a surprise - she is appointed curator of the Dark Ones who came on exchange, and there are as many as eleven of them! It turned out that these Dark Ones are completely unsuited to life on the lands of the Light Ones and constantly get into some kind of trouble, from which Lina has to pull them out.

The girl simply doesn’t know what to grab onto, because there is still a need to reconcile two warring sides, which will require the use of charm and her own knowledge. A serial killer has also appeared, and Angelina will participate in his search. She will have to show all her talents, of which she has many. In addition, she is still a young girl who has a busy personal life, and relationships with some fans can be quite complicated. And Lina’s friends don’t give her any peace; every now and then they’ll come up with something, get into trouble, and have love affairs. In general, there is a lot to do!

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A misjudged opponent is a half-lost battle.

But what is there! The first time it didn’t work out for me was about a year ago and since then it hasn’t wanted to change.

– Student De la Varga! - the reddened WOOD raged. – I don’t understand - you have nowhere to put your energy?

I shrug my shoulders vaguely and lower my head.

The director, whom Professor Daron and I pulled out of his warm bed early in the morning and, without warning, caused problems, was yelling without stopping for the last fifteen minutes.

And for some reason it’s exclusively on me. Eh, it turns out that WOOD doesn’t know its “favorite” student very well, since it naively believes that it was I who could have come up with such a stupid idea as a national basketball team!

The magician’s vocabulary of intelligent curses had long since come to an end, but his emotions had not yet subsided, so the man repeated himself periodically, but continued to blow our minds.

“Okay, De la Varga,” Director Rohan waved in my direction, “but, professor, why did you get involved in this adventure?”

Rene lowered his eyes and cast a significant glance at me. Waiting for no support.

Yeah, right now! Fell in love with a restless witch - be patient!

WOOD stood up from the table, trying to look more significant and respectable in our eyes, looked with a menacing gaze, and then started yelling again. His whole tirade boiled down to one more or less intelligible thought: “Well, why do I need this hemorrhoids with a basketball?!”

The magician angrily shook his fists, aggressively sparkled beads of sweat on his bald head and professionally frowned his eyebrows. And, the most offensive thing is, I completely shared the position of WOOD, but...

I repeat, you can’t argue against Natkina’s energy, and with the support of Rattysh, who clung to the powerful locomotive of the witch’s pressure with a reserve train, there’s no escape at all.

Director Rohan cut himself off mid-sentence, looked offendedly and irritably at the curator and professor, who were silent in the chair, and exhaled noisily.

- What do you need from me? – after a short pause, he asked, giving up.

Professor Daron and I raised our heads, smiled and began to explain lamely.

Sighing heavily and once again calling me a fool for formality, the elderly director called his secretary, who, by the way, had also been pulled out of bed at the crack of dawn.

“De la Varga, you’re nothing but trouble…” the young woman sighed and, yawning furtively, went to call the long list of people dictated by the director.

Light Goddess! Why does everyone see me as the source of problems?

Clutching the yellowish permit sheet with sweaty hands, I trudged to the university’s physical development committee. There she listened to another angry tirade about the same hemorrhoids that unexpectedly fell on someone else’s head and, yawning at every step, scurried off to the dining room.

- Oooh, Linka! – Natka, satisfied with life, waved her hand. How are you doing on the labor front?

I plopped down on a chair, pushed aside the plate of omelette that had been taken for me, and laid my head on the countertop.

– Does this mean you’re in trouble? – my friend clarifies, but, catching my tired gaze, she smiles widely: “Wow, you!” And from this angle, your bruises look very sexy...

I raise my head with difficulty and sarcastically squeeze out:

- Ha. Ha. Ha…

- Light Goddess! Talking wight! – the witch pretended to be horrified.

I courageously returned my heavy head to an upright position and reached for the cup. There is a long day ahead: four classes with Professor Karoda and a test on basic gestures.

All you need is a large mug of coffee to somehow cheer you up after a sleepless night.

The edge of the sleeve rode up, exposing the wrists and what was on them.

“Lin, you have bruises,” Emilia gasped, grabbing my hand. - Something happened? – she asked with concern in her voice.

Honestly, I didn’t want to look in his direction, it somehow happened by itself! True true!

The look of gray eyes attacked like a powerful right blow. Dostavala sat at the table, pointedly rotating the massive bracelet on the wrist of his other hand with his index finger.

“Yes, by the way,” Natka woke up. -Where have you been hanging around all night?

“In a strong man’s embrace,” I muttered and immediately received another signature, hole-burning look from the blonde.

The friends, consumed by curiosity, tried to find out the strength of the unknown man’s embrace, but were sent so far away that they wisely decided to leave the irritated man with chronic lack of sleep alone.

The casual conversation flowed as usual, giving me the opportunity to lie down on the table again and sluggishly think about the current situation.

Yesterday Ru and I walked until late at night. We mostly discussed the case with blondes.

No more than a day passed after the son of the head of the dorm was detained in the brothel. Naturally, daddy, having learned about his son’s pranks, sent his confidant to the department and so many lawyers that, probably, the courtroom had never seen.

The result was worse than ever: other than storing illegal drugs, the company had nothing to show for it. Chuika collectively whispered to all the operatives that the same serial killer was now sitting in a comfortable cell, but we did not have the main thing: a hint of the motive and weapon of murder.

Well, really, it wasn’t because of the ridiculous compliments that the five girls’ hearts stopped!

Having said goodbye to Ruslan, I ran into my room and was relieved to discover the absence of unwanted persons. Natka was sleeping, so, picking up my things for tomorrow, I glanced at the table littered with Ratty’s products.

The stomach immediately grumbled displeasedly about the hungry idle time, so I had to tiptoe to the prey and grab a big apple. True, the fruit was an addition to the note.

“Make your decision already,” read the perfect letters written in Horst’s confident hand. “What do you really want?”

And below, instead of a signature, a funny kitten was drawn - a complete copy of the picture from my pajamas, given to Horst before leaving. But the original didn’t have wings...

“What do you really want?”

So the question is, what game is the harmful blonde playing this time?

There was no doubt that there was definitely some kind of game involved in the strange behavior a la “breakthrough romance”.

Thanks to Rozzie's stories, I understood the main thing: for rephaims, luminosity is everything, and half-angels are monogamous and, thanks to the same fireflies, recognize only one partner. Dostaval has already acquired a wife, which means he is using me for some of his own selfish purposes. Just which ones?

Having slipped past the Dark section, I, looking around furtively, knocked on Yulik’s door.

- Well, how long can I wait for you? – the big-eared man scolded in a quiet whisper and shook his head:

As soon as you entered the room, the smell of swamp mud, burnt grass and mint hit your nose. And it’s good that Yulik thought of adding mint, because all his medicines smelled really bad.

Having habitually taken off my clothes, I fell onto the bed, exposing my bare back, and nodded dejectedly:

- Treat me, doctor!

Actually, this is exactly what Yulik did all night, helping broken bones recover and giving his body a scattering of fresh bruises.

As if there weren’t enough decorations already!

* * *

I happily dozed off breakfast, lying on my crossed arms.

The girls had fun taking revenge on Rodrik, and usually I was quite tolerant of everyone who was attacked by witches for revenge, but not in this case. The captain of the herbalist team, in which Natka used to play, really became a star in the rays of his own glory and became unbearable.

After watching for a couple of minutes how the witch makes Rodrik shiver with cold every time he starts talking arrogant bullshit, I spat on decency, lay down on my crossed arms, trying to catch up on the five minutes of sleep allotted to me, and got a little carried away. If it weren’t for Natka, who gave a timely elbow to the side, I would have remained dozing until lunch, but alas... I had to drag my feet with the girls in pairs, sluggishly moving my legs.

“Ah-ah-ah... De la Varga,” Professor Karoda was “pleased” at my appearance. “It’s a pity that you ignored my classes last week,” the hated lecturer grinned. – By the way, tell me about the reason for the absence.

“I’m sick,” she blurted out the standard excuse for all students and even tried to cough and sniffle.

“It’s bad,” the man shook his head. – I don’t count the lying exam. And I’m beginning to suspect that the same will happen with my subject...

Bright Goddess, will you really have to go to him five times like last semester? What is this!

– Since when did you retrain as a seer, professor? – the witch rushed to my defense.

And it’s not that I was against it, because for once, someone stood up for me, but... In vain, in short, Natka did it.

The magician flashed his small eyes angrily, pursed his lips and turned white with poorly contained rage.

“Ever since a certain foursome deigned to play a little prank,” he said, spitting out the accumulated poison in all directions. – By the way, it’s also worth thinking about your performance in my subject. “The man walked up to the table and slammed the box. – We take blank sheets of paper and write a test.

The audience was filled with a collective groan of outrage and plunged into sadness.

But the magician decided not to stop at just one test. Naturally, the wounded pride of an insecure man does not heal so quickly.

For the rest of the class, Natka and I were questioned at the board on all the material. I courageously tried to answer as fully as possible, but lack of sleep took its toll, causing my brain to periodically stall. For Natka, things were even worse - she not only swam in the subject itself, but also managed to confuse the founders of science.

- Badly! – Professor Karoda shouted sarcastically, although I could clearly see from his face: he was incredibly pleased with this public humiliation.

Fortunately, the man either forgot about Amy or deliberately did not disgrace the cute blonde.

“Goat,” the witch cursed in a quiet whisper, sitting down at her desk. - So that his pod dries up and curls up.

I agreed with my friend, so I simply nodded silently and, carefully controlling my closing eyelids, continued to take notes on the boring lecture with a smart look.

After the end of the fourth “fun” class, in the company of Professor Karod’s nagging and teasing, I sent the girls to the dining room, and I ran to the physical development committee.

The burry deputy head of the department pleased me even more.

“After lunch there will be a meeting of all representatives of the student council,” the man said, giving me a badge on a blue string. – Based on the results, it will be clear whether your team will be allowed to participate or not.

I nodded obediently, quickly whistled the list of meeting participants from the table and galloped to the canteen.

“Nata,” I growled, plopping down on an empty chair, “I need Johnny Hunkle.” Search!

The witch nodded obediently and looked around the canteen with an eagle's gaze.

- That tall guy. – The girl pointed her finger towards the distribution of second courses.

I followed the trajectory and sighed sadly. Johnny Hunkle, the head of the student basketball council, had high authority and risked becoming my main opponent at the upcoming meeting.

Looking sternly at my friend, I began to unbutton the buttons of my blouse.

“I’m only doing this because of you, you vile witch!” – I mutter as irritably as possible, so that one red-haired person would feel at least a little ashamed, but instead I catch the gaze of Horst’s darkened eyes.

Are you angry? Get angry, my dear. You still don’t know how to express other emotions!

Pulling my white blouse down, I threw off my black jacket and thanked the Goddess for the most powerful weapon she had provided me with - size 2 breasts.

Natka took a professional look at the “ammunition” peeking out of the cutout and chuckled.

– “Dummy on the Walk” or “Awkward Moment”? – she asked.

“Second,” I sighed, getting up from my seat and confidently walking towards the distribution.

Well, hang in there, Johnny!

In the clans, in addition to combat training, much attention was paid to other aspects of the development of mercenaries. I was smaller, slower and weaker than the others, so Godfather very actively trained the ability to find the human essence among other heaps of habits and feigned bravado and, if necessary, cleverly manipulate others.

Calculating the right moment, I took a step forward and faced the unsuspecting victim.

- Ay! – I screamed in fear, feeling on my skin how a large stain from spilled coffee was spreading across my white blouse.

- Sorry Sorry! – the guy was worried, holding out napkins.

- It's hot! – I squealed and deliberately pulled the soaked fabric away from my body. The guy was tall and from his height he very quickly appreciated the charms of the girl’s body.

“Uh-uh...” He swallowed convulsively and tried to concentrate on my face. – How can I apologize for my clumsiness?

I flirtatiously fluttered my eyelashes and smiled.

Oh, believe me, little Johnny, my price will be sky-high.

* * *

The council ended around nine in the evening, after which I, very pleased with the work done during the day, ran to the guys in the hall.

- All in a bunch! – I shouted, triumphantly waving the permit over my head.

Natka squealed joyfully and ran to hug me. The others simply smiled silently and patted him on the shoulder.

– I told you that you can handle it! – Natka smiled contentedly and led the way to meet new faces.

In total, there were eight of us in the room - four Dark and four Light - but even if we were going to play the season without substitutes, we were still short of two more players to reach the full roster.

Which I immediately hastened to gently hint to my friend and also the team captain.

– Natusya, are you having problems with counting?

The witch looked at her wrist and tapped her long nail on the watch dial.

- They're late, you assholes! – the girl smiled unkindly and looked promisingly towards the entrance. - Well, I’ll arrange for them...

Leaving Natka to languish in anticipation, I quickly dived into the locker room and changed clothes for training. Elka, who felt a little awkward in a group of men, went with me.

“Lin,” she called quietly, looking intently at her fingers. – What is the name of that Dark One?

– Which of the four? – I quickly laced up my sneakers, I clarified, hiding a smile behind my disheveled hair.

Oh-ho-ho! Someone has already fallen in love...

- Well, he’s so short and serious...

I froze and sharply raised my head, since only one guy fit the vague description - Shargi.

– Don’t even think about it! – I strictly warned. - He already has a girlfriend.

Elka nodded understandingly and changed the topic of conversation, and then a menacing roar was heard: “Linka!”

I silently stuck my head out of the locker room and looked at my neighbor.

-Why are we shouting?

– I’ll kill you now! – the witch barked and shook something red in the air. - Who did it?

Approaching to examine the unknown thing, I recognized a whistle in the red flattened piece of plastic. Or rather, what was left of him.

“It’s not me,” I look with honest eyes into the angry face of my friend.

- Of course not you! It's your furball playing again!

- He's just small...

The witch snorted and began to roll up her sleeves.

“Well, instead of the little one, you’ll grab it now,” she barked.

– Who offends my dear bride? – Connie shouted jokingly, entering the hall.

Natka flashed her eyes unkindly, looking over my shoulder at the two latecomers. Her maneuver was immediately repeated by Horst, gloomy as never before.

And then it dawned on me...

Bride?! Ah, the bride, that is!!

Turning sharply, with a happy smile from ear to ear, I defiantly put my right hand forward with my ring finger protruding.

Connie, looking at the unconventional combination and not finding the family ring, stumbled and turned pale.

- Don’t say you lost it! – Rolly, standing next to his friend, neighed.

The would-be groom immediately jumped up to me and began to feel my hand.

- Don't talk nonsense! – he irritably waved away his amused friend. – Such rings are lost only with the fingers.

Not finding it missing, the militant looked up at me with frightened eyes and asked in a broken voice:

- But how? It has protection and...

With a sharp movement, I pulled the limb out of the grip and smiled meaningfully.

- Lina, my mother will kill me if she finds out!

“Next time, think about whose finger you’re putting a ring on!” – I snorted. – Connie, tell your ancestors that such primitive secret police passwords are the height of stupidity!

– Are you saying that you hacked the family system? – Connie whispered with white lips.

I glanced briefly at Horst, who was standing on the sidelines, carefully observing our conversation, and admitted:

- Almost…

Actually, I was lying a little. They managed to hack the family security system in just fifteen minutes, which is why Dizon was able to so easily take the box with the diaries into the portal, but with the ring everything was more difficult.

Such rings were made back in the days of the Ancients, who mastered magic an order of magnitude better than us, so for me personally it remains unclear how Horst managed to remove this damn ring.

- Come on, quickly change clothes! – Natka barked, turning the guys around to face the locker rooms, and turned to the others. – The training has begun!

The guys scattered around the hall: some were practicing passes, some were forced by a friend to run circles around the playing field, some were monotonously throwing balls into the hoop, while others stepped aside and gracefully sank onto one of the mats lying on the side.

I hope there is no need to clarify who this impudent little girl is?

Natka walked between the players, actively gave out instructions to the right and left, one more terrible than the other, and for some reason I involuntarily associated her with the Bull.

– We’re working, caterpillars, we’re working! - she yelled, and when Gafs glanced disapprovingly in her direction, she burst into such a tirade that even I was amazed at the complex verbal balancing act.

Crossing my legs, I watched the platforms move and secretly chuckled as Connie tried to score a three-pointer.

The position was chosen correctly, but the fighter constantly missed the mark, either incorrectly calculating the distance to the ring, or forgetting about the speed of the platform under his feet, or simply putting too much force into the throw.

- Connie, raise your elbows higher! – I advised, ultimately feeling sorry for the poor fellow.

The guy glanced gloomily in my direction, pursed his lips arrogantly and, naturally, threw me from the wrong position. The yellow ball flew across the court and... did not reach.

- Skol! – he exhaled angrily.

– I told you about elbows! – I drawled sarcastically, languidly swinging my foot in a new sneaker.

Connie, still reeling from the incident with the ring, turned around impulsively.

“If you’re so smart, show me yourself!” – he barked.

I turned to Natka. The witch thoughtfully scratched her nose and waved her hand, saying, “Come on, tear up this self-confident fool already.”

Easily jumping to my feet, I gracefully ran to the lower platform, picked up one of the spare balls and leisurely began to jump from platform to platform, rising to the height where the militant stood with a sardonic look.

“Look here,” having reached the grinning Connie, I get into position, jump and, naturally, score.

The guy pursed his lips and stubbornly muttered:

- Lucky...

Bright Goddess, is it possible to be so stubborn?

Rolling my eyes, I shake my head and turn to Natka:

- Captain! Can I show them already?

Stretching her lips into a slight smile, the witch puts her hair in a ponytail and begins to command.

“We’re being distributed among the squad,” the girl waved her hands briskly. – Shargi, Elka and Talik in defense. “You are two acrobat brothers,” a friend points towards the militants, “in midfield.” The dark ones are on the attack with me.

- And how to play? - Kebil frowns.

The witch nods in my direction.

- Everyone is playing against her...

- What? – the team responded harmoniously.

Hmm... Somehow the guys reached agreement too quickly.

- Wait! – Rolly suddenly jumped onto our platform. – Linka doesn’t know how to play basketball.

I nod carefully, belatedly realizing that something now will be a novelty for the Light Ones. After all, all these five years, while we studied together, I diligently pretended to be a cram student, incapable of sports activities. What is there! I even carried a bag with textbooks as if it were a string bag with bricks.

- ABOUT! – Elka suddenly comes to life. - Guys, remember the hysteria she threw last year?

- Yes! – Rolly clapped his hands and laughed. – The coach made Linka run three laps on the platforms.

- Exactly! – Talik supported. “And then he took her off the platform for about five minutes.”

- And how she screamed with fear! – Connie went wild. “She squealed like a herd of piglets.”

This became the limit for my patience. I suppress all muscle reflexes that insistently advise me to give a good smack to someone who is too talkative, and I go to the Little Rat, who is frozen not far away.

So, how did the pig squeal? Oh well! Some people won’t get the ring back along the way...

- Will you borrow it? – I nod at the elastic bandage that the guy used to secure the bracelet on his hand so that it wouldn’t interfere during training.

Dostaval silently takes a step towards him, scorches him with a wave of heat emanating from his huge body, and extends his hand.

Behind our backs, Natka disperses the guys laughing at the top of their voices, who began to remember the rest of the “achievements” in the sport of Angelina De la Varga.

Laugh, laugh! In life, as well as in a duel, the main thing is to correctly assess the enemy.

Having quickly unwound the elastic bandage, I imperceptibly touch the smooth metal with my fingertips and frown with an unclear guess. I now more consciously run my fingers over the marriage bracelet and thoughtfully bite my lower lip.

Skol! So what bothers me?

“Do you want the same one?..” Horst whispers hoarsely, and from his intonation it is completely unclear whether this is a question or another joke from the Dark One.

Snorting, I quickly turn around and jump onto the next platform, which immediately takes me up, where Natka is stomping around on the serving platform in anticipation.

“Tie it up,” I ask, handing her a folded bandage, I look around the room for the last time and close my eyes.

My godfather always taught me that relying on a single sense organ is quite stupid. It’s like painting a picture with one color without noticing the other shades on the palette.

- Is that normal? – my friend clarifies, tightening the knot at the back of my head.

- That's it! – I nod and confidently stomp to the edge of the platform. - Go?

- Let's play until five points! – the witch says loudly and claps her hands. - We took positions!

Smiling imperceptibly from the corner of my lips, I visualize a picture of the hall around me and, focusing on the sensations of my body, I mentally place tiny dots that represent the players.

“Shall we have some fun?” – I ask the slightly excited body.

- The ball is in play! – Natka shouts loudly, playing the first serve.

I don’t feel, but rather know that Connie is trying to fight for the ball with me. In vain! I'm faster and lighter, so I jump up and grab the yellow ball first.

Slope, jump onto the next platform, carrying me down. I crouch down, passing a small ball thrown by one of the defenders over my head.

“Hmm... And who is so accurate?” – the brain is surprised and takes it in pencil.

- Catch! – Gafs shouts behind me, but I’m already in position and ready to score.

My hand habitually throws the yellow ball towards the hoop, and I don’t need to see to know: the scoreboard lights up with two points in my favor.

- Damn you! – Talik shouts upset.

I easily return to the serve - the only platform that remains motionless throughout the game.

- The ball is in play! - Natka shouts.

Now Gafs, who is easily recognized by the pleasant smell of spices spreading more from his essence than from his body, is fighting with me for the yellow ball.

This time the witch threw the ball much higher, so without hesitation, I take a step to the side and instantly find myself on a platform rapidly carrying me upward. I feel a momentary heat from Dostavala’s proximity, but I quickly dodge, catch the ball flying down with my left hand, and skillfully parry the blow of the defense’s red ball with my right.

- A-ah-ah!!! “Someone screamed in panic, and I was ashamed to discover that the scream was coming exclusively from my throat. She immediately fell silent in embarrassment and pretended to be a broom.

Who was screaming like crazy? Was I screaming like crazy?!

Pf-f! You've clearly got something mixed up.

- Boissss? – the three-meter monster hissed, smiling charmingly.

- Dude, have you seen yourself in the mirror? – Trying to calm down my racing heart, I snorted. – With such facial parameters, only to participate in the competition for the worst nightmare!

The monster laughed loudly, clearly pleased with the effect produced, but to be honest, I was not in the mood for fun.

- Amy, how are you? – I bent over the quietly moaning blonde.

The girl lay on the ground, clutching her bleeding side with her right hand, and looked more like a ghost than a person.

The dark one looked not just bad, but creepy. Golden curls stuck together and lost their healthy shine, the skin glowed dully, and cloudy tears slowly flowed from the eyes, indicating the depletion of the magical reserve.

“It seems I’m dying...” whispered the Anointed of Death with blue lips and coughed hoarsely, spitting blood onto the ground.

“Aren’t you afraid of getting punched in the face for saying such words?” No?! – I asked menacingly, glanced at the scaly monster frozen a couple of meters away and cheerfully said: “Amy, you lie down for now, think about your behavior, and I’ll quickly kill the smiling nightmare and get us out of this ass of the world!”

The blonde didn't answer. All she could do was smile forcefully. Which is also not bad in principle, because, according to statistics, optimists live longer.

- That's better! – I perked up a little, quickly rising to my feet and snatching two unimaginably huge fire swords.

- Well? – a searching glance towards a potential enemy. – What do you want: die right away or dance with me before you die?

The three-meter-long carcass grinned and militantly extended its huge paws with an impressive manicure.

– I didn’t even doubt it. “My bloodthirsty grin could be the envy of any creature of the night, including the monster standing opposite me.”

Hissing menacingly, he dropped to all fours and rushed towards me with the sole purpose: to gnaw the throat of the overly talkative obstacle to the main dish - Emilia...

- Hey! Natka interrupted me, waving her half-eaten sandwich. – You’re telling everything wrong!

I widened my eyes, frowned and turned to my red-haired friend.

– What do you mean, I’m telling you wrong? – she asked indignantly, simultaneously taking a greedy sip from a cup of scalding hot coffee.

I winced at the patronizing tone and looked up at the night sky.

Great Goddess, where were my eyes and bright mind when I chose a witch and a Dark One as my friends?

“Okay...” she reluctantly gave in, looking thoughtfully at the scarlet flashes from the cheerfully crackling fire, and warned: “But just don’t interrupt me again!”

The guys nodded their heads energetically, and I thought for a second, trying to remember where it all really started...

Where did it all start?

It all started on the day I returned to the University of Magic and Divination...

But since someone mentioned order, then, perhaps, we’ll start with it.

Magicians call people like me disparagingly - Dummies.

This is a fundamentally incorrect statement, given that the magical reserves of such Empties are simply obscenely high and draw energy directly from space, like lungs oxygen. And we would definitely show everyone Kuzka’s mother, but everything in the world is balanced.

Children who have the potential of masters from birth cannot use their own power, but they can easily transfer it to others.

In short, nature laughed heartily and disgustingly! And now the product of this very ridicule in the person of a graduate of the Faculty of Theoretical Magic of the University of Magic and Divination is forced to carefully disguise herself as an average crammer without prospects, desires and opportunities.

And, probably, I would have even been able to calmly receive a diploma and fly out into “adult” life, but suddenly the Dark Ones were sent to the university to exchange experience and knowledge - vile, deceitful, insidious and evil receptacles of vice.

As if by the law of meanness, I was appointed to the role of nanny for immigrants, and then, naturally, off we go...

What did the great and terrible director (in common parlance just WOOD) hope for when he gave a student nine testosterone monsters and one stunningly cute blonde as bail? Apparently, due to my outstanding analytical mind, knowledge of everyone within the walls of my native university, as well as many years of training in the mercenary clan.

Actually, the chief of the law enforcement department was counting on the same thing, working secretly with me for the last two years.

After my unsuccessful kidnapping, organized by a former university teacher, Professor Barados, and a doctor from the law enforcement department, again a former one, I managed to exist calmly for a whole week. But closer to the weekend, the Light Goddess decided that “boring life” was not for me and brought a little variety into the drab everyday life of student De la Varga.

While going for a run in the morning, I slipped and did a graceful somersault into the mud.

By the way, not only the tracksuit and pride were damaged, but also the spine, which had not yet recovered from the fracture.

- Everything is fine! My legs haven’t lost any motor function,” the doctor reassured the queue in the ward who was concerned about my health. – But it’s better to watch for a while...

Naturally, no one listened to the end of the last phrase. Everyone was so excited by this notorious “but...” that at the collective council, where the director of the university, the Godfather, my boyfriend Ruslan and my best friend Natochka were present, everyone agreed that such a valuable patient should be observed by no less than the elven diplomat of the city - Kingdom of Ghiz.

Julius, having learned about the “happy” news, sighed sadly and went to gut the wine cellars, but I became even more depressed.

Well, what do you call people who force a healthy, energetic person to lie in bed for two weeks?

The torturers did not pay attention to my protesting cries. Having collected my things and vowing to send mail monkeys every day, they pushed me into the portal and ordered me not to return until the end of the period prescribed by the doctor.

Guess how many letters with monkeys came to me? Exactly!

In short, after hanging out with Yulik for a week, I quickly packed up my few belongings and quietly left. And it’s not that I don’t care about my health, it’s just... Well, what kind of recovery can we talk about if, out of boredom, you want to go and be rude to someone large and aggressive?

Using bypass portals, I arrived at the university late in the evening. Having greeted the middle-aged guard of the women's dormitory, she literally flew up the steps to the sixth floor and pushed open the door numbered “666”.

- Natochka! – I shouted so loudly that the bottles on the shelf clinked pitifully, in such a simple way to complain to the world about my bad manners.

The red-haired witch squealed joyfully and ran to hug:

– Linka!! – she screamed even louder.

This time the bottles did not react in any way - apparently, they had come to terms with their difficult fate. But the neighbors on the left showed violent dissatisfaction, cursing intricately and wishing the trespassers peace and long life.

Margarita Blinova

It's dangerous to be a student

© Blinova M., 2015

© Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

- A-ah-ah!!! “Someone screamed in panic, and I was ashamed to discover that the scream was coming exclusively from my throat. She immediately fell silent in embarrassment and pretended to be a broom.

Who was screaming like crazy? Was I screaming like crazy?!

Pf-f! You've clearly got something mixed up.

- Boissss? – the three-meter monster hissed, smiling charmingly.

- Dude, have you seen yourself in the mirror? – Trying to calm down my racing heart, I snorted. – With such facial parameters, only to participate in the competition for the worst nightmare!

The monster laughed loudly, clearly pleased with the effect produced, but to be honest, I was not in the mood for fun.

- Amy, how are you? – I bent over the quietly moaning blonde.

The girl lay on the ground, clutching her bleeding side with her right hand, and looked more like a ghost than a person.

The dark one looked not just bad, but creepy. Golden curls stuck together and lost their healthy shine, the skin glowed dully, and cloudy tears slowly flowed from the eyes, indicating the depletion of the magical reserve.

“It seems I’m dying...” whispered the Anointed of Death with blue lips and coughed hoarsely, spitting blood onto the ground.

“Aren’t you afraid of getting punched in the face for saying such words?” No?! – I asked menacingly, glanced at the scaly monster frozen a couple of meters away and cheerfully said: “Amy, you lie down for now, think about your behavior, and I’ll quickly kill the smiling nightmare and get us out of this ass of the world!”

The blonde didn't answer. All she could do was smile forcefully. Which is also not bad in principle, because, according to statistics, optimists live longer.

- That's better! – I perked up a little, quickly rising to my feet and snatching two unimaginably huge fire swords.

- Well? – a searching glance towards a potential enemy. – What do you want: die right away or dance with me before you die?

The three-meter-long carcass grinned and militantly extended its huge paws with an impressive manicure.

– I didn’t even doubt it. “My bloodthirsty grin could be the envy of any creature of the night, including the monster standing opposite me.”

Hissing menacingly, he dropped to all fours and rushed towards me with the sole purpose: to gnaw the throat of the overly talkative obstacle to the main dish - Emilia...

- Hey! Natka interrupted me, waving her half-eaten sandwich. – You’re telling everything wrong!

I widened my eyes, frowned and turned to my red-haired friend.

– What do you mean, I’m telling you wrong? – she asked indignantly, simultaneously taking a greedy sip from a cup of scalding hot coffee.

I winced at the patronizing tone and looked up at the night sky.

Great Goddess, where were my eyes and bright mind when I chose a witch and a Dark One as my friends?

“Okay...” she reluctantly gave in, looking thoughtfully at the scarlet flashes from the cheerfully crackling fire, and warned: “But just don’t interrupt me again!”

The guys nodded their heads energetically, and I thought for a second, trying to remember where it all really started...

Where did it all start?

It all started on the day I returned to the University of Magic and Divination...

But since someone mentioned order, then, perhaps, we’ll start with it.

Magicians call people like me disparagingly - Dummies.

This is a fundamentally incorrect statement, given that the magical reserves of such Empties are simply obscenely high and draw energy directly from space, like lungs oxygen. And we would definitely show everyone Kuzka’s mother, but everything in the world is balanced.

Children who have the potential of masters from birth cannot use their own power, but they can easily transfer it to others.

In short, nature laughed heartily and disgustingly! And now the product of this very ridicule in the person of a graduate of the Faculty of Theoretical Magic of the University of Magic and Divination is forced to carefully disguise herself as an average crammer without prospects, desires and opportunities.

And, probably, I would have even been able to calmly receive a diploma and fly out into “adult” life, but suddenly the Dark Ones were sent to the university to exchange experience and knowledge - vile, deceitful, insidious and evil receptacles of vice.

As if by the law of meanness, I was appointed to the role of nanny for immigrants, and then, naturally, off we go...

What did the great and terrible director (in common parlance just WOOD) hope for when he gave a student nine testosterone monsters and one stunningly cute blonde as bail? Apparently, due to my outstanding analytical mind, knowledge of everyone within the walls of my native university, as well as many years of training in the mercenary clan.

Actually, the chief of the law enforcement department was counting on the same thing, working secretly with me for the last two years.

After my unsuccessful kidnapping, organized by a former university teacher, Professor Barados, and a doctor from the law enforcement department, again a former one, I managed to exist calmly for a whole week. But closer to the weekend, the Light Goddess decided that “boring life” was not for me and brought a little variety into the drab everyday life of student De la Varga.

While going for a run in the morning, I slipped and did a graceful somersault into the mud.

By the way, not only the tracksuit and pride were damaged, but also the spine, which had not yet recovered from the fracture.

- Everything is fine! My legs haven’t lost any motor function,” the doctor reassured the queue in the ward who was concerned about my health. – But it’s better to watch for a while...

Naturally, no one listened to the end of the last phrase. Everyone was so excited by this notorious “but...” that at the collective council, where the director of the university, the Godfather, my boyfriend Ruslan and my best friend Natochka were present, everyone agreed that such a valuable patient should be observed by no less than the elven diplomat of the city - Kingdom of Ghiz.

Julius, having learned about the “happy” news, sighed sadly and went to gut the wine cellars, but I became even more depressed.

Well, what do you call people who force a healthy, energetic person to lie in bed for two weeks?

The torturers did not pay attention to my protesting cries. Having collected my things and vowing to send mail monkeys every day, they pushed me into the portal and ordered me not to return until the end of the period prescribed by the doctor.

Guess how many letters with monkeys came to me? Exactly!

In short, after hanging out with Yulik for a week, I quickly packed up my few belongings and quietly left. And it’s not that I don’t care about my health, it’s just... Well, what kind of recovery can we talk about if, out of boredom, you want to go and be rude to someone large and aggressive?

Using bypass portals, I arrived at the university late in the evening. Having greeted the middle-aged guard of the women's dormitory, she literally flew up the steps to the sixth floor and pushed open the door numbered “666”.

- Natochka! – I shouted so loudly that the bottles on the shelf clinked pitifully, in such a simple way to complain to the world about my bad manners.

The red-haired witch squealed joyfully and ran to hug:

– Linka!! – she screamed even louder.

This time the bottles did not react in any way - apparently, they had come to terms with their difficult fate. But the neighbors on the left showed violent dissatisfaction, cursing intricately and wishing the trespassers peace and long life.

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© Blinova M., 2015

© Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

* * *


- A-ah-ah!!! “Someone screamed in panic, and I was ashamed to discover that the scream was coming exclusively from my throat. She immediately fell silent in embarrassment and pretended to be a broom.

Who was screaming like crazy? Was I screaming like crazy?!

Pf-f! You've clearly got something mixed up.

- Boissss? – the three-meter monster hissed, smiling charmingly.

- Dude, have you seen yourself in the mirror? – Trying to calm down my racing heart, I snorted. – With such facial parameters, only to participate in the competition for the worst nightmare!

The monster laughed loudly, clearly pleased with the effect produced, but to be honest, I was not in the mood for fun.

- Amy, how are you? – I bent over the quietly moaning blonde.

The girl lay on the ground, clutching her bleeding side with her right hand, and looked more like a ghost than a person.

The dark one looked not just bad, but creepy. Golden curls stuck together and lost their healthy shine, the skin glowed dully, and cloudy tears slowly flowed from the eyes, indicating the depletion of the magical reserve.

“It seems I’m dying...” whispered the Anointed of Death with blue lips and coughed hoarsely, spitting blood onto the ground.

“Aren’t you afraid of getting punched in the face for saying such words?” No?! – I asked menacingly, glanced at the scaly monster frozen a couple of meters away and cheerfully said: “Amy, you lie down for now, think about your behavior, and I’ll quickly kill the smiling nightmare and get us out of this ass of the world!”

The blonde didn't answer. All she could do was smile forcefully. Which is also not bad in principle, because, according to statistics, optimists live longer.

- That's better! – I perked up a little, quickly rising to my feet and snatching two unimaginably huge fire swords.

- Well? – a searching glance towards a potential enemy. – What do you want: die right away or dance with me before you die?

The three-meter-long carcass grinned and militantly extended its huge paws with an impressive manicure.

– I didn’t even doubt it. “My bloodthirsty grin could be the envy of any creature of the night, including the monster standing opposite me.”

Hissing menacingly, he dropped to all fours and rushed towards me with the sole purpose: to gnaw the throat of the overly talkative obstacle to the main dish - Emilia...

* * *

- Hey! Natka interrupted me, waving her half-eaten sandwich. – You’re telling everything wrong!

I widened my eyes, frowned and turned to my red-haired friend.

– What do you mean, I’m telling you wrong? – she asked indignantly, simultaneously taking a greedy sip from a cup of scalding hot coffee.

I winced at the patronizing tone and looked up at the night sky.

Great Goddess, where were my eyes and bright mind when I chose a witch and a Dark One as my friends?

“Okay...” she reluctantly gave in, looking thoughtfully at the scarlet flashes from the cheerfully crackling fire, and warned: “But just don’t interrupt me again!”

The guys nodded their heads energetically, and I thought for a second, trying to remember where it all really started...

Chapter 1

Where did it all start?

It all started on the day I returned to the University of Magic and Divination...

But since someone mentioned order, then, perhaps, we’ll start with it.

Magicians call people like me disparagingly - Dummies.

This is a fundamentally incorrect statement, given that the magical reserves of such Empties are simply obscenely high and draw energy directly from space, like lungs oxygen. And we would definitely show everyone Kuzka’s mother, but everything in the world is balanced.

Children who have the potential of masters from birth cannot use their own power, but they can easily transfer it to others.

In short, nature laughed heartily and disgustingly! And now the product of this very ridicule in the person of a graduate of the Faculty of Theoretical Magic of the University of Magic and Divination is forced to carefully disguise herself as an average crammer without prospects, desires and opportunities.

And, probably, I would have even been able to calmly receive a diploma and fly out into “adult” life, but suddenly the Dark Ones were sent to the university to exchange experience and knowledge - vile, deceitful, insidious and evil receptacles of vice.

As if by the law of meanness, I was appointed to the role of nanny for immigrants, and then, naturally, off we go...

What did the great and terrible director (in common parlance just WOOD) hope for when he gave a student nine testosterone monsters and one stunningly cute blonde as bail? Apparently, due to my outstanding analytical mind, knowledge of everyone within the walls of my native university, as well as many years of training in the mercenary clan.

Actually, the chief of the law enforcement department was counting on the same thing, working secretly with me for the last two years.

After my unsuccessful kidnapping, organized by a former university teacher, Professor Barados, and a doctor from the law enforcement department, again a former one, I managed to exist calmly for a whole week. But closer to the weekend, the Light Goddess decided that “boring life” was not for me and brought a little variety into the drab everyday life of student De la Varga.

While going for a run in the morning, I slipped and did a graceful somersault into the mud.

By the way, not only the tracksuit and pride were damaged, but also the spine, which had not yet recovered from the fracture.

- Everything is fine! My legs haven’t lost any motor function,” the doctor reassured the queue in the ward who was concerned about my health. – But it’s better to watch for a while...

Naturally, no one listened to the end of the last phrase. Everyone was so excited by this notorious “but...” that at the collective council, where the director of the university, the Godfather, my boyfriend Ruslan and my best friend Natochka were present, everyone agreed that such a valuable patient should be observed by no less than the elven diplomat of the city - Kingdom of Ghiz.

Julius, having learned about the “happy” news, sighed sadly and went to gut the wine cellars, but I became even more depressed.

Well, what do you call people who force a healthy, energetic person to lie in bed for two weeks?

The torturers did not pay attention to my protesting cries. Having collected my things and vowing to send mail monkeys every day, they pushed me into the portal and ordered me not to return until the end of the period prescribed by the doctor.