Quotes from Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky. “Without acquiring the feelings of a citizen, a male child, growing up, becomes a male being of middle age, and then of old age, but he is not a man

With his main and only novel, “What is to be done?” Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky made a significant contribution to the development of Russian literature. But he is remembered more as a literary critic, publicist, and utopian philosopher. His statements and sayings are presented to your attention.

Without acquiring the feelings of a citizen, a male child grows up to become a male being of middle age, and then of old age, but he does not become a man, or at least does not become a man of noble character.

Wealth is a thing without which you can live happily, but prosperity is a thing necessary for happiness.

There is only one undoubted happiness in life - to live for another.

The truth is the power of talent; wrong direction destroys the strongest talent.

Imagination builds its castles in the air when there is not only good home, even a tolerable hut.

To betray the homeland requires extreme baseness of soul.

Art is a means of conversation with people.

He who has not studied man in himself will never achieve deep knowledge of people.

Progress is the desire to elevate a person to the dignity of man.

A child who suffers less insults grows up to be more self-aware of his dignity.

Talent gives everyone double the price.

Learned literature saves people from ignorance, and elegant literature saves people from rudeness and vulgarity.

The nature of the means must be the same as the nature of the goal, only then can the means lead to the goal. Bad means are only suitable for bad ends.

Feeling self-esteem develops only by being an independent owner.

There is nothing more disastrous for people both in private and state life, how to act hesitantly, pushing away friends and timid in front of enemies.

If you are afraid of a strong fire, then you need to run there and work, and you won’t be afraid at all.

And if we remember that there are plants in which fertilization occurs in ways simpler and more reliable than the transfer of stamen dust from male flowers to female pistils by insects, then it will be clear that the development of an orchid flower could not be the result natural selection: if the course of the matter depended on him, then plants with such a flower structure as orchids could not exist; they would be supplanted by plants, the fertilization of which is accomplished by simpler and more certain methods, and in which, therefore, the power of reproduction is incomparably more powerful. So, if we forget the big facts, then we can explain the development of orchid flowers by the action of natural selection; and if we recall the major facts, it is clear that the very existence of orchids refutes the idea of ​​the predominance of natural selection in the process of development of an organization, that its increase is produced by the action of some other forces that overcome its action. If it predominated, then not only orchids in particular could not exist, but in general no plants that have an organization higher than those that reproduce according to the method of mosses and fungi.
(From the article “The Origin of the Theory of the Beneficence of the Struggle for Life” (Preface to some treatises on botany, zoology and the sciences of human life), 1888)

Damn people, I can’t do it anymore. Such tasks are just a complete oops! help me, I need to explain the meaning of the statement - “Without acquiring the feelings of a citizen

a male child, growing up, becomes a male being of middle age and then of old age, but he does not become a man, or at least does not become a man of noble character."

Explain the meaning of the statement.

“without acquiring the feelings of a citizen, a male child, growing up, becomes a male creature of middle age and then old age, but he does not become a man, or at least does not become a man of noble character” (N.G. Chernyshevsky).

Well, someone please help me....

“Without acquiring the feelings of a citizen, a male child,

Having grown up, he becomes a male creature of middle age, and then of old age,

But he doesn't become a man, or at least he doesn't

A man of noble character"

Give a legal assessment to the situations outlined below!

1. Sixteen-year-old Evgeniy got a well-paid job. With the money he earns, he not only eats and dresses, but also helps his sick mother. With his savings, he bought himself a video camera, and after a while he decided to sell it and buy a laptop. His neighbor next door, Maxim, agreed to buy a camera on credit. Evgeniy gave Maxim the camera, and Maxim undertook to pay the money for the camera within a month. Evgeniy’s mother began to fear that her son would be left without a camera and without money. She turned to Maxim demanding the return of the camera. Maxim and Evgeniy stated that no one has the right to tell Evgeniy what to do with his things purchased with the money he earned, especially since he not only does not depend financially on his mother, but on the contrary, helps her.

Do Evgeniy’s actions comply with the law?

2. College student Andrei, 14 years old, with the approval of his parents, began collecting money to buy a computer. a year later he had the amount necessary for the purchase, and 20% of this amount was set aside by him from the scholarship, 30% was given to him by his grandfather through his parents, and he earned the remaining 50% during the holidays. Without asking his parents' permission, he bought a computer from his friend, 16-year-old Sergei, and he still had some money left, with which he opened a bank account. Andrei's parents, believing that their son had made a bad purchase, demanded that Sergei and his parents terminate the contract. Meanwhile, Sergey and Andrey said that they would not terminate the contract, since both the money and the computer did not belong to their parents.

Are they compliant with the law? legal actions committed by Andrey and Sergey?

D. Pisarev

Without acquiring the habit of original participation in civil cases, without acquiring the feelings of a citizen, a male child, growing up, becomes a male being of middle age, and then of old age, but he does not become a man, or at least does not become a man of noble character. It is better for a person not to develop than to develop without the influence of thoughts about public affairs, without the influence of the feelings awakened by participation in them. If from the circle of my observations, from the sphere of action in which I move, ideas and motives that have a common benefit are excluded, that is, excluded civic motives, what remains for me to observe?.. There remains a troublesome turmoil individuals with personal narrow concerns about his pocket, his belly or his fun.

N. Chernyshevsky

In some families, they won’t let a single friend through without showing him how well the children recite poetry, how well they dance, how well they speak French, etc. These family public exams are even funnier and more harmful than the public exams of many of ours educational institutions. How often during these examinations does education so unnaturally combat the innate precious modesty of children; how often pride, envy, vanity, impudence, and coquetry are inflated in them with such care, as if these were the best human virtues.

Under the influence of this family selfishness and the vanity resulting from it spoils not only the mental, but also moral education our children: how often we suppress in them the most precious properties of the human soul solely because they do not manifest themselves in those forms that we have agreed to call decent. Selfishness, pride, vanity become the most motivating motives of education...

K. Ushinsky

They usually assume that a child can be deceived: after all, he is stupid and will not understand; and yet the difference between truth and untruth is formed in him precisely in such a way that he learns to verify what he hears with something visible and tangible. If they tell him that “mom is not at home,” and he accidentally sees her, then at the first opportunity, if he doesn’t like something, he will declare that he himself is not at home. The more often he is deceived and the more he encounters in the family a discrepancy between words and deeds, the less the signs of the truth become clear to him and the easier it is for him to begin to say only what is more profitable for him. It must be firmly remembered that the child initially only knows the impressions received by his senses, he only obeys them and acts exclusively on the basis of these purely real impressions; he certainly does only what is pleasant to him, and avoids everything that is in any way unpleasant to him. They tend to hide everything from a child, but if he sees that those around him are using something and are not giving it to him, then at the first opportunity he will certainly appropriate the thing that is interesting to him, since it is in a bad place, and then in any similar situation. case, will not fail to repeat the same thing. Having been caught in his misdeeds and punished for this, he, again from experience, sees that it is necessary to be more careful and that it is more advantageous to take advantage of every opportunity so that it is not seen or known; he tries to be smart and takes advantage of opportunities more carefully, more secretly. Punishment cannot reveal to him objective signs of the truth, it will only show him that not getting caught is good, but getting caught is evil, and, having the opportunity to do harm to someone, he will do exactly as they did to him during punishment.

P. Lesgaft

Individuality is made up of hereditary properties and characteristics in the development history of each person. Personal characteristics must be constantly borne in mind when educating, otherwise it will not correspond to the needs of the subject, will be stereotyped, too abstract, unsuitable in in this case. General rules must be constantly modified and applied to the needs of given circumstances. It is impossible to scientifically create individual pedagogy, since science deals with the general, not the particular. Application common principles education to the properties of a given personality is a matter of the art of parents and educators, a matter of their creativity. Therefore in family education, with all its penetration by scientific elements, there will always remain a share of art, a rather significant area allocated to personal creativity, tact, experience, and insight of those raising a child. We hasten to add that personal creativity in the practice of education can be fruitful only with extensive scientific training. Only general principles can be applied to the education of a given individual. scientific statements, which need to be studied, and not personal fabrications and own fantasies.

P. Kapterev

I would give two rules for education: not only to live well, but to work on yourself, constantly improving, and not to hide anything from your life from your children. It's better to know about weak sides their parents than for them to feel that their parents have a life hidden from them and a life that is ostentatious. All the difficulties of upbringing arise from the fact that parents, not only not correcting themselves from their shortcomings, but not even recognizing them as shortcomings, justifying them in themselves, want not to see these shortcomings in their children. This is the whole difficulty and the whole struggle with children. Children are morally much more perceptive than adults, and they - often without showing it or even realizing it - see not only the shortcomings of their parents, but also the worst of all shortcomings - hypocrisy! parents, and lose respect for them and interest in all their teachings. 1

L. Tolstoy

It is necessary that both boys and girls equally learn to do everything necessary around the house and not consider doing this work as something unworthy of themselves.

Anyone who has observed children knows that in early childhood Boys are just as willing as girls to help their mother cook, wash dishes, and do any housework. It all seems so interesting! But usually in a family from the very early years begin to differentiate between boys and girls. The girls are given the task of washing the cups and setting the table, and the boy is told: “Why are you all hustling around in the kitchen, is this a man’s business?” Girls are given dolls, dishes, boys are given locomotives and soldiers. TO school age The boy has already sufficiently developed contempt for “girls” and their activities. True, this contempt is still of a very superficial nature, and as soon as a different line is taught at school, this contempt for “women’s business” will quickly disappear.

For these purposes, it is necessary to teach boys, on an equal basis with girls, in sewing, knitting, mending linen - everything that one cannot do without in life and ignorance of which makes a person helpless and makes one dependent on others.

N. Krupskaya

Correct Soviet education It’s impossible to imagine how education is unearned. Labor has always been the basis for human life, for creating the well-being of human life and culture...

Children's labor participation in family life should begin very early. It should start in the game. The child should be told that he is responsible for the integrity of the toys, for the cleanliness and order in the place where the toys are and where he plays. And this work must be placed before him in the most general outline: must be clean, not scattered or poured, there must be no dust on the toys. Of course, you can show him some cleaning techniques, but in general it’s good if he himself realizes that to wipe off dust you need to have a clean rag, if he himself begs this rag from his mother, if he presents certain requirements for this rag. sanitary requirements, if he demands a better rag, etc. In the same way, the repair of broken toys should be left to him to the extent that he is able to do so, of course, with the provision of certain materials at his disposal.

With age, work assignments should be complicated and separated from play...

A. Makarenko

Labor of the soul

An important element in raising a child should be the development of an aesthetic sense, associated mainly with the function of the higher perceptive organs of vision and hearing, which cannot but be seen as particularly important principle in the upbringing of first childhood. It is necessary to develop a sense of grace as early as possible... This is not difficult to do when examining with the child suitable drawings that are accessible to his understanding. Graceful drawings of domestic animals, birds, boys and girls, in the appropriate setting, always arouse the interest of children, and these images should be used to decorate his nursery.

Likewise in toys: one must observe possible grace and a certain artistry, so that they support and develop the child’s desire for everything beautiful and sublime. In this regard, it takes a lot of skill to make an appropriate selection of toys, from which, in my opinion, everything that is mocking should be eliminated, everything that can frighten and disgust a child with its unpleasant or frightening appearance, and, of course, everything that may be condemned from the point of view of ethics, purity of morals and public decency...

No less, if not more, important factor in the development of aesthetic sense are singing and music. As for singing, children listen to it very early and become quiet at the first sounds of the song, and in the period close to sleep, they calmly fall asleep to the singing of their mother... In this case, singing already gives the first impetus to the development of an aesthetic musical sense . Over time, children themselves begin to sing simple children's songs, first measuring the words accordingly, and then giving them the appropriate musical tonality.

All this should, if possible, be supported and developed in the child, and for greater interest, it is advisable to organize common games with singing early! in the form of, for example, a small round dance or even arrange something like dancing, even if they consisted of simple stamping of feet.

Musical instruments are very important assistants in the development of aesthetic sense.

V. Bekhterev

Children should early and for a long time plunge into nature, absorb its impressions, experience the thoughts and feelings that it arouses in every living soul. Children certainly need to freeze themselves in winter, play in the snow, go sledding, get their hands into the snow, clearly understand how the frost stings their cheeks and ears; they need to enjoy the delights of summer, pick mushrooms and berries, swim, languish from the heat, hide from it in the shade of the forest, get wet in the rain, splash in the mud, they need to experience all the properties of the seasons, their pleasant and unpleasant sides, see everything for themselves rural work in the field, in the meadow, at the threshing floor, at the mill, village holidays, village life, so close to nature, so closely adjacent to it; children themselves need to see the sunrise and sunset, the stars, the moon, in a word, they need to get used to nature in its various phenomena. Only under this condition will the child’s external feelings develop correctly, the mind will be nourished with healthy, age-appropriate impressions, and the heart will experience the simplest human joys and sorrows. It would be extremely sad if a child began to get acquainted with nature in parks and zoological gardens.

P. Kapterev

There are many aspects of a child’s life, deep and serious experiences that seek a way out and, not finding it, remain hidden, putting pressure on the psyche, becoming a source of unexpected oddities, whims and incomprehensible diseases. A relaxed, imaginative play for children that reflects life experience children; its progress depends not only on speed, dexterity of movements and one or another degree of intelligence, but also on wealth inner life developing in the soul of a child...

Firstfruits creative power exist for almost everyone, small and big people- you just need to create suitable conditions for its manifestation.

S. Shatsky

It is necessary that the child learns to feel like the master of the world and the heir to all its blessings - we need to cultivate in ourselves pride in the inheritance of centuries, we ourselves must fall in love with the fabulous work of our ancestors, the products of which are full of our museums, treasuries of cultural conquests, our cities, which are becoming more and more museums - this pride in the past and love for it comes from knowledge of the history of culture, knowledge of the life of mankind; instill this love and pride in the past hearts of children, heirs of all the work of the world!..

Man - each of us - is a conclusion from the premises of the past and a necessary premise for the future - we are all people, and I don’t know a name that can be pronounced with more pride and love than the name - man! This is what, it seems to me, needs to be instilled in a child.

M. Gorky

The work of the soul means to suffer, to suffer from the suffering and pain of a person - first of all, a mother, father, sister, grandfather, grandmother. Don't be afraid to open young soul for this suffering - they are grateful. Let a nine-year-old son not sleep at night at the bedside of his sick mother or father, let someone else’s pain fill every corner of his heart. One of the most excruciatingly difficult things in teaching is teaching a child the labor of love.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Man takes possession and in native speech, and the alphabet musical culture- the ability to perceive, understand, feel, experience the beauty of a melody - only in childhood. What is missed in childhood is very difficult, almost impossible, to catch up in mature years. The child's soul is equally sensitive to native word, and to the beauty of nature, and to the musical melody. If you bring beauty to your heart in early childhood piece of music, if the child feels multifaceted shades in sounds human feelings, he will rise to a level of culture that cannot be achieved by any other means. The feeling of the beauty of a musical melody reveals to the child his own beauty - small man realizes his dignity. Musical education is not the education of a musician, but, first of all, the education of a person.

Music is a powerful source of thought. Without musical education full mental development of a child is impossible. The primary source of music is not only the world, but also the man himself, his spiritual world, thinking and speech. A musical image reveals to people in a new way the features of objects and phenomena of reality. The child’s attention seems to focus on objects and phenomena that music has revealed to him in a new light, and his thought draws a bright picture; this picture begs to be translated into words. The child creates with words, drawing material from the world for new ideas and reflections.

Music - imagination - fantasy - fairy tale - creativity - this is the path along which a child develops his spiritual powers...

A fairy tale is inseparable from beauty, it contributes to the development of aesthetic feelings, without which the nobility of the soul, heartfelt sensitivity to human misfortune, grief, and suffering are unthinkable. Thanks to a fairy tale, a child learns about the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart. And he not only learns, but responds to events and phenomena of the surrounding world, expresses his attitude towards good and evil. The first ideas about justice and injustice are drawn from the fairy tale. The initial stage of ideological education also occurs with the help of a fairy tale. Children understand an idea only when it is embodied in vivid images.

V. Sukhomlinsky

We and our family

L. Kuznetsova

Who is the head of the family now?

We know from school that a man used to be the head of the family. His first responsibility was to provide for his family. It is the wife's duty to guard; hearth, give birth and raise children, remain faithful to her husband. For the wife, the house was the main place where she applied her labors and abilities. That share of the social product that a woman received in the form of money, clothes, etc. Even just bread, she received from the hands of the head, the breadwinner.

The moral authority of the head of the family was based on the economics of relations - the organizing force of all other relationships in marriage. This, in turn, was enshrined in family law norms and law. The law was benevolently turned with its face in His direction and, as it were, with its back to Her.

Sometimes we feel sorry for women who lived their lives according to the old family laws, laws of dependence. However, I think it is in vain to introduce measures of our own psychology where they are invalid. In those dependent women, as well as in their husbands, lived the habit of consciousness, accumulated by many generations, that the head supports the family and is responsible for it. This is how it should be, this is how it is necessary. This is how it happened historically. And as for human, heart coloring family relations, then y different people it was different - from black to light. Both for patriarchal families and for modern, democratic ones, the classic Tolstoy formula is true that everything happy families each look alike unhappy family unhappy in her own way.

Since He occupied the position of chief in the family, He had to make more and more frequent decisions than She did. It happened psychological separation labor, which gave men the right to the most responsible family decisions, and tied women to family everyday life. In this state of affairs, bitterness often made itself felt. folk wisdom: whose bread you chew, that song you sing.

An extreme hyperbolic version of the stereotype of the “good, kind wife” was recorded by Chekhov in his magnificent story “Darling”. This is where the extremely dependent female weakness is, this is where the femininity is loving to the point of cloying! Olenka Plemyannikova, the heroine of “Darling,” “constantly loved someone and could not live without it.” Olenka had two husbands and each time she became so involved in their lives, so imbued with their views and interests, that she had nothing left of her own except her body. Her husbands were not just heads for her - they were her heads. “What thoughts her husband had, so did she.” When Olenka was widowed once, and widowed a second time, all her previous opinions and thoughts immediately disappeared somewhere, and in her heart there came “the same emptiness as in the yard.”

Take a closer look, Darling demonstrates exactly those traits and properties that we have now begun to mourn the loss of - abundance of love, the ability to sacrifice one’s own interests for the interests of one’s neighbor, gentleness, affection, and a tendency to endlessly care about others. A complete parade of femininity.

TO end of the 19th century- at the beginning of the 20th century, the instability of the patriarchal family model became increasingly felt. It seemed to explode from the inside, it was bursting internal contradictions, which often ended in severe family crises. Anna Karenina, Anna Sergeevna von Diederitz ("The Lady with the Dog" by Chekhov) - these are the two Annas of Russian literature who could not fit into the framework of a traditional patriarchal marriage. They “broke out” of it and, with their fate, protested against it as a difficult family institution.

The coming social changes were prepared not only in the depths of the economy and industrial relations- they were prepared in the depths of marriage relationships, matured in the hidden depths of the human psyche.

Time has passed. Dramatic social changes led to the death of the patriarchal family. Marriage relationships have been cleansed of the rust of self-interest and calculations. Marriage became a union of two free and independent people.

The authoritarian power of men has declined, reduced on our land to almost zero in the city, and diminished in the countryside. The concept of “head” is becoming dilapidated, becoming old-fashioned, as is the title “breadwinner”. Our law recognizes that spouses equal rights, equal duties, equal responsibility. In Soviet Civil Code the concept of “head of the family” is completely absent. It is not in the Constitution, it is not in family law. But it is still present in our consciousness. As you can see, this concept has its own force of inertia. Is it big?

According to sociology, people now quite often characterize their family as a family without a head, and the percentage of such unions increases with increasing education and decreasing age of the spouses.

Now a man, offering “his hand and heart” to a woman, does not at all mean that he will economically support his wife. Now only children are dependents in the family, their breadwinners are both fathers and mothers
