The theories of the formation of the ancient Russian state are brief. Formation of the Old Russian state

1. Prerequisites

The Old Russian state emerged as a result of the complex interaction of a whole complex of both internal and external factors, socio-economic, political and spiritual.

First of all, one should take into account the changes that occurred in the economy of the Eastern Slavs in the 8th-9th centuries. Yes, already noted agricultural development , special arable land in the steppe and forest-steppe region of the Middle Dnieper region, led to the appearance of excess product, which created the conditions for the separation of the princely-druzhina group from the community (occurred department of military-administrative labor productive ).

In the North of Eastern Europe, where, due to harsh climatic conditions, agriculture could not become widespread, fisheries continued to play a major role, and the emergence of excess product was the result of development exchange And foreign trade.

In the region where arable farming spread, evolution of the tribal community, which, thanks to the fact that now a separate large family could ensure its existence, began to transform into agricultural or neighboring (territorial) Such a community, as before, mainly consisted of relatives, but unlike the clan community, the arable land, divided into plots, and the products of labor were here in the use of individual large families who owned tools and livestock. This created some conditions for property differentiation, but social stratification did not occur in the community itself - the productivity of agricultural labor remained too low. Archaeological excavations of East Slavic settlements of that period discovered almost identical semi-dugout family dwellings with the same set of objects and tools.

In addition, on the vast forest territory of the East Slavic world, clearing was preserved, and because of its labor intensity, it required the efforts of the entire clan collective. Thus, there has been an unevenness in the development of individual tribal unions.

The political factors in the formation of the state of the Eastern Slavs include the complication of intra-tribal relations and inter-tribal clashes, which accelerated the formation of princely power and increased the role of princes and squads both defending the tribe from external enemies and acting as an arbiter in various kinds of disputes.

In addition, inter-tribal struggle led to the formation of inter-tribal alliances led by the most powerful tribe and its prince. These unions took the form of tribal kingdoms. As a result, the power of the prince, which he sought to transform into hereditary power, depended less and less on volitional meetings, became stronger, and his interests became increasingly alienated from the interests of his fellow tribesmen.

The formation of the prince's power was also facilitated by the evolution of the pagan ideas of the Slavs of that era. Thus, as the military power of the prince grew, bringing booty to the tribe, defending it from external enemies and taking upon his shoulders the problem of resolving internal disputes, his prestige grew and, at the same time, alienation from free communities occurred.

Thus, as a result of military successes, his performance of complex managerial functions, the prince’s removal from the usual range of affairs and concerns for the community, which often resulted in the creation of a fortified inter-tribal center - the residence of the prince and the squad, he began to be endowed with supernatural powers and abilities by his fellow tribesmen, and they increasingly saw him as a guarantee well-being of the entire tribe, and his personality was identified with a tribal totem. All this led to the sacralization of princely power and created spiritual prerequisites for the transition from communal to state relations.

External prerequisites include the “pressure” that its neighbors, the Khazars and Normans, exerted on the Slavic world.

On the one hand, their desire to take control of the trade routes connecting the West with the East and South accelerated the formation of princely squad groups drawn into foreign trade. By collecting, for example, trade products, primarily furs, from their fellow tribesmen and exchanging them for products of prestigious consumption and silver from foreign merchants, selling them captured foreigners, the local nobility increasingly subjugated tribal structures, enriched themselves and isolated themselves from ordinary communities. Over time, she, united with the Varangian warrior-merchants, will begin to exercise control over trade routes and trade itself, which will lead to the consolidation of previously disparate tribal principalities located along these routes.

On the other hand, interaction with more developed civilizations led to the borrowing of some socio-political forms of life. It is no coincidence that for a long time the great princes in Rus' were called, following the example of the Khazar Khaganate, - Khakans (khagans). The Byzantine Empire has long been considered the true standard of state and political structure.

It should also be taken into account that the existence of a powerful state formation in the Lower Volga - the Khazar Kaganate - protected the Eastern Slavs from the raids of nomads, who in previous eras (the Huns in the 4th - 5th centuries, the Avars in the 7th century) slowed down their development, interfered with peaceful work and, in as a result, the emergence of the “embryo” of statehood.

In Soviet historical science, for a long time, priority in the formation of the state was given to internal socio-economic processes; some modern historians believe that external factors played a decisive role; however, it seems that only the interaction of both internal and external with insufficient socio-economic maturity of the East Slavic society could lead to the historical breakthrough that occurred in the Slavic world in the 9th-10th centuries.

2. The main stages of the formation of the Old Russian state

In its development, the ancient Russian state went through a number of stages. Let's look at them.

At the first stage of the formation of the ancient Russian state (8th-mid-9th centuries), the maturation of prerequisites and the formation of inter-tribal alliances and their centers - principalities, which are mentioned by Eastern authors, take place. By the 9th century the emergence of the polyudya system is ascending, i.e. collection of tribute by collaborators in favor of the prince, which in that era, most likely, was still of a voluntary nature and was perceived as compensation for military and administrative services.

At the second stage (2nd half of the 9th century - mid-10th century), the process of the formation of the state accelerates largely due to the active intervention of external forces - the Khazars and Normans (Varangians). PVL speaks of the raids of the warlike inhabitants of Northern Europe, which forced the Ilmen Slovenes, Krivichi, and Finno-Ugric tribes of Chud and Vesi to pay tribute. In the South, the Khazars collected tribute from the glades, northerners, Radimichi and Vyatichi.

Data from the Tale of Bygone Years. The chronicler notes (under 862) that the Slavs were able to drive the Varangians overseas. But soon a discord broke out between them, “and clan went against clan and fought against each other.” (Most likely, the chronicle reflected the rivalry between the tribal unions of the North and their nobility between whom there was a so-called “struggle of prestige”). In these conditions, unwilling to give primacy to any of their own, the Slavs and Finno-Ugrians said: “Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order (order) in it. “Yes, you will come to reign and rule over us,” they decided to turn to their Varangian neighbors, who were called Russia, and their prince - Rurik, with his brothers Sineus and Truvor. The invitation was accepted, Ruriksel in Novgorod (according to other sources - in Staraya Ladoga), Sineus - in Beloozero, Truvor - in Izborsk. Two years after the death of the brothers, Rurik began to rule alone. In 882, his successor, Prince Oleg, captured Kyiv by cunning, killing the rulers there, Askold and Dir, the Normans who had previously left Rurik. After this, he freed the Slavic tribes from the Khazar tribute and subjugated them to his power.

Norman theory of the origin of the ancient Russian state. These chronicle data formed the basis of the so-called. “Norman theory”, developed in the 18th century. German scientists in the Russian service. Its supporters attributed the creation of the state to the Varangians, who also gave their name - “Rus”. Extreme Normanists concluded that the Slavs were eternally backward, allegedly incapable of independent historical creativity.

Some pre-revolutionary and most Soviet historians, however, from different methodological positions, disputed this theory.

Thus, Academician B.A. Rybakov argued that the Vikings appeared in Eastern Europe when the Kievan state (which supposedly arose in the 6th century) had already taken shape and was used only as a mercenary military force. He considered the chronicle information about the peaceful “calling of the Varangians” to be a late insertion, invented under the influence of the political situation that developed in Kiev during the reign of Vladimir Monomakh. “Rus”, in his opinion, is a derivative of the Ros River (the right tributary of the Dnieper south of Kyiv).

Modern researchers, overcoming the extremes of Normanism and anti-Normanism, have come to the following conclusions: the process of forming the state began before the Varangians, the very fact of their invitation to reign indicates that this form of power was already known to the Slavs; Rurik, a real historical figure, being invited to Novgorod to play the role of arbiter, perhaps a defender from the “overseas Varangians” (Svei), seizes power. His appearance in Novgorod (peaceful or violent) is in no way connected with the birth of the state; the Norman squad, not burdened by local traditions, more actively uses the element of violence to collect tribute and unite Slavic tribal unions, which, to a certain extent, accelerates the process of the formation of the state. At the same time, there is a consolidation of the local princely squad, its integration with the Varangian squads and the Slavicization of the Varangians themselves; Oleg, having united the Novgorod and Kyiv lands and bringing together the path of the “bizars to the Greeks,” brought the economic base to the emerging state; the ethnonym “Rus” is of northern origin. And although the chronicle refers her to one of the Norman tribes, most likely this is a collective name (from the Finnish ruotsi - oarsmen) under which was hidden not an ethnic, but an ethnosocial group, consisting of representatives of various peoples engaged in sea robbery and trade. Then, on the one hand , it becomes clear the spread of this term, no longer associated with any ethnic group, among the Eastern Slavs, and on the other hand, the rapid assimilation of the Varangians themselves, who also adopted local pagan cults and did not cling to their gods.

During the reign Oleg (879-912) power over the territory from Ladoga to the lower reaches of the Dnieper was concentrated in his hands. A unique federation of tribal principalities led by the Grand Duke of Kyiv took shape. His power was manifested in the legal collection of tribute from all members of this association of tribes. Oleg, relying on the power of the Slavic-Norman squads and “warriors” (armed free community members), made a successful campaign against Byzantium in 907. As a result, an agreement beneficial for Rus' was signed, providing it with the right to duty-free trade. New concessions were contained in the agreement of 911.

Igor (912 -945) sought to preserve the unity of the intertribal federation, and also defended its borders from the formidable nomads that appeared - the Pechenegs. In the 40s, he made two campaigns against Byzantium, which violated its agreements with Russia. As a result, having failed, he concluded a less favorable agreement in 944, and in 945, during the polyud in the Drevlyan land, he was killed for demanding tribute beyond the usual.

Third, the final stage of the formation of the state begins with the reforms of the princess Olga. Having taken revenge on the Drevlyans for the death of her husband, she establishes a fixed rate of tribute, and arranges for its collection “ churchyards ”, which became the support of princely power in the localities. The policy of her son Svyatoslav (964-972), famous for its victory over Khazaria and campaigns on the Danube, which ended in failure, required the mobilization of significant forces for external conquests. This somewhat delayed the internal structure of the Russian land.

The complete elimination of tribal principalities occurs during the reign of St. Vladimir (980-1015). His first steps did not promise any qualitative changes. So, in 981, continuing the policy of expanding the territory of the intertribal federation, he annexed the southwestern (Galicia, Volyn) and western (Polotsk, Turov) lands.

He's trying strengthen the pagan faith, therefore, its power. For this purpose, a pantheon of five main gods was created, led by Perun, who was especially revered among the princely warriors. But this measure changed little, and then Vladimir launched a kind of “spiritual revolution” from above - he introduced in 988. Christianity This essentially monotheistic religion made it possible to displace local pagan cults and laid the spiritual foundation for the emerging unified Russian people and the ancient Russian state.

The next decisive step that completes the creation of the state is replacement Vladimir tribal princes with their sons, called upon to defend the new faith and strengthen the power of the Kiev prince locally. Thus, he turned the Russian land into the possession of the Rurik family. The consolidation of power gave him the opportunity to organize the population of the entire country to create powerful defensive lines on the southern borders and resettle here part of the Slovenes, Krivichi, Chud and Vyatichi. The Grand Duke himself, if we recall the epics, begins to be perceived by the popular consciousness not as a warrior-defender, but as the head of state, organizing the protection of its borders.

By the end of the 10th century, the main features of the ancient Russian state had developed: dynastic (tribal) princely power; the simplest state apparatus in the person of the squad and governors of the prince; tribute system; the territorial principle of settlement, displacing the tribal one; a monotheistic religion that enhances the process of sacralization of princely power.

3. Features and historical significance of the formation of the state of the Eastern Slavs

The severity of the climatic conditions of Eastern Europe and the isolation from the centers of ancient civilization delayed and slowed down the process of state formation among the Eastern Slavs. It was formed as a result of a complex interaction of internal and external factors, which allowed it to appear based on only one communal basis. The Germanic tribes, having adopted the achievements of Roman civilization, approached state forms of organizing social life earlier and faster.

One of the features of the ancient Russian state was that from its very beginning it was multi-ethnic in composition. In the future, this will contribute to the fact that the main forces ensuring internal unity will be the state and the Orthodox religion.

The formation of the state had important historical significance for the Eastern Slavs. It created favorable conditions for the development of agriculture, crafts, foreign trade, and influenced the formation of the social structure. For example, the exercise of power in a later period contributed to the transformation of princes and boyars into landowners.

Thanks to the formation of the state, ancient Russian culture is formed, and a unified ideological system of society is formed.

Within the framework of the Old Russian state, the formation of a single Old Russian nationality took place - the basis of three East Slavic peoples: Great Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian.

For centuries after its emergence, the Old Russian state fought off the “waves” of nomads, took the blow upon itself, thereby providing favorable conditions for the development of European civilization. On the other hand, Rus' became a kind of bridge through which cultural and trade exchanges took place between the West and the East. However, the intercivilizational position of Rus' will largely influence its own path of development, causing internal contradictions and deepening the sociocultural split.


1. Dumin S.V., Turilov A.A. “Where did the Russian land come from?” // History of the Fatherland: people, ideas, decisions: Essays on the history of Russia IX - beginning. XX century M., 1991.

2. Kirpichnikov A.N., Dubov I.V., Lebedev G.S. Rus' and the Varangians: Russian - Scandinavian relations of the pre-Mongol era // Slavs and Scandinavians. M., 1986.

3. Lovmyansky L.A. Rus' and the Normans. M., 1985.

4. Novoseltsev A.P. The formation of the Old Russian state and its first ruler. // Questions of history, 1991, No. 2.

5. Petrukhin V.Ya. The beginning of the ethnocultural history of Rus' in the 9th-11th centuries. Smolensk, 1995.

6. Rybakov B.A. Paganism of the ancient Slavs. M., 1981.

7. Sedov V.V. Eastern Slavs in the VI-XIII centuries. M., 1982.

8. Froyanov I.Ya. Historical realities in the chronicle tale about the calling of the Varangians // Questions of History. 1991, No. 6.

9. Encyclopedia for children. v. Russian history. From the ancient Slavs to Peter the Great. M., 1995.

10. Reader on the history of Russia. T.1. From ancient times to the seventeenth century. M., 1994.

The prerequisites for the formation of the Old Russian state were the collapse of tribal ties and the development of a new method of production. The Old Russian state took shape in the process of the development of feudal relations, the emergence of class contradictions and coercion.

Among the Slavs, a dominant layer gradually formed, the basis of which was the military Nobility of the Kyiv princes - the squad. Already in the 9th century, strengthening the position of their princes, the warriors firmly occupied leading positions in society.

It was in the 9th century. In Eastern Europe, two ethnopolitical associations were formed, which ultimately became the basis of the state. It was formed as a result of the unification of the glades with the center in Kyiv.

Slavs, Krivichi and Finnish-speaking tribes united in the area of ​​Lake Ilmen (center in Novgorod). In the middle of the 9th century. this association began to be ruled by a native of Scandinavia, Rurik (862-879). Therefore, the year 862 is considered the year of formation of the ancient Russian state.

The presence of Scandinavians (Varangians) on the territory of Rus' is confirmed by archaeological excavations and records in chronicles. In the 18th century German scientists G.F. Miller and G.Z. Bayer proved the Scandinavian theory of the formation of the ancient Russian state (Rus).

M.V. Lomonosov, denying the Norman (Varangian) origin of statehood, associated the word “Rus” with the Sarmatians-Roxolans, the Ros River, flowing in the south.

Lomonosov, relying on “The Legend of the Princes of Vladimir,” argued that Rurik, being a native of Prussia, belonged to the Slavs, which were the Prussians. It was this “southern” anti-Norman theory of the formation of the ancient Russian state that was supported and developed in the 19th and 20th centuries. historians.

The first mentions of Rus' are attested in the “Bavarian Chronograph” and date back to the period 811-821. In it, the Russians are mentioned as a people within the Khazars inhabiting Eastern Europe. In the 9th century Rus' was perceived as an ethnopolitical entity on the territory of the glades and northerners.

Rurik, who took control of Novgorod, sent his squad led by Askold and Dir to rule Kiev. Rurik's successor, Varangian Prince Oleg(879-912), who took possession of Smolensk and Lyubech, subjugated all the Krivichi to his power, and in 882 he fraudulently lured Askold and Dir out of Kyiv and killed them. Having captured Kyiv, he managed to unite by force of his power the two most important centers of the Eastern Slavs - Kyiv and Novgorod. Oleg subjugated the Drevlyans, Northerners and Radimichi.

In 907, Oleg, having gathered a huge army of Slavs and Finns, launched a campaign against Constantinople (Constantinople), the capital of the Byzantine Empire. The Russian squad devastated the surrounding area and forced the Greeks to ask Oleg for peace and pay a huge tribute. The result of this campaign was peace treaties with Byzantium that were very beneficial for Rus', concluded in 907 and 911.

Oleg died in 912, and his successor was Igor(912-945), son of Rurik. In 941 he attacked Byzantium, which violated the previous treaty. Igor's army plundered the shores of Asia Minor, but was defeated in a naval battle. Then in 945, in alliance with the Pechenegs, he launched a new campaign against Constantinople and forced the Greeks to once again conclude a peace treaty. In 945, while trying to collect a second tribute from the Drevlyans, Igor was killed.

Igor's widow Duchess Olga(945-957) ruled due to the childhood of his son Svyatoslav. She brutally took revenge for the murder of her husband by ravaging the lands of the Drevlyans. Olga organized the sizes and places of collecting tribute. In 955 she visited Constantinople and was baptized into Orthodoxy.

Svyatoslav(957-972) - the bravest and most influential of the princes, who subjugated the Vyatichi to his power. In 965 he inflicted a number of heavy defeats on the Khazars. Svyatoslav defeated the North Caucasian tribes, as well as the Volga Bulgarians, and plundered their capital, the Bulgars. The Byzantine government sought an alliance with him to fight external enemies.

Kyiv and Novgorod became the center of formation of the ancient Russian state, and the East Slavic tribes, northern and southern, united around them. In the 9th century both of these groups united into a single ancient Russian state, which went down in history as Rus'.

It seems very difficult to accurately determine the time period with which the emergence of the Old Russian state is associated. It is known that this event was preceded by a long period of formation and development of tribal relations in the communities inhabiting the East European Plain.

Already in the first millennium of the new era, Slavic agricultural tribes began to develop the territory of future Rus'. In the fifth century, during the process of formation in society, several dozen separate principalities or unions were formed. These were unique political associations, which later transformed into a slaveholding or early feudal state. From the Tale of Bygone Years the location and name of these reigns becomes known. So, the Polyans lived near Kyiv, the Radimichi - along the Sozh River, the Northerners - in Chernigov, the Vyatichi - near Dregovichi occupied the Minsk and Brest regions, the Krivichi - the cities of Smolensk, Pskov and Tver, the Drevlyans - Polesie. In addition to the plain, the Proto-Balts (ancestors of the Estonians and Latvians) and the Fino-Ugrians inhabited the plain.

In the seventh century, more stable political formations were formed, and cities emerged - centers of principalities. This is how Novgorod, Kyiv, Polotsk, Chernigov, Smolensk, Izborsk, Turov appeared. Some historians are inclined to connect the emergence of the Old Russian state with the formation of these cities. This is partly true. However, an early feudal state with a monarchical form of government emerged a little later, in the ninth and tenth centuries.

The emergence and development of the Old Russian state among the East Slavic peoples is associated with the founding of the ruling dynasty. From chronicle sources it is known that in 862 Prince Rurik ascended the Novgorod throne. In 882, the two main centers of Southern and Northern Rus' (Kyiv and Novgorod) were united into one state. The new administrative-territorial entity was named Kievan Rus. became its first ruler. During this period, a state apparatus appeared, order was strengthened, and princely rule became a hereditary prerogative. This is how the Old Russian state emerged.

Later, other northerners, the Drevlyans, the Ulichs, the Radimichi, the Vyatichi, the Tivertsy, the Polyans, and others, also became subordinate to Kievan Rus.

Historians are inclined to believe that the emergence of the Old Russian state was caused by the active growth of trade and economic relations. The fact is that a waterway ran through the lands of the East Slavic peoples, which was popularly called “from the Varangians to the Greeks.” It was he who played a significant role in bringing these two principalities together to achieve common economic goals.

The main function of the Old Russian state was to protect the territory from external attack and implement an active foreign policy of a military orientation (campaigns against Byzantium, the defeat of the Khazars, etc.).

It falls during the reign of Ya. the Wise. This period is characterized by the presence of an established system of public administration. The squad and boyars were under the authority of the prince. He had the right to appoint posadniks (to manage cities), governors, mytniks (to collect trade duties), and tributaries (to collect land taxes). The basis of the society of the Old Russian principality was made up of both urban and rural residents.

The emergence of a state is a long and complex process. Kievan Rus was heterogeneous in its ethnic composition and multinational. Along with it, it also included Baltic and Finnish tribes. And subsequently it gave growth and development to three Slavic peoples: Ukrainians, Russians and Belarusians.

It is impossible to say exactly when it appeared Old Russian state, Nowadays, scientists cannot give the exact date. Different groups of historians name several dates, but many of them agree on one thing - the appearance of Ancient Rus' can be dated back to the 9th century. For this reason, several different theories of the origin of the ancient Russian state, each theory is unique in its own way and tries to provide evidence about its version of the emergence of a great state.

The origin of the ancient Russian state is brief

In the famous “Tale of Bygone Years” it is written that Rurik and his brothers were asked to reign in Novgorod in 862. Therefore, this date became for many scientists the beginning emergence of Ancient Rus'. The Varangian princes sat on the thrones:

  • Sineus - in Belozer;
  • Truvor - in Izborsk;
  • Rurik - in Novgorod.

After some time, Prince Rurik managed to unite all the lands together.

Prince Oleg captured Kyiv in 882, with his help he was able to unite the most important groups of lands, and in the future he annexed the remaining main territories. During this period, due to the unification of the lands of the Eastern Slavs, they were able to turn into a large state. Therefore, according to most scientists, formation of the ancient Russian state dates back to the 9th century.

The most famous theories of the origin of the ancient Russian state

Norman theory

Scientists Bayer and Miller argued that the Old Russian state was founded by immigrants from Scandinavia, that is, Normans; in Rus' they were also called Varangians. This theory originated in The Tale of Bygone Years. The main arguments of the Normanists were that all the first rulers of Rus' were called by Scandinavian names (Oleg, Rurik, Olga, Igor).

Anti-Norman theory

The anti-Norman theory claims that the state of Ancient Rus' arose from completely different objective reasons. Most historical sources say that the government of the Eastern Slavs was first than that of the Varangians. The famous scientist M. Lomonosov is the founder of this theory. The theory states that period of historical development The Slavs were higher than the Normans in terms of political development. The Varangian principalities, in his opinion, became the second local political form.

Compromise theory

The theory also has a name Slavic-Varangian. The first person to try to connect these 2 theories was the Russian historian V. Klyuchevsky. He believed that the "urban region" was the earliest local political form that emerged in Rus'. A city region was a trading district governed by a fortified city. After maintaining the independence of the city regions, as well as the unification of the Varangian principalities, another political form was able to emerge; it was called the Principality of Kiev.

Iranian-Slavic theory

According to this theory there was 2 types of Rus- Rugs (residents of Rügen) and Black Sea Russes. The Ilmen Slovenes invited the Rus-Obodrits (Rugs). Therefore, the rapprochement of the Russians occurred due to the unification of the East Slavic tribes into one state.

Indo-Iranian theory

The theory states that the ethnonym “ros” has a different origin than “rus”, it is more ancient. Some supporters of this opinion note that the people “grew” were mentioned back in the sixth century in "Church History".

Even today scientists cannot say exactly when the Old Russian state appeared. Different groups of historians talk about many dates, but most of them agree on one thing: the appearance of Ancient Rus' can be dated back to the 9th century. That is why various theories of the origin of the ancient Russian state are widespread, each of which tries to prove its own version of the emergence of the great state.

The emergence of the Old Russian state briefly

As it is written in the world-famous “Tale of Bygone Years,” Rurik and his brothers were called to reign in Novgorod in 862. This date for many became the beginning of the countdown of the statehood of Ancient Rus'. The Varangian princes sat on the thrones in Novgorod (Rurik), Izborsk (Truvor), and Belozero (Sineus). After some time, Rurik managed to unite the represented lands under a single authority.

Oleg, a prince from Novgorod, captured Kyiv in 882 to unite the most important groups of lands, and then annexed the remaining territories. It was from that period that the lands of the Eastern Slavs united into a large state. In other words, the formation of the ancient Russian state dates back to the 9th century, according to most scientists.

The most common theories of the origin of the ancient Russian state

Norman theory

The Norman theory tells that the Varangians, who at one time were called to the throne, were able to organize the state. We are talking about the brothers mentioned above. It is worth noting that this theory originates in The Tale of Bygone Years. Why were the Varangians able to organize a state? The whole point is that the Slavs allegedly quarreled among themselves, unable to come to a common decision. Representatives of the Norman theory say that Russian rulers turned to foreign princes for help. It was in this way that the Varangians established the political system in Rus'.

Anti-Norman theory

The anti-Norman theory states that the state of Ancient Rus' appeared for other, more objective reasons. Many historical sources say that the statehood of the Eastern Slavs took place before the Varangians. At that period of historical development, the Normans were lower than the Slavs in terms of political development. In addition, the state cannot arise in one day thanks to one person, it is the result of a long-term social phenomenon. The autochthonous (in other words, Slavic theory) was developed thanks to its successors - N. Kostomarov, M. Grushevsky. The founder of this theory is the scientist M. Lomonosov.

Other famous theories

In addition to these most common theories, there are several more. Let's look at them in more detail.

THE IRANO-SLAVIC THEORY of the emergence of the state says that there were 2 separate types of Russians in the world - the inhabitants of Rügen (Russians-Obodrits), as well as the Black Sea Russes. Some Ilmen Slovenes invited the Obodrit Russians. The rapprochement of the Russians occurred precisely after the unification of the tribes into one state.

The COMPROMISE theory is in other words called Slavic-Varangian. One of the first adopters of this approach to the formation of the Russian state was the historical figure Klyuchevsky. The historian identified a certain urban area - an early local political form. We are talking about a trading district, which was controlled by a fortified city. He called the Varangian principalities the second local political form. After the unification of the Varangian principalities and the preservation of the independence of the city regions, another political form emerged, called the Grand Duchy of Kyiv.

In addition, there is a theory called Indo-Iranian. This theory is based on the opinion that Ros and Rus are completely different nationalities that arose at different times.

Video: Rurik. History of Russian Goverment

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