Geography characteristics of the country plan. Standard plans for the characteristics of geographical objects

Plan for describing the geographical location of the continent
1. The location of the continent relative to the equator, the tropics ( polar circles) And prime meridian.
2. Extreme points continents, their coordinates and the length of the continent in degrees and kilometers from north to south and from west to east.
3. In what climatic zones is the continent located?
4. Oceans and seas washing the continent.
5. The location of the continent relative to other continents.

Plan for describing the relief of the territory
1. What is the general nature of the surface? How can this be explained?
2. How are landforms located in the study area?
3. What are the highest and most dominant altitudes?

Climate description plan

1. In what climatic zone and in what region is the territory located?
2. What are the average temperatures in July and January. Direction and reasons for their change.
3. Prevailing winds by season.
4. Annual amount of precipitation and its regime. Reasons for the difference in their numbers.

River description plan
1. In what part of the continent does it flow?
2. Where does it start? Where does it flow?
3. And in what direction does it flow?
4. Explain the dependence of the nature of the flow on the relief.
5. Determine the river's food sources,
6. What is the river regime and how does it depend on climate?

Natural area description plan
1. Geographical position zones.
2. Geology, tectonics, relief.
3. Climate
4. Internal oxen.
5. Soils.
6. Vegetation
7. Animal world.

Plan EGP characteristics country (region)
1. Position in relation to neighboring countries.
2. Position in relation to the main land and sea transport routes.
3. Position in relation to the main fuel and raw material bases, industrial and agricultural areas.
4. Position in relation to the main distribution areas of products.
5. Change in EGP over time.
6. General information about the influence of EGP on the development and distribution of the country’s economy.

Industry characteristics plan
1. The importance of the industry and the size of its products,
2. Natural prerequisites for the development of the industry.
3. Industry structure.
4. The main factors influencing the location of the industry and the main features of its geography: industry and industrial areas.
5. Industry dependence on exports and imports
6. General conclusion. Industry development prospects.

Characteristics plan Agriculture countries
1. Industry importance and product size.
2. Natural conditions for the development of the industry.
3. Features of agrarian relations.
4. Industry structure, ratio of crop production and livestock production.
5. Geography of crop and livestock production, agricultural areas
6. General conclusion. Prospects for population growth and labor supply.

Territory exploration plan economic region
1. EGP of the district
2. Natural conditions, resources of the area and their economic assessment
3. Labor resources and the possibilities of their use.
4. Historical background development National economy economic region.
5. Specialization of the economy (industry and agriculture).
6. Relationships between industries and territories within the region, forms of production location (TPK, nodes, centers).
7. Cities.
8. General conclusion. Development prospects.


Country characteristics plan

1. Economic and geographical location.

2. Population.

3. Housekeeping.

4. Industry.

5. Agriculture.

6. Transport.

7. External economic relations.

Plan for characterizing the economic and geographical position of the country

1. Economic and political assessment of borders

2. The country’s position in relation to transport routes of international importance.

3. Position in relation to physical and geographical objects of economic importance.

4. Changes in the economic and geographical position over time (due to changes in the socio-economic system, the composition of the territory, the development of means of transport and other factors).

Population Characteristics Plan

1. Number and natural increase.

2. Migration.

3. Location, population density.

4. Ratio of urban and rural population.

5. Age and sex composition.

6. Employment structure.

7. Class composition.

8. National composition.

9. Religious composition.

Farm characteristics plan

1. The country’s place in the international geographical division of labor.

2. Relations of production and form of ownership.

3. Level and pace of economic development.

4. Economic structure.

5. Accommodation.

Industry Characteristics Plan

1. Economic assessment natural resources for industrial development (reserves, quality, mining and geological conditions of occurrence of minerals, water, forest resources, placement of resources relative to economic centers):

a) sources of fuel and energy;

b) raw materials for ferrous metallurgy;

c) raw materials for non-ferrous metallurgy;

d) fossil raw materials for chemical industry;

d) general conclusion: how the country is provided with natural resources for industrial development (export and import of natural resources).

2. Prevailing forms of ownership.

3. Industry structure.

4. Location of the most important industries; main industrial centers, nodes, regions and their specialization.

Agriculture Characteristics Plan

1. Assessment of natural resources for agriculture:

a) supply of plants with moisture;

b) provision of plants with heat;

V) differences in temperature, humidity and heat across the country: climate type; natural zones and soils; main natural differences on the territory; unfavorable weather conditions and possible economic measures to overcome them.

2. Agrarian relations. Their influence on the agrotechnical level of agriculture.

3. Structure of agriculture.

4. Location of the main branches of agriculture.

5. Agricultural areas.

Transport characteristics plan

1. Economic assessment of natural conditions.

2. Level of transport development. Meaning individual industries transport in the country's economy.

3. Location of main transport routes, railway junctions, ports, airports

External characteristics plan economic ties

1. The main forms of external economic relations.

2. Composition of exports and imports and main directions of foreign trade.

Foreign Asia. Australia

1. Choose a pair: country - economic specialization.








    Saudi Arabia.



A) automotive industry;

B) bicycle production;

B) growing jute;

D) copper mining;

D) oil production;

E) tin mining;

G) growing spices;

H) shipbuilding;

I) cotton growing;

K) growing tea.

2. What is it? geographical similarity Australia and Canada.

3. Why Australia can be called " great power»?

5. Describe one of the states Overseas Asia according to plan:

    Political-geographical location;

    Economic and geographical location.

    Political system and structure.


A) numbers and reproduction;

B) accommodation;

B) urbanization;

    Natural conditions.

    Natural resources.

    Industry specialization.

    Specialization in agriculture.

    TNCs and firms;

    Big cities.

1.What subregions are distinguished in Asia?

2. By what geographical and economic indicators Is Asia the leading region in the world?

3. What role does Asia play in the international division of labor?

7. What are the features of the location of the farm on the territory of the country?

9. In what types of products does Australia take a leading position in the world economy?

Australia. Test. Grade 11.

1. Australia ranks first in the world in production:

A . oilB. bauxite

IN. copper oreG . iron ore.

2. The head of state in Australia is officially considered:

A. the presidentB. Prime Minister

IN . Queen of Great BritainG. governor general

3. How many states are there in Australia?

A . 20 B . 8 IN . 6 G. 10.

4. Which of the following Australian cities does not have a population of 1 million?


A. CanberraB . PerthIN . AdelaideG . Brisbane

5. Administrative center The Australian state of New South Wales is:

A . MelbourneB . SydneyIN . CanberraG . Brisbane.

6. Currency unit Australia is called:

A .Australian francB .Australian pound

IN . Australian dollarG .Australian shilling

7. Which country is Australia's main foreign trade partner?

A . New Zealand B . Great BritainIN . JapanG . Germany.

8. Which statement about Melbourne is true?

A . This oldest city Australia

B . This city is the capital of the state of South Australia

IN . This The largest city countries.

G. It is the southernmost millionaire city in the world.

9. Name the Australian deserts.

10. Who were the first European settlers in Australia?

1.B 2B 3B 4A 5B 6B 7B 8D

9 Great Desert Victoria and Bol. sandy desert

10 convicts from Great Britain

Option 2

1- F 2. Large in area.

2-K 3. Are part of the Commonwealth



5 B






Plan for describing the physical and geographical position of the continent

1. The name of the continent and its dimensions.

2. The position of the continent relative to the equator and the prime meridian.

3. Extreme points and theirs geographical coordinates.

4. What and where the continent is washed.

5. Neighborhood with other continents.

6. Conclusion about the geographical location.

Ocean Description Plan

1. The name of the ocean and its size.

2. The position of the ocean relative to the equator and the prime meridian.

3. What and where the ocean washes.

4. Neighborhood with other oceans.

5. Largest seas and bays.

6. Average and maximum depth ocean.

7. The most important warm and cold currents.

8. Human use of the ocean, the most important transport routes.

9. Conclusion about the geographical position of the ocean.

Plan of physical and geographical characteristics of the plain

1. Name of the plain.

2. Size of the territory.

3. Geographical position of the plain:

What part of the continent is it located in?

· what landforms and where it borders.

· what and where to wash.

4. View of the plain in absolute and relative height.

5. The highest and lowest elevations.

6. Minerals.

7. Human activity.

Physical-geographical characteristics plan mountainous country

1. Name of a mountainous country.

2. Geographical position of the mountains:

What part of the continent are they in?

· what relief forms and where they border.

· what and where they wash themselves.

3. Type of mountains by absolute height, age, presence of a main ridge.

    Name highest peak and its absolute height and geographical coordinates.

6. Minerals.

7. Human activity.

Sea description plan

1. Name of the sea.

2. Dimensions of the water area.

3. Geographical position of the sea:

· in which part of which ocean is it located?

· what and where it washes.

4. View of the sea.

5. Average and absolute sea depth.

6. Largest islands.

7. Biological and mineral resources seas.

8. Human activity.

Plan for describing the relief of the territory

    General character surfaces. How can we explain it?

    Position different forms relief in the study area.

    Predominant and greatest heights.