Work program for the discipline of family law. Work program of the discipline family law





Direction of training: JURISPRUDENCE.

Graduate qualification (degree): BACHELOR.

Form of study: FULL-TIME, FULL-CORRESPONDENCE (EVENING), CORRESPONDENCE for the 2012/13 academic year

The program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education in the field of training 030900

"Jurisprudence" (qualification (degree) bachelor)

Agafonova N. N., Glushkova L. I., Gyurdzhan O. M., Shalagin V. D.

The program was approved at a department meeting

protocol No. 6

© Moscow State Law Academy named after O. E. Kutafin, 2012

1. Goals of mastering the academic discipline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2. The place of the academic discipline in the structure of OOP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3. Structure and content of the academic discipline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 4. Planned results of mastering the academic discipline. . . . . . . 11 4.1. Contents of the discipline (course program). . . . . . . . . . . 14 4.2. Lectures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4.3. Practical lessons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 4.4. Independent work of the student. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

5. Educational technologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

6. Assessment tools for ongoing monitoring of progress, intermediate certification based on the results of mastering the discipline and educational and methodological support

independent work of students. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 7. Educational and methodological support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 8. Material and technical support of the academic discipline. . . 44

1. Goals of mastering the academic discipline

The goals of mastering the academic discipline “Family Law” are: studying the basic provisions of the science of family law, legal institutions and concepts developed and tested by many years of practice, combined with a scientific analysis of family law and the practice of its application; acquiring skills in interpreting family law norms and their application to specific practical situations. Achieving these goals will allow the student to continue his professional education in a master’s program and/or successfully begin his professional career.

Within the framework of the academic discipline “Family Law”, students are prepared for the following types of professional activities and the implementation of the following professional tasks:

rule-making activity. A bachelor can participate in the preparation of normative legal acts regulating relations that constitute the subject of family law;

law enforcement activities. In the process of its implementation, the bachelor must be able to correctly apply the norms of family law, legally competently draw up legal documents;

law enforcement activities.With its implementation, the bachelor is ready to ensure law and order; protection of the rights and legitimate interests, first of all, of disabled and minor subjects of family legal relations;

expert-consulting activity . Bachelor's degree

provides legal examination of documents, as well as consulting on family law issues;

pedagogical activity. The bachelor is ready to teach the discipline “Family Law” (except for higher educational institutions), as well as to provide legal education to students.

Mastering the academic discipline “Family Law” will allow the bachelor to master general cultural and professional competencies.

General cultural competencies:

The ability to conscientiously perform professional duties and adhere to the ethics of a lawyer.

Ability to generalize, analyze information, set goals

And choosing ways to achieve it.

The ability to construct oral and written speech in a logically correct, reasoned and clear manner.

Ability to work in a group.

Ability to self-educate.

Ability to use the basic principles and methods of the social, humanities and economic sciences in solving family law problems.

Ability to work with information in global computer networks.

Professional competencies:

The ability to analyze and skillfully apply regulatory and legal acts governing personal non-property and property relations that form the subject of family law.

Ability to identify possible conflicts between family law acts, as well as competently interpret family law.

Ability to summarize materials from judicial practice.

Ability to give qualified legal opinions

And consultations in the field of family legal relations.

Mastering the skills of preparing legal documents, in particular, developing an agreement to determine the place of residence of a child in the event of separation of parents, a marriage contract, an agreement on the payment of alimony and other agreements in family law.

Ability to independently work with theoretical sources on family law issues.

2. Place of academic discipline

in the OOP structure

The academic discipline “Family Law” is included in the professional cycle (basic (mandatory) part) of the educational program and is in a logical, content-methodological connection with other disciplines.

Understanding the course material is based on the provisions and conclusions studied by students in the OOP disciplines included in the humanitarian, social and economic cycle, as well as the information and legal cycle: Philosophy, Economics, Professional Ethics, etc. The disciplines included in the course also play an important role in mastering the course material into the professional cycle, the study of which precedes, according to the curriculum, the study of the discipline “Family Law”: “Theory of State and Law”, “History of the National State and Law”, “History of State and Law of Foreign Countries”, “Constitutional Law”, “Administrative Law” , “Civil Law”, etc. The discipline “Foreign Language” is important in studying the course “Family Law”, which helps to use foreign experience in the legal regulation of family relations when studying the discipline.

The study of the discipline “Family Law” is based on the knowledge acquired as a result of studying previous disciplines:

content and professional ethics in legal activities

search, processing and systematization of legal information;

patterns of the emergence of state and law, the legal system, the mechanism of legal regulation;

the subject and method of civil law, its differences from other branches of law, individual institutions of civil law.

The student must be able to:

correctly use the main categories of state theory

And law, constitutional law, civil law; analyze legal norms and legal relations;

make up various civil contracts;

select and analyze judicial practice on specific issues;

use modern information technologies to search and process legal information.

Studying the discipline “Family Law” makes it possible to understand the essence and content of the basic principles of family law, as well as the institutions of family law, the legal status of subjects of family legal relations, especially minors; acquire skills in analyzing family law norms and law enforcement practice, resolving legal problems and conflicts, which is necessary for students to master subsequent disciplines: “Civil Procedure”, “Private International Law”, “Social Security Law”, etc.

3. Structure and content of the academic discipline.

The total labor intensity of the “Family Law” discipline is 72 hours, for full-time study 2 credit units.

Thematic plan for full-time students

Types of educational activities

simplicity and labor intensity

Section of the academic discipline


General provisions

Rights and responsibilities of spouses

parental cookies

Types of educational activities

simplicity and labor intensity

Section of the academic discipline


General provisions

Conclusion and termination of marriage

Rights and responsibilities of spouses

Rights and responsibilities of parents and children

Forms of raising children left without children

parental cookies

Thematic plan for part-time students

(abbreviated program)

Types of educational activities

simplicity and labor intensity

Section of the academic discipline


General provisions

Conclusion and termination of marriage

Rights and responsibilities of spouses

Rights and responsibilities of parents and children

Alimony obligations of family members

Forms of raising children left without children

parental cookies

Thematic plan for part-time and part-time students

(abbreviated program)

Types of educational activities

simplicity and labor intensity

Section of the academic discipline


General provisions

Conclusion and termination of marriage

Rights and responsibilities of spouses

Rights and responsibilities of parents and children

Alimony obligations of family members

Types of educational activities

simplicity and labor intensity

Section of the academic discipline


General provisions

Conclusion and termination of marriage

Rights and responsibilities of spouses

Rights and responsibilities of parents and children

Alimony obligations of family members

Forms of raising children left without children

parental cookies

The work program was developed on the basis of the Federal State Standard of Secondary Vocational Education in specialty 030912 “Law and Organization of Social Security”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 2010 No. 770.

The work program was developed in accordance with the explanations for the formation of exemplary programs of academic disciplines of primary vocational and secondary vocational education on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standards of primary vocational and secondary vocational education, approved by I.M. Remorenko, Director of the Department of State Policy and Legal Regulation in the Sphere of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on August 27, 2009.










basic professional educational program

specialty 030912 “Law and organization of social security”

II course


5. Thematic (lesson plan) of the discipline Family Law


Title OK

OK formation technologies

(during training sessions)

OK 2. Organize your own activities, choose standard methods and ways of performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

  • Goal setting technology;

OK 4. Search and use information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

  • educational technologies;
  • monitoring of intellectual development.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

  • information and communication technologies;
  • monitoring of intellectual development.

OK 7. Take responsibility for the work of team members (subordinates), the result of completing tasks.

  • information and communication technologies;
  • personality-oriented learning technologies.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development

  • Goal setting technology;
  • information and analytical methodology for managing the quality of education;
  • monitoring of intellectual development.

OK 9. Navigate in the context of constant changes in the legal framework.

  • subject-oriented teaching technologies;
  • technology of teaching as educational research;
  • didactic technologies.

OK 12. Observe business etiquette, culture and psychological foundations of communication, norms and rules of behavior.

  • person-centered learning technologies;
  • educational technologies.

OK 13. Show intolerance towards corrupt behavior.

  • problem-based learning technology;
  • educational technologies.


Change number, date of change; Page number with change;




Signature of the person making the change


0201 (030503) Law

(basic level of secondary vocational education)


The sample program of the academic discipline “Family Law” is designed to implement state requirements for the minimum content and level of training of graduates in specialty 0201 “Jurisprudence”, is designed for 36 hours, of which 4 are practical classes, and is the same for all forms of training.

The academic discipline “Family Law” is a special one in the structure of the main professional program.

The program consists of an introduction and 4 sections:

1 – General provisions of family law;

3 – Family;

4 – Civil status acts.

As a result of studying the discipline, students must

have an idea:

  • about the problems of family law in our country and abroad;

  • content of family law and Russian legislation on marriage and family;
be able to:

  • analyze and solve legal problems in the field of family relations;

Thematic plan of the discipline

Family law"

Name of sections and topics

Maximum teaching load

Number of classroom hours

Independent work




practical lessons













Topic 1.2 Family legal relations. Legal Facts in Family Law.


Section 2. Marriage.










Section 3. Family.












Topic 3.3 Personal and property legal relations of other family members.




Topic 3.4 Adoption.




Topic 3.5 Other forms of raising children without parental care.








Total for the discipline:






  • about the role and place of “Family Law” in the legal system of the Russian Federation;

  • about the importance of knowledge in the discipline for preparing a lawyer.

Goals and objectives of the discipline. Relationship with related disciplines. Family law in the Russian legal system.

Section 1. General provisions of family law.
Topic 1.1 Subject, method, sources of family law.
The learner must

have an idea:

  • about the history of the development of family law;

  • legal relations included in the subject of legal regulation of family law;

  • features of the method of regulating family relations;

  • sources of family law and their types.

Concept, subject, method, system and sources of family law. Mandatory and dispositive methods of family law. Tasks of family law. Basic principles of family law. Family Code of the Russian Federation as the main source of family law. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Acts of Civil Status” as a source of family law. By-laws regulating family relations.
Topic 1.2 Family legal relations. Legal facts in family law.
The learner must

have an idea:

  • on the relationship between family legal relations and other legal relations;

  • structure of family legal relations;

  • classification of legal facts in family law;

  • family legal personality.
Family legal relations: concept, structure, types. Subjects of family law. Legal facts in family law. Time limits in family law. Limitation period in family law. Family legal capacity and capacity. Kinship and its types.

Section 2. Marriage.
Topic 2.1 Marriage under family law.
The learner must

have an idea:

  • about the origin of the institution of marriage and its historical development;

  • conditions and procedure for legal registration of marriage relations and its consequences;

  • procedure for ending a marriage and recognizing a marriage as invalid.
The concept of marriage. Conditions for marriage. Grounds and procedure for invalidating a marriage. Consequences of invalidity of marriage. Procedure for registering a marriage. Grounds for the emergence and termination of a marriage relationship, the procedure for concluding a marriage, a marriage contract. Legal consequences of ending a marriage.
Topic 2.2 Personal and property legal relations of spouses.
The learner must

have an idea:

  • about the history of the development of legal regulation of personal and property rights of spouses;

  • personal legal relations between spouses;

  • features and types of property legal relations;
be able to:

  • distinguish personal non-property rights and obligations of spouses from property ones.

Personal and property legal relations between spouses. Types of their personal non-property rights. Property rights of spouses. Personal and common property of spouses. Contractual and legal regimes of common property of spouses. Division of common property of spouses. Alimony obligations between spouses and former spouses. Responsibility of spouses for obligations.

Practical lesson No. 1
Section 3. Family.
Topic 3.1 Personal rights and responsibilities of parents and children.
The learner must

have an idea:

  • about the role of family law in family formation;

  • grounds for the emergence of parental rights and responsibilities;

  • personal non-property legal relations between parents and children;

  • sanctions applied to parents for improper performance of parental responsibilities.
Establishing maternity. Voluntary recognition of paternity. Establishing paternity in court. Establishment of paternity and maternity when using artificial methods of human reproduction. Rights of minor children. Personal and property legal relations between parents and children. Deprivation of parental rights. Removal of children without deprivation of parental rights.
Topic 3.2 Property rights and responsibilities of parents and children.
The learner must

have an idea:

  • on the formation and development of the institution of child support obligations of parents and children;

  • legal relations between parents and children regarding property;

  • child support obligations of parents and children.
Separation of property between parents and children. The right of minor children to receive child support from their parents. The right of adult disabled children to receive alimony from their parents. Procedure for payment and collection of alimony. Exemption from payment of alimony, grounds for reducing its amount. The right of parents to receive child support.
Topic 3.3 Personal property relations of other family members.
The learner must

have an idea:

  • about the place of this institution among other institutions of alimony obligations;

General characteristics of property and personal non-property rights and obligations between other family members.

Personal rights and property legal relations between other family members. Maintenance obligations of grandchildren, grandparents, brothers and sisters, stepson and stepdaughter, stepmother and stepfather, actual educators and their pupils. Determination of the amount of alimony, agreement on its payment.
Topic 3.4 Adoption
The learner must

have an idea:

  • about the role and significance of adoption as a form of raising children without parental care;

  • conditions and procedure for establishing adoption and its cancellation.

The concept of adoption. Conditions and procedure for adoption. Legal consequences of adoption. Grounds for cancellation of adoption. Recognition of adoption as invalid.

Topic 3.5. Other forms of raising children without parental care.
The learner must

have an idea:

  • about the history of the development of this institute;

  • forms of raising children left without parental care in the absence of adoption.

The procedure for identifying and recording children left without parental care. Foster family, guardianship and guardianship. The concept of guardianship and trusteeship of children. Conditions and procedure for appointing guardians and trustees for children. Termination of guardianship and trusteeship of children. The concept of a foster family and its education.

Section 4. Civil status acts.
The learner must

have an idea:

  • on the role of civil registration in family legal relations;

  • procedure for registering acts of civil status;
be able to:

  • draw up separate acts of civil status.
The concept of civil status acts, their types. The procedure for registering births, concluding and dissolving marriages, establishing paternity, adoption.

Practical lesson No. 2


Regulatory material:

  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1993

  2. historyget -> Abstract The work considers the task of creating a production and educational environment in specialized classes of secondary educational schools (secondary schools). The so-called "school types"
    historyget -> Sample program of the academic discipline "Ethics and Psychology" in specialty 0201 "Jurisprudence"
    historyget -> Abstract List of performers professional self-determination of the student
    historyget -> Work program of the discipline "Fundamentals of Philosophy"
    historyget -> Abstract The work identifies the problem of monitoring in the educational process. The main trends and criteria for monitoring students at school are proposed
    historyget -> Scientific, educational and scientific information materials that provide the opportunity to improve the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers and university specialists in the field of entrepreneurial activity
    historyget -> Abstract List of performers
    historyget -> Event 5-75. 1 “Carrying out a complex of educational services on the basis of the Moscow State Technical University to teach the city population the basics of information technology”



Department of Civil Law and Procedure




For students studying in specialty 030501 Jurisprudence (certified specialist), distance learning.

Faculty legal

Well 3 , semester 5 , 6

Lectures 8

Practical lessons 4

Independent work 122

Exam 6

Total 13 0

Developer Senior Lecturer


The work program was drawn up on the basis of_GOS_No. 000gum/SP dated March 27, 2000


The work program was discussed at a meeting of the department of civil law disciplines

Protocol No. _____ dated _________________________.

The program was compiled by R,

Art. Rev.

Head of the department

Responsible for the main

Educational program

NMC expert

External requirements.


OPD. F.21.

Family law in the legal system of the Russian Federation; family law method of regulating social relations; concept of family legal relationship; subjects of family law; legal facts; protection of family rights; grounds for the emergence and termination of a marriage relationship; personal and property legal relations between spouses and children; personal and property legal relations between other family members; forms of accepting children to be raised in a family environment.

Section 2. Features (principles) of constructing the discipline.

The family law curriculum is intended for students of the Faculty of Law of NSTU studying in the specialty of jurisprudence.

It is assumed that before studying family law, students have already studied such academic disciplines as the theory of state and law, civil law, civil procedural law, labor law, criminal law. Students navigate the legal system, know how to use legal acts and analyze them, and master legal terminology.

Teaching the discipline “Family Law” aims to familiarize students with the basic concepts of family law, the basis for the emergence and features of the regulation of family legal relations, and the system of legislation regulating family legal relations. In practical classes, students are tested to determine the degree to which they have mastered the theory of family law on relevant issues, the norms of family law, and develop practical skills in solving specific life situations taken from materials of judicial practice. Mastering the course also involves systematic independent work of students. The system for monitoring students' assimilation of educational material includes surveys of students during practical classes.

To achieve this goal, students become familiar with educational and scientific literature, civil law, family and civil procedural law, and judicial practice. Teaching this discipline involves conducting practical classes, where students, in addition to discussions on theoretical issues, are offered solutions to problems (cases) and drafting legal documents.

Section 3. Objectives of the academic discipline.

After studying the discipline, the student will:

- have an idea:

- know:

- be able to:

- have experience:

Section 4. Content and structure of the academic discipline.

Semester No. 6.

Module 1. Concept of the subject and method of family law. Family legal relations.

Family law as a branch of law. Relationships regulated by family law. Principles of family law. Structure and sources of family law. Family law. Grounds and conditions for the application of family law and civil law by analogy.

Subjects and objects of family legal relations. Legal capacity and capacity in family law. Grounds for the emergence of family legal relations. Types of legal facts in family law. Kinship and property (their legal meaning).

Implementation and protection of family rights. Fulfilling family responsibilities. Measures of protection and liability in family law. Time limits in family law.

Module No. 2. Personal and property relations between spouses.

Topic 1. Conclusion and termination of marriage. Nullity of marriage.

Definition of marriage. Signs of marriage. Actual marital relations. Conditions and procedure for marriage.

Grounds and procedure for invalidating a marriage. Circumstances eliminating the invalidity of a marriage. Legal consequences of declaring a marriage invalid. Protecting the rights of a conscientious spouse.

The concept and grounds for ending a marriage. Procedure for divorce.

Divorce in the civil registry office and consideration of disputes arising between spouses upon divorce in the civil registry office.

Divorce in court. Issues resolved by the court when making a decision on divorce -

Legal consequences of ending a marriage.

Restoration of marriage in the event of the appearance of a spouse declared dead or recognized as missing.

Topic 2. Contents of the marriage legal relationship.

Personal non-property legal relations between spouses: concept and meaning. Types of personal non-property rights and obligations of spouses.

Property legal relations between spouses. Legal regime of marital property. Joint property of spouses: concept, objects, procedure for ownership, use and disposal of common property. Legal regime of individual property of spouses.

Division of common property of spouses.

Contractual regime of spouses' property. Marriage agreement - subject, content, form. Conclusion, amendment and termination of a marriage contract. Invalidation of the marriage contract.

Responsibility of spouses for obligations.

Module No. 3. Personal and property relations between parents and children.

The concept and grounds for the emergence of a parental legal relationship. Establishing the origin of children. Challenging paternity (maternity). General characteristics of parental rights and responsibilities. Contents of parental rights. Exercise of parental rights.

Personal non-property rights of children - implementation and protection.

Property rights of the child.

Grounds, procedure, legal consequences of deprivation of parental rights. Restoration of parental rights: grounds and procedure.

Grounds and procedure for restricting parental rights. Cancellation of restrictions on parental rights.

Removal of a child by the guardianship and trusteeship authority from the parents in the event of an immediate threat to the child’s life or health.

Module No. 4. Alimony obligations.

The concept and grounds for the occurrence of alimony obligations. Types of alimony obligations. Alimony agreement.

Maintenance obligations of parents and children .

Alimony obligations of spouses and former spouses. Alimony obligations of other family members.

Procedure for payment and collection of alimony. Collection of alimony by court decision and by agreement of the parties. Deadlines for applying for alimony. Collection of alimony for the past period. Collection of alimony before the dispute is resolved by the court: grounds, procedure, amount of alimony collected.

The procedure for determining alimony debt, exemption from debt payment. Collection of alimony for the past period.

Responsibility for late payment of alimony. Termination of payment of alimony collected in court

Semester No. 7.

Module 5. Personal and property relations related to raising children without parental care.

Identification and placement of children left without parental care . Forms of placement of children left without parental care: transfer for upbringing to a family (for adoption, under guardianship (trusteeship) or to a foster family), to institutions for orphans or children left without parental care, all types (educational institutions, including family-type orphanages, medical institutions, social welfare institutions and other similar institutions).

Concept, conditions and procedure for adoption. Legal consequences of adoption. Cancellation of adoption. adoption.

Concept, goals, procedure for establishing guardianship and trusteeship of minor children. Rights and responsibilities of guardians and trustees. Rights of children under guardianship (trusteeship). Termination of guardianship and trusteeship of children.

The concept and procedure for organizing a foster family. Agreement on the transfer of a child (children) to be raised in a family: subjects, content, form.


Block, module, section, topic

Educational activities

Semester No. 7

Lesson 1. Subject and method of family law, family legal relations. Contents of the marriage legal relationship. Contents of the parental legal relationship. Alimony obligations. Personal and property relations related to the upbringing of children left without parental care.

Solving practical problems, discussing theoretical issues. Students are invited to propose and justify solutions to practical problems using educational, scientific literature and regulatory documents.



Section 5. Educational activities.






academic discipline Family law

code, specialty 40.02.01 Law and organization of social security







    1. Scope of application

Implementation of the program in the specialty vocational education 40.02.01 “Law and organization of social security”.

The work program of the academic discipline can be used in additional vocational education (advanced training and professional retraining on the basis of secondary vocational education in the main educational programs of the college).

    1. The place of the discipline in the structure of the main professional educational program: The discipline is part of the professional cycle and belongs to the basic general education disciplines of secondary vocational education and is aimed at developing general competencies:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show sustained interest in it.

OK 4. Search, analyze and use information necessary for the effective implementation of professional tasks, professional and personal development.

OK 5. Use information and communication technologies to improve professional activities.

OK 7. Set goals, motivate the activities of subordinates, organize and control their work, taking responsibility for the results of completing tasks.

OK 8. Independently determine the tasks of professional and personal development, engage in self-education, consciously plan professional development.

OK 9. Navigate in the context of constant changes in legal


OK 12. Observe business etiquette, culture and psychological foundations of communication, norms and rules of behavior.

OK 13. Show intolerance towards corrupt behavior.

Professional competencies:

PC 1.1. Carry out professional interpretation of regulatory legal acts to implement the rights of citizens in the field of pensions and social protection.

PC 1.2. Receive citizens on issues of pensions and social protection.

PC 1.4. Establish (assign, recalculate, transfer), index and adjust pensions, assign benefits, compensation and other social payments using information and computer technologies.

PC 1.5. Carry out the formation and storage of files of recipients of pensions, benefits and other social payments.

PC 2.2. Identify people in need of social protection and keep track of them using information and computer technologies.

    1. Goals and objectives of the general professional academic discipline - requirements for the results of mastering the discipline:

The academic discipline Family Law is designed to focus on the sphere of marriage and family relations, as well as property rights of both spouses and other family members.

When implementing the program, interdisciplinary connections with the professional disciplines “Theory of State and Law”, “Constitutional Law”, “Law and Organization of Social Security” are taken into account; “Labor Law”, “Civil Law and Process”.

The ability to work effectively in a team and team, to take responsibility for the results of tasks.

should be able to:

1. Apply regulations when resolving practical situations;

2. Draw up a marriage contract and alimony agreements;

3. Provide legal assistance in order to restore violated rights;

4. Analyze and solve legal problems in the field of family law relations.

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must know:

    1. Basic concepts and sources of family law;

    1. The profile component (orientation) of a general professional discipline.

Profile study of the discipline is carried out:

    Redistribution of hours from one topic to another without changes, taking into account the profile of the professional education being received.

    By selecting didactic units, knowledge of which will be necessary when mastering the PPPZ Z Federal State Educational Standard and in future professional activities.

    Implementation of interdisciplinary connections between the discipline and the professional disciplines of the PPS Z Federal State Educational Standard.

    Organization of extracurricular independent work aimed at expanding and deepening knowledge that will be necessary in the implementation of professional activities (professionally significant content).

The maximum academic load for a student is 63 hours, including:

the student's mandatory classroom teaching load is 42 hours;

independent work of the student 21 hours.



Scope of academic discipline and types of academic work

Type of educational work

Hours volume

Mandatory classroom teaching load


laboratory classes

practical lessons

Independent work of the student (total)


to do homework to prepare for classes

to perform extracurricular independent work aimed at deepening and expanding knowledge in the discipline required in future professional activities

Preparation of presentations and messages on the topic “Development of family law: history and modernity”

Work with legal sources in order to become familiar with the structure and content of the main sources of family law

Drawing up applications for marriage or divorce, marriage contract

Analysis of proposed professional legal situations (tasks)

Solving problems aimed at determining the procedure for dividing the property of former spouses and allocating mandatory shares to other family members

Final certification in the form

Test work

2.2. Thematic plan and content of the academic discipline FAMILY LAW

Name of sections and topics

Hours volume

Mastery level

Section 1. General part

Topic 1.1

Family law as a branch of law.

Family law concept

Signs and main elements of family relationships

Family law method

System of sources of family law

Study of the family law system: concept and general characteristics of family law

Topic 1.2. The concept and features of family legal relations. Sources of family law

Features of family legal relations

Sources of family law

Family Code as the main source of family law

Extracurricular (independent) work of students:

Studying the basis for the emergence of family legal relations

Section 2. Special part of family law

Topic 2.1. Concept and legal nature of marriage. Conditions for marriage and the procedure for its registration

The concept of family relations

The place of family law in the legal system

Subjects of family law

Practical lesson: Drawing up and preparing a package of documents necessary for divorce in court.

Topic 2.2. Recognition of marriage as invalid. Concept and grounds for termination of marriage

Concept of invalidity of marriage

Grounds for invalidating a marriage

The concept of legal capacity and capacity of spouses

Concept and grounds for termination of marriage

Practical lesson: Determining the procedure for protecting family rights and imposing liability in family law.

Drawing up a list of measures to protect family rights, indicating their features

Topic 2.3. Personal non-property rights and obligations of spouses. Legal regime of marital property

The concept of the rights and responsibilities of spouses

Features of personal non-property rights

Legal regime of marital property

Procedure for registering joint property of spouses

Extracurricular (independent) work of students:

Studying special literature, as well as legal acts on issues of joint property of spouses.

Topic 2.4. Contractual regime of spouses' property. Responsibility of spouses for obligations

The concept of the contractual regime of marital property

The procedure for establishing a contractual regime for the property of spouses

Principles for determining the shares of marital property

Responsibility of spouses for failure to fulfill obligations

Practical lesson:

Determining the procedure and grounds for terminating a marriage contract.

Preparation of contract

Solving the proposed problems

Extracurricular (independent) work:

Studying special literature, normative legal acts in order to determine the procedure and grounds for changing the last name, first name and patronymic by citizens of the Russian Federation

Topic 2.5. Establishing the origin of children. Rights of minor children.

Concept of origin of children

Establishing the origin of children

Elements of an administrative offense

General procedure for establishing the origin of children

Rights of minor children

Topic 2.6. General characteristics of parental legal relations. Responsibility for violation of parental rights. Legal relations between other family members.

Concept and signs of parental relationships

Parental rights and responsibilities

Prosecution for violation of parental rights

Legal relations between other family members

Practical lesson:

Drawing up various administrative and legal documents

Drawing up various legal documents and their judicial review: a business game

Extracurricular (independent) work of students:

Studying special literature, as well as legal acts on the issues of deprivation and restriction of parental rights

Topic 2.7. Identification and placement of children left without parental care. Guardianship and trusteeship of children. Foster family as a form of guardianship and trusteeship

The concept of placement of children in family law

The procedure for identifying and placing children without parental care

The procedure for adoption of children in family law

Guardianship and trusteeship in family law

Foster family as a form of guardianship and trusteeship

Other forms of raising children without parental care

Extracurricular (independent) work of students:

Study of special literature and legal acts regulating the adoption of children.

Topic 2.8. Concept and types of civil status acts. Legislation on acts of civil status and the procedure for state registration

The concept and types of acts of civil status in family legal relations

The role of civil status acts in modern society

Subjects of family law

Legislation on acts of civil status

State registration procedure

The role of the state in the development of legislation

Extracurricular (independent) work of students

Studying the Federal Law “On Civil Status Acts”


To characterize the level of mastery of educational material, the following designations are used:




conditions for the implementation of the program of the academic discipline “FAMILY LAW”

3.1. Requirements for the minimum material and technical support for the implementation of the academic discipline

The implementation of the discipline program requires the presence of a classroom “Civil, family and civil procedure”.

Classroom equipment:

Seating according to the number of students;

Teacher's workplace;

Educational and methodological complex for the discipline;

Thematic stands;

Magnetic board;

A set of visual materials, handouts;

Reference and legal systems.

Technical training aids:


Multimedia projector;

Licensed software, including information reference and legal systems (ConsultantPlus, Garant).

3.2. An educational and methodological complex of a general education discipline, systematized by components.

    Extract from the Federal component of the state standard of general education.

    Federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education specialty 40.02.01 Law and organization of social security.

    Work program of the academic discipline “Family Law”.

    Calendar-thematic plan.

    Guidelines for performing extracurricular (independent) work.

    Intermediate control materials.

3.3. Information and communication support for training

Main sources:

    Constitution of the Russian Federation // Rossiyskaya Gazeta – Federal issue No. 4831 of January 21, 2009.

    Family Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 1995 No. 223-FZ (ed. July 13, 2015)// NW RF. 1996. No. 1. Art. 16; NW RF. 2015. No. 17 (part IV). Art. 2476; NW RF. 2015. No. 29 (part I). Art. 4366.

    Agapov S.V. Family law. Textbook. M.: Jurayt. 2015

    Gomola A.I., Gomola I.A., Salomatov E.N. Family law. – M. Publishing center “Academy”, 2012.

Additional sources:

Regulatory acts:

    Universal Human Rights (adopted at the third session of the UN General Assembly by Resolution 217 A (III) of December 10, 1948) // SPS ConsultantPlus.

    Declaration of the Rights of the Child of November 20, 1959, adopted by resolution 1386 (XIV) of the UN General Assembly of November 20, 1959 // International protection of human rights and freedoms. Collection of documents. - M.: Legal literature, 1990. P. 385 - 388.

    International on economic, social and cultural rights (New York, December 19, 1966) // Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. 1976. No. 17. Art. 1831.

    UN on the rights of the child (New York, November 20, 1989) // Gazette of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. 1990. No. 45. Art. 955.

    World on ensuring the survival, protection and development of children (1990) // Social aspects of human rights in documents of the world community. M., 1996.

    Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ (ed. July 21, 2014)“On the basics of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation”// SZ RF. 2013. No. 52 (part I). Art. 7007; SZ RF.2014. No. 30 (Part I). Art. 4257.

    Federal dated April 24, 2008 No. 48-FZ “On guardianship and trusteeship”// NW RF. 2008. No. 17. Art. 1755; NW RF. 2011. No. 27. Art. 3880; NW RF. 2013. No. 27. Art. 3477; NW RF. 2014. No. 45. Art. 6143.

    Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ( ed. dated May 23, 2015)“On additional measures of state support for families with children” // SZ RF. 2007. No. 1 (1 part). Art. 19; NW RF. 2010. No. 31. Art. 4210; NW RF. 2014. No. 30 (Part I). Art. 4217;NW RF. 2015. No. 21. Art. 2983.

    Federal Law of June 19, 2000 N 82-FZ (as amended on December 1, 2014) “On the minimum wage” // SZ RF. 2000. No. 26. Art. 2729; NW RF. 2014. No. 49 (part VI). Art. 6917.

    Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance” // SZ RF. 1999. No. 29. Art. 3699; NW RF. 2004. No. 35. Art. 3607; NW RF. 2007. No. 43. Art. 5084; NW RF. 2010. No. 50. Art. 6603; NW RF. 2014. No. 30 (Part I). Art. 4217.

    Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015) “On the fundamentals of the system for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency” // SZ RF. 1999. No. 26. Art. 3177; NW RF. 2013. No. 52 (part I). Art. 7000; NW RF. 2014. No. 14. Art. 1554; NW RF. 2015. No. 29 (part I), art. 4363.

    Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ (as amended on July 13, 2015) “On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation” // SZ RF. 1998. No. 31. Art. 3802; NW RF. 2011. No. 49 (part 5). Art. 7056; NW RF. 2013. No. 49 (part I). Art. 6329; NW RF. 2015. No. 29 (part 1), Art. 4365.

    Federal Law of May 19, 1995 N 81-FZ (as amended on April 6, 2015) “On state benefits for citizens with children” // SZ RF. 1995. No. 21. Art. 1929; NW RF. 2011. No. 11. Art. 1496; NW RF. 2013. No. 23. Art. 2887; NW RF. 2015. No. 14. Art. 2008.

    President of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 2012 No. 761 “On the National Strategy of Action in the Interests of Children for 2012 - 2017” // SZ RF. 2012. No. 23. Art. 2994.

    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 9, 2007 No. 1351 “On approval of the Concept of demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025” // SZ RF. 2007. No. 42. Art. 5009; NW RF. 2014. No. 27. Art. 3754.

    Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2015 No. 996-r “On approval of the Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025” // Russian newspaper No. 122 dated June 8, 2015

    Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 25, 2014 No. 1618-r “On approval of the Concept of state family policy in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025” // SZ RF. 2014. No. 35. Art. 4811.

Scientific and educational literature:

    Azarova E.G. Social security and legal protection of children // Journal of Russian Law. 2013. No. 3. P. 21 - 32.

    Albikov I.R. Trends in the development of the crisis of the family institution in modern Russia // Family and housing law. 2013. No. 2. P. 2 - 4.

    Afanasyeva I.V. Family legal protection of the interests of minors in case of failure to fulfill parental responsibilities for their upbringing and maintenance // Family and housing law. 2014. No. 5. P. 3.

    Weiner E.S. On the issue of the relationship between the mother’s right to challenge paternity and the child’s right to education // Family and Housing Law. 2013. No. 4. P. 19 - 21.

    Vakhrameeva L.N. Responsibility for failure to fulfill obligations in raising children // Legality. 2015. No. 5. P. 57 - 59.

    Vorozheikin E.M. Family legal relations in the USSR. M.: Legal literature, 1972. pp. 189 - 192.

    Guseva T.S. Problems of implementing the right to social security by families with children in the Russian Federation // Russian Legal Journal. 2012. No. 1. P. 125 - 131.

    Ityasheva I.A., Strazhevich Yu.N., Slepko T.E. Legal problems of implementing the constitutional responsibility of parents to raise children in the event of divorce // Issues of juvenile justice. 2012. No. 5. P. 16.