States formed by the Slavs and their capitals. Ancient Slavic state

Attitude specific object to the external environment, the elements of which have or may have a significant impact on it. In human geography, location is usually defined in two-dimensional space (displayed on a map). In physical geography, the third change is certainly taken into account - the absolute or relative height of the location of objects.

Concept geographical position is key for the entire system geographical sciences. Geography itself originated as the science of methods for determining and recording the location of objects on the earth's surface relative to each other or in a certain coordinate system. Later it turned out that determining the location of an object not only helps to find it..., but also explains some of the properties of this object and even predicts its development. The most important element geographical research- establishing and analyzing connections between objects located in space, determined precisely by their location.

Thus the geographical location:

  • is an individualizing factor, since it determines many properties geographical feature;
  • It has historical character, because it changes over time;
  • has a potential character, since the position alone is not sufficient condition appropriate development of the facility;
  • has close connections with the configuration of the territory and its borders.

The following types of geographical location are distinguished:

  • mathematical-geographical (geodesic, astronomical, “absolute”)
  • physical-geographical;
  • political-geographical;
  • geopolitical;
  • military-geographical;
  • ecological-geographical;
  • cultural-geographical;

and others.

By scale they distinguish:

  • macro position
  • mesoposition
  • micro-position

According to the coordinate system there are:

  • absolute (geodetic, astronomical);
  • relative;
    • mathematical (“3 miles north of Seattle”);
    • functional (economic-geographical, physical-geographical, etc.).

In an expanded interpretation, geographic location may also include the relationship of an area object as a whole (area, region, territory) to the data lying inside him (to the elements internal environment). Such a geographical location may be referred to, for example, as “ introspective"(from lat. introspectus, intro- inside + spice- look). For example, when assessing the role of internal border areas in the priority of foreign policy directions, when assessing the geocriminogenic position of the territory, when analyzing the transport-geographical position, when studying the changing area in relation to stations of experience, the linguistic area in relation to the dialect center, etc. Such The approach also makes it possible to resolve conflicts by determining the relative geographical position of intersecting objects.

Historical sketch

The concept of “geographical location” has been known since late XVIII century, when the paradigm of geographical determinism dominated. Ideas about the conditioning of people's lives and society geographical environment put forward by ancient thinkers such as Democritus, Herodotus, Strabo and others. Sources geographic information during this period there were descriptions individual countries and peoples, characteristics of inhabited and remote lands. For the purposes of navigation and trade, special descriptions of the seas, ports, shopping centers, which contained information about the peculiarities of the geographical location of the country through which the trade route. Historical geographer V.K. Yatsunsky believed that the first economic-geographical work in history should be considered the work of the Italian scientist Ludovico Guicciardini “Description of the Netherlands”, which was published in 1567, where the first part of the book provides an analysis of the geographical location of the country and assessment of the role of the sea. In 1650, in the same Netherlands, the work of Varenius (Varenius) “General Geography” was published, which is considered the first theoretical work on geography. S.P. Krasheninnikov in “Description of the Land of Kamchatka” (1756) gave a detailed description of its geographical location. The search for patterns in the spatial distribution of settlements and the creation of models of urban geography began in the first half of the 20th century. One of the first scientists who approached the creation of models of urban geography was V.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky. Geographical aspects in line with the problems of farm location were developed by German scientists and created the so-called standort theory. Representatives of this trend were I. Thunen, A. Weber, A. Loesch and others. The American geographer W. Bunge called geography “the science of places.” In this non-standard and original definition lies deep meaning that each geographical object has its own individual place. Soviet geographers N.N. Baransky and I.M. Maergoiz made a great contribution to the development of the theory of geographical location.

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  • Geographical position// Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ch. ed. A. M. Prokhorov. - 3rd ed. - M. : Soviet encyclopedia, 1969-1978.
  • // Modern illustrated encyclopedia. Geography / Ed. A. P. Gorkina - M.: Rosman. 2006.

Geographical position- “the position of a geographical object relative to the surface of the Earth, as well as in relation to other objects with which it is in interaction...”

An excerpt characterizing the geographical location

“We don’t do anything bad to the French,” said Tikhon, apparently timid at Denisov’s words. “That’s the only way we fooled around with the guys.” They must have beaten about two dozen Miroders, otherwise we didn’t do anything bad... - The next day, when Denisov, completely forgetting about this guy, left Pokrovsky, he was informed that Tikhon had attached himself to the party and asked to be left with it. Denisov ordered to leave him.
Tikhon, who at first corrected the menial work of laying fires, delivering water, skinning horses, etc., soon showed great willingness and ability to guerrilla warfare. He went out at night to hunt for prey and each time brought with him French clothes and weapons, and when he was ordered, he also brought prisoners. Denisov dismissed Tikhon from work, began to take him with him on travels and enrolled him in the Cossacks.
Tikhon did not like to ride and always walked, never falling behind the cavalry. His weapons were a blunderbuss, which he wore more for fun, a pike and an ax, which he wielded like a wolf wields his teeth, equally easily picking out fleas from his fur and biting through thick bones. Tikhon equally faithfully, with all his might, split logs with an ax and, taking the ax by the butt, used it to cut out thin pegs and cut out spoons. In Denisov's party, Tikhon occupied his special, exclusive place. When it was necessary to do something especially difficult and disgusting - turn a cart over in the mud with your shoulder, pull a horse out of a swamp by the tail, skin it, climb into the very middle of the French, walk fifty miles a day - everyone pointed, laughing, at Tikhon.
“What the hell is he doing, you big gelding,” they said about him.
Once, the Frenchman whom Tikhon was taking shot at him with a pistol and hit him in the flesh of his back. This wound, for which Tikhon was treated only with vodka, internally and externally, was the subject of the funniest jokes in the entire detachment and jokes to which Tikhon willingly succumbed.
- What, brother, won’t you? Is Ali crooked? - the Cossacks laughed at him, and Tikhon, deliberately crouching and making faces, pretending that he was angry, scolded the French with the most ridiculous curses. This incident had only the influence on Tikhon that after his wound he rarely brought prisoners.
Tikhon was the most useful and brave man in the party. No one else discovered cases of attack, no one else took him and beat the French; and as a result of this, he was the jester of all the Cossacks and hussars and he himself willingly succumbed to this rank. Now Tikhon was sent by Denisov, at night, to Shamshevo in order to take the tongue. But, either because he was not satisfied with just the Frenchman, or because he slept through the night, during the day he climbed into the bushes, into the very middle of the French and, as Denisov saw from Mount Denisov, was discovered by them.

After talking a little more time with the esaul about tomorrow's attack, which now, looking at the proximity of the French, Denisov seemed to have finally decided, he turned his horse and rode back.
“Well, damn, now let’s go dry off,” he said to Petya.
Approaching the forest guardhouse, Denisov stopped, peering into the forest. Through the forest, between the trees, a man in a jacket, bast shoes and a Kazan hat, with a gun over his shoulder and an ax in his belt, walked with long, light steps on long legs, with long, dangling arms. Seeing Denisov, this man hastily threw something into the bush and, taking off his wet hat with its drooping brim, approached the boss. It was Tikhon. His face, pitted with smallpox and wrinkles, with small, narrow eyes, shone with self-satisfied gaiety. He raised his head high and, as if holding back laughter, stared at Denisov.
“Well, where did it fall?” Denisov said.
- Where had you been? “I followed the French,” Tikhon answered boldly and hastily in a hoarse but melodious bass.
- Why did you climb during the day? Cattle! Well, didn't you take it?..
“I took it,” said Tikhon.
- Where is he?
“Yes, I took him first at dawn,” Tikhon continued, moving his flat legs turned out wider in his bast shoes, “and took him into the forest.” I see it's not okay. I think, let me go and get another more careful one.
“Look, you scoundrel, that’s how it is,” Denisov said to Esaul. - Why didn’t you do this?
“Why should we lead him,” Tikhon interrupted hastily and angrily, “he’s not fit.” Don't I know which ones you need?
- What a beast!.. Well?..
“I went after someone else,” Tikhon continued, “I crawled into the forest in this manner, and lay down.” – Tikhon suddenly and flexibly lay down on his belly, imagining in their faces how he did it. “One and make up,” he continued. “I’ll rob him in this manner.” – Tikhon quickly and easily jumped up. “Let’s go, I say, to the colonel.” How loud he will be. And there are four of them here. They rushed at me with skewers. “I hit them with an ax in this manner: why are you, Christ is with you,” Tikhon cried, waving his arms and frowning menacingly, sticking out his chest.
“We saw from the mountain how you asked a line through the puddles,” said the esaul, narrowing his shining eyes.
Petya really wanted to laugh, but he saw that everyone was holding back from laughing. He quickly moved his eyes from Tikhon’s face to the faces of the esaul and Denisov, not understanding what it all meant.
“Don’t even imagine it,” Denisov said, coughing angrily. “Why didn’t he do it?”
Tikhon began to scratch his back with one hand, his head with the other, and suddenly his whole face stretched into a shining, stupid smile, revealing a missing tooth (for which he was nicknamed Shcherbaty). Denisov smiled, and Petya burst into cheerful laughter, which Tikhon himself joined in.
“Yes, it’s completely wrong,” said Tikhon. “The clothes he’s wearing are bad, so where should we take him?” Yes, and a rude man, your honor. Why, he says, I myself am the son of Anaral, I won’t go, he says.
- What a brute! - Denisov said. - I need to ask...
“Yes, I asked him,” said Tikhon. - He says: I don’t know him well. There are many of ours, he says, but they are all bad; only, he says, one name. “If you’re fine,” he says, “you’ll take everyone,” Tikhon concluded, looking cheerfully and decisively into Denisov’s eyes.
“Here I’ll pour in a hundred gogs, and you’ll be the one to claw,” Denisov said sternly.
“Why be angry,” said Tikhon, “well, I haven’t seen your French?” Just let it get dark, I’ll bring whatever you want, at least three.
“Well, let’s go,” Denisov said, and he rode all the way to the guardhouse, frowning angrily and silently.
Tikhon came from behind, and Petya heard the Cossacks laughing with him and at him about some boots that he had thrown into a bush.
When the laughter that had taken over him at Tikhon’s words and smile passed, and Petya realized for a moment that this Tikhon had killed a man, he felt embarrassed. He looked back at the captive drummer, and something pierced his heart. But this awkwardness lasted only for a moment. He felt the need to raise his head higher, cheer up and ask the esaul with a significant look about tomorrow's enterprise, so as not to be unworthy of the society in which he was.
The sent officer met Denisov on the road with the news that Dolokhov himself would arrive now and that everything was fine on his part.
Denisov suddenly became cheerful and called Petya over to him.
“Well, tell me about yourself,” he said.

When Petya left Moscow, leaving his relatives, he joined his regiment and soon after that he was taken as an orderly to the general who commanded a large detachment. From the time of his promotion to officer, and especially from his entry into the active army, where he participated in the Battle of Vyazemsky, Petya was in a constantly happily excited state of joy at the fact that he was great, and in a constantly enthusiastic haste not to miss any case of real heroism . He was very happy with what he saw and experienced in the army, but at the same time it seemed to him that where he was not, that was where the most real, heroic things were now happening. And he was in a hurry to get to where he was not.
When on October 21 his general expressed a desire to send someone to Denisov’s detachment, Petya asked so pitifully to send him that the general could not refuse. But, sending him, the general, remembering Petya’s crazy act in the battle of Vyazemsky, where Petya, instead of going along the road to where he was sent, galloped in a chain under the fire of the French and shot there twice from his pistol - sending him, the general namely, he forbade Petya to participate in any of Denisov’s actions. This made Petya blush and became confused when Denisov asked if he could stay. Before leaving for the edge of the forest, Petya believed that he needed to strictly fulfill his duty and return immediately. But when he saw the French, saw Tikhon, learned that they would certainly attack that night, he, with the speed of transitions of young people from one glance to another, decided with himself that his general, whom he had hitherto greatly respected, was rubbish, German, that Denisov is a hero, and Esaul is a hero, and that Tikhon is a hero, and that he would be ashamed to leave them for Hard time.

Vast space between two major powers early Middle Ages- the empire of Charlemagne and Byzantium - was occupied barbarian tribes Slavs

At the beginning of our era, the Slavs, according to most scientists, lived between the Vistula and the Dnieper, primarily in the Carpathian region (proto-Slavic territory, or the territory of the ancient Slavs). From there they began to spread throughout Europe. One part of the Slavs headed to the West - to the Elbe River, another moved to the lands of present-day Russia, displacing the Finno-Ugric tribes, and the third came close to the borders of the Byzantine Empire on the Danube.

Slavic invasions of Byzantium

At the end of the 5th century. The southern Slavs begin invading the Byzantine Empire across its Danube border. Emperor Justinian managed to stop the Slavs and prevent them from entering the Balkans. To do this, he built many fortresses along the Danube border. However, the southern Slavs became an increasingly formidable force. In subsequent centuries, they not only conquered from Byzantium northern regions Balkan Peninsula, but also in large groups settled in the central and southern parts Balkans, in the heart of Byzantium. From these Slavic tribes came the South Slavic peoples: Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats, etc.

The ancient Slavs, like all barbarians, were pagans. The Franks and Greeks often argued for influence over these tribes. A rivalry even began between Rome and Constantinople over who would convert the Slavs to Christianity first. The church that is ahead of its rival in missionary work among the Slavs will receive power over vast lands.

Rivalry between West and East for influence on Slavic world largely determined the fate of the Slavic peoples and their states.

Principality of Samo?

Historians often call the Principality of Samo on the land of what is now the Czech Republic and Moravia the first Slavic state. Information about him is extremely scarce and uncertain. In meager words, the chronicler reports that a certain man named Samo rallied the Slavic tribes and raised them to fight first against the Avars, and then against the Franks. In 627 Samo was elected prince, and he reigned for 35 years. Apparently, immediately after his death, the state he created disintegrated. Most likely, it was not yet a real state, but an unstable union of tribes. It is not entirely clear whether Samo was a Slav. According to some reports, he was originally a Frank, who for some reason left his homeland. Second major political education among the Slavs arose in the same century, but in the south.

First Bulgarian kingdom VII-XI centuries.

In 681, Khan Asparukh, from the Turkic tribe of Bulgarians, who had recently moved from the Volga region to the Danube, united the Danube Slavs and created a powerful state, the so-called First Bulgarian Kingdom. Very soon the newcomer Turks disappeared among the numerous Slavs, and the name “Bulgarians” passed to the Slavic people. The proximity to Byzantium greatly contributed to their cultural development. In 864, Tsar Boris accepted Christianity from the Byzantines. The Patriarch of Constantinople did not insist that the language of worship and Christian literature in Bulgaria must necessarily be Greek. Therefore, all Christian literature was translated from Greek into Slavic, understandable to both noble and ordinary Bulgarians. Ancient Bulgarian literature flourished during the reign of Simeon, son of Boris. The tsar in every possible way encouraged theologians, poets, historians who wrote in the Slavic language.

In foreign policy, the Bulgarian kings competed with Byzantium for a long time. But in 1018, the Byzantine basileus from the Macedonian dynasty, Basil II the Bulgarian Slayer, won a complete victory over the Bulgarians and annexed the Bulgarian kingdom to Byzantium. Vasily II treated the captive Bulgarian soldiers very cruelly - he blinded 15 thousand soldiers, leaving for every hundred blind people one guide who could see in one eye. This was the end of the First Bulgarian Kingdom.

Saints Cyril and Methodius. Great Moravia

In the 9th century. north of the Bulgarian kingdom, approximately where the legendary principality of Samo was, another Slavic power arose - Great Moravia. The Moravian prince Rostislav was greatly afraid of his neighbor, the East Frankish Kingdom, and therefore sought support from the Byzantines. Rostislav asked to send a spiritual mentor from Byzantium to Moravia: he thought that Greek teachers would help weaken the influence of the East Frankish Church in his lands.

In response to Rostislav's request, two brothers arrived in Moravia in 865 - Constantine and Methodius. It must be said that Constantine is better known under the name Cyril, which he adopted just before his death when he was tonsured a monk. Cyril (Constantine) and Methodius came from the city of Thessaloniki (in Greek - Thessalonica). Both received very a good education in Constantinople. Although they were Greeks, both brothers had an excellent command of the Slavic language from childhood. To more successfully spread Christianity among the Slavs, they created Slavic alphabet. Cyril and Methodius were the first to translate the Bible into Slavic, writing the translation in a new Slavic script. The first Slavic alphabet was called Glagolitic.

The brothers took some of the letters of the Glagolitic alphabet from the Greek alphabet, some from Semitic languages, and several signs were new. Subsequently, Kirill's students created another Slavic alphabet, now exclusively based on the Greek alphabet with the addition of a few new characters. They named it Cyrillic in honor of their teacher. We still use this alphabet today. It is also common in Bulgaria, Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine and some other countries.

The activities of the brothers Cyril and Methodius are of great importance for the entire Slavic culture. Brought by them to Moravia Slavic writing and the translation of the Bible quickly spread throughout Slavic lands. Therefore, Cyril and Methodius are considered the enlighteners of the Slavs, who brought them Christianity, and the founders of their literature. IN Slavic countries Oh, they are revered as “equal to the apostles” saints, that is, equal to the apostles themselves.

Byzantium and Rus'

Pagan Rus since the 9th century. organized robber campaigns against Byzantium.

One of these Russian attacks on Constantinople turned out to be so sudden that the residents, who were not ready for defense, Byzantine capital they no longer hoped to save the city. Desperate Romans with prayers carried the main shrine of Constantinople around the city walls - a cover that was once believed to belong to the Virgin Mary. Immediately after this, the barbarian army lifted the siege of the city. The Byzantines considered the inexplicable departure of the Rus to be a miracle accomplished thanks to the intercession of the Mother of God.

The Rus not only fought, but also traded with the Romans. Through the lands Eastern Slavs There was an important trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks,” which connected the northern regions of Rus' and Scandinavia with Byzantium. The Varangians, immigrants from Rus', as well as the Russians themselves, served as mercenaries in the Byzantine army and even once saved the basileus from the rebels. However, during the reign of Emperor Vasily II the Bulgarian-Slayers, relations between the Romans and the Rus deteriorated. In 988 Kyiv prince Vladimir besieged the Byzantine fortress of Kherson in Crimea. Although the Byzantines made concessions to the Slavs, marrying the emperor’s sister Anna to Vladimir, the Byzantines managed to achieve their goals. Vladimir accepted Christianity from them and spread new religion in Rus'. Now the Kyiv prince became a loyal ally of Byzantium.

The significance of Byzantium in the history of the Slavs

Byzantium had the most strong influence on the culture of southern and eastern Slavic peoples. They adopted Christianity from Byzantium and joined the high and refined Greco-Roman culture. Architecture, art, literature, many customs came to the Slavs from Byzantium. Byzantium, itself gradually fading away, seemed to give strength to the Slavic peoples. In this sense, the history of Byzantium is closely connected with the history of all southern and eastern Slavs, in particular, with the history of the peoples of Russia.

From the “Strategikon” (“Strategikon” - a manual on military affairs) by an unknown author (Pseudo-Mauritius) about the Slavs

The Slavic tribes are similar in their way of life, in their morals, in their love of freedom; they cannot in any way be induced to servitude or subjection in their own country. They are numerous, hardy, and easily tolerate heat and cold, rain, nudity, and lack of food. They treat foreigners who arrive to them kindly and, showing them signs of their affection (when they move) from one place to another, protect them if necessary...

They have a large number of various livestock and fruits of the earth lying in heaps, especially millet and wheat.

The modesty of their women exceeds all human nature, so most of them consider the death of their husband to be their death and voluntarily strangle themselves, not counting being a widow for life.

They settle in forests, near impassable rivers, swamps and lakes, and arrange many exits in their homes due to the dangers they naturally encounter. They bury the things they need in secret places, do not openly own anything unnecessary and lead a wandering life...

Each is armed with two small spears, some also have shields, strong but difficult to carry. They also use wooden bows and small arrows, soaked in a poison special for arrows, which is powerful if the wounded person does not take the antidote first, or (does not use) other aids, known to experienced doctors, or will not immediately cut off the wound site steeply so that the poison does not spread throughout the body.

Byzantine chronicler about the meeting of the Byzantine Basileus Roman I and the Bulgarian Tsar Simeon

In September (924)... Simeon and his army moved to Constantinople. He devastated Thrace and Macedonia, burned everything, destroyed it, cut down trees, and approaching Blachernae, he asked to send Patriarch Nicholas and some nobles to him to negotiate peace. The parties exchanged hostages, and Patriarch Nicholas was the first to go to Simeon (followed by other envoys)... They began to talk with Simeon about peace, but he sent them away and asked to meet with the Tsar himself (Roman), since, as he claimed, there were many heard about his intelligence, courage and intelligence. The king was very happy about this, for he thirsted for peace and wanted to stop this daily bloodshed. He sent people ashore... to build a reliable pier in the sea, to which the royal trireme could approach. He ordered the pier to be surrounded on all sides with walls, and a partition to be built in the middle where they could talk with each other. Simeon, meanwhile, sent soldiers and burned the temple Holy Mother of God, showing by this that he does not want peace, but is fooling the king with empty hopes. The Tsar, having arrived in Blachernae together with Patriarch Nicholas, entered the holy tomb, stretched out his hands in prayer... asked the All-Glorious and Immaculate Mother of God to soften the unbowed and inexorable heart of proud Simeon and convince him to agree to peace. And so they opened the holy ark, ( Icon (kiot) - a special cabinet for icons and relics) where the holy omophorion (i.e., the covering) of the Holy Mother of God was kept, and, having thrown it on, the king seemed to cover himself with an impenetrable shield, and instead of a helmet he placed his faith in the Immaculate Mother of God, and so left the temple, defended by reliable weapons. Having supplied his retinue with weapons and shields, he appeared at the appointed place for negotiations with Simeon... The king was the first to appear at the mentioned pier and stopped waiting for Simeon. The parties exchanged hostages, and the Bulgarians. They carefully searched the pier to see if there was any trick or ambush there, only after that Simeon jumped off his horse and went in to the king. After greeting each other, they began peace negotiations. They say that the king said to Simeon: “I heard that you are a pious man and a true Christian, however, as I see, words do not match deeds. After all, a pious person and a Christian rejoices in peace and love... and a wicked and infidel enjoys murders and unrighteously shed blood... What account will you give to God, having departed to another world, for your unrighteous murders? With what face will you look at the formidable and fair Judge? If you do this out of love for wealth, I will feed you enough of it, just hold back your right hand. Rejoice in peace, love harmony, so that you yourself can live a peaceful, bloodless and calm life, and Christians will get rid of misfortunes and stop killing Christians, for it is not right for them to raise a sword against fellow believers.” The king said this and fell silent. Simeon was ashamed of his humility and his speeches and agreed to make peace. Having greeted each other, they parted, and the king pleased Simeon with luxurious gifts.

Slavic countries are states that existed or still exist, having for the most part its population of Slavs (Slavic peoples). Slavic countries of the world are those countries in which the Slavic population is about eighty to ninety percent.

Which countries are Slavic?

Slavic countries of Europe:

But still, to the question “which country’s population belongs to the Slavic group?” The answer immediately arises - Russia. The population of Slavic countries today is about three hundred million people. But there are other countries in which Slavic peoples live (these are European states, North America, Asia) and speak Slavic languages.

Countries Slavic group can be divided into:

  • Western Slavic.
  • East Slavic.
  • South Slavic.

The languages ​​in these countries originated from one common language(it is called Proto-Slavic), which once existed among the ancient Slavs. It was formed in the second half of the first millennium AD. It is not surprising that most words are consonant (for example, Russian and Ukrainian languages ​​are very similar). There are also similarities in grammar, sentence structure, and phonetics. This is easy to explain if we take into account the duration of contacts between the inhabitants of the Slavic states. The lion's share Russian occupies the structure of Slavic languages. Its carriers are 250 million people.

Interestingly, the flags of Slavic countries also have some similarities in color scheme, available with longitudinal stripes. Does this have anything to do with their common origin? More likely yes than no.

Countries where Slavic languages ​​are spoken are not that numerous. But still Slavic languages still exist and are thriving. And several hundred years have passed! This only means that the Slavic people are the most powerful, persistent, and unshakable. It is important that the Slavs do not lose the originality of their culture, respect for their ancestors, honor them and preserve traditions.

Today there are many organizations (both in Russia and abroad) that revive and restore Slavic culture, Slavic holidays, even names for their children!

The first Slavs appeared in the second and third millennium BC. It goes without saying that the birth of this mighty people took place in the area modern Russia and Europe. Over time, the tribes developed new territories, but still they could not (or did not want to) go far from their ancestral homeland. By the way, depending on migration, the Slavs were divided into eastern, western, southern (each branch had its own name). They had differences in their way of life, agriculture, and some traditions. But still the Slavic “core” remained intact.

The emergence of statehood, war, and mixing with others played a major role in the life of the Slavic peoples. ethnic groups. The emergence of separate Slavic states, on the one hand, greatly reduced the migration of Slavs. But, on the other hand, from that moment on their mixing with other nationalities also dropped sharply. This allowed the Slavic gene pool to gain a strong foothold on the world stage. This affected both the appearance (which is unique) and the genotype (hereditary traits).

Slavic countries during the Second World War

The Second World War brought great changes to the countries of the Slavic group. For example, in 1938, the Czechoslovak Republic lost its territorial unity. The Czech Republic ceased to be independent, and Slovakia became a German colony. The following year the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth came to an end, and in 1940 the same happened to Yugoslavia. Bulgaria sided with the Nazis.

But there were also positive sides. For example, the formation of anti-fascist movements and organizations. A common misfortune united the Slavic countries. They fought for independence, for peace, for freedom. Such movements especially gained popularity in Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and Czechoslovakia.

The Soviet Union played in the Second World War key role. The citizens of the country selflessly fought against the Hitler regime, against the cruelty of German soldiers, against the fascists. The country has lost a huge number of its defenders.

Some Slavic countries during the Second World War were united by the All-Slavic Committee. The latter was created by the Soviet Union.

What is Pan-Slavism?

The concept of Pan-Slavism is interesting. This is a direction that appeared in the Slavic states in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It had the goal of uniting all the Slavs of the world on the basis of their national, cultural, everyday, linguistic community. Pan-Slavism promoted the independence of the Slavs and praised their originality.

The colors of Pan-Slavism were white, blue and red (these same colors appear on many country flags). The emergence of such a movement as Pan-Slavism began after the Napoleonic wars. Weakened and “tired,” the countries supported each other in difficult times. But over time, they began to forget about Pan-Slavism. But at the present time there is again a tendency to return to the origins, to the ancestors, to the Slavic culture. Perhaps this will lead to the formation of a neo-Panslavist movement.

Slavic countries today

The twenty-first century is a time of some discord in the relations of the Slavic countries. This is especially true for Russia, Ukraine, and EU countries. The reasons here are more political and economic. But despite the discord, many residents of countries (from the Slavic group) remember that all the descendants of the Slavs are brothers. Therefore, none of them wants wars and conflicts, but only want warm family relationships, as our ancestors once had.

Ancient Slavic state and religious plagiarism of Christians

Long before the formation of Kievan Rus, the ancient Slavs had one of the largest state entities which, according to historians, existed from 1600 to 2500 thousand years and was destroyed by the Goths in 368. The history of the ancient Slavic state was almost forgotten thanks to the German professors who wrote Russian history and set as their goal to rejuvenate the history of Rus', to show that the Slavic peoples were pristinely pure, not stained by the actions of the Russians, Ants, barbarians, Vandals and Scythians, whom the whole world remembered very well. The goal is to tear Rus' away from the Scythian past. Based on the work of German professors, a domestic one arose historical school. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov fought alone against the German professorship, arguing that the history of the Slavs goes back to ancient times.
The ancient Slavic state occupied lands from the Danube and the Carpathians to the Crimea, the North Caucasus and the Volga, and the subject lands captured the Trans-Volga and South Ural steppes. The Scandinavian name for Rus' sounds like Gardarika - a country of cities. Arab historians also write about the same thing, numbering Russian cities in the hundreds. At the same time, claiming that in Byzantium there are only five cities, the rest are “fortified fortresses.” In ancient documents, the state of the Slavs is referred to as Scythia and Ruskolan. In his works, Academician B.A. Rybakov, author of the books “Paganism of the Ancient Slavs” 1981, “Paganism ancient Rus'"1987, and many others, writes that the state of Ruskolan was the bearer of the Chernyakhov archaeological culture and experienced a heyday in the Trojan centuries (I-IV centuries AD). To show what level of scientists were studying ancient Slavic history, we will cite who was academician B.A. Rybakov. Boris Aleksandrovich Rybakov headed the Institute of Archeology for 40 years. Russian Academy Sciences, was director of the Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician-secretary of the Department of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honorary member of the Czechoslovak, Polish and Bulgarian Academies of Sciences, emeritus professor of Moscow University. M. V. Lomonosova, doctor historical sciences, honorary doctor of the Jagiellonian University of Krakow.
The word "Ruskolan" has the syllable "lan", present in the words "hand", "valley" and meaning: space, territory, place, region. Subsequently, the syllable “lan” was transformed into land. Sergei Lesnoy in his book “Where are you from, Rus'?” says the following: “With regard to the word “Ruskolun”, it should be noted that there is also a variant “Ruskolan”. If last option more correct, then you can understand the word differently: “Russian doe”. Lan - field. The whole expression: " Russian field". In addition, Lesnoy makes the assumption that there was a word “kolun”, which probably meant some kind of space. It is also found in other verbal environments. Historians and linguists also believe that the name of the state “Ruskolan” could come from two the words "Rus" and "Alan" named after the Rus and Alans who lived in a single state.
Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov was of the same opinion, who wrote: “The same tribe of Alans and Roxolans is clear from many places of ancient historians and geographers, and the difference is that Alans are the common name of an entire people, and Roxolans are a phrase derived from their place of residence, which It is not without reason that they are derived from the river Raa, as the ancient writers say that the Alans and Roxolans together are called Alanorsi by the figurative addition, and Strabo asserts the exact unity of the Rosses and Alans, which increases the reliability. that they were of the Slavic generation, because the Sarmatians were of the same tribe from ancient writers and are therefore of the same origin with the Varangian-Russians."
We also note that Lomonosov classifies the Varangians as Russians, which once again shows the fraud of the German professors, who deliberately called the Varangians alien, and not Slavic people. This fraud and the birth of the legend about the calling of a foreign tribe to reign in Rus' had a political background in order to Once again The “enlightened” West could point out to the “wild” Slavs how dense they were, and that it was thanks to the Europeans that the Slavic state was created. Modern historians except for the followers Norman theory, they also agree that the Varangians are precisely a Slavic tribe. Lomonosov writes: “According to Helmold’s testimony, the Alans were mixed with the Kurlanders, the same tribe of the Varangian-Russians.” Lomonosov writes Varangians-Russians, not Varangians-Scandinavians, or Varangians-Goths. In all documents of the pre-Christian period, the Varangians were classified as Slavs. Further, Lomonosov writes: “The Rugen Slavs were called in abbreviated form the Rans, that is, from the Ry (Volga) River, and the Rossans. This, by their resettlement to the Varangian shores, should be more clearly indicated. Weissel from Bohemia suggests that the Amakosovians, Alans came from the east to Prussia , Venda."
Lomonosov writes about the Rugen Slavs. It is known that on the island of Rügen in the city of Arkona there was the last Slavic pagan temple, destroyed in 1168. Now there is a Slavic museum there. Lomonosov writes that it was from the east that Slavic tribes came to Prussia and the island of Rügen and adds: “Such a migration of the Volga Alans, that is, Rossans or Rosses, to Baltic Sea happened, as can be seen from the evidence given above by the authors, not just once and not in short time, which is clear from the traces that have remained to this day with which the names of cities and rivers should be honored."
But let's return to the Slavic state. The capital of Ruskolani, the city of Kiyar, was located in the Caucasus, in the Elbrus region near the modern villages of Upper Chegem and Bezengi. Sometimes he was also called Kiyar Antskiy, named after Slavic tribe ants. The results of the expeditions to the site of the ancient Slavic city will be written at the end. Descriptions of this Slavic city can be found in ancient documents. "Avesta" in one of the places talks about the main city of the Scythians in the Caucasus near one of the most high mountains in the world. And as you know, Elbrus is the highest mountain not only in the Caucasus, but also in Europe in general. "Rigveda" tells about the main city of the Rus, all on the same Elbrus. Kiyar is mentioned in the Book of Veles. Judging by the text, Kiyar, or the city of Kiya the Old, was founded 1300 years before the fall of Ruskolani (368 AD), i.e. in the 9th century BC The ancient Greek geographer Strabo, who lived in the 1st century. BC. - early 1st century AD writes about the Temple of the Sun and the sanctuary of the Golden Fleece in the sacred city of the Russians, in the Elbrus region, on the top of Mount Tuzuluk. The foundation of an ancient structure was discovered on the mountain. Its height is about 40m, and its base diameter is 150m: the ratio is the same as Egyptian pyramids and other religious buildings of antiquity. There are many obvious and not at all random patterns in the parameters of the mountain and the temple. The observatory-temple was created according to a “standard” design and, like other Cyclopean structures - Stonehenge and Arkaim - was intended for astrological observations. In the legends of many peoples there is evidence of construction on sacred mountain Alatyr ( modern name- Elbrus) this majestic building, revered by everyone ancient peoples. There are mentions of him in national epic Greeks, Arabs, European peoples. According to Zoroastrian legends, this temple was captured by Rus (Rustam) in Usenem (Kavi Useinas) in the second millennium BC. Archaeologists officially note at this time the emergence of the Koban culture in the Caucasus and the appearance of the Scythian-Sarmatian tribes. The temple of the Sun is also mentioned by the geographer Strabo, placing in it the sanctuary of the Golden Fleece and the oracle of Eetus. Eat detailed descriptions this temple and confirmation that there were held astronomical observations. The Sun Temple was a veritable paleoastronomical observatory of antiquity. Priests who had certain knowledge created such observatory temples and studied stellar science. Not only dates for maintaining were calculated there Agriculture, but also, most importantly, determined major milestones world and spiritual history. The Arab historian Al Masudi described the Temple of the Sun on Elbrus as follows: “In the Slavic regions there were buildings revered by them. Among others, they had a building on a mountain, about which philosophers wrote that it was one of the highest mountains in the world. There is a story about this building: about the quality of its construction, about the arrangement of its different stones and their different colors, about the holes made in its upper part, about what was built in these holes for observing the sunrise, about the precious stones placed there and the signs marked in it, which indicate future events and warn against incidents before their implementation, about the sounds heard in the upper part of it and about what befalls them when listening to these sounds." In addition to the above documents, information about the main ancient Slavic city, the Temple of the Sun and the Slavic state as a whole is in the Elder Edda, in Persian, Scandinavian and ancient Germanic sources, in the Book of Veles.
For example, this is how they talk about two wars between the Goths ( ancient Germanic tribe) and the Slavs, the invasion of the Goths into the ancient Slavic state by the Gothic historian of the 4th century Jordan in his book “The History of the Goths” and “The Book of Veles”. In the middle of the 4th century, the Gothic king Germanarech led his people to conquer the world. It was great commander. According to Jordanes, he was compared to Alexander the Great. The same thing was written about Germanarakh and Lomonosov:
"Ermanarik, king of the Ostrogoths, for his courage in capturing many northern peoples was compared by some to Alexander the Great."
Judging by the testimony of Jordan, " Elder Edda" and the "Book of Veles", Germanareh, after long wars, captured almost all Eastern Europe. He fought along the Volga to the Caspian Sea, then fought on the Terek River, crossed the Caucasus, then walked along the Black Sea coast and reached Azov. According to the Book of Veles, Germanareh first made peace with the Slavs (“drank wine for friendship”), and only then “came against us with a sword.” The peace treaty between the Slavs and Goths was sealed by the dynastic marriage of Bus's sister Lebedi and Germanarekh. This was payment for peace, for Hermanarekh was many years old at that time (he died at 110 years old, the marriage was concluded shortly before that). According to Edda, Swan-Sva was wooed by the son of Germanarekh Randver, and he took her to his father. And then Earl Bikki, Germanareh's adviser, told them that it would be better if Randver got the Swan, since both of them were young, and Germanareh was an old man. These words pleased Swan-Sva and Randver, and Jordan adds that Swan-Sva fled from Germanarech. And then Germanareh executed his son and Swan. And this murder was the cause of the Slavic-Gothic War. Having treacherously violated the “peace treaty”, Germanarekh defeated the Slavs in the first battles. But then, when Hermanarekh moved into the heart of Ruskolani, the Antes stood in the way of Hermanarekh. Germanarekh was defeated. According to Jordan, he was struck in the side by the Rossomons (Ruskolans) Sar (king) and Ammius (brother). The Slavic prince Bus and his brother Zlatogor inflicted a mortal wound on Germanarech, and he soon died. This is how Jordan, the Book of Veles, and later Lomonosov wrote about it.
“The Book of Veles”: “And Ruskolan was defeated by the Goths of Germanarekh. And he took a wife from our family and killed her. And then our leaders flocked to him and defeated Germanarekh.”
Jordan."History is ready": "The unfaithful family of Rosomons (Ruskolans)... took advantage of the following opportunity... After all, after the king, driven by rage, ordered a certain woman named Sunhilda (Swan) from the named family for treacherously leaving her husband tear apart, tying them to fierce horses and causing the horses to run away different sides, her brothers Sar (Bus) and Ammius (Zlat), taking revenge for the death of their sister, struck Germanarekh in the side with a sword."
M. Lomonosov: “Yermanarik ordered Sonilda, a noble Roksolan woman, to be torn to pieces by horses because her husband ran away. Her brothers Sar and Ammius, avenging the death of their sister, pierced Ermanarik in the side; he died from the wound at one hundred and ten years old.”
A few years later, the descendant of Germanarekh Amal Vinitarius invaded the lands of the Slavic tribe of Antes. In the first battle he was defeated, but then “began to act more decisively,” and the Goths, led by Amal Vinitar, defeated the Slavs. The Slavic prince Busa and 70 other princes were crucified by the Goths on crosses. This happened on the night of March 20-21, 368. On the same night that Bus was crucified, a total lunar eclipse occurred. Also, a monstrous earthquake shook the earth (the entire Black Sea coast shook, there was destruction in Constantinople and Nicaea. Later, the Slavs gathered strength and defeated the Goths. But the former powerful Slavic state was no longer restored.
“The Book of Veles”: “And then Rus' was defeated again. And Busa and seventy other princes were crucified on crosses. And there was great turmoil in Rus' from Amala Vend. And then Sloven gathered Rus' and led it. And that time the Goths were defeated And we did not allow Zhal to go anywhere. And everything was fine. And our grandfather Dazhbog welcomed the soldiers - many of our fathers, who won victories. And there were no troubles and many worries, and so the Gothic land became ours. will endure."
Jordan. “History is ready”: Amal Vinitarius... moved the army into the territory of the Antes. And when he came to them, he was defeated in the first skirmish, then he behaved more bravely and crucified their king named Boz with his sons and 70 noble people, so that the corpses of the hanged would double the fear of the conquered."
Bulgarian chronicle "Baradzh Tarikh": "Once in the land of the Anchians, the Galidzians (Galicians) attacked Bus and killed him along with all 70 princes."

Busa and 70 Gothic princes were crucified in the eastern Carpathians at the sources of the Seret and Prut, on current border Wallachia and Transylvania. In those days, these lands belonged to Ruskolani, or Scythia. Much later, under the famous Vlad Dracula, it was at the site of Bus’s crucifixion that mass executions and crucifixions were held. The bodies of Bus and the rest of the princes were removed from the crosses on Friday and taken to the Elbrus region, to Etaka (a tributary of the Podkumka). According to Caucasian legend, the body of Bus and other princes was brought by eight pairs of oxen. Bus's wife ordered a mound to be built over their grave on the banks of the Etoko River (a tributary of Podkumka) and in order to perpetuate the memory of Bus, she ordered the Altud River to be renamed Baksan (Busa River). Caucasian legend says:
“Baksan (Bus) was killed by the Gothic king with all his brothers and eighty noble Narts. Hearing this, the people gave in to despair: the men beat their chests, and the women tore the hair on their heads, saying: “Dauov’s eight sons are killed, killed!”

Anyone who has carefully read “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” remembers that it mentions the long-gone Time of Busovo.
The year 368, the year of the crucifixion of Prince Bus, has an astrological meaning. According to Slavic astrology, this is a milestone. On the night of March 20-21, 368, the era of Aries ended and the era of Pisces began.
It was after the story of the crucifixion of Busa, which became known in ancient world and the plot of the crucifixion of Christ appeared in Christianity. The canonical Gospels nowhere say that Christ was crucified on the cross. Instead of the word “cross” (kryst), the word “stavros” is used there, which means pillar, and it does not speak of crucifixion, but of pillaring. That is why there are no early Christian images of the crucifixion. Acts 10:39 says that Christ was “hanged on a tree.” The plot with the crucifixion first appeared only 400 years later!!! years after the execution of Christ, translated from Greek. The question arises: why, if Christ was crucified and not hanged, did Christians write in their holy books for four hundred years that Christ was hanged? Somehow illogical! It was the Slavic-Scythian tradition that influenced the distortion of the original texts during translation, and then the iconography (for there are no early Christian images of crucifixions). The meaning of the original Greek text was well known in Greece itself (Byzantium), but after appropriate reforms in the modern Greek language, unlike the previous custom, the word “stavros” took on, in addition to the meaning of “pillar,” also the meaning of “cross.” In addition to the direct source of execution - the canonical Gospels, others are also known. In the Jewish tradition, which is closest to the Christian one, the tradition of the hanging of Jesus is also affirmed. There is a Jewish “Tale of the Hanged Man” written in the first centuries of our era, which describes in detail the execution of Jesus by hanging. And in the Talmud there are two stories about the execution of Christ. According to the first, Jesus was stoned, not in Jerusalem, but in Lud. According to the second story, because Jesus was of royal descent, and stoning was also replaced by hanging. And it was official version Christians for 400 years! Even throughout the Muslim world it is generally accepted that Christ was not crucified, but hanged. In the Koran, based on early Christian traditions, Christians are cursed who claim that Jesus was not hanged, but crucified, and who claim that Jesus was Allah (God) himself, and not a prophet and the Messiah, and also denies the crucifixion itself. Therefore, Muslims, respecting Jesus, do not reject either the Ascension or the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ, but they reject the symbol of the cross, since they rely on early Christian texts, which speak of hanging, and not crucifixion.
Moreover, as described in the Bible natural phenomena they simply could not have taken place in Jerusalem on the day of Christ’s crucifixion. The Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Matthew say that Christ suffered passionate torment on the spring full moon from Holy Thursday to Good Friday, and that there was an eclipse from the sixth to the ninth hour. The event, which they call an “eclipse,” occurred at a time when, for objective astronomical reasons, it simply could not have happened. Christ was executed during the Jewish Passover, and it always falls on a full moon. Firstly, there are no solar eclipses during a full moon. During a full moon, the Moon and Sun are at opposite sides Earth so the Moon cannot cover the Earth in any way sunlight. Secondly, solar eclipses unlike lunar ones, they do not last three hours, as it is written in the Bible. Maybe the Judeo-Christians meant a lunar eclipse, but the whole world did not understand them? But sunny and lunar eclipses are calculated very easily. Any astronomer will say that in the year of Christ’s execution and even in the years close to this event there were no lunar eclipses. The nearest eclipse points precisely to only one date - the night of March 20 to 21, 368 AD. This is an absolutely accurate astronomical calculation. Namely, on this night from Thursday to Friday, March 20/21, 368, Bus and 70 other princes were crucified by the Goths. On the night of March 20-21, a total lunar eclipse occurred, which lasted from midnight until three o'clock on March 21, 368. This date was calculated by astronomers, including the director Pulkovo Observatory N. Morozov. Why did Christians write from the year 33 that Christ was hanged, and after 368 they rewrote the “holy” scripture and began to claim that Christ was crucified? Apparently the crucifixion plot seemed more interesting to them and they once again engaged in religious plagiarism. This is where the information came from in the Bible that Christ was crucified, that he suffered torment from Thursday to Friday, that there was an eclipse. Having stolen the plot with the crucifixion, the Judeo-Christians decided to provide the Bible with details of the execution Slavic prince, without thinking that people in the future will pay attention to the described natural phenomena, which could not have happened in the year of Christ’s execution in the place in which he was executed.
And this is far from the only example of Christians stealing materials. Speaking about the Slavs, we recall the myth of Arius’s father, who received a covenant from Dazhbog on Alatyr Mountain (Elbrus), and in the Bible, Arius and Alatyr miraculously turned into Moses and Sinai. Or the Christian rite of baptism. The Christian rite of baptism is one third of the Slavic pagan rite, which included: naming, fire baptism and water bath. In Christianity, only the water bath remained. We can recall examples from other traditions. Mithra - born on December 25th!!! 600 years before the birth of Jesus!!! December 25th - to the day 600 years later, Jesus was born. Mithra was born of a virgin in a stable, a star rose, the Magi came!!! Everything is the same as with Christ, only 600 years earlier. The cult of Mithra included: baptism with water, holy water, belief in immortality, belief in Mithras as a savior god, the concepts of Heaven and Hell. Myrtha died and was resurrected in order to become a mediator between God the Father and man! Plagiarism of Christians 100%. More examples. Immaculately conceived: Gautama Buddha - India 600 BC; Indra - Tibet 700 BC; Dionysus - Greece; Quirinus - Roman; Adonis-Babylon all in the period from 400-200 BC; Krishna-India 1200 BC; Zarathustra-1500 BC. In short, anyone who has read the originals knows where Christians got the materials for their writing.
But let's return to Slavic history. The discovery of an ancient Slavic city in the Caucasus no longer looks so surprising. In recent decades, several ancient Slavic cities have been discovered in Russia and Ukraine. The most famous today is the famous Arkaim, whose age is 5000 thousand years. In 1987, in the Southern Urals in the Chelyabinsk region, during the construction of a hydroelectric power station, a fortified settlement of the early urban type, dating back to the Bronze Age, was discovered. to the times of the ancient Aryans. Arkaim is five hundred to six hundred years older than the famous Troy. Slightly older than even the Egyptian pyramids. The discovered settlement is an observatory city. During its study, it was established that the monument was a city fortified by two wall circles inscribed within each other, ramparts and ditches. The dwellings in it were trapezoidal in shape, closely adjacent to each other and located in a circle in such a way that the wide end wall of each dwelling was part of the defensive wall. Every house has a bronze casting stove! But according to traditional academic knowledge, bronze came to Greece only in the second millennium BC. Later, the settlement turned out to be integral part the most ancient Indo-European civilization - the “Country of Cities” of the Southern Trans-Urals. Scientists have discovered a whole complex of monuments belonging to this amazing culture.
Despite their small size, fortified centers can be called proto-cities. The use of the concept “city” to fortified settlements of the Arkaim-Sintashta type is, of course, conditional. However, they cannot be called simply settlements, since the Arkaim “cities” are distinguished by powerful defensive structures, monumental architecture, complex systems communications. The entire territory of the fortified center is extremely rich in planning details; it is very compact and carefully thought out. From the point of view of the organization of space, what we have in front of us is not even a city, but a kind of super-city.
Fortified centers Southern Urals older than Homeric Troy by five to six centuries. They are contemporaries of the first dynasty of Babylon, the pharaohs of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt and the Cretan-Mycenaean culture of the Mediterranean. The time of their existence corresponds to the last centuries of the famous civilization of India - Mahenjo-Daro and Harappa.
In 2005, V. Putin visited Arkaim.
Website of the Arkaim Museum-Reserve:

In Ukraine, in Tripolie, the remains of a city were discovered, the same age as Arkaim, about five thousand years. It is five hundred years older than the civilization of Mesopotamia - the Sumerian!
At the end of the 90s, not far from Rostov-on-Don, in the town of Tanais, settlement cities were found, the age of which even scientists find it difficult to name. Age varies from ten to thirty thousand years. The traveler of the last century, Thor Heyerdahl, believed that from there, from Tanais, the entire pantheon of Scandinavian Gods, led by Odin, came to Scandinavia.
On the Kola Peninsula, slabs with inscriptions in Sanskrit that are 20,000 years old have been found. And only Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, as well as the Baltic languages ​​coincide with Sanskrit. Draw conclusions.
The results of the expedition to the site of the capital of the ancient Slavic city of Kiyara in the Elbrus region. Five expeditions were carried out: in 1851, 1881, 1914, 2001 and 2002. In 2001, the expedition was headed by A. Alekseev, and in 2002 the expedition was carried out under the patronage of the State Astronomical Institute named after Shtenberg (SAI), which was supervised by the director of the institute, Anatoly Mikhailovich Cherepashchuk. Based on data obtained as a result of topographic, geodetic studies of the area, recording of astronomical events , the expedition participants made preliminary conclusions that are fully consistent with the results of the 2001 expedition, based on the results of which in March 2002. a report was made at a meeting of the Astronomical Society at the State Astronomical Institute in the presence of employees of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, members of the International Astronomical Society, and the State Historical Museum. A report was also made at a conference on the problems of early civilizations in St. Petersburg. What exactly did the researchers find? At Mount Karakaya, in rocky ridge at an altitude of 3,646 meters above sea level between the villages of Upper Chegem and Bezengi on the eastern side of Elbrus, traces of the capital of Ruskolani, the city of Kiyar, were found, which existed long before the birth of Christ, which is mentioned in many legends and epics different nations world, as well as the oldest astronomical observatory - the Temple of the Sun, described by the ancient historian Al Masudi in his books precisely as the Temple of the Sun. The location of the found city exactly coincides with the instructions from ancient sources. Later, the location of the city was confirmed by the 17th century Turkish traveler Evliya Celebi. Found on Mount Karakaya the remains of an ancient temple, caves and graves. An incredible number of fortifications and ruins of temples were discovered, and many were preserved quite well. In the valley near the foot of Mount Karakaya, on the Bechesyn plateau, menhirs were found - tall man-made stones similar to wooden pagan idols. On one of the stone pillars the face of a knight is carved, looking straight to the east. And behind the menhir you can see a bell-shaped hill. This is Tuzuluk ("Treasury of the Sun"). At its top you can actually see the ruins of the ancient sanctuary of the Sun. At the top of the hill there is a tour celebrating highest point. Then three large rocks, hand-cut. Once upon a time, a slit was cut in them, directed from north to south. Stones were also found laid out like sectors in the zodiac calendar. Each sector is exactly 30 degrees. Each part of the temple complex was intended for calendar and astrological calculations. In this, it is similar to the South Ural city-temple of Arkaim, which has the same zodiac structure, the same division into 12 sectors. It is also similar to Stonehenge in Great Britain. What makes it similar to Stonehenge is, firstly, that the axis of the temple is also oriented from north to south, and secondly, one of the most important distinguishing features of Stonehenge is the presence of the so-called “Heel Stone” at a distance from the sanctuary ". But at the sanctuary of the Sun on Tuzuluk there is also a landmark-menhir. There is evidence that at the turn of our era the temple was plundered by the Bosporan king Pharnaces. The temple was finally destroyed in IV AD. Goths and Huns. Even the dimensions of the temple are known; 60 cubits (about 20 meters) in length, 20 (6-8 meters) in width and 15 (up to 10 meters) in height, as well as the number of windows and doors - 12 according to the number of signs of the Zodiac. As a result of the work of the first expedition, there is everything there is reason to believe that the stones on the top of Mount Tuzluk served as the foundation of the Sun Temple. Mount Tuzluk is a regular grassy cone about 40 meters high. The slopes rise to the top at an angle of 45 degrees, which actually corresponds to the latitude of the place, and, therefore, looking along it you can see the North Star. The axis of the temple foundation is 30 degrees with the direction to the Eastern peak of Elbrus. The same 30 degrees is the distance between the axis of the temple and the direction to the menhir, and the direction to the menhir and the Shaukam pass. Considering that 30 degrees - 1/12 of a circle - corresponds to a calendar month, this is not random coincidence. The azimuths of sunrise and sunset on the days of the summer and winter solstice differ by only 1.5 degrees from the directions to the Kanjal peaks, the “gate” of two hills in the depths of the pastures, Mount Dzhaurgen and Mount Tashly-Syrt. There is an assumption that the menhir served as a heel stone in the Temple of the Sun, similar to Stonehenge, and helped predict solar and lunar eclipses. Thus, Mount Tuzluk is tied to four natural landmarks along the Sun and is tied to the Eastern peak of Elbrus. The height of the mountain is only about 40 meters, the diameter of the base is about 150 meters. These sizes are comparable to the sizes of the Egyptian pyramids and other religious buildings. In addition, two square tower-shaped tours were discovered at the Kayaeshik pass. One of them lies strictly on the axis of the temple. Here, on the pass, there are foundations of buildings and fortress ramparts. In addition, in the central part of the Caucasus, at the northern foot of Elbrus, in the late 70s and early 80s of the 20th century, ancient center metallurgical production, remains of smelting furnaces, settlements, burial grounds. Summarizing the results of the work of the expeditions of the 1980s and 2001, which discovered the concentration within a radius of several kilometers of traces of ancient metallurgy, deposits of coal, silver, iron, as well as astronomical, religious and other archaeological objects, we can confidently assume the discovery of one of the most ancient cultural And administrative centers Slavs in the Elbrus region. During expeditions in 1851 and 1914, archaeologist P.G. Akritas examined the ruins of the Scythian Temple of the Sun on the eastern slopes of Beshtau. The results of further archaeological excavations of this sanctuary were published in 1914 in “Notes of Rostov-on-Don historical society". It was described there huge stone“in the form of a Scythian cap”, installed on three abutments, as well as a domed grotto. And the beginning of major excavations in Pyatigorye was laid by the famous pre-revolutionary archaeologist D.Ya. Samokvasov, who described 44 mounds in the vicinity of Pyatigorsk in 1881. Subsequently, after the revolution, only some mounds were examined, only initial exploration work was carried out on the ancient settlements by archaeologists E.I. Krupnov, V.A. Kuznetsov, G.E. Runich, E.P. Alekseeva, S.Ya. Baychorov, Kh.Kh. Bidzhiev and others.